Fastfoot! DIY Footings for ICF!

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hey everybody today i want to show you guys some more semi-icf related stuff it's more for uh the diyers who are wanting to do their own foundations their own icf walls and really any contractor that is using best practices i absolutely love this product and we've been using it for quite a while and i'll just kind of get into how the whole system works have a clip from an older pour that we did that i can show you guys here in a second it's called the fast foot system and it's uh by a company called fab form they also make all of our bracing and stuff that we use on a on our icf the zaunt system but uh their form is really cool it's it's a it's a waterproof fabric that goes under your footer to create a waterproof membrane that goes under your footer to help with waterproofing because if you kind of think about all that effort you spend waterproofing your wall and then your footing sitting in wet soil wicking moisture up into the inside of the wall and it you know seems a little counterproductive so this is actually a really cool product and i'll get into kind of how it works so the first thing we do is we go around the whole perimeter of our foundation um with steaks and i use wood stakes uh in this particular instance because it's easier to screw into but if you're going to diy it metal stakes you know you can sell them on craigslist whatever when you're done you can rent them more than likely lumber's high right now so cutting up a bunch of two by fours into stakes seems silly we have them or i would probably be using some of my metal stakes as well but once you get them run you just take a your laser you rent one from you know home depot if you don't have one and you just you set these rails exactly on grade just exactly on grade and so what that does is everything that's important about icf footers and really any footers but there's the plywood forms and the metal forms that are on regular stem walls are a little more forgiving that they can float over an uneven footer a little bit better icf you have to spray foam it to the foundation so if you're doing that and you've got it an inch and a half out of level you're wasting a lot of foam it's just a pain to shim it up right once it's done it's fine but it's more work so if you can get a flat footer that's everything and with this you are as flat as your laser is all you do is fill it up um you know when you're using two by twelves they're kind of floating along the ground you might shim them up you might stake them to to grade but most of the time they don't and that's okay for other kinds of foundations but anyway so what we've got with the fast foot is uh it comes let me see if i can pull this out here it comes with all these lines it's got a center line that you want to lay right in the center of the wall a lot of times we'll stick a couple nails in the in the ground uh right through the center line to kind of hold it but for our purposes today doing about a eight foot piece i don't need to do all that but anyway so you get the center line in and then it also has lines for a 16 inch wide footing a 20 a 24 28 32 all the way up to i don't know like 44 inches so we have a 24 inch wide footer here you're in this your center lines here your 24 inch line is right here so you hold that down and you bring this up over you take your slap stapler and you put it there then you do the same thing over here you take your 24 to the ground you hold it up tight and you staple it and you just do that all the way down bring that back to the middle i'm going to put my 24 down and so what what's happening is maybe my ground isn't level maybe the dig's not perfect but i'm keeping the line that will keep you a 24 inch wide footer on the ground it'll bulge out in the middle which is actually good it makes your footer a little stronger that curve makes it less likely to crack so that's better than most of your other forms that might that you might see that are just a big square or rectangle and anyway i'm not going to staple this a ton so i'm going to take this back apart but when you uh when you staple it every you know four to six inches it's actually uh it'll hold a ton of pressure so that's the gist of it then once all that's done we'll put the rebar in we'll get ready for the inspection and then right before we pour you're just going to take a couple two by fours and screw them here so they don't push out you'll see a lot of guys online that lay them down and that's great i don't like having to screed around boards so i'll lift them up off the ground a little so i can just run a 2x4 screed board and and get my footage just perfect with no little lips around the boards and stuff so it's a really really nice system i love it there is one upgraded version of this and i'll take you inside the shop and kind of show you a little mock-up i have of that so it's a monoport i don't think i would diy the monoport guys it is uh it's a couple levels trickier and there's a lot more that can go wrong but if you're going to be pouring your own walls or if you're a contractor i mean you can up charge somebody for this i mean a few hundred dollars for this form and they have a much more functional footing and i mean i think a lot of people would pay for that if they knew about it and uh my guys love working with this because just like everything else with icf it's lightweight the heaviest thing you're going to carry is a 20-foot 2x4 or 20-foot sticker rebar the form is super light you know you're not you're not lugging around concrete soaked two by two by twelves and and just big heavy items so it's and it is fast um i mean you throw this in i've usually one to two of my guys can do a whole footer in a few hours and be ready for inspection so real quick i'm going to take you into the shop but first i'm going to play a couple videos they're a couple years old i didn't have a mic so the audio may not be perfect but i mean it's just uh just kind of show you on site with one that we're actually pouring and you can see how it fills up because it seems crazy that this would hold back the concrete but i know that i've been hired a few times after somebody gets their butt kicked on a footer and they're scared to pour their walls and really the walls are the easy part footers can really get you into into trouble this system really kind of fixes all the issues you're ever going to have with the footer so anyway without further ado i'll get into