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welcome welcome everyone sorry about that delay um we lost internet while we were putting up the stream and we lost the youtube so um youtube welcome back yeah i see things seem to be running pretty smoothly so hopefully that doesn't happen again but welcome welcome we're glad to have you with us it has been a chill week yeah it's been a nice week to get some rest on um after the concert um yeah we're so glad to have you guys with us uh we're not gonna take up too much time uh carolina gonna be praying first thank you very much day happy father happy birthday i thank you for bringing us up this morning would help everyone have a great worship with us if they're waking up and having a morning worship where if they're going to sleep and having a nightmare we'll help everyone to be blessed and help us to bless ourselves and help everyone to have a great blessing and do things okay so i'll figure out the sound um there will be a speaker this evening we are asking kyle that if you do have questions that you bring them up sooner rather than later um there will be a question and answer period so make sure you have a few questions please and we will try to get as many of them answered as possible i think i got it got it yep i got it okay sweet let's go can't we can swipe some i love to tell the story [Music] i love to tell [Music] lord jesus [Music] [Music] glory [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] that i have loved so long [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] near the cross [Music] jesus [Music] three two [Music] is [Music] love and mercy family they're the brightest [Music] is [Music] god [Music] today with this [Music] me [Music] i'll watch [Music] till i reach the golden strength [Music] me [Music] let's be [Music] sister heywood it's really good to hear that you are singing along and i hope the rest of you will join us as we say never part again and for those of you that are just joining because i know we got kicked off a while ago um welcome welcome to every single person here [Music] is [Music] we are traveling [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] again [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] again [Music] [Music] is [Music] we are [Music] in jesus name [Music] again no [Music] all right i haven't seen any complaints in the chat so i'm praying that the sound is better now that just give me a bit of confirmation there um oh is the sound better okay so then i believe we are good to move forward with the next segments papi you're going to introduce good evening everyone a few weeks ago i introduced you to a friend of mine um we way way back long time ago you know i drew him as a top singer and um he graduated from just singing to speaking and uh you know to help people with their health and um you know like i said i we have a long chat in texas and um i love you know the information that he has and i wanted the whole world to hear it and if you know through this video we can get the work here then you know just thank god that we have this first obsession with a few quite a few faithful people from around the world us we welcome you and i want you to hear this gentleman his name is dr francis mini and he's some of the soil from right here in grenada he's from new hampshire area and group was a very humble child but god had a very special work for him to do he's he walked in the uh he's a nephrologist and he specializes in internal medicine and he's here to share some information with us today so i pray that the information that he brings would help us to be healthier wealthier and wise you know my parents always taught us that ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure so can i say that you know we are the world world can understand my parents always told us it's better to prevent than to try to cure so this even i hope this information will help us to stay healthier instead of trying to kill and welcome with us this evening doctor and mrs francis my friend and a man of god thank you and good evening again i want to thank you all for this opportunity to be able to speak with us on a very important topic now i almost said that um lane and i went back a long way and even probably before god insisted but i realized that it was a serious mistake not that far but we have gone back quite some time all right so the topic this evening is diabetes and as i hope you can see my slides but as you can see it affects every single ethnic group in the world no one escapes it the overview that i have here is going to be a little of myself definition of diabetes statistics of diabetes at least some of it not all of it my personal hypothesis risk factors prevalence of diabetes in the world consequences slash complications of diabetes testing and diagnosis the health formula foods that kill and foods that kill my approach versus that of the conventional medicine approach useful tips a call to action and the key keys to take away and useful references at the end so we should realize that the health of any nation is critical and when we do not have good health it robs us of our most vital resource or human resource without which we run into all kinds of problems i practice mostly critical care i have over 20 years in medicine and have seen much healing but at the same time i've seen also much suffering together i think we can do better and that is what i'm going to help us to do this evening as a younger physician i was living a busy life with poor lifestyle choices and dietary indiscretion that happens very often to young physicians who try to make their mark and often it is difficult sometimes to negotiate life and we make bad choices with foods the way how we sleep lack of sleep on all these things sometimes it just goes with the territory nevertheless the consequences woke me up and caused me to actually step back and take a look and to change my path so what is it what is diabetes most people believe that diabetes is simply high blood sugar in the blood they believe it's just simply high blood sugar it is not so diabetes is really a is a heterogeneous or a group of very different diseases with disordered metabolism with respect to how the body metabolizes carbohydrates which is sugar fats and proteins so all three arms of the macromolecules are affected and that is diabetes diabetes is not just a problem with glucose but it's also a problem with fats and also proteins that is why people who have diabetes often over time they start losing muscle mass in the arm in the mid arm and then the upper arm remains um normal it looks almost like a drumstick and the same thing happens