Family Worship Night

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[Music] [Music] [Music] there isn't anybody else like him he created everything including me [Music] oh how could we ever worship someone [Music] [Applause] else [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] there's a song of exaltation full of joy and inspiration echo down through all creation sing hallelujah sing hallelujah hallelujah sing there's a song of exaltation full of joy and inspiration and go down to all creations sing hallelujah sing [Music] full of hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] the day is [Music] sadness and tears [Music] heavenly [Music] good evening everyone we are so happy that you have come with us to sing the praises of our great god would you please stand with us as we magnify the lord and exalt his name together hmm those words sound familiar can't you does that ring a bell magnify the lord with me and let us exalt i think that's a song that we know let's sing it together here we go oh oh oh oh oh [Music] [Music] all times magnify the lord with me magnify the lord with me together [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] his name together [Music] [Music] let us oh [Music] [Music] hail jesus you're my king hail jesus you're my king your in all your ways [Music] i want to see your kingdom come [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] [Music] [Music] in your name that jesus prayed and proclaimed [Music] [Applause] how wonderful you are how wonderful you are [Music] [Applause] everybody be seated good evening everybody i couldn't hear myself so i couldn't tell if you could hear me swim to the front here how's everyone doing uh no no no you gotta do that again how's everyone doing there we go there's some energy that's what i wanted to hear well uh it's great to see you guys my name is tate madima i am the minister to children and families and i'm so glad and excited to welcome you into this building tonight for our family worship night uh who's looking forward to what we're doing tonight that that was that was the beginning that was just a taste of what the rest of the evening will be so it's just an opportunity for us to gather together here and worship the lord together because uh we love the lord we love uh commending his name and talking about him and singing praises to him and we wanted to take this opportunity this summer just to praise the lord together to gather in here and have some fun singing songs to the lord hearing from his word and just being able to praise him for who he is and uh how he has drawn us in so we're going to start off tonight with you guys shaking out some of your you know i don't know if you're anxious or something but we're going to we're going to get some energy going so we're gonna start off with a game and uh parents this is for you too grandparents also for you everyone's gonna participate so i would love for you guys to hop up and then as you hop up i want you to pair up we're going to play a game called gorilla man gun who has played this game before some people in the back know how to play it okay ian knows how to play it okay i'm going to explain it to you it's called gorilla man gun okay uh it it's got a really catchy song i'm going to try to use my singing voice it goes like this uh back to back back to back come on everybody get back to back back to back back to back come on everybody get back to back gorilla beats the man so when you do uh so you have three actions the first one is gorilla everyone do gorilla with me okay the second one is man that's man and then the third one is gun so however you want to make your gun if you want to make it big if you like ars or whatever i don't know but gun okay so we got gorilla everybody gorilla man gun okay so gorilla beats the man obvious right uh man somehow beats the gun don't ask me how but the man beats the gun okay but the gun beats the gorilla we're not asking for logic but that's how the game works okay so gorilla beats the man the man beats the gun the gun beats the gorilla if you tie you're out okay so what we're going to do is we're going to pair up back to back and we're going to whittle it down until there is one winner and my winner will get uh to pick a price for my prize box okay is everyone ready okay here we go i'm going to do it with my best singing voice it's just to get our shake shake it out and get loose and get ready to be able to sing and do the motions together okay here we go back to back back to back come on everybody get back to back back to back back to back come on everybody get back to back gorilla beats the man man beats the gun the gun beats a gorilla if you tie your app gorilla beats the man the man beats the gun the gun beats a gorilla if you tire out one two three [Applause] okay so if you are everyone got it okay if you're out if you lost you can take a seat if you want please raise your hand so you can find a new partner raise your hand find a partner we'll have to move around the room there's plenty of space find yourself a partner find yourself a partner back to back back to back come on everybody get back to back does everyone have a partner who does not have a partner are we good here we go okay back to back back to back come on everybody get back to back back to back back to back come on everybody get back to bat gorilla beats the man the man beats the gun the gun beats the gorilla if you tire out gorilla beats a man the man beats the gun the gun beats a gorilla if you tie you're out one two three go [Music] all right all right here we go if you're still in i want you to raise your hand actually what we're going to do if you're still in i want you to come up here to the front right here right here to the front if you're still in and we can partner up somehow somehow he's still in right you can come right here next to mr drew if you want to go here i'm going to i'm going to help you i'm going to be able