Family Drive In - The Greatest Showman

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our movie today is the greatest showmen now true confession I don't see a lot of musicals but my wife she is very persuasive and Lisa convinced not just me but the entire family to go see this one and we really liked it it was a good movie hugh jackman the star now when I think of Hugh Jackman tickley I think you know action hero but he sings he dances who knew the story is based on the life of PT Barnum when the originators of the Americans circus now his Hollywood so his little fact commingled with fiction but they show him as an entrepreneur as a creative as an innovator and someone who was seeking out people doing life in the shadows people marginalized for their um it's called physical uniqueness but he would find them take them from the shadows to his stage taken from their marginalized life and made them the centerpiece of his show you know Jesus did something not dissimilar Jesus the Son of Man described his life's mission like this that he had come to seek and to save those who were lost some of the people Jesus sought where people had good reputations respected by their communities had businesses families but other people Jesus sought were people doing life in the shadows not because of physical issues spiritual issues moral issues people marked by their many moral mistakes the Jesus would seek them find them forgive them save them and they would follow Jesus with great joy but you talk about that some today I'm so glad you're here our movie is the greatest showmen welcome to church by the glaze family driving Oh what is up church by the glaze so good to see you today and if you are a guest if you're here for the first or even the second time you have extraordinary timing we launched a series entitled family drive-in and it's actually one we did 18 months ago but this is not a remix or a reboot you know Hollywood loves a good sequel so same series but six different movies and we're not really here to talk about the movies the movie is just the beginning point of our conversation we're here to talk about God's truth so some of these movies of course are fiction the God's Word absolute facts in fact this idea of using something recognizable and relevant to teach God truth is not a new idea because all the way back to Jesus Jesus loved the teaching technique we call parables a parable was a story about something people in his day they would respond to and recognize we talked about no farmers in their fields fishermen and their fish kings and their kingdoms let me show you one example of these stories now the stories jesus was so creative they're not true they're nonfiction but they Ellis trait a spiritual fact so if you take your Bible and quickly find Luke chapter 14 Luke chapter 14 at all of our campuses Jesus begins this this parable this way a certain man was preparing a great banquet and invited many guests really quickly we talked about verse 16 the man here in the story the host of this this banquet represents father God father God so he's preparing this great feast this great party and he commands his servants to invite a church by the glaze I'm on you guys all the time if you're part of our church family to invite invite I got church invite cards in my back pocket right now I know you do the same and you're not weird you're not obnoxious but you invite people to our church week in and week out thank you for doing that that's one reason maybe most important reason God has grown our church but look at this it's biblical he commands his service to invite many guests so if you're inviting people you're doing the Bible teaches what Jesus commands continues at the time of the banquet he and his service until those who had been invited come for everything is now ready but they all like began to make excuses the first set I've just bought a field must go to see it please excuse me another said I've just bought five yoke of oxen I'm on my way to try them out please excuse me still another said I just got married can't come just got married already him packed he can't show up verse 21 the servant came back and reported this to his master then the owner of the house became angry and ordered his servant go go just like the Great Commission begins to go and make disciples go out quickly into the streets and the alleys of the town and bring him the poor the crippled the blind and the lame sir his servant said what you've ordered has been done but there is still room then the master told us already getting go out to the roads and the country lanes your Bible I say into the highways and the hedges and compel them to come in and look up highlighted one word you read it ready go out to the roads the country lanes and compel them to come in so that my house will be God wants his house to be full God loves it when the parking lots of little crowded why cos God wants his heaven to be full and so it's a great story a parable let's pray for God to give us understanding today father God thank you so much for this rich truth for this powerful story thank you now father I believe with all my heart you want to speak to us in a powerful impersonal way in this room right now there are almost 2,000 people and our campuses multiply that by many many more but God you have a customized truth for every single individual but the requirement is this we want to hear that we are open we render our hearts receptive right now so Lord Jesus I pray you would speak to us as we make this prayer in Jesus name as the church says together a man all right there's gonna be a lot of fun hey give it up one more time for our creative team and the great job they do and as you come back they may or may not be sneaking me into some of these movies we'll be enjoying and by the way any movie fans in the house have enjoys a good movie oh yeah almost everybody right and so we're gonna do what Jesus did start where these movies start