in the thighs you'll see that people have what they call a scooped out thigh and that is protein wasting and then people who develop problems with with with dealing with glucose they tend to metabolize fats and then it turns into keto acidosis and then they can go into a coma and die if appropriate measures are not taken so we have different types of diabetes there's quite a bit of them but i've mentioned here the most common ones we have diabetes type 1 we have diabetes type 2 we have gestational diabetes which is the one we got we get in pregnancy we have those where physical injuries done to the pancreas in in in the setting of acute pancreatitis um and in some cases repeated bouts of pancreatitis either because of alcoholism or gall stones and those can lead to permanent injury to the pancreas and the person can become insulin dependent other injuries can occur through surgery cancers and other things like that and then the other category involves endocrinology problems uh people who have polycystic ovarian syndrome um and other types of endocrine problems including certain types of drugs in australia can actually damage the pancreas and lead to problems so let's look at a little bit of the statistics of of thing of diabetes i would not bore you too much with with a lot of the statistics i think is not necessary um and that is i'm on slide nine now so diabetes is the leading cause of death worldwide even though it accounts right now for roughly about six percent of the world's population it accounts for about 30 of loss of life expectancy so let us say if you are going to be dead at 70 years old you could lose 30 percent of your life which you lose 21 years of that 70 years that means you're going to die at 59. that's 20 year 21 years too young that you have died um so currently the world has about 425 million people with diabetes that's only a rough estimate because diabetes is being diagnosed every day every so we could add another couple millions to that so that would make us about roughly right now about six to seven percent of people in the world have frankly diagnosed diabetes we have also people who have what we call pre-diabetes and those are about 352 million that is about roughly 5 or so so roughly is about 12 of people have uh these this uh problem um and then by they said by the year 2045 the number of people with diabetes is expected to rise by 48 that's really a large number the complications i'm going to touch a little bit on the complications later on but i'm going to touch a little bit of about it here now diabetes complications include uh it is the leading cause of kidney failure uh 50 of the people who have kidney failure particularly those on dialysis they have diabetes as a concomitant diagnosis um a significant percent of them would also have high blood pressure uh they have also um neuropathy and amputation has been a major problem of that cardiovascular disease including tias strokes and those things account for up to 70 percent of the death that we see in patients who suffer from diabetes the main cause of partial blindness and loss of bl and loss of limbs is actually diabetes now in grenada it is diabetes is not the major cause of blindness but actually it is glaucoma and it i think it's mostly environmental um that has not been studied well in our country so we don't know exactly what is the what are the or is the environmental uh triggers for that but we know that is that to be the case and i think in the caribbean as a whole glaucoma is a major cause of blindness and it is the major cause of blindness right now um there are various other complications of diabetes including various social psychosocial conditions including job loss poor performance uh family problems including um driving problems mood problems that may include depression anxiety and even suicide and a decrease in general quality of life that's very important my personal hypothesis is that i believe that environmental and epigenetic not genetic but epigenetic factors probably are more important in the causation of diabetes than genetic factors some doctors and some medical professionals believe that is mostly genetics i totally disagree with that and there is evidence to show that it is not genetics but it is probably more likely than not epigenetics and environmental factors and in a way epigenetics is part of the environmental influence so come along and i will show you why this is possible before we go to that let's look at some of the risk factors obesity or being overweight impaired glucose tolerance now when i was a young boy i used to hear my mother and father saying that um if you drink too much ice water you get fat well there is no calories in water so you cannot get fat by drinking ice water or cold water that is not possible you get fat and overweight by eating the wrong foods it's too much calories relative to the nutrient that is nutrients that is in the food so that is another environmental factor that is not genetics that is clearly environmental which leads now to in impaired glucose tolerance that is it leads to an impairment in how the body now handles glucose okay um high blood pressure high blood pressure again is may have a genetic or epigenetic factor in it but a lot of it has to do with environmental factors the stress that we that we that we experience in our lives um sometimes it's just too much lack of sanitation lack of good health lack of money struggling to make ends meet all these stresses tend to add to our risk of developing high high blood pressure this lipidemia which is any type of abnormality in the cholesterol problem so if you have too low the good cholesterol that is this lipidemia if you have too high the bad cholesterol that's dyslipidemia and if you simply hi simply if you have simply elevated cholesterol that is also dyslipidemia as a umbrella umbrella type term so that is also a risk factor for for diabetes and how do you get all this thing there's a familial there's some familial type of high cholesterolemia but that is not very very common what is more common is is is what we put into our bodies now we do not we do not um our bodies do not uh our bodies make just the right amount of cholesterol that we need except if there is some kind of other problem but we get cholesterol from two places we get cholesterol from our mothers and fathers and we get it from what we eat and i would say that mostly what we get that brings up our cholesterol is from the actual foods that we eat the animal products that we eat so many times you must know that there is no cholesterol material in plant-based foods that is the whole blaze whole base plant foods but in animal