to partner up with you how many do we got come on jaren juliet we got five is do we just have five people left do we have anyone else that's shy okay all right i'm gonna partner up with you jared okay here we go okay okay you guys you guys go back to back okay here we go you guys can sing with me just mumble the wrap okay if you can't if you can't get it just mumbling it's fine okay here we go back to back back to back come on everybody get back to back back to back back to back come on everybody get back to back gorilla beats a man the man beats the gun the gun beats the gorilla if you tie you out gorilla beats a man the man beats the gun gun beats a guerrilla if you tire out one two three go oh i'm out i'm out okay how many do we have left i think i think we i wasn't sure what we're gonna give him we're gonna give him miles a price for for going okay i think he wins okay here we go let's have files i got a price for you you're doing great we're gonna go jiren and juliet let's finish up with you right right here okay this is our grand finale you guys got to get back to back okay you guys ready for this here we go all right back to back back to back come on everybody get back to back back to back back to back come on everybody get back to back gorilla beats a man the man beats the gun the gun beats the gorilla if you tiger out gorilla beats a man the man beats the gun the gun beats a gorilla if you tie you out one two three go oh they tied i got good news for you i have enough prizes for everybody well done guys okay now since it's family worship night i got prizes for you but to share with your family so why don't you guys come grab one of these packages of candy i'm giving candy out at night i'm sorry parents that's that's what i'm doing uh you guys have here you go here we go okay i know i'm already driving memo crazy because i keep jumping off the stage and he's trying to keep me on camera so i apologize uh but we're gonna go back to a time of worship together i hope you guys are loose limbur ready to sing loudly to our king okay uh you guys can stand back up and we'll sing a few more songs [Music] [Music] his praises [Music] praise him for his grace and favor to his people and distress forever [Music] is [Music] he gently bears us [Music] face to face [Music] praise him [Music] we have heard the joyful sound [Music] [Music] jesus says the news to every land climb the season [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] days [Music] [Music] the joyful sound jesus says jesus says spend jesus said jesus [Music] the says [Music] jesus says [Music] [Music] and how does he save us like nothing but his blood we are saved by the blood of jesus let's enjoy singing this wonderful song of truth tonight nothing but the blood of jesus what can make me whole again nothing but the blood of jesus oh [Music] of precious [Music] jesus [Music] nothing but the blood of jesus oh makes precious [Music] this is all my heart and peace nothing but the blood of jesus this is all my righteousness nothing [Music] [Music] oh nothing but nothing but [Music] before we uh hear tate come and share from the word for us let's use this song as a prayer from psalm 119 open my eyes that i may behold wondrous things from your word let's sing this song together [Music] open my eyes that i may see wondrous things [Music] your words [Music] yes [Music] how can a young man keep his way by keeping your word every day with my whole heart i seek you let me not wander from you [Music] [Applause] [Music] from [Applause] [Music] your words are better than life [Music] is [Music] with my lips i declare your truth with my my meditation on you [Music] with my eyes [Music] things my heart help me believe and receive [Music] [Music] [Music] you may be seated oh i got more stuff than pastor ryan has usually on sundays but bear with me we need it all right okay guys well we're going to talk about the bible so anytime anyone's up here preaching teaching they're going to use the bible because the bible is god's true word it is from god and about god and everything in it is true so as we listen tonight as we talk about what we're about to talk about know that it comes from the word of god so like i said before i'm mr tate i've been in albuquerque for like a month and a half and i've met a lot of you it's been awesome it's great it's a great city i love living here and i love to be a part of this church family so tonight we are going to talk about the great absorber can you guys see that up there and we're going to talk about how jesus came to save sinners so god in the very beginning in genesis chapter 3 he made a promise and his promise was to save those that love and trust jesus so today uh tonight our key point is gonna be basically that so if you guys will read it with me together it says god promises salvation to all who love and trust jesus okay i want you guys to do that again in your best whisper voice okay let's see if you can do it nice and quietly one two three that was great you guys sound awesome god promises salvation to all who love and trust jesus so like i said it was a promise that god made a long long time in the garden in genesis chapter 3 that he would send a savior and those that loved and trust jesus would be adopted into god's family who's heard the word adoption before yeah most of us right adoption means that you bring someone into your family that wasn't born into your family and that's what god does with us because of sin we were born separated from god and god sent jesus so that we would be adopted into god's family so i'm going to use i have this stuff because i'm going to use it so i'm going to use kind of an illustration tonight as we talk about how god adopts us into his family okay so um who drinks water here i hope all of you put your hands up um but yeah all of us drink water right and you know if i if i need some water and i need to you know i'm thirsty i want to get a drink i want a glass