Fatal Crossing (Full Movie) Drama l Thriller

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you [Music] [Music] you should is that me hey mom it's late we hold on well is he keeping any fruit down I'll come home soon I'll send a little bit extra this month okay okay [Music] look in the fresh buddy somebody got there seven hours did you for me the new beta projects and novels morning mercy excellent coffee should have welcomed you up wow you did work late you slept here you guys get my email no what was it there's a hilarious video a compilation of tech fails since when you sent us emails are you guys talking about that video it's fantastic Erik fantastic coma see it now nope watch on your phone it's not very good quality I'm right here you know well um just give it a minute cool thanks yeah yeah anytime are you okay Carson I'm gonna make some phone calls hey Carson you pick a spot yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there you are Jesus what happened to you fine clean yourself up to be here any minute parson you need to do something about all of that yeah sorry Carson where did you go last night I texted you like 50 times seriously you can't treat me like some booty call not passed out right when I got home are you okay I need to get ready this seems like a lot based on projections alone do you guys always offer this much when you haven't seen a functioning beta to expedite the beta is what you mean no that's not we shouldn't rush the launch this feels like Russian money let's just hold on there mr. Whitley that's your question no we never make it offer this size without seeing a beta but your track record speaks for itself we want it we're not just investing in a product that's gonna product you built our firm is not known for reckless investment but frankly this doesn't feel like a risk no no it's not it's not a risk no we're so we'll we'll take a look at your proposal in more detail and we will give you a call this week thank you speak soon how did it go bigger offer than last time we need to keep them sweet to flirt a little Marcy when can we get a mock-up at the site layout need a few more days few more days do we need to get you some help no I just need a few more days Eric how close Eric yeah how closely with the beta [Music] we understand late and a second company downtown where his colleagues described him as hardworking and full of energy it's unclear how long he lay on the side of the road before a jogger discovered him at 5:00 a.m. but had the driver of the vehicle that struck him stopped and called her out Jordan bird might still be alive police have little to go on at her [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do you know him Jordan did you know him I am we met at a conference few months ago how did you know he's my neighbor we lived in the same building I've met it bring flowers but I thought maybe a donation would have been better what did you say your name was it Carson Griffin and you are Harper I see you see you work first startup don't we a home what's it called I'm just curious it's nice to meet you Carson maybe I'll see you around [Music] hello oh hey hey hey be what wait I wanna talk to you well what do you want to talk about did you think about what I said about what us being official I don't think that's a good idea why not we're pretty much in a relationship I don't understand why you want to keep it a secret Marci I don't have time for this right now oh really cause it seemed like you had time to me when I walk through the door two minutes ago oh look do you like me or do you just like having sex with me I do like you then what is it I don't need it's the right time to do this why not I have some work I need a finish don't stay up too late getting dark circles under your eyes [Music] it's Vance hello Vince why hey I thought I'd check in on you brought you some grub how you doing you should be called okay I should have called I'm sorry have some dinner ready 8:00 I just got back from the station you want to hear what's going on no not right now Vince well you can make some of that for lunch tomorrow give me a call if you feel like talking Thanks look I get that you're angry but can you work with me on this I just want to find out what happened to my brother just please call next time you come okay [Music] [Music] [Music] Marcin hey but I don't know you're here what stupid it needed to charge oh do you well coffee sure I'll get our assistant on it oh wait that's me [Music] what are you working on [Music] Eric what are you working on uh just a side project I think tinkering with our stuff is going smoothly so what is it it's still pretty rough don't get behind on my stuff okay run another high-volume test on the beta [Music] [Music] we're from dinner I have to finish a few things up you don't need to stay late I have a few people interviewing tomorrow maybe we can unload some of this work to new talent we don't need any more help I have a job to do to make this place run that just doesn't work if you're exhausted from working late every night I'm by working late let's expand into the money we're being offered it's not ridiculous to want to hire more people we've got all these computers and no one on them Hayden no Carson yes cancel the interviews hey mom I'm still at the office what's I sent it it's in the mail should be there in a few days use the credit card mom so I got it for you okay I'll do that I just like to let you know anyway I'll let you go no I love you [Music] hey will you make a stop right here yeah I'll be too sorry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi-yah