FASTEST Attacking GOD BOOSTED Boomerang Monkey EVER! (Bloons TD 6)

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what's going on everybody my name's Ryan or Tootsie and today and balloons tv6 we're gonna be God boosting the the boomerang way I almost said engineer monkey but we're not God boosting an engineer monkey we're gonna be God boosting the permit charge boomerang monkey because I think it would be crazy because he's one of the fastest attacking towers in the game and how fast can we get this guy to attack I don't know but we're gonna figure it out so he is a primary monkey which makes things really really fun hear me out ninja kiwi you guys need to add a hero that is a strictly support hero a hero that's just like maybe just like an a monkey like a music monkey and he just like plays these tunes and makes every monkey attack faster okay that's what I want give me give me this okay it would make everything green but you guys know how it goes the first thing that we want to do is we want to get a whole bunch of cash drops because we cheat what we're gonna do guys in this mode is we're gonna play to round 100 just because that's how crazy it is and we play on the intermediate map and we play on firing range firing range is the easiest one and we play on the easy difficulty because we kind of need to play on the easy difficulty or else we're kind of and uh everything's expensive okay so first things first we sell this guy for $1,000 and now for those of you that haven't seen the god boo strategy basically the idea is we want this monkey to be as powerful as possible without the interference of other towers we want this monkey by himself to pop everything wait what's this oh we can pop we can make him left-handed the left-handed boomerang monkey okay I don't know why but I want him to be left-handed there we go we're gonna need a bunch of we're gonna need all of these okay there we go now that we summoned all these things we can start going getting ahead on our banana farms banana farms are really really important so we go ahead and we want to get valuable bananas and now let's level it up one more time okay I kind of messed that up I put that look at that farm no it's too far away that's okay we can go ahead and we're gonna need a couple of monkey farmers so now what we're gonna want to do is we're gonna put our banana farmer right there he's just gonna collect some bananas for us he's just gonna do his thing we're gonna go perma charge but do we want more so can throw boomerangs further than norm and then boomerangs now pop roses and let's and do more damage to all improve rings can pop up to eight balloons per throw and this one throws sharper and faster glaives okay so we're definitely gonna go glaives because that seems pretty powerful faster throwing faster rings Bionic boomerang now what we can do is start working more on just getting more money in general we're gonna get ourselves up nice banana research facility because we're going to need a lot of money okay and I mean a lot of money for this to work okay we're gonna need to have ourselves a true Sun god temple we're gonna want ourselves engineers we're gonna want this guy to be super lookout fast this guy attacks already this guy is already like attacking like a crazy fast speed like look at him go he's like murder this guy is going to be absolutely crazy when we're done eventually we're gonna want to put a village in here and just absorb all the blinky farms just for even more money and eventually we will want to get the son got temple because the Sun God once we get the Sun God temple makes it so we make even more money which is like really really good so we're gonna put our village down and that's gonna increase his range we can do bigger radius jungle drums so primary training and he is a primary monkey is gonna be really nice but we're gonna want to just go ahead and get monkey intelligence bureau which means he can pop any type of balloon so we don't have to worry about camel balloons we don't have to worry about LED balloons we don't have to worry about any of those balloons we're just good we can take a sit back we can take a breather and we can focus more on just not on getting money right we're starting to make a lot of money now but anti research facility this guy attacks really really fast and he's not even like done should we Maxim out I don't honestly it doesn't matter yet does it he we don't need we don't need to waste the money on it why would we Royce the money on it when we can just go ahead and just start getting oh my gosh we're almost look at this look at how fast we're making so much money I can't even put everything down now oh wait no no what I can't put this guy down wait wait there we go we could barely put that down so basically Primmer charges permanently super fast attacks me so look look how fast this guy texts this is by himself this is by himself that's how fast he's attacking this is going to be super do SuperDuper crazy so the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna get an engineer we're gonna put our engineer down here this guy we're gonna just level up right in the middle and we're gonna get ultra boost okay now what we want is we're gonna need to get ourselves some robots we're actually going to want a couple of robots here we're gonna need like six or seven robots okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take the robot and we're gonna put the robot next to this guy and now it's time so we're gonna ultra boost them and then we're gonna tell the robot to keep ultra boosting them so now this guy knows just just keep ultra boosting I'm right that's his job that's what he's gonna be focusing on