Fantasy Romance Recommendations

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hey guys Jess from visa books into name here with some sci-fi fantasy romance recommendations I actually think these are all fantasy I don't read that much sci-fi at all and I don't read a lot of fantasy but I have been in such a fantasy movie I did do this video I think a year ago and all of these are different so I'll go ahead and link that video down below and I just really love fantasy when it has a romance in it I'm a romance reader you guys all know if you follow me and fantasy to me is really interesting but I need to care about the romance between a certain characters in order to even care about the story I have read some beloved fantasy books and I didn't really like them because I felt like the story was slow and there was no romance so I really didn't care but these are all fantasy books that have a strong romance element it might not necessarily be the main plotline but there is something I can just like grasp onto and cling to and like ship these characters and want to get to the end so I know if they're together or not so I have quite a stack so I'll go ahead and get to my recommendations the first one actually inspired this video and I'm not done with it yet I think I'm halfway through but I did want to share it it did take me a while to get used to this writing but it is the shadows between us by Trish 11 seller this one I saw like all over Twitter and Instagram so I just decided to order it from Barnes & Noble because I was placing an order and I needed to get free shipping so I added this on I think it was like twelve dollars for a hardback goes on sale so this one is about our main character who is not nice she this is marketed to me as a Slytherin romance and it even says in the dedication that this is a Slytherin romance and it starts out with her talking about how she killed the first guy who denied her basically her main plan in this book is to seduce the King so that she can kill him when they're married and be queen so right now she's still seducing him but you know it's kind of like turning into something more and I'm really enjoying it like I said the writing took me a while to get used to because she is a little bit over the top with how villainous she is and I wasn't a fan of like her voice but I'm getting you so now and like she's becoming more genuine of a character so we're getting to know her more so I really like this I can't wait to finish it and I would recommend checking this out next is a new favorite of mine and I am already dying to read the next books in this series and a book 4 comes out later this year and that is a never the ashes myself into here I'm so late to this train I don't remember when this book came out I know it's at least five years I think this is that out and it there's not even like that much romance in here but I am obsessed with the romance we have follow to make characters we have the girl on the guys with a girl she is determined to save her brother who was captured by like the enemy and this government system is like awful and so she decides to go to the rebels and says hey my brother worked for you and because of you he's kidnapped and I need you to help me break him out of jail and they tell her we'll help you if you go undercover as a servant to the like leader of this regime who is awful and forced the previous Lane to kill herself basically so she's like okay and then we are also following the guy who has actually this leaders son and he is part of the regime he doesn't really like it though so he's training to be like one of the like assassin people in this regime but he wants to really run away and it's their romance but like not like there's chemistry between them but they both kind of like other people kind of newly well I don't know if I like them with those other people but I kind of like them with each other in the ending leaves room for like more growth in this romance and I'm dying to read more about them and see if they actually get together or not and it's so good and this is very dark just like this is a very bad Society and bad things happen so be wary of that but I love this and I cannot wait to read the rest of the series the next one I love because of the romance but it's a Beauty and the Beast retelling so obviously there's a romance and it's a curse so dark and lonely a vibrant camera I'm dying to read book 2 but this one our main character is living in current a DC in she is pretty much taken off the streets to this fantasy land because she saw someone being kidnapped and was like oh my god like what's happening and she tries to intervene and that's it being taken instead and we have this Royal Castle where this Prince lives and it's only him and his one guard from his army so he's literally have like one soldier left and he is cursed and so every season it resets he takes a girl from the real world and she has to fall in love with him before his curse to be broken and the curse is really affecting entire town and the curse that turns him into a beast so their romance and she starts to care more about like the land and the people in the land and I really like that and she kind of changes him so he's not like monotonous Lee going through girls and not really changing how he approaches this situation it's so good I loved his guard his guard gets the next book and I'm dying for that and I know there's a new girl point of view in that book and we haven't met her yet I don't think so this is so good though and I cannot wait to read the next one my next recommendation you guys are gonna be surprised by because there's not really that much of a romance but I the more I thought about this book the more I realized how much I liked this book and how much I liked the romance so I won't say I loved reading it while I was reading it but that is Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson I end up giving this four stars and this romance was so good and it kind of comes out more in the very end so I'm very excited to see what happens with the romance in book 2 it hasn't made care driven and it kind of reminded me of a historical romance novel because she is impersonating someone in society who has to go to balls and tees