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hello hello again my dear ranking fans and today we are going to be doing one that was heavily requested after I did the villain tier ranking and probably should have been seen coming and that is ranking fantasy protagonists now before I get any further into the video I do need to acknowledge that yes this lighting is terrible it's very late at night I have none of the natural lighting I normally do and one of my lights per doubts and I'm waiting on a new bulb it's like this giant ass bulb and I didn't have an extra one bad youtuber me but let's go ahead and jump into ranking fantasy protagonists I've grabbed a few very iconic ones using actors for some character images for others because you know why not just kind of choose randomly I've kind of described a mishmash of characters here to pull from across the fantasy genre some of my favorites so much had a lot to say about so the only further ado let's go ahead and jump in and rank a bunch of fantasy protagonists shall we first up I wanted to kind of outside the ballpark here because I never really talked about how much I liked him as a fantasy protagonist my review of avatar last airbender but we have Aang who actually really did enjoy he starts as a solid character and still manages to evolve quite a bit while maintaining true to what the character is but also taking on a lot more maturity growth and understanding of the world around him so I really have not a whole lot bad to say about Aang I I do enjoy him quite a bit so pretty easily for me I'm gonna be doing I'm gonna go ahead and put Aang into the eighth year so I did I did like Aang quite a bit next up we have Harry Potter and I don't think the character Harry Potter is why many people love the Harry Potter series Harry Potter is fine but he's kind of a blank slate you're allowed to project yourself on and I think he's supposed to do that and he does it well but I don't really love him his personality never really sticks out to me much I can say he's smart I can say he's a bit witty but Daniel Radcliffe definitely brought more to the character in my opinion than what was in the page initially obviously not as much as a blank slate as someone like Edward Cullen duh not even close but not not the deepest so for for Harry Potter here I'm gonna go I'm balancing between B and C and I think he'll settle with a low B not bad by any means has a way to be written and is written that way fine but many other characters from Harry Potter evoke way more emotion than the main protagonist Harry Potter Umbridge for me Hermione Snape way more interesting and all deserve a higher spot just because there are either greater personalities or greater growth things like that Harry doesn't grow much even in my experience obviously age wise and maturity wise but I don't know what that's enough about Harry Potter let's move on to VIN VIN is the star of Miss borne Brandon Sanderson's epic his first real smash hit trilogy and a character I deeply love we start with this kind of young street urchin type who grows into I'm not gonna get into spoilers here but more more than that a lot more very interesting great growth realisation of confidence power all this stuff at one of the best underdog executions I've ever seen in fantasy so for me VIN is going to be our first s tier pick I really do believe in a few decades then we'll be remembered as one of the best fantasy protagonists we've ever seen for the genre just I do honestly believe that next up we have Lyra I grab the actress here whose main cast the upcoming His Dark Materials adaptation sidenote amazing casting I love this girl for Lara I don't know why but after watching origins Wolverine again and her performance in that and remembering the character Lyra I think this is amazing casting so for me happy on that but Lyra is a very complex protagonist for a typical fantasy cy a series even though I still don't totally buy into into His Dark Materials being away a I really do like her arc I love her personality she bleeds off the page and really feels like a real person so for me Lyra is going to be a tear I wish there was a bit more evolution of character she does evolve gonna be wrong but I just wish we got more and with the new His Dark Materials books coming out I'm open I'm not sure if it does follow Lyra still I hope it does because I do enjoy her character and I would like to pick up and learn or and she actually I will say as a caveat of if we do get more material with Lyra could be bumped up test here I really do like Lyra so that's good for me next up we have Roland from The Dark Tower a certified badass machine murders very little emotion at first and his arc is more of a comedown to humanization come down to make friends come down to feel more about the world and it's Stephen King and it's a character of course it's great Stephen King's one of the best character authors ever so Roland for me honestly I haven't finished based off that policy I can't put it in s but I definitely can put it in a and have another caveat in there where Roland could be an S for me because I really enjoy his arc I really like his lack of personality and then slowly developing one and his relationships with those around him really stand out he's one of those where his whole character is elevated by the relationships