Clint Eastwood Confirms Why He Didn’t Marry Sondra Locke

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think you can call any infidelity or cheating or anything like that when we're already living separately same house but separately or living a strange so I'm not going to ever say when it comes to Hollywood power couples few have captured curiosity like Clint Eastwood and sandre lock their longlasting relationship held Secrets but now Eastwood is sharing some insight into their private life join us as we take a look at these Revelations that have left fans shocked at a get together arranged by their Mutual back in 1972 Clint Eastwood crossed paths with Joe heims on the Universal Studios lot it was there he met and fell for actress sandre lock she had a similar outlook on life having wed for social and financial reasons before all the while having a series of private relationships their story took a turn in October 1975 when Eastwood and lock decided to share their lives while filming The Outlaw Josie Wales in Paige Arizona lock recalled how Eastwood had mentioned his relationship with Margaret Johnson wasn't going well before lock spilled the beans in her autobiography revealing Eastwood's surprising confession he admitted to never having been truly in love before and being unfaithful in past relationships he poured out his affection in a song He penned she made me monogamous lock was deeply touched and felt secure in his love thereafter never doubting his loyalty after wrapping up filming for Joey lock moved to Sherman Oaks residence in Pebble Beach it was where Eastwood and Margaret Johnson had once lived together Margaret had stayed on after their split making it her permanent home but Lo couldn't shake the feeling that it would always belong to Maggie in her heart back in 1953 Clint Eastwood tied the knot with Margaret Neville Johnson Margaret started as a secretary but later switched gears becoming a fitness instructor there Love Story sparked in May when they were set up on a blind date during his time with Johnson Eastwood had a short fling that resulted in the birth of their daughter Lori in 1994 Lori was then adopted by Clyde and Helen Warren a couple living in Seattle while married to Maggie Johnson Eastwood had several Affairs which Johnson reportedly tolerated one of these Affairs was with stuntwoman roxand Tunis which resulted in the birth of a daughter Kimber Eastwood's relationship with Tunis lasted from 1959 to 1973 Johnson and Eastwood divorced in 1984 Johnson and Eastwood had two children during their marriage Kyle and Allison Eastwood also had children outside of his marriage Johnson was reportedly aware of and accepting of the extramarital Affairs being plagued by the idea that Eastwood's wife once lived in the same house she was staying in lock told him she can't live there anymore that led them to move to belir they purchased a dilapidated property that underwent extensive Renovations for 3 years during this period of renovation the couple divided their time between their homes in Tiburon California Sun Valley Idaho and the rising River Ranch which Clint Eastwood had purchased from Bing Crosby's estate before we continue on the affair between Clint Eastwood and sandre lock and the surprising Revelations that were made let's look at their rise to fame Clint Eastwood all also known as Clinton Eastwood Jr was born in San Francisco on May 31st 1930 his parents were Clinton senior and Ruth and he had a younger sister named Jean times were tough during the Great Depression so the family moved around California before settling in pedmont Clint went to high school in pedmont and Oakland and he graduated in 1949 After High School Clint took on all sorts of jobs like bailing hay logging driving truck and even working in a steel furnace then in 1950 he joined the US Army and was stationed at Fort or in montere California while there he taught people how to swim in 1953 after leaving the military Clint Eastwood headed to Los Angeles and signed up for classes at Los Angeles City College while studying he worked part-time at a gas station during this period he caught the eye of Universal Studios despite having little acting experience impress impressed by his natural charm Universal Studios offered Eastwood a contract he started with small roles in movies like revenge of the creature and Francis in the Navy both in 1955 then in 1958 everything changed for Clint Eastwood when he scored a lead role in the TV western series rawh hide meanwhile on May 28th 1944 Sandra Lise Smith was born to Raymond Smith a New York City native in the military and Pauline Bane who worked at a Pencil Factory in Huntsville Alabama her parents split up before she was born Sandra's life took a turn when her mom got remarried in 1948 and she took on the last name lock growing up she had to shoulder adult responsibilities from a young age like working part-time at just 16 owning a car and even having her telephone in her room although she was raised with Baptist beliefs she stopped going to church as she got older in her 20s Sandra decided to tweak the spelling of her first name to Sandra to steer clear of being called Sandy back in her high school days at Shelbyville High School in Tennessee she Shone brightly both academically and socially after graduating she landed a job in the promotional department at WSMV in Nashville all the while dipping her toes into the world of modeling for The Tennessean Newspaper despite her charm Sandra didn't catch the eye of of the popular guys in school as a potential date her first romantic fling as remembered by the locals was with Fred Thomas Jones the son of a carpenter