FAQs About US Citizenship Renunciation

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you've asked questions and now I have answers in this video we're going to answer some of the most commonly asked questions that we've never covered before about US citizenship renunciation [Music] hey guys I'm Andrew Henderson if you'd like to learn how nomadic capitalist can help you with your citizenship plans or your holistic offshore plans learn more at nomad capitalists calm in today's video I wanted to cover a lot of the frequently asked questions that I've been asked about renouncing US citizenship this is something that I've personally done I don't recommend everyone do it I don't think you should do it to spite the government or to try and be angry but I think that some people have legitimate reasons why it makes sense and my goal as someone who's not a theorist on this but who's a real-world practitioner of this and who is living it right now is to put out actual information it's not theory but it's real-world information so let's go through some of your questions so the first question is one that is actually very common not about renunciation the goal is not to renounce but the question is if i's a US citizen will I lose my US citizenship if I get permanent residents in Canada this is something I see time and time again if you're a US citizen if you're the citizen of most countries you are allowed to go and get temporary residents permanent residents you're allowed to leave the country for as long as you want that does not mean you're giving up your citizenship I'm not gonna take your citizenship so renunciation is an act you have to actually go and do you're not gonna do it without knowing it now there's a process where if you obtain another nationality and you do so with the intent of relinquishing US citizenship that can work there are situations in which you take jobs in foreign governments you do stuff like that where some of that can take effect but for the average person who's going out and getting residents in another country pyaare even another citizenship holding residences is perfectly fine holding others citizenships is perfectly fine now there are countries that aren't the US where you need to report your permanent residence or you need to report your dual citizenship and there are a few countries like China for example and others where dual citizenship is not allowed some countries it's technically not a lot but tolerated other countries that really straightens people hide it but from a u.s. perspective leaving the country moving overseas I had a guy who lived overseas for 19 years never he never came back and then he recently moved back and all as well so that's not a problem the second question is if you renounce your US citizenship and you get it back that we've talked about this before the answer is no it is a final act the United States does not have citizenship by descent where you can go and claim through your parents or grandparents they don't have the procedure to reinstate your citizenship other countries do I think Australia has some provisions to reinstate your citizenship for example we mentioned that to someone who we helped a couple years ago the United States it's permanent it's done if you want to get your citizenship back you can get in line with everybody else you can find some way to get into the country get a green card wait at the naturalization time apply pay the fees etc etc now the difference then is you would be a naturalized citizen which means that you know theoretically they could go through and denaturalize you if you did anything wrong you know if you're a natural-born citizen of the US and you give it up you're done and you'll never get that status back now the interesting question that I had to that is what if you wanted to run but what if you would if you gave up your citizenship got it back later through naturalization and then wanted to run for president for example could you claim people where a natural-born citizen I don't think that someone who renounced would have a very good shot in politics but this is what keeps me up at night next question now that you're a citizen of other countries can you ever come back to the US as a citizen of those countries if so how much time can you spend there there's a couple different ways to to go back to the United States if you're Canadian you don't really need to do anything you just need to show up at the border and so Canadians get 180 days they have a very special relationship because of the land border there are other programs called visa waiver program countries of which they're about 40 the UK Australia most EU countries etc if you have a citizenship in these countries and we've helped people get passports from Estonia the UK New Zealand Canada a few others that I'm missing those folks they just go online they felt a form called esta and they can come back like everyone else it's a 90 day visa free policy and so what's interesting is they actually email you at the end of the 90 days like 80 days in they send you an email like it's time to go but you can come back for 90 days at a time and haven't heard too many people have problems with that if you're not from Canada or a visa waiver program country you'll need to go and get a visa so that could be a b1 b2 tourist visa you could go and start a business in the u.s. maybe already have a business physically in the US there are other types of visas you can get there many different ways to come back can you back can you come back to visit yes b1 b2 visa is generally 180 days at a time however you want to make sure that you don't get sucked back into the u.s. tax net whether that was your reason for leaving at all in the first place it would be ashamed to at least get that as a fringe benefit and then still be paying tax and your world but income so then I mean now what I always tell people is there is no guarantee the only way that you're absolutely guaranteed to be let into a countries is to be a citizen now most of us are used to travelling around the world right now I'm in Columbia for example I never sweat when I'm flying into Columbia that they're not going to let me and because I stay within the laws I never overstay or in certain countries I've got a residence permit but heck people you know countries don't have to let their permanent residence in in many cases so citizenship is the one way that they they basically have to let you in even if you show up in the United States without a passport it's gonna take them a while to process you but they do eventually have to let you in it's so that's the one thing that obviously you lose when you're not in the country only the countries you're a citizen of have to let you in in the case of most countries we don't worry about it the case of the u.s. obviously they're a bit more strict the next question do you have to be outside of the US outside the United States to renounce your US citizenship yeah cuz how would they get rid of you otherwise you have to go to an embassy or a consular post in a foreign country you cannot renounce from within the United States now I think the closest you can probably get is Tijuana there's probably some others that are pretty close to Vancouver I suppose so there are some that I mean you know you just step over and you can get it done but you do need to be outside the United States can you renounce your only citizenship in the case of the United States you can every embassy functions a little bit differently some embassies obviously process a lot more renunciations there was a big bruja number of years ago but how the wait to get an appointment to renounce in Canada was over a year and some of the consular posts where is another consular Postum you could you could go into week and so there are some what they do hundreds of these and there are some where they haven't done one in years and so everyone has their own interpretation it's it's really like any other situation in life you know when you go to check when you got to get on the plane for your flight the gate agent has total control if she says you can't take that bag it isn't matter if the bag fits within the terms and conditions and so I think that I have heard