Family Disappeared - Abandoned Mansion With Everything Left Behind

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Secluded and lonely we discovered an abandoned manor-house in the rural part of the Czech Republic. On the last day of our road trip, we were investigating the disappearing of a whole family. From one day to the next everything was simply left behind here some years ago and the residents of this big villa vanished into the night. Today, time stands still. It took us a while until we finally found an entrance but as we made it inside, we immediately set out on a search for clues. How is it possible that people leave their home permanently and neither take any valuables nor the items with sentimental value? Follow us to see what's left behind and to hear the story of this fascinating but yet really strange place. If you enjoy our videos make sure to hit the subscribe button and click the bell to get notified when we upload new content. Four intense days of urbex are behind us. On our journey through Hungary, we saw several unique places and had some of our boldest explorations to date. We decided to take high risks on this adventure and it has paid off for sure! We finished the road trip with a lot of great memories and probably the best footage we have shot so far. We were glad that we were able to team up with our Italian friend Tobi again. In the past, he has already visited most of the forgotten sites of this travel. Thanks to him we could avoid getting caught by security and police. But after the last infiltration in Hungary, we eventually parted ways. While he was going back to Italy, we started a seven-hour-long ride back to Dresden in Eastern Germany. Since we were passing through the Czech Republic in order to get home, we decided to do a final exploration. The three of us took a detour to get to this remote mansion. Some months ago, this insider's tip was recommended to us by someone from the community. No other building in the village is as historical and impressive as this small castle. And to be honest: At first glance, this place didn't really look deserted. In order not to get seen, we approached the building carefully from behind. Already here we discovered smaller cabins which were abandoned a long time ago. Apparently, once this used to be a well-groomed park and belonged to the big villa. But completely neglected it turned into woodland in a short time. We had to break through several smaller obstacles but a beaten track was showing us that this was the right way. The house over there is the one, right? So, we have to go this way. For a long time, this was our first exploration where we were totally blind. We didn't know the way inside. We didn't even know if there was still an entrance anyway. But the pictures we have seen of this place convinced us to at least try this mission. Finally, we made it to the house. Now we started searching for an access. This doesn’t look abandoned at all. As we looked around in the shed, we stopped doubting because now it was obvious that this building must have been uninhabited for a while. On the ground there was a dead fox. It probably wouldn't be here if there still were any residents. Now we were examining the premises more closely. We found a window that seemed to be locked at first glance. But as seasoned explorers, we spotted our access. This place is a well-preserved time capsule. Enormous spider webs everywhere were showing that the manor must have been vacant for a very long time already. As it seems, hunting was playing an important role in the lives of the former inhabitants. Everywhere in the house, you can find animal trophies. But even after long research, we can't really tell who the last occupants were. But it's a fact that different generations of several families have lived here over the course of many centuries. The history of this single-floored mansion even dates back to the Middle Ages. However, the building didn’t get its present shape before 1730. Back then the palace in the style of the baroque was built on the remains of a renaissance castle. Although the surrounding village was first mentioned already around 1,000 years ago, the date of the first documentation of the manor itself was only about 1480. In the course of the centuries it changed hands constantly. Most times, aristocrats of lower nobility were the owners. Even though it was extended and reconstructed several times, the estate was always considered to be small and neglected. After World War 2, owners eventually were dispossessed. Under Soviet control, the four-wing building was nationalized and given to an agricultural cooperative. This was normal practice with rural property which belonged to the nobles. It was used to house officials, so they were working and living here for years. But there was no money for maintaining the ramshackle structure. The officials moved out and the stately home was vacant. In 1967, it was finally revived. A charity organization was using the grounds as the home for sisters of an order. For that, interior spaces were partly completely reconstructed. The spacious chapel in the upper floor probably originates from this time. Until today, this chamber stood the test of time unscathed. During the recent 50 years it was probably maintained consistently by the different residents. However, the nuns had to move out at the latest in 1989. The socialist regime failed and was forced back. The