Strange Remnants Poking Out of the Forest Floor Leads to an Unbelievable Discovery from the 1880s

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they were definitely uh serving drinks [Music] here all right wow that is [Music] awesome [Music] I'm at the ghost town of Everest North Dakota just south of Castleton the town boomed in the 1880s there was a hotel saloons stores a boarding house and a blacksmith shop it burned in 1886 but there were some residents who stuck around after I believe there was a store in business till the 1940s but I got permission to excavate the grounds behind where the original businesses once stood so I'll take a walk around and see what's going on this would have been behind where the business district was the back lot so to speak there were buildings possibly houses back here I know there was some residences living in the area after the town burned there's a lot of ground to cover but we'll set out a grid this is no doubt overgrown in the last 140 or so years I was walking around and saw some fragments in the area I started probing if you look close you'll see I kicked some marks in the ground I hit a bunch of ashes and some glass down there that's a good indicator of an early sight it's decent size 4x4 we'll get this thing opened up I think we're in a saloon pit there's all kinds of bitters bottles we found fragments tonic bottles broken beers this layer is soft it was a well used pit L of stuff everywhere in here Dr Jos stter stomach bits wow that's an applied Top This is Dakota territory era before North Dakota was even a state that is beautiful it's got some iridescence on it looks like some kind of prescription bottle wilser Pharmacy 604 Front Street Fargo North Dakota wow that's right after State Hood that's got to be 1890s yeah they're just everywhere in here looks like a some kind of tonic bottle made by the Whittle Tatum company they made a ton of bottles back in the 1880s 1890s some kind of panel piece I think it's a medicine uh white wine white wine and tar syrup Cold Water Michigan Warners okay so Warners had a bunch of products back in the day it's very weak embossing on this thing it's a tooled top though I'd put it at about 1890 that looks like some kind of Ale bottle uh looks like an applied top turn mold got a nice green color yeah this ground is incredibly soft down here looks like a tool top bits no embossing on the thing but that same 1890 era another bitters I'm certain this is a saloon pit that's a tooled top Dr J hosters got a couple of them now Dr J Hoster stomach bits looks like another tonic bottle yeah I've found these in Saloon pits before yeah another by the Whittle Tatum company would have had a paper label on it likely shipped in from somewhere you may have found the bottom there a couple pieces laying down here though this one's got some writing on it 1880 Dr CD Warner Cold Water Michigan German hot bitters you know I think this is a super rare one I've never seen it before uh I know Warner sold their products all across the northern Frontier looks like some kind of bitters could be a begs let's see no embossing well Tool top would have had a paper label on the front it's a circuit 1890 this Pit's done the Pit's all finished up it was a well-used saloon here's the hall got a wine bottle some bitters prescription bottle patent medicine and believe a couple tonics wasn't a whole lot thrown in but it was no doubt a good excavation had some good age look at this thing filled back in there's the spot we dug yesterday it cleaned up well I started probing around the area you'll see I kick some marks in the ground I hit some more ashes and glass it isn't a deep pit but I had a lot of stuff down there so we'll get this one open up [Music] next [Music] down a couple feet looks like I'm into a solid use layer see the soil change there's a it's like a medicine of some sort what do we have emert proprietary company Chicago USA happy home blood purifier and health tonic looks like it's a tooled top would have had a paper label on the front you can see the embossing on the side there's just all kinds of writing I've never dug one of these before that's a really cool name I put this thing at about 1895 like heard something underneath it what do we have here it's like a broken liquor flask a coffee cup you know what this thing is in great shape it's a iron Stone uh I thought the handle was broken off at first but this thing didn't have a handle this is the same date range 1890s still in a solid use layer this stuff seems to have some great age too uh looks like another coffee cup of some sort Ironstone China 1890s another piece there it is looks like a little uh butter Pat I dig these every once in a while uh Royal Ironstone China Alfred Meek in England he had a really popular Pottery Works back in the day find his pieces all across the Midwest some kind of panel bottle here let's see oh wow and airs airs sasparilla compound extract that's a nice one there that's another classic I find a lot of these in early Frontier sites it's uh aasa circuit 1895 oh wow we've got a couple pieces down here let's see here another airos sasparilla that's mint look at that to Top Again Circa 1895 look at all this stuff wow this Pit's loaded what is this oh wow okay it's another airs yeah it's a tooled top you see it has airs on the bottom I find a lot of these I think it was a hair type product another tooled top Circa 1890 Hood sasparilla L Massachusetts apothecaries CI hood and Company this is getting earlier you know i' yeah put this closer to 1890 and it looks like this one's still full contents that's interesting airs airs sasparilla compound extract L Massachusetts oh this is really something and they're all intact I found that corners and bottom this is in one of the sides might be the last piece this is unusual I have never dug one of these uh it's got some embossing Charlie Ross and it's got a face embossed on it there this is unusual it looks like it's actually a clear bottle but it still has the contents in it maybe it wasn't