Farmall M Electronic Ignition Installation

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everybody Farmall fanatic Here I am in the process of putting on a new module electronic ignition module in this distributor now I did go with buy a set of points and condenser for this but I talked to the company and they gave me some ideas as to what to do to continue using the module and not burn it out now here's the thing they sent me a new one and gave me a five-year warranty on it so I'm down I'm happy and they're providing me with exactly what I wanted now if you've never used one of these it's all magnetized this goes right around them this isn't the one I'm going to use but goes right around the shaft there and then the spacing you don't have to have a you know you know when you buy points they send you the little spacer it's automatically done at the factory so it's even easier than points no points are easy so this is the new set up here I'm going to be putting on here really really easy to do in fact this one's already I see this one's already mounted at the base so here's your base it's already mounted I'm gonna put it in there I'm gonna take that old base out of there and then put this one in there but super super easy to do [Music] so that's what I'm doing today oh I removed the mounting bracket off the out of the distributor itself you can see there's two holes here those are the holes those are the same holes where the points go so it's pretty much you want to make sure you keep your screws though because you're gonna use them on the next mounting base which this modules already attached to the base so there you go nice and easy I'm gonna bend that right around or not bend it but conform it I should say okay so the new module is in place you can see that all they did was wear the point screws were I mounted the the base the module was already as I showed you attach to the the base of it and then the screws just going where the points work okay so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take my magnet and put it around the distributor shaft it's really foolproof okay so the magnets in place okay so there's the magnet it is in place you can see that it's already pre got pre gapped from the factory it's not quite like points but you can see that there is a little space in between that magnet and the module itself so as far as you have them to do the guesswork and tighten things down and move it a little bit then crank it down finally because it's set right it's already done for you doing okay so this is what you want to do you want to make sure this little rubber seal you send your wires up through your rubber seal one at a time and not real hard to do anybody could do this okay so now I'm gonna send the wires up through the hole and then that rubber seals gonna come up and seal that hole off I'm gonna want to pull these wires reasonably tight and the key with all this is that you want to have enough wire to wear when you go to your coil you can make a drip loop right here and some people say oh you know you got that rubber seal there that rubber seal will not stop all moisture from going back into that distributor I promise you so you're gonna want a drip loop something like that I noticed on this module it's not like the last one I put on this is about got about half the wire you know I'm I like too much wire you can always cut back but if you're short you're screwed so I'm not saying I'm screwed I'm just saying that it's gonna be a shorter drip loop than what I want so all your water is gonna run down here and grip here not run back in toward this seal I think we'll get into your distributor so that's where I'm at right now the next thing I got to do is these aren't you the exact fittings I've got a these are spliced I've got to put the fittings on there and crimp them down okay so I got my ends crimped on and it's just a matter of going positive to positive and negative to negative real easy so I'm gonna go up to the coil a positive side I'm gonna bring my ignition wire to the positive side as well and then I'm going to I think I'm going to use one of these no that ain't it this is actually it this is the one finger tight net that lined up get this down so again for my drip loop come over the other one come over to the negative side put that on to negative actually what a little washer to go on there the negative side push that up nice against that and tighten it down just like I did the positive side yeah with a five-year warranty I had a they drove a real hard bargain so I was like oh okay and I am gonna put this on here and I'm gonna just just for just to fire it up sake and then I'm gonna use a ballast resistor I've decided and see if that makes a difference cuz here's the deal I don't care how many free karts you give me I don't want to refix and fix again that's just me and I think it's probably you too all right so you know I mean he torquing them on there real tight but tight enough that a good connection alright I'm satisfied with that got this all right so I've got my my module in I've got my magnet I got my wires I got somewhat of a drip loop although I'll probably zip tie this down I'm gonna put my distributor cap back on and well my rotor it's gonna go over top of that over top of the magnet yes indeed it is as soon as I line it up there you go so that's on there just right I'll put my distributor cap back on there just the same way I had it clamp it down and I hear tractors that means the neighbors are probably fitting fields and there you go again I'm gonna probably use a little zip typewriter red zip tie you know make it look good but that's it that's the installation of a new ignition module farm all m-y that's not sitting flush on there that's why there we go now it's sitting flush so that's it I'm gonna go in the barn grab the battery that I've had on trickle charge for about two days I'm gonna throw it in there I'm going to open up the petcock I've already checked the oh the sediment bowl it's clean I emptied it out put it back on I check for fuel flow fact I'll walk you around here I checked for flow out of the sediment bowl here I was getting two good streams coming down so I know from the tank to the bowl to this line I'm getting outstanding fuel flow there's my inline that I put on there's a new rebuilt carburetor we should be a go here so like I said I'm gonna go get the battery we're gonna fire this thing up let's see if we got fire [Music]
Channel: Farmall Fanatic
Views: 26,992
Rating: 4.787879 out of 5
Keywords: Farmall M, electronic ignition, electronic ignition Installation, farmall, international, tractor electronic ignition
Id: relJPjWrNxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 21 2018
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