ICF Pools of the future! stronger, cheaper and more efficient!

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hey everybody today's video what i wanted to do is highlight a little bit of icf pool building and this pool here is a icf vinyl liner it is the simplest kind of pool you could ever build it's the most cost effective pool we also do really high end mono pours which are more on par with gunnite but uh this pool is a rectangle it's got thermoplastic stairs it's only six feet deep so what i'm going to do today is just kind of show you a lot of upcoming videos including this one i just wanted to show you what everything looks like uh right before we pour uh james and his boys are getting ready to pour a four inch slab it'll have a thickened edge where the walls are going when we do vinyl liners we don't have to do a mono pour we pour it in two parts we pour the floor and then the walls so today they're gonna be pouring the walls or the sorry the floor and uh check it out okay so the boys are pouring the monolithic pool floor at the moment with the footings and the floor together and what they're doing is just trying to get it very flat the finish is not super important on this as the vinyl liner will go over it but look at the uh fancy pump truck driving by john martin with roast concrete pumping got to give him props for that one um but really the most important part of this pour is that the breaks between the deep end and the slope and the slope and the shallow end are very square with the pool so that the liner fits nice that's the most important aspect of this the finish we're going to go for like i said they're just going to try to get it really flat and then they're going to get it to about a fresno finish and that's his uh you know that's as smooth as it needs to be now that we have the concrete floor poured today we are going to build the icf walls which these are the corner blocks we got a lot of straights around here and what we're going to do is just simply lay it out on the floor and start building from the deep end out and once we get two rows on we'll stop and we'll square it and level it because they the way they clip together it takes two rows before it really has any stability and we'll build the walls and then put the necessary plumbing through the walls and be ready to pour it in no time it's like a day-long process it's very fast so i lost my time lapse of this portion but me and two guys who had never touched icf before did this on a saturday actually the homeowner and one of my friends stacked all this icf in about four hours my boys came in the following monday braced it up got our inspection and then uh you know we poured it in another couple hours we actually attached the uh liner track and bullnose coping and poured all the way to the coping in this one shot so effectively it was ready for the liner when we were done so uh we've got all the tedious stuff uh underway before we drop the liner that's the next step on a on an icf pool just to catch you up to things i didn't video tape we put styrene sheets which is just a cheap plastic sheet over the icf it's not a step you have to take we do it so if we have a nice powerful light in the pool which we do on this pool when it's casting the light across the walls at night if you've got dents and stuff in the icf you'll see that the icf's very easy on a liner it doesn't hurt anything but it just doesn't look as good so we put the skin that's a little more resistant to being damaged or dented so we did that yesterday we got all the water pumped out now we've just got to get the surface to dry up a little the sun just now came out so i think we're in good shape on that we're going to lay the liner foam i'll give you a few other little detail videos on kind of how we get ready for everything then we'll drop that liner and start filling it up so it's an exciting day kind of get this one wrapped up so now i'm going to show you what we do this is an intellibrite 5g it's not really much different on the outside than your typical like incandescent white lights but really fancy led light got like a 50 000 hour life but this this uh stainless ring here won't fit through the the the trim ring so what we have to do is actually take it apart now and put just the the diode and the driver and everything because it's got a wire that's you know sealed obviously so it's going to set back in here we're going to tape it up and then take the rest of the uh of the unit and put it up here until the water gets up here far enough that we can tap the liner so what we got to do is we got to loosen this screw up and then we got to take and start taking this off my thumbs are strong enough today let's see about there okay so now that that's get that ring off and that ring kind of stays for the moment see take this guy off and now the rest of this can stay in here we're going to put all of this and i'll do probably a neater job of this after i get the camera turned off but just kind of wind that up you put it back in here like so and like i said right now it's not sealed so if it were to get in the water that would be bad but we will i'm gonna take that trim ring put it right up here and then i'm gonna tape a big x across it right now so it can't fall out and uh that that is ready for the liner um we've got these here they come with a rubber gasket so they're kind of ready for the liner now just make sure they're cleaned up okay and then i've already taken the seals off the thermoplastic stairs so they are ready so really after this i believe the only thing we have left to do is to get the floor foam down which is tedious and takes a little time i'm gonna put one more on there just for good measure and uh we'll start doing the foam and then drop the liner so james and his guys are doing the flat work uh between the house and the pool and we're just kind of waiting for it to dry up a little bit so we can start sticking the liner foam or the yeah the floor foam down to the concrete and it it performs a couple functions it uh it acts kind of like a carpet pad makes it makes it nice and soft on your feet under the liner it also protects the liner from you know abrasions from the concrete you don't have to use it we've done it without in the past but obviously the floor is pretty hard on your feet if you uh if you don't have it so is all we're doing is we're using some 3m adhesive uh to stick it down to the concrete and taping the seams to keep it aligned to where there's no overlap and there's no gaps and that's pretty much it it's a very easy process just kind of tedious and uh once you get this done you're ready for the liner okay guys so now we have literally everything done we are ready to put the liner in just to kind of show you what you uh kind of have to expect if you're doing this yourself is we put a piece of osb which is a million dollars right now but we cap the top of the stairs because the stairs are in the envelope as far as the liner will be here until we get the water up