of water that looks like this right it's nice and clean and it's clear i want to drink it it's appetizing and when god created the world when he created uh the earth in genesis chapter one and in genesis chapter two we learned that he created the world perfect and sinless right it was without blemish that there was nothing wrong in the world and he put two people in the garden who remembers the name of those two people that was nice and loud adam and eve right he put adam and eve in the garden and adam and eve they were spotless they were sinless when god created them and put them in the garden kind of like this glass right this glass of water is awesome i want to drink it all of us want to drink it but very quickly in the bible we learn that adam and eve they believed the lie of the enemy and they sinned right they how did they sin who knows who knows what they did i'm going to ask a lot of questions because i want to make sure you're with me can it go that's right i don't know if you heard him but god told them one rule not to eat the tree of the fruit from the tree that was in the middle of the garden and they broke that rule and they ate it so very quickly they went from you know hearts that were clean and uh were without sin two hearts that kind of were sinful so we're gonna add a little bit of uh yellow stuff here in the water swirl it around can you guys see that i'm going to add a little bit more here we go now i want to invite someone up here to drink this water anyone anyone want this i'm just kidding i don't want you to drink this listen if i woke up in the middle of the night or if you woke up in the middle of the night and you needed a drink of water and you opened your faucet and this is what came out would you drink it i would think something weird was going on this was not the design right our hearts were not designed initially for them to look like this adam and eve were designed perfect but because they sinned uh their hearts were tainted they became sick and dirty with sin and sin is in our hearts and it comes out in the things that we do in our actions in how we feel and how we treat others right uh we sin when we disobey god when we do not follow what god has asked us to do some of us sin by being mean to our brothers and sisters or not obeying our parents or some of us sin by driving faster on the road than we're supposed to that's for the parents and all sorts of things all of us are sinful all of us are born sinners which means that all of us are born outside of god's family so god has to do something to adopt us to become part of his family okay and now here's the worst thing about sin are you guys ready are you listening with me can you give me your listening ears i want to see them okay here's the worst part of sin sin separates us from god sin separates us from god because here's an attribute of who god is god is holy right god is completely perfect and separate from sin he can't be anywhere where sin is he can't be found where sin is and because of sin we are separated from god we cannot have a relationship with god and that is bad news that's the worst news that you could hear and secondly the next attribute is the fact that god is just right it means that god is right to punish sin because god is perfect and he's completely separate from sin he is right to punish sin have you guys ever heard of a criminal who knows what a criminal is or a crime right in our in our society if you commit a crime if you break the law and you're found guilty what happens to you you get punished what type of punishment usually go ahead xander i didn't prompt him as you can see you go to jail right if you if if a yeah if a judge finds you guilty you go to jail just in the same way that we are guilty of sin and there is a punishment that goes for that sin in the book of romans in chapter 6 verse 23 it says the wages of sin is death right it means the payment that we would get for our sin being separated from god is that we deserve to die is that a good thing no it's not a good thing and here's the best news of that remember we talked about how god made a promise and because god is loving which is the third attribute we're going to talk about god does what is best right we cannot save ourselves from our sin we can't do enough stuff to get back into onto god's good side we can't be obedient enough we can't be kind enough we can't give away enough stuff but god knew that and he did what was best and what was best for us was for him to send someone to be a substitute for our sin who can guess who that substitute is oh you can say it loud jesus that's right that's the correct answer uh people will tell you that in sunday school 90 of the time the answer is jesus and you're it's it's pretty true okay so god sent jesus now before we get there there's another thing that i want to talk about that i almost skipped because god is right to punish sin he's angry at sin right uh we call that the wrath of god so we're going to use a little bit of this red dye right here to show how god's anger covers sin right he can't be anywhere close to sin like we said and he's angry at it and because he's angry at it he wants to punish it right and because we have sin that resides in our heart it means we deserve that same punishment but let's get to the good news okay so god he sent jesus right he sent jesus as a baby jesus was born as a baby he grew up uh probably did a lot of things you guys did as babies crawling walking but the difference between jesus and us is that jesus was fully god and fully man jesus never sinned he never said a disobedient word to his parents he never did anything that was wrong he always obeyed god perfectly he never sinned he never got in trouble he never did anything that was wrong that isn't that mind-blowing it blows my mind because i'm a sinner i'm around sinners all the time and we do things are wrong all the time but jesus never did this and because jesus was perfect