Fatal Secrets | Full Movie | Revenge Thriller | Dina Meyer | Vincent Spano

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[Music] i just posted my profile the day you contacted me i already took it down you never know [Music] okay then we're done well let me just check my schedule for next week please forgive me [Music] you look great thanks just [Music] do [Music] and why that dress suspicious yes oh [Music] [Music] stop it [Music] now yes no um [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you uh ugh up thank you it doesn't matter don't don't worry about the amount okay trust me [Music] look if i didn't know what i was doing you think i'd be where i am now look we're right i gotta go i'll call you back julia this is a pleasant surprise but uh i didn't think you'd want to see me again i didn't come here to see you scott i came here to discuss what happened you mean our date no not our date what you did to me i don't know what you're talking about yes you do and so will everybody else [Music] i took you to lunch i tried to show you a good time yeah good time a good time keep your voice down it didn't work out okay now i don't know what kind of future you pictured between us but you're not my type and we're never gonna see each other again you got it because if you don't whatever you think happened between us who's gonna believe you anyway another pathetic woman looking for love and don't ever ever threaten me with false accusations again or i'll ruin you do you understand i'll ruin your life by the way you might want to consider implants you don't want to be single forever thank you for visiting our center hey [Music] uh coming hey oh thank you smells delicious how's molly doing oh she's not too good i'm gonna have to take her to the vet later now we're back at this uh this was an odd choice i mean i know sex sells believe me i mean i wouldn't move enough books to pay my bills if it weren't for sex but come on julia admit you didn't love it look i read every word and i'm not gonna say i didn't enjoy it but um valley of the dolls not exactly what i expected when you said you picked a classic i just figured it was time for some pulp fiction especially since julia's next selection is this couldn't we've just stayed with todd resex for a little bit longer uh me sex i'm divorced remember i don't have a husband to not sleep with and a lover yeah well unfortunately sometimes great sex equals infidelity david found out about andy yeah i was retrieving my cell phone messages on speakerphone and he was standing in the hallway he he never comes home early i guess when the trial was over he didn't go back to the office oh no now what he just looked at me like i was one of his scumbag clients and he said he wasn't sure how things should proceed he hasn't really talked to me since i'm sleeping in the guest room so do you think it's the end oh my god david is such a great lawyer i do not want to be on the opposite side of the courtroom from him and i still love him i don't know ten years rebecca he was bound to find out i admit there's a certain relief and everything being out in the open but now andy's all freaked out because he thinks his wife is gonna find out so things have changed between he and i again never underestimate the power of a secret [Music] so what are you going to do i'm not going to do anything until i figure out where i want to end up and who you want to end up with right oh i'm just so glad that my kids are away at camp because it is so dense around my house see this is what i'm talking about men complicate everything that's why i told mike i'm not doing that veil and ring thing again i'm not what about you julia you think you'll ever get married again oh no way now that's a definite answer done with men we'll see i don't want to go all right see you tomorrow i'll get that ball back to you later okay hello julia it's coleman hi did you run the background check uh well yes and no meaning well i've researched every outlet i've checked every source and i can't find anything illegal in this guy's background i mean no crimes no police reports not even a traffic ticket okay well did you find anything well that is the interesting part it's not just a lack of violations i i i can't find anything at all on this guy within the last three years no past cities of residence no past history of employment it's it's like the guy didn't exist until three years ago okay so so what next lady look between surveillance cameras cell phones and gps you can't take a step these days without somebody having a record of it unless you're intentionally hiding okay okay so what am i supposed to do now i mean what did i pay you for for being able to dig up someone's background faster than anyone else you can hire but look i need a name a real name my guess is this guy's using an alias so you find out who he really is i'll tell you what he's done [ __ ] stay down [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i don't know i just been a little bit wrapped up in myself lately i have to admit but i haven't seen her all week i can't put my finger on it but something is different something's going on you know when her and brad first divorced she was really excited about dating i mean maybe it's just getting to her that dating over 40 that's just not a good look you think she's upset that brad's getting remarried no no i think if anything she's relieved he's moved on maybe i should set her up with someone successful and stable and gorgeous and single and not single for a reason exactly hi sorry i'm late a bunch of overnight orders to ship oh oh no worries still hot that's great so what's going on how's your situation um david wants to have dinner on saturday night to discuss the new terms good okay has he talked to the kids yet no not yet what's he gonna say mom has me for a husband and another guy for hot sex i mean i think he chooses words more carefully what times do you want that i i just want things to go back to the way they were i want my husband and my kids and my boyfriend on the