the best product but this is again in that 1995 range and that's hard packed clay looks like this Pit's done here's the hall I learned something interesting about this cologne bottle so Charlie Ross was the first person in US history kidnapped for ransom it was a 4-year-old boy kidnapped outside of his par parents mansion that was back in the 1870s and his whereabouts are still unknown some other fines are the Iron Stone pieces and some medicines wasn't a big pit but definitely an interesting dig we'll get this thing filled back in this was once the business district of Main Street they on the corner is where it concluded the hotel once stood based on property records there was a saloon attached to it several other businesses up here but down here you'll see I kicked some marks in the ground I pushed a prob Rod through the ground I felt some stove ashes and glass that's a good indicator of an early sight we'll get this thing opened up we're in it I saw this one first looks like could be a soda this is a Holy Grail Joseph simonic bottler wapon North Dakota it's made by the streer bottle and glass company with an 1897 date code look at that thing so this is what a pot bottle looked like before the pry op cap was invented this pit is loaded looks like some kind of a picnic flask wow that's a court I think a court picnic flask you know there were saloons down here on Main Street I think this might be a saloon pit wow I see some embossing been working around all this coal I think they threw some coal in his back fill what's this thing melons infants food ah the dollur Goodall Company Boston that's early I want to say this thing's 1890s looks like another liquor flask this one's a a sholy Style again I'd put this thing at 1880s 1890s what we Northwest Medical company biders wow I'm fairly certain this is a saloon pit you'll usually find liquor flasks soda bottles and bits in these things and this is uh again 1880s 1890s and another liquor flask another shoe fly so that's a cork top would have been sealed with a cork way back when before the screw tops became popular oh this coal is kind of uh tricking me sounds like glass down there looks like a another bits Northwest medical company bids if I remember correctly these are fairly rare I don't know exactly where they're from but I've dug these in Saloon pits around the area there's more and I probed down this pit drops at least another couple feet this could get really good there's a some embossing at trks magnetic ointment I've dug these in earlier pits I believe we're in a ter Dakota territory era privy looks like a a little Penny pipe sometimes these have markings I don't think this one does they call them Penny pipes because well they could be purchased for a penny at your local store look at that solid use layer another liquor flask yeah shoe sholy sholy style liquor flask Circa 1880s 1890s may have found the bottom but this uh west side has been producing well all this coal in here let's see it's a nurser bottle our Darlings nurser wow okay so there was definitely a family living here if it was a saloon that could have been living up top this is early this is again 1880s 1890s this Aqua bottle oh what's this oh wow another uh melons infants food I definitely had a infants living here this is a good early piece tooled top now I hit something let's see some kind of a dish what is this oh yeah mle's strengthening cordial and blood purifier I found these in several Saloon pits over the years this is a mark of the beast so to speak it's a tooled top more coal we have here little uh Philadelphia oval style prescription bottle no embossing unfortunately would have had a paper label on front and the bags as pit has it all sodas cils bitters I'm convinced it's a saloon pit U another tooled top Circa 1890 some kind of panel piece and maybe a liquor flask kind of packed in here I don't want to break anything it's got to kind of carefully dig these things out another liquor flask another uh Shoe Fly style that's circuit 1890 oh low Massachusetts compound extract airs compound extract of sasparilla that's classic that's a another Dakota territory 1890s type bottle what do we have here I've seen these yeah H buckin and Company Chicago Illinois electric bitters that's a cool name that's a another emo of a saloon pit okay this just a broken flask what do we have here looks like a Blake Style prescription bottle it is tightly packed ah no embossing this thing should have been embossed that's a 80s style all the way Blake style prescription bottle here's the hall everything dated back to the 1880s 1890s got that won soda bottle some liquor flasks I think a horseshoe off of a draft horse couple prescription bottles some medicine good amount of bitters some infant bottles the nurser and infant food this was an awesome excavation we'll get this thing filled back in it may be difficult to see but I painted some orange markings in the ground that shows the corners of the pit we're about to excavate and pushed a probe Rod through the ground I hit some stove ashes and glass doesn't seem deep but it seems like there's a lot in it so we'll get it opened up [Music] [Music] [Applause] up down only a foot and this pit seems loaded looks like a bitter's bottle here uh Dr J hos sters this is classic I found these in pits all across the Midwest uh looks like there's some liquor and Bitters mixed in it's a good good chance it's a saloon pit we're digging in Dr J Hoster stomach bitters that's a tooled top this stays back to about 1890 that looks like uh all these maybe Celluloid pieces have been coming out looks like some kind of a woman's hair clip days back into the late 1800s and then uh these little Combs I don't know if they're mustache Combs or something along those lines but I believe they're also Celluloid date back to that same time frame this caught my eye I'm guessing a family was living here this is a doll egg this thing's well over 120 years old looks like some kind of semi- porcelain piece a couple pieces here oh c 1897 so that that dates