The Last of Us Part 2 Full Movie [4k 60fps]

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foreign you go halfway across the country with someone she needed her immunity to mean something maybe I was starting to buy into that old cure business maybe I just want to do right by her and then we made it he found the firefight because of her they were actually going to make a cure the only catch [Music] sweet Jesus doctor what are you doing I won't let you take her this is our future think of all the lives we'll save Jesus Christ Joel what do you do I saved her foreign [Music] that damn that's him that's a lot where does Ellie know I told her they just ran some tests I told her her immunity meant nothing and she believed you [Music] didn't say otherwise we should head back foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] it's okay I got him you go on sure all right about what we were talking about earlier I can't say I'd have done different I'll take it to the Grave if I have to I'll see you later foreign [Music] [Music] early Jesus just gave me a heart attack hey hey what's up Joel checking in folks heard you know talking about how impressed they are with you and how well you're helping out it's good yeah Tommy and I went out riding the other day and here they told me a joke and I thought about you it's um oh shoot I forgot it uh something about a clock how do you it's uh it's pretty late and I gotta get up in a few hours yeah yeah I know I'm gonna get out of your hair I just um I want to show you something just give me one second what's this some folks call this thing here a guitar funny you want to hear some okay okay promise me that you won't laugh I'll laugh I won't trusting you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] trying sometimes you'll succeed to make this pain of me oh my stolen missing parts I have no need for anymore [Music] cause I can't see our future Days days of you and me [Music] there you go well that didn't suck I'll take what I can get foreign you did so what do you say tomorrow night first lesson okay okay did do you remember the joke um what is the downside to eating a clock it's time consuming foreign good night kiddo [Music] foreign hey morning sorry I totally overslept just give me a minute and I'll get dressed I heard you had quite a night after I left I she kissed me it was just Dina being Dina shouldn't mean anything by it I was talking about your fight with Seth wait you kissed Dina oh I thought this was broken up one week and you make a move on my girl she's probably just trying to make you jealous I didn't I would never oh [ __ ] this is so good I'm messing with you man I don't care get dressed you're the worst this kind of [ __ ] up you did that sure foreign sucks shut up just about to get up I was you got everything yes heads up you're the Talk of the Town this morning what let me see if I got this right you kissed Dina it's me which triggered Seth to call you a not so nice word yep ton more of a push and then you got mad at Joel that part confused me strange night man sounds exciting Maria wants a word with you where is she a diner Seth no clue just tell her you never saw me nope where's your [ __ ] loyalty excuse me hey so we're okay all right you and me yeah of course Dina and I are I know it's just I want you to think Ellie oh cool nice hey what timer yeah good good scratch want to grab some breakfast no where's Maria in the back excuse me Ellie there you are come here Seth's got something he wants to say to you I don't want to hear what that bigot has to say do it for me please fine Seth Seth come here hey uh look last night I was uh I was drinking too much sure I'm trying to say I'm sorry Maria tells me that you and Dean are headed out yeah made you some sandwiches okay for steak thank you Seth yeah well uh you'll be safe out there yep I appreciate that what you got there bigot sandwiches hmm smells good they're yours you sure it's fine let me walk you out okay when you go out I want you to trade off with Tommy and Joel boys have been up for far too long where do I meet them if you go up to the Northwest Lookout they're scheduled to arrive later today watch yourself into too many sightings I've infected recently of course I was going to check out the Creek Trails I'll need someone else to cover it Ellie you know the Creek Trails not really Dean has done it a bunch I'll have the two of them take well that solves that Ellie can I talk to you for a sec what's up look I don't know what's going on with you and Joel Maria guy really cares about you and I'm sure he didn't mean to find yeah yeah okay okay sorry to pry be safe thanks yo Dina assignments give me a minute you get your girlfriend at the Stables please can I talk to you hey guys I'm tapping out come on come on hey hey um I just want to say sorry for running off last night oh that's it's okay I totally get it I I just I felt bad why because I started the whole thing and I just I shouldn't have kissed you in front of all those people I know you were drunk that's fine well still I just I don't want you to think no I'm not reading into it or anything just you know what I love about you how you let me finish my sentences all right well we should probably get going yeah you want to [ __ ] him up yeah I do you asked for it you better run you little [ __ ] holy [ __ ] get your cover go go no fair eat it shrimps hey hey how's it feel no yeah [Music] all right all right we actually have some more to do oh man I guess I asked for that huh yep let's go so Jesse wants us to do the Creek Trails he's gonna relieve Joel and Tommy oh that's nice he assigned us together you're gonna like this Ruth good morning girls morning that's a good girl who's here thanks come on all right hey Shimmer oh look who decided to join us oh yeah yeah one for you open it up settle down all right you all know the drill on your routes Mark your log books clear any infected you see you run into anything you can't handle you come back be smart about it all right get going [Music] [Music] [Music] ah hey hey what were you dreaming about was I talking you're doing your teeth grinding thing where have you been grab your gear I want to show you something what trust me come on this way it's cold are you sure you don't want to do this when the sun's out and it's warmer no can't wait and you don't want to just tell me you need to see it what are you doing wandering around out here by yourself I've been Restless you too I feel like the farther south we go the prettier it's got you want to keep going just drive all the way to Mexico I've thought about it you can see Manny's hometown yeah I don't see that living up to his stories probably not you did all this in the dark yes now come on we keep going like this we're gonna be tired for today's trip it's not that far his smell okay she seemed out of it these past few days she'll be fine you stop being weird you're freaking me out I'm not being weird careful jumping over these are you breaking up with Mel what no you wish uh I've had my fill thank you what is that you'll be fine it's too high come on hey eyes on me Abby stop looking down oh and when to go back this way consider it an opportunity to work on your fears how about I work my foot up your ass Abby stop flirting does it I made it that's a [ __ ] City yeah have you told anyone else I wanted you to see it first saw an armed Patrol go from town to an outpost over there a few more outposts in between they have electricity guns it's a lot of people you figure it out okay Assuming he's in there how do we get to him I suppose and get confirmation and then I don't know find a way to wear them out yeah okay I'm sure they'll be happy to offer that information well then we make them do you hear yourself okay what do you want to do what is going on with you Mel's pregnant oh okay it's not just that though should I say congrats everyone else sees this they're going to want to turn back we can convince him great he knew I couldn't count on you I want what you want but not at any cost hey don't see you back at the lodge [ __ ] it that's a lot of them foreign [Music] okay it's gonna be close foreign [Music] where's the patrol come on this way right behind you miss being with him no one together for so long look Jessie's great I love his parents they will always be family but we were just on autopilot hey how come we never talked about this stuff I feel you never really talked to me about cat yeah because there isn't much to talk about I just I got the impression that you didn't really like her I don't care about her one way or the other okay no I think she's a talented artist I've grown to like that tattoo of yours and I think she wasn't right for you interesting shut up okay okay you want to see something spectacular you're gonna point at your face aren't you that spectacular Oh Brother come on stupid I think of this view huh foreign pretty nice yeah this route has its perks where we sign in come on who do you use to do this route with Jesse Eugene right oh Eugene man he was funny oh yeah and electronics and stuff may we all be that sharp 73. we all make it to 73. hey I'm gonna guess this bong was your jeans he gave it to me hey do you have any on you actually oh I wish Eugene always had some on him foreign come here Town up ahead's our last stop take a look I see a strip mall oh with the supermarket no Town's past that there's the town with the big tower thing yep that's where the next Lookout is let's get back to the horses question were you wearing those same clothes yesterday they're clean no judgment it's Patrol you know we're here to kill infected not to look fancy still look nice I think we should go out like Eugene from a stroke oh from old age like living a long life you no way come on you're way too Reckless talking we die from hypothermia from wearing canvas sneakers in the snow I am wearing boots today you know you're gonna die let me guess you're gonna kill me did I ruin your punchline no Maybe [ __ ] you sorry what do you know about this place it's another evacuated neighborhood in fact it almost never make it out this far we usually catch him on the Outer Perimeter trailers are neat nice little portable home people really traveled a lot in these things you if I'd lived pre-outbreak yeah I'd go see the whole country Jesse talks a lot about going to Canada he said there's these like giant waterfalls out there anyway let's see really he's such a hardcore Jackson guy everybody got their dream what are you doing tonight uh I was thinking of inviting Joel to watch a movie oh are you guys good poor kid what movie you guys gonna watch what's Joel into uh Curtis and Viper two that's the one that's been on my radar for a while oh wow well we used to watch these cheesy 80s action movies he's really into them oh no no I actually really like them too what about you what are you doing later some people were talking about sneaking out doing sledding sounds fun oh I don't have this one isn't it one of those superhero cards you're all into oh yeah what's Curtis and Viper 2 about okay so two former Commandos that go Rogue to fight bad guys and I think in this one they go up against Russian spies or something I'm more interested in this than I thought I would be all right so the young one Viper he's a trained ninja and he's a complete badass so how old is he in the first movie uh 10. [Music] looks like in fact how many do you think it would take to bring down a moose more than one where the hell are they let's go find him under here Ellie are you clean yeah it's banged up please die of old age and not because you get infected I really don't want to have to shoot you in the face deal I see spores in there masks on got it remember I don't wanna have to shoot you in the face oh that's so sweet all these spores mean they've been here for a while keep your eyes peeled for older infected I don't know I think we're above it let's get to the ground floor foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [ __ ] make my skin crawl let's make sure the rest of the building's cleared out and then get the [ __ ] out of here speaking my language and he's still moving uh nope you know what I'm impressed with us yeah I mean you guys are not going to believe our numbers we earned it agreed from the lookout just past the next town blowing you hey how far away are we a few minutes out okay bye this is getting worse you turn back we won't make it we're almost there foreign [Music] get inside I'll get the door you've been here wrote by it never came inside all right let's make sure it's clear all this electronic stuff this has to be Eugene's huh definitely Eugene's place it was a firefly he served with Tommy I had no idea yeah I got this real dark [ __ ] like what he said he blew up a checkpoint at Denver QC killed three soldiers and two civilians Jesus he also told me that he and Tommy slow tortured some big Federal General I don't buy Tommy doing that though he could do worse what do you mean angel did a lot to survive after the outbreak oh my God it's Tommy and Eugene I look like babies here lights heaters there's gotta be a generator around here somewhere hey found a generator Ellie look at the floor there's more stuff down there you see a way down not here come on what's he got down here well it's obviously a sex Den that's why he didn't tell you about it but it's a sex dad for his sake so lonely man oh my God it's weed that's a lot of dead weed ah oh there we go you think it's still good does weed go bad let's find out foreign give me that oh yeah like you're gonna get it [ __ ] it what the [ __ ] is wrong with you I got it open didn't I I mean I'm gonna be struck here a while right totally trapped can I ask you a question I don't know can you scale of one to ten one being like absolute trash 10 being life-altering how would you rate our kiss from last night talking about this you said it was a mistake did I say that what are you doing it's due to rate our kiss I don't know I give it a six a six wow like a solid six okay there are a lot of people around yeah but six oh what I mean now I really want to know how you'd rate it I don't think you do you're infuriating have you met you you make me want to go back outside into that blizzard [Music] don't want to stopping you [Music] this better be better than it's next [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] we're gonna have to run I'll cover you can't go here hold up [Applause] you okay yeah the nose is where we going I reckon we go out the back we can make a break for the lodge we gotta warn everyone come back with a cleanup crew you gotta live through this first up there the window that's her way out you see it way up there here use this hey girl push it up under the cart we're getting inside I'll get the government to the window you two keep those infected off of me through the window let's go I got you they're gloves to us where are we going it's this one come on let's go foreign what's your name Abby are you okay I gotta go back we're gonna outrun him all the way to Jackson we need to barricade that door probably we cannot stay here the horses ain't making it all that way my friends my friends are at a mansion just north of here it's fenced in we have a whole perimeter secure make it work I'll get the door all right you ride with me come on come on [Applause] what about this one foreign and I tried to get on it and it shot right out from underneath me wait how did you get the scar I fell on my knife okay the chemical burn I die myself why uh it's over a bite mark right here I got jumped by an infected when I was 14. and and turns out I'm immune so it healed with a ring of [ __ ] up teeth marks and CIS and ow [ __ ] you what hey I told you a real [ __ ] story I did tell you a real [ __ ] story oh you want a bite mark what do you hear that Jesse just stay there okay are you okay what just turn around what are you doing you're kidding you're supposed to be on patrol there's a blizzard outside is that weed why are you here people are counting on you you get that what we do matters well then why aren't you at the [ __ ] Lookout because Tommy and Joel didn't show up what do you mean we waited for them for an hour I was looking for their horses when I saw lights maybe they just went back to town without being replaced no way how much of their region have you covered not much then we split up go at it from different sides and we cover the whole thing in a few hours I don't like you riding solo we don't know what's out there exactly what if they need help okay I'll head West Dina can take South and you come from the East but be smart about it yeah [Music] [Music] all right [Applause] thank you let's get inside [Music] Curtis how you guys doing we're good thanks yeah for a minute you want to get those Saddles off no no it's all right we'll do still got any brushes or towel or anything we're nothing hey you have no idea don't get electricity there are solar panels on the roof what are these people how long you all been here this is yesterday yes yep what are y'all doing out this way I'm passing through you two live nearby we do a few hours down the hill y'all should come back with us restock before we head out appreciate it I'm Mel by the way Tommy this is my brother Joe don't act like you heard of us or something because they have [Music] all clear he's out put him against the wall zombie [Music] foreign Miller who are you guess well you say whatever speech you got rehearsed tourniquet is like do it don't you [ __ ] move God damn it clear out stupid old man you don't get to rush this foreign [Music] how do I get down there foreign Tommy there it is Joel Tommy Joel [ __ ] put it down get off me get her hand get the [ __ ] off me [ __ ] okay [Music] you're gonna [ __ ] die what's going on let him go who is that why aren't you posted up outside we didn't think anyone was gonna show up the hell did you expect we got to get out of here before The Whole Town's on top of us you're done you want what I want right and it Jewel get up draw [ __ ] get up please stop please Joel please get up [Music] yeah [ __ ] kill him foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Ellie I'm sorry Jesse they're down here [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hey could I sit down please yeah Maria wants to make sure you're eating she can't stop us they have the guys that we would need to do this smart we believe in Jackson vulnerable so they just get to get away with this nobody wants that yeah but that's what's happening what if we get hit by hunters again is this you talking or is this her it's a valid point if it were you or me Joel would be halfway to Seattle already would be yeah we don't even know for certain that they're from Seattle Washington Liberation Front that's what you said was on those patches what if they stole those jackets that's a wlf move what are you doing you know what I'm leaving tomorrow and if you want to come with me great you have no idea what you're walking into you don't know how large that group is how armed I don't care you can't talk me out of this give me a day to talk to Maria okay there's got to be some folks you can spare yeah she won't budge well I'll figure something out one day please fine foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I want to stop at his house before we leave I couldn't get to the horses looks like Tommy took one now Maria's got the Stables locked down Tommy we'll figure something else out on the way car or a horse or something okay this makes getting to Seattle a lot harder then it's going to be harder and still change your mind you mind you I know I just don't want you to feel like you have to Ellie you go and a story you need to get your backpack I hit it by the East Gates I figured we'd want to slip out that way foreign what do you need oh I can go get it I want to do it okay I'm okay come on I'll hang out down here thanks thank you foreign [Music] [Music] can you come down here everything okay yeah it's just gone down foreign Maria I'm headed to Seattle I wish I could let it go but I can't have to bring these people to Justice Ellie's going to try to come after me but stop her take her guns lock up the horses maybe lock her up buy me some time so I can end this love you always Tana he's gonna get himself killed he should have taken me with him you should have given us a group to go after those [ __ ] I wish I could try to lock me up I'd prefer that you stay that's not gonna [ __ ] happen I prefer that you stay but I know you better you going with her yeah so you're just gonna sneak out of here hmm yeah one foot yeah I told the stable to let you out with your horse grab some ammo too thank you Maria just die do me a favor bring my dumbass husband home in one piece please of course all right get going your you're losing light foreign this Hunter was on top of him drowning him and Rachel couldn't get to his gun were you scared well I didn't even think I just ran in there grabbed his gun and shot the guy in the face how old were you 14 how old were you when you first killed someone me talking infected no fully conscious non-fungal person 10 what happened guy was coming at my mom I stabbed him [ __ ] he got me beat yeah I'm a real badass so how lost are we not uh-huh they have a little faith what about those crazy cannibals you said you and Joel ran into they came after you guys once maybe these wlfs are connected to them doesn't seem like the same group maybe those black market Smugglers back in Boston do you not Joel crossed a lot of people I don't see the point I'm guessing at least until we find out more information stay with Shimmer hmm anything good in there found an old tourist map well that's something wlf trespassers killed on site that's friendly at least we know we're in the right place where is everyone they put up this sign means there's got to be a way in these were soldiers from the QC see the federal uniforms you think it was the wlf and they left them here like a warning [ __ ] up okay I wonder when this was written the saravana face something hey everything okay what was that sound I got that gate open gotta figure out this one now well we believe in you yes [Music] hey come on let's get out of here that crash was pretty loud now what I found a note back there got some codes on it says there's a wlf safe house at some place called seradina base serovina so we find it hopefully we found our first wlf get them to talk go from there let's do it oh [ __ ] look Serafina Hotel that's got to be it okay let's find a way past this uh [ __ ] the drug gate okay here we go ah it's out of gas damn it well what do we do now oh [ __ ] the note what the note mentioned that there's gas in the courthouse garage and the Dome all right Courthouse Garage in the dome so what's the plan for finding these places we ride around and see what we see you think Tommy came through here but he did so where are we pretty sure we're here uh nice we'll mark it up as we go [Music] what the hell happened out here I'm guessing the military bombed the [ __ ] out of this place why would they do that we would sometimes destroy parts of the city that were lost to the infected order Rebels well it usually worked on the infected or the rebels both believe me I think I found the courthouse how can you tell um see that sign up there on the building that says Courthouse oh well nice work Detective mark this place on the map [Applause] hear that I hear it I did it it's coming from the courthouse suck isn't it at least we're ready for him I gotta say I was expecting the Seattle qz to be a lot more occupied yeah maybe they're all hiding at the Serafina how many wlf you think there are anyway well at least eight if we're lucky that'll be it we'll be fine we should stay alert stock up while we can hmm somebody was camping here looks recent I think it was Tommy Maybe [Applause] okay hey little help coming you ever been to a courthouse before nope you're telling me you never got in trouble back in Boston oh I got in trouble but never landed in a courthouse fedra soldiers check out that wall they were executed Jesus they weren't just executed shot them to Pieces maybe bullets weren't scarce yet maybe they deserved it Maybe parking garage oh the gas is in there right Ah that's what the nerd said well let's get down there [ __ ] I think that's all of them made it out of the garage [Applause] here's our gas come on empty seriously that giant tank yeah just tapped out well let's try our look at the Dome come on okay let go good job babe thanks okay across the courthouse off the list let's go find the Dome it's peaceful out here at least it's weird being an accusie and not hearing trucks or gunfire and explosions my sister always avoided qzs that's probably why she just got more and more paranoid she'd sometimes wake up screaming in the middle of the night that's rough we always had a backpack so we could bail if something happened never stayed in one place for more than a few weeks it sucked it's nice to have a place we call home right when I first got to Jackson I was so overwhelmed by all the people I was overwhelmed by all the food I remember my first week just gorging myself stuffing food and all my pockets for later like it was gonna run out I saw that you did not I did I remember thinking who is this string bean girl stealing all the jerky I didn't steal that much jerky recognize anyone no they're too old the group that came to Jackson would have been kids the sick habit uh okay we only listened to it like a hundred times together I was only listening to it because I thought you were cute [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] well nothing sure sounds nice remember that night by the bonfire yeah [Music] I'm talking away [Music] days another day to find you shying away [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] um needless to say I'm odds and ends but I'll be stumbling away [Music] it's all better to be safe than sorry [Music] [Music] to [Music] [Music] foreign I wanted to me too all right to keep moving foreign all right I got you [ __ ] hey Ellie this place is a synagogue how can you tell one there are Menorah decorations on the wall it's a Jewish thing and two I didn't burst in the Flames just now so burst into flames it's just a dumb joke oh unlike your other ones you shut it found the gas what oh hell yeah gas oh [ __ ] yeah my sister used to drag me to a synagogue all the time do you still pray times really when I said when we meet up Jackson I said one at Joel's group sometimes I just say little ones this way right behind me what's this oh this is the Torah the what that's scripture it's like a like a Jewish Bible oh my sister would have flipped for this the one we used in New Mexico was half burnt all right well at least they didn't just Chuck everything well that was an adventure I haven't found any of them yet hey a big city he barely started looking no I just thought we'd see one of them by now there we go right I got it you put in the code it worked well no welcome or they're just waiting for us foreign keep an eye on those windows do you see that infected just hot means we can get in that way gunshots or something that's that this one's fresh and he's got one of those wolf patches wolf wlf I guess I didn't make it out with their gas after all that's good right [ __ ] who killed Joel got taken off by some random infected then they'd still be dead I'm sure that's Justice you've been shot you recognize him no maybe someone else killed these guys the infected just wandered in hey found their gas well if we need any more we know where to get it what the [ __ ] happened here Tommy did this this no way that was definitely him is one of the ones that killed Joel [ __ ] there's another one over here I don't recognize him he was using them against each other how Joel told me about this you asked this guy a question but you don't make him say you make him write it down when you ask this guy the facts match we're telling the truth if not you [ __ ] them up [Music] East one another gate code looks like it just happened now he can't be far off come on we can get out this way maybe catch up with Tommy yeah it wasn't pretty I don't want you to think about it Tommy Ellie if I had my sister's Killers tied to a chair I do worse I hear you you get the generator I'll open the gate remember the code the one Written in Blood yeah got it and I got this question though where does this take us say we find shelter and we set up camp maybe somewhere high up so we can scope out the area I like that idea okay let's look for an open building preferably with known affected or wlf wolves whatever I still have some of those almond things left if you're hungry not really you should eat something oh my God what I sounded like my mom just now foreign I'll be fine [Music] you know [Applause] didn't think I'd ever see you again how'd you find us [Music] it's about a dude with a [ __ ] scar across his face how many came with you hmm just you two stop this Jordan you're supposed to be out looking for the other one the [ __ ] is this you know The Smuggler that we killed out in Jackson [Music] this girl was there coming after us that's why Nick was [ __ ] up like that we gotta get her to Isaac we gotta tell him exactly what's going on yeah well I just got off the radio with Isaac we got a new mandate kill all trespassers oh hold on hold on hold up that doesn't make any sense direct order man no let's talk to it let's figure out what she knows I don't give a [ __ ] what she knows you saw what she did to the others you have no idea how many people she might be with this might be an animal how many people she's with we will find him can you just think for yourself oh Jesus come here Dina [Music] [ __ ] [Music] are you okay mostly Ellie Ellie we should go somebody would have heard the gunshots look she's one of them come on look at that later was there a TV station on that map I don't [ __ ] know come on Kelly have a look here steal their [ __ ] hey you too trespasser's gone seen anything no cover this roof I'll check over here she's not on the street did you look how would she get down there I don't know Greg went out to Capitol Hill you good yeah I thought I was [ __ ] back there thanks for the Save By the way of course so those are the wolves they're really armed yeah they are do you think there were going to be this many of them Tommy said this was a possibility does that change anything for you no keep an eye out for patrols there were a bunch trying to smoke me out around here how many past two but I got a feeling there were more and once they realize we're out of the school and then we