products there is cholesterol then we have gestational diabetes which is a quite a significant condition because 50 or more of patients who develop diabetes in pregnancy will go on to develop diabetes in later life so they have to be monitored on a regular basis if you live a sedentary life that is also environmental some people just sit down because again the type of foods that are eaten the type of life that they live and becoming sedentary is not a very good thing for for your life so that is environmental that is not that is not genetics really that is environmental uh family history that is a it's not entirely genetics part of it may have some genetic predisposition but most of it is really what the family eats together is what they will tend to be in other words you will be represented by what you eat and what you eat you will actually look like that so family history i see mothers and fathers eating the same food and the children are eating the same food and you see that they have all have diabetes the high blood pressure or later on in life they come out to have the same thing because how the family eats and behaves they pass it on to their generations and the subsequent generations tend to do the same thing now when i was a um when i was a young boy my mother made porridge and she made porridge very nicely without the lumps there was a young man who got married and when he got married he his wife he was accustomed with lumps in the porridge and his wife made it without lumps and he asked her one day where are the lamps because you see what his mother was doing was what became customized for him and he wanted that pouch with the lumps so the way how family eat together the way families eat is the way they will represent themselves in terms of their health outcomes that's very important and age age does not necessarily cause diabetes but as we get older disease tend to show up when we have degeneration of our tissues because of lack of proper care lack of proper nutrition lack of exercise and all these things as we get older our bodies degenerate and we tend to develop disease more likely at those times than at younger ages when we have healthier bodies okay the incidence i want to talk a little about prevalence now the prevalence the prevalence of a disease is really the people in that particular country that has the disease right now divided by the total population and generally it is taken at a particular time point in time so let us say i want to know what is the prevalence of diabetes right now in grenada and i would say i will do it over a year generally measured over a year so you will go back and look at all the patients with diabetes over one year period and you will divide that by the total population that'll give you the prevalence of the people who have diabetes ingredient in grenada the incidence is a little different to that now where i am in the united states here are a lot of people i hear a lot of physicians white physicians asian physicians even black physicians and other type ethnic groups say that black people have a genetic predisposition to having diabetes and i totally disagree with that long before i knew that to be actually true i disagreed with it but now we have real evidence for it and let us go to slide number 12 not 12 but um 13 slide number 13 and let us look at the world map with in terms of the prevalence of diabetes if you look there it is color coded and we can look here and we see that in the united states and some of the united states canada and alaska and all these things they have around 11 or so prevalence of diabetes that is over over the last year over the last year they had 11.1 diabetes right they have one of the highest in the world and in 2045 they are projected to have 13 okay if you look at russia and some of the other european nations you will see that they have about 6.3 percent if you look at the pacific islanders like hawaii the micronesians the polynesians in the pacific there including australia and new zealand you would see that they have a very high incidence i have another high incidence of high prevalence 12.8 by the year is projected 2045 but currently they have this around the same or a little higher in the united states 11.4 if you look at china southeast asia um you would see that they have about about 12 point about 11.4 percent actually russia and the other places have about 6.3 percent if you look at uh these african nations above the saharan mark that's what they call supra uh saharan area and the middle east and those areas they have a pretty high incidence 12.2 percent now look at africa look at africa africa has 4.7 percent that's of 2019 4.7 so we can see that it is not genetics if it were a genetic inheritance then that should carry over to the that should be carried over to the people who came here as enslaved people that is not the case africa still has the lowest incidence of diabetes in the entire world so this is not a genetic problem this is an environmental problem both types one and types two are environmental largely speaking now there is an autoimmune aspect to type one of course i'm aware of that and you can say there's some kind of a genetic or epigenetic predisposition but still we know that people who drink milk cow's milk and eat a lot of dairy products including cheese they are very they have a a very high association with diabetes type one and that is probably because of the serum bovine albumin that is found in milk which is highly allergenic to our species okay so you can see here that the black people in the united states who get diabetes are not getting it because of genetic factors it's because of our bad dietary and lifestyle practices i can give you another example there are the the um the pima indians these two people were separated by artificial boundaries through wars and stealing of their lands by other people and one fraction remain in mexico the other fraction remain in the united states those in the united states because of their dietary and lifestyle practices they have a hundred percent diabetes 100 prevalence of diabetes if they live long enough 100 while those in mexico they have a much lower rate again they are exactly the same people genetically speaking they have a different rate so we know that this is a environmental problem by and large including diabetes type one i would i would also summarize so that is something to to be aware of um some of the elements of diabetes you have macro and microvascular complications that may be are related to dementia shrinkage of the brain as you lose small vessels that supply the brain they get clogged up with all kinds of cholesterol and