Fantasy Romance Books On My TBR!

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with most of these books if not all of them being self-published this is the heaviest stack i've ever had to hold in my life hello my loves welcome back to another video i'm ashley and today i'm going to be talking you through my fantasy romance tbr we have valentine's day around the corner we have pharaoh feb in progress so what better combination than a fantasy romance tbr now these tbr videos i actually started making them towards the end of last year because the point of these videos is that i would take some kind of genre or category and get some books from my shelf that i haven't read and tell you about them because i found myself just talking about the same sort of books all the time so i figured this would be a good way to revisit some of the books that are on my shelves that you might have forgotten that i do have some kind of interest in or just give us something else to talk about really but the ones in this tbr are going to be a little bit different because i have been talking about them recently and they are pretty recent requirements so if you have been watching my videos i doubt any of these are going to be new to you or if you yourself are interested in this genre there's nothing like new and spectacular about this but i did just want to talk about them because it's a genre which i've come to realize i do actually quite like recently and so i'm just excited about all of these books really with that being said i am actually going to talk about the books that are on my february tbr because hopefully these won't be on this list for too long i am filming this video a little bit earlier than is going up so i might have actually read at least one or two of these or have them in progress by the time this video goes up fingers crossed but just to quickly recap the ones which are in my february tbr first of all we have from blood nash by jennifer l armentrout this one follows a girl called poppy who is the maiden which means that she's pretty much locked away not allowed to do anything she's not allowed to experience pleasure in any way she's not allowed to have anybody talk to her and she's just waiting around for her ascension day in which she seeks approval from the gods apparently the entire weight of the kingdom is on her shoulders as she awaits for this ascension day and she's very much in danger because of this and so she has assigned a new guard who is supposed to see her through and make sure she reaches the ascension day with this being fantasy romance you can probably imagine how their relationship progresses and how that is very much not a good thing so everybody has been absolutely raving about this one recently and i do also have a kingdom of flesh and fire which is the second book so hopefully i will also end up loving it just as much as everybody else does i do have high expectations and high hopes and i do very much believe that i will end up loving them because i've read a couple of jennifer elementary's books before when i was younger and that was when i was very much a bitter teen who did not like romance at all and they still managed to win me over so i do imagine the books that she writes specifically for an older audience and very much within the fantasy genre are very likely to win me over just as much another author which i've been talking about a lot recently is emma hamm this one is tempting hades this is a greek myth retelling if you couldn't tell from the title haiti's in persephone retelling seems like a pretty straightforward retelling because all it says on the back is he offered her more than a throne more than the underworld he offered her a love that would withstand the test of time so very much a romance in this case i recently read of goblins and goal by emma ham and really enjoyed it i will be doing an interview with her on the 21st of february if you are interested but this is such a high priority on my tbr as well as her other books pretty much all of them she has so many fantasy romance series and almost all of them if not all of them are retellings of some kind so she also has a heart of the fae which is a beauty of the beast retelling and the first book in the otherworld series every book in that series follows a different kind of retelling she also has gilded rose which again i think is beauty and the beast retelling but both of those two in particular i do actually have on my kindle as well so those are also on my tbr i do want to read at least one of them in february if not a couple so fingers crossed i will start making my way through emma ham's huge backlog of books because fantasy romance retellings just sounds like my absolute jam like that just sounds great to me the final one which is officially on my february tbr is a deal with the elf king by elise kova this one is set in a small town which has elves come in every so often and they claim a human wife this is very much seen as a death sentence you never hear anything of these women again but our main character is very secure in the knowledge that she has escaped this fate she has nothing to do with this she's just going about her life as a healer until the elf king himself comes to claim her now this one is said to be abusing the beast and a hades and persephone retelling so that's all i needed to know my patrons have actually voted for me to read this one as part of my pharaoh favorite tbr so hopefully i will manage to get to it because it just sounds so good another one which i did mention in