he has and I appreciate that immensely coming from my end next up we have Caledon first possible controversial pick here Caledon is great Caledon is wonderful but in terms of a character I don't find him as deep as let's say Dallin R I find his motivations and growth within the book to be his best aspects and his continued growth will be you could I'm gonna be sound like a broken record here it could also motivate him up to s tier but what we've gotten so far absolutely earns a because the first way of Kings books he knocked it out of the park and was so appealing to see him become who he was but the series isn't finished so I can't give him s yet and there are other people from Stormlight I like even more Dallin are even though we haven't finished following him yet could be s tear for me just off of respect of what that character is alone next up we have Harry Dresden this is really just like charm over everything Harry Dresden is just so much fun to read and write along with he's brilliant and I I can't get enough of that I really just dig following his personality his take on things he's 90% okay not nighty he's 80% of the reason Dresden Files is great the rest is the world and some of the other characters and things like that but Harry is such a great source of humor he's such a great source of just charisma that I really adore him but he doesn't evolve much so far he's still kind of the same guy we got in book 1 and that's a big limiter for me when it comes to my enjoyment of your character I'm not done with Dresden Files so this could improve but I'm feeling B I'm feeling B I love everything I've gotten from him so far I just still need more which is a great criticism for me to have for him because it lets me unless the author lets the fans know I want more I mean if he was bad I would just be saying no I'm done he sucks but he does he's good I just I still need you know give me some more Henry Dresden juice Oh next up we have one of the all-time classics Aragorn son of Arathorn I'm going off books here and one of the biggest differences between books and movie is Aragorn in the books is a bit more motivated to get the throne they made him a little more hesitant in the movies and in the books he's not like all about it but he's definitely more interested and taking back the throne of Gondor which it's kind of interesting how making him more wanting the throne is actually more different than a lot of fantasy product happiness we get now because a lot of fantasy protagonists we get now our hesitant rulers hasn't take the throne but in the book he's a bit more give it to me so I actually think that's a more interesting choice but here's the thing his character doesn't grow that much he has a decent personality but not the best ever and he's still kind of the same guy from fellowship at Return of the King in my opinion he's still great and for influence alone I love him because he's helped set up so many great characters I do love even more like Caledon but controversial picked I'm I'm doing Aragorn beat here people are gonna hate me ah sorry if we're going off but reread Lord of the Rings and then come back and leave your hate comment or at least reread a lot of Aragorn parts because he's great Striders awesome but if I'm going off of technically how great is the character written and you know all that stuff he's not on the level of like a Dallin are in terms of just depth and nuance and I don't know I don't know man I probably should have gotten hired to make people happy but I'll never do that and we're moving on to John Snell so this is a series it's are not finished the Song of Ice and Fire books are not over so I can't put him in this tier I don't quite think he's earned a tier if I'm gonna be honest John John in the books is a good character no one's gonna deny that I mean there's not really any bad characters from george RR martin but Jon Snow I've never found to be much outside of just uh this is what we typically expect with the bastard reject child Ark he's of course gonna be the underdog he's gonna try to come back on top i-i've never been surprised by book Jon Snow so for that reason oh man I'm gonna make people mad again I'm gonna make people so mad again I need to say this before I do this many A Song of Ice and Fire characters would be s and a tear I just kind of randomly picked a bunch of ones that I probably should ask people when I decide which list to do I'm gonna do that in the future follow me on Twitter I'll put out tweets in the future of who she should do fees list and I'll let you know what list is happening but for now Jon Snow for me is seat here I just don't love his character I'm sorry I really don't there are other a Song of Ice and Fire characters who would be way higher most of them might even say I just don't like Jon that much so fight me I guess I'm gonna get yelled at a lot for this one next up we have Randall Thor he's amazing like he's one of the best just complete arcs he does a lot it's a bit of a trophy arc but he just does it better than I'd say on anyone else who's followed that trobee arc so just earns it Robert Jordans one of the best character workers ever and Brandon's finishing off with him was just fantastic so I'm gonna go ahead and just put him a test here I have whole videos on card right here if you want to see my detailed thoughts