killed their [ __ ] friends they'll be out in force looking for us I can't believe they just attacked like that these people are not like us what if we've been refugees what if we I don't know how to Intel me it doesn't seem like they care about that something keeps bugging me why didn't they kill you and tell me when they had the chance I don't know seems Reckless maybe they're dumb Maybe what could be that you just weren't who they were looking for so they let you go oh they did beat the [ __ ] out of us the one guy Jordan kicked my face in yeah but why do you think that they didn't finish it doesn't matter they [ __ ] up they did what's the name of the name of the one in the TV station we uh either one is she the one with the braid no only thing I remember about her was the son of her crying over that sadistic [ __ ] face when I sliced him open I'll be back in a sec I'll keep watch yeah he's the worst you're nuts you know how many times I got food poisoning or why do you think I pick up fishing yeah I'm getting hungry yeah stop talking about riding a horse do our job so we can go back and eat okay no way we're finding her before scars hey Tina yeah give me your hand s hey that round building it looks like the TV station from your map yeah come on I don't know how I would have done all this without you I'm a trap a what explosive traps watch where you're walking I think we gotta get down this [ __ ] come on I don't want to think about that right now Hey look what do you think it is uh someone who wants us to feel her love you think she's related to the wolves I don't know kind of [ __ ] weird these were all shot Hey look it's Tommy's yes in fact I did a number on this one you okay yeah sorry it's just a it's right so taking off on foot you go to keep going yeah I'm fine please how'd this city get so wrecked if Austin wasn't like this was it Boston didn't have a full-blown Civil War fireflies never put up this kind of resistance I see the TV station whoa more bodies more shot bodies Tommy definitely came this way stop tripwire [ __ ] they're all over probably for infected one wrong step yeah let's be careful more of this stuff huh we're not being subtle right now maybe Leah will come to us yeah or they might be waiting to AMC way in not yet holy definitely not Tommy I don't know that's a message this just happened you think they're still here I hope not keep your eyes open are these guys someone else the wlf [ __ ] with were too exposed we have to search all of it I want to finally uh just that's her Leah you sure yes the universe really wanted her dead huh there's nothing on her this is true do you copy six acknowledge over Tina hmm that's all of them I wait that's new Jackson that's the one who killed him three down right [Music] three down six this is two do you copy support unit India in route to the TV station repeat support unit India in route pissed we couldn't talk to her yeah she didn't hurt Joel it would have been pretty [ __ ] up to make her talk traveled hundreds of miles to torture him I don't care whether she held the club or not come on [Music] get ahead oh [ __ ] [Music] all right it'll work for now keep going away it's for that masks okay we gotta keep moving oh there's a way through out us I know Ellie too much they're here too Dina [ __ ] let's go are you okay yeah thanks babe I'm really tired yeah let's get out of here Jesus loaders have acid spores that didn't sound like a bloater whatever the [ __ ] they're fighting we should let them kill each other agreed [Music] I got you I got you oh my God me neither foreign [ __ ] these [ __ ] they get you no I'm clean shamblers is that what they call them yeah where the hell does shamblers come from I don't [ __ ] know but they're disgusting hey doesn't this look like a lady from the scar graffiti yeah why do you think the Wolves call him scars after the [ __ ] we saw today I'm not sure I want to find out what the hell happened here I'm gonna say some say something crash thanks Sherlock Ellie your mask here we can share mine stop Ellie stop what no Ellie no I'm not infected I'm immune I'm not coughing juicy Dina [ __ ] can you run yeah yes let's [ __ ] go go Ellie [Applause] this way hurry come on [Music] [Music] Tina honestly [Music] hey what do you say we rest in that theater that sounds so [ __ ] good almost there I got you here got it we're good come on foreign you want to tell me what's going on with you what's going on with me Ellie I just saw you breathe spores not immune okay you're immune come on I Was Bitten a long time ago the [ __ ] are you talking about I Was Bitten and nothing happened the chemical burn Maria and Tommy and Joel are the only ones who know you know laughs I can't get you infected if that's what you're worried about I can't make you immune either can you say something really I think I'm pregnant what don't worry it's not yours what are we what are we supposed to do now how long have you known ah it was late a few weeks ago a few weeks we could have we could have still turned back I didn't know I wasn't sure okay I didn't want to be a bird well you're a burden now aren't you make sure this place is secured you just rest damn do you have fried I guess you weren't much of an electrician got it foreign all right wow oh Joel love watching a movie in this place spooky no way foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] storm sound like something oh I suck just need to build up your calluses that's all yeah all right come on that's it yeah oh [ __ ] I'm gonna start guessing you want to spoil your surprise now I don't know is it a dinosaur stop trying to guess I ain't telling you all right is it an elephant is it a convertible you're not gonna guess is it a puppy is it a lot of kittens you mean a litter what's a litter a bunch of kittens why wouldn't you call it just a bunch of kittens I don't know what it's called a litter so dumb it's not a litter kitten okay okay hot air balloon more walking less talking behind your step I got it oops what is wrong with you you should see your face right now I'm gonna drown gotta work on that confidence kiddo yeah keep laughing old man see what happens this way the worst foreign I had to know I'm getting through hell come here take a look at this see at the room just through there look yeah I see it yeah looks like no how's that feel yeah refreshing yeah it's not nice getting pushed in is it well actually we need to swim through this part anyway I got you back you're angry and upset I am very angry and upset now come on you're gonna need to dive under here take a deep breath yeah I got this true is it my sixth grade history teacher wanting to apologize for being a massive dick I beg your pardon my friend and I would argue whenever he called the fireflies Terrace we got a lot of detention you know you really need to stop letting people rile you up it's hard when they're dicks Point still stands all right get another dive over here what are you taking me is it a new pair of sneakers how many of those do you have not enough okay [ __ ] it I'm done guessing well good but like is it a massive comic book collection no wait a new DVD collection yeah yes which one just how about laser desk I heard that's a thing holy [ __ ] Joel we're here oh my God it is a dinosaur and it is Joel holy [ __ ] oh it's a [ __ ] dinosaur King of the Tyrant lizards that's a big boy what are you doing uh Ellie be careful climbing a dinosaur yeah I can see that just don't die falling off of one just climb down hey cool did you see that yeah oh wasn't it awesome it's awesome that you didn't break anything oh that was awesome what's this uh it's a book it's a dinosaur book okay all right oh man you want to try it on I do not your loss oh look at those Talons bad he's a velociraptor actually it's a d diona neckus hmm pretty sure these are velociraptors yeah I mean at least that's what they call them in this movie I saw hmm oh sorry the dinosaur are busy right now oh wait one of the dinosaurs is here Joel it's for you very funny do you get it it's because you're old no I get it yeah okay compsognathis it's a big name for little guys yeah they swarm you did you see that in a movie too actually yeah but a different one see there's a sequel it wasn't as good tiny head Joel look that is a hat on a dinosaur whoa this one's brain was the size of a walnut no way looks like you two have something in common hey good is this going to be a thing please don't let it be your thing Triceratops means three-horned face you would not want to be on the business end of that horn stereotypes places hmm the dime trodon was an apex predator Peg's predator the most badass predator bring short for that wait were you talking about me whatever float your boat this does floats it all day hey Joel hey Elite don't you dare take it off my birthday my rules Brachiosaurus ate 600 pounds of plants each day imagine the poops there's one scene where uh actually one of the guys said that's a big amount of [ __ ] what is this movie and when can we see it tell you what when we get back to Jackson movie night foreign [Laughter] velociraptor Joel this is uh the one you were talking about the Velociraptor so small well don't touch the movies I guess look how thick this one's skull is it kind of looks like Tommy I'm telling him you said that please don't catch it in the right leg oh this one looks like a bird well actually paleontologists believe that birds were descended from dinosaurs well excuse me Mr professor I happen to know a thing or two from a movie keep going did you go to museums a lot yeah yeah Sarah loved him I swear that girl dragged me to every damn museum in Texas looks like a giraffe yeah it does doesn't it I see the appeal told you foreign [Music] did you know this was here um we can head back oh shut up oh Hey Joe from all the planets my very educated mother just served us nice pizzas uh did you just have a stroke very famous mother s i get it pretty cool hey Joel guess what the first animal to go to space was I said it was a monkey the Flies in 1947 it was to see radiation exposure at high altitudes and they lived through it bad gumbro you are smart thanks did they become super fine what whoa whoa tell me another fun fact [Music] astronauts say the moon smells like gunpowder well wait how would I becade oh well they would pick the moon samples back inside and smell them later I guess okay what's next you tell me uh quiz me I don't know who was the first person in space oh it's easy Yuri Gagarin what's up Gagarin I don't know how you say it I've only read it so anyway he flew to space on April 12 1961. Color Me impressed how many books have you read about this natural isn't that incredible why don't you tell me what you like about it hmm I don't know people in your time they had it easy hmm I guess relatively speaking I'm sure I mean they didn't need to go to space but they did it anyway it's ballsy thank you now I get it yeah where's the steering wheel Rovers don't use steering wheels they use joysticks huh hang on just the real one considering they love the real ones on the moon I'm saying no so cool foreign like space no dust whoa after you watch your hand s what the heck oh okay wow wow you look at all these buttons oh man could you imagine just happy birthday kiddo who's this this is a thing that took a mighty effort to find take it close your eyes it'll be worth it okay foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] keep looking around huh yeah I guess [Music] okay Welcome To Earth yeah foreign stuff over there yeah I never checked out of that building plan on getting yourself open it doesn't give anyone else get down here no hey whose birthday is it you can't keep doing that I want a good splash we've got more exploring to do Geronimo nice hey who's me in there oh yeah I don't know I'll open the door for you come on we can't chicken out now all right there okay bad news there's [ __ ] blocking the door okay be safe you be safe we're dinosaurs around stay strong buddy this guy needed a hug s come on [ __ ] oh big animals oh [ __ ] I'm in here foreign just some animal well let's get a move on I want to get a fire going before it gets too dark foreign [Music] foreign foreign how hot do I look right now pretty hot how'd you fix it it was a loose connection antenna they found our mess at the school good this guy Owen he went AWOL maybe Tommy got to him Maybe what about her nothing yet so the numbers are locations the TV station we were at that's six there's a lot of chatter coming out of two so I'm assuming that's their home base look last night was stupid this is site 13. you didn't mean that nearby how many scars you got over negative on scars lone male trespassers are no trespasser Tommy where's 14 not 100 sure okay I think yes oh this is seven twelves all the way over here and we're in this neighborhood I'll crust okay [Music] Tina yeah not good hey I'll go get him you keep tracking them okay wait give me your hand it's for good luck I don't believe in luck I do [Music] [Music] okay Hillcrest is this the right place definitely the right place It's gotta be Tommy [ __ ] I think um we should be pushing in we hold the perimeter until we hear otherwise keep an eye out in case he comes his way I got some [ __ ] okay let's get in there yeah this will do hey we got another trespasser a girl did you see her no the [ __ ] guy is nearby we're looking for two the [ __ ] all that smoke he blew up one of our trucks how should we open just find them I want those [ __ ] trespassers [Music] what the hell are you doing here I think I'd let you do this on your own who's doing what kind of sick she's fine Christ says a lot of them hey how hurt are you I'll be okay your friends out there rushed me no warning no nothing tell me you didn't come on give me [ __ ] about it later you're a [ __ ] idiot you know that right that's your plan we need to get some distance ready yeah hey be smart about it okay trespasser I got I got the again we need more guys by the [ __ ] walls preach into the choir man let me try that house yeah okay more Jesse get the [ __ ] out of here [Music] Jesus watch out tired don't let them get away go go Ellie fake out the driver look out come on [ __ ] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] okay I have a better I think we're only clear oh nice thanks this way [Music] Dina foreign oh my God Jesse hey Dina oh hey are you okay nothing no sleep won't take care of we should get inside yeah okay crazy how'd you get past Maria sneak out friends problems are my problems I heard you're sick oh it's it's a stomach thing sit you down huh you don't need to do that [Music] so would you leave Jackson day after you there was bad snow when I crossed into Oregon I've been doing 18 hour stretches for the past two weeks trying to catch [Music] huh are you with me yeah yeah I'm good anyway this silent treatment man I mean I forget my own birthday if she didn't remind me when it was you should just apologize to her I just said okay what's going on nothing why I can tell when you're off it's got some stuff on my mind you let me know if you want to talk about it okay got stragglers how many just a handful you want to give it a whirl are you sure I'm feeling generous no rush you'll find it I'm not seeing anymore yeah me neither all right let's head in see if Joel's back sure and