Obsessive and Smitten Heroes in Romance Books | Romance Recommendations

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hey guys it's jessica from peace love books and today i'm here with a recommendation video for my favorite kind of hero i've been really obsessed with these kind of heroes lately and i've been reading such amazing books with this kind of hero in them and that is obsessive and smitten heroes that means the hero is obsessed with his woman and is not afraid to admit that he loves her he's not afraid to pursue her he is normally the one who is all in in the relationship first and the heroine is the one that's more resistant i just love it when the guy is like i love you no question about it i want you i love you and so these are all romances with that kind of hero so i will go ahead and get to them and this is inspired by a couple books that i've read recently i'm literally obsessed with these books right now and i need to rave about them to you the first one is by literally a new favorite author of mine and i want to read everything she's written now this one i listened to on audio could not stop and that is forget me not by kiwi tyler this one is amnesia romance but it's contemporary and it's a marriage and trouble romance i will say there's cheating in here so if that is a hard no for you skip this because that's delved into a lot but we are dropped in the story when our hero and heroine are literally like months out from their divorce they haven't been living together they're both seeing other people and then the hero gets into a car accident and he loses his memory of the past two years so in his mind they are still madly head over heels in love with each other and he is so confused why she's acting kind of standoffish and very just like uninterested in him and he's like what are you doing come here and she's like what are you talking about and so he is the one who cheated on her and there's also trigger warning for miscarriage and fertility issues in here i feel like a lot of marriage and trouble romances do have that conflict between the couple in it so this one does i want you to be aware going in because it is very integral to the storyline and he's obsessed with her he is like there is no way i would cheat on you you are literally the love of my life the chemistry in this book amazing because he has to stay with her and so she can watch over him because he does have a concussion and so she needs to like take care of him so they're living together again this is so so good of course he like he's kind of seeing someone in the present and he's like does not want anything to do with her he's like i'm in love with my wife you need to get out of my life and so he was just like utterly obsessed with her and madly in love with her and like i said the chemistry was just off the charts in here i loved it they had to learn to work things out so good i was obsessed i could not put it down so i definitely recommend this one the next one's actually a really fun one that i recently picked up i've read the first two in the series i think there's five and they're all really shorter novellas so it's about a little over 100 pages it's the risk by s t abby it's a pen name it does fill out stabby if you like criminal minds you're gonna love this because he is an fbi profiler he i think he works at the fbi he's just a criminal profiler so he works with hunting down serial killers and understanding who they are as people and as criminals and our heroine she's really great at profiling too but she's actually a serial killer herself but she is hunting down men who wronged her in her past so something really bad happened in her past we don't fully understand what it is yet still i've read the first two books and i don't think they've told us what happened but she is hunting every single one of the men down and brutally torturing and murdering them and she's doing it because of what they did to her and it's great and the agent this criminal profiler sees her at a coffee shop really likes her gives her his card and she kind of really likes him and he is absolutely smitten he's like you're so perfect i just want to spend all my time with you you're so patient and understanding a lot of times he's gone for like four or five days at a time working on a case and like he comes back can only spend like seven six hours at home sleeping and then has to go right back to work and she's so understanding he says you are perfect like how are you so perfect and she's like i'm not and she has this like murder room in her home that's like behind the wall of another room that she always keeps locked that has her like plans that she's a serial killer and he is working on her case too but there's this other case he's working on that's intertwining with her relationship but he's obsessed with her it's so good i'm obsessed i can't wait to read book three i've been doing like one a week and i'm probably just gonna like fly through the last few because it's so good next i feel like i always included this author's books but it's the forbidden man by karina halley this one is an age gap she's older she just recently divorced her husband who was a soccer coach she was a physical trainer for the soccer team but because they did a breakup i think he cheated on her i don't remember fully but she's not getting back together with him she's like absolutely no way and she ends up moving to madrid working for their soccer team and the hero is one of the soccer players he's in his 20s and he is immediately like i like you i want you and he is so adamant about the fact that he finds her attractive he really likes her he wants to spend more time with her she's much more hesitant because she her job's on the line because they aren't allowed to date people who are on the team and she is also older so she's like you have like your whole life for you like you're at that place in your life where you want to just party all the time live it up i'm reaching 40 i think is how old she was and so she's like unless she is already 40. i don't remember her age exactly but she's like we're at different places in our lives and he's like i don't care i want you and so slowly she starts to like accept the fact that they have an attraction that it might work out and it's great i loved it he just was so adamant that he's like i just like you and she's like no i'd probably like get along more with the older player on the team and he's like it's me so this one's