with something no recognizable to the culture a parable if you will and kind of run to a god truth so the movie today is the greatest showman and as I said in the video I don't do a lot of musicals my wife is very persuasive so she got all of us to go but I'm telling you last time I paid money to go see a musical in a theatre Greece I think it's the last time I paid my parents actually probably paid I was a kid so it's been a long time but this one was really good my brothers maybe because it's Wolverine singing maybe because it's Wolverine and and the music is phenomenal by the way how great was Loren how talented is that young lady Wow I know this she's just as wonderful and nice offstage she's great young lady oh but it's good and I really enjoy the music in fact there's a vicious rumor out there that might have the soundtrack on my iPhone and listen to it while I work out that is not true guys I'd lose my man cart can maybe it's true but I love it is based on the life of PT Barnum it is Hollywood so Hollywood kind of blends know history and a little fiction it's got the front of the story time you see a movie that says oh based on a true story might mean it's ten percent true and the rest is just kind of imagination but I do like the way they Showbar him because I think he's accurate he was an entrepreneur an innovator and a visionary a visionary he had a vision of a brand new entertainment experience that became the American circus and this vision of Barnum's lasted for over a hundred years almost unchanged when your vision is so powerful it lasts for over ten decades that is a powerful vision so the main idea today is vision and vision is a vital component in life Lucas says in proverbs chapter 29 verse 18 on the screen in all six of our campuses here's what it says you read the highlighted word where there is no oh great where there is no vision the people perish and the community of faith vision is that vital where there is no vision the people perish but conversely we can assume where there is vision the people flourish and God wants you to flourish and you may not know this about God but God has a vision for your life a vision is more than just just a dream it's more than just a hope or wish a vision is a proactive positive preferred outcome that will bless you and the people around you so whether you're down for the whole god thing or not you recognize that vision is a very big deal let me show you three ways vision is demonstrated in the movie the greatest showman and surely in the scripture like I wrote this thing on my notes get ready for today I wrote down that PT Barnum had a vision to create the greatest show on earth he want to entertain people I mean not just a little but a lot he wanted his audience experiencing experienced something so amazing so sensational so jaw-dropping that they will want more he wanted to create the greatest show on earth and as we read that parable together from Luke's Gospel in verse 16 it says that this host or this master when to provide a meal but he's hosted the description of the meal it doesn't say you know a little simple casual lunch to take his his guests a little greasy spoon in town had good food terrible atmosphere no it says a great banquet a great banquet have you ever enjoyed a really good meal like in a nice restaurant okay for watching on TV like six people saying yes my brothers take that woman to a nice restaurant take that woman on your anniversary to Capital Grille taking a Capital Grille or Ruth's scripts right here in town Tapley knows I take take it right amen all the ladies like saying Amen that take me someplace for our anniversary someplace nice okay do that now what really makes for a fine dining experience it is the food but this is a food Matt I love good food oh my gosh my spiritual gifts probably is not preaching or leadership it's eating I love good food but a great meal is more than just you know great food it's what it's great present Haitian with the great food and great hospitality and so verse 16 this host wants to provide a great banquet man this amazing experience for the taste buds and for the eyes God wants your life to be the same way God wants your life to be something so beautiful so tasty so powerful in fact the Bible uses all kinds of metaphors and and references to hunger to describe what God has for you I love the verse it says the Old Testament taste and see that the Lord is good that's where someone is not yet a godfather and follower that's God saying just try it just try a little bite of Who I am just taste the spiritual life you'll want more in fact I love what Jesus said blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they should be satisfied even that famous Psalm Psalm 23 says and the Lord prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemies I mean if you are hungry for something more in life God has it for you see there's this misinformation this wrong conception what God has some people think I know if I surrender to God God's good God's gonna take away on my fight if I if I really give my life into God and live for God completely by faith I mean God has what religion for me religion now look religion religion quickly degrades into what rules and regulations and legalism and judgment and condemnation that is not what the Bible describes that God wants from you God does not have religion for you God as a relationship for you relationships are powerful relationships or motivate relationships are phenomenal if you have a love relationship there's a lady here on the front row right behind the cars I have a powerful love relationship with me our relationship is exciting we are married 20 years come this month woo [Applause] and it's better today than it was 20 years ago it really is now now listen in relationships there are some rules I'm not saying that we're like you know devoid of all rules right because all true relationships have rules so Lisa and I we have some