and now we spent about $100,000 on the engineer monkey which means we can now get our super monkey to and we can put our super monkey down so we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna put our super monkey down right about here so a plasma blast Sun avatar and Sun Temple Oh is he in range he's definitely in range he's is he in range he's actually not in range so what we're gonna do is we're gonna put a village right here and now now he what oh wait yeah yeah but now he's like definitely in range he's definitely in range now so what we can do is we're gonna turn it go ahead and to get our Sun temple so we're gonna go ahead and do our temple sacrifice okay we need to make sure we can get there we go bigger radius is he have he doesn't the Sun Temple effect on him nice okay now we can level this guy up and get ultra boost again and now we're doing just fine so this guy has the sun-god temple effect on him which is very nice that's all we want and now we can link these guys back together so now what we need to do is basically we just need to save up for the true Sun god temple which costs four hundred and twenty five thousand dollars that's pretty expensive but we're gonna make it work oh my gosh look how fast it shoots it's just a constant stream it's amazing I love how this guy looks here here we can let's swap him he's right-handed now I love how you can swap it back and forth I don't know why you can do that but it's pretty amazing we're already at round 40 here we go first Moab oh my gosh the Moab didn't stand a chance that's amazing but we're going into FreePlay guys we're not stopping here okay because we need to keep going we need to see how powerful this strategy is we're at $200,000 we have so much money how many times this guy's been ultra boosted four times but we're not done just yet we're gonna need quite a lot of towers lots of money look at that okay now let's change it so he goes the other way look at that so you can actually change which way he like attacks that's so cool oh we have enough money so what we can do now is we can get the oh we can get the truce on got a temple but we actually need to sell that the sun-god still in the radius oh no no no no that's done that was not a good that was not a part of the plan okay is the sun-god okay so now we need to get it to the true Sun god that could have been really bad I just was not ready for that okay so now what we can do is we're gonna put you're gonna go here okay so now bigger radius jungle drums and then you're gonna get call to arms okay perfect what's the radius of this guide is this geyser radius is a little bit too big but that's okay put our permanent brew here yeah this guy's arranged is a little bit too too too far but that's okay so what's his range now yeah so his range is a little bit too far but I think that's okay because I don't think anything's ever gonna get past these two levels anyways so so far we're doing pretty good but we're not ready we're not there just yet so now we're gonna want to get a another engineer we're gonna want to ultra boost them and then we're gonna link these guys together so we can be ultra boosted we also we want a swimming pool but and put our swimming pool right here and we're gonna want a submarine so we're gonna get energizer and now we have energizer energizer is really good because it gives us a 20% cooldown reduction across the board there we go we can start ultra boosting this guy and we're gonna link to him so now he's ultra boosted he's got the Sun God temple effect on him but we're still not and he's also got the permit brew yeah he's also got perma brew wait does that mean he can also have here we're gonna put the village right there this village we need to make sure he has primary training on it which is really really nice and now we also are going to need another village this village is gonna be away from him and this village is going have homeland defense so ability now increases attack speed and pops a hundred percent for all monkeys for 20 percent so we're gonna make sure that that's there because that's gonna increase his attack speed and we also are gonna want one more village bigger radius yeah that that's still gonna grab them so that's fine okay so we have to call to arms buildings so all of these are in range what else were we missing you know what we also we're also missing is we're missing our little attack speed guy so there's our extra attack speed guys so now what we're gonna do is we need to put down our robots so those robots I was talking about before we need three of them because these guys are gonna be links to these guys so they always have a boost going and now as soon as this one wears off I need to do the next one okay there we go and so now the boot now should be going there we go so now it just goes all the time so he should oh my gosh look at that he's shooting oh my gosh that's so crazy what is even happening okay retards look at that that is amazing and then we can also use this ability look he's shooting at two different places at once what is even happening that is so cool I don't know this guy's pretty boosted this guy's got okay ready to be if he's oh my gosh those were to be if he's at the same time oh we also are gonna want some monkey boosters here we go so we're already around 66 I feel like the Moab's like he literally pops Moab's like they're like red balloons literally just a couple of hits and then these mobs are just out of here look at that we're almost out of million dollars we don't even need any more money we just go ahead and sell these things we don't we do not need all these monkey farms the banana farmers you guys are your guys are good is that