my february tbr but i don't know if i will actually get to it is guild by raven kennedy this one is a combination of fairies and greek myth retelling which i've never come across the two together and i love it i love it already so this one is inspired by the king midas myth which i love i love that story so much i think it's a great story that you could do a lot with so i have high expectations for this one but in this one we follow a woman who is i think owned by king midas and she's been gold touched meaning that she quite literally is entirely made of gold now thanks to king midas touching her because he has the power to turn everything into gold everything in the city is gold because of it but she believes that she is living in the best place possible because she actually gets some kind of home here whereas before she was really not in a good place and i'm pretty sure she is in love with the king so she's just kind of content with where she is but then he sells her i think it is and she very quickly realizes that the way that she has been viewing her life and her situation is very much not the case she realizes that even if she is surrounded by gold and glamour it's still very much a prisoner situation and that he can do with her as he wishes so again very much intrigued about this one honestly the key selling point for this was fairies and greek myth retellings so i really hope i love it i then have three books from a series those being the bargainer series now i have actually read the first one rapsodic and absolutely loved it in the first one we follow a siren called cali who has hundreds of beads wrapped around her arm and each of these beads signifies a favor with the bargainer for every single one of these beads the bargainer is meant to come back and kind of claim what he's owed from them however she has hundreds of them and he's never come back to claim them until we get to the start of this book and he comes to do just that now throughout the story we do actually switch back and forth within timelines so we follow present day in seeing why he's come to claim these deals back all of a sudden what it is that he's after but also we jump back in time to see how they even came to be in this situation in the first place like i said i absolutely adored this book when i read it and i actually ended up bumping up the rating because it was very much one of those books which just would not leave my mind so i really really am wanting to continue with the rest of the series so within this bundle we have a strange hymn for book two we have a novella which is the emperor of evening stars and we also have dark harmony so a fair few to make my way through but hopefully i will manage to do that sometime soon because i am also just generally intrigued to see where we go with the story because the fantasy aspect of it as well is just so intriguing there's definitely a mystery of foot and i want to know answers a touch of darkness by scarlet sinclair this one again is a greek myth retelling of hades and persephone i believe it's more of an urban retelling with persephone being a journalist and hades being the head of a gambling company i think it is yes he's built a gambling empire in the mortal world this book has such mixed opinions such mixed opinions people either seem to love it or they hate it i really want to see which side of that i fall on greek myth retellings are very much hit or miss with me because it depends how it's done but knowing that this is a romance and knowing that it's going to be some kind of darker romance i will of course go into it knowing that and kind of adjusting my expectations to meet it so either way like i said i do want to know which side of things i fall on i really hope i love it because i just i've been eyeing this one up for so long now that i just need it one which i don't know too much about but i do want to give a go is a queen of empire by hr more so this is actually the author who has arranged pharaoh feb and i remember reading the synopsis and thinking it sounded really good so i do want to give it a go on the back this one says anita has never been ordinary she's been special her entire life not only can she see the energy of others a rare skill but she's won every physical challenge she's ever entered so when the powerful good-looking descendants marcus and alexander mysteriously arrive in empire her difference attracts and keeps their attention once in empire the sudden death of ruling body descendant christiana sets in motion a number of events a quest for the treacherous austin to find the girl cristiano had been looking for a challenge where anita stands out more vibrantly than ever before a perilous dip in the world's energy and a dangerous belief amongst the people that they will never truly be free powerful factions form within the ruling elite and when a trusted friend and mentor reaches out to ask for anita's help she has to make a choice help her friend and betray the one she loves or do nothing and watch the people starve we have a lot going on in this book there's a lot going on but i'm very intrigued to see how it all comes together and also just what this powerful energy is that the main character seems to have winning every single physical challenge that you've ever been in sounds like such a power move and i want to see how that can affect your life i guess so we shall see how it goes we also have the bridge kingdom by danielle jensen this one was very much one of those books which people were saying or all possible opportunities if