BOOKSHELF TOUR 2021!! 700+ Books

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hello my loves welcome back to another video i'm ashley and today we have a bookshelf tour [Music] i've been trying to figure out how to film this because while i do have most of my books here i actually have like four different areas of my house that books are currently in so this is like a mini bookish house tour basically and it means that there's going to be lots of moving around in this video lots of different lighting no doubt but i figured it would be something you guys want to see because it has changed quite a lot since my last bookshelf tour because i now have an entire house to play with so i have over 700 books this is the main brand of the collection these bookcases are from ikea they are just the standard billy bookcases with this one being the thinner version of it you can actually get the set like this where you've got three bigger bookcases and then one smaller one that all fixed together but at the time that i bought them it was actually cheaper to buy them all separately and then my dad fixed them together like this bookcase is not moving anywhere because not only are they screwed together where they're actually separate but this is also screwed to the wall so it's not going anywhere it's a very stable bookcase the thing is with this bookcase i actually don't like the white bookcases anymore i used to love them when i was younger and that's why i had them but if i was choosing new bookcases now i would definitely go for a natural wood effect so that is something to bear in mind this isn't entirely like the aesthetic i would want but i do still like it so the way that my books are organized is by jonah however i will say if you do see any books that you don't agree fits within a certain genre there are a few books which are kind of blurred lines in terms of that and i've just kind of had to fit them where i can as well so it's not entirely like a strict thing but for the most part they are arranged by genre if you do notice any books missing from a series for instance or if you do notice any gaps on my shelves it might be because they're currently on a different shelf for a different reason so i will get to that as i go around so what i'm going to do is just give you a general overview and then go to each individual bookcase tell you the genres pick out any books that i think might be worth mentioning or you guys might ask about just show a few off at a time rather than pull off every single individual one because that would be one hell of a video so without further ado let's get into it so to start with this is a general overview of my bookcase it goes all the way down to the floor and it does also go across here as well so as you can see there are three bigger bookcases and then one thinner one and they do curve around on the corner so starting with these two bookcases first this is my classics collection and i'm not going to go into it too much in this video because i do actually have a full video dedicated to my classics collection in which i go through every single book that is currently here so if you are interested in knowing all the classics that i own then you can go down into the description box and follow the link to that video there but as you can see i do have quite a lot of specific editions so we have some cloth bounds up here we have some of the modern classics over here the penguin english library books and then a whole lot of the black spine editions there are actually a few more behind this book here as you can see but they're kind of just random books which don't necessarily fit in with the other collections so i do have this one to cover them up which is one of the oldest classics i own and is one of the original penguin ones i just really like the the fact that this is one of the oldest penguin classic designs so i do have that one on display moving down the shelf this is my mythology and folklore collection now not all of them are on here because some of them are on the bottom of this bookcase mostly if they are heavily illustrated they will be down there but these are basically all books which are collections of folklore and mythology stories from various cultures so we have this big old stack here which is kind of wonky because there's too many on it but for instance this would be a pretty good example of the sort of book what's on here because this is timeless tales of gods and heroes by edith hamilton and it's basically just mostly greek mythology but there is also norse mythology within here as well so there is a whole host of different cultures on here i have been trying to collect collections from different areas of the world so that i can gradually build up my own knowledge of them and when it comes to fairy tale and folklore collections i generally think that there's a lot of really beautiful editions this is one of my favorite ones the treasury of irish fairy and folktales because just look at that and it has gold gilded edges it is absolutely beautiful this one next to it is actually my most recent addition to my shelves at all because this is the folio edition of how to see fairies by c van sandwick so it does have this slipcase with these little mischievous creatures on the front and then we do have it pull out with this beautiful cover and inside this is just equally as beautiful it really is one of the most stunning things i own this was gifted to me for christmas by my friend cody from cody's book corner and i just have been fawning over it ever since so really glad to add this one to my collection another one of my favorite covers is this chinese legends book i just think it looks absolutely beautiful and i've read bits and pieces of this but i do still need to read it through properly but it really is just such a beautiful book and then another one which i think is worth pointing out is this incredibly old and quirky edition of the grimm's fairy tales so this was found in a charity shop and as you can see it's looking