they're over hey thanks for that it's just what I needed sure ladies first I'm not supposed to say anything but Joel's worried about you there's nothing to worry about well I'm sure there isn't but if you don't talk to him he's going to think something's wrong let's talk to him well you have to do more than high and buy okay I will try Daddy's fella that was your student out there right oh just some stragglers Ella got to try out my scope how'd you like it was good I see you've uh you haven't gotten around changing the string yet I didn't know I was supposed to yeah you uh we'll get you some new ones is that music store down there I bet they got guitar stuff I mean that area is long overdue for a sweep anyway I'd keep watch ing kiddo sure and that's our cue are you sure you don't want to come get on now he's waiting okay let's go all right oh me kiddo you and Tommy cross anything when he was out just a few we saw from the ridge you uh you know found two runners in the house Jesse tells me you're handling your own quite well on the group Patrol he's even recommending you for paired Patrols oh I think you're still a bit young for it I'm a better shot than almost all of them and I have more experience than most of the new recruits who you think you're ready I trust you okay thanks you just do me a favor and start with the shorter routes for now you know see how you handle them all right Savage Starlight comic books that you're into yeah I mean I found some when we were moving through at school the other day did you like them oh you know what it's not really my cup of tea but Dr Danielle a star I mean she's pretty she's Savage well what she does to Captain Ryan and that death match oh yeah I mean he definitely deserved it but there's a nice twist it's funny music stores up that way we have to leave the horse is here yeah sounds good you should we'll get into trouble there's that music store yeah I see it uh I don't think we can go this way what foreign used to be able to swim across this okay so now what well if you're up for it we can try cutting through that hotel I'm up for it damn it oh that might be something you think you can fit in there well it's worth a shot all right careful out yep through hold on well hello honey you impressed nope you're just too skinny you need to eat more I know you're welcome I think I see a way through but we got spores put your mask on I have to it's just us what if we run into someone okay fine you gotta be smart start wearing that mask kiddo and eventually you're gonna slip up in front of someone you shouldn't never slipped you ain't told nobody new have you Jesse Dina of course not okay good they are on patrol right okay it looks like it might be something following you ready gosh it was too close sure but we [ __ ] did it you good I've been being really old ain't nothing I saw it not a sleepover shake off I want to get out of here quite the fight back there huh that often we get a bloated around these parts yeah Jesse and Dean are going to lose their [ __ ] when they hear about this let's deal with them too anyway a day right uh on and off why I hear the way Jesse talks about you no Jesse and I are just friends we've got a pretty Keen Eye for these sort of things not so Keen with this one let's see don't hold your breath see what it is yeah yeah okay thanks yeah hey Joel I think it's them a couple that ran away last year I think you're right Jackson is a wonderful place but we got tired of hearing the stories of people suffering everywhere else we wanted to save lives we had good intentions we didn't make it an hour before running into a horde now we're bitten we've decided we're going to end our lives instead of turning we tell our family and friends that we're sorry with Adam and Sydney I shot her I can't take my own life I'm a [ __ ] coward Adam Jesus only they were immune right well it's go get Tommy and we can get these bodies back to Jackson after he took me out of the Firefly Hospital you said there were dozens of people like me yeah that's what they told me I've never met another immune person before have you I could be hiding it you do you believe that it's now really the time for this we traveled across the entire country to bring me to the fireflies I had so many questions for them why did you pull me out of there while I was still unconscious because I let them ruin their tests and when I saw that they were useless I got us out of me how do you know they were useless maybe if you you just would have given them more time they could have figured something out there's nothing that could help these people or anybody else I know you wish things were different I wish things were different but they ain't and when you get these kids back to their families is there something else you'd like to rehash you know good come on [Music] Jessie's passed out hey let me do that he's a good guy hmm why didn't you tell him it wasn't the right time there you go what about this anything worthwhile Abby no this girl Nora our unit was assigned to this Hospital they were collecting supplies or something this Hospital yeah wait you're gonna go now yeah we have a lead like at least just wait for Jesse to rest up she could be gone by then we know her location maybe Tommy does too what nothing good come on me with the door please [Music] right if I follow route five that should take me to the hospital follow route five which right down Nora get her to tell me where Abby is easy feel for love the [ __ ] I got her we're not going back [Music] out Jesus [ __ ] people there we go [Music] foreign [Music] foreign okay you are here um hospitals there go through the park [Music] thank you [ __ ] we're being attacked these must be the scars doesn't matter Hospital better not have strung nor up thank you now he's free now he's free search for stragglers guide us shame okay [Music] [ __ ] [Music] come on did you find her yet foreign don't make a [ __ ] sound hands up do you know a girl named Nora sure yeah where is she we're in the hospital yeah they're clearing out the upper floors she's somewhere in there oh my God [Music] the word is we're almost wrapped up good I got my girl waiting for me you [ __ ] me upstairs hey we get the job done that you do oh this is not fair I'm telling you man data Soldier it makes these shifts so much easier I'll keep that in mind how do you know I'll be here I'm not stupid you're gonna tell us where she went when Isaac talks to us about this I'm going to say what I think happened I'm getting tired of this Nora Nora I'm not going down for her man and then don't scream [Music] put that [ __ ] down [Music] you remember me yeah you remember me what do you want Abby was here earlier where'd she go I don't know you shoot me the sound will help every Soldier come running tell me where she went and I'll think about letting you go we could have killed you maybe you should have maybe you should stay the [ __ ] out of Jackson where's Abby you're a screams I hear them every night yeah that little [ __ ] got what he deserved [Music] somebody please Nora you can't escape this damn it [Music] enough [Music] got you [Music] huh come on throw down your weapons up get back you have nowhere to go [Music] get yourself foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] oh God breathing spores you Firefly there are no fireflies anymore where's Abby I'm [ __ ] dead anyway why would I tell you anything because I can make it quick think about what he did how many people are dead because of him last chance I'm not giving up my friend [Music] foreign probably are you okay Christ is that your blood she's hiding out in here in this Aquarium okay come on he cleaned up [Music] arms up foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] come on there's gotta be something [Music] what is this foreign [Music] I was one of the ones that wanted to go after The Smuggler and the girl they said even if we found her or by some miracle found someone else that's immune it made no difference the only person who could develop a vaccine is that it made no difference Ellie come here what the hell are you thinking running off in the middle of the night like that to me you don't just leave me a goddamn mouth tell me what happened here if you lie to me one more time I'm gone you will never see me again but if you tell me the truth I'll go back to Jackson no matter what it is Joel making a vaccine would have killed you so I stopped them foreign [Music] touch me foreign [Music] but we're done [Music] do you know you'll see the war of the merrier hey look Joel it's your favorite foreign Jesse what are those two [Music] she had a rough night I feel like I could get her to keep water down you should have walked me up is she pregnant I get why you came out here but we got to take her back he's real care and she's not gonna get that yeah I know but I can't just leave Tommy he's out here because of me maybe you could take her back she's not gonna leave without you screw it Let's Get Down this aquarium that girl told you about Tommy hasn't found out yet we'll post it there until he does you go with leaving Dina by herself her orders okay let's go tell her we're leaving then I'll just meet you up front hi hi babe I need you to lock the door for us okay let's do it your map showed the aquarium along the shore should be down this way yeah does anyone stay dry in this city what did you tell Dean so we're hoping to find Tommy at the aquarium I didn't tell her you knew that's what you're I wasn't this Aquarium of wolf face I don't think so Laura said Abby's hiding out there you get her to tell you why they did it yeah Joel had uh falling out with some fireflies no former fireflies foreign they're going to come back to Jackson after us what do you mean I mean we're going through a lot of their people in their City because of what they did Abby and her friends come to Jackson because of something Joel did this place isn't like Jackson I mean Joel and Tommy helped Abby when she got attacked these people are trying to kill everyone around them I mean they shot you on site didn't they yeah okay through here I just gotta ask why didn't she tell me about it the pregnancy listen I'm sure she'll tell you about it who did you hear it from now that'll do it these wolves man so Trigger Happy we're at war with this [ __ ] up cult serif times or something terrified scars is all I've heard them called you run into any no Okie what's up with all these posters it's a bunch of comics wait What's Happening Here gathering for people who were really into this stuff like you basically we were born in the wrong time man what were you saying before about Dean you said she'll tell me when once Things Are wrapped up here I guess at some point it'll get pretty hard to hide it you know if she's gonna keep it I don't look at this mess the aquarium it's very nice to that ferris wheel hoping Tommy has the same info wow blood's still wet let's get back to the streets yeah hurry up for survivors I think that was the last one yeah place makes me appreciate Jackson though me too I think Abby's picked the aquarium it's so damn hard to get to Maybe Jesus how the hell are we Crossing this is that road what's that yeah that's better come on this way so what's the plan we take these guys out and steal their boat definitely taking their boat to them if they want to get in our way hopefully it's a small crew need a hand snipers over [ __ ] you four take the land bridge to the marina the rescue you hold here and wait for orders sniper you get to the marina through here you heard them right they're talking about telling me we don't know that who else is it gonna be if it is him he'll be gone by the time you know he's in trouble he can take care of himself Christ that's what he said told me is to go after Abby you do this I'm not saving your ass again [Music] foreign please please okay of course would have been too easy oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] ER oh [ __ ] okay okay it's that damn ferris wheel finally there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right let's do this [Music] [ __ ] stupid dog what the [ __ ] happened here people don't come back from that Island time does Abby risked her life for you yes I'm not [ __ ] going there then don't go back hands up where's Abby you're that girl from Jackson tell me where she went how do we know you won't kill us give her what she wants and we're dead I survived this I just need her [ __ ] come here [ __ ] get over here punch where she is on this map and then you it better [ __ ] match up what are you doing she's probably dead anyway it is not worth it stop we can talk about the [ __ ] up point where she is [ __ ] Christ [Music] [Music] but how the [ __ ] is she hey [Applause] it's all right come on let's go let's go [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] it's not good it's completely covered in stuff Nah by the time we get there this whole area be thawed where are you going I needed some air what are you guys doing up couldn't sleep come take a look at this thought is to head home via Ellensburg we're in Fall City by tomorrow we're doing good hey they got what they deserved but she gets to live is that okay it has to be I'm really not looking forward to going through Idaho again but you should be worried about is what Maria is going to do to you when we get home we've been through worse however I was passing through some ritzy section of town I come across this necklace it Sparkles a lot I think it's real gold you think it's real gold it's real gold let's see it I know what gold looks like if it's legit can we say it's from all of us ah you find your own damn bribes how you doing fine Valley fine thanks for coming back for me my friend's problems with my problems you're such a set all right how about that my friends can't get out of their own damn way is better oh [ __ ] stand up hands in the air I shoot this one too don't you do it Ellie get out of here stand up now put your [ __ ] dare shut the [ __ ] ing look all right stop stop foreign he did what he did to save me there's no cure because of me I am the one that you want just let him go you killed my friends [Music] we let you both live and you wasted it dad dad come on dad dad come on you can't keep doing this abs you uh you got a little mud on you there sweetheart so do you we're right there you know every time you run off like this they give me [ __ ] about it come on believe it or not they actually care about your safety these Woods are safe dad abs she's been hanging out right on the other side of those trees do any day now we'll just check on her and then we'll head back I promise let's just make it quick see I've got my little girl to keep me safe how do you know I was here Owen ratted me out didn't he he did his job how'd you get him to talk uh I asked hey look what I found 1978. don't have that one in my collection you can keep it if you promise not to pull anything like this again you got yourself a deal why don't I believe you no reason I could think of come on let's keep looking dad relax you'll be back with Owen before you know it wait what nothing just noticed you two have been hanging out a lot more so than usual oh God how long have you known I'm your dad I see things like the way you both try really really hard not to look at each other when you're