Fastest Spaceships | Speed Comparison Of Famous Spacecrafts/Spaceships In The Universe
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Channel: The Buzz
Views: 1,121,379
Rating: 4.2031398 out of 5
Keywords: star wars, star trek, speed of light, Hypersonic jump, fastest aircraft in the world, fastest rocket in the world, fastest spaceship, fastest spacecraft speed, fastest spacecraft ever, fastest spacecraft in the world, spaceship size comparison halo, spaceship size comparison poster, millenium falcon speed, uss enterprise warp speed, uss enterprise full speed, star trek uss enterprise warp speed, fastest man made object, speed of lgight in mph
Id: hscmjYjxiug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
The Delorean is also on that list.
Serenity isn't a fast ship in sci-fi terms. There isn't even faster than light travel in Firefly.
Jesus, a ten minute video for what could've been a single image.
Pretty terrible video ngl.
Light speed = c, not "L".
This is one of the worst data visualizations I have ever seen. The tip of the vessel didn’t add up to its relative speed, which would be inexcusable on its own but there are more flagrant data presentation issues. Even the base of the bar charts didn’t line up with the speed. The speed was graphed at an arbitraetory spot in the middle. What the hell?!?!?
Joss Whedon has said that serenity travels at the speed of plot.
Also I don't understand...for the death star, it says "sublight engines" and has it going thousands of times faster than the speed of was too boring for me to bother after that. I'd at least like to know ANY of their criteria. I like the channel that uses physics and mass to determine things like which Batman is best, comparing batmobiles and such using as close to real logic as one could with fake things. This just seemed lame by comparison.
The Heart of Gold's engine is the Infinite Improbability Drive.
So much of this is just wrong.