other problems and the brain shrinks because the brain brain cells die and as a result of that people become demented um you have other macrovascular complications like amputations because of dia ischemia to the limb and gangrenes and they lose their limbs their hands legs all these things people end up with strokes you can see and they end up with diabetic neuropathy and other complications they also end up with diabetic nephropathy and other things like that so these are serious complications um other problems you can have is as i said stroke heart attacks tis which is transient ischemic attack not quite yet a stroke but it could lead to a major stroke if you don't treat it in time peripheral neuropathy where you have numbness and tingling you have increased risk of infection and septic complications you have congestive heart failure of all types loss of limbs as i mentioned blindness impotence that is erectile dysfunction in the male and also i feel that there is also erectile dysfunction in the female though it may not be obvious because the the organ is a little bit different to us so they may suffer from that you but you may not know that they have abnormal muscle loss um they have depression anxiety even suicide financial and other socioeconomic challenges and they have early premature death 30 of us will die prematurely this is a major problem so this is not something to play with so how do we make the diagnosis well one we should have if you have a fasting blood sugar of 100 to 125 that is fasting that is you have fasted for at least eight hours if your blood sugar runs from 100 to 125 after you have fasted for eight hours you have diabetes you have sorry you have pre-diabetes sorry pre-diabetes if you took a a loading um dose of glucose and that's a specific protocol that is done it's called an oral oral glycemic tolerance test and if your blood sugar comes out after two hours to be 140 to 199 that is pre-diabetes or what i call impaired glucose tolerance so you you are pre-diabetes you're not quite diabetic yet and so if you do nothing about it then you will end up with diabetes eventually now to make the diagnosis we also look at the hemoglobin a1c generally be hemoglobin a1c is elevated let's say 9 10 11 we know the person has diabetes it's just a matter of you know making the other appropriate tests to confirm that but we don't use it generally to con to to to actually make the diagnosis but we use it to follow i don't know if they actually use it now to make the diagnosis but generally if it's very high then we know the person has already diabetes but clearly if one's blood sugar the fasting blood sugar after eight hour fast is greater than 126 or equal to that the person has diabetes if after they took the two hour oral um glucose test aft at two hours they have a glucose that is greater than 200 or equal to they have diabetes and if their random glucose is 200 or more they have diabetes so that's the way we make the diagnosis now in people with just initial diabetes this is very important since since a tremendous amount of patients will come from that pool to join the pool of diabetes people then we must pay attention to these people and so what we do is screen them so we screen people who have undiagnosed diabetes in their first gestational in the first prenatal visit we use the standard criteria that i just mentioned a while ago and we do the fasting we do the fasting blood sugar for eight hours and then we do the glucose tolerance test the next morning starting at around nine o'clock if the blood sugar is 92 or above then they have diabetes if they have um if it is at one hour and it's tested to be 180 and above that's also confirmatory if they do have at two hours they have 153 that is also confederate so we screen women for history of just natural diabetes for the if they have a history of gestational diabetes we screen them um for persistent diabetes at six to 12 weeks after they have given birth because we know that 50 or more of those people will come to have diabetes later on and that is because they haven't changed the diet for the large for the large for the late for for the most part those people who have history of history of um gestational diabetes they should have lifelong screening for pre-diabetes and or diabetes at least every three years because they are highly likely to develop this problem okay um [Music] in the asymptomatic patients we treat p we we we screen people who have certain risk factors but remember it is not just obese people who have diabetes there are a lot of very thin people who have diabetes and some cases they are even they have even more serious complications and not every fat person or not every obese person has diabetes and not all of them will develop diabetes so the story is not all about obesity but we're just saying that people who have diabetes who have sorry who have obesity they should be screened appropriately okay so obese and overweight patients should be treat should be tested appropriately with the appropriate things that we said before and if they have the findings to suggest that they have it then they should be managed accordingly um all patients with a bmi of 25 with that is stage one stage one obesity or more should have should have um should have that is slide 19 they should have themselves checked out anybody who has physical inactivity they're not doing anything much you're just sitting there not doing much first-degree relatives with diabetes they should be screened high-risk ethnic groups in the united states they said latinos native americans and blacks again this is because we are eating in a certain way it's all environmental to a large extent okay so in america they may be correct but not all over the world so hypertension if you have hypertension that is more than 140 over 90 you should be screened because hypertension is associated it does not cause diabetes but it is associated with diabetes because wherever the hypertension came from the diabetes also came from there and so did the obesity and so did the heart attacks and so did the strokes so they have one common one common mothership if they have low hdl that's the good cholesterol if it's less than 35 they should be screened women with polycystic ovarian syndrome they also should be screened patients who have elevated hemoglobin a1c are glycohemoglobin should also be screened and other clinical conditions associated with insulin resistance example morbid obesity acanthosis and aggregates they should be screened and people with with um cardiovascular disease should also be screened now acanthosis nigricans most of you all will know it's the people who