around me I can't handle it and he makes you laugh that's because he's such an idiot I just like how he's extra perhaps look Fresh Tracks let's see if we can find anything else wait sneaky way of giving me a tracking lesson isn't it I would never is it working well I mean found you yeah but but you cheated you do what you need to do to get it done you actually listen you have your moments of wisdom uh dad I found something she already gave birth and look two sets of tracks Dad it's her let's go that doesn't sound good no she's in pain and come on wait what if they're infected around this area is clear you know they roam you brought your gun right of course apps foreign what hey get over here help me hold it we need you back up and going hold her come on [Music] hey you got it tight yeah all right get in there holy [ __ ] everybody's looking for you we got it hey wait Dad come on way to go back there doc that girl showed up what girl the one Marlene keeps talking about they found her in the tunnels she has an old bite mark on her arm no signs of infection that can't be they're already running tests on her but you got to get down there [Music] it's intertwined with the brain there's no other option no way there's no way to remove the specimen without destroying the host she's a child not some petri dish you think I don't I'm aware of the situation and you're okay with killing her no I'm okay with developing a vaccine that'll help save millions of lives how many fireflies have died for Less that was their choice asking me are you telling me this is how to buy in and what if this was Abby everything that we've been fighting for all the sacrifices all the horrific all of that is Justified with this one act and this was your Daddy I buy some dinner thank you sweetheart look Marlene do it thank you I'm gonna go tell Joel why he traveled across the country with me with he's a right to know with your surgery foreign you're doing the right thing if it was me I'd want you to do the surgery foreign still in the [ __ ] building Abby no don't look dad [Music] foreign get up go [ __ ] get up please stop please don't miss you John please get up [Laughter] foreign we're here for him that's it it's too risky to leave them alive too [ __ ] bad he's right we kill them we're no better than he was they didn't do anything wrong yeah look at my face [ __ ] your face you should have been guarding the upstairs like I told you to Boom back up calm down or what get the [ __ ] up calm down you shoot me stop we're done [Music] happy oh hey see foreign everywhere for you we're being called up Isaac wants us at the front afraid so we should Hustle we're leaving now yes I'm on us okay foreign hey thanks for giving me that room last night yeah who was it this time that cooked chick nah the weather chick she's down from the mountain oh the scientist nice she's a little too excited about her job I dug my ear off about some storm and I don't know worth it though oh absolutely I can die happy now you should you're never gonna do better than her hello Miss Sports or two a gentleman never tells wow I gotta talk to my dad for a second grab us some food yeah on it get me something complicated you get what you get oh [ __ ] Jordan I didn't see you there you coming with us to the sherabino Manny and I just got called up to the fob what are you doing at the Serafina hotel and school are getting evacuated we're grabbing supplies and bringing everyone back to the face seriously I can't [ __ ] believe after everything we're falling back you don't know that's what it is at least Leah might be home from the TV station sooner well there's that yeah officer run familiar survival be long and may your death be Swift Hey sir ah Abby how you feeling fantastic would you please tell him to get rid of this oh I've tried I look good when we have to head out keep him safe for you I will what are they serving today burritos again Patty what are you doing hey man there's a line Penny what the fox excuse me wait your turn like the rest of us all right we're going to the front come on there's why do you have three hold on back no don't freak out what else coming with us Manny where's your back in the room why are you doing this to me because I care about both of you they believe and I'm tired of all the [ __ ] does she know I'm on this drive she does and she's cool with it yeah why does your yeah sound like a no it's my accent come on stop being paranoid I think you'll get a kick out of making me uncomfortable oh it's an opportunity for you two to finally move forward we've barely showed a word to each other since Jackson I'm just supposed to pretend that didn't happen of course not you guys need to talk about it if you want to draw dead as much as the rest of us not like the rest of us she hasn't heard people like that before she kills scars all the time not the way we kill Joe don't forget we are grants she's a medic come on Abby she's family do it for me okay I'll try that's all I'm asking for get your things ready I'm gonna grab milk be nice bite me scientist huh knock knock ready to roll yeah just about foreign hey I actually cleared you for active duty barely you could probably get a stay if you ask I'd rather not sit around if I don't have to no one's okay with this why would it be up to Owen we need to grab Alice on our way hey do better what are you getting called up for just the usual rotation don't worry hey when you get back will you check on me there it seems I don't know worse worse how well he's complaining about a sharp pain in his wrist he can barely hold the spoon maybe we can get him some more painkillers heard they moved Uno into section 96 yeah it's it's nice it's awesome young families getting you guys excited the baby seeing all the kids running around I'm getting ready all those crying babies let's drive always crazy Danny yikes sucks for him hey girl hey you crazy dog that's my favorite girl the only one that'll put up with your [ __ ] don't be jealous yeah you want to go to the trucks let's go to the trucks hey there yeah okay since you asked so nicely did I see you again last night yes you did you dirty dog what's she doing in town something for Isaac I have a lonely job she really likes it ask her about the cumulus cloud well I guess you get to stay away from the contact yeah that's what you're into I'd be happy staying put I think just treating families you're these [ __ ] up hey Abby hey I think so I go crazy okay Pat can I have my usual you got it gracias which trucks you're in take s-24 I'm driving I sign us out good deal thanks may your survival be long may your death be Swift at least get shotgun smells pregnant fresh air give you a chance to talk yes yes have you been sleeping these days not great do you want me to get you something from the pharmacy no I'm good it's not a big deal no it's fine I'm just gonna wear myself out I've been picking up a few extra assignments what do you mean hey Manny where are you headed two truck s24 headed to two five will be long may your dead be sweet have we lost a hatchery yeah you plan on getting it back and Isaac says it's low priority we're fishing up wild salmon right now what did you mean about me and Owen um I haven't seen him in like two weeks keeps picking up open assignments has he talked to you did he say anything like no we're still not I mean I've seen it in a mess hall but you walk around each other Jackson shut up no I wouldn't read too much into it on now stay low they were waiting for us what the [ __ ] you think we're doing [Applause] [Music] you okay yeah [ __ ] scars how far are we from the fob it's a hike we're too exposed let's get inside let's make sure this place is secure are we clear yeah watching anime what here we go [Music] [ __ ] is that it yeah can we say [ __ ] this place [ __ ] this place come on Manny you got it ladies first another month that I wouldn't fit through here go ahead apps he said ladies first I like yours foreign house shouldn't all these plants are alive good point you know what this is good you two need a bonding moment working already hops that ahead the scars inside well they're out there yeah let's keep moving remember when we could pass through this area without getting jumped by scars getting nostalgic about the truce easier days huh too easy we let our guard down and they strung up an entire Squad that was in retaliation to us shooting these kids okay but those kids attacked our guys what would you do I don't know not rid of them with bullets better safe our people many of their kids it's not their fault it's not our fault either those deaths are on them okay well still no sign of scars maybe they gave up you're funny long way down yeah yeah it is there we go whoa check it out some kind of boat Workshop let's remember this place command's always on the lookout for spare parts I'll hold it here go I'll press it with them sorry you okay yeah crank broke [Music] Abby look a hatch Manny just hang tight we're gonna find a way up to the roof okay so glad you hitched a ride with us right remind me to thank Manny for that one I am glad I'm here with you guys I hate to hear you got in trouble and I couldn't help hey why have you been avoiding me I wasn't avoiding you come on you've barely said anything to me since Jackson I don't know I I guess I was shook by Jackson too you don't think Joel deserved what he got I think he deserved worse I just I just wish I didn't take part in it I get it what kind of a person could do that right I'm not saying that let's see if there's a way to the hatch there they are Manny be right down okay look five sweet Bob almost there I bet we can cut through that Rail Yard you want to get off the roofers please kind of hard to imagine you're being afraid of anything I'm not as Fearless as you think please like I could never do the surgery stuff you do be too freaked out about [ __ ] it up I think I don't feel the same way for what it's worth my dad always said you were his best student he did an idiot come on okay we'll follow the tracks that'll get us back on the main road to the fob I don't like this I know keep your eyes open anywhere over that wall not that I can see more taken by demons each Fallen wolf brings us closer to a better world through here damn it find cover go [Music] there we go come on let's go before more of those freaks show up I love you guys let's go I'm gonna name all my children after you [ __ ] man you okay I'll survive this hey let me see your hand foreign [Applause] open the gates no what attack squeeze this as hard as you can okay hey we got two please get a gunshot going to the hand foreign hey I'm doing all right back there it was almost a compliment go get help say Alice come on that was a lot of bladder right she shouldn't be out she'll be okay she'll be okay [Music] hey who we got here come on girl this is Alice thank you these new regrets I don't trust him thanks again guys checking in hey YouTube what you got for us no assignment just says report to Isaac both of us never been this busy here something's going down you better find Isaac we should make sure Mel's okay first Abby come here suck yeah heard about your Ambush heard they hit you uh right around here near the warehouses oh [ __ ] they keep slipping past our lines okay you know where Isaac is uh he was here a few minutes ago okay thanks look around hey man feeling better pain meds are kicking in so yeah okay in there I'm Gonna Keep most of my fingers brother you only need three am I right dude speak of the devil hey guys how you doing melon just a few more ditches and I'll be good as new you guys need to convince this girl to relax hey Mom relax you got it hey um I need some muscle so can you two give me a hand with something sure don't move I'll just be here relaxing Nora have you had a chance to relax I'm shipping out to the West Side Hospital in a few orders are to get everything how's Mel really well the baby's vitals were a little elevated but I'm not worried so much to get word to Owen I want to be here for yeah yeah I need to show you guys something what is it follow me my God are these all our yeah and we're coming in by the hour can't tell no all right Laura not yet come here who's in that body bag foreign holy [ __ ] it's Danny where's Owen I don't know a few days back they were some scar sightings out by the marina Danny and Owen were sent on a sweep and this morning the guards found Danny collapsed by the perimeter fence he'd walked himself back with a bullet in his stomach Isaac talked with him until he passed but as far as I can tell there's plug units going back that way so what about Owen did you ask Isaac what happened I tried but he gave me that that [ __ ] look and then he told me to keep quiet about it which means you can't say [ __ ] oh it's a big boy I'm sure he's fine where is Isaac I'll be discreet last I heard he was in the apartments I'm gonna go check up on Mel so let me know what you guys find out yeah the hell hasn't Isaac said on a search party for oh Lord we're looking for Isaac he's inside thank you damn look who it is what's up fellas time for a game I can't hear for Isaac whatever Big Shot not my fault I'm so good at what I do see you around I don't miss this place [ __ ] always hated the smell after our morning it's with these guys hear that yeah we need to go up Isaac's in there oh do you know if he'll be long said again when you're too arrive well sir Abby Mania here [Music] don't let him fall asleep it let's go up I heard you two ran into some trouble no losses on their side just some minor injuries can't say the same for them wish I was hearing more of that never seen the base respect and give it another day still waiting on some units what's going on boss small skirmishes going like this then what try another truce but how long before some [ __ ] on their side or our side unravels the whole thing it has to be all of them sir we try attacking their Island not like this not with everyone the big storm a few days out I'm gonna use it to mask our approach you two are going to lead the first wave pick your squads start prepping I want Owen winner handanna getting back who talk nor no secrets between the Salt Lake crew is someone okay as far as I know the Miami sent a search party after him he shot Danny apparently to protect some scars [ __ ] excuse me that's not Owen you got it wrong you're saying Danny used his last breath to lie to me sir people hear that story Owen's dead anyone who finds him they'll got him down for sport and I suggest you all stop gossiping about it go after him I'll walk him back in we'll get to the door no we've only got one shot at this and this is bigger than any of us definitely bigger than Owen if he turns up then fine I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and we'll get to the bottom of it I need you Abby yeah I get it good look over the plans and go through your roster grab some food talk later no way Owen killed Danny over some scar right what no Abby don't I'll be back by morning you just gotta cover me till then I said we'll kick your ass before the assault you heard him he needs me if Owen's out there how the hell are you going to find him stop it laughs I'm gonna kill you what seriously stop it all right why don't you come on over and enjoy this view with me then it's great it's the best oh come on we made