around 1963 lock cut ties with her family she felt that keeping up Shallow relationships wasn't worth it she never knew her real dad when her mom passed away in 1997 and her stepdad in 2007 she didn't go to their funerals Donald Lock's Stepbrother blamed Gordon Anderson for the family split Anderson was Lock's best friend and later her husband Donald thought Anderson had a big influence on lock lock worked different jobs she handled accounts for Tyson Foods and did secretarial work at a real estate office she lived in southwater apartments in galatine a town many commuters liked one day she looked at a picture of herself playing in the snow she started dreaming of being an actress in July 19 1967 lock tried out for a part in a movie based on a book by Carson McCullers she competed with lots of actresses from the south and New York the movie starred Alan Arin before her first try out in Birmingham Lock's fiance Gordon Anderson gave her a big makeover he changed her look a lot he made her chest look flatter lightened her eyebrows and styled her hair makeup and clothes to make her seem younger and more innocent Lo lied about her age by saying she was was younger by 6 years she kept up this lie throughout her career and even in her public life after trying out in New Orleans and Manhattan the person in charge of picking actors Mar and Doty thought lock was a good fit for the role they finished filming the movie in the fall of 1967 following the Triumph of the heart is a Lonely Hunter the actress delved into several movie projects she took on roles in cover me babe alongside Robert Forster the suspect ful a reflection of fear with Robert Shaw and the unforgettable horror flick Willard later on she made the switch to television gracing popular shows like Kung Fu and Planet of the Apes solidifying her status as a dynamic and Lasting presence on TV screens her relationship with Clint Eastwood played a pivotal role in shaping her life and career it all began with their collaboration on the classic Western film The Outlaw Josie Wales in 1976 their bond profound influenced her journey but it also marked the end of her career path in 1997 they co-starred in the gauntlet while working on the film Eastwood and Lock's romantic involvement became public knowledge this stirred controversy because both were married at the time Eastwood to Johnson and lock to Jordan Anderson during their time living together lock complained to Eastwood about discomfort during intimacy caused by her IUD he insisted she remove it at at First Lock hesitated as she didn't want to switch to birth control pills due to their risks outweighing the benefits eventually she consulted a doctor who taught her about tracking her menstrual cycle although this method isn't always foolproof in the late 1970s lock had to undergo two abortions the second one was especially tough for her looking back she regretted the decision believing the child would have been exceptional inheriting qualities from both her and her partner although they never met face to face Margaret Johnson openly disliked lock lock had imposed strict rules limiting Johnson's interactions with the children Johnson recalled a time when she visited Clint's property to see a newborn deer after that visit lock banned her from the premises permanently and even prohibited her from contacting the household by phone Margaret Johnson decided to end her marriage with lock when she noticed he didn't seem to care about her anymore by late 19 1978 Margaret understood that Clint Eastwood's relationship with her was different from his past ones she realized he was more committed to lock so she hired a lawyer to start the process of separating legally from Eastwood even though Margaret and Clint were separated they didn't officially file for divorce until May 18th 1984 the divorce was finalized on November 19th Margaret got a big sum of money estimated to be between 25 and $30 million Sandra didn't want to divorce her husband Anderson Anderson was a sculptor and used to be an actor he was gay and lived with his boyfriend John mcke in a house in West Hollywood Clint Eastwood bought that house according to lock the union between her and Anderson was solely based on practical reasons and never involved intimate relations lock stated I genuinely believe that Clint and I did not require a legal document to confirm our mutual commitment Clint Eastwood and sandre lock collaborated on multiple films after their initial reunion in The Gauntlet these films included Every Which Way but Loose Bronco Billy any which way you can and Sudden Impact Fritz Ms Eastwood's former associate claims that Eastwood was deeply devoted to lock from 1976 to at least 1980 however Eastwood also maintain discreet maintenance relationships with others such as Tunis while with lock according to Mains Eastwood's love for Lee was all encompassing and unwavering the relationship between Eastwood and lock deteriorated when lock opted to stay wedded to Anderson after Eastwood ended his marriage with Johnson lock stated that she would have left Anderson had Eastwood agreed to the couple's counseling but he declined despite the love Clint claimed he had for lock he went back to his former habit of womanizing was lock not worth all his love in the early 1980s biographer mcgilligan states that Clint Eastwood resumed his pattern of extramarital Affairs he became romantically involved with story analyst Megan Rose actress jimie Rose animal rights Advocate Jane Brolin and jasin Reeves a flight attendant he allegedly met at his restaurant the Hogs breath in during his relationship with lock Eastwood fathered two children with Reeves while he