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welcome to um oh what is it like a sun Golf Park wow that sounds very Scandinavian yes [Music] okay we went through the portal is right up ahead unless we get this is gonna be simple right oh okay oh I nearly got that you actually come on Jelly give me a hole in one give me a hole in one Josh I'm not moving come on just a hole in one jelly Josh just come wait there's a portal over there where do you think that's the real hole that's where we came out of Josh oh right yeah oh please get out of the way like I suppose I've got lots of time yeah a minute and 50. Josh I need you to get out of the way come on come on come on go a little angry am I really gonna have to try this in my first shot uh no this I hate these type of things this is really why is this the first one yes no way I literally land it next to it why didn't I in four shots I'm not that bad clearly and Josh did it what the heck come on I kind of had the same thing Josh damn that's a really bad start dude that is a bad start for Josh and a good start what is this the arrow says right is it true it is true but so far there's not been any secret trolls stuff bye Jenny are you kidding me I did that too fast oh come on I thought that was the right angle oh I just Jelly's just wrong [Music] oh okay Josh [Music] [Laughter] did you make it yeah I did ah hey unless he's serious three shots again Josh listen to me you really gotta start trying to catch up with me man yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you wait you wait all right big hit I'm gonna V and go ahead yeah right oh oh oh not bad oh I actually made it though oh jelly yeah oh yeah she made it as well yeah I made it as well my shock consistency is awful today oh oh you did the same as me that's fine okay I'm happy yeah can I do anything I'm still stuck behind you though yep that was really poor yeah you've done way harder shots than this Jenny I don't know why you're struggling that oh my goodness are you serious right now did I fly are you serious I know I think we are no it's the stress stuff yeah it is it is it gets it really builds up you know it builds up the stress builds it gets too much to handle the problem is that my ball keeps on like moving oh no oh why did you reset I'd accidentally did that oh okay two shots away you are now two points behind instead of one two nine or six or whatever yeah greatest comeback ever oh shimmy oh bye daddy I don't know this is where jelly suddenly just remembers he's bad at the game Josh don't be rude well I feel like the graphics of this game changed I think it's just the map is different oh you've got this job so we're just gonna do like that all right easy mate oh don't Josh you did it oh no you caught up with me yeah I've done it in five we both yeah and now it's like nothing ever happened yeah right no that's not the case Josh we're gonna fly over this inspected oh I just dodged that I think oh no you need it Josh huh it's kind of good if you have oh wait there's a thing that you can go down oh come on that's actually going to help you quite a lot I think I think so come on come on keep it up come on oh I was hoping I could hit you oh come on no all right in four shots four shots I guess you're gonna do it in five which means I'm back in first place oh you sick shots oh and five and five oh all right all right all right Josh you got to put that Focus face back on Focus face you're gonna need it where did it go it's not poker face but poker wow hey all right okay okay all right we got a loop-de-loop and then and then a fairly reasonable haul I'd say where are you guys yeah it is fairly reasonable I'm gonna line it up oh get out of the way I could have done a wave get out of there way better shot than that can you please hit me uh closer oh thank you I hate you hey let's go did I literally do that you just put me into equality with you nope first place and now and let's play you just went here you go Josh and handed me that W thanks Josh we're not even halfway yet anything can still happen all right true true all right so let me quickly have a quick inspect okay yes yes we just gotta go super fast ah what is that don't talk about it okay probably uh probably as bad as that yeah oh bye too fast Vibe jelly you know what A vibe is it's a Vibe bro can I get this do I know what a Vibe is oh let's go okay I'm gonna get some shots on you for this I think because I got a really good last hit big last place see I did I got this shot here that really yeah did you now oh congratulations thanks buddy thanks thanks remember you said anything can happen such as you failing really hard I'm now Five Points yeah you are I'm stressing it's an embarrassment for everyone really for my family um okay should have made that really where are you going wasted a shot how would I have not wasted that jelly I don't know what you mean that was my only chance [Music] all right look at that now hit me in Josh oh no way hit me and get it okay no thank you we're eating five which means I caught up with a point yeah yeah we're gonna need to do a lot more than that oh maybe a bit High maybe a bit higher okay maybe a bit more am I supposed to go I think you're supposed to kill me [Music] actually it doesn't matter if you don't oh that was kind of a cool shot actually are we gonna get him in the same amount of points now boring come on I'm boring I'm boring yeah I did the cool shot what nice epic F epic shot get out my way get out me way never mind I'm back hello Oh I thought she didn't hit me oh come on I should have learned from you and not shoot so fast oh oh is that helping you I don't know how to make it okay does this work no stay on the edge stay on that edge oh it's holding on to that barely oh this is bad for me man I'm not gonna lie this is a devastating platform to be hit from yeah I see that I see that I'm already on seven shots mate so not doing too well oh yo welcome wait well how I don't know how but I just smacked it across the hole and just gave you another hit so oh thank you Josh that was really kind of you yeah you also give yourself another yeah but if you'd Fallen lower then it would have been a big W I'm not too upset oh I think we gotta I think we gotta do a loop-de-loop Josh I got it I got oh thanks jelly you're welcome thank you very much okay we're gonna make it to the end actually only on the water really oh bye I don't think oh I bounced off the edge not too bad no no so close yeah yeah just say that you're on four shots oh Josh come on just stop oh you messed me up babe I messed up myself now I hate you ah remember jelly Anything Can Happen ah I don't think I actually gained or lost anything on that but hitting you again but it makes you frustrated and upset which is it doesn't make me frustrated go on the other side there's literally two sides why why come with me oh oh this is better oh am I supposed to be going down here I don't think so Josh all right waiting for you hey come on Josh come on go ahead and make it hello Jelly hello all righty Josh are you gonna make it or fake it I mean if you hit me off I could just get straight back to that same shot yeah that's true maybe I should just not bother no no you should have bothered no no I'm still behind I'm still behind six points let's go oh block oh look I got blocked not bad you got blocked no don't go buy a block oh that was just a block why did you reset that as you oh no chase that was close in four I'm still six points behind four maps to go Josh you're not even looking anymore ah I'm not looking bro I'm stressing and it's not working out for me okay where are we actually going I'm doing terrible I I think I'm last place now oh no you've been last place oh yeah all right right okay yeah all right oh oh oh I just figured something out oh oh hey you couldn't you couldn't do it that's not too bad come on I was kind of smart yeah I guess but I'm still kind of far behind how did you get a ball behind me that was so simple I was just stress shooting at the start Josh but it was the simplest thing I know I know okay aha hello okay so now we just gotta make sure not to fly over because that's kind of a reset yeah don't fly over the smell you smell it he messed it up No it didn't [Laughter] I'm a little member when you used to be in first local needs to hack oh my goodness a miracle indeed [Laughter] yeah jelly you know what never mind I don't know I was gonna try and say something positive but nothing came to me thank you for that all right that's all right that's really cool let me just send you back for one uh one last one just to say just a real sealer deal it wasn't really that bad oh I still have an F see I'm here oh come on oh come on I shot you back so nicely all right you've got to gain like quite a few jelly I've got a DNA and you've got to do really well I'm on third oh I nearly all in one bit no you didn't oh man just please let the boy be a boy where'd you go oh oh I'm not doing too well Josh oh straight to the beginning how did you end up there oh oh you made it ah oh come on I'm upset I think I'm just gonna shoot out it's been uh it's been a couple but you lost Josh I'm 20 points behind wait I have 20 more points okay no we didn't stop congratulations myself
Channel: Slogo
Views: 618,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, FASTEST HOLE In ONE in Golf It!, golf it, jelly, troll hole, speed golf
Id: cNnSvPI4B5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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