it all the way up here just so you could wimp out on the last two steps yeah yes do you always get up here so all right here's what's gonna happen you're gonna get your ass over here sit on the edge or you can go down here on the kid seat and look at this view with me I can't miss training really not even just for one night talk about it it's getting late yeah okay don't don't do not it is too high oh my God you know I don't think I can live like this anymore Abby oh when I'm serious I will break up with you Owen I always love you oh no Abby down here you [ __ ] you jumped and I missed it I thought you drowned and you came to my rescue no I came to make sure he drowned I found something pretty awesome what [Music] I think you're gonna have to follow me to see it [Music] oh and we have to go back we will once you see this these people are just starting to warm up to us they keep showing up late to everything it'll seem it'll seem disrespectful what are they gonna do kick out a bunch of displaced fireflies who have nowhere else to go maybe I don't want to find out just come see this thing deep breath foreign [Music] foreign [Music] but for fish shut up check this water pup out I saw the seal the other day covered in spots they don't have spots they're brown those are sea lions no no you don't know I know what I saw with my eyes [Music] hey give me a hand with us yep what is this place well clearly this is some sort of theater but for uh fish [Music] rooster what I'm a wolf that's my wolf howl you're an idiot sailbo is part of the show looks like somebody turned us into a night shift dock or something there's some kids clothes I bet a family came through look at these drawings I wonder what happened to him maybe they joined the wolves yeah or got killed by scars such an optimist all right enough of this boat you want to go see the rest of the fish Zoo do you think there's more to see of course let's go and you can get through that get me up there yep here uh okay holy [ __ ] look at you pushed 185 pounds yesterday yeah right so we take a quick look around and then we head right back uh-huh except that this is nothing and you're gonna beg me to stay [Music] oh my god oh you don't see that every day hey Owen no spots look at that well the one I saw wasn't bronze either so [Music] I think is this class tank in the floor can you imagine this place filled with people kids laughing running around my dad would love this place yeah I'm claiming this place it's mine the same family from the boat that'd be my guess yeah we have to come back here with the others that's good yeah get them to break the rules too you don't think it's worth it let's see how much trouble we're in when we get back [ __ ] you love it so could I get like a Owen you were right thanks for dragging me into this amazing place I'll think about it oh God his kids are enough to join the scars cheers well on the bright side I found these keys with you he's a skeleton he doesn't need them I just don't understand how anybody willingly joins the scars why not because they're an insane cult that's why I mean excuse people would refer to the fireflies of terrorists fanatics we were naive we weren't fanatical we blew up checkpoints and assassinated soldiers it's not the same I'm just saying don't say [ __ ] like that at the stadium okay okay all right wanna try those keys oh yeah this one nope out got it painting this must have taken forever foreign last thing I promise this thing just uh Don't Look Down let's go you're good I'd love to meet this kid I mean he's a scar maybe you have ah Jesus I sure hope not oh get on in here [Music] you see that told you they were spotted [Music] let me slow down is it this it's this isn't it you are disgusted by it come on I'm sorry don't be sorry talk to me I know all the leads have dried up still out there you know what can I do back we can still make training you go ahead what about you I'm gonna hang out with the seals for a little while I'm sorry I hate to hold you already don't be sorry foreign somewhere else let's get off the roof before someone sees us can I talk you out of this no we don't know what happened I gotta find him I mean if you really kill Daniel [ __ ] Danny I'm jealous Owen got to shoot him before I did whoa Abby I do appreciate you helping me sneak out like this how are you getting to the aquarium Highway can't too many patrols a good spotted for sure I'll rough it aquariums do west of here keep following the sun right I'm coming with you I've done this before it's not with this many scars in the area many please all right you know best hey thanks for this yeah and other stuff you know you're a good friend come on us you know I can handle all this emotions looks clear come on all right wish me luck when you find him don't hit him too hard I'll do my best seriously watch yourself out there see ya okay just follow the sunset oh [ __ ] oh through a great start [ __ ] yeah this will help protect the other structures what found a wall forever foreign [Music] Owen hey hey is everything all right yeah it's bad time no no so what's up we got orders sort of sort of you know what just how about we hold off on the Isaac talk in just a minute oh and when's the last time you were here look around Take It All In is Alice out here she's out with Mel [Music] you guys doing okay dating lives good uh for the most part yeah I mean she can be really sweet must feel nice after me well under that badass exterior you can be pretty sweet too you have a bad memory selective memory did you take up archery or something or something ah that explains the target oh yeah Mel and I have this competition thing going uh I don't think you would enjoy it it's pretty complicated I see what you're doing and it's working what do I do okay see those targets yeah just hit as many as you can before the time's up I win you better write my name up there you got it that's one yeah proud of you two down and more to go good for you just 10 seconds left holy [ __ ] five halfway there ABS five four three two one ah I almost had it oh so close yet put my score up I'll do better next time I'll do it later is that Mel's gonna find out I was here what no she doesn't care even put me up on the board jeez calm down okay there's one last thing I want you to see come upstairs is it that boat Captain's body because I saw it last time you didn't put a Santa hat on it did you what no that would actually be kind of cool this is even cooler come on foreign have a seat taking that view foreign try that well the view is nice oh whatever philistine you want me to lie yes obviously uh she's into this Christmas thing and uh it's our one year so I think it's adorable I think you can go [ __ ] yourself no I wish me enough to make me a stocking you don't deserve one a lot of stocking or someone who loves me why are you in such a good mood am I you should blow off training tonight I found Joel's brother he's at a settlement out in Wyoming how do you know that the fireflies who served with him got picked up at the wall I thought he quit like a decade ago yeah so have these guys heard from him since it's a lead I gotta see it through okay but you know that even if he is there and you do find him he might not know where Joel is right should you tell the others Mel included we can leave next week Isaac's never gonna let that many people go off base he already did [ __ ] who's more about Justice than Isaac he knows what Joel's done we're doing this together right [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] they are nested with sin breathe in they may know Yara it's the other apostate clip her wings [Music] thank you [Music] foreign all right watch your backs [Music] come on we have to move where are you going out of these Woods we gotta run now Coast it this way come on Liv get it open Move go I got you you are you wearing my backpack foreign yes go on foreign okay do you have any supplies you find can't touch this stuff it's old work are you you need supplies we're not out of the woods yet [ __ ] intended come on never seen scars going after scars before the hell did you do head fine don't tell me I really don't care now what fight confidence this way I get you through and you open that game right we'll open it come on your turn watch that arm foreign more of them just give me a minute you're gonna hold on tight I know focus on your breathing in and out nice and steady in and out in here let's get inside before someone sees lock it come help me with this laughs hey just needs to be said you know how to do that cut that into strips lean back okay just remove it okay ready what's your name thanks for cutting me down foreign gets a lot of traffic whatever shape she's in she's in all right Owen aquarium's right there that's oh God [ __ ] you know what that girl it's rough and there's sleep [ __ ] okay all those people foreign Owen God damn it of course foreign [ __ ] cruel Isaac sends you after me he didn't I suppose all this gotta take her apart so I'm gonna fix her back up I see you want some ass suit yourself Danny's dead I figured foreign we were cleaning out a small camp it's just a couple scars and uh hit this one on the head and he goes down and his weapons right there and he doesn't go for it instead he turns to me and he's old and tired it was just ready I've killed a lot of scars and uh I couldn't do it of course they didn't get to my [ __ ] face about it I told him I'm done he can do it himself if he wants what's his [ __ ] gun at me so I grab it and then first I didn't even know which one of us was shot you defended yourself I can fix this I'll talk to Isaac I am tired Abby I don't want to fight over land that I don't give a [ __ ] about I'm going to Santa Barbara foreign ER sorry more than once the fireflies aren't regrouping they're gone it's a lead I gotta see through what about Mel she'll be safe here okay we'll talk in the morning when you're sober don't do that do what treat me like I'm [ __ ] insane you feel the same way if the fireflies are in Santa Barbara I go the opposite [ __ ] Direction what nothing sorry I grew up you should try it oh yeah how do I do that should I go find the people that killed my family cut into them torture them until they're crying you know foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] those [ __ ] kids [Music] [ __ ] you need to get them out of there before it's too late kid still there don't come any closer it's me sorry how's she doing I'm gonna move your arms lean into me where are you taking her come on what are you doing I'm giving her a chance [Music] [Music] Owen Owen hey Owen wake up I'm here those scars I need whatever medical supplies you have put the phone down it's okay left lower the bow it's okay Abby who are these kids they saved my life can you take a look at her stay out this is your what did this hammer it wasn't me that's why you're done can you feel this Kiara no I was gonna clean it and try everything shattered she has compartment syndrome what does that mean it means it has to come off she's a soldier he you can't take her arm we leave it it'll turn gankronous hurting please what do you need ideally saw sutures clamps antibiotics we're far from ideal right now we have knives fire cut cauterize it she would die from infection make me a list I'll go to the hospital and get what I'll take you all day to get there I don't mind it's not about you Abby she doesn't have a couple of days what if I can get you there in two hours the Wolf hospital right on the west side oh we built Bridges high up it's how we get around the flooding and you people can't handle two hours probably yeah so make a list wait are you serious these bridges are used by scars only send in small groups at a time you heard that small groups this isn't a joke maybe she got you we should protect you Abby Abby hey what we steal my keys sorry okay do you talk why are you doing this look she just showed up and she knows about last night I don't care about last night well I do which one foreign [Music] your friends are wolves too yeah we were lucky Moe was there she's one of the best surgeons in Seattle oh no Abby and the dogs Alice I don't like dogs how do we get to the really tall buildings the bridge is dead have a head kicks out toward downtown really tall buildings are you going to be able to get us the rest of the way the route starts at the edge of the Russian water just there and I can take these bridges are really going to get us over the Rapids yeah in just a couple hours I'm not lying that's the building we need to get to okay I see it she'll have to try to do the surgery with what Owen has around it's not that wouldn't be good we get the supplies yeah she'll have a good shot do you know our dogs can play cards like that thirteen not eight either the size of an eight-year-old do other people think you're funny no what's compartment syndrome if too much pressure builds up in your muscles the blood can't move in and out of the tissue apparent the skin inside your body I grew up the wrong doctors right now how long have you two been on the run for two days where are you headed just away so you're gonna tell me the real reason why they're after you know I did they want to kill a little boy because he shaved his head I wasn't allowed it's a rule they're broken so why'd he do it pretty Punk Rocky yeah punk rock I get the impression you don't follow most rules how long you been using that thing my bow since forever I'm good with it you should have seen Yara why did they do that to her we can be cruel my mom would say that about wolves well she wasn't wrong I'm scared for her why people will blame her for what I did damn it who is he I don't know isn't he a wolf there are thousands of us do you know every scar stop calling us scars sure cats dancing cats people from the old timer weird oh God I had a cousin who was afraid of me good for your cousin follow me how much higher are we going it's a lot isn't it yes I don't want to find these wolves never look up what does that mean it means no matter how many people or guns you have we'll find a way around you maybe you should stop saying we since they're trying to kill you Rich you can't stop us oh scars built all this Sarah fights yeah I was gonna say that it's pretty cool what's cool like impressive awesome protect them I wonder if your Prophet had any idea what she was starting she saved dozens of people in ways no one can explain she blew up trucks and killed some soldiers not that hard to explain have you read her writings skimmed some you'd benefit from it sure oh that's kind of pretty and a little creepy how high up [ __ ] these scars serophytes whatever yeah welcome never heard a terrified cusp before is that an elevator yeah okay pull that door down [ __ ] can I give you some advice just think about the good parts yeah like you run faster you're more focused you don't feel pain as much every bad feeling your palms sweating your heart racing they're all signs you're actually stronger so when you feel afraid you should think about how your body is getting ready for us we went weak may I carry my truth foreign follow me I thought your anti-electricity and all that sinful Old World stuff there are exceptions especially for soldiers that's convenient what the [ __ ] is that that's the bridge Lev follow me [ __ ] slow I don't know