great i loved it i would definitely recommend this one as well i do have a couple historical romances on here and this one i literally finished yesterday and i had my live show on my channel with samantha lacey and lisa for the historical hellions that's then came to you by lisa clayface this is book one in the series dreaming of you is book two i know everybody's obsessed with derek craven derek was in this book and i really liked him but this is lily and alex's story it is enemies lovers so they start off detesting each other alex cannot stand lily he's engaged to her sister he lost uh his betrothed before she was in a riding accident and like broke her neck on the way down so he is terrified of falling in love again and so he's ready to just settle down with someone who's just going to be pleasant and he can grow old with and so he's like penelope is perfect for that she's just very docile and will do what a good wife should do she's really in love with our other friend zachary and so she's trying to plot a way for zachary and penelope to get together she never wants to get married she wants her freedom she's very eccentric she had been not with her family for a while she kind of was ostracized from her family and she just has a lot of personality and alex cannot stand her but then he becomes obsessed with her and so smitten with her and he doesn't even want her as a mistress he's like you're gonna marry me because you are mine and i love that he says i love you first he's just obsessed with her and she is very hesitant she's had her heart broken twice by men and that's why she's like no man is ever gonna be good enough for me but then you know he's adamant that he's like no we're we're gonna be there for each other you're mine so i loved his character i loved how smitten he was by the end and i would definitely recommend reading this i gave this 5 out of 5 stars i loved it then i have 40 love by olivia dade i recently read this i gave it four stars this isn't something for everybody it's very i feel like low inks and i've seen a lot of mixed reviews for it but it's just very sweet our heroine is a plus woman and so she's in the ocean in her bikini and a wave comes by and kind of takes her top off and so she's horrified she's a principal or she's trying to become a principal and get a principal job and so she's like i can't risk this like oh my gosh i need like saving and so this young guy's on the beach and she waves them down she's like help me and he does and he happens to be the tennis trainer at the club that she is she's like at a resort at the resort she's staying at and he is younger than her and he's in his 20s he was a professional tennis player but he got injured so now he's just a coach teacher at this resort and he's instantly like i like this woman and she is very adamant that they shouldn't be together much more so than the forbidden man she thinks like he is way too immature way too young hangs out with all these young people doesn't know what he's doing with his life so i know a lot of people were annoyed with her by that i think it's kind of realistic it always reminds me of if you've watched love is blind jessica on there and mark i think it was mark she was just like so hung up on the fact that he was younger than her and she was obsessed with her age gap and that was annoying this wasn't as annoying as that was to me but she is just like we're at such different places in our lives it would never work outside of here she has a job to go back to he doesn't even know what he's doing with his life and so i really enjoy this because he did the sweetest things for her like at one point she got her period and he was trying his best to like help her with it and he's i think he has younger sisters and he's like well what did they enjoy and was trying to like make her feel better it was so cute i really enjoyed this one the next one i have my books up there but i forgot to write it down but it is winds of the storm by beverly jenkins and in this one it is a spy romance so our heroine actually is rescues our hero in the very beginning of the book and she is like this famous spy and she saved his life because he was kidnapped and she they never saw each other again and then now she is working at a brothel as a madam and she always wears a veil over her face in public and she's working to try to get information from the enemy side and they meet and he's instantly attracted to her and he does end up figuring out who she is but she is very adamant that they can't be together and he is much more willing to sacrifice things for the relationship than she is she just doesn't think they'll ever be able to be together and he's like no i really want to make it work and so the story goes from there and it's really sweet and she tries her best not to fall for him she knows who he is he doesn't know who she is at the beginning but i enjoyed this one i really liked how he was much more willing to start a relationship with her than she was and have a future than she was and then she kind of slowly started to accept that they could have a future together so this one was a fun historical spy romance then i have it's like mutual smitten and that is office hours by katrina jackson this one our hero and heroine are both professors and our heroine is severely overworked and she has so many classes to do and she has a lot of work and research that she has to do and so we have this other professor that she's always kind of had a crush on and then it they figure out that they like each other and it goes from there and it's just sweet they just really like each other and he's not afraid to say that he likes her and they go out together and they're just exhausted working together but if you like an office romance at a college setting i really enjoy this one then i can never find this book on my shelves i don't remember where i put it and every time i do this video i have a general idea where all my books are but this book i can never find it i know i own it but it is transcendence by shay savage this one is a caveman romance our heroine time travels back to like caveman days and he is just immediately like you're mine and he is so obsessed with her and protective of her and tries to make her happy and do anything he can to make her happy they can't communicate to each other he doesn't speak english she doesn't have the capacity to communicate with language and she is trying to deal with the fact that she just time