Fantasy high ep 6 but it's just some of my favorite moments

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such a lord of whispers close with a blood honey I'll use my insightful fighting to see if I could get sneak attack on him versus his deception yeah it's my insight versus deception well not one Brandon that one you don't as you rush PAP give me an inside check you rat bastard daddy Kristin yes guy is here to help you how breakable does that glass look honestly dude pretty break up okay I'm gonna have you like it just good sell right into the shoulder glass doesn't even remain on your clothes as you're through the other side a vampire leaps up on the bar after you and says where are you going don't you want to get to know me I don't yet not for five years no tisha go get the super weaponry as fast as you can it looks like the dogs have got none of them why do we fight the most erotic villains is so sexy you run out to yell it to the bouncer as you run out you see the bouncers going I run back 11:16 2020 [ __ ] and I'm looking at Fabian to see if he's impressed while I do it [Laughter] vault after three birds you finally land ahead and yes it's it's 9:00 gonna hit him no it does not okay so I swing it with my bass guitar and then when it doesn't hit I pretend like I was just Gorga okay go ahead and roll your spell attack you see that your corne kind of pokes him a little bit and he's jaw unhinge like a snake this is what I think oh you've never been exposed to this no I think it's fine except everyone I have an uncle it makes it less good and then I turn to Kirsten Applebee's and I give her a wink she's got Bartek inspiration that is now going to be Fabian's turn to be a hero I'll take it I'd like to yell to the room sorry guys it's everyone's curfew everyone go home it's 11 o'clock and we all should be home I run up in my okay Sasha Lord of whispers goes lone have the vampires and werewolves fought each other an instant's rivalry forced in the midnight of dangerous I grab prisoners I'm gonna wink and give one Bartok inspiration you see that there's a very broad shouldered lupine woman with her orange hair growing out of her fur just like she's like so beefy you make it her she owes some say I have lycanthrope you can go to a healer about it okay well maybe you should go to a healer about it there's some guidance counselor positions opened at our school you see that Rover has been like restraining the bouncer from fully wolfing out and has been remarkably successful in doing so almost as though it was inspired I do friends I don't usually I know that probably I'm pretty hard to read you guys don't really know what I'm feeling but we are you have spilled your guts to us you hide the group really well you guys see fig seems to know like the back alleys and div' parts of downtown can I also be smoking so many cloves that the the smoke is hiding us you straight up bar needs to stop barfing all right no one's coming in my house there's no barfing brothers without bars yeah please if there's any barf you track off into my house right please that's all I ask it was nits for me but dwarves skilled craftsmen doors knit you a commode I've married a human you see and he will die dude I think your mom's by ok no nobody's hitting on my mother right now I also I also speak all right so let's all just keep it PC I look like a tea fling but I'm like apart elf so I'm also an elf Maiden if that's what you're into she looks completely ignores you and just a minute you're Angwin and Aryan wins daughter yes that's right I've heard such wonderful things about you I've the the the acceptance the scholarship to Hugh doll that was my sister mm-hmm that's my sister baby and handsome okay I try to do the same formal elven greeting to his father what was that don't speak a word of English lass I'm not a man of letters hand them a business card greetings and salutations as I said I'm not a matter is my Mountain read if you're not a man of letters I got something I think you might like and then I take out my bass and I play a I play a sea shanty the sickest shantia space line comes running out of your guitar you see that you'll see cash flow to you and goes hey we're rolling go come on your dogs and a bunch of pirates to swing it on Rhoda barrels in the house please stay here in case this happens and it'll stay in the barrel until it does you stay in the barrel until the music happens [Applause]
Channel: S Miklosovic
Views: 96,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fantasy high, dimention 20
Id: zRf3Pahif8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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