well did he say when you bail call me back okay thank you can I talk to you about the font mock-ups for the website what's going on with you where are the mock-ups I don't have them yet I want to talk about how you've been acting I need the designs marshy work comes first no talk to me first then you'll get your mock-ups either you tell me or I'll figure it out myself those markups better be in my desk by the end of the day or what please just give me the mock-ups that message I sent you okay okay Carson's upset because I missed my deadline well next time I'll talk to him okay we're gonna get you an injured Carson you don't remember me I think I do after you bone it's Harper we met at Jordans memorial that's right hi Harper sorry I'm juggling a lot right now no I'm sorry for bothering you I just taught a class at magnet school I thought I'd get some lunch do you want to come sorry is that weird a little bit does that a yes I wish I could well do you mind recommending a place around here there's a good cafe a couple of blocks that way to the left okay you know what I'll show you really of the time so how's your day going fine what are you working on an investment platform Oh so I run an after-school arts program and I had this little girl today asked if we could make birthday cards because it was her dad's birthday so they all made cards my god I wish you could be there when they delivered twenty handmade cards by six year old numerology I can't better than e cards right I think them so it's got you stressed stress yeah you said you're juggling a lot I've got a just interview for a magazine tomorrow I'll be sure to tell them the truth excuse me tell them the truth you know let them know you're stressed and nervous and you can gets one ink this human right and not just another app it's refreshing do you do a lot of work around here sometime you well that's the place over there give me a call next time you're around oh by lunch thanks for escorting me mr. Carson Griffin [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they loved us carsten you film it no you kill it or to celebrate let's get champers Marcy you want to come pick let's get Krystal okay yeah is that the one you like hi this is Carson Griffin hey who is this do you think Harper how did you get my own oh yeah um yeah okay um the interview went phenomenally well so I guess I owe you one don't I let's do it they were trying to get us to talk about the threat of regulation and we're expecting that but we just kept bringing it back to what we see is the need for a new seat bundle model something that's not full-blown venture capital this also not alone from the bank the idea came out of recognizing that many of the projects on traditional crowdfunding platforms are actually viable investment opportunities they're just limited by donation based fundraising so I'm boring you already on how do you feel about everything I'm afraid I'm gonna know do you say that in the interview not those words it's being afraid new for you when I watched my first app it was exciting I was in my bedroom now with all the expectations I just feel dust in the crash in the dark yeah but what's the worst that could happen if you crashed and burned lose everything let everyone down you're grabbing tried that's hard to say have you ever done anything that you really regret like anything you feel really bad or guilty about I'm wrong [Music] [Music] why is it so freezing all of a sudden well you know hunter is Thompson said the coldest winter I ever spent was a summer at San Francisco Mark Twain's of that oh you're you're right do you need to get that it's my mom I'll call it back you said your family lived in the valley right yeah it's nothing like this there's nowhere else like this my dad has cancer he's really sick my mom stopped working to take care of him so I helped them out financially must be hard I'm never there feel like I'm letting them down by being here [Music] I just can't stand seeing him like that I know it's awful but [Music] Oh team dinner tonight what do you guys think Bar see we wanted to curry the other date is that craving still stands or pizza even better Eric pizza I'm playing halo right sure a very social of you Carson I can't tonight sorry oh why what are you up to I'm just busy you never miss our team dinners well usually the plant further in advance Carson what is that about are you got to tell me what's going on I'm going over the shortlist for a last row I mean in general you mean after I leave work how's that any of your business it's affecting your work and this company I can't have that all eyes are on us my company our company my - are we done No those two people out there they trust you and they trusted me we all gave up a lot of [ __ ] because we believed in you now get out of here Oh away scheduling interviews you trying to get me drunk well I don't want you to be thirsty I'm getting drunk - hope you like pork oh I'm actually a vegetarian and a Muslim so oh whoa you'll love the salad then it's mixed greens simple I mean I thought you were trying to impress me it's classic not simple and who said I was trying to impress you oh I don't know do you always do wine bearings with every meal so many on block is delicious or cereal instead of your milk like pour it over the cereal what is wrong with you know instead of OJ obviously now go over there and breathe well can I help help you impress you if you're overwhelmed by your sense of responsibility all right like this perfect [Music] I just go home everything okay you should go Wat don't go I know a place sells ice creams still open