you're a fan of sergey and mars and you'll probably like this one in this one i know that the main character is set up to marry the prince of the enemy kingdom because they want to form some kind of alliance that's what it's very much set up as but for her entire life she has been trained as a spy so they are quite literally sending her into enemy territory with the plans and the hopes that she will be able to bring down the opposing kingdom because this kingdom is very much seen as a kind of oppressor they have complete and total rule over this one bridge which means that they can influence the trade that grows in and out of each kingdom they can pretty much control everything in terms of they could literally starve the opposing kingdom if they wanted to so they are seen as a tyrant of sorts and like i said she's sent there to act as spy and downfall of this kingdom but when she gets there she realizes that nothing is as it seems so this one seems to have the enemies to lovers trope which i love so i'm really hoping to enjoy this one as much as everybody else seems to next up we have wicked lovely by melissa more this one is fairy romance quite literally says at the top enter a world of fairy romance and i'm going to read out the synopsis because i just think it sounds so good because on the back we have a set of rules and it says rule 3 never stare at invisible fairies aylin has always seen fairies powerful and dangerous they walk hidden in the mortal world rule two never speak to invisible fairies one of them a beautiful fairy boy named keenan is trying to talk to her asking questions alien is afraid to answer rule one don't ever attract their attention now it's too late keenan is the summer king and is determined that erlin will become the summer queen at any cost without her summer itself will perish the way that this entire thing is set up just has me so intrigued because it's just like you're not meant to interact with them in any way shape or form and then a ferrari comes in and just goes yoink you're coming with me sounds like there's going to be dark atmospheres it sounds like there's going to be a lot of tune and throwing in terms of where people stand and any kind of boundaries and stuff i just fairies fairy world i love them so much i do also have a porn by angela j ford this one follows a woman called move who was born with superhuman strength and so she's very much seen as this valued warrior of sorts but one day during a war she is taken to the dark fae after locking her away for a while they do give her the option to win back her freedom and so she sets out on a perilous quest that synopsis doesn't give a hint to any kind of romance but i have been assured that it is the case i do think this is one that does have a large fantasy plotline though i'm also just intrigued to see where the dragon comes from she's got a tiny dragon on her shoulder and i'm like why is that not mentioned in the synopsis i also just think that this cover is beautiful and i haven't really seen too many people read it so i am intrigued have i not said that about all of them absolutely and also just to quickly mention a couple of others i do want to continue with the haiti trials book so in january i read the power of hades by eliza raine and rose wilson really enjoyed it and so i do plan to continue on with the rest of the series and i do also want to read promise of fire by amanda boucher which is one i don't know too much about i do know that it has ancient greek influences i know that becca is currently reading it as i am filming this and she's quite enjoying it and i know that she's also doing an author interview with amanda boucher which i'm very excited to watch by the time this video is up it will have already happened so i'll leave links to that down below i don't know too much about this book specifically but i am intrigued about the author in general so i think if i'm to start anywhere it would be with this book so those are all of the fantasy romance books on my tbr as always if you've read any of them please do let me know your thoughts down in the comments i know that quite a few of these have a very varied opinion so i would love to hear them and also if you do have any fantasy romance recommendations then please do leave those in the comments too especially if they're fairy or greek myth related because you can sense the theme with this but i am just going to end this video here so i hope you enjoyed it if you did then remember to leave a like and a comment let me know that you're here if you're not subscribed already then please consider doing so down the description box you'll find information too all the books i've mentioned all of my social media and other bookish stuff as well so be sure to check that out if you haven't already but for now i hope you have a lovely day and i shall see you next time with a new video bye
Channel: A Frolic Through Fiction
Views: 14,017
Rating: 4.9956284 out of 5
Keywords: A Frolic Through Fiction, AFrolicThroughFiction, AFTF, booktube, booktuber, bookblog, bookworm, reader, literature, literature student, uni, university, books, reading, vlog, reading vlog, fanro, fantasy romance, fantasy romance tbr, books on my tbr, Sarah J maas, for fans of Sarah J maas, rhapsodic by Laura thalassar, the bridge kingdom, FaRoFeb, fantasy romance february, self published authors, self published fantasy romance, books I want to read, indie authors
Id: U6cEtLzR8hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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