and just be social and it's really adorable and I liked it and I am excited to continue on with the series now and like like I said the more I think about reading this book the more I realized how much I liked it even though I didn't love it while I was reading it if that makes sense the next one is probably one of my new favorite books of 2020 and that's house of earthen blood by Sarah J Maas we should not be surprised that I love a surge a mass romance this one is our main character Bryce who is half Fae I think she's half a and she's trying to figure out a mystery I want to tell you so don't spoil it and this fallen angel he has to help her and he's fallen because he tried to go against the current government and tried to lead a revolution failed and so now he's a servant so he has to kill people for the person who pretty much like owns him he has to kill the amount of people that died during the revolution because it was like his fault so he's got to kill a lot of people before he's free and so they have to work together and it's such a slow burn in romance that I was dying and don't know what it is about angels but I love angels and Angel romances so if you have good ones let me know I know angel fall by Susan is a really popular one and I really want to read that I do own it I just have to get to it but if you have any other angel recommendations let me know because like his wing would like brush her back and it'd be just like oh my god like the tension between these two characters I loved it you need to read this if you like a slow burn fantasy romance the next one is actually a standalone fantasy and that is sorcery of thorns by Margaret Rogerson this one was really good our main character grows up in a magical library and she wants to be a librarian and these books like move in our dangerous and there's like levels of dangerous books and someone released one of the most dangerous books in the library and someone's been doing that to all the library so she has to figure out what's going on and a sorcerer helps her and in this society sorcerers are really looked down upon and so she immediately has bad feelings about him but they grow closer and they tried to figure out what's happening in their world and the side character I don't remember what exactly he was but he was like a servant to the sorcerer he was literally the best and everybody who I know has read this book loved his character I think he's probably the best character and I want a book just for him but this is a standalone and it's really good if you like magical libraries you'll love this and I had a cute romance next a pretty popular one and it is surfing and dove by Shelby matheran I got to meet her and I still don't know if I'm saying that right but she came to Cincinnati so I went to the signing that she was out with Margaret Rogerson from the previous book and Isabella Ibanez which I have not read woven and moonlight so I can't recommend it but this one is about our main character who is a witch but in this society witches are hunted and killed and so she hides the fact that she's a witch and there is a witch hunter that she kind of gets in a compromising position with in public so they have to get married so it's a marriage of convenience she's hiding her true identity he is literally like witches are evil and I need to hunt all of them down and kill them so that's a little confliction there and it's really cute her character is a little annoying to me because she's like I can say what I want and be crass around people because I love making them uncomfortable and I don't really like main characters like that but this one was really good and I did really enjoy the romance I didn't think I gave it four stars because of our main character and that's really all I can say I don't want to spoil anything but this was really good if you like a witch kind of romance and there's definitely shocking things at the end book two is gorgeous it's like red and it comes out I think in September it comes out later this year but I'm very excited for that especially after this ending I mean last one I have is adult and it's pretty old so it is Angel's blood finally nice seeing this is book one in the guild hunter series and I don't know if this is considered fantasy or paranormal because angels are in BO so I don't know if you know let me know like witches are those paranormal or fantasy or does it depend on the world I don't know but this one is good romance between our main character who's a vampire hunter and an arc angel and this society is interesting because vampires like serve angels because they're turned by angels so they like have to serve Him after being turned and she pretty much hunts them down when they don't continue their contract basically with these angels and it is her romance with an archangel and so it's really fun and it went by super fast and I did give this a four star because I mean it's the first book in the series and I don't enjoy with these kind of series the first books when they're like ten books long I typically like the characters more when we get to know them and I think the romance really developed a lot more after this and I really enjoyed that ending with what happens to our main character so I can't wait to see what happens with these characters I have not read the rest of series but I'm definitely going to and those are some fantasy romances those are obviously I don't think I had any sci-fi so we'll just call this the fantasy Romeo's recommendation video let me know if you have any other fantasy romance is that you've loved there are so many fantasy books I have to read they're all my YS behind me and I've been buying a lot of why a fantasy lately so let me know if they're ready I should read I do have my other video where if you're like well where is this book it's probably in that video if I brought it so check that out let me know your recommendations and that's all I have as always thank you so much for watching and have a good day bye
Channel: PeaceLoveBooksxo
Views: 87,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: S7x8a0qn9PI
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Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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