side marriage is three parts love and seven parts forgiveness of sins dr phil lao tzu who the chinese philosopher on how do you even know that it's my business to know my customers like to think they're buying books from someone literate makes sense honestly yeah she's doing it because oprah says to i mean who cares what oprah says anyway uh did you just insult the big o in front of us sorry i didn't hear you some old ladies were giving me a hard time oh no she didn't service just isn't what it used to be i'll say so listen grandma why aren't you dating i think i've mentioned to you both i'm on a man moratorium but you dated some really cute guys right after you got divorced just because they didn't last doesn't mean that you shouldn't try there's someone great out there for you julie come on you're beautiful you're on your own house your own business you're a catch look i don't want to be caught okay i don't have time for a relationship right now i'm i'm focusing on my business my son my friends my relationship is just not important to me right now okay okay i won't ask again i will i just don't want you to give up i'm not giving up i just i just don't believe in things the way i used to all right i wish i could [Music] [Music] [Music] me my [Music] [Music] oh my gosh oh what are you doing with a gun when did you even get it done after scott scott who's scott all right oh let me go i want to see it i confronted him he acted like it never even happened you have to go to the police i can't do that to myself charlie i have seen what happens to victims they just get victimized all over again only in public all right i can't do that i can't do that to myself what else do you know about not much have you been tested yeah i didn't catch anything it feels so dirty you can't let him get away with it dad it'll eat at you i know you struggle to forget it but you relive it inside and you blame yourself yeah i do blame myself it's all my fault i just invited this stranger into my house i just opened my ladies i don't know you guys come in i wasn't thinking it was all my fault i mean come on it's like a child who blames herself for being abused listen i want to show you something what something that my loving father gave to me oh my god i've never shown that to anyone except the man that i've slept with while he was out in the community bible thumping about salvation and family values at home he was wailing on me the only bible belt that i was ever aware of was the one he used to beat god into me how old were you old enough to know what was coming next today no no but i saw that look in his eyes and that's why i left home so young and even still to this day i blame myself and i don't want to see that happen to you so what do we gotta do i don't know [Music] we're gonna make that bastard pay you sure you want to do this charlene no but i can't let you do it by yourself okay let's do this his class is from three to four so we have to be up at 3 45. okay ring the bell make sure no one's home anything nothing bam white people um let's go that's right okay you said in and out fast remember all right [Music] come on let's go there's nothing here let's go okay well that looks promising i'll take the bedrooms thank you okay uh come on come on what's your name what's your name come on scotty julia julia yeah come here all the way in the back [Music] all the way in the back what let's get a load of this all right don't touch it don't worry i don't plan on it and hey check this out it's quite a little hideaway huh let's go inside what time is it okay [Music] ugh so this is where all the bad art comes from this guy's a freak wow how'd you like to take that baby for a spin anything nothing okay oh god you know my grandmother said people used to hide things behind picture frames careful anything i don't know you know maybe we should just have him followed my shoe if you break that shoe i'm out 300 bucks oh [Music] how much money do you think is in here i don't know i've never seen that much money in my life think our boy's a drug dealer come on it's gotta be dirty money ah it doesn't feel like dirty money feels more like freedom maybe i can take something from him no no julia william hopkins [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh what are you talking about look we will pull the cement off okay go go [Music] oh [Music] [Music] it's all in your head hold on a second yo are you back there don't move [Music] okay go with the key [Music] that is not john smith in love there are so many matches well let's start going through i think you're both crazy you're really lucky you didn't get caught oh you would know about getting caught sorry i didn't mean that it's not illegal to have a box of money in your house julia i know i know but he's hiding it for a reason the money's not legit well then it's a matter for the police no kidding what are we gonna say we broke in and we found this guy's money no way i thought i could call the cops and know he'd be punished for what he did to be a different story but uh well juries do convict people without evidence but it's not likely hold on he looks like he'd have a cross reverend william wilkins the charismatic young minister of the abundant love church of god outside fort worth disappeared last week amid speculation of embezzlement the mid-sized congregation in the affluent neighborhood has grown steadily since blah blah blah blah blah according to sources over 500 thousand dollars could be missing from generous donations made over the past five years wilkins is rumored to have fled after the fbi began questioning members of the church about the missing couch so scott's got this guy's cross and got his money i think he is this guy this is second brush with the law for wilkins he was previously accused of rape by one of the parishioners rachel bridges who later withdrew her allegations of 26 year old bridges committed suicide shortly after the shocking revelation of what wilkins labeled their affair my god sources believe it was bridget's death that put the