told her to abort twice Eastwood's affair with Reeves was not reported anywhere until an expose article was published in the star tabloid in 1990 that's when she found out over their 14e relationship as an unmarried couple lock and Eastwood lived in seven different houses and bought four of them including a vacation home in Idaho and the rising River Ranch close to Cassell then it happened after 14 years of being together Clint Eastwood and sandre Lock's relationship ended in a bitter breakup in April 1989 the legal battle that ensued after their split last Ed for 10 years lock initiated a legal action she sued him for palamon after without her knowledge altering the locks of their residence and relocating her belongings to a storage facility while she was engaged in filming her second directorial project impulse in her official Complaint she outlined how she was evicted from their home her lawsuit alleged that Eastwood caused her emotional distress and violated a contractual agreement lock sought to retain ownership of their belir mansion and Hollywood Hills property during the legal dispute additionally she disclosed in her declaration that she had undergone two abortions and a tubal ligation during the trial Eastwood diminished the closeness of their relationship initially referring to lock as a roommate he swiftly corrected himself describing her as a part-time roommate instead Bill Brown the publisher of the local newspaper and a golfing companion of Clint Eastwood revealed that despite public conflicts East W had recently confided in him that Sandra was the love of his life Donald Lock's half brother who wasn't close to her informed The Tennessean that Eastwood still had deep feelings for lock but was unable to withstand her unhealthy attachment to her husband Gordon Anderson what led to their disastrous breakup is it his Affairs or her obsession with her husband Gordon Anderson Lock asked Gordon Anderson to give up any legal claims to her possessions which he was in entitled to as her spouse before Eastwood could fabricate the truth about their marriage Gordon who loved her very much and trusted her completely gave her ownership of everything while the proceedings were ongoing lock was approached by an investigative journalist who revealed Eastwood's secret family the journalist had verified the existence of this other family through a nurse in the delivery room who confirmed that Clint Eastwood was their father the journalist offered to provide lock with copies of the birth certificates and a photograph of one of Eastwood's daughters jaselyn she was devastated to know that two babies had been born during the first 3 years of their relationship and they weren't hers it took her 20 years to find out Lock's case continued and during this time she was diagnosed with breast cancer which weakened her determination to pursue the case in November 1990 she withdrew her lawsuit in exchange for a settlement that included Ed a lump sum monthly payments from Eastwood and a $1.5 million directing contract with Warner Brothers however in 1995 lock became convinced that the settlement was fraudulent and filed a lawsuit for fraud against Eastwood lock alleged that the project development deal with Warner Brothers was aoy to get her to withdraw her palamon lawsuit she claimed that Eastwood intentionally funded the deal to keep her career stagnant the case was eventually settled out of court in September 1996 sandre lock filed a lawsuit against Warner Brothers Studios alleging that the studio colluded with Clint Eastwood to damage her reputation as a film director the lawsuit was eventually resolved out of court too but how was sandre Lock's life after the breakup when she had breast cancer she underwent a double mastectomy at Cedar Sinai Medical Center and also chemotherapy during this period she met Scott Kine a medical intern born in Long Beach California on September 10th 1961 who was tasked with conducting her postsurgery evaluation the two later began a romantic relationship despite a 17-year age Gap and the fact that lock was only 3 years younger than his mother the couple quickly publicized their relationship they were seen dining at the popular Paparazzi spot spago on one of their early dates in November 1990 in 2001 lock bought a secluded six-bedroom mansion in the Hollywood Hills which became her home for the rest of her life she and Kine broke up but no one knew because she was no longer in the public eye however after their breakup Clint Eastwood went on to have the time of his life after parting with lock Eastwood briefly dated Barbara strand that same year he had relationships with Marissa baronson his co-star in white Hunter Blackheart Carmel mayor Jean Grace actress Danny Crane and model Barbara minty who was married to Steve McQueen but widowed at the time Clint Eastwood embarked on a long-term relationship with Francis Fischer an actress he met on the set of pink Cadillac in 1988 they kept their romance private for the first two years maintaining an open and non-exclusive Arrangement however they eventually made their relationship public in late 1990 Eastwood and Francis Fe featured in Unforgiven and had a daughter named Franchesca on August 7th 1993 on the same day as the film's release notably this was the first time Eastwood was present for the birth of one of his children however he had instructed fiser to conceal her pregnancy until the final 3 months because he did not want it to overshadow his Oscar campaign even though the couple was legally allowed to marry they chose not to around a month before their daughter's birth Eastwood learned that a 39-year-old woman from Kent Washington