a little bit battered but the reason why i call this quirky is because obviously bright pink cover but when you take it off it's just completely different it's such a strange combination and i just found it really interesting there's this print of a woman with a deer on the front and then all the way through there are actually like coloured paintings throughout which i just love and this is a really old edition let me find the publication date this was published in this edition was printed in 1949 so i couldn't not add that to my collection when i found it if you do want to know all of the books are on here again i do actually have a mythology and folklore collection video in which i go through every single one in great detail so again i'll leave a link to that down in the description box below it hasn't really changed too much besides maybe adding this one to the collection i think the rest of them i've had since that video so it should be an accurate representation of this next up we have my ancient classic shelf with a random bit of margaret outward on the end because she didn't fit with the rest of them so ignore margaret atwood the rest of these are ancient classics pretty self-explanatory these have actually been gone through in both of the videos i've already mentioned so both my classics collection and my mythology collection so again if you want to see what all of these are link down below but as you can see i am a big fan of the oxford classics and also the penguin black spines again we do have some random ones over here which i've gotten either as gifts or second hand this huge one was one that i was reading for university not too long ago so it makes a pretty good bookend because it's huge and nothing can get past it i do have three different editions of the odyssey this one is translated by evie ryu and then i do also have two versions of the emily wilson translation this one specifically is annotated all the way through not that you can really tell with me doing that but it is annotated because i use this one towards my dissertation i really love how sleek all of these look i specifically do really really love the oxford world classic editions i know they're not everybody's favorite i know that the covers can be questionable sometimes i always laugh at this one because the wolf on the front just looks so dirty but these are the ones i have so far i haven't really added anything besides this one to it for a little while so here are my ancient classics next up is a shelf which doesn't really get too much screen time because this is not a genre i read from too often but clearly often enough for me to dedicate a full shelf to but this i guess is a mixture of contemporary fiction and literary fiction this is without a doubt my most colorful shelf but most of these are adult contemporary literary fiction books some of my favorites being homegoing by yagyasa some of these are ones which i read at university such as small island by andrea levy and also a tale for the time being by ruth ozeki those two for some reason just really stood out to me when i was in university and studying them even though i didn't necessarily love them so i did want to keep hold of them there are however a lot of books on here which i haven't read yet but do intend to at some point such as a little life a recent one being the death of vivek orgy which i got for christmas we have my daughter vanessa the vanishing half a bit of tony morrison the color purple things like that i haven't read yet so there's a lot on here which i do still intend to get to at some point but i haven't quite gotten to it yet we do also have a stack of young adult contemporary is what this mostly is from this deck i've only read allegedly the perks of being a wallflower and the black flamingo so it's pretty much half and half really when it comes to what's been read and what hasn't i really don't read contemporary all that often which is why this is pretty limited and a lot of them are books i haven't yet read because with a lot of contemporary i don't tend to keep them all that often so i have read a lot more young adult contemporary but just got rid of them once i'd read them passed them on to a friend or something so this is my collection as it currently stands there are a lot on here which i do think sound really really interesting so hopefully i will get to them soon and then we have a really awful angle for the bottom shelf i cannot figure out how to make this look any better but here is my graphic novel collection basically or mainly just illustrated things because while i do have a whole bunch of graphic novels and comics i do also have things like this which i mentioned before which are mythology collections but are heavily illustrated so these have been included down here mainly because they're huge and needed the shelf space because this bottom shelf is actually taller so you can fit bigger books like this on apart from this one right on the bottom which is mythological this one is just too tall to fit anywhere it does actually overhang from the shelf as well i'm not getting it out because it's underneath so many of these so i'm just not gonna bother it is one that i absolutely adore it has beautiful artwork this one i have facing out with purely because i love the colors of the cover and how that generally looks but we do just have some greek mythology we have the illustrated edition of the silk roads we have 100 knights of hero which i absolutely adore we have a few comics some of them are pretty random but some of them i do generally still have a lot of interest in such as the wicked and the divine i do only have two volumes of that so far but i do want to get more of them i have seven volumes of saga descender which is a pretty recent one and a bunch of other graphic novels too so then we move on to the thin bookcase that's on the corner and i will just talk about these two shelves together because these are both greek myth retellings so if i pick up this this is a prince of cersei