Suspended Concrete Garage Floor Using LiteDeck ICF Forms. No Columns Needed!

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welcome back to uh another episode of lake lott build we have a really exciting day today shaping up so our floor has cured out the light deck as you can see right here has showed up so david and his crew are down here going over how everything goes together for this light deck to come to be put in [Music] we're going to start working with this light deck that's here and i'll zoom we'll walk over there in just a little bit and show you what a light deck 4 looks like but right now they're putting up a ledger board so that the light deck is going to sit on that you can see the floor has now been protected so that our new concrete floor doesn't get damaged and when they pour the concrete you might have some grip throughs on the little edges and the pieces and so we don't want to drip fresh concrete onto our fresh floor let's go over a little bit about light deck and so i will show you um the first part of it and then the second part that will be stacked on top of it the first part of it light deck comes like this and it has this channel right it comes back up and so these are a metal c channel right there that allows it the strength while we're setting it up so it doesn't want to collapse on itself now you'll stick those all together you can see right here there's the groove there's the tongue all interlocked with each other as you stack them side by side by side you pour the concrete across the top here and it makes this t right kind of like a bridge girder this is a metal c channel that's that's embedded in this and that one there and that's the gives it the rigidity to hold flat while you're stacking them out there it's not enough to hold the concrete that is why we'll have the jack stands underneath it to brace it but once the concrete is set up and cured out then you'll remove the jack stands underneath and then you have a clear span and we are going to have a clear span of 24 feet 24 feet well good morning david john all right so you want to talk to us about what is going on here with the ledger board and them cutting that off i can hopefully i won't be too snickly [Applause] what we're doing is we're putting up this this two by four that goes along the side and all the way around will just be a band that the light deck forms will sit on if you'll notice you might probably can't see it in the video but there's a little bit of a slight uh incline there and a decline back from the middle and that's so that it's called a camber that will allow the light deck to settle three quarters of an inch so it will be completely flat uh when we get it up there so we get this laid out and we've got two by six racing that goes across uh this way and all kinds of supports legs that are going to go in and we'll start setting the light deck forms get the caps on top of that and we'll have 14 inches of black deck with a four inch cap on the top all together 14 inches top to bottom and strong enough for you to park your german tank oh that's gonna be so cool you'll notice that seth cut off the inside of the icf form we're leaving the outside and the reason that we do that we left the concrete low and record the icf walls so when we're pouring the deck for the light deck it will actually fall over the side and become a monolithic pour where the walls and the and the light tank would be together these long tubes are these long rebars that are sticking up will actually be bent down and be tied into yes okay yeah i get it so it leaves one system yeah oh wow oh here comes another one where is it there it is oh my gosh those are the a10 warthog yeah look at that in his stop construction 3810 warthog here comes another one yeah i got it oh my gosh all right we are on the second day of putting the light deck in you guys are all out here working everybody want to say hi today they give us away they have already got all the light deck put on so right now i'm going to climb down here close to the edge and see if i can show you so bear with me here as i try not to fall and we'll show you what these guys are working on all right form that we saw that i showed you is this one this lower one and then you have this second piece that goes on and so what it makes is our channel nice and deep and then we're gonna have another four inches of concrete that goes on top of that so we're gonna have a nice deep channels this is three quarter inch rebar that goes here and then we're gonna have the half inch in a two by two mesh that goes on top of this so the light deck comes with these lower ones and then you put this topper on it and so if you want a even more longer span or more weight you just actually stack another one of these on here which makes your leg even deeper it's absolutely ingenious because light deck only has to make really two different products right your bottom piece and then your other pieces to keep stacking to make the depth deeper so it's a really really ingenious process so right now the guys are finishing up taking the rebar and bending this over so that the will turn and then dip over and drop down into what we left a little bit low so that that pour locks in from the ceiling to the wall so the other thing we're working on now is to make sleeves for the electrical wiring to go along the ceiling the underneath ceiling and then to make a turn and then poke out the wall and so that is what we have installed here all that these are sleeves and i put in four of them i put in four two inch conduits so that any of the wires because over here is where my utility room's gonna be [Music] and so with that i'm gonna need wire to run across and come out to feed this part of the house so hopefully four two inches should be enough the romex isn't that big so we can probably stick four or five romex through each hole and that should be it the other parts i can feed like this part of the house i can feed uh in the ceiling or in the walls so the other thing we're going to do because this is pretty much going to be a bunker our bathroom that's right here and it's open to the whole room we are going to plum it for an exhaust fan even though i do have an erv just to make sure that when you are taking a shower that we don't fill the whole room up with steam i'm going to plumb it for an exhaust fan here and pop it out this wall that will be right it'll come in right there and so it'll pop out right there i'm going to sleeve it now so that in the event we need to come back and put it i don't have to try to drill in through lots of concrete that's kind of it's almost like at an angle and it's bent over and i don't know where the rebar is but now we can slide that sleeve in there and make it easy super easy so we will now go downstairs so that you guys can see what the bracing looks like for us to be able to stand on here and pour concrete all right so now let's see what it looks like so i'm going to turn around and you guys can see our spider web of blocking so i will point some things out for you we'll have a two by six is the horizontal across the top and then we have a two by four that is set on a tea so you had makes a tea makes this thing super rigid so after after all this is poured and we wait let it cure out it'll probably be somewhere around 30 to 40 days to make sure that the cure is out and then they'll come through we'll take all of this out and it's one span and what's neat is they build in just a little bit of crown you notice i don't know if you can see it on the video there's a little bit of crown right here