have darkness around the neck generally you find it in people who are obese they have darkening around their neck it's called arkanthosis and agricans this black discoloration and you can also people people who have a lot of skin tags on their necks and on their upper chest that is also associated not causative but associated associated with diabetes so those people should be screened also for diabetes look at the health formula h which is your healthy life expectancy is equal to n over c where n is the nutrient content in your food and see is the caloric content of your food so this is a ratio and if you have a high nutrient to caloric ratio in your food for every unit of food you eat your health goes up exponentially because there is a direct relationship with your life expectancy your healthy life expectancy and your nutrient intake in your food if you take in more nutrient dense foods you live a healthier life and you live longer if you eat foods that are high in calories but low in nutrients that is you have a high caloric per nutrient density your lifespan may be cut in half in some cases so that's very important therefore the foods that kill us are these fast foods and other things all animal products are all toxic there is no animal products that is necessarily a health food you may want to eat it i'm not telling you do not eat it but i'm telling you that animal products are not health foods they are what they are they are health foods for other animals not for us so if you eat these foods they have high caloric content relative to nutrient content therefore your lifespan will be decreased you will get obesity high blood pressure high cholesterol strokes heart attacks dementia arthritis kidney stones gallstones all kinds of problems relative to if you eat the other sets of foods which is the foods that heal and these are the natural plant-based foods they contain all the nutrients that you need all of it now i think i saw some eggs there but i hope they didn't put eggs there because eggs is not a health food that that white thing that i'm looking at in the bucket there but all these good healthy foods are really what will give us the type of health and quality of life that we need now comparing the two different approaches my approach is different to what conventional medicine uses and my approach is to use a sort of a comprehensive approach where i use i include the spiritual life of the person i include the dietary lifestyle i include uh me i include um lifestyle changes and i include medications and appropriate referrals to other health professionals when it is appropriate okay so i am taking more of a comprehensive approach what i see in conventional medicine is that people are treated essentially with medicines and that's it we know that we do not get cured by medicines alone and with all the people that have been seen treated with medicines i've never seen one of them cured of diabetes yet and they all die of their complications of diabetes in the long run and most of them lead a very shortened lifespan so it is not good enough to treat them with medicines alone and to believe that this is the only way to go so tips that will help live a moral life that includes living a godly life because we know that living a godly life and having god in your life and having some kind of religious convocation adds a lot to our healthy life expectancy it is very true it is well documented we also should change to a plant-based whole foods nutrient-dense diet leave out the processed foods the meats and all these other things dairy and others products that is toxic to our bodies all these soft drinks and sodas and other juices that are not necessarily juicy but our concentrate which would really keep away from these things and we should exercise to optimize our cardio respiratory fitness there's a study that came out from the cleveland clinic not too long ago and it shows that people who exercise and have tip-top cardio respiratory fitness they can decrease all cars mortality by at least 80 percent and we the the people who they showed had the greatest benefit were those who were 70 years and above and there was no limit to that so that is critically important a call to action we have to start now to implement these practices start now age is no limit so do not find excuses for indifference or demotivation there is no excuse for not making the challenge now for taking the challenge now a few key takeaway points before i close diabetes is no respecter of persons and so is god diabetes does not respect your social class it does not respect your color it does not respect your ethnic group or where you're from or whether you're a king or queen it does not respect whether you have gold in the bank or whether you're from goldman sachs it doesn't respect that it is not curable by our current conventional methods that we use to treat it it's not terrible that way absolutely not if we continue to do that all of us will die of the complications of diabetes and simply what we are doing is to give the pharmaceutical companies trillions of dollars every year in their pockets but they are not making a dent in actually curing the disease so in other words we are being used as cash cows they keep us healthy they keep us chronically ill but stable for very long periods of time taking away our couple dollars that we have trillions of dollars is going on the drain for no good reason and we all die of the complications of these diseases is it that you want to do i don't think so diabetes is potentially curable with changes in our diet and lifestyle yes it is and i've seen some people totally have been cured blood sugar is not the only metabolic abnormality in diabetes as i told you before it involves also abnormalities in proteins and fats and it is not take if it is not taken seriously many complications will occur which will shorten one's life finally in the end prevention as brother layne mentioned ago is better than looking for a cure some people have given up their lives to doctors and nurses and other health professionals and they have neglected their own responsibility for their own lives and they believe that we should work magic when in fact they go home and they do nothing but to do the same thing that they were doing before well if you continue to do the same thing and expect that medicines will treat you and cure you it will not happen and in the end i have given a few couple important references here that i find to be very very useful the china study which talks about the dangers of eating animal products well researched well documented if you're looking for good research that will document all these