please it's late fine I'll Drive it home are you kidding you're right I'll call you an uber [Music] [Music] talk to me Vince yeah what's up Oh are you crying what's wrong where are you [Music] what's going on are you okay yeah fine you have to come over you didn't sound fine you don't look fine where were you tonight just out with friends and I got upset which friends I just think I'm tired it means go to bed thank you for checking on me of course hey we're in this together right get some rest call me tomorrow [Music] [Music] don't forget [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] or see what your message hello hey it's me yeah come up [Music] [Music] hi let's play Thanks um two seconds I will be ready before you know it [Music] are you moving or something yeah right now you're kind of moving yeah fun to something I'm sorry to hear that [Music] [Music] wait stop worth it [Music] who wasn't going to just place who was it [Music] don't you lie to me June is that who you're with the other night [Music] so help me God you hunt if you were withholding information for me what what are you gonna do you were the reason he was out that night [Music] not the reason you made that choice until you're a piece of work you know that no wonder journalist and someone else [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] last September didn't plan a traditional ceremony Oh No they staged a live rock opera how cool is that right San Francisco love story two local musicians who found love through fandom now Wow hey it's Carson can I come up Oh um Harper's my middle name that's what I go by sometimes outside of work I'm sorry you know I haven't been completely honest about myself either in what way tech guy it's not really me I want you to know the real me just like I want to know the real you you don't actually go by Harper all too often do you is it okay if I call you Harper sure I don't have a middle name so you'll just have to call me Carson or Griffin no I don't want you reminding me of my high school soccer coach you're way too cute for that I need this statement for the launch press release yeah I'm still working on it you said you would give it to me by the end of last week I'll get it so it's okay for you to miss your deadlines Carson whatever is wrong with you fix it you're not the only one who's noticed notice what that you're not here you've worked so hard to build this company and now it seems like you don't even care I do care then show it you have investors fighting over you because you're one of the most talented people in tech right now and you're amazing to work for when you show up we really need our leader right now especially when we're hiring new people what this is what I'm talking about you're distracted Carson does it have to do with that hit-and-run accident what are you talking about the guy who was killed near Pacific Heights last month Jordan Berg was his name right you've been following the case pretty closely people know my browser history maybe I'm crazy [Music] hey mom what's up are you okay Carson yeah yeah I'm fine mom what do you need um they found a new tumor he needs another operation I'm sorry you call me back no I [Music] wait you said it was an emergency it is so the other night I suggested ice cream and you politely declined which is a shame because it's the best in the city so I brought it to you nice flavor vanilla really yeah that's my favorite really hey do you want to help me great papers um is that even a question these kids are awesome how could you even grade them okay for you so stickers for effort and a check for lazy's you'll be able to tell I really like your place it's very bohemian thanks are you gonna miss it yeah I am well if it's just a rent thing I could help you out that's a sweet offer [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm sorry I fell asleep no I should sorry I just there's something I want to tell you why I just battle on tonight until let's do something this weekend okay good night car sir [Music] Hey what are you doing here can I come in sure I'm actually on my way out though are you going over Marin with the girl who is she anyway where did you meet her June right June Alice what is wrong with you so it is June no actually it's not and you need to back off the way you've been acting hurts me it's like we're not even friends like I'm a stranger I'm not trying to hurt you but you are we were good together we should have never gotten involved in the first place we did we had fun together but I just can't see it going anywhere you don't mean that you haven't been acting like yourself lately I'm gonna figure out what's going on I'm going to find out why you're acting this way and I wish that you could trust me but if you don't I'll find out on my own I am NOT as stupid as you think I am please just stay out of it make me but a private investigator really how much is this costing it doesn't matter I want to find out who killed my brother what is he gonna do that the police have it already take up local security cameras they can trace a car into the area they can impound it and test for DNA they've already done that barely they don't have the manpower what if he didn't drive by a place with cameras he look you can do whatever you want I don't want to talk to this guy well he's gonna want to interview you I'm trying to move on without getting justice for Jordan huh that night maybe the P I would be interested in talking to her maybe he'll want to interview your new friend I have to go friends huh I deserve to know who killed my brother her okay [Music] [Music] I don't do