if I can do this people cross this regularly yeah you're lying not I mean it's not the most popular route [ __ ] oh [ __ ] how you feeling I'm waiting on all that true strength cool cool what never mind what's going on between you and your friend Owen oh my God Liv now it seemed really awkward just go I did it come on can we take a minute and be impressed by me not yet why why you'll see holy [ __ ] left it's gonna be okay eyes on me [ __ ] [ __ ] how are you not terrified of this don't quote the prophet to me never scared me it does the ocean dogs holy [ __ ] oh my God almost there hey look you can see the hospital now oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] focus on me I can't do this love I can't do this yes you can I can't you're going to come on true strength strength [Music] okay you're almost there you can make it careful [ __ ] almost there all right [Music] come on I'm dizzy hold on laughs you ready can I get a minute please foreign okay okay where's you now I don't know what do you mean this is the right building but I've never been to this part of it the bridge drops us off at the back of the building this is new to me okay well let's see if we can find our own way down if that's the worst of it we got off lucky maybe it was I heard them say well I don't if I'm gonna die I'm gonna die for me guilt miss anything I just needed to lighten the load a bit here's our way down if we get to the street we'll be right by the hospital just a body one of yours no check out the clothes here looks dark down there oh I see how this works had orders to clear out this building are there infected in this building we always take elevators down to the bottom so I spores masks on how do I have one do you guys not believe in gas masks we were on the Run let me see what I can find stay here back up all the way if you die I'll be stuck here registered praying I make it finally you're gonna kill yourself don't ruin the mask yes looks good all right back to love oh [ __ ] your present here are taking too long can't move any faster I won't do your sister any good if we're both dead we got this did you see a way down no is that a fire hose Live come get this down coming foreign be careful good that thing was growing into the wall hate demons tell me about it thank you [Applause] this way foreign you can take your mask off thank you the hospital it's right there oh he did it you see that elevator right there yeah that's the path we would have taken no infected cool Lev let's not tell the others about what happened I don't want Yara to worry you're a good brother I see your question okay do you regret shaving your head laugh I wish I just ran away this is as far as you go wait what because they want to kill you with me they're just worried about a backgammon rematch what's back camera I'm gonna go in the front door grab the stuff come right back you're staying here yeah yeah I'm a wolf don't shoot it's me it's Abby Abby it's Abby [ __ ] if you alone open the gate hey guys Jesus you swim here Bo got [ __ ] I need to grab some medical supplies I'm doing a thing for Isaac we're removing all these assets to Isaac what does he need uh I can't talk about it it's something away from the fob well everything's getting moved out and packed up take a look see if anyone's got what you need hey is Nora around yesterday she said she was shipping out here just left the last transport but she'll be back okay thanks still getting new recruits maybe they're brainwashing all the trespassers to enter the city scars will find him first hi guys oh Abby did you hear about Danny I heard rumors hope you're not spreading them no we're not good keep it that way oh hey bear they got you all the way out here and there's a good point hey there Abby hey you still clear in this place yep one floor at a time still got supplies in there but for sure lots of floors we still need to hit well good luck hey Abby I got you out here too yeah what a haul I need some medical supplies can you put me around somebody just checked in with Isaac he wants you back at the pho let me talk to Isaac talk to him in person we're going back to the next shipment sorry what are you doing she's been AWOL since yesterday [Music] hey hey let me the [ __ ] out oh God damn you're gonna dislocate your shoulder I never thought I see you on Isaac's bad side you find a one at the aquarium I talked to Manny I need some medical supplies why what happened to him compartment syndrome best forum you're not treating him are you Mel I'm gonna have a lot of time most of these supplies have been packed and shipped already what we haven't cleared out the lower floors yet will they have what I need yeah probably but it's rough down there I'll be fine you get caught I had nothing to do with this of course all right come on compartment syndrome yeah always lucky he's dating a doctor all doing okay fine she was so [ __ ] up after Isaac talked to her Isaac talked to her after he found out you left the base Isaac interrogated all of us he was rough on her did anyone talk no Laura where are you two going to grab Abby the boat's ready to head out well I still got boxes on the third floor can you two bring him first boat's pretty full come on I don't want to be here all day fine thanks and you're okay always well Manny's been worried sick about you you know I'm here everybody will assume so what's Owen's plan hold up [Music] all clear right so what's Owen's plan when smell gets that arm off um he's been talking about Santa Barbara he knows that's all [ __ ] right so bad for Mel yeah me too all right these floors have the ICU the trauma center and a few surgical Suites sounds perfect there's a reason we haven't touched this area yet it was ground zero for the whole city where they brought the first infected before anyone knew better it's going to be overgrown to [ __ ] May our survival be long may my death be Swift see you back at base soon I hope okay surgery drama I see you come on give me something nada something around here let's see what you got [ __ ] sake gotta be somewhere else oh look at the shin get out of here that's good yes get ready to celebrate thank you hear me here we go [Music] oh [Applause] my God foreign great right now [ __ ] this place they're all looking for you what you do nothing nothing I told you to stay put I couldn't your friends are all over the place did you get the stuff yeah now I just need to get the hell out of here follow me [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] hold on you can go see her now if you want okay yeah actually hey they're just kids I know what happened to us if maybe we stopped looking for the light I'm gonna go check on the girl okay [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign even if you make it she's not going to come with you convince her we broke the rules it's me what are you still doing up I was changing our bandages I can't believe she's on her feet already girls are tough what are they fighting about love doesn't want to leave Seattle Owen invited them to come to Santa Barbara that is very open I figured you'd have talked him out of going by now actually I'm going with them but not if you come he may fall for a little act with these kids but I don't there's nothing to fall for Isaac's top scar killer suddenly had a change of heart nothing to do with Owen right I haven't always done the right you're a piece of [ __ ] Abby you always have been I'm done with you want to do right by these kids get out of their lives before you screw them over too Abby nice shirt are you okay how's your arm it's better than it was this morning love coming around he will do you mind helping me look for him he was pretty worked up sure you ran off this way love Lev come back here please why doesn't love want to go to Santa Barbara worried about her mom about what will happen to her because of us should he be worried he needs to focus on his own safety right now what could happen to her sometimes parents are held responsible for their children's sins but our mom isn't about she'll probably be fine are there options for helping her he can't convince her to leave no one could I'm more worried of what she do to him love love I'm sorry love you know I wonder if you saw this he loves sharks love sharks but hates the ocean huh it really opened up to you we've bonded over our shared fear of dying you said you were Brave he's a liar you hear that love are you in here hey it's okay it's okay she just wants to play hey girl what you got there she won't hurt you go get a girl I uh I think she wants you to throw it again okay one more time you're so funny you want to try that doesn't seem like a good idea he's not going to bite right nope I promise can I do it again I think she would love that foreign maybe he could convince your mom she saw him like this she'd strangle him with her bare hands how much did he tell you not much I heard some of your people calling him Lily for a long time I didn't understand why he was questioning the laws traditions when he explained to me how he felt inside he had to keep it to himself I was hoping snap out of it he seemed fine for a while but then he shaved his head like one of them that suicide is that when you ran just I screamed at him I hit him I'm so stupid I have an idea why don't we find something to cheer him up come on why do you think he did it now shaved his head I mean last week he got assigned his role in the community he wanted to be a soldier like me but they decided he was to be a wife to one of the elders tradition our kid where is Santa Barbara Sam California where's California okay so look uh this is Seattle and this is Santa Barbara that's too small to see but it would be up here so far yeah good hmm what about this it's perfect smells wrong you know you're a good person heavy will you stop stealing my stuff please I'm sorry I didn't realize you owned everything in the aquarium yeah well my aquarium my stuff I'm just kidding take whatever you want you can't have you seen love uh yeah he was down that hallway can I can I talk to you okay she couldn't tell I was joking I suck with kids they really like you though so um coming to Santa Barbara right we can figure this out it's too late no no it isn't long I know I know but we can choose to be happy we're allowed to be happy you hear that lab get back here what's he doing he's going after her after who his mom she's gonna kill him Abby it's about ready oh yeah how much time do you need a few hours we'll head them off we'll grab a boat from the Marine hey she just had surgery I'm fine how else am I gonna find him I'll go with you Owen [ __ ] Island I'll let her go by herself actually you are I can help Yeah by staying here and fixing the [ __ ] sailboat get your priority Street here let's go there's the marina how you doing I'm good foreign here I've got you I can do it let's go so how do we get to your village in one piece your blind spots along the coast we can boat into from there we'll follow backwards they're safe safest option we have any chance love is going to change his mind does he get what he's walking into I thought he did he's got a soft spot for her I mean it's his mom yeah stay on the duck I'll go get a boat and pick you up here no I can help not with this I got it okay okay what the [ __ ] you by yourself yeah sniper's a [ __ ] bro what are you doing out here the boats we're supposed to hit the island tonight then this pandeko showed up I sent the guy to call for help backup should be on the way should be I need one of those boats now why ask me later and I guess you're gonna help me take this guy out let's do it stay low do my whole [ __ ] thing don't worry we'll get him okay what do you want to do let's get inside of the garage we can use this as cover I'm right behind you go there's falling apart I'm gonna move go go it's good no [ __ ] be going after them instead of the goddamn Island how is that still on might be happening right now what the [ __ ] is he doing [ __ ] he's luring them to us get ready I'll cover you let's go where did he goes down damn it hey it's right there go go go go go hit the pressure up you see him up he's cornered come on let's flush him out if you're bringing this [ __ ] back to Isaac she'll be golden again let's see what's left of my once we're done Manny that's great oh [ __ ] foreign you yeah who was that it doesn't matter let's go ahead and get back to the aquarium come on let's take that boat foreign [Music] where is everyone no guards they don't use this corner of the island look gloves boat and we have to catch up tonight do you know where he's going to our house that's where our mom will be how far is it across the island what about your people we'll take back trails they won't see us are you sure the wolves are attacking tonight yeah that's what my friend told me they'll use this storm as a cover for the attack unless Isaac changes his mind Your Leader Isaac what does he want an end to the fighting at what cost at this point any cost up here are you good climb in that it's the fastest way oh no what is that it's our warning signal your people are here the whole island is on alert now we need to hurry the lodge we can't follow me how many people live here 100 000 how many soldiers have a blessed are trained in contact what are the other half gonna do when my people get here some will hide unless you'll fight may your light guide us through this storm when you're lost in the Darkness for the light it's that something my dad used to say get them to the shelter go bad how do we get through this okay it'll be locked the lumber mill the big building on the right with the Torches out of here yeah we can cut through it come on oh [ __ ] may she protect us we need to move Isaac what are you doing get down through her love we will survive this where to now we'll cut through the lodge up ahead Yara back in the logging camp where are they taking the kids put your shelters everywhere things get really bad we'll take them off the island good we need to stay in my car where are we going Space Needle what yeah I see it yes oh thank God you just you're talking to her I was trying to figure out she's kept yelling she started chasing me stop pushing her off of me and she hit the table you're defending yourself you did nothing wrong yeah come on Hey kid come on here Yara I I never should have it's okay I'm glad we found you let's go [Music] it's happening okay she protects us shouldn't we head back for our boat no I hear fighting back there you're fighting everywhere there are lots of boats in Haven that's what I was thinking we can cut through old town avoid the main roads how far is Haven not close but it's our best chance just keep following us either way across your arm s fine I'm tired you're a unbelieved with all her heart I know then why would this happen to her I oath doesn't make us immortal losses around every corner it's down the street get inside quickly foreign I know oh God we need to get off the street left Abby this way this way he's got one happy Europe don't forget you're asleep I can't leave her here stay back oh [ __ ] it's Abby stay back Stand Down what the hell you doing I need you to hear me out what's that behind you you saved my life you out of the way we'll deal with you back home he's not one of them please Abby move God damn it he's