Fan Finds A Secret Animation Within the Game that Hints Hogwarts Legacy DLC!

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I have a question for you what would you rather have a werewolf story DLC mer people story DLC or quidditch DLC or would you rather have them all what's going on guys I'm Ben snow and welcome to the gaming couch where we play different video games but today we're gonna talk about Hogwarts Legacy DLC I apologize for weird ways I'm saying things it's late in the evening so my brain doesn't work properly so um yes what DLC are we gonna see and the thing is I'm positive the DLC are happening there's no doubt no company ever had such a great success with the release of its own game and it never followed up with any additional content that people could pay money for and the thing is there are hints and Little T Jesus which DLCs were going to be having hidden inside the game right now you can interact with it right now and that's what we're going to talk about but before we do that Hogwarts Legacy now has Arachnophobia mode and they found such a great way to implement it as you can see now in spiders have rollerblades instead of legs this is such an awesome throwback to Prisoner of Azkaban it's really smart it's really cute now more people are going to be able to enjoy Hogwarts Legacy this is amazing so now let's talk about the DLCs what are they gonna be what are we gonna be seeing when are we going to be getting it and the thing is that going back to the first question the developers are making that decision right now or probably already have made depending on the time you're watching this video because it's very common with video games that the developers pre-plan DLCs way before games launch and they oftentimes plant the seeds of the DLC within the actual game so there can be little like stories little secrets that seem just kind of part random parts of the game but actually later on you find out oh wait this was teased and knowing that even Chandler likes to tease different future things in his tweets I'm now believing more in the seeds in the story in the planted seeds that I believe that's the DLC that we're going to talk about right now number one werewolf DLC so there is a little secret within Hogwarts if you follow this path there is this painting with letter K in it if you push it it opens actually and reviews an entire hidden chamber that is devoted purely for the story of a witch who was bitten by wolf and then became a werewolf and it was hunted down by uh villagers or whatnot and there is actually a secret within a secret if you spoiler alert also casts lumos then those portraits reveal the true story which is this so it's like there are other secrets in elaborate and that's why it draws my tension besides that we already have the animation of any Magus they're the enemies but the animation the mechanic is in the game so I think because also werewolves is such a you know big part of Harry Potter story I think they would want to incorporate similar story in a gameplay setting having us being a werewolf or maybe our friend is a werewolf and we help them I don't know hide and then eventually we'll definitely duel him or her in werewolf form and then there are only two scenarios one somehow the werewolf dies or we kind of help them live in this Society because at that time it was rough it was tough only during Harry Potter time it kind of became more okay with werewolves but stale was like you know it was not that great so yeah I strongly believe that we will see a werewolf DLC in the future we'll talk about when in a little bit next up up we have the mer people story okay so this one is a little bit more vague but still in the same part of like having the seed of something so in different parts of the map of Hogwarts Legacy you can find this ruins with murals that depict mermaids lumos it's like a tomb within tomb for mermaids and then there are flowers on top like then I started again in a different completely different location across the map and of course you you're gonna say this is just some kind of mural well yes but this doesn't seem random like seems as though those structures have been like either worshiping mermaids or this entire Valley around Hogwarts was underwater a long time in the past and I don't know like this is actually the structures of the mer people civilization I don't know this theme in general needs an entire video and I will be making one so make sure to hit that subscribe button but how I'm reading this is that these murals were placed there not randomly they like someone wrote some lore someone has written some stories that connect that makes sense and they're like okay we're putting these murals here and we see them like wait how how what but with that being said I don't think we are gonna see the underwater world it's not like we're gonna go like okay they introduce swimming underwater and there's entire civilization I don't think so I think we will have a mer people's story we already have a little side quest with mer people but we don't see well if you know you know but I think we're gonna like go on the quest where we will