GOD Boost DRUID is INSANE! (Superstorm in Bloons TD 6 is OVERPOWERED!)

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what's going on everyone my name's Ryan is Judy and you guys have seen the title and thumbnail you already know what today's video is about weird god boosting the Drude monkey and I could not be more excited about it because honestly I have no idea what's about to happen because I almost never use the superstorm drew ions I just almost never use it it's $90,000 it's one of the most expensive towers in the game but there's probably a reason for that right and so today we're gonna get to the bottom of how powerful this Tower can actually be because we're going to take this tower and take it to the max okay so the first thing that we're gonna need to do before we can get the most out of this tower is we're gonna need to use the hero open because open once you get on them gives you nature's clarity with all magic monkeys get +5 range and plus 3 Pierce making magic monkeys even more powerful so we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna grab open and on top of that we're gonna go over and get in some more monkey knowledge because we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna get the warm oak which $100 less cost ball lightning hits has a chance to freeze balloons after doing damage so now we have a chance to freeze all balloons that we hit and on top of that drew tornado spawned three smaller tornadoes when they expire making the tornado too even more powerful making the Drude even more powerful we're gonna spare no expense because we want this tower to be as powerful as possible first things first we're gonna remove this guy and we're gonna throw our drew down so here's our Drude and we want to be on like the very far spot right there and that's all we need so first things first is we're gonna spawn in a team cash drops I know I know 80 cash drop seems like a lot and it's 100% is cheating and I say this every time I do the strategy this is not meant to be used in normally the goblins to strategy is completely unreliable it's not a good strategy it's just a lot of fun to see what the maximum potential of a tower can be so we're gonna go ahead and put all of these things down and you guys know what's up is we're gonna go ahead and get ourselves a banana because banana farms are what makes it so nice get ourselves some money and look at this we're already doing great we need to now we can actually double the speed we can put on thrive thrive increases how much money we get by 25% because well let's face it we want to be able to give this as quickly as possible so what we can do now is we really need to think about how we want to level this character we know we want the top path dual you know at the middle path or the bottom path so this increases range by a large amount and heart of engines gain attack speed for up to 100 lives loss after getting this upgrade lives above maximum do not count so basically the more lives you lose the better it is but at the same time that doesn't seem that good right like I don't think that's really something that I will want I mean so for up to 100 lives loss after getting this upgrade so I don't know how fast the attack but on top of this shoots eight shots instead of five and thorns convert regrow moons and moons I think we want to get heart of vengeance I think we're eventually going to get drew decree chand heart of vengeance because that's just gonna give us even more attack range in the tech speed so let's go ahead and we also want to get part of vengeance and now we're probably gonna wanna glit actually let some balloons pass because of the balloon pass and we lose lives were actually gonna gain more attacks me making the tower even stronger we're probably gonna want to get a full thing because we need the true Sun God temple we're gonna need to max out our alchemists our Drude our village we need to put an energizing totem down by this guy as soon as we get the chance there's just a lot that we're gonna need to do so we just be patient hold out and we'll be fine nothing to worry about alright we can put this guy down we're already at nine thousand dollars that is amazing it's always so nice like how fast and exponentially you grow when you start getting all these banana farms down it's awesome right now we have no chance of losing any live which is a little unfortunate because I kind of wanted to lose some lives because it increases his attack speed but I don't know how much it increases in touch beat if we could lose like exactly 100 lives that would be amazing and remember guys if you're enjoying make sure to hit that like button subscribe and turn our notifications beam to those who know you guys do alright oh no maybe some balloons are gonna get by come on no balloons are getting by this is very unfortunate I am very sad but now I can buy on the next banana research facility we already have five of these bad boys we're working on six and the more we get the faster we get them because they start making so much money I mean look at this $22,000 is how many of these both have made still this shirts actually popping a lot and he doesn't even have that many upgrades on Drude might be a little bit underrated i don't reuse them that often up there we go no they didn't get all the way through okay here comes some of the yellow balloons there we go no they're only popping our spikes now this is so unfortunate we need more balloons to start getting by they're only popping these spikes we're not losing any lives I wonder if it'll let us know once it's lost lives right so it gains attack speed for up to 100 lives lost after getting this upgrade so we want to definitely lose some lives for