traveled back to a caveman era but his just he's like a cinnamon roll hero he is just obsessed with her making her happy providing for her and he wants nothing but happiness for her so i really loved this romance where he was just willing to do anything for her then this one i recommended a couple times that is wraith by rebecca weatherspoon the reason i love this book is because it's a male nanny romance it's a buff male in any romance our heroine is a doctor i believe and she has twin daughters and her recent babysitter quit and so she is just in a bind she needs someone and so ends comes rafe and he gets along super well with her daughters and there's just like no question there's an attraction between them and what i loved is he sits down with her and he's like i'm attracted to you and we need to figure this out and so he's just like open and saying like i i like you i want you and i don't think we can continue working together without figuring this out and like there's mutual attraction she liked him too and she was like okay and they go from there and i just love a hero who is not afraid to talk about his emotions enough not afraid to acknowledge that there's an attraction there and that they they like each other and so i love that he just put it all out there there was no dancing around there's no miscommunication he's just like i like you and we need to do something about it so this was a lot of fun i really liked it i loved our heroine as a single mom and a successful doctor she was amazing i really liked it then this one i also loved because of he was just so smitten with her it is the happy ever after playlist by abby jimenez our heroine loses her fiance and she is just devastated and grief-stricken and then she finds a dog and she's trying to find who it belongs to it belongs to jason and he is actually on tour with his band and someone was watching his dog and now he's like well what the heck and so he wants his dog back but they text each other so it's kind of epistolary they get to know each other through text and then they meet and the meat is really funny like things don't go as planned when he like decides to meet her for the first time and it's so sweet because he's like i just love sitting with her i love just being in her presence i want to be around her all the time and obviously she has a lot to overcome because she is still very grief-stricken over losing her fiance but he is so patient and just so in love with her i love a hero like that i also really do enjoy a rockstar hero so that really does play into their relationship whether they can make it work while he's on tour and traveling so i love this book so much the next one my sister is actually starting the audiobook and i was like um it's so good and that is on the way to the wedding by julia quinn this is the last book in the budgeting series i absolutely loved it gregory is our hero he is a little child in the show right now in the first book but it is time for his romance and because he's seen all of his siblings fall in love he is the opposite of his brothers he's like i need love i want that love i want an all-consuming amazing love so he falls in love at first sight with this this woman and he's like i want her she's perfect she's mine he's never talked to her really it's just he sees her and is like okay that's my love that's the love of my life and so he enlists the help of her best friend and he's like will you help me get her hermione's woman he's in love with and hermione's best friend is lucinda or lucy and so hermione's actually in love with someone else and lucy's like that's never ever gonna work out and so she agrees and it's actually lucy and gregory's romance we get in the prologue though that gregory is trying to break up a wedding and we don't know whose wedding it is but he's like i love you don't marry him and so we know there's a wedding that needs to be broken up that gregory's in love with someone and we know he's gonna fall in love with lucy though so it's so good because by the end he does become absolutely smitten and will do anything in his power to have this woman marry him she there are a lot of conflict and dramatics going on but he is like though you're you're mine we are destined to be together i love you let's be together which is the opposite of like every one of his brothers in the series they're all so jaded and take forever for the romance to happen but he's all in and i loved it and the last one i have i feel like is every not every book in the series but a lot of them and that is the ice planet barbarian series i had to include this because so many of our heroes are so smitten with the heroines they are like you're my mate i feel like a lot of faded mates book have this too where they are just like we're literally destined to be together we are faded mates and they will do anything to protect and be with their their loved one and on in their alien romances the women all crash land on this planet because they were kidnapped by other aliens and they have to have this quee put inside of them so that they can survive on that planet like or else they would die and that quiz like match with people and they like hum and vibrate when you're with your match and it's mostly like the guys are meeting with them some of them do have alien women with like other alien men those aren't my favorite i really do love the alien man with the the human female and a lot of times the females are like kind of resistant they're like you're literally an alien some of them want that because they want companionship and they see the other women falling in love but it's really fun because the the men have to be patient and some of them do like kidnap them because they see that they're their mate but it's fun i really enjoy the series and the men are just really smitten with their women and that is my obsessive and smitten hero romy's recommendations let me know if you have any more of these i just love it when the man is just like i'm in love and you're gonna be mine i love that i love it when there are no games and the guy is just like okay to express his emotions let me know your recommendations down below and as always thank you so much for watching and have a good day [Music] bye
Channel: PeaceLoveBooksxo
Views: 21,143
Rating: 4.9913979 out of 5
Id: l8qMmPGkmPY
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Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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