We Found SO MANY Coins it MUST Have Been a Bank!

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[Music] well hey folks my name is Brad and if you happen to be new to my channel I search the mountains of Vermont with my metal detector searching for old and valuable treasures and today I was invited out to a massive property by my two friends Phil and Tom you may recognize them from videos in 2023 in fact I was with them when I found my number one find of the year if you haven't seen my top 10 list feel free to go check that out now according to them there are five or six old buried home sites out here they've been here a few times and they have found a ton of awesome things old coins I cannot wait we're going to go link up with them I'm going to get the metal detector out as you probably can tell I have mittens on I don't believe it's going to get out of the teens today we're going to bundle up see what we can find [Music] certainly looks round to it's an old copper well Tom has found the first real old coin today it's like an old copper it does very thin now in the past you guys have found large scents but there's always a possibility that it could be something much older than that fortunately a lot of times they come out of the ground like this but sometimes with some work you get them cleaned up we'll see if we can with this one it's still worth its weight and copper right it's a good way to start the day well now fills on the board he thinks green and round jeez you guys know how to find them they're here you will find them by the day end I'm sure can you tell what it is I cannot I haven't let me uh toothpick it a little bit see what I can find yeah if few are looks like britania Shield there left facing that's an old E King George II good for you 57 what we have here no [Music] way and it's complete are you kidding me incredible nice that is a sign of an old sight too yes this is uh a musical instrument from I would guess the late 1700s um we have done a little bit of walking we're at a new area uh an older area and uh this is called a mouth harp now it has lots of different names I know folks down in the South call them juice Harps some folks call them Jew Harps I've done research on them in the earliest known mention of these instruments um was in a different language um Chinese I think actually and they called them mouth Harps look uh so that's why I call them but anyway let's pull this thing out take a look at it yes iconic shape there's no mistaking what this thing is all in one piece can't believe it I find fragments of these all the time but I've only ever found one other complete one so the way this would have worked is there would have been a thin piece of brass uh coming down through the middle of this extending Beyond you'd put it up to your mouth and you'd flick it and you would use the inside of your mouth uh to project the sound and it made like a boing boing sound and when you changed the shape of your mouth it made it sound differently not exactly a tonal instrument it was more of a rhythmic instrument but an instrument nonetheless so cool starting to snow awesome looks likely doesn't it Tom's back with a reveal there she is another old copper coin well we just sprayed some rubbing alcohol on there and we can very clearly see the date now 1812 large scent pretty cool I'm still waiting for mine I'm happy with that it's out here well Phil was walking at me again with a smile on his face and a clump of dirt in his hand screening round wow looks thick is starting to come through another large scent I've lost count how many that is today and a shop Penny and a nickel these folks had some money they were just like tossing it out their window they had so much [Music] awesome 8894 there it is silver nope Wild Well I was wondering when it would be my turn today the time has come and just like the others that were found here this is covered in this kind of brown muddy corrosion I'm going to give it a spray with some isopropyl alcohol and see if maybe we can figure out what it is all right we have the left facing Lady Liberty there hopefully you can see her nose and chin and eye there and of course we can see the wreath where it says one cent this is a US large scent great find first copper coin of 2024 not the last I hope who knows what else could be here what an awesome place every Target you just have absolutely no idea what it could be how old it could be these guys have the best spots awesome silver huh y you sound disappointed I'm disappointed cuz I kissed it see the little there she is oh who cares it's been in the ground it was not where it was supposed to be they come out of the ground really pretty they do looks like the day were off I'll edit that scratch out and post thanks I appreciate that can you make it a 50 cent piece sure all right go for go for a dollar that's awesome yeah cool than 81 loud solid like the [Music] ground well I have something around here but it is enormous what in the world it's light like it's made out of like a compter clearly homemade hole in this thing well not quite sure what this thing is we're going to spray it and see if maybe there's some detail on it by the composition of the metal it almost feels like it's a old counterfeit but let's take a look at it here well I I have no idea there's definitely images on both sides of it and as I had mentioned by the composition it's like a very crumbly lead peor material it almost seems like the some of these counterfeits that I found in the