things in a very non-biased way trying to study the pleasure trap shows us how addictions to foods and other toxic things that we put into our bodies are developed and how to get rid of them so that's a very good book it's written by dr lyle a guy from cornell in new york eat for health uh this is a two volume book never mind the two the two volumes see there there's a volume one in the back of it so there's two volumes in one book and this book is what got me started when i was looking for answers for my own health problems and i have i have benefited tremendously from that and the other guy is dr niels bernard who is a very good guy and he has written a lot about diabetes for a matter of fact he has been treating people with diabetes type one and he was able to reduce their insulin requirement by at least 40 percent in some cases 40 in diabetes type 1 so we know that people who have diabetes type 1 they do not all lose their pancreatic cells that make insulin but they continue to do the insults to the pancreas that continues to destroy the pancreas but if they change the dietary practices they can find a recovery a partial recovery of the gland which can lead to a decrease in the insulin requirement so i thank you for your kind attention and i'll give you now a chance for questions if you do have any thank you so much all right so we are gonna take some questions in a little well actually we'll take the questions right now so what we're going to do is we're going to ask you to um put your questions in the chat we'll sing a song in the meantime so you have enough time to put your questions in and then um he can answer those questions alrighty all right so put your questions in the chat and then we will answer those questions so he'll be back in just a moment [Music] our next song will be fill my cup okay one second while i'm adjusting the audio there's a lovely gentleman i got to meet through prison ministry and he was just a real encouragement one of the mornings when he had devotions and he sang this song for us and i don't think i've ever heard the same since then but um i would ask kindly ask you guys to keep him in your prayers he had coveted some time ago and he's been doing better but just continue to keep him and his family in your prayers he's a a very devoted christian and he goes out on the streets talking to different people anybody he meets trying to tell them about jesus and he just reminded us on that day when you're getting ready to go into the prisons just allow the holy spirit to fill you so you know empty your bucket of everything that you have and let the holy spirit you know pour into your bucket and you will give from that bucket right let's go [Music] for [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] but none can match [Music] that i find in jesus christ [Music] is [Music] things the things the world giving hope is weep hungers that will pass away my blessed lord will come and see you [Music] to him [Music] oh [Music] me okay so oh i already did that okay so uncle francis our first question is oh first question is what is the relation between diabetes and high potassium especially as it relates to ckd one has type 2 diabetes but the potassium is elevated okay there are many causes um one the person has there are five stages of of end stage of renal failure when you get to the fifth stage that's when you go on dialysis and generally um it varies if somebody has just high blood pressure alone that led to the hype to the to the renal failure or whether or not they had diabetes associated with that they tend to be a little higher in the creatine clearance when they go to dialysis so it may be about maybe 15 or so and especially the person is having symptoms so first of all if the person has late stage renal failures in this case which is stage four the person is not able to handle um potassium very well they are not able to regulate potassium through the kidney and as a result of that they are going to retain potassium so the kidney is one of the major organs or if you will the major organ for regulating potassium in the body and if the kidneys are not working well as in this case we cannot regulate potassium we can't get rid of the excess potassium so in that case the potassium is coming from our diet from the fruits and other foods that we eat so that is why we are advised not to eat certain types of fruits in large quantities because they all contain potassium so we have to be very careful other things that patients may have as a result of their problems is the fact that they are on certain medications some of it may be called ac inhibitors beta blockers and other type such medications may actually cause hypokalemia so they can cause retention of potassium even though they are used to treat um the kidney failure yet they have to be very careful for example you may hear about one lysinopril or captopril or monopril those those type drugs cause or whatever it is those type drugs may cause hyperkalemia in the patients who have um renal failure advanced i would not get into all the mechanisms it's not necessary at this time but there are a number of reasons why they would have high potassium again one the kidney is not able to excrete the excess potassium that we taken into our bodies two there may be medications that we are taking that also may cause hyperkalemia that is high potassium in the blood so that is another issue and there are other factors if the blood sugar in some cases some people have diabetes and their blood sugar may not be very well controlled so if they're running 400 and 500 blood sugars in some cases some people run that kind of numbers they also can cause potassium to be pulled out of the cell into the bloodstream and cause high potassium so that is the relationship it's quite complex but it's very understandable awesome okay so our next question is can high blood pressure also be reversible through diet and exercise the answer is yes and no um let me let me answer the question this way i i bought a book one time called um ethnicity race and um that's the next part of the name of the book an excellent book and what it showed is that people who were known to be normal normal they had normal blood pressure when they got into a very stressful situation let us say um loss of a job for whatever reason when they were actively looking for that job when they were actively looking for another job they developed high blood pressure because of the stress of not being able to care for the family not being able to take care of their needs their blood pressure shot up once they get the job let's say it took about a year or six months or so once they get