which was gifted to me by a friend if i can find the artist i will leave a link to that down below so then here as you can see this top shelf is largely just rick ryden we do have a few others on the end as well just to kind of fill the gap but this is the main brunt of it these barely fit on these shelves i'm gonna reach a point where i run out of room for greek myth retellings and just have to have multiple shells for them because as you can see these are just close to overflowing already but we do have this big stack there's not any particular order to this largely because i'm too lazy to put them back in an order when they're stacked up like this which is why you can see cersei by madeline miller down here and also the song of achilles up here rather than them being next to each other but for the most part these just go on where they fit one of my favorite authors for greek with retellings is natalie haynes specifically a thousand ships is one of my favorite ones i did write my dissertation on this as well as cersei by madeleine miller but i do also have the children of jocasta as well and also a couple of non-fiction books by her but you'll see those in a different place so a whole bunch of greek myth retellings it's probably about half and half in terms of whether i've read these or not a lot of the ones i've had for a while i have read but when it comes to the newer ones i did actually get a whole bunch of them for christmas and stuff so haven't yet gotten around to reading those we then move down to this shelf which is actually a new edition in terms of genres because this is fantasy romance if i zoom you in a bit then you can see a little bit better this is still a fairly new genre to me outside of things like sarah j maas for instance but there have been so many that have caught my attention ones which i want to read i haven't read most of the books on here because they are pretty much all new to me the only ones i have read are rapsodic by laura thalassa and incubus which is more of a paranormal romance but a lot of these i'm hoping to read soon so hopefully that will be the case there are also some missing from the shelf which is what this gap is i do have a couple of emma han books on my book car in my bedroom so you'll be seeing those ones in a bit and i am also hoping to add the fortuna swan series to the shelf when i do actually get physical copies of them so fantasy romance haven't read many of them yet from blood and nash is one of my highest priorities as is a deal with an elf king which has such a beautiful cover i have this one called porn which i think sounds incredible so like i said a lot of these i do actually really want to get too soon but we shall see how that goes moving down the shelf we have the juliet really collection i have somehow ended up with enough juliet really books to create this even though i've only read one which is ridiculous but here we are the one that i've read is daughter of the forest which is here and also i do have this edition which is massive and it is also signed inside which is largely the reason why i have it but we do actually have three different series here so we have the seven water series which is kind of like two trilogies combined we do also have the black thorn and grim novels which i love love love love these covers i just think they're beautiful and we do also have two books from the shadowfell trilogy i always say that i think juliet merlier has the potential to become one of my favorite authors so that's how i've ended up with so many of her books so hopefully that is the case because we've ended up with a miniature shrine to her moving down one we have this which is a kind of rogue shelf because this is historical fiction which i haven't read a historical fiction book in at least two years i think unless it was for university maybe but not this sort of historical fiction when i was younger i used to adore wall fiction i have no idea why but as you can see this is largely what this is made out of and these are the historical fiction which i remember really really loving and i think should i return to historical fiction and never want to reread one it would be something from this collection i have read most of these books the only ones i haven't read are the sequels to the shadow of the wind and also the other colosseries afon book which is the watcher in the shadows otherwise i have read all of these many many years ago and i am just keeping hold of them for whatever reason actually the seven husbands of evelyn hugo is one which is a pretty recent read compared to the rest of them i always debate whether i should unhaul this or not because it's one of those books that absolutely everybody else loves but i just found it okay so i do always debate whether i should get rid of this or not but for some reason i do keep hold of it it's one of those which i think i might want to reread at some point in the future so for now i'm holding on to it but we'll see how long that lasts for and then back to the dodgy angle we have the middle grade shelf which as you can see is actually double stacked because most of the ones in the back are the lemony snicket books there's 13 of them if i were to put them like this they would just take up the entire shelf so i've put them in the back we do also have if you can see these ones here this is the narnia collection which i absolutely adored when i was younger and then these are much more modern middle grade books i've read these two which are on top north child and ship of shadows i have read first frost heart book i've read sophie anderson's i've read a pinch of magic and a sprinkle of sorcery whereas the rest of them i haven't read which is why these ones are at the front because it's a combination of some of my favorite ones and also the ones which i really want to read at some point so these actually haven't been touched in a while it's been a very long time since i've been in the mood for a middle grade but i do still really want to read them at some point so