had investigated her adoption and determined that Eastwood was her biological father Eastwood remained silent about the allegations their relationship was further strained when Fisher learned not from Eastwood that he had another child with jaselyn Reeves the couple separated in January 1995 that was not all while fiser was still living with Eastwood he allegedly started a relationship with Dena Ruiz who was 35 years younger than him the two had initially met When She interviewed him for a news story in March 1993 it's uncertain when Eastwood and ruiz's romantic relationship began however in February 1995 Eastwood attended two major golf tournaments with ruiz despite not publicly acknowledging his split from fiser Clint Eastwood and his partner tied the knot on March 31st the ceremony took place at a private home on the Shadow Creek Golf Course in Las Vegas and Eastwood surprised his partner with the event this marriage is noteworthy as it is Eastwood's second official Union despite having several long-term relationships throughout his life in late August 2013 Dena Eastwood publicly revealed that she and her husband had been living apart for a while several months later she initiated divorce proceedings withdrawing her earlier request for legal separation the reason given for the divorce was irreconcilable differences after breaking up with ruiz Eastwood has been seen in public with photographer Erica Tomlinson Fischer who is 41 years younger and restaurant Hostess Christina sandera who is 33 years younger Eastwood and sandera announced their relationship publicly at the 87th Academy Awards in February 2015 Eastwood has been known to be in relationship that led to having children except for sandre lock nobody knows why he never wanted a child with Sandra's luck and that's still a mystery the alleged children of Eastwood keep popping up on the Internet space once in a while those closest to Clint believe there might be more hidden families in his personal life the 1999 UK release of Clint The Life and Legend became the first publication to mention Lor's existence but her identity and details were withheld it wasn't until she revealed herself to photographers at the December 2018 premiere of The Mule that media Outlets officially knew who she was some sources such as a website that no longer exists created by his cousin Steve in 2006 mention another child named Leslie born on February 13th 1959 and believed to be the daughter of Bob Marley's mother Rosina Mary Glenn Clint Eastwood has remained secretive about allegations of additional children outside his known family the extent of his fatherhood is unknown with sources speculating about the number of children and their mothers in recent years independent filmmaker Jake C young sparked rumors of a possible connection to the famous actor Clint Eastwood due to their striking similarity speculation about Eastwood's unacknowledged children and potential Family Ties to Young arose as a result however young has remained silent regarding these allegations and has not publicly confirmed or denied any relationship with Eastwood in a 1997 interview on 60 Minutes Steve Croft inquired about Eastwood's number of children Eastwood's response I have a few lacked specific details but things weren't going too well for lock in 2015 after 25 years without noticeable symptoms Lock's cancer reappeared and spread to her bones on November 3rd 2018 lock passed away at the age of 74 four in her Los Angeles residence due to Cardiac Arrest caused by complications from breast and bone cancer locks passing was initially not disclosed until December 13th Radar Online revealed this information on the eve of Eastwood's film the MU when it was premiering in theaters across the country citing the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health as their Source despite the passage of 6 weeks since her death it remains unclear why the information about Lock's death remained undisclosed efforts to reach Eastwood proved unsuccessful a spokesperson for lock also declined to comment on her death the secrecy surrounding the situation was such that basic details were initially unavailable even a report of an immediate list of survivors was Kept Secret locks passing went largely unnoticed by the media except for a brief mention during ABC's World News Tonight Eastwood along with Lock's former partners friends and family remained silent on the matter despite being active on social media co-stars Richard dfus Sicily Tyson Louie Anderson Sally Kellerman Stacy kech and Ted Neely remained silent on the matter Lock's Omission from the memorium segment of the 91st Academy Awards was also noticed which aired almost 4 months after her passing her body was cremated on November 9th at Pierce Brothers Westwood Village Memorial Park and Mortuary and the ashes were given to her husband husband Gordon Anderson Lock left Anderson about $20 million and she had been providing for him financially for a long time the love story of Clint Eastwood and sandre lock is one that got media attention During the period it lasted most people term it the good bad and ugly starting from the fairy love story to the DraStic legal battles it didn't stop them from pursuing their careers and achieving success
Channel: Golden Rewind
Views: 629,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: celebrity, hollywood celebrities, 70s celebrities, 1960s, 1970s, celebrities then vs now, then vs now, how they look now, old hollywood celebrities, golden age, clint, eastwood, sondra locke, sondra, marry
Id: 0vHLTm7acLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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