and sinless some people they didn't like jesus they told lies about jesus to the point that they told so many lies about jesus that he was arrested and when he was arrested they went to the courts and they went to uh the people that were in charge and they told the people in charge that jesus wasn't who he said he was that jesus uh had done things that were wrong and that he was inciting people to not follow the rules of the land so this is a shamwow i don't know if you guys know what this is but if your parents were ever up between like 11 o'clock and midnight in college they advertise these things all the time okay and i still found one on the internet so impressive but this this is gonna represent a little bit of uh of jesus it's not jesus just know that it represents a picture of what we're gonna what we're gonna learn here okay so jesus he is perfect did so we talked about people that deserve sin are people that deserve death for sin are people that deserve death from sin perfect yes or no no right did jesus deserve to die no did jesus deserve punishment for sin why did he not deserve punishment for sin because he didn't sin right but here's what's amazing even though jesus didn't sin this was the promise that god made to us long long ago in the book of genesis that jesus would come and that he would live a perfect and sinless life and people would follow him some people would love him but other people they wouldn't love him they wouldn't want to listen to jesus they wouldn't want to obey him and jesus would end up dying on the cross with nails driven into his hands and his feet for something he didn't do but for us and he would die on that cross and he would take upon the sin and all the wrath of god that was deserved for us for all the people that were born after adam and eve that were sinful that didn't love and trust jesus that didn't have jesus at the center of their heart he would do that he would take that sin he would die on the cross and he would absorb that punishment for our guilt and our shame and our sin and he would take it upon himself right and he would die and the most amazing thing happened when jesus was up there on the cross we're going to read from first peter chapter 3 verse 18 before i finish off this and just talk about what that amazing thing that happened was so if you have your book your bible you can open it to first peter chapter 3 verse 18. give you a second and then read it all right so it says here in first peter chapter 3 verse 18 for christ also suffered once for sins the righteous for the unrighteous that he might bring us to god being put to death in the flesh but being made alive in the spirit in which he went and proclaimed uh to the spirits in prison okay we'll stop it there but i want you to hear this part that christ jesus suffered once for sins the righteous for the unrighteous so christ was righteous he had never sinned he suffered for the unrighteous who is us who had sinned and he took that punishment he died on that cross and he was buried and after three days he rose again and after he did that he defeated sin and he also defeated death right so if we look at this glass is there anything in this glass anymore what did this glass represent before the before we did something to it what was in it the sin and the sin of our hearts and the wrath of god right where is that sin and wrath on who on the great absorber right it's on jesus and that is the most beautiful thing the greatest news that we could ever have is the fact that we couldn't do anything to save ourselves we couldn't rescue ourselves we couldn't bring ourselves to know love trust and obey god but because of what jesus did because he absorbed god our sin and god's wrath we can be adopted into his family isn't that amazing news and so some of you are sitting here today you've heard that over and over again your parents have told you over and over again how jesus loves you how jesus came to save sinners how jesus died on the cross for your sin and i'm hoping that today is the first day where you hear that and your eyes are open and your ears are open to hear that jesus died to save you so that you can be adopted into god's family forever and for some of you you're in here for the first time you've never heard that before and it's blowing your mind and it is the amazing story that we tell that's the only thing that we have to boast on is the fact that jesus came to save us because we could do nothing to save ourselves and that is the greatest news that is why he is the great absorber he takes what we deserve and gives us life abundantly in jesus christ in jesus christ and to the promise to be with the lord forever so we're gonna bow our heads and pray and then uh the band's gonna come up and we're gonna sing a song but as you bow your heads and pray i want you to be thinking about this think about what it means for you for jesus to be the great absorber do you believe that have you loved and trusted jesus do you follow him or do you just hear that and go ah it sounds really awesome but i don't need that just think about that and maybe uh after we we do the songs we're gonna have some time to talk together as a family and maybe ask some questions to your mom your dad your grandparents whoever brought you tonight but i want us to bow our heads and pray together and then we'll sing okay god we thank you for jesus we thank you that jesus came to save sinners that we were all deserving of death that your word tells us that for all had sinned and fallen short of the glory of god and at the end of that verse that i quoted before about the wages of sin being deaf that the end of it tells us that the gift of god is eternal life through jesus christ our lord and we just thank you father that you made a way for us even when we had no way when we could not save ourselves that we cannot rescue ourselves that lord you had a plan way back in the garden to ransom and redeem your people to