learn different facts about history of murder people or help uh um merpel a mermaid we're going on a quest collecting some information defeating someone fighting certain artifacts and that does sound like a DLC to me so there you go that's number two and number three quidditch DLC okay hear me out the only reason why I bring this up is because Roxy design has posted has I found this animation code within the game this is catching of a snitch at first I thought about the loading screen in the very beginning you know like you started before you even start the game I thought that that's what but no no no no it's like on the Broom it's like he catches like yay so is this maybe the maybe quidditch was cut out and it's still there or their codes as I said the seeds of the DLCs are within the game right now and they're gonna be happening in the future also if you go to Madame kagawa's office there's a tiny miniature quidditch Stadium there and there's a quiddish match happening and when I see it's like is that a tease is that like and they whenever each and every other Professor or student they would sometimes mention like oh a wish Professor black changes his mind about quidditch or blah blah blah or maybe he will you know so it's like almost there is a chance that in the future Professor black is like all of a sudden hey I thought now I I feel like we can do quidditch now so let's do quiddish now and there's a DLC you know so I don't know what do you think about this but also besides that I don't have the clip but Rockstar design said that there is also a you know bat animation like when you when you hit bludger with a bat like there is an animation for that just like with the snitch that's quit it that's literally their mechanics their animations they're right now in the game characters technically can't do them but also as another option for a DLC I think is Sebastian's past story expansion or something like that because oh my God Sebastian's story is just he's my favorite character and I'm not gonna spoil anything but just uh something bad happened in Sebastian's past ominous talks about this we have the pencils right maybe at certain point Sebastian gives us a memory uh that we can see or whatever and we kind of maybe play as Sebastian in this situation it all will be a memory but regardless we will follow a legitimate story legitimate Quest as Sebastian dealing with with his parents or there wasn't you know so that could be really cool now let's talk about the time when are we going to be seeing it so I think they're gonna first wait until Hogwarts Legacy is out on switch we don't know if it's gonna be delayed but maybe we'll only like by a couple of months it would be reasonable to expect something extra from Hogwarts Legacy around fall this is fall is Harry Potter time it's if you Google on Google Trends Harry Potter you'll see a trajectory around fall like it starts around like August and goes throughout the entire holiday season it's Harry Potter era so we will see either a werewolf mermaid DLC or quidditch DLC I doubt about quidditch honestly I honestly believe that that's just was cut out but these story ones that makes more sense and with them I can totally see them either adding a new battle arena or new enemy camps around the map and possibly expanding the map because if you look closely at the map it's a square and we have only stuff in the middle and I can totally see them adding hello their stuff on the right and then there's on the left and there are two different DLC packs that come in on different dates and each will also have a story pack some Cosmetics a new outfits or there's a huge potential for or more packs for our vivarium and specifically with decorations hello there's only one jack-o-lantern and a Christmas tree there's so much that can be done and it's like because it also has its own category holidays like decorations and there's only two items I'm like come on this is a tease this is an opportunity to fill in the gaps and have more options so it's like again I'm telling you that these seeds that you can explore you can interact with right now in Hogwarts Legacy will grow into full-blown DLCs it's just a matter of time but anyways guys thank you so much for making it all the way to the end of the video make sure to hit the like if you like this video make sure to subscribe to my channel and hit that Bell notification so you don't miss out on my future videos I'll see you next time
Channel: Benjamin Snow
Views: 67,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hogwarts legacy, harry potter game, hogwarts legacy ps4, hogwarts legacy xbox, ps5, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, hogwarts, ben snow, benjamin snow, hogwarts legacy xbox one, harry potter, hogwarts legacy dlc, hogwarts legacy dlc leak, hogwarts legacy dlc quest, hogwarts legacy dlc trailer, hogwarts legacy dlc items, hogwarts legacy werewolf, hogwarts legacy merpeople, hogwarts legacy quidditch dlc, hogwarts legacy sebastian dlc, hogwarts legacy sequel, news, leaks
Id: BXXPRJ9wv3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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