this to be worthwhile I mean we're only on round 16 right now so I've never like thought about it but like why losing lives intentionally to get a stronger Tower seems a little bit ridiculous okay there we go there we go okay so we've lost so far we've lost 33 lives he is attacking faster now - what you see I'm pretty sure he's attacking faster now definitely attacking faster all right we're gonna see how many of these balloons because eventually some of these blue hopefully will get by oh yeah a bunch of booms are gonna get by here or at least hopefully yeah look so oh yeah here we go here we go and not enough only 50 but is he attacking faster now he's totally attacking faster now yes this is such a good strategy okay as I'm intentionally losing alright we need to lose 100 lives that's the plan once we lose exactly 100 lives we'll be able to get going from there we also need $85,000 it's gonna get harder and harder to lose lights because this guy's just getting stronger and stronger all right here we go all right and okay we lost 100 lives he's gonna have max attacks me from that now oh my goodness okay now we observe that we get that and now we're good to go all right $85,000 banana centrioles up and running so now this guy's got maximum attack speed this is just the normal tower he's not buffed by anything right now which is kind of crazy to think about oh we need okay we're gonna hit this guy with a village and then radar scanner radar scanner oh no they got by I mean whatever but look at this guy's range and now we can hit up there look at that look how powerful he is he sends out lightning so fast oh no wait oh we can hit yeah monkey intelligence zero now we can hit all types of balloons no worries no questions asked and while we're working on it well might as well just make some more banana farms right all right there we go and boom okay we are making insane amounts of money right now this is awesome and this guy is still here we can just go ahead and get the ball lightning how fast is he gonna throw out the ball lightning oh look at that so those are the small tornadoes that come out winning like sends it that's so cool and that ball lightning that's so powerful and he's popping it's done we can get super strong with cost of seventy-six thousand and we can max them out now but I don't think it's really that big of a deal because right now I think we want to focus on getting that true Sun God which is the most important so let's go ahead and get that to Sun God temple let's pop them down you guys know he gets put down right there on that second layer tracks and now let's go ahead and we want to get Sun avatar and let's go ahead and get ourselves a engineer and we can go ahead and just it blew traffic and now we're gonna go into Sun Temple which is gonna be 85,000 dollars and now we just got to be patient got up to patient and we got to wait to make all the money that we need to make it's very unfortunate this doesn't reach him yet but I guess we can put a village right there he's still not close enough okay well what if we put a brewmaster down for now and then oh no it's this guy this guy's not in rain for the brewmaster I need to make sure he's in range okay now both things are in range there we go and now hopefully okay so now look he says he is the true Sun God effect on the personal nature that's very strange either way we're gonna keep leveling him up look how fast he sends out those like the balls of lightning now that's awesome he's just sending him out there if we want to we could go ahead and get the I love oh he's just barely in luinis and I mean barely in that radius we've got to keep saving up money because we need four hundred and twenty five thousand dollars for this next upgrade which is incredibly expensive I mean the world we're halfway there but still I'm really excited to see how powerful this towers gonna become because right now he's doing a lot he's sending out like lightning bolts and tornadoes and it's amazing and we still have that $61,000 up here that we need to get which was normally 90,000 Joseph show that I don't want to get your your villages and your supports here make sure to put down your support son got temple before making anything whoa that was just a normal Moab and he's not really even buffed I mean he has the one Sun God buff but he's not ultra boosted and he doesn't have most of his buffs on him at all so this is already looking really really good for us okay he's at twelve four hundred thousand we need about 450 ish thousand dollars before I feel safe with everything I mean he's gonna start making us even because this guy makes $10,000 around the true Sun God makes a lot more than that so we're gonna sell this guy and then we can go ahead and get the true Sun god I'm actually gonna put a village right here and I'm gonna get ourselves the homeland defense just so we can put it on them and we're gonna get the true Sun gone boom all right so there's the true Sun guy temple and now we can really start working on this so first thing first you want to make sure this guy's in range for both of them and then you guys know it's up jungle drums and make sure he is the call to arms and he has the whole shebang now we also want to get ourselves a brewmaster did the brewmaster increases the range of everything we'll have all the permit Abreu is only $30,000 that's really cheap and really amazing now let's go ahead and we can put down this engineer monkey and for the sheet price of only $60,000 we can buy Ultra Bridge that's so nice you guys know what's up it's we got to start just ultra drew from you guys and for us to do that we're going to need ourselves some robots and we're gonna get just a couple of robots just cuz it