this I tend to just get stuck in the city well it's easy to do when you work so much that's just like that I never really wanted this to be my life though why are you been amazing reputation yeah when I launched my first stop I never expected with I'd move to San Francisco and work in time what just felt like the right thing to do someone offers you millions of dollars for an app you created you don't really question that I'm just God so caught up in all that what money and spending it on all the wrong things you take care of your family I admire that I admire you you're real you brought me back down to earth in a lot of ways are you ready to order yeah um can I get you want to get oysters yeah [Music] Carson Marcy ninja caller I don't have any have you heard from Marcy I thought she was still sick no she hasn't called in and she isn't answering her phone I'm sure she's fine well we are not fine if she disappears off the map eight days before we launched yeah last I checked she was at Blue Bottle what Eric needs the graphics yeah the site looks pretty boring well all the work you saved on our drive where she told me several times that you were too hard on her and I didn't step in what are you joking that's it we're done it is over hire someone else to finish the graphics you were right we need a head to launch so do what you need to do what are you doing trust me oh she's back at home now [Music] hey hey how much work we get a Bhalla Tempranillo how was your day are you serious right now what that was such a move smooth over right you need to get that no we're celebrating we are I'm leaving the tech industry what right now I'm going to speak to every major publication to build hype for the launch our first five feature projects are gonna get funded on day one guaranteed then we'll have another funding round at which point I'm gonna step down as CEO but keep my shares in epic would just not be involved in the day-to-day Wow okay then what I don't know maybe I could help grow your art programs really do you want to do that yeah I think I would [Music] to new beginnings to new beginnings I've never been to wine country and until last week I hadn't been farther than Sausalito since I moved here my family's got his placing gum girl send the redwoods you'd love it some great wineries nearby we should go up there for the weekend it seems like kind of a big step used to go there when I was a kid it's got this cool time capsule vibe I've updated a bit in the last few years but what do you think [Music] [Music] [Music] beautiful right [Laughter] [Music] it's me I just want me to be ah he's got a new leader Joanie it is very important that you call me Mary are you coming yeah so beautiful you want to go for a hike I'll show you my favorite trail yeah [Music] you okay Oh Erica yeah I got you to summary ankle let's go back yeah okay [Music] let me look at it oh yeah it looks bad yeah yeah when you carry you back to the cabin you really don't have to carry me all the way home that's not gonna feel good don't worry your light isn't better [Music] okay ready what never fails to liven up the party I've got this one okay sure read it or you want to read it read it go ahead okay who never fails to liven up the party agents who aren't good at math a tribe of warrior women getting naked and watching Nickelodeon thank you that way your kids oh really appropriate parents love that a monkey smoking a cigar also something I do with the kids heartwarming orphans Thank You Randy I think you wins how's your ankle feeling it's okay I don't think I need to ace it anymore is it her hmm swelling's gone down you want me to kiss it better do you wanna kiss it better it's kinda gross thank you well I think I'm gonna die okay one more I still can't believe you maybe my favorite meal it's actually really sweet actually you want some more in another bottle [Music] Wow we're on our last bottle Lee's gonna have to drive home right [Music] I'm really glad you came out here with me Harbor [Music] Cheers if she's that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] vanilla now are you okay [Music] listen Harper there's something I really want to talk to you about okay I really care about you you know that right but ever since we known each other I just can't quite shake how it is that we met I try to ride it off his chance but killed Jordan Harper you know you killed him which please listen to me he went there where it happened twice I was trying to remember I know you did it please listen to me I blacked out when I woke up there was blood all over the bumper of my car I don't know that she's don't know any better than me or the police think this hasn't tortured me you just told me there was blood on the front of your car you don't think the police would want to know I panicked okay I was scared I should have turned myself in but I lose everything heart Jordan lost everything I know and you killed him you're gonna pay oh did I said that where's your phone are you recording this stay away from me let me see your phone no listen Harper I'm not gonna hurt you we can work this out I'm not gonna hurt you pepper my name is June stop Carson what did you do I had you what did you do Carson it's okay okay she's dead that's Jordan Burke's girlfriend the guy that was killed in the hit and you think I don't know that I was trying to protect you I told you to stay out of it you killed her children what what are you doing I'm going for help Carson no wait stop what does this look like to you they'll connect the dots this whole place becomes a crime scene if you did kill that guy and there's one