past imitating copper coins silver coins um I even found a counterfeit gold coin and it was all kind of made out of the same cheap metal I'm going to have to do some more work on this when I get home but there's definitely something around the outside of this side and this one it almost looks like there's an ah I can't see it enough to tell let me know what you think you see and then I'll throw up a picture on the screen once I'm able to clean it up a bit it could be a watch fob it could be a campaign token I love I love things like this because it could be anything and I get to do some research on it wish I could read some text on it but awesome let's see what else we can find 91 do you remember what you found right here no okay there's a hole right here and there's a 91 right here 96 clean oh yeah awesome [Music] silver I think it's the same thing you found well I've never found one of these ever look at how it's in the clump still amazing beautiful the eagle so unlike the copper coins that we've been finding finding silver for the most part remains untouched from the soil it might turn a little bit black sometimes but generally they say beautiful and shiny and Tom said that his didn't have a date but mine does 1929 100 years more modern plus sum than the uh large scent what an awesome find these are notorious for not having dates because it was kind of on a raised part of the coin and it would be the first thing to wear off so I can't tell you how excited I am that the very first one I ever found almost a decade into this has a date a legible date on it and it looks like it's in pretty crisp condition do you have yours on you I can compare real quick you can see how this one the the date has worn away mine was pretty close uh and we think we're not sure we think that maybe that one came from 2 ft away 3 ft away so so I'm going to stand up move the cameras away and we'll let Phil take a stab at this area maybe they'll be number three thanks guys what an awesome day [Music] Beauty 91 very quiet probably because it's under a glacier it's out whatever it is yeah there it is I think that is a coin for sure man it has not warmed up very much today it's got to still be in the teens but we are making the most of it we all have big old copper coins now I have numbered two for the day and this one is considerably nicer than the last one I didn't have to do anything to this one I just gave it a little bit of a wipe and we can almost make out a date down there I don't know if it's 1818 I'm not sure we're going to have to figure that out later but this is what most of the coins come out looking like but for some reason this side came out looking real nice and we're still kind of trying to figure out what was going on here we knew that there was a Structure because of all the brick in the ground and there's a little bit of a depression but why there's so many coins if to imagine these folks were poor Vermont Farmers dropping even one or two of these would have hurt but now between the three of us we've got a handful of these things this is worth the cold temperatures and icy ground see what else we can find all right I've got a 90 we'll see there she is oh heck yeah complete with a patina on it well when we first arrived here uh Tom was telling me that he found the biggest codal Bell he had ever found uh here just a chunk of one um and then I found a chunk of a smaller one and we have another smaller piece yet but it's actually the whole Bell and this one you can see was actually silverplated a lot of the plating is still there uh and I believe that this is probably a more modern Bell because of the silver plating and because of the attachment up here I'm fairly certain would have been attached to a strap of leather like a very typical you know sleigh bell around the horses wonderful find all love finding cotal bells jingle bells in this case little one sure there there more of them here probably the whole strap of them 90 real nice Target might have scratched it I did it's okay look like a copper man I haven't dinged one in a while what are you ohset should I be well I can honestly say I have not autographed a coin like that in a very long time it's been years but I'm not trying to make excuses but the ground is very very hard in any case let's take a look at this coin I'm fairly confident it's British and I did scratch it right straight down the middle here doesn't look too bad all right let's see if we can see what king it is well I don't think it's British or if it is it's not one I recognize me take a minute see if we can get this cleaned up with some rubbing alcohol see what happens all right well it's been a bit Googling on our phones Phil and I have been searching up as much information on this coin as we can as it turns out there's quite a bit of legible text on here illegible on the left it says Nova Ebor on the right side which as we learned is Latin for New York this is actually a 1787 New York State copper last spring these guys invited me out and I found my very first New Jersey state coin it was on my top 10 list I actually found two more since then in less than a year but here is my very first New York State copper incredible I feel terrible that I scratched the back of it with my shovel and I felt even worse because as we were Googling it the first result was worth $28,000 but it's not it's couple hundred uh in this condition maybe this is the bust Nova yorak and then the Britannia side with a slice through her face and down at the