makes our lives a whole lot easier because we can take the robot and then we link it to this guy and now he's just gonna every chance he gets he's gonna ultra boost them now what else do we need we need open where's our part where's our friend open let's go ahead and we can put open down right here now that opens down let's level open up all the way up to level 11 or we get nature's clarity so this guy's gonna get open buff as well and we can get permanent brew all right so we have pretty much all of the buffs on them except we also still need to get this buff on him which makes them attack even faster on top of that so if we look right now he's being ultra boosted buff by open buff by the village he's also buffed by the brewmaster and the Sun got down low so he's getting a lot of different buffs right now which is really really really nice next thing we definitely want is to get ourselves the submarine so here's against oh my gosh he sends out tornadoes so fast that seems that's crazy that's amazing alright let's go ahead and put down our submarine you guys know what's up energizer up in here energizer makes it so all cooldowns are just reduce it's just it's not that big of you don't have but having it is very very nice look at him go look how fast he sends out like these these pink lightning bolts and they just kind of go forever as long as the games going he sends them out he just gets so many pops and we don't even have super storm I completely forgot let's level this guy up oh my gosh I didn't even realize what have we created he sends out tornadoes like no other and all the other tiny tornadoes come out of nowhere oh no we've done a terrible terrible thing this is amazing okay what else could we get here we can just recharge this I mean look look at these Moab's these molds are just getting pushed back without a single chance of ever getting forward he sends out so many own because of the tax rate is just so fast he's not even cool the ultra boosted yet he's still getting stronger this isn't how powerful he's going to become this is insane this looks so cool look at him go you know Oh does this guy have I don't want that on this permanent we can put him there and now I really only want I don't want him throwing down always like the acid stuff every way oh my gosh this lightnings crazy he's already popped fifty thousand balloons this guy is really underrated I know he's got boosted right now but holy cow look at that like that's insane that's complete insanity I don't like I really want to start going up against stronger balloons right now because right now this is way too easy for me this is way too easy look at us go we're taking on everything right now with oh my goodness this is insanity this is just a superstorm oh it literally is called super Sun I didn't even realize that but like this is hurricane this is return this is this is one of the great this is crazy this games so powerful I can't even like go I need this I wish is like a bunch of bad balloons person to me so we could really see how powerful this Tower is because right now this is insanity absolute insanity okay mom oh my gosh the Lightning is what's like the craziest thing because I think the Lightning also gets okay here's a B if B let's see what happens all right we're gonna we're gonna bump them and then recharge them that was so many tornadoes oh my goodness this is so cool balloons don't stand a chance anymore I if this effects bad balloons you I think you can just I don't think you lose I really don't think you lose it depends how strong this guy is against like big strong balloons but right now it's looking like this guy just not gonna be worried about anything cuz he pushes bones back any attacks so fast cuz I'm assuming that when he's not ultra come out a little bit slower but right now he doesn't care look at him go like we can just use this and you can attack look at that oh my gosh look at that sprayed look at how fast he attacks that's insanity he's almost at a hundred thousand pops right now we're only on round 63 but man what's unfortunate is it pushes it out of the range so we can't see how fast you look it pushes the PFP all the way back to the beginning now it has to come back out this is great if you want to have like a like a farm where you just get tons and tons of money look now we have to wait again get more balloons come out it's a little tedious honestly because he's he's so powerful that he just pushes all the balloons back instantly so he can't even pop up he's too powerful for his own good push all these balloons back cuz like I wish he was at a different angle right because the tornado is kind of go up at this strange like left angle so it doesn't like always like stay on the balloons it'd be nice if he was at like a straight line and kind of double the tornados went at a proper angle but honestly I'm not gonna complain because this is amazing this works out exactly the way I wanted to but man these tornadoes are crazy even like the super tiny tornado send out other smaller tornadoes oh I see what's going on never mind so he sends tornadoes out as weak as well as the big tornadoes so we send up small tornadoes big tornadoes and the lightning thing each one of these having its own additional attack speed buffs and Pierce damage buff so it's like having all these other little towers that also do like bonus damage like this guy most things aren't even getting into the tank range we attack something you can see for just just a millisecond that he sends out he shoots spikes at him and so even when things are like in his range it doesn't matter but a lot of the times that nothing can get a news range because of how powerful this guy is like what's gonna happen once we