church as well as wilkins colorful lifestyle under a microscope resulting in an anonymous tip that all might not be well with the church coffers when did this happen three years ago that's him technology stocks sure dr andy would approve of us here like this david stop i need to talk to you it's about julia she was raped a couple of months ago but she didn't make any reports he'll get off then he was accused of raping another woman two years ago acquitted or convicted never went to trial it's irrelevant then you know that rebecca i do but he was also suspected of embezzling from his church and using an alias any proof no he fled no one from the church pursued it but the fbi did open a file can she prove he's the same guy i'm not sure you don't have much well i could notify the fbi yeah you could and they might send someone out to question the next day you could be gone again i just can't accept it there has to be something we can get on this guy but how many juries have you watched make irrational decisions if she isn't beat up and there isn't a rape kit or police report i know i know i know i know i know it's horrible just wanted to pretend it never happened and so now there's no evidence at all an embezzlement you know the statistics somebody in the jury always questions is it so bad to take from people who can afford it what am i gonna tell her how is she gonna get justice the money get the people he stole from to push the issue that's your best chance of a charge it'll stick david thank you tell julia she can call me anytime good morning ladies and gentlemen welcome aboard our non-stop flight to dallas hawkwood international airport today's flying time is two hours what a glorious morning high today of 72 right now 58 degrees we're looking at a good chance for showers and thunderstorms in the southwest portion of north texas big problem with ultimatums christina is that if you make one you better be prepared to carry it out don't tell him if you ever cheat on me again [Music] well i never felt [Music] when i died [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hello my dear can i help you are you rev vernon i am my name's janet blake i'm from florida i was wondering if i could talk to you a little bit about your church well i normally don't meet anyone without an appointment but who cares about rules right have a few minutes have a seat thank you i'm thinking about moving to the neighborhood and obviously my first priority is finding my new church and yours well such a welcoming name well it's a wonderful congregation i'm proud to say i've served this parish for many years and quite recently i've run it on my own and one of our ministers was transferred this particular branch of our church was built in 1982 in a boom in new residences necessitated more conveniently located parish it's been growing ever since and it's been my good fortune to have many novices serve under me and flourish we at abundant love pride ourselves in welcoming everyone with open arms both those who wish to contribute their time that man that photo i think i know him why would you think that i i read about him it's william wilkins isn't it where did you say you're from i know what he did what exactly do you think you know uh you know just just what i read in the newspaper when i was researching the area you don't believe everything you read do you no but the article was hardly flattering he took that money didn't he this meeting is over my dear i know where he is this congregation has the right to get their money back they can prosecute him i know where he is too but i love my son and just as god the father never abandoned his son neither will i abandon mine this congregation has no desire to dredge up the past or prosecute anyone they've redoubled their contribution efforts to make up for any perceived loss they leave judgment including judgment of william to the lord i suggest you do the same no i don't believe that people want their donations going into somebody's pocket you get no cooperation from anyone in my flock whoever you are it's time for you to leave he wasn't transferred he fled and with a lot of money and he raped that girl i know he did you listened to me that girl was lying she is the one that caused trouble for my congregation not him and if you or whoever you're working for prince otherwise i will have you in court like that don't mess with me girly thank you miss blake thank you for your interest in our ministry good day so hello is anybody home what do you want naomi naomi bridges who wants to know hi i'm sorry to bother you ma'am my name is janet janet blake i'm from out of town i'm only here for the day and i was i was hoping i could have a minute of your time what about i'd like to talk to you about your daughter please it's important please if you could just give me five minutes of your time i look you got 10 seconds to get off my property or i'm calling the police what are you staring at there's nothing to look at here come on i just i know where william wilkins is now why would you have to bring up that name you know that that name's the last thing in the world i want to hear he should be punished i could help you why do you care because he hurt me too please i can't ask again it's not fit hurt you half he took advantage of me physically and uh he it's all right oh no she was a beautiful ray of sunshine my rachel until he stalled her light all the good people around here they shunned her and rallied around the good reverend she would have been 29 years old i'm so sorry she was too young and sweet to stand being torn down by our own people they spray painted [ __ ] on her car and she came to me and she said mama i can't go to trial and so we dropped it but she was never the same after that she never got over it you can make him pay in civil court punish him as restitution for all the pain and trauma he caused you and your little girl restitution he raped her and he killed her the sheriff he had his dna and they could tell by looking at her that it wasn't consensual but