but when we put the vacuum on it that has to be sealed up or it won't it won't pull a vacuum so we do this and then we just the liner sits in this track and when it gets over here we just tape the crap out of it to seal it up and then the only other thing we do other we got the liner foam daryl's down there fixing up come down here and i'll uh show you so any of the small penetrations like the returns just have a rubber gasket that's glued on there and we just put a seal on and then that seals up around the liner we cut it out but your bigger openings like your skimmers and your mains they'll come with two kind of a cork or you know some kind of fiber gasket and one of them has to be behind the liner and one of them has to be on the outside liner so the one behind the liner we just put it on here and put two of the screws in which is behind the liner same thing with the mains you can see we've got them sitting here we've got two screws holding it and what i'll do is as soon as the liner is in and it's starting to fill and it's stretching in where it goes i'll come over and i will find those screws and i'll poke the phillips head down into him puncture the liner and pull this screw back through put the other seal and the the ring on screw off all eight screws and then i'm done so that's actually how we hold them still while we're pulling the liner in so that's basically it you know we styrene walls get the light ready sk the returns are good to go when you when you put them in but then the gaskets clean clean clean and uh you know if you have a set of thermoplastic stairs you have to put a cap on those and then sit tight and you can watch us put the liner in so dropping a liner is one of the most fun rewarding things you can do because it takes it from looking like a janky hole in the ground to looking like an awesome pool in just minutes um it's so it's it's not overly difficult the liner does get a little hot but um it is uh it's a lot of fun like i said it just changes so much so fast what you see my guys doing there with the salt bags is a little trick of the trade that i do i'll explain more in a minute not necessary on this pool but when you have stairs under the liner or a sun ledge or something it's a nice little trick of the trade to kind of hold the liner into the shallow end and uh and keep it in place now we've got the liner dropped it's uh we got a vacuum running i apologize if the audio is terrible but we have to keep that on and what basically that kind of holds the liner in we still got a little work to do in the corners down here but something i like to do on these saltwater pools we got all this salt and what always happens is the water starts filling up the deep end and starts trying to pull the liner downhill so we make a little dam doesn't really have to be watertight but it'll hold a little bit of water inch or two maybe three if we're lucky in the shallow end before it flows downhill creating a lot of weight it's just going to make it a lot harder for that and just make the liner stretch in better so we're getting ready to turn the water on in the shallow end and as the deep end gets done i'll show you how we tap the main drains and then that's kind of it for the day we'll let it fill up another couple feet before we do anything else so uh we're almost done okay guys um i've got it i've got it screwed down onto the gasket now you have a nice sharp knife also you want one that folds up you don't want one that you're laying around in this thing you want to make sure this is everything i use a hand screwdriver when i'm down here not on the stairs and stuff where there's a ton of screws but just you want a lot of control you slip off of it with an impact you poke a hole in the liner you're patching a brand new liner but is all i'm going to do is work my way around this real quick just going to cut this liner away on the inside got a little air in the line still from when we cleaned it out a little bit ago so all right you want to hold on to that that's a good patch for later on now it comes with two screws that don't match the uh the rest of them they're machine thread with a pan head instead of a tapered head with kind of aggressive they're all stainless screws but obviously for saltwater pool you just put them on and you are good to go and then we just rinse and repeat on the other drain over there and we uh we go to the house for a couple hours it'll be a while before it fills up enough to do any more work so stay tuned so we weren't close enough to any fire hydrants to fill it up quickly so it was just sitting back for a couple days and waiting for the hose to catch up i just kicked on the uh the pump got everything running um salt generators our salt's a little high but we've got so much rain coming in i didn't think that was going to end up being a big deal because it's going to dilute a little bit and should be right on the money um pintair variable speed three quarter to one and a half horsepower pump right now i'm running it at like half power you can't even hear it from here to there it's so quiet burns no electricity uh we just have a an easy touch eight right here right now we just have um just the light running and the uh the salt chlorine generator and the pump so not a lot of stuff but it's all automated uh i will put a link in the description to all of our uh all of our parts this is a really nice you know moderate equipment pad here everything's really high quality but not terribly expensive so if you're building your own pool or getting somebody to build this is like uh really a premium uh pool kit for a beginner or a starter pool um this is all you really need to run a pool really nice got the ic60 right here making chlorine uh tr60 sand filter and again the pump and the easy touch and you're in business i'll take you over here and show you the pool and we'll get out of here hey guys finally got this one wrapped up uh just got the pumps kicked on a few minutes ago the uh chlorinator is uh making chlorine so we are we're in business it's about to rain all week so that'll kind of mess up the ph but we got it going icf vinyl liner um like i said these are diyable and uh so just wanted to kind of show you finished product i'll try to come back over here this evening show you kind of with the light on at night beautiful pool um gonna be a lot of fun this summer so glad i could finally get you the finished product and uh stay tuned we got some fancy pools and uh projects icf related coming up in the coming weeks so we will see you soon you
Channel: Cutting Edge Homes !
Views: 554,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 买房, springfield mo, icf, insulated concrete forms, icf pools, custom pools, vinyl liner pools, cutting edge homes, cutting edge pools, modern homes, modern pools, pentair pools, easy touch, icf building, swimming pool, custom swimming pool, cost effective pools, cheap pool
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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