go up against the famed BFP or the zomg or even a bad villain right look at that that's still kind of just at least we can buff them making a little bit stronger six rounds away until we hit around 80 guys let me know in the comment section down below what do you think of this tower is this tower just absolutely insane I think it is this is just a la this tower just feels so powerful how are we doing so far we got the Druids at 200,000 pumps not bad not bad do we even need all these banana farms we can just go ahead and sell them because I mean we have one point by the million dollars you can we can retire these banana farmers these banana farmers are like the Bill Gates of the banana community now they're so rich we're just gonna buy like a yacht and they're just gonna be done they don't need to do anything else anywhere The Alchemist enough nothing is popping at any balloons which is really cool and this concluded yeah nothing's popped anything not that anything actually gets a chance properly because as soon as it gets in the range of this guy it's just it just instantly gets pushed back to the start all right we're gonna buff this and let's see attack speed oh my gosh that's so many tornadoes look at the tornados I can't wait to I'm gonna so I'm gonna unlink this guy and then oh my gosh those are all ceramics annihilate it everything annihilated and as soon as the zomg walks in I really hope the zones you can't get be pushed back by this guy because it can we're gonna see the full wrath and fury of this guy which I also think is kind of funny is because like avatar of wrath is this one but you're gonna see it you're gonna see everything just torn into this hour it's just gonna be insane we're at 1.7 million dollars I just want to see what happens when we go up against his oMG that's all I want to see how amazing is that gonna be that's gonna be so cool 78 two more rounds that's all we got to do that's all we got to do what are we waiting on oh my gosh it's so annoying when it's kind of like Pat fussy when you like use Matt busty cuz it takes forever I love when you boost them and then everything just goes crazy okay so let's recharge this because in one more round so let's go ahead and turn off auto start as we get ready for this let's unlink this guy oh he is not he's not linked anymore okay cool so that's unlinked everything's ready to go what's this guy's range so the range is about right here so the zom-- she's probably gonna come out on the left side and show up and then we're gonna hit them with everything we got I'm gonna use the blinky boost which makes them attack twice as fast and so we haven't even seen this true power yet but once we go up it against the zone G we're gonna see the true power of this Drude the superstorm Giroud and I'm a little bit spooked a little bit spoon okay this is getting a little bit ridiculous having no wait okay I'm I'm just gonna do this I'm just gonna use this because that's so I don't want to have to wait that long having to go through all of that so let's do this in three two one and start the battle alright do what I kind of want to play this in double speed well let's play it let's not do double speed okay so here he is it's on his way it's on his way okay so oh my goodness alright what it does push the zone G back oh no it's gonna take so long zone jeez have no chance can I even push back bad bullet oh my gosh it's still pushing his own G back it's still pushing the zomg back all of my abilities have refreshed now oh my gosh here it comes again what's even happening okay what's its range its range was right there okay and you don't even get like a chance it just gets pushed back constantly it literally will never kill the tower okay eventually it will kill the tower but like look at that look at that it just doesn't it does a lot of damage but it doesn't have any time to hit them cuz it instantly pushes the zone G back all the way to the start this is crazy alright I really want to see what happens against like a bad balloon right a bad ruling is what's gonna make it in oh my goodness are we still waiting and then here it comes again alright use all the all the buffs on it let's see and look at that in Justin's but then it just pushes it back oh my gosh okay this is gonna take forever guys just bear with me just bear with me as we wait for this a whole my gosh it's still going how is this happening why is this a thing Oh No why did I do this oh this is crazy literally the only thing that can get by are bad balloons then right and even then he attacks them so quickly and so powerfully there we go we finally popped the zOMG we were so close okay there we go look at look at him go all right here comes the final one and as soon as this shows up okay here we go and then boop boop go there we go last but not least this demo ops we finally did it okay that took five ever but we finally completed that challenge let me know in the comment section below what do you guys think thanks for watching everyone I love you and I'll see you guys later for some more awesome videos bye whoa
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 339,275
Rating: 4.8867526 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, Superstorm, BTD 6 Superstorm, Bloons TD 6 super storm, Ultra boosted superstorm, Bloons TD 6 support towers, Tewtiy, Bloons TD 6 tewtiy, Btd 6 challenge, Bloons TD 6 challenge, Mobile, Gaming, Mobile gaming, Btd, Bloons td, god boosted, god boosted druid, druid tier 5, tier 5, tier 5 upgrade, Ultra Boosted druid, God boosted druid, ultra boosted druid, druid, druid god boosted, druid ultra boosted
Id: WoXuvjVJfo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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