rules not a lot of rules but a few rules cuz every love relationship has rules amen amen like here's a rule what rule we have a his rule we don't date other people then would be a good rule right and it makes sense because we have a relationship so the rules of faith makes sense when you have a relationship with God but God wants to infuse your life with something powerful jesus said I've come that you may have life and have life more abundantly if you're hungry for something better he has it for you and by the way quick sidebar if what God wants for you personally is powerful and exciting greatest life possible what he has for us corporately what he has for the church is something powerful I just tell you this because God is not dull we work really hard to make sure church is unde all because if church is dull you may assume the Bible is dogged you may assume that God is dull so we work really hard to make church very Undong masu you guys came for Easter for the first time but Easter was pretty incredible what are you gonna do the next week hello hello give it up for my phenomenal creative team again man they and wait till next week wait till next week I'm not gonna tell you the movie for next week I'm not gonna tell you the movie for next week it may feature the rock just say it maybe maybe Kevin Hart Jack Black baby maybe maybe it may or may not be Jumanji but I won't tell you the movie for next week but I could tell you this it's gonna be fun next week I mentioned Easter I think church can be both substantial and sensational fact we're gonna work really hard to make sure you're so inspired you're so moved you're so captivated next week god I want church to be that good in your life that powerful I probably shouldn't tell you the story but when I was in grad school to learn how to be like a church leader one of my professors said he was invited to speak at a little tiny East Texas small Church at a Sunday school banquet sunday-school banquet before he spoke with a little layman you know they got a member the church was in charge of their Sunday school got up to get introduce him and he didn't like a little speech before the speech and he was trying to say this about the church the church is a living thing the church is not a building by the way the church is not a building a church is not a set of programs were the church were the church the church is actually a living thing the Bible defines the church as the body of Christ or the Bride of Christ we are a living thing so try to illustrate this point this this old guy in this country Church was gonna trying to say this who's trying to say the church is not an organization it's an organism an organ a living thing the church is not an organization is an organism that's we was trying to say but he got the second word wrong he kept saying the church is not an organization it's a don't say it but that's what he said and my professor said he didn't just say it one time he peppered the whole talk we're saying that same thing the church is not an organization it's a if you don't know what it is and you're adult ask some way on the way home so look our church isn't that good but it's closed some weeks is closed some wigs I mean listen I'm committed to this I believe in this stuff I I'm so impatient about the difference God wants to make in your life I smoke what I'm selling it I promise you that and I want sure to be so powerful so inspiring so catalytic so moving in your life you can't get enough you don't have to come to church you want to come to church if they give a hard time waiting til Sunday come come Thursday or think I mean I want to get me some church I need to get here the church I can't wait for the weekend come Friday your eye is twitching a little bit I want some more I'm gonna come down here and preach it the cars because you're not feeling me I want to be by Saturday morning Saturday morning you shaking a little bit thing I got give me some shirts give me some church I wanted to be where you came up wait for Sunday morning you help us out and come on Saturday night come on because it's that good I want church to be like you're a crackhead and this is your hits amen I believe in this stuff so he had a vision greatest show on earth I wanted to be the greatest hour of your week that it changes everything else in your life number two number two PT Barnum had a vision to reach the crowd not to satisfy the critics ever notice in life that um you can't please everyone ever try oh it's the greatest formula for frustration well you try to please everyone you will make yourself nuts so here's what I try to do mean I want to pre please my heavenly Father and if I can please Jesus and Lisa that's a very good day for me right anyone else that's just gravy and so Barnum if you saw the movie in the greatest showman he's embraced by the crowds the crowds love the museum and later the circus but he is dismissed by the critics any time in life you try to make a difference especially if you try to innovate new something new some people will respond and other people will criticize you and if your if your skin is thin you'll just quit right then but if you recognize all great innovators receive push back you'll push through the push back happens every time and the more public you're in impact the greater the hates Jesus was immensely popular with the multitudes read the Gospels in a very short time he had tens of thousands of people followed him the crowds were crushing after Wallace says he could him go into towns and cities and he got in the countryside there's just so many people but at the same time the religious elite and politically-connected despised him listen you will make a difference people are gone to rip you the great theologian Taylor Swift said haters gonna want hate hate hate let him hate going about your business so uh so we God's been so good to our church when I came to this church nineteen years ago our church was a good