still they took aside some people welcome a second chance to do the right thing it's not in me no he'll get his punishment on the other side most these people around here they don't want to get involved it's just easier for them to forget from me too [Music] thank you for your time naomi i'm sorry i made you relive all this i relive it every day god ain't dead but surely he's asleep can you tell me it's over can you tell me it's gone can you tell me tomorrow to be a brighter john well i don't see no rainbow beyond [Music] [Applause] [Music] i don't care about weekend rates yuri i want to get back monday and look out my window and i want to see the cement work done and i see the waterfall running you do what you have to do and finish it [Music] huh who are you what do you want who we are is not important look i got i got money lots of it cash you mean this cash how did you know that we know a lot about you william look there's more there's there's lots more where that came from good because it's gonna slip right through your fingers and go to a good cause like it was supposed to not everything's about money really not everybody can be bought my name is scott you got the wrong person i don't know any willy and yes anybody can be bought let's take you for instance you have the option to do one of two things right now end up going to jail or end this thing right now and go home very rich or there's option three we go home rich and you go to jail one count embezzlement one count rape with special circumstances or you can report the money stolen i don't think so cause then you'd have to explain where you got it from wouldn't you look it's not too late to stop this big mistake i can make this a win-win situation ah jesus thank you for keeping your gun loaded william the next one goes into flash okay okay everybody calm down you have the money there's no reason for anybody to get hurt then answer to your real name william i'm william yes i'm william wilkins i was william wilkins okay now you're going to confess to the rape that led to the suicidal death of rachel bridges i didn't rape her she killed herself over what you did and you were gonna admit it and you're gonna confess to embezzling money out of the church or your ass is never getting out of this garage alive turn around what the [ __ ] the confession honey rate it i can't read it i can't it's too far away can you read it now [ __ ] read it my name is reverend william wilkins alias scott rivers three years ago i raped a woman named rachel bridges and indirectly responsible for her death by this is [ __ ] had nothing to do with her death read it all or you're gonna die no i said you read that confession i'll put a photo in your head do you hear me william why do you think you're on this dark william huh you're on this tarp because we're gonna wrap you up in it and bury you where no one will ever find you do you understand now read it oh okay this is how it's going to play out listen to this first one is going to go in the foot just for pain the second i'm going to lift where you will bleed to death without proper medical attention right right and there will be needed to shut up you're screaming so let's say that one's gonna go oh in the mouth now read it no you're gonna have to kill me come on go ahead kill me you got it in you to pull that trigger into a living being huh i didn't think so jesus this is [ __ ] ridiculous what the [ __ ] are you doing hey get this off man i can't breathe [ __ ] [Music] what are you doing he's not gonna read it we're screwed that arrogant prank he knows you're not gonna shoot him just julie what are we gonna do i have an idea hmm [Applause] um need my hair alone so very sharp just as i expected you wouldn't have anything dull would you william you're gonna pay for this [ __ ] someway somehow i'll find you camera's ready come on read it i ain't reading [ __ ] you just let us know when you're ready to do that confession because we have all the time in the world you guys are friendly from uh shoulders up right oh yeah so anything i do uh below here good you know what is true i've never done this before [Applause] i'm not even really sure how hard i would have to [ __ ] you cut me it's easier than i thought no but i am i'm actually kind of happy that you're not ready to confess because well first i'd like to what are you doing oh something that's caused a lot of trouble the [ __ ] are you doing oh don't go getting sobbed on me now really i'm kind of enjoying persuading you don't touch me get away from me you crazy [ __ ] let's go get some ice a little lighter i may have to cauterize my phone wait [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i'll do it i'll do it i'll read the [ __ ] confession i'll do it just get get the [ __ ] away from me back off my name is reverend william wilkins elias scott rivers three years ago i raped a woman named rachel bridges stop it's gotta sound voluntary and sincere can you make him sound sincere if you don't read it like you mean it okay like you mean it okay i will cut you again oh [ __ ] i said i'd do it okay now back off just back the [ __ ] off it's just a shaving neck relax you got one more chance to get it right and then all three of us are gonna take turns to that knife and you're not gonna like that come on my name is reverend william wilkins hella scott rivers three years ago i raped a woman named rachel bridges i am indirectly responsible for her death by suicide resulting from the emotional pain and trauma she suffered due to my actions i have also embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars from the abundant love church of god in fort worth texas in this moment of clarity i want to admit to my transgressions and promise to make restitution perfect it'll never hold up in court who's going to court this is headed straight for youtube's homepage so the fbi and all your little friends in texas can see what you've been up to and while you're sitting here with nothing to do but think i want you to think about what it felt like to be touched