a BF P or red balloon I'm not sure like oh my gosh it dies instantly it just gets your rented holy cow this guy is non-stop just been shredding balloons she's at 200,000 pops right now this is amazing this guy is so overpowered literally like nothing has gotten even close to getting to the second level now maybe in the beginning of the game but now that this guy has been God boosted it these guys don't stand a chance this boomerang monkey is crazy he's unstoppable also we need don't forget like you we can just do this which makes him even more deadly right watch this all right so we're gonna boost him look at that oh my gosh she actually just annihilates these beat if he's okay this is normal speed oh my gosh that looks so cool alright let's let's we need to buy a slowed a slow-mo thing I really want to see so we're gonna boost them and then we're gonna slow it down and then I want to see like what happens when he goes up against the zomg and we definitely need to go up against the bad balloon tube because like round 80 there's there's no testing here there's no we have no idea what's happening this guy is just getting like completely destroyed but like I mean come on we're around 78 and it's like we're kind of yawning here because it's boring cuz it's so easy I've never used one of these what does it look like that's pretty cool I mean it's never really gonna be used but I just kind of curious in what it looks like it has even little like sensors right there so this is the zone gene okay so here it comes all right we're gonna all right we're gonna slow it down oh no no maybe we slowed it down too soon we might have slowed it down way too soon no it's okay it's okay alright here we go this is it oh my gosh that's so crazy okay let's just go full speed full speed ahead all right we can recharge this guy not like look at this these are all just be Effie's and they're just getting annihilated look at that it's like three different projectiles just like going around as Earl it's just like this snake that's just drawing itself up in a bow as it goes and annihilates everything this is just overpowered it's so crazy and then we can just like hair let's just not to mention we still can just use our boost whenever we want to make it so it does extra damage like we haven't need you to have any help from this son got temple the true son by the way that your son got temples made almost as much money as this guy has in popping balloons which is kind of crazy all right to zomg s what happens that's like that's what it does to is OMG is it pops it so fast it has it pops the zone G so fast that has to stop shooting because it has to wait for the other balloons to catch up that is how fast this guy pops to zOMG that is crazy look at him go alright guys if you want to see more true Sun God videos or like god booster videos or blues TV sitting general hit the like button subscribe and turn on notifications crazy awesome volume okay we're at round this is still like yawns just like it's too easy this is too easy so far guys like what is what is it happening he literally shoots in two directions at once leave is oh oh those are DDT's guys did you see that those those were DDT's and they just melted - this guy's power this looks like more of a challenge look at all these OMGs alright let's go let's go oh man it's still nothing it's still nothing alright round 100 you guys you better look out cuz round 100 this guy is leave this as anything nothing's popped any balloons what about what about our alchemist hasn't popped anything either this guy is the only thing that's popped any balloons whatsoever no balloons have gotten by it literally I don't think a single thing has gotten passed right here I'm gonna put my curse here let's see if any balloon gets past that that right there I don't think so I haven't seen a single balloon get past there I'm watching but I don't think so I don't think a single balloon is gonna get past that maybe at the bad balloon maybe alright 6 zOMG s let's see not nothing got even close oh my goodness that is amazing alright for two fives OMGs alright yan yan not even close okay maybe this is gonna do it nope still not even getting it close no balloons are gonna get past here all the DVDs all the DVDs finally did it the DDT's finally got past it okay all right we're gonna recharge okay we're gonna slow down okay and now we're gonna boost it Lila's and the damage oh my gosh that was incredible let's do we did it guys that was amazing round 100 has been completed guys look at the pops almost 2 million pops that was SuperDuper awesome guys if you enjoyed make sure to hit that like button subscribe and turn on notifications thank you so much for watching guys I appreciate you guys you guys are amazing and I'll see you guys tomorrow for some more awesome content what what - video we got but you gotta oh boy we got a boomerang monkey that we're doing that that was awesome thanks for watching guys I'll see you guys tomorrow bye everybody
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 247,386
Rating: 4.9054089 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, bloons tower defense 6, Bloons TD 6 Boomerang Monkey, btd 6 Boomerang Monkey, bomb tower, ultra boosted Boomerang Monkey, bloons td 6 ultra boosted, funny, gaming, Tewtiy, Tewiy, Tewtiy bloons td 6, tier 5 Boomerang Monkey, bloons td 6 tier 5 bomb tower, btd 6 tier 5, bloons, btd, bloons td, bomb shooter, BTD 6 Boomerang Monkey, Ultra Boosted Boomerang Monkey, Mobile, Mobile game, Gaming, God boosted, Perma Charge, bloons td battles, Boomerang Monkey
Id: TAHbIY-w3Ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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