here they are i will just quickly notice as well that i do have victoria schwab's middle grade books but they are up on one of the top shelves with the victoria schwab collection which is what i meant in the introduction when i said that there are some differences when it comes to books being categorised by genre but for the sake of consistency those ones are elsewhere so then we have the majority of my fantasy collection obviously you have already seen some on the julian milio shelves or the fantasy romance shells there are also some scattered or the various points in the house which you will be seeing a little bit later but this is the majority of it and it does go from the top all the way down to the bottom the only difference is there's two shelves on the bottom here which you can't really see too well at the minute which are not fantasy so i'll talk through those when i get to them so this top shelf as you can see is basically victoria schwab and i say chakraborty so very big victoria schwab collection i don't quite know how it happened it wasn't an intentional thing but apparently over the years i've just picked up a lot of victoria schwab books as you can see i do have two editions of the invisible life of addy larue there are a few instances where i do have multiple copies of a book but it's generally not that common which um is hilarious considering the shelf you're about to see but i did order myself the waterstones edition which i actually really love the blue and gold combination and then i did end up with the illumicrate one two which is entirely monochrome so i don't know if i will be keeping both of these i am going to wait and see if i actually love the book and then if it's one that i'm not really too fussed in collecting then i'll have to decide which one to get rid of and then over here we have the essay chakraborty collection which is the david by trilogy i do have two sets of this as you can see this set here with the black spines is the fairy loot edition so all of these ones have a darker cover than the original design and they also have these sprayed stenciled edges they're also signed and they have artwork underneath you will be seeing a few different fairy loot special editions on my shelves because i do work for them but this is one which had i not been working there i would have bought because this is one of my favorite series and i absolutely adore these editions and i would not have been able to get a matching one because this is the edition of the city of brass which i have had for so many years because this is an arc of it which means i never would have been able to get a matching set because you can't really match with an arc i didn't actually intend to end up with two different sets i would have always kept the arc version but i was planning on getting rid of kingdom of copper once i already had these sets but i did have this one pre-ordered empire of gold which is slightly off camera here so i apologize for that but i had it pre-ordered and then lockdown happened and there was nowhere for me to cancel the pre-order so i did end up with the full set again so i am still trying to decide whether to get rid of the last two and just keep hold of the ark and the fancy editions or i don't know still trying to figure it out so then we get to a couple of what i can only call collections because on this shelf we have samantha shannon and on the shelf below we have a sarah dear mars for the longest time i didn't see the point in collecting multiple editions of books and then samantha shannon came along and there's been that many cover changes and things within her series that somehow a collection ended up happening and now i'm just going with it so i do have many duplicates on this shelf as you can see it's very orange but samantha shannon is one of my all-time favorite authors along with sarah j maas and they both have been since i was a teenager so i'm just going to continue throwing my money at them so we do have a couple of editions of priory we do have the arc and the finished copy this is actually the goldsberg edition so it does have orange sprayed edges as well we have the original bronze season hard covers an arc of the sun rising and the mask falling a paperback version of prairie the orange tree so that i can annotate as you can see i have broken this up into 50 page tabs for when i do want to go back and reread so i can understand i do also have the original paperbacks of the bronze season and the mime order these are the very first copies i had so i'm not going to be getting rid of them anytime soon we have the white covered paperbacks from the cover change and these are the ones which i annotate and then we do also have this pamphlet which is on the merits of a naturalness written by jackson hall which is one of the characters within the bone season series and there's not too many of these in the world this is out of 500 it is signed right there and this is a very valued addition to my collection i have intentionally left space on the shelf because the mask falling comes out towards the end of january so this will probably look even more full towards the end of the month so then we have the sarah j maas collection which is by no means as full as a lot of sergio marston's go and there are actually some gaps on this shelf for instance i'm currently rereading a court of wings in ruin which should go here and i have purposefully left this gap here because her new book a court of silver flames comes out in february so i figured i would just leave a space for it rather than having to rearrange it in a couple of months so of course we do have the entire throne of glass series we have the court of thorns and rosa series both in paperback which is the original copies that i had and then i have this kind of mixture here in which i have the collector's edition of a coat of thorns and roses which is absolutely beautiful because this is what it looks like it is just beautiful it's one of the most stunning books i've ever owned and then