church has some great people but we weren't a big church we ran an average attendance on the weekend four hundred and seventy people that's not a bad-sized church we baptized the year before I can 37 people that year that's pretty good that's awesome people trusting Christ being baptized yeah but every year for the last six years we have baptized over a thousand people and Easter I said Easter Easter attendance Easter attendance do you want to know 23,000 plus no thank you for inviting people doing a great job embody thanks so much for inviting people you're awesome the way you do that week in and week out and you would think with that kind of impact in our community that there be like people you can hey that's great and awesome but no when when you when you make a difference when it's public when you innovate when you're not the norm you will get criticism so just just come a fun sidebar the first series we did in this room Sawgrass we open this building in 2011 the first series first theme we did was a theme a circus thing that's why I looking forward to this weekend we did one called life as a circus we did for weeks called life as a circus with a subtitle and I'm surrounded by clowns getting my relate to that way and the inspiration for this series was was a criticism it was actually somebody a leader in another church in our city who said to one of our teenagers you go to church by the glaze you mean you go to Circus by the glades he told his parents his parents are kind of offended by that the parents told my wife she told me I thought circus by the Glade that's awesome I mean who doesn't want to go to the circus the circus is fun I want people wanting to come to church so just embrace the hate right make it your friend you're gonna reach the crowd please the King don't worry about the criticism and then number three and I'll close with this I believe Petey Martin had a vision to set people free and let me explain this one the performers the potential performer is just like the servants in this story Jesus told they went out into the country lanes and the highways and hedges to find these people and he went after not pretty people or popular people he went seeking for marginalized people and stigmatized people ostracized P and he took these people with physical abnormalities now the shadows and made them the stars of his show and I would argue he set them free from loneliness he set them free from isolation and he set them free from poverty and he gave them a family and community and a degree of dignity and income and even his audience no Barnum lived in the little middle part the 1800s and urban centers life was bleak and difficult just for a few moments and for a few pennies he was something audience free from all that they would be entertained if you want to know what God wants for you it's not rules it's not legalism the God of heaven wants nothing more than to set you free there are some rules rules are part of any powerful love relationship but the rules are there for our protection but God's truest ambition is to set you free well David how does God want to set me free every way you can be set free once to set you free of course spiritually he wants to set you free habitually he wants to set you free relationally he wants to set you free potentially and surely he wants to set you free financially and eternally jesus said when the Sun has set you free you are free to the uttermost holistically and he wants to free you up from all of it your regret for you from your past for you from your hurts your hang-ups your habits free up from your regret for you up from your sin for you up from guilt if I tell what my toes free you up from pain and then I went back to study my nose I thought I better explain that well because what I say God wasn't for you from pain doesn't mean if you become a Christian or really look for God that you never experience pain that's just sadly not true I wish that was true we're gonna be great the moment you got saved you got a pass Roy no more pain your whole life it's not the way that works but we do get these promises about our pain that we just render our pain to God God find something positive in the pain doesn't take it all away we get the promise that we know that God causes all things to work together for good for those that love him those called according to his purpose that verse does not say that God causes all things nor that all things are good but God can take a bad thing or a painful thing in your life if you surrender that to God God will find some positive purpose grow you and probably to bless other people no matter what the pain is physical pain emotional pain relational pain like I make me truly on one example pain of rejection don't raise your hand but if you've been rejected by somebody you really care for you got dumped I broke up with you parent abandoned you business partner cut out oh you stole the clients left you bankrupt divorce I saw some serious pain but even that pain you give that painting by the way God knows rejection Jesus was rejected by the very people he came to save so he understands it but he can use it not take away the pain but use it reading is part of your story it's a chapter in your story but you give it to God that pain becomes your pin you know write something in your life that will bless someone else let me let me give you an example so it's a good movie it's a good movie go see it go read it if you're not seeing it yet now it's Hollywood so you got some history and some Hollywood some facts some fiction right so example what's what's what's true okay the story of the little guy Tom Thumb that's actually that is history that's not Hollywood cuz Martin had a little tiny guy very small and was the small guy was his biggest star Dame General Tom Thumb that's true Zac Efron and he Zac Efron fans in the house whoo yeah the girls yeah my daughter says High School Musical is like Zac Efron okay his character