in the middle of the garage so when everything sets up and we pull the jacks and then the full weight of the concrete is realized it'll have just a little bit of settling maybe about that much but maybe it might have might not be we put in three quarters of one inch and so if it drops at half i still have just a slight crown so when we're parking the cars big cars even if it has any deflection it'll still be nice and flat but that's all built in that was from the engineers to add just a little bit here on the front end so that when if it's perfectly flat and you pull this off and it settles it might have a little bit of a dip to it so we didn't want that so right now i'm outside i'll be in the middle of the house in the basement so this is where we're working on our conduits here so they're going to stick them in there and then they're going to take that sledgehammer right there and they're going to jam them into the styrofoam here and so i have enough room between that c channel in the wall that that'll be poking out so i'll dig that i'll dig that out my wire will run along the ceiling turn and go in and oops sorry and it pops out in these tubes here which will be at the same elevation as my floor joists then i can run them in the spans of my floor joist the exhaust fan that i was talking to you about from upstairs so right here is going to be where my shower will be so it'll be four feet deep and six feet wide so if you're standing here in the shower i will use this chase right here which is this seam i know that's the seam that i want and so what we'll do is once the concrete is done we'll carve this out take all that here and then my other sleeve is there and it'll poke straight out the wall it is the morning of our concrete garage slab pour i was going to go over a little bit about the actual what has been done for the slab with our rebar and the finished floor and all the different pieces so this is a very specific pour and we want to make sure that our rebar because this is a very structural of the integrity that this rebar sits in the middle of our concrete pour anyway so we have these special chairs that sit here in the ring they the rebar can sit this way in this way and so it these don't move so when the concrete hits it and moves it it doesn't push around and it stays right in there and then they don't have to hook all them together because they actually connect in here and hold it for you and so this section over here is where they ran out so we'll finish that up real quick ben was talking about that we need another row of the uh icf block here and so we'll make that go they'll bring that around and the reason that is is that the wall continues on up and so we need that icf block to continue on up what they'll do is they'll cut half of it the inside half and cut it out which is like this here let me get down here so they'll cut the inside here this section of the icf block so that the concrete can pour and then go in and then the outside of it of course is the actual structural integrity in the insulation and we're going to want that on the outside of the house so the outside will have the the icf but the inside will be cut open so that the concrete can pour and drop down into it this here is so when the concrete comes up it looks like it'll probably be somewhere around this level right here because that matches up with if you're going to put the subfloor on so that when you walk across it's a straight entry all the way in it only really matters at the door opening there but we want to make sure it is close as possible and then we have some extra sleeves and i talked about the erv which is the energy recovery ventilation and that brings outside air in and the inside air out and so we have to get through this wall here which is a concrete wall from this side the master bedroom to that side and that's what these bigger pipes are the sleeves and so it'll come here turn come up in and then it can feed the house right there so we have one there and one over there so one is a supply and one of them is a return before our concrete truck arrives i thought it would uh it's nice and quiet here now so i'm going to turn around so you guys can see what the pour is going to look like now that we are have everything braced and ready to go point some things out for you so for the opening of the garage that'll be the top of that 2x12 this will be braced back into the earth just in this area so that it doesn't want to lean out with any of the pressure of the concrete and then i'll squat down here and you can see where the wall will continue on up right there but they've cut the bottom part out of it so that the slab will when we pour it we'll go under that and then down into it and i'll walk i'll walk over there so that you guys can see this so give me just a second to step across okay so let's go over here to look at one so when we pour the concrete here it's going to go here and it'll hit somewhere about right in here right because four or four inches will hit about right here but the rest of it so when we pour it we'll start to go under that and then it'll go down it'll go down here and then turn and that's where we get the lock in from the wall to the roof of this and so that's what makes the monolithic pour so that this whole structure hooks together and that's where you can see the rebar that was cast down in here up and then was bent over and then on top of that was our two by two grid let's see if i can get down here so you guys can see it better along there and then so we use the wire ties and the sections here where we don't have the trays so that everything sits up just off of the of the bottom so that it sits right in the in our four inch slab i have one more item on the uh the walls here and so on the back side of it since we only have one row of icf so what we've done is we've braced with some two by fours down and then up so that keeps that wall from let me scoot back out here keeps that wall from bending out ever so slightly because the last thing you want is your wall to to come up and then have this bend and then go back up so that's what all that bracing is and it goes around the back side too hi i'm going to show you what it looks like underneath and see how it looks of course i won't go in just for safety reasons but i'll get there so you guys can see what it looks like well we'll go down this section here go take a peek a look we have just a few little drips uh in between the keyways but man that's amazing all right so this is one of the finishers his name is alex this guy is a master at his craft young kid but i'm telling you he has got the knowledge of somebody twice his age and he was when i was showing on the previous ones takes really good care of his equipment so what he's going to do he's going to start this thing up and then we'll start smoothing it out what's happening here is he getting his screen dirty he's getting his screen dirty oh no [Music] we give him a hard time for keeping his equipment uh so clean but overall they love it you know they love it [Music] well we are now pretty much down to just got to let it set up just a little bit it'll set up a little faster today because we're in the uh we're in the mid 70s the humidity is nice and high so we don't have to worry about it drying too fast doug is now going to start doing the screening alex great job buddy thank you fun it went well [Music] you
Channel: Lake Lot Build
Views: 74,603
Rating: 4.7922077 out of 5
Id: z4gT5ecffYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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