bottom uh it would have said 1787 incredible I can't thank you guys enough for inviting me over and over again to find awesome stuff that I've never found before two today now anytime I want to find something amazing I know where to go man incredible I was just filming my Nova yorak down here and Phil walks over with yet another piece of money I see the stars coming out so us excellent nice how many is that now the keep count uh that's 2 us a kg a nickel man you're rich you would have been rich in 1820 right 9 cents all right I don't know if I can handle anymore got a 92 going to really really try not to hit this one 92 I think the ground is getting harder as the day goes [Music] on oh it's another copper unbelievable and by the thickness of that it seems like it's probably a large scent but man these people driving by must think we're nuts out here what is it like 18° snowing but we know better well there she is old us large sent this side is still pretty Caked Up with mud but man these people had some money and they lost lost it for some reason you know we always assume that they were dropping it out of their pockets or pretty much where a building was right we're finding bricks in the ground and stuff maybe they had like a jar of coins in their house and they had it like stuffed under the floorboards or something and they forgot about it and the house rotted away this was like their bank and they got scattered about by the plow you never know somebody's hoarde what a way to kick off the year 2024 coppers and silver and goodness gracious well it is the end of the day honestly it's just past 3:00 but the temperature has dropped significantly the wind has picked up we're getting all of our Treasures out so we can take a look at it all and uh it is quite the pile today all right starting from the top a bright purple pocket knife uh right next to it we have a pile of old peeter spoons a broken cotle Bell next to a beautiful complete cotle Bell although I believe this one is probably well into the 20th century because of uh the way it's made up top here and that it's silverplated nine little uh cuff buttons they're all different kinds of materials brass and white bronze One Singular musket ball although it is unfired it's perfectly round and uh the mouth harp jaw harp right up front the standing liberty quarter first one I've ever found with a date we have one 2 three us large cents but that copper coin right there is in fact a New York state copper another first 1787 and lastly this thing in the back as it's dried out it seems as though there's some writing on there although we can't read it yet it seems like it was very crudely punched there so maybe it's a counterfeit coin maybe it's like a watch fob maybe it's some kind of political token can't wait to find out all right we have Phil's Treasures here it it looks exactly like a socket but it's not I mean we're on a old old old site here I'm not sure what that is yeah I like the idea of it being like a tool feral like for a chisel or a you know or something did you count your buttons how many buttons you got there 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 musket balls your chicken blinders a nickel what do we decide it was a v- nickel a penny that's been shot a really destroyed copper and then uh three others you got your George II and two large scents good for you great pile it's good day good day's work all right and here we have Tom stuff um this is we thought maybe that was like a little Silver Buckle at first but it's a silver plate brass still very very cool though that might have been more on a person we got some lead some musk balls a little hinge or something a hinge y uh what do we decide that was like a sword scabard or a sword cross piece now we're not really sure you just found this this is the oldest site it does seem modern but it could be old too we're not really sure about that one brass it's heavy yeah yeah 1 2 3 4 5 buttons and then your coins that 1812 large scent cleaned up beautifully this one unfortunately doesn't seem like there's much on there and then your standing liberty silver quarter have you ever found this standing liberty before maybe one yeah they're hard to come by good for you all right folks well hey thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed today's video we have snow on the forecast uh tomorrow I think almost a foot down my way so this is more than likely going to be the last time I get to do any metal detecting we get to do any metal detecting until Springtime unfortunately but what a way to end it thank you guys yet again for another invitation to one of your sites that which I didn't mention this before you guys started finding some good stuff and you're like let's save this for Brad who does that these guys do hope you enjoyed today's video and hopefully I will see you next week for another Adventure probably not in Vermont thanks [Music] again
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 119,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adventure, aquachigger, archeology, arkeolog, dallmyd, discovery, exploration, exploring, found treasure, game, gaming, history, hoover boys, Metal detecting, metal detector, nugget noggin, old coins, outdoor, quarter hoarder, river treasure, terra Germania, treasure, treasure hunt, treasure hunter, valuable, vermont, abandoned, mudlarking, roblox, bedwars
Id: 7me4zP-Ypxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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