that i'll show you these videos real quick and i'll see in the shop getting ready to pour a footer on a house for a buddy of mine and i wanted to show off the fast foot system everybody's always asking when they see pictures of this footer before we pour it it's kind of different and people don't get how it works so i was going to show you um i'll take the i'll take the camera here and uh show down the footer it's basically not a normal two by twelve uh laying on its side laying on its edge it's just a two by four that we put on grade with a laser and then you just hang the bag hang the fast foot um it's a woven plastic if you get real close you can kind of see the weave in it so it's real strong it'll hold up to uh the concrete pressure we staple it to that and we just fill it up to the top of the 2x4 so everything's perfectly on grade and the cool thing it gives you is a um the vapor barrier that will go in the crawl space goes under the footer keeping the footer dry or not in contact with the uh the earth as well so um making the vapor barrier a lot more functional it does a lot of other cool stuff too but anytime we're doing the icf it's great so we have a nice level footer um but that's kind of the uh the gist of it so normally on a site you're going to have your fab form laid out exactly the center line exactly in the center of your wall and then you'll build your forms on top of it but just for giggles i want you to be able to see this but the center of the monoport system are the mono port legs they're fully adjustable they're really neat i'll show you one up close real quick um and they come with these uh kind of allen drivers that kind of a rounded ball and the end of the uh the threaded rod has a an allen drive so you can just very quickly change the the height of the leg once it's screwed on the wall obviously you can i'm gonna go ahead and drop that um once you uh once you do that you can make it taller bring it back down and you can get it back level so um it's very and normally on a job site there's going to be a guy on a laser there's going to be me on this side one of my guys on the other side we're going to be doing it together because the whole wall will kind of you know if you drop this one too much this one starts coming up once you get it going it levels really quickly and it's very stable i mean my guys will walk around on this wall while it's on these legs so we'll put it right on the center line like it should have been and the next step once you're here obviously your rebar is run and you're going to fold this up now we want a 24 inch wide footer let's say so you hold it down at the 24 and you fold it up to the wall and then we're going to attach a 2x4 all the way down both sides and then that creates the bag and that's a waterproof bag and the cool thing about this is there's no cold joint between your footing and your wall for water to penetrate you know if your waterproofing fails on the outside and again like i said the biggest thing is your you have a waterproof membrane under your footer keeping your contact out of your concrete out of contact with the ground so it's not wicking all that moisture up into your concrete wall like i said all the waterproofing in the world on the outside doesn't really help that so even before they invented this i was running my vapor barriers under my footings and everything just because i thought it was a good practice this form is kind of the you know the the latest the most cutting edge version of that i love it we use it all the time i do a form of this on my swimming pools where i you know form it on the outside and let the concrete flow to the inside so i get a one piece shell on a monoport pool and i use the the heck out of the legs in that in that way so real quick i'll uh i'll cut for a second come back and show you what it looks like all assembled and like i said if you're gonna build a house anytime soon obviously i love icf i think it's a no-brainer right now cost wise but this is a cool footer doesn't add a lot of expense i mean the actual form is a few hundred dollars for a typical house and you can do it yourself it is not hard it's not heavy at all but if you're gonna you know hire a concrete guy to do it it shouldn't add more than a few hundred dollars in material they can do it just as fast or even faster than their typical forming system and your installer your wall guys will love it because your footer will be dead level better than any any other footing system i've ever used so i'll show you real quick what it looks like and then we'll get out of here and if it'll ever get warm enough i will show you guys an icf pool next week so now we're basically ready to pour we've got our 2x4 holding the uh fast foot in place and i mean you got to picture all the rebars in it and the bracing's on but we'll zoom in here and just kind of show you so as the as the concrete is pumped in from the top it fills in the bag first a lot of the reason i wouldn't diy is we get really technical we put a lot of plasticizers and calcium in it to firm that up keep from having cold joints on the way up but also get this to solidify before we get you know 15 feet high on a lift so this is a really cool system like i said if you're gonna diy i do it the way i showed you at first but this is available and i just i really want people to know the kind of tech that is in the marketplace right now you know from the ozarks we are very slow to the party a lot of times um with new technology but this is not necessarily more expensive and it is so much better especially where we're from where the water moves laterally through the ground and stuff this uh this is a very very good tool to just plan on when you're building so anyway hope you guys enjoyed it like i said if the weather will clear up this week it's gonna snow tomorrow and it's april 20th which is crazy i'm supposed to be dropping that liner later this week and i'll have a cool icf pool to show you fingers crossed and see you next time
Channel: Cutting Edge Homes !
Views: 19,713
Rating: 4.9256506 out of 5
Keywords: 春田, 斯普林菲尔德, 密苏里, 投资, 买房, springfield mo, builder, ICF, ICF construction, cutting edge homes, Modern homes, passive house, ICF builder, ICF walls, fastfoot, fabform, monopour, ICF footings, DIY ICF, DIY footings, concrete footings, DIY building, ICF houses, fox blocks, rost redimix, ICF Pools, ICF building
Id: HBfwIhSLppE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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