Lite Deck Monopour!!!

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[Music] so [Music] hey everybody tomorrow morning's gonna be a very exciting day but before it gets really hectic i wanted to take a minute to uh show you guys kind of what's what's in the nuts and bolts of a light deck pour especially one with hydronic heat um this one's taking us a little while to get ready as i said it's a side project sunday evening as it always is when i come to you guys from my own personal project but uh we've been working on this on the side like i said we've gone on a couple trips went on vacation then i had to go fix uh fixed dolphin island and uh so i've been all over the place and very busy with work still uh blowing and going on pools and uh getting the eco finish stuff up and rolling so um i want to kind of just come up here close and show you guys kind of the nuts and bolts of how the three-dimensional aspects of this pour are so i'll take the camera from my lovely camera lady christina and so okay basically what light deck is in in general is a is a horizontal icf form like a floor form and what it does is it's going to create these beam pockets and they are six inches wide eight inches deep well they're eight inches in this case as you can see there's a cap you see there's a layer um on top of there and depending on your span you can cap anywhere from four inches up to probably 14 inches it gets up to 24 inches high um total from the bottom of the light deck form to the top of the concrete you can span 40 feet when you do that so i'm only spending 22 so the engineer said i only need a four inch cap and we're golden so we're gonna have a 14 inch thick floor we have this little uh pocket right here which is going to be just a kind of a trapdoor little um compact uh spiral staircase going through our master closet floor down into the bottom there we're gonna have a cool clear story sits over the bed and then just a regular little uh 203-0 for uh in at the end of the kind of galley bathroom uh we're gonna kind of a kind of a hotel style really cool um master bath happening but anyway this pour like i said it ties into the house we finally had to cut into the roof which uh i'm glad to be getting it poured before it rains at all we can kind of patch that up and uh the hydronic heat one thing that's really important you just tie it to that wire the wire is not doing any a whole lot of reinforcement it's actually just to keep my my uh pipes straight um but real quick about the rebar everybody's always asking so i'll talk about that bottom of every beam comes with these cool little chairs holds two number six in this case the one i'm getting ready to do for dr shaw takes number seven rebar just i mean the engineers at light deck are really good to give you the specs of what you need to do and then i have number four grade 60 rebar on two foot centers over the top of my hydronic but my hydronic heat here is on 12 inch centers to 300 foot zones to do my bathroom or to do my bedroom and my bathroom when i do my driveway and stuff in the front and do an ice melt system all kind of on the same just zoned out but uh the one thing we've been you really want to do is make a diagram before you pour i've tried to put in all of my penetrations tried my best to get them all but if i'm missing something you want the option to be able to drill if you notice i didn't run the hydronic under that painted line there is a wall and i tried not to run the hydraulic under the wall but even if i have to drill out here if i know where i started off of the walls and i go every 12 inches i can pretty safely drill a decent size hole if i ever needed to because you know these are only like a half inch pex lines on 12 inch centers so there's a lot of space between them that you could hit if you had to again you don't want to if you can avoid it but that's it's very important and you can also see we're kind of doing our monopore thing we're attached this is our thermal break around the outside and we're attached right on top of the new duraforms from from the previous pour and uh and then i just used a mono poor leg on the inside we just ripped it away so the uh will pour down the top of the wall it'll spill out into the uh into the light deck and it'll be all one piece which is just something hey it saves a pump and b it makes it a little bit stronger um you can see down in here i'll take you down here in a second and show you kind of the false work that we put in probably a little overkill but this is going to be about 40 000 pounds of wet concrete sitting on a styrofoam and very light gauge steel joists so you really can't overkill in my in my opinion all right guys hectic morning we start by when we do a monopod we're starting on top of the wall and we're filling up we're pouring a uh r 3500 no calcium nothing special to the mix at a four slump we don't want it so runny we vibrate it so you don't want it so watery that it's actually adding more weight and too much fluidity you want it to stay put once we place it so we're plugging up the wall and it's actually stacking about halfway up in the wall right now we have holes in the top of the holes in