just a kid you're really gonna shoot me two I'm not [ __ ] moving no what the [ __ ] look we need to move oh my God she's fine come on those are your [ __ ] people hey you're my people we're gonna have to fight to get out of this okay I'm gonna need you to show us to those boats we don't let anybody stop us yeah okay follow me let's get this over with we're here to warn them you [ __ ] snake laughs oh [ __ ] [ __ ] cover me yeah oh my God Bobby kill those wolves which way there's some radio station up ahead we're gonna cut through how far is this Haven place from here we've got a ways to go is that Haven yeah what's left of it live where are the boats um on the docks past the fires and we better get down there before they're all gone pray yes we're not dying on this island I know let's get down there where do we go follow the stone Bridges okay Follow My Lead come on you know how to ride more or less hang on just keep pointing the way up ahead here we go get ready come on oh God Haven [Music] should we still go there okay I don't know the boats are there Nothing is Stopping Us hang on burn in hell get away from us Hang on we're going through [Music] over the hill what the horse okay we have to keep moving right there the docks [Music] okay we gotta get out of here Abby this way go foreign foreign oh my God [Music] oh wow laughs damn it are you okay yeah push okay [Music] thank you [Music] here [Music] thank you [Music] foreign let's get out of the rain yeah hell [Music] is that [Music] stay behind me be beautiful [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] ah [Music] what are we doing we're fine let's figure out how to get in first foreign careful let's stay close cheers really see this you son of a [ __ ] she gonna love it hands up back away from your [ __ ] I said back up you're making a big mistake turn around love keep your bow on it get on the ground you kill me like a coward s yes they stand up hands in the air I shoot this one too don't you do it Ellie get out of here stand up now get your [ __ ] dare shut the [ __ ] up all right stop stop toss your weapon toss your weapon no I know why you killed Joel he did what he did to save me there's an oak here because in me I am the one that you want just let him go kill my friends foreign on [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] laughs [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] let's go stop [Music] she had nothing to do [Music] it good Abby [Music] [Music] don't ever let me see you again come on [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign hey buddy what's wrong [Music] yeah it's okay we're good hey who's that handsome fellow huh hey you like these guys huh they got some crazy hair Dina I'm in the kitchen oh what's up you little Goobers hey thanks for doing the dishes you can thank me by putting on some music and I'll see what I can do about some tunes ah you want a boogie huh all right oh [ __ ] yeah I love this song your mom is very easy to please I'm with you my bar is very low oh look at those moves these moves yeah oh look at Mama go oh wow this is kind of working on me weird I'm aware okay okay you're distracting me no okay all right go okay oh hey I think I left Ollie outside you mind bringing him back in yeah sure thing you want some fresh air see Ollie what are you doing out here hang on buddy yeah there we go be right hey you know what I'm gonna teach you how to play guitar when your hands are bigger and you're not poop in your pants all the time it's all right everybody does it [Music] got a lot of stories to tell you when you're older much older I don't even know where to begin potato potato one little big potato my potato my potato my little buddy potato yeah that's my buddy all right little sputter we should go check on Mama I'm gonna go hang up the laundry oh say hi to your auntie Talia hi Auntie Talia [Music] man tough crowd does he need his jacket no he's fine more you can tell me to stop should I stop okay enough seriously you want to pet him all right there you go oh oh gentle gentle gentle just like that there you go yeah hey hey I'll take him can you get the Sheep into the barn oh my God yeah yeah once you rest it up okay here come on in the air don't stay out too long you still needs a bath I'm like the hurting master listen up sheep your dinner awaits you in the barn so come on snowy Barn time Daisy head on in wow that's a lot of sheep how many do you think that is one two first stop cause I'm getting sleepy we definitely have way too many sheep hey what do you say we eat some of them tasty snack I got one for you what's the quietest animal on a farm a sheep when you're older you're gonna have a deep appreciation for these jokes okay one more what do you get when you cross an angry sheep and a mad cow an animal that's in a bad mood yeah mama likes that one too okay guys we'll see you tomorrow hey how'd you get out come on little dude foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's up Ellie hey Ellie okay you're home breathe breathe okay okay I'm gonna take him okay [Music] sorry I don't know I don't know what it's bringing in [Music] hey oh man it's good I've had a any excitement in a while [Music] [Music] okay foreign hey where you been hunting took a little longer than I thought who's here uh just come inside oh that's quite a rich you've got there hey Tommy there you are here let me take him come here bud oh yeah see you too are you getting heavy no just a big ball of muscle hmm sounds good Maria good oh she's fine we uh we're taking some time apart um sorry we talked about it a lot and uh yes well we both want so okay come sit I got something to show you so I've been putting out feelers for months now and this new guy heard my story he told me about a woman that he traded with while he was moving through California described as built like an ox traveling with a kid with scars across his face he said they're living along this Coast in a beach sailboat right here got to be hurt we're done with that sir um well I can't go oh all right Reagan's easy I forget about her sitting all comfy way out here I'll make her pay tell me that's what you said when we got back to Jackson Tommy what a joke [Music] foreign hey what the [ __ ] was that God damn it Tommy you know what we've been I'll say she made me a problem I don't [ __ ] care that's your goddamn problem [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you I hate these things tell me about it your old man really laid into me today another big lecture about my patrols don't go here don't go there it's funny how involved it gets whenever you're scheduled to go out [Music] she's a but not quite the show [Music] I gave you guys two weeks until you're back together not gonna happen she uh say something dude make it one week I'll take you so long oh I'm here aren't I you know Jesse come on hey don't forget we're heading out early so get some rest yes sir okay I have a very serious question for you a pile of garbage oh okay oh how about that gross foreign staring at you [Music] at here maybe they're staring at you at you maybe they're jealous of you um just a girl not a threat [Music] I think they should be terrified [Music] [Music] hey it's a family event [Music] sorry [Music] remember next time there's kids around us yeah like you're setting such a great example oh just what this town needs another loudmouth Dyke what the [ __ ] did you just say Ellie really don't get the hell out of here get your hands off me hey enough let's go for a walk what about them you worry about yourself let's get you some fresh air you're a kiddo what is wrong with you he had no right and you do I don't need your [ __ ] help Joel right foreign hey hey man it's been a while since he slept this long huh he had a day yeah he's fine we'll talk about it in the morning okay I have to finish it you don't oh Tommy anything how does sleep I don't eat them I'm not like you Dina do you think this is easy for you and for him I deal with it I love you prove it I can't so what I'm just supposed to to sit here and wait for you for God knows how long just thinking you're [ __ ] dead the entire time I don't plan on dying yeah well neither did Jesse or Joel hey stop hey hey come on family to be more important than that no [Music] I'm not gonna do this again [Music] that's up to you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] now we just need oh we checked this straight a week ago I can't believe you traded a pistol for this to lead no way that guy saw fireflies over here how good about this I don't come on let's wear graffiti does that mean fireflies no nothing I recognize at least if the fireflies are still out there yeah what do you think they're up to I don't know the goal was always to restore Society I mean there's all sorts of ways to go about it see 24 25 constants this is the place we don't know that yet love I think we're done here no wait you find something scratches scooch foreign hello I don't know since anyone's been here unfortunately I have to agree with you pretty nice Barracks All Things Considered because they've got solar oh is this frequency currently in use this is do you see a call sign anywhere oh oh what it's a short list of numbers and letters hmm this is Abby from Santa Barbara can anyone hear me standing by is anyone out there what's this those are frequencies is this frequency currently in use this is Abby from Santa Barbara is anyone out there you saw their Firefly outposts can anyone hear me hello is this frequency currently in use this is Abby from Santa Barbara hello hello foreign use hello this is Abby from Santa Barbara can anyone hear me if anyone can hear me please reply please answer hi Abby we got a clear signal on you where in Santa Barbara are you calling from um 24 25 constants uh we got a tip about a base but there's no one here we're looking for fireflies I'm a firefly where were you stationed I was part of the Salt Lake Outpost [Music] around that facility Dr Jerry Anderson he was my dad well how about that we pulled everyone back from the satellite stations and brought them back here to home base how many of you are there more about 200 strong now with a few more every month is right you're about to get two more how do we find you to Catalina Island approach the large domed building in Avalon we'll find you okay okay we'll see you soon over and out more to it good luck that's Santa Barbara over and out come on let's get back to the sailboat okay fine you were right uh what was that why do you make me repeat whenever I'm wrong because it makes me feel better because it happened so rarely [Music] ah I'm feeling now [Music] come here let me see you ready wait what are you doing wait wait [ __ ] man you're fine get that little one [Music] don't you [ __ ] touch him [Laughter] where did you go from here [Music] 2425 Constance foreign [Music] now what Mesa Bluff I'm here in Santa Barbara proper is [Applause] okay Barbara's downhill 425 constants come on [Music] foreign ah can we please just say we're done for the day yeah yeah get that thing down let's reset the trash really man I mean is she even worth the trip back it's not like I'm good something funny looks like you show your pants [ __ ] you say oh [ __ ] you like funny huh get up come on get up we don't need this man come on it's funny [Applause] [Music] all right you said happy you're looking for an Abby right picked one up a couple of months ago yes sir [Music] I'm blind my arms like mine she had a strong kid with it caused by his mouth yeah that's her let me go we'll get to her before that infection takes over we'll talk she's an old holding cell in our camp where is that head that way till you hit the railroad track that'll lead you to a resort and keep him in the tall frown building hmm I swear [Music] Resort tall round building tracks to Resort to All Around building [ __ ] over here hey we'll go back is that a gun God damn it [ __ ] did he get a gun tell the others make sure he's the only one that got out watch out I find out anyone helped him they're going in the [ __ ] pool waste he was acting up for a while this is the third this month are you ready to put more people on the gate people on the gate need to do their [ __ ] jobs let's move that looks like a tall round building [Music] come on come on you can do it just a little closer buddy can you leave him alone you can't feel anything [ __ ] that I promised him I'd do this to him I bet you wish you didn't try to escape now don't you Anthony [Music] [Music] oh my God [Music] kill her [ __ ] [Music] come on let's go where's Abby hey hey have you tried to escape she's down in the pillars the pillars head down to the beach you won't miss it she's probably already dead come on foreign [Music] foreign foreign happy oh okay wait [Music] huh [Applause] happy I got you foreign [Music] foreign thank you I can't let you leave I'm not doing this I'm not gonna fight you yes she will okay he's not a part of this you made him a part of this okay [Music] laughs [Music] oh my God [Music] [Music] [Music] that look oh my God [Music] oh my God laughs [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what's up come on oh take him foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] what are you drinking coffee where'd you get that uh most people that came through last week a little embarrassed as to what I had to trade to get it but it's not bad I had Seth under control yeah I know and you need to stop harassing Jesse about my Patrols Dana is she your girlfriend no no she that was just one kiss that doesn't mean anything she just I don't know why I should do that but you do like her so stupid I have no idea what that girl's intentions are but but I do know that she would be lucky to have you foreign you're such an [ __ ] I'm not trying to I was supposed to die in that hospital my life would have [ __ ] mattered but you took that from me foreign I would do it all over again I don't think I can ever forgive you for that but I would like to try Electric okay [Music] I'll see you around yup [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] sometimes you'll succeed to make this pain of me oh my stolen missing parts I have no need for anymore [Music] and I believe cause I can't see our future Days of you and me [Music] back when I was feeling broken a focused on a Prayer you candy bears in the ocean did something out there here all the complexities and games no one wins but somehow they still play all the missing crooked hearts they may die but in us they live on [Music] and see I'll refuse your day [Music] days of you when hurricanes and Cyclones reach when winds turned her to dust when floods they came the times they erased ever closer became us in all the promises that sung down a methane like the rest all the demons used to come round I'm grateful now they've left so persistent in my ways hey Angel I am here to stay no resistance no alarms please this is just too good to be gone and I believe cause I can't see now a future Days days of you and me you and me it's just you and me [Music]
Channel: MegsBoringLife
Views: 1,075,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GS804Qha0Fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 486min 50sec (29210 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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