bring your children into your family to adopt them into a forever family so i thank you for all the people that are represented here i thank you for those that love and trust you that follow you i thank you for those that don't lord i pray that this message would sink in to their hearts lord that your holy spirit would illuminate in their hearts and minds just a desire to follow you or that they would surrender their lives to you because of how you have given us the greatest gift that we could ever get and it's in your mighty name that we pray amen [Music] [Music] don't you stand with us and let's sing about jesus our solid rock the one on whom we can stand for forgiveness and new life my hope is built on nothing less than jesus blood and righteousness i dare not trust the sweetest frame but holy leaf on [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] is when darkness seems too high his face i rest on this unchanging grace [Music] oh [Music] [Music] dressed in his righteousness [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] so all right so we're going to take a few minutes together i didn't give really good disruptions at the beginning but uh as you walked in there were some sheets sitting out there if you didn't get one i'm gonna stick them up here and you can just come grab one but what i would love for you to do is to gather with uh who you came with so if you are here with your family or if you were invited here by a different family i would love for you guys to gather together and just have about a 10-minute discussion um on what we just talked about on how uh jesus came to save sinners on god's promise of salvation and i know for uh you type heirs out there you're gonna see that there's ten questions on here and feel the stress of trying to get through all of them do not try it you're not going to be able to do it uh and breathe and relax it's okay you can take these home i don't want them back so uh take take a sheet work through some of these questions uh there's a few questions i can point to like question uh eight and nine are really great for uh discussion for your family but um we're gonna give you ten minutes just work through this together and then i'll come back up and pray for us and then we'll uh respond in song so again if you came with a family or if you uh came with some friends gather with them it might feel a little awkward but it'll be great and just talk about these questions together so sticks so so so so oh yeah so so wait for hanging out so let's go [Music] what i like all right let's uh bow our heads and pray together heavenly father we thank you for your promises these undeserved gifts of grace that we get from you we did nothing to deserve jesus dying on the cross and yet god in your loving plan in knowing what is best for us god you sent your son and you gave up your only begotten son to die on the cross to save us from our sins and to defeat sin and to defeat death so that we could be adopted into your family i just thank you father for how great this news is lord that it's not through our striving it's not the through the things that we can do it's not through how perfect we can be that we get to be your children that you don't look upon our outward actions but you look at our heart and lord i ask that you would just draw those in this room that don't know you love you trust you or obey you to do so lord i pray that the songs that we've sung tonight the discussion that we just had the message that we've just listened to would just be kindling to the fire that will draw men and women boys and girls to knowing you to loving you to trusting you and obeying you and we thank you for this great news that we can celebrate that brings us into this building today this evening to worship you and sing songs to you to bring you glory and it's in your mighty name that we pray amen so now uh we're going to respond to what we've heard through song so we're gonna sing a song that we've already sung it's called nothing but the blood because that's exactly the only way that we are saved we can't do anything except for jesus's blood so as we sing that song reflect on those words that nothing can wash our way our sins but the blood of jesus nothing can make us clean but his blood and his saving grace so let's sing that together [Music] why can't wash away my sin nothing but the blood of jesus what can make me whole again nothing but the blood of jesus [Music] is [Music] nothing but the blood of jesus nothing [Music] nothing but the blood of jesus [Applause] i know is all my hope and peace nothing but the blood of jesus this is all my righteousness [Music] [Applause] [Music] word precious jesus [Applause] [Music] precious [Music] [Music] and glad to have you guys here tonight that is the end of everything that we have planned but it's been so good to be with you to sing songs with you to listen to the word of god together uh and hopefully we can do it again soon right it's awesome we'll do it again on sunday but again that's families hopefully we can do it again soon uh but if you guys can get through all of your questions please take those sheets home and use them this week as you do your family discipleship time as you drive from this place as you drive from place to place just ask each other those questions and uh use use those to your discretion as you guys walk out as we dismiss there's going to be some popsicles out there again i'm giving your children sugar i apologize uh mine are getting it too but uh we would love for you to grab some otter pops on your way out hang out in the foyer in the courtyard uh talk fellowship it's been a joy to be with you guys tonight you guys are dismissed [Applause] [Music]
Views: 166
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: tMOd8xX3Qkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 30sec (3870 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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