when you didn't want to be touched remember this day and don't you ever ever do it to another woman let's get out of here i'll get the best well that worked perfectly underneath nobody moves you with the knife get over here and cut me out of this tape now you see this huh you think very carefully where she gets it you understand let's go now the legs other one let's go you don't move put the knife down i'll get back over there with her sit down come on don't move nobody move take off this stupid man i know you you too eyes wide shut take off those stupid masks let's go take off the mat come on [Music] all this over us oh this is too sweet put the camera on her move it let me see the screen and as fast as i can yeah put it on her on her face good now start recording now you are going to get one chance where she gets hurt tell the audience what you did when you came into my house tonight speak i broke into your house i disagree with you with a taser we names it's better to incriminate your friends and help me blow their [ __ ] brains out let's go charlene rebecca and i broke into your house we tasered you we tied you up and forced you to confess you stole my money you insulted me with a deadly weapon say it estoy we we stole your money we assaulted you with a deadly weapon go ahead turn it off get back over there with her now take your clothes off what she heard me what are you doing we're all gonna get a little show now hey [ __ ] i think you'd like me better oh you think so oh deal what kind of guy you are i know what you want you know what i think i will start with you first [Applause] [Music] i think i shot him yeah you shot me you [ __ ] [ __ ] put pressure on it get away from me call 9-1-1 no don't call 911 call 9-1-1 no no he's identified you stop your yammering and get something he's seen our face you could have killed me oh my god what if he dies i'm not charlene you are not going to joke [Music] oh god one thing i know if he leaves this room alive we're all going to jail for a long time if you want to go to jail for this guy i don't we didn't plan this we didn't mean for this to happen please help me give me the gun okay give me the gun [Music] we're all mad here [Music] [Music] julia [Music] oh god amen [Music] so after the online contact you went out on a date that's right where um please call coriander yeah this uh was really nice but it didn't go any farther that was it no chemistry he didn't ask you to go out with him again oh no no he he did actually and i initially said yes but uh just changed my mind at the last minute why i just kind of got a bad feeling what kind of bad deal you know just uh just kind of knew that he wasn't the guy so you know why waste time and he didn't have a problem with that no no he gave me some flowers and left he's a nice guy so after he left you never saw him again oh no wait wait a second i i did um i i bummed into him at this cafe just down on the boulevard and what was that a few weeks later i guess i mean i don't know the exact date was he with anyone i don't think so were you i was with a couple of girlfriends yeah did your friends have any contact with him no no they wouldn't know anything about him they only said hello to be polite for the missing persons report we have to check out everyone the person had recent contact with so i may need to get their names from you that's fine i mean if you need them you recently bought a gun miss burns is that correct yes what compelled you to do that oh my son's away and uh this is a pretty big place i'm all by myself i guess i just want a little protection is there anyone you wanted to have protection from no no no it's just uh you know and you're dating again you realize that uh there are strangers basically out there that know where you live times are scary they can be it was a legal purchase i know okay then um if you think of anything else give me a call okay walk out okay one more question you know i've always been curious about this online dating stuff i just never had the nerve to try any regrets well i think we all have regrets yeah i guess we do but i have no remorse hey where's that hey marley how's the queen feeling today huh how's the queen today that's queen today and then we're gonna swing around come back left leg comes up hold the t kettle arm out to the side right arm comes up push it through center [Music] yeah well he thought he was superior and that the rules for other people didn't apply to him still murder cold-blooded premeditated murder but sometimes in order for bad people to pay good people have to commit unspeakable acts i mean with that growing desire to confess i mean it was just so consuming no matter how much the memory tortured was skalnikov i agree it was over it's done nobody would feel compelled to confess after all that yeah into a prostitute of all people so what are we reading next yeah i don't know having a hard time deciding all right well uh you'll let us know yeah you tell rebecca about your news mike and i got engaged that's great i know you two are going to be really happy how are things with you not seeing andy anymore you didn't tell me that it's time to put my house in order i think it's good how's business good uh great actually my online orders are through the roof oh did you guys see this it's got it online today oh yeah so this earlier we should go when it opens we should really so we're all good yeah to the future the future [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] huh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 1,395,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action Full Movie, Classic, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, b-grade, bigtime, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, popcornflix, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube, Dina Meyer, Vincent Spano, Lea Thompson, fatal secrets movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 31sec (5251 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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