the job and everything was well blood pressure went back down to normal on the other hand if during that time they continued to look for jobs and they couldn't find job and let's say after eight months they just gave up they say i'm not going to look for you anymore i'm not looking for a job anymore i can't get it i'm i'm done with it i'm gonna just take things easy some of these people's blood pressure also went back down to normal if they couldn't get a job and they continued to work at getting on getting one and they still they found all kinds of frustrations well you came from you had a jail sentence you are a felon you can't we cannot hire you here and they have all kinds of excuses why they would not give you a job the stress goes up and if that stress remains for a long period of time the blood pressure becomes irreversible because we know that there are permanent changes that occur in the walls of the vessel that can permanently damage the vessel and would not be reversible with time or with just about anything you do so as we grow older blood pressure tends to creep up upon us slowly and so because we have high blood pressure for so long we may not be able to entirely reverse it by diet and exercise because they may we might have a great exercise program we may have a great dietary practice but there are other things in our lives that is creating a problem we may be handling all the problems on our own we may not have even got god in our lives it is found that people who do not have really strong religious vocation they tend to suffer a lot from high blood pressure too so if we neglect god in our lives we tend to suffer more serious consequences of these things that we may not be able to reverse it if it's there for a very long time it's like somebody having cirrhosis of the liver if you have cirrhosis of the liver even if they find a cure for hepatitis c let's imagine that hepatitis c was what caused you to have seriousness of the liver and they got the cure let's say 10 years ago and they start teaching you now but you have developed cirrhosis of the liver you would not be cured of cirrhosis even though they can't treat the hepatitis c so now you still have seriousness of the liver because it's an end stage damage it can't be reversed so yes i would wish that everybody would actually pay attention to that but in some cases it is not possible to reverse it entirely with diet and exercise because certain end stage permanent changes have occurred over many many years and you cannot reverse it some people have smoked too long they have drunk alcohol too long they have done too many bad things with themselves and as a result of that it cannot change these permanent changes okay and um last question um a friend of ours is asking what is a healthy weight for a 15 year old okay that depends on whether the person is a man or whether it is a woman so let us say it is a okay let's say he's a boy so he's 15 years old let's say he i don't know his height i have to know his height i will give him a height he's five let's say he's five nine and he's a robust kind of a guy he's like my friend lane um so he's five nine i will the way how i calculate his ideal body weight is to let's say he and if you if depending on the ethnic group you are um it's also various too the the calculations are based essentially on the white frame we know that the black frame generally is a little more robust a little more muscular so we tend to give them a little more for that we tend to adjust it a little bit so let us say he's five nine fifteen years old he's five nine so i would give him a hundred and six pounds for the first five feet and then six spunks for every inch above five feet after that and then let's say he's a robust kind of a guy very muscular i would give him i would add ten percent more to that so if i should do my quick little calculation and i'm calculating this i'm calculating his ideal body weight now so that will be 106 plus uh 54 that would be 160 pounds and if i were to add 10 to that let's say he's a a pretty husky guy i would add 16 more pounds to that plus 16. so it'll be it'd be 160 to one 76 so that's where his weight will be for his ideal body weight now um if i were to divide that into if i do if i were to make that into kilograms i would divide that by 2.2 and he would be 88 kilograms and that's on the higher end of it that's on the very higher end and on the lower end it would be 160 divided by 2.2 that would be 72 72 so his ideal body weight would be 72 to 88 kilograms or 160 to 176 pounds that's for a 15 year old boy who is pretty robust muscular sort of and he's five feet nine that should be his ideal body weight if he's 200 pounds he's too much if he's 220 he's too much he's not six feet so that's how i calculate it now the the dietitians they do have a more sophisticated formula but when i look at it we come out to be very very very close points are different points something of a difference so i don't go through all this complicated stuff i do this the quick and dirty which actually works very very well for me okay and um well this was not really a question um but somebody was wondering how to contact you so what we will say is if you guys could contact us and we will pass on your information to him uh that would be very much appreciated right all right so if you contact us you can contact us by our email the chaitan7 yeah that way yeah so that's it the titans the number seven at and we will pass on your information to him or you can send us a private message direct message whichever platform you are using uh yes so thank you um dr francis on the day for being with us we truly appreciate you and your time thank you for taking the time out to answer their questions and um welcome we hope to see you i was expecting more questions i know right but it seems you're a great teacher so they don't have too many all right well thank you so much and we will talk again soon it was a pleasure all right bye bye thank you again thank you all right so moving on to our last um all right we're gonna do heavenly sunshine this is when we commonly sing in our private family worship [Music] glory [Music] heavenly [Music] jesus is okay um and one of the great songwriters in the southern gospel field he called this song four days later we want to just thank everybody for joining us today we thank the doc for the information and like i said earlier on you know what my parents taught me you know it's still true that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of kill you know it's better to maintain more health you know keep ourselves healthy than to try to cure get cured after we have you know