about Randall Thor but yeah the guy next up we have Locke Lamora lies of Locke Lamora is one of my favorite first books to a fantasy series ever the gentleman bastards and that is largely due to this little scoundrel right here he's the first real antihero we're coming in I guess Roland could fall into that as well because he just murders people but for me oh man talk about personality and even more so than Harry Dresden I love Locke Lamora so much his relationship is with Sean is one of the best I've ever seen in fantasy an easy a tear pick for me I absolutely just grew early grave but a lovable scoundrel he's magnificent and he's one of the people that you just root for I feel like I could root for him in any circumstance there gonna be a plot line where it's like locks like I need to burn this orphanage and I probably like sprawl justified I'll root for him he's probably right and I know he's not always right like he's kind of a bad guy what I love him though all right mmm next up we have Frodo all right if we're doing is I'm gonna do a sidekicks list in the future possibly I was gonna put this out there Sam would be a nest tear Sam is the goat sidekick he's our the best ever I don't love Frodo a lot I okay Frodo okay I'm gonna get this out of the way Frodo for me is another beats here all right calm down relax all right mmm Craig's and legendary and podcaster watching I know you probably want to punch me in the face right now but here's the thing all right Frodo's fine he's good he does a lot of he serves a great purpose he set up so much for the fantasy John in the future I really enjoy all of that but I just I don't know for me like no no you know what I'm letting Elijah woods performance influence me here and I don't love Elijah Woods performance in the movies and for going off books he deserves a he really does and I'll give him that but I just want to put this on the record Elijah woods performance of Frodo is probably one my few heavy criticisms for the Lord of the Rings trilogy Matty and I are in the middle of rewatching them because she hasn't seen them before and I'm watching him she's and Frodo's kind of driving me nuts so yeah book a movie be because he just sam sam puts up with a lot from Frodo and why is for I don't I don't know I don't know let's just let's move on let's move on he's gonna turn into a cluster so I've saved quoth for the very end here both is not a bad character he's a bit of a Mary Sue that's undeniable meet me in the middle here for one of these Close mega fans you gotta admit the guy just solves every problem and nothing's his fault that's he makes mistakes but even mistakes are like I wasn't really her fault you're justified like that's the problem I have with him a lot but in terms of personality he brings it he's got a good personality in terms of growth there's a bit there but when you start as just kind of smart and good at everything as he does it's a bit hard and no to the guy who's commenting on every video I put out in the last month that I should make fun of both I never just want to make fun of a character and growth does not deserve to be made fun of so no he's got charm he's well written in terms of dialogue and everything for me I'm just gonna I'm just gonna meet you guys in the middle a bit now I want to put him seat here I don't think anyone reasonably he's gonna put in both an ST R like he's now one of the greatest fantasy protagonists of all time some people might try to do a I think a majority would do B if they're well read in fantasy I'm feeling C because he just rubs me the wrong way there's some storylines with amount like and they're just meandering second book where I just found him insufferable really dragged him down but here's the thing Patrick Rothfuss is a great fantasy author just from the amount of effort and beautiful writing he does in his stories anyone who says otherwise is an idiot I personally don't like his books for just various reasons but I'm gonna say again next series he does I'm first in line for it if he ever does but this is my fantasy protagonists list probably the most controversial list I've ever done if I'm being perfectly honest this this one this one's gonna make some people kind of mad but I'm happy to do it for y'all let me know your rankings of these characters in the comments down below and in the pinned comment let me know what tier list you want to see me do next and I'll be putting out a tweet the day I do it and try and get people to let me know who I should include in that list so follow me on twitter at daniel be green as well know the B and Daniel B green is not a pot thing everyone keeps thinking that my middle name starts with a B so it's literally Daniel B green and that it's not a pot thing so anyway guys like and subscribe if you have not all ready hit the patreon if you want to support what I do here and have a good one y'all peace
Channel: Daniel Greene
Views: 161,595
Rating: 4.7849226 out of 5
Keywords: ranking, characters, character ranking, rating, rankings, ranking all characters, tier list, game of thrones, wheel of time, king killer, harry potter, rand al thor, fantasy character rankings, character tier list, fantasy character tier list, fantasy tier list
Id: 9r4V-jGe4_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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