i do also have the original hardbacks of both a court of mist and fury and a court of wings in ruin and then over here i have three different editions of crescent city so i have an arc which i was kind enough to receive from bloomsbury before it came out i also have the waterstones edition which has these red sprayed edges and the tour edition because i was meant to go to an event for sarah j maas but then covered happened and they just sent out the tour editions to everybody instead moving down the shelf we have one of the most satisfying collections i've ever owned because most of this is robin hobb we do also have a small stack of sanderson books here but these will likely be moved whenever i end up buying the rest of robin hobb's books because look at them but at the minute they do sit side by side pretty nicely so i'm quite content for them to stay like this for a while but this entire shelf is four different series by robin hobb and also a couple of short stories from her at the time i'm filming this i've read the farsia trilogy and the livestream traders i'll be reading ship of destiny soon but i will be making my way through the rest of the books that i owned by her throughout the course of 2021 so you will be seeing these in future videos if you stick around a lot of people think that this is the full collection of robin hobb it's not there is at least one of the series that i don't have here and there are also other books that she's written that i don't have so while i do have most of them this isn't all of them they are however absolutely beautiful i love these editions so so much and then when we move down the shelf we have a bunch of hardbacks whereas all the shelves above have some kind of order to them this one just doesn't from here on out all of the fantasy books just go where they fit so this is quite a random selection we do have a bunch of j kristoff ones here i haven't read this series i think it's called the stormdancer series but i have read never night and absolutely adored them these are the us editions which my friend becca from becca and the books bought me i think these are absolutely beautiful i've always preferred these editions of them so why she got them i was so happy there's a few random ones here one which i really want to read soon is a black sun by rebecca brown horse i have the poppy war series which again i do want to try soon pyrenici which has a beautiful cover i love the design of this and a whole bunch of other ones too and then again with the bottom shelf this is largely just random paperbacks so i do actually have more editions of nevernight which is in the wrong order while i would usually get rid of paperbacks if i have got hardbacks instead these ones are assigned directly to me so i won't be getting rid of those ones and then yeah we just have a whole bunch of pretty well-known fantasy books we have a bit of tolkien here we have the fantasy masterwork books i do also have sunderland sends which is one i want to read soon out of the world there's quite a lot of big books on here which are currently just like in progress series such as the guy of the world the name of the wind game of thrones which i have read that entire stack of and i've been waiting for the next book for years but yes this is this is this shelf on to the final bookcase i am just going to talk about these two shelves together because they are largely the same theme just more fantasy paperbacks i feel like most of the shelf or new books there's only a few on here which i've had for a while such as the queen of the tailing series the queen of the tailing is currently elsewhere i've also had the brown the nightingale series for a while yes it does annoy me that the last one is a hardback and doesn't match but it's fine we have a whole bunch of laini taylor books here both of which i want to reread the first in both series so strange the dreamer and daughter of smoke and bone and then on this one it's just such a random selection of fantasy books that there really is no rhyme or reason to it apart from where the series such as the kiss of deception series we have a couple of margaret rogerson we have beneath the citadel girls of paper and fire the girl king which i really want to read this was in my books i want to read in 2021 videos so if you want to hear me talk more about that one link down below this is one which i really want to prioritize as well because i just came across it really randomly and i think even though it has quite a generic plot line in terms of fantasy books for some reason i was just really drawn to it so this is the reason this one is facing out so it does actually catch my eye more often so yeah pretty random selection but there you are i then have a whole bunch of young adult fantasy hardbacks basically as i said earlier in the video i do work for fairyloot so the majority of these are from fairyloot such as this absolutely beautiful edition of ray bearer i love this cover so so much and then this one has a kind of sprayed edge print on it i do have blood and honey here which is the second book in the serpent of series i will be getting serpent and dove i just don't have it yet but most of this shelf i actually haven't yet read which is something i'm wanting to rectify in 2021 because if anything the books on here are the ones which are very hit or miss i do want to make my way through these and make sure they are actually books which i am interested in and want to keep but for now i am interested in most of them this one specifically the never tilting world sounds incredible this is the cover of this one and then i also absolutely love the covers of these two cryo's war and iron heart i just think that is beautiful and i really enjoy cry's war so i'm excited to read iron heart and then this edition of the ren hunt which i have on display you might have spotted i do also have the paperback on the shelf above this was actually gifted to me by priss because she knows that i love this book and she came across this edition