you know of our health deteriorate to the point where you know we are all diseased with you know regular stuff like that so let's hit the information in the morning that god sends us through his servant the dark and let us make sure ourselves happiness eat well exercise and you know less stress keep our minds focused on jesus and we have a much better life father in heaven we thank you for today we thank you for the privilege of being able to congregate through social media throughout the length and birth of this earth we thank you for the information that you have sent to us through our friend dr francis we thank you that you give him the wisdom and the heart to deliver a message that will be very popular or that is necessary well as he said in his discourse that he has never seen anybody taking the medication that has been healed so help us to realize that the medication will not heal us you have set down the uh the guidelines and the all that we need to do to stay healthy so we ask you that you will give us the power to use the right materials to use the right oil the right lubrication the right liquids in our bodies so that our bodies can remain healthy those are those who already uh have uh things like that business hypertension and all the diseases we ask you to touch our lives and help us to to listen to our doctors and you know see if we can get a cure for it if not give us the patience to exercise and eat well we thank you for what you have done today with all those who came into worship one lived up some folks who are going through some difficult times well we see that the coving virus is spreading exponentially throughout north america in canada in the u.s and other parts of the world even in the caribbean here we see that lots of people are being infected with the colon virus well we know that you are still the great physician and you can pass by their bed side of the hospital bedside and you can touch them and make them well so we claim that promise on behalf of those who are sick we want to be healed we lift up this greater baptism faster less butler to you at this time virus [Music] the years even his song four days later has been an anthem around the world well europe has brought comfort to many people courage too many people so ask you to encourage his family now receive measures that he has done for others i pray for the isa family the fi and the rest of the family on the loss of their dad i pray for all the others who are mourning understand we don't remember everyone come to uh finalizes there but in the difficulty that he's facing at the moment not only him but many others are going to be difficult so let's just comfort all these families who are going to difficult times right now as you came through the house of mary and martha and you brought good news because you are the gospel the good news that you can save that you can bring back to life you can heal you can do whatever it takes to make us happy to have to pass by these homeless at this time all those what breed those who are hurting those who have broken families those whose children have left and and parents have no idea where they are lord we ask that you would just come by here today do the governments the health departments around the world there are good decisions and there are make decisions that would affect your people positively for people of the united states with the elections situational only you can bring healing to such a nation but you also say that if your people will pray and return for more or weaker ways or the evil things that we do that you will hear of praise and you will heal our lands not only life is beginning everywhere around the world so we lift ours you know as a people you see where two or three come together or you see what what is bound on earth each other in heaven so we agreed or that our lands need healing the rest of the caribbean north america around the world africa and many other places be healed so we agreed together in prayer and you promised that if your people are caught by your need with all of themselves and seek your fears spiritually financially in every way thank you for being with us this evening thank you foreigners have a wonderful evening together in worship and for the next week in jesus name we pray amen we want to thank those of you who join us for our concert last week we had a wonderful time as you can see we had a wonderful time if you missed it you can go to our youtube and facebook site and you will see there you can still participate and you enjoy and you know you can see the kids were having a wonderful time i did too and so anybody was having an announcement oh yeah yeah yeah casey she went shopping today i know that is you know and she walked in there and purchased her stuff on walk back out and i was telling myself difference one year makes um a lot of cases she had a birthday this past week yeah that was yesterday that was yesterday yeah she turned a walking you know don't tell her okay she doesn't want to tell you but she just got one year older so we thank god for that she's getting up there she started shocking now so here's some more things might take place soon so uh let's just give casey around enjoying another you know year of life and making good decisions and being a wonderful daughter or big daughter we thank god and this coming week would be jaden's birthday and the two weeks after that will be cleaner's birthday so and then my birthday or don't worry about my birthday you know so thank you guys for joining us in the concert thanks for joining us tonight god bless you and have a great week thank you doc and for those of you that are from any of you watching from instagram we hit 7 000 followers on instagram yesterday so i just want to say thank you guys so much for the support and i know youtube is coming up there too very soon so thank you guys so much for your support we appreciate it and a guess from myself thank you so much for the birthday wishes it is truly appreciated i love you guys bye oh i did the wrong thing i removed it instead you
Channel: The Chitans
Views: 2,125
Rating: 4.9322033 out of 5
Keywords: TheChitans, Children, Gospel, Adventist, Grenadians, Canadians, American, Boys, Girls, Christian, Kids, Japanese, Scottish, Trinidadian, Toronto, Church, Flow, Ministers, Ministering, Music, Youth, Singers, Teens, Siblings, Acapella, Southern Gospel, Black Gospel, Caribbean, Fan Favorite, Fan Favourite, Family, SDA, Vlog, Five, family, worship
Id: 1XoqalT8tVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 18sec (5658 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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