the top of the bottom of the window buck so we can fill the fill the void under the window and um it's a little sketchy this light deck there's going to be 40 000 pounds of wet concrete laying on this styrofoam in a minute each one of these beams is gonna have about a thousand pounds of concrete in it but as you can see it's just gonna make a three-dimensional slab four inches on top with eight inch beams for a total of twelve inches every two feet of concrete with a big number six rebar in the bottom of it ultra ultra strong not a better structure for residential uh construction out there uh john martin doing his thing back there as usual um he's the best pump guy in the business my boys watching over every detail so we'll keep i got a time-lapse going so i can show you every detail i'll come back to you after we get this all laid down okay so me and the boys um kind of get everything ready to go and start pouring and obviously it's a really busy looking floor because of all the hydronics and the wire laying under the hydronic heat really you can't hurt any of that with regular shoes but we try not to stand on the rebar that's floating just above the hydronic because you could wear you know if you the rebar kind of moves around you could kind of wear on the pecs and we don't want to do that so if you notice i mean we walk freely around on the light deck you obviously try not to stan step into the uh the channels uh the the beams but once that wire's on there it's pretty much a non-issue but uh we do try to avoid that and because you fall through there's nothing supporting there's like only like an inch and a half of foam under the beam so you really don't want to do that the boys are filling up the windows and the walls which i'm going to show you a little bit later in the video kind of a close-up because that's something that always bugs people as they're working working their head through how it's done the first time um one of my guys you know he's blurred out but he's just kind of edging this was a funky pour because it's not very big it's only about 450 square feet but with walls all around the entire thing except for that one corner where we're putting glass it makes it a little tricky to get it finished um you know i jumped on the power trowel pretty early just trying to uh kind of help out because half of it's in the sun half of it's not so it's one of those small pores that should be easy but there was a lot of variables that kind of made it a pain but turned out really good and uh he said there's nothing to light deck just really trying to make sure you uh dodge your eyes and cross your t's on all the false work which i'll uh i'll get into that in detail in a little bit later in the video you can kind of see see how we do that okay so this is just an up close view of how we when we're doing these monopores you can see the uh the fab form monoport legs that allow us to suspend a piece of icf up into the air however far and then as we start to pour the wall you know our like four slump concrete just gonna ooze out there we're gonna vibrate that real good and uh it's it's just a great way and kind of i just wanted to show a little close up here of my bracing just so you know people can kind of see how we do it this is how we fixed up the windows we cut these plugs and we actually pump into the void and we'll have like two holes so we can kind of see it see it coming you want to vibrate in the top vibrate down that hole straight down the hole [Music] [Music] the slab just kind of creates beams every two feet and that's where that's where the structural uh spanning ability of light deck really really shines just looks like a parking deck in your bedroom okay i didn't get a video of the false work done prior to the uh the pour so at this point we know it held which is happy times we got a lot of bleed water you can see that dripping down in there i did the best i could to seal it up i mean uh light deck doesn't say you need to do that i just wanted to minimize the bleed water but what light deck suggests is five foot centers both directions so posts on five foot and you know and then the the the stiff backs on five foot uh so it's like a tic-tac-toe board a little bit um i didn't really know that i thought four foot seemed like you know about the right amount so what i did i had one my boys do it on four foot but he did he screwed up and put the stiff backs on five foot centers which is actually okay according to lightning but i was afraid of it so i put all these extra you know webs in there to uh break my load up and kind of throw the load and i've got those two by fours go all the way from the icf all the way across to the concrete on the other side both directions so they're only eight foot tall stiff backs but they would still um have to not only you know make those fail within these two by fours that run concrete to concrete would also have to fail it's pretty foolproof still makes you nervous like i said there's 40 000 pounds of wet concrete over our heads so uh you know it's it's no joke okay guys we got it all done everything went great i got one little puddle here but i mean it is you know quarter inch deep and