some stories of people or if consular officers at certain embassies where they really don't want to process a renunciation for someone who could become stateless however it is possible there are people who have done it it's not every country allows you to become stateless but the United States somewhat does and there's some interesting questions there is - if you didn't have residential status anywhere you know what would happen to you eventually but you know the interesting thing from my perspective is the United States obviously a pretty formidable country and so I don't know how many other countries would bully them to take back not their former citizens if you had nowhere to go if I give up my u.s. citizenship I'm going to give up my social security income social security no other government benefits yes Medicare generally is only for you as residents I'm not a Medicare expert but I generally think that even if you're living overseas you mean you wouldn't qualify for Medicare you could always as a citizen overseas you can always come back and wreak wala fie but Social Security income does not go away other government benefits the person also has to be SSI I I imagine certain disability income would go away not an area that I'm particularly focused on but basically what you should look at it as if you paid into it you can get it now there's certain countries where the u.s. one sent Social Security income you could have a US bank account they collected in theory Medicare obviously it's it's a health care program for people who are living in the country disability other benefits those are things that are provided to people who live there so Social Security when you retire if it's still there you can get everything else pretty much no well a person's criminal record next question will a person's criminal record be a hindrance to renouncing US citizenship no but you're still gonna have a criminal record you know you cannot give up your US citizenship to avoid being prosecuted for a crime or to avoid a civil lawsuit I mean everything else stays as it is what's interesting about the United States and I think it's it's not a bad thing is there are not a lot of distinctions other than the ability to live in the country between citizens and non-citizens people can own property citizens are non-citizens you can bank citizens are non-citizens you can do a lot of stuff just that the government is not really make a distinction and for many different activities the way many other countries do now the banks may be more skittish to take someone who has no connections to the country or the banks may not want to give you is favorable mortgage terms because they don't know where to track you down for the payment but you know everything's gonna be the same after you renounce that said to the question you know there's they really can't stop you from doing that there's been a couple kind of clickbait these stories where they said oh they refuse the person's renunciation they can technically refuse for a technical error but but really you can be a criminal that's fine now the problem is you're gonna be a criminal some of the criminal record and you're gonna have a harder time going to other countries getting resident status and obtaining other citizenships in the future so you want to take that into account but that's not necessarily an issue now there are situations where if you have certain obligations you may not be able to get a passport to even leave so in that case I think child support and back taxes there may be situations where if you're on parole or something you can't get a passport so if you can't leave the United States and you can't renounce but from the perspective of this of this of the State Department and the actual renunciation procedure there are no restrictions just understand that you're not gonna clear the slate you're not gonna clear any military obligations they're not gonna clear any debts you're not gonna clear any restitution you're not gonna clear any criminal record you know if ten years down the line if you've renounced you go to a place where you need to get an FBI report they'll get you know the eye report but it's not like the slate has been wiped clean that you're no longer a criminal and so the last question is can I switch my residence permit if I live overseas from a US citizen to a new citizenship so this has been a this is a situation that we deal with a lot where we help we have a lot of clients who they're living in the United States and they want to to move overseas whether they want to renounce or not most of them don't we also have people who already live overseas in Hong Kong Singapore a couple other places London where they say hey you know I've got a residence permit here like I live in Hong Kong I live in Singapore you know Asian countries where it's harder to get citizenship or are more common you know Dubai could be another one and they say hey I'm a US citizen how do I switch it over in Asia we've generally found it's possible to do now you'll want to make sure there's some there's some footwork that needs to be done like things need to be done in a proper order because you need to do step one and then step two and then step three and then step four you shouldn't do them out of order or you could have a problem but it is doable and that's something we've helped a couple folks do there are other countries often in Latin America where it's not possible so for example I had a residence permit in Mexico I wanted to use it another citizenship and and the attorney convinced me no it'll be easier this way and you can always switch it later now in the case of Mexico I could have switched it later but it would have been actually a more involved process staying in the country and just switching it then actually just coming and getting a new residence permit and so what happened is you know because I because I never switched it before I renounced I didn't you know I wasn't able to enter the country as the nationality on the on the ID card any to any subsequent entry in New Mexico my ID card is now cancelled my residence status is canceled and I've got to do it all over again so there are cases where yes it's possible but it's tricky and you better put in the advance work there are other countries where no it's simply not possible so if you're working towards a second citizenship in one of these countries obviously you know if that's your only second citizenship you want to you know you'll want to get that one before you before you were to get rid of the original citizenship but if you're working towards multiple second citizenship so you definitely want to think in advance of you know how strategically am I going in and acquiring these residence permits how am i handling everything there's a lot of delicate details that you want to handle so sometimes is the answer to is it possible if you have other questions leave them in the comment section below I think I've covered all the questions that we've gotten over the last several months that we haven't already covered if you have more leave a comment below how can nomad capitalists help you four ways number one subscribe to our Channel and click the notification bell to make sure you get our new video every day number two get a copy of Nomad - capitalist the book you'll learn a lot of my personal experiences over a dozen years of studying this stuff as well as exactly some of the strategies that you can use to build your nomadic capitalist plan number three if you're not sure where to start but you want to come and learn from my team and I you want to come and mingle with like-minded people learn more about our live conference Nomad capitalist live 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Channel: Nomad Capitalist
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Keywords: nomad capitalist, renouncing us citizenship, renouncing us citizenship taxes, renouncing american citizenship, renouncing ciizenship usa, us citizenship renunciation, how to renounce us citizenship, how to renounce us citizenship in two easy steps, how to renounce my us citizenship
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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