speck of blood on your card they'll find it and use it get out of here no I'm already an accomplice it's gonna be okay come on we need to move let's carry her around back it's over we either clean up and move on or call the police and Carson this hit-and-run thing there's no evidence it was actually you there was blood all over my car I could have been anything why are you here you shouldn't have to ask me that this has been a big distraction and you haven't been yourself I'm here for you for Hayden your family everyone that believes in you and who's relying on this lunch why are you here [Music] [Laughter] here I'll bring my car around front [Music] [Music] [Music] are you sure you don't want me to come over I'll see you tomorrow then right yeah try to get some rest [Music] [Music] my mom this isn't really a good time Ranger hey buddy dad how are you I find that it's good to hear your voice it's good to hear you too your mom showed me your magazine article you look good Carson you look happy thanks to your life right now no don't worry about me I'm so proud of you guy takes a lot of courage to do what you're doing I love you dad I love you too [Music] [Music] [Music] by bus where'd you been man oh no you're always giving me [ __ ] Carson let's just go talk about this who the [ __ ] are all these people new hires I said no new hires you changed your mind I was talking about a replacement for Marcy not office full of goddamn people you said to do what I needed to do get them out of here No listen up everybody I did not sign off on your employment contracts and I do not intend to everything is fine he has low blood sugar probably needs a snack hey we're all under a lot of stress right now Marcy just did you shoot them [Music] can I ask what this is about yes need ask mr. Griffin a few questions about what he's not here but it's cars parked here we had to prep before he went he decided to take an uber it's a VC meeting we needed to discuss some things well we have a warrant to impound his vehicle we're towing it from your lot please have him give me a call when he gets back from his meeting of course no problem [Music] that won't be necessary Thank You detective [Music] [Music] Carson are you serious I'm down will not help me that was obstruction of justice she could arrest us Haden conference room what is this all about you remember that hit and run in pack Heights guide killed someone I don't know I was blacked out I woke up and there's blood all over my car that's all I know reckless man you papered over all the time we're [ __ ] if they find any evidence you do know that right we we launch in two days I know I can't believe this is happening what are we gonna do I have to turn myself in if I go in quad evidence yet did you clean your car right Carson maybe they won't find anything do you know where the accident happened Washington in Octavia and the date why I can check to see if he even drove home that one if he didn't drive home that way then there's no waiting mean you can check what is this a side project and sell it to the government you've been tracking us your test subjects is everyone here breaking the law this is wrong ooh tears good check which way I went home that night he was only on on the first beta but the data should be stored and hidden this is lightweight okay I should be released your concerns how's it work I send a funny video and while you watch the tracker downloads on your phone easy what how much do offer more than you can pay okay here we go yep took Washington you need to delete all this data now all of the everything about us barson where are you going I have to turn myself in right I took your car I'll take you I'll take him you have work to do how can you talk about work right now Morsi he's right don't need to get involved [Music] where is he I need your keys [Music] [Music] yes I'm sorry about that mr. Christiansen thank you thank you for coming us I need to ask you some questions follow me [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you for cooperating with our investigation mr. Griffin you're free to go what do you mean I'm free to go it appears we were mistaken again I appreciate you're willing to operation and I apologize I was driving drunk I killed Jordan burn well you hit something but it wasn't Jordan Berg they found traces of blood on your vehicle but they belong to an animal if we have any more questions we'll be in touch I want to confess you can't confess to a crime that you didn't commit you can't just let me go I have no cause to hold you here mr. Griffin alright go sign your car out at the front desk I'll be waiting for you outside got a dirty conscience mr. Griffin [Music] sorry about earlier don't be now man I should have confronted you like that I let my emotions get the best of me it's been a hard time I understand where's June I don't know who you're talking about [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Popcornflix
Views: 407,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: free movie on youtube, Full movies English, popcornflix full movies, free movies popcornflix, free full movies on youtube, Fatal Crossing, Fatal Crossing movie, popcornflix drama movies, popcornflix thriller movies, free movies, popcornflix crime movies, popcornflix movies, popcornflix crime thriller movies, free full length movies to watch on youtube, popcorn flix, free full movie, free full movies, #popcornflix
Id: xVC1uhVeIdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 13sec (5593 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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