this for sure and this is a tooled top which fits that time frame what do we have here okay an unbossed bids bottle so these are generally begs dandelion bids although this one had a paper label could have held a number of different companies biders looks like a solid use layer what is this thing a beer maybe a whiskey oh wow big whiskey Court sometimes these have writing on them this one doesn't looks like a turn mold piece that's again 1890s for sure pre- turn of the century another Whiskey Bottle s cylinder type whiskey uh turn mold no embossing on the thing W begs andt Chicago Illinois so I'd mentioned begs dandelion bids this is actually from that same company this would have held some kind of extract or a medicine it's a tool top got something ornate down here could be a stove part uh I think it's cast iron like on a bottle okay it's a tredd to an old sewing machine what do we have okay it's domestic that's the company the domestic sewing machine company I've seen these before it's a late 1800s what was this uh Professor Kalin world-renowned Brazilian gum never heard of it I dug a similar bottle that was Major's rubber cement so maybe it's a similar product looks like maybe a Vaseline container it's kind of into the clay oh yeah chess Bros chess bro Manufacturing Company Vaseline this is an earlier version It's a tooled cork top yeah looks like a bitter's bottle and another blank example would have had a paper label on the front working my way west and all kinds of stuff is falling out here's a I think it's a faux wood doorknob this could have actually been to the ouse these were made to look like wood but they were actually some kind of ceramic great for outdoor use mason jar cap sometimes these have the company name I know Boyd was a really popular company in the day this one doesn't have any stamping on it though a solid use layer I've been seeing a bunch of UN digested seeds confirming we're in an old ouse pit likely to a saloon based on what we're finding yeah this Pit's loaded let's see here oh wow an old sharpening stone would have been used for sharpening knives or an axe of some sort see you don't want to break anything it's all kind of just wedged in here a big old prescription ball no embossing on it but that's a big one that's got to be a 12 oz maybe a 16 o size and another ah too bad there's no embossing on these they were likely from a local pharmacy could have been from Castleton now this panel thing let's see okay no embossing it's a patent medicine likely a bitters of some sort I've seen these Styles uh the electric bids or pain celery compound looks like some kind of big picture mention this could have been a saloon could also been a restaurant there were definitely uh serving drinks here all right wow that is awesome the hand handle's intact uh it's a little chipped up on the bottom must have been why it was discarded but overall this is in great shape another mason jar lid uh no embossing on this one either I'm in the final corner but something strange happened so the corner continued on there's all kinds of stuff in it we opened it up further and saw all kinds of whole pieces here's a ball neck panel extract could have held sewing machine oil or medicine as well solid use layer looks like a cone ink of some sort that's a tool top it's like a Ironstone China coffee cup there's no handle on it but a lot of these were made without them a little French square style prescription bottle there's no embossing on this thing but that's great age that's got to be 1890s for sure and another wow this could even be 80s that's a really early style I just wish there was some embossing on it but if had a paper label and another this thing just loaded this is insane The Chalice of some sort mentioned it could have been a saloon here it's another confirmation oh wow white wine and tar syrup I usually find these in older pits Cold Water Michigan that's a from the Warner company that's a that's a good piece a tool top 1890s oh wow what's going on with this looks like a little pill bottle bile beans Smith's bile beans I've never seen one of these before these would have been extremely tiny pills it's a toed top bottle looks like some kind of liquor flask oh yeah we have a coffin flask uh actually a Shoe Fly style it's more rounded edges that's 1890s for sure may have found the final few pieces I saw some embossing on this one fingers crossed GW botal druggist Castleton Dakota territory so this was made before North Dakota was a state that's why it doesn't say North in front of Dakota this is a Holy Grail let's see here it's like a little cologne bottle I've had a paper label this is early I'm sure 1880s now see and another cologne bottle made by the Illinois glass company you can see the company Mark there on the bottom this would have had a paper label on the front as well GW botal druggist Castleton Dakota territory wow this still has some contents inside of it it's got that pinkish color I couldn't even begin to guess what that is this Pit's done here's the hall this was a Monumental excavation got a good variety of pieces as well got that sewing machine trle all these prescription drugstore bottles including those two from Castleton got some medicines coffee cup some inks liquor bottles some Combs pites that one has some really nice coloring cordial glass colog bits there you have it we'll get this thing filled back [Music] [Music] in [Music]
Channel: Below the Plains
Views: 78,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tom Askjem, Below the Plains, bottles, antique bottles, wild west, history, american history, archeology, old bottles, north, dakota, minnesota, south, crick, creek, bottle digging, digger, adventure, dig, vintage, antique, outhouse, privy, diggers, cistern, glass, collection, collectable, collector, train depot, midwest, hotel, saloon, trash, dump
Id: r0bx-eArYf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 9sec (2169 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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