house came back in the possessions of the people who owned it before World War Two. But now the traces vanish. How it went on and why the mansion was abandoned isn't 100% clear to us. It puzzles us every time when we see the home of a person who left behind everything. Even the big SUV is still standing in the carhouse. The vehicle hasn't been moved for years. Huge cobwebs and layers of dust are proving this. This is one of the weirdest discoveries we have ever made. If you run away, you would take your car, right? But as it seems, the owner simply disappeared into thin air. Here are calendars. This used to be a workroom. Here are several calendars with hunting motives from the year 2001. While we were checking the house for clues when this place was abandoned, we have found different dates. For example, there was a note from 2010. Later we even found a calendar from 2012. This means the palace has now been vacant for almost ten years. Nevertheless, you could think that the owner could come back at any second. Let's continue our search for traces. In the upper floor, there are many rooms in which we have found wardrobes that are still partly filled with clothes. What was standing out: All the chambers are numbered. Our first thought was that the farm used to be a boardinghouse or something similar during its final days. Then we stumbled across a word during our research which would explain much: Nursing home. It seems like especially elderly people were accommodated here. But we can't say for certain. We imagine that the stairs we have already shown you could be a problem for senior citizens. But actually, there was even an elevator which we didn't film though. Then there also was another apartment which was really fascinating for us. No other room was as heavily ransacked as this one. Here we have found several interesting items: From the herbarium we remember from our schooldays to barely used skiing gear. But the most important discovery was hanging on the wall: A certificate of the person who we could later identify as the owner of the premises. Apparently, he was (or is) a scientist because we were able to find numerous scientific instruments. Next to a centrifuge there was also a microscope. Both haven't been stolen yet. Pretty amazing, actually. We now want you to form you own opinion. For that we show you more footage of the home totally uncommented. Imagine who was living here once and try to find out why this place is abandoned today. At the end we would like to know your thoughts. As you can see, the building substance falls into increasing disrepair. All over the house there are holes in the floors or in the ceilings. Due to moisture, mold has penetrated the walls by now. This structure is under monumental protection but nevertheless, it's rotting away. The costs for maintenance are probably simply way too high. Maybe this forced the owner into bankruptcy and the whole compound along with the valuables are now belonging to the bank. This would at least explain why everything was left behind. For today's inhabitants, it's a paradise though. The whole house is full of mice. For them, there is an affluence of food here. After a long exploration, we left the historical manor. We have locked the window behind us again, so nature can't creep in and accelerate the decay even more. For us, this was the successful conclusion of an epic adventure. Although this place left us pondering again the fact, that such time capsules exist is still a mystery to us. What's your theory? Who was living here until a few years ago? And what happened to the family? This hobby is always taking us to the most fascinating places. It's amazing what we have experienced again on this journey. But actually, this was just a foretaste of what's to come because what we're planning for the future is much bigger. Stay tuned. Your support on our Patreon page is growing significantly. Thanks to you we're able to start similar projects on a much bigger scale pretty soon. As a reward for the help, we have uploaded a new album to Google Drive. As of now, you can find all the images of this place online. Thanks, folks! Next time on Broken Window Theory: Guys, we have been holding back this upcoming episode for a while. Now it's finally time to show you our infiltration of this massive steel mill somewhere in Germany. It's an important piece of industrial culture which isn't used anymore. But since the great plant has been getting dismantled for years, we had to be careful not to bump into workers or security. While we were sneaking through the impressive factory halls, we eventually made the most unexpected of all finds. Watch this next episode for abandoned industry at its best! And that's it! This is the end of the fifth and final episode of our current road trip series. Thanks for watching! Leave a like and tell us in the comments which place of this adventure was delighting you the most. Before we start our next series, we would like to present you cool other projects in the next months. Don't miss anything and keep exploring!
Channel: Broken Window Theory
Views: 2,335,375
Rating: 4.9050813 out of 5
Keywords: urban exploration, abandoned mansion, abandoned places czech republic, abandoned house untouched, abandoned millionaires mansion, urbex, abandoned places, family disappears
Id: FIdHV6126PA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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