we still got to lay tile so we'll get it uh it'll be perfectly flat when we're done but uh really no complaints about the way this floor went it was very easy there's you know when you're dealing with light deck if you've ever poured like concrete on decks before you can get once you get it all short up it's really stable and it's styrofoam so it kind of just has that softer feel it feels like it's got more movement so there's a familiarity that you need to get it's just it feels scary it raises the pucker factor we do a lot when we're doing we're doing one um on the pool i poured that i posted a few weeks ago we've got the pool room and we're doing a very similar like you know monolithic uh floor and beam system just like the light that creates with the foam and we're doing it with our gates forms um it'll feel a lot sturdier the concrete will be exactly the same dimensions it won't be sturdier it'll be exactly the same without the insulation provided by the light deck but it feels sturdier you know it's also a lot more work to get all that framed up than the light deck um so everything is good where the next step is obviously framing getting getting it under the roof before the weather gets bad this is all glass through here which we have already sitting in here so this these videos will happen maybe once a month the progress uh is slow because this is my side project we got multiple pools i think about eight pools going right now and the big house so this is very much a saturday sunday thing but i'm going to bring you a cost analysis of the light deck compared to framing obviously advantech is still really expensive even though lumber has been coming down i think advantage still in the mid 60s a sheet and high joists are still a little hard to get it's going to be cheaper than this in all likelihood but it's uh it's it's not a huge difference in this give if you're going to do like a hydronic heat like this which we'll get more into detail about how all that works and we're going to redo my driveway and stuff put an ice melt system out there all zoned and that's all cool stuff you can do with modern technology that you can't do or you can do it with the wood but it's it doesn't the heat transfer is not as good as it is through concrete so you're kind of uh you know starting from behind to do that but um the big thing with i uh light deck is i really want to get accurate figures with my concrete plant because like this was spanning 22 feet and my top to bottom is 14 inches well they keep stacking caps to make longer spans possible making the beams taller up all the way up to 24 inches well if you need that you have to get way more foam to stack which is more expensive plus the freight and that's the big kicker with this stuff um i ordered a 32 by 34 roof that we're doing um in the fall here on a garage we're doing a single slope icf light deck roof and i mean it was uh the freight was eighteen hundred dollars because you're basically filling up an entire semi with this foam because it's volumous and it's they send it in full length so i got 34 foot sections that you know i have enough of them to stack 32 foot wide so it's a big you know stretch and uh the freight is the big kicker because it's not like a lot of icf that's made all over the country so you're only shipping it a few hundred miles it comes from one spot and you basically pay for an entire truck if you especially if you're doing a whole house maybe a couple of trucks um so that's kind of the the factor if i gave you the price it might not be relative to you i i don't get into rebar and everything else because it's very so much you know place to place but i will try to give you at least you know your base rate and then you know you got to kind of do your own due diligence um in an upcoming video but i kind of wanted to just bring it poor to you because a lot of people reach out and go i love icf i don't really get light deck and i'm interested but i've never seen it and it's really out there and it's really cool so just wanted to bring you this video to kind of show you that i've got a video we're doing next week we're actually attacking the one thing a lot of people mention that kind of icf detractors always talk about termites and we're going to delve into that i've been talking to a couple guys in the industry because i'm just i'm in a zone that they consider high risk not very high but we're kind of in the moderate zone and we just never see it but um i'm gonna really get into that and you know mitigation and you know real real risks versus kind of mythical you know urban legend stuff so i'll get into that next week but uh anyway we'll keep the progress coming on this as we can and see you next time
Channel: Cutting Edge Homes !
Views: 3,256
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: 春田, 斯普林菲尔德, 密苏里, 投资, 买房, springfield mo, builder, icf, insulated concrete forms, cutting edge, cutting edge homes, cutting edge pools, icf pools, modern architecure, lite deck, lite deck floors, lite deck monopours, fab form, fast foot, monopour
Id: Ppml6TD78rQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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