she wasn't really too big of a fan of the book but she felt like i would really like this edition because we have this which is now an outer print cover i've never seen a hardback of it before so that in itself is pretty rare but we do also have artwork underneath the dust jacket as well as artwork inside as well and it is also signed it's a lit joy exclusive edition apparently so i just really loved this edition it didn't even know it existed but that's why i have this one on display moving down a shelf we then have the last of the fantasy bookshelves and again this is largely young adult books for some reason i've put most of the like really recognizable ones on here such as leigh bardugo the raven boys we have fallen kingdoms which i haven't read but i do really want to but we do also have some newer ones on here as well such as cinderella is dead this one in particular i really like this one is wicked fox by catcher really really adored this one and i have just recently gotten the sequel which is this one on display which is vicious spirits which again is in the video of books i want to read in 2021 so hopefully i will get to that one soon as well so if we move down one again this is my sci-fi shelf which this isn't all of my sci-fi there are actually some on the shelf below as well but this is the majority of the ones which i am really really really interested in or haven't yet read i feel like this is quite a good selection for me because i haven't read most of them but the ones that are on here i'm still highly interested in and some of the ones on here which i have read i absolutely loved such as sleeping giants by sylvain novell and also the day of the triffids by john wyndham a few covers which i absolutely adore and are the most recent additions to the shelf i think are these few books by jafan demiur so i think two of these at least are within the ambergris series and then one of them isn't listed as that but i feel like it is because it does match but these covers are just so eye-catching i love them so much and i do actually have a little bit of a gap here if you can see because i do also own annihilation by jeff ander mia but that is currently on my book bookcar so you will see that one in a bit without a doubt the books i get asked about the most whenever they're spotted in any kind of video is this set of the red rising series because as you can see they do all line up on the spines and these are the fairly editions so if you ever see these that's why i have them this is what they look like all facing forward they are all sprayed on the edges i haven't yet read the series but again it's within the video of books i want to read in 2021 or at least the first one is so i have really high hopes for my enjoyment of the series fingers crossed that is the case because these editions are just beautiful and then for one final time we go back to the horrible angle for the bottom shelf this stack here which are actually facing away from the camera most of those are the lunar chronicles and then i think there's a couple of stephen king books on there as well but they're basically books which i don't want to get rid of but i also don't need them taking up all of that room because the lunar chronicles series is huge as you can see so i have just put them there and turned them around for convenience but i know what's there so it's fine and then all of these books are a combination of thrillers and horrors and dark academia books is how i would categorize these there's a whole mix of them but basically the sort of books that are thrilling in some way that is what i was going with here or just books that don't really fit in with any of the other genres i have so there are a couple on here which i'm not really sure about such as the deathless girls and also a good girl's guide to murder that seems more of a why a mystery possibly thrillery type but generally most of the ones on here have some kind of thrilling vibes such as night film we also have some grady hendrix bunny which is a dark academia and just weird weirdest book i've read we have a few don curtigatch books we also have the furies which i absolutely love and would highly recommend especially if you do like the dark academia vibe we have these violent delights which always gets confused for the chloe gong book which i do also own so it is um an interesting one whenever i mention one in a video because people don't know whether i'm referring to this one or the other one and then we do also have some other popular ones in this bottom corner such as mexican gothic catherine house and ninth house so that is the main bulk of my collection covered if you do want to see the whole organization process then i will leave a link to a video below which i uploaded last week showing how i reorganized this entire thing because it was quite a feat to accomplish but if you do want to watch a kind of relaxing reorganization video it's quite satisfying to watch then i'll leave a link to that down below as well but we are now about to head out into the other rooms in my house and this is where the video is going to get really choppy and you know change lighting change positions all the time because i've got books absolutely everywhere so i'll do my best to show them so do bear with me as we go on this bookish house tour i really couldn't figure out how was best to film this shelf in particular because it's right in the corner of my room and there's a bed right in front of it so this is the best i can do i will show close-ups in a second this shelf is purely decorative so the books that are on here are here for decorative purposes so as you can see i do have this collection of lord of the rings books these are the vinyl bound editions and i just think they are adorable i love the color palette of them and i just think it goes with my room really nicely next to it we have jonathan stranger mr norrell by susanna clark not entirely sure why that one in particular but again just think it looked nice there over in this corner