didn't really exist that is Hollywood that's not history so the whole relationship with him ins and Ayotte that didn't really happen okay what did okay here's history the opera singer Jenny Lynn that's a real person that's a real person that is that's history not Hollywood now the whole relationship where she can had feelings for PT Barnum and he said no and stay faithful to his wife that's not true they had no romantic relationship whatsoever it had a very successful business relationship she did tour American 1850 made a whole lot of money so she was not rejected by PT Barnum but interesting she was very famous very popular but a famous person you may recognize fell in love with her and and she liked him as a friend but never fell in love with him in return if you're a fan of literature you'll recognize named Hans Christian Andersen and he was a fan of Jenny Linds and got to know her and fell deeply in love with her and wanted more and he she just threw him in the friendzone okay he's not exactly a supermodel I get it but anyways just let that be met he's dead is so anyways and and when that happens when you know rejection you can go to frustration or inspiration and based on this love that he had for her that was not returned they remain friends she married someone else he wrote a story and some barbers say the central character the story is based on this relationship where his broken heart would a famous story called The Snow Queen and in The Snow Queen The Snow Queen has an icy heart and she can't love people and they say that's Jenny Lynn who didn't love him now we're not sure if that's true or not that's somewhat conjecture this we do know to be true many years later Disney Studios based another movie on The Snow Queen frozen and Elsa is based on The Snow Queen who's based on Jenny Lynn not loving Hans Christian Andersen where his pain became his pen to tell a story that's now brought joy to countless millions of kids visions powerful when your vision supersedes your hurts when your vision is not stopped by your rejection who do you really believe especially divine vision that God has a powerful and purposeful and personal vision for your life it affects every arena of your life your your relationships your habits your priorities your profession your academics you get a hold of that it is such a catalytic thing and by the way when you first get God's vision it's kind of rough it's kind of raw that make a lot of sense you'll see the what well before you understand the how this way vision begins every single time example I don't do a lot of musicals and evidently Hollywood studios don't do a lot of musicals anymore either and though la-la-land a year ago was very successful when they had the idea for this movie the greatest showman even with an a-list star Hugh Jackman the execs at Fox Studios were reluctant to greenlight it to fund it so he had this idea to bring in Hugh Jackman and some of the singers to sing some of the songs from the movie trying to convince the execs to pay the bill to produce the movie here's the problem though Hugh Jackman had nose surgery emergency nose sir he had skin cancer and he couldn't sing and they'd already stopped the meeting so they didn't tell the execs that he wouldn't sing he was there but they had some of the other actors sing including the woman who plays the bearded bearded lady and she sang the anthem of the song and again vision typically doesn't look like a lot at the beginning doesn't have makeup and costumes just has a whole bunch of passion a fact I'm gonna tell you that I'm just sure you stay right you are form Oh check out this clip as they were trying to sell the execs on the idea for this movie bench and Jesslyn just reading this new song called this is me and we knew that it was going to be the anthem of the film but no one had heard it before and no one had heard kiala sing it live a Keala who I didn't even want to come out from behind the music stage I didn't I kept saying her just step out because this is your moment and you have to step out into the ring metaphorically because that's what you're doing and you to stand right there everyone had just built this out I didn't want to in fact I stood behind that music stand until the day of that presentation there was a moment in the song that I actually was so scared that I had to actually grab Hugh's hands so that I had somebody to hold on to and then we got to the end of the number and all I remember is just deafening deafening applause it was sort of otherworldly experience it was one of those moments that will stay with me the rest of my life unfortunately we filmed it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is me [Applause] Sharp's wanna cut me down I'm gonna see if I'm gonna try this is brave this is Bruce this is who I'm meant to be this is me [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh yes and your feet and your feet give it up for these folks more time and welcome to circus by the glades and there's someone you want this relationship with God so much you're gonna make the way to the edge of the stage prayer partners we'll be right here by the cars they would love to talk with you everyone else man the service of the King in by people that the house may be full so drive safely drive politely we'll see you next week don't miss next week bring some with you god bless you thanks being part of church by the Glee
Channel: Church by the Glades
Views: 4,681
Rating: 4.7777777 out of 5
Keywords: church by the glades, cbglades, fort lauderdale, coral springs, tamarac, margate, sample road, lake worth, miami, broward county, church, church service, sermon, creativity, music, south florida, message, fun, This is Me, The Greatest Showman, movies, Family Drive In, cbg
Id: bErWEdnIYz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 12sec (2052 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 10 2018
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