we have a bunch of random books so we have a book of magic and a little book of hygge topical non-fictiony type books definitely the sword that didn't really fit in with the rest of my fiction books so they went in that corner too and then down in this corner here these are just really random books i don't even know how i came to decide that those are the ones that would be on that shelf i think it was just more of a pretty spines and colour coordination situation because i knew i wanted some there but i didn't know which ones so we do have a hardback edition of cersei by madame miller which is one of my favorite covers ever and if you remember from before when looking at my greek mythology shelf i did also have the paperback which is very annotated because of my dissertation i do also have the once and future wishes on here because again i just love the cover and the spine and then i also have these two which i might actually swap out for a couple of others with prettier spines i think i just put these ones in because they were so simple so it kind of counteracted the extravagance of the other book spines but i don't know either way we have one called an instance of the finger post which i haven't read and then we also have the secret history by domitar which i have read and i do actually want to reread that at some point so this next part was actually easy to do free hands or apologies for any shakiness but underneath this and directly next to my bed i do also have a book car so if we get a little closer and have a look at this on this top shelf this is pretty empty right now i am still trying to figure out what to fill it in with because before i did have a plant sitting on this corner so that it was more full but that plant is actually in hibernation over winter so it was just like a potter style basically so i have moved that and at the minute there's just a random notebook and pen in there but this book organizer is full of books which are relevant to this month so whether it be my monthly tbr or books i've read they are all in here and i really like this book organizer because it means that the books don't get caught on this kind of mesh material at the bottom but this is where all the books i keep saying have gone missing are currently sitting so as i said we do have annihilation we have the queen of the tailing the emma handbooks and then a couple of others as well look ovens in room which i'm currently reading so then if we move down a shelf these are basically arcs or review books that i need to read so some of them i have read which are these two the rest of them however i do still need to read and review which is why they're on here so that they are very much in my face basically directly underneath the tbr shelf some of these books include master of sorrows midnight in everwood and then a few young adult fantasy books which i need to get to and then moving down once more the arcs basically continue we do have this print which i created but it's just there for no good reason really but we do have a few older arcs here most of which in fact all of them i've read and they're just here so that they're separate from the complete books so then finally we do also have this cozy corner with a reading chair and this bookcase which is kind of like a stepladder looking bookcase i guess but on these shelves we have a few mythology and fairy tale collections which aren't necessarily fantasy ones so i just kind of put them here because i didn't really know where else to put them we do also have my iron morgan stone collection because as you can see i do have quite a few books from her and i just didn't really know where else to put them because they're all really inconvenient sizes they're all different but as you can see i do have a quite a lot of editions of the night circus and then i also have a copy of the stylus c2 and then all of the shelves below are non-fiction so we have quite a few of them and they do go on all the way down to the bottom so behind here we do have most of them are historical ones but there are some different versions as well this is one of the natalie haynes books i mentioned earlier i do also really want to read the five by holly rubin hold and then yes we do have a whole bunch more and the non-fiction books here are all related to ancient history so they are separate from the rest of them there is enough to have its own section so yes that is also the shelf so that my friends will be it for this video one hell of a bookshelf tour i hope you enjoyed it no matter how sporadic it was books really have taken over my home and i can't say i'm mad about it so yes i am going to end this video here i hope you enjoyed it if you did then remember to leave a like on the comments let me know that you're here if you're not subscribed already then please consider doing so down the description box you'll find information to everything i've mentioned in this video clearly not all the books but every video i mentioned all the collection tools and everything so they will be linked down below along with my social media and other bookish stuff as well so be sure to check it out if you haven't already but for now i hope you have a lovely day and i see you next time with a new video bye [Music]
Channel: A Frolic Through Fiction
Views: 35,560
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Keywords: A Frolic Through Fiction, AFrolicThroughFiction, AFTF, booktube, booktuber, bookblog, bookworm, reader, literature, literature student, uni, university, books, reading, vlog, reading vlog, bookshelf tour 2021, bookshelf tour, book collection, bookshelf tour uk, big bookshelf tour, classics collection, fantasy collection, fairyloot special edition, fairyloot books, fantasy books, fantasy book collection, Samantha Shannon collection, Sarah J Maas collection, book collector
Id: KGnUvubKaPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 14sec (2234 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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