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i'm going to address the issue of fatherhood i'm going to talk about setting rights and power and authority that fathers will irrespective of their belief system and who they are as long as they are fathers they will certain powers and authority and command certain rights that have positive and or consequence and it is critical for all of us to have a clear understanding of the roles of a father and the authority and the right they will as a father because if you lack understanding of this subject it can have negative consequence on your life and it can become a transgenerational issue that affects you and generation hereafter number one we have three kinds of fathers the first kind of father is our heavenly father that we all need if we are ever going to make it in life you and i need to connect to our heavenly father and the enemy's intent or determination is to separate you and i from our heavenly father number two we need earthly fathers without a deadly father you and i won't be here so we need healthy fathers and earthly fathers will and they command authority power and whole in their custody setting rights and privileges that can be exercised for good not for evil depending on their belief system if they believe right it's a blessing and if they believe wrongly it can have negative consequences and therefore it is important that we pray for our earthly fathers to get it right because if they get it wrong it can have serious consequence which is a luxury that you and i can afford then we have spiritual fathers so we have a heavenly father an earthly father and a spiritual father and the way you relate to these three fathers means a lot and determine the outcome of one's life and circumstances so please keep that in mind there are certain marks caster characteristics that reveals who your father is and if you are a true son and daughter of a father there are certain marks you must bear you must demonstrate you must show and must be seen in your life the bible said that your father was an ammonite and your mother was a heterity and i know you are born again and your holy ghost field and since you got born again all things are made new it's not true like you think it is because if you were overweight when you got born again after the day you got born again you are still overweight and if you were fair or dark after you were born again you are still dark or fair being born again don't change who you are physically and it doesn't change your soul immediately there are three dimensions of salvation we were saved we are being saved and we shall be saved what was saved your spirit what is being saved your soul what shall be saved your body your spirit is saved by being born again and receiving christ jesus into your heart your soul is saved and delivered through the renewing of your mind be not conformed into this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so you can be born again and holy ghost feel and be safe and still have a wrong mentality and still believe wrongly and if your belief is wrong then it doesn't matter how much you are full of the holy ghost and how much of the word of god you have in you if your mind is not renewed through the word of god and you still have the old mentality it's like having a credit card that has expired and they send you a new credit card but you still choose to use their own credit card which have expired you can't do anything with it because it has expired and a lot of us are using all mentality and all credit card that have expired to buy things when we have a new credit card one of the first things every father has whether they are saved or unsafe whether they believe wrong or right is the power is the power to give life or death to their children a father can give life or death to his kids and i'm going to say some very deep things here because for whatever reason it looks like mothers always have a have a problem when it comes to managing their pain and they set up their kids and their kids become victims of their circumstances and they always try to poison their kids with their pain and their grief and i'll show you to you as we go along that mothers especially women of faith you have to be very very careful if you love your kids what you tell them about their father do not expose the weakness of their father don't uncover the nakedness of their father if you love them because if you destroyed the image of their father to them you have destroyed the children and i'll show you why if you look at the united states of america we have more african-americans in prison than we have in other communities and the reason is because most times when the women are head and offended abused and taken advantage of by the men they fail in managing their pain and their emotions and therefore they use the kids as weapons to get back at their husbands and trying to help the men by poisoning the children to be on their side and not on the side of their fathers they don't know that they are destroying the kids because the only authority a son or a daughter knows is a father and if you destroy the image of a father to a son and a daughter and therefore they have no respect and no regard for a father they will break all the rules and the laws because if you study scripture carefully it's it it was never right from the beginning god's intention for a mother to command the children or to command the house and mothers don't give identity his fathers who give identity and where mothers hear me when mothers refuse to allow fathers to be fathers and interfere when it comes to the governance of the house and the decisions of the house the holy spirit leaves that family i'm going to take my time and break down some things because i am a product i am a product of a lot of things based on who my father was and who my mother was my father was an amulet and my mother was a hittite and i'll show you what an amorite means and what a hittite means and if you're a man and you marry a woman whose mother was a hittite even though she's born again if she doesn't come under the governance and she doesn't come under some kind of mentoring of a woman of faith or a mother in zion she will have issues when it comes to submission and how to relate and respond to her husband or to a man because if her mother's belief is wrong and her mothers believe that men are useless and men have nothing to offer and men are irresponsible based on her personal pain and experience she will inject that same belief into her daughter and her daughter goes into marriage with that belief and it doesn't matter who a man is she will have the same mentality and belief system of the mother and if you marry such a woman it doesn't matter how anointed you are you are in trouble it's not going to work and if a man had no respect and love for a woman and grew up with that mentality he injects the same thing into his hand if you beat your wife your son grows up with that understanding and mentality and belief he will beat his wife like father like son like mother like daughter your father was an amorite and your mother was a hittite genesis 22 and 10. and abraham straightford his hand and took the knife to slay his son abraham was a man of faith god tested or tried him or tempted him he passed the test but he was in a position to kill his son as a father the son said father here is the wood everything plays for the sacrifice but where is the lamb who is going to be killed who is the lamb who will be sacrificed and the father knew it was him but he didn't tell him and he said jehovah god shall provide for himself a lamb upon the mountain of the lord and he took the son at the age of 17 years and bound him up and took the knife and was ready to offer his son for his sacrifice and the voice of elohim echoed from the charities of eternity to time and said it is prohibited that's not the child so fathers have power to hand over their children to life or death second kings chapter 3 verse 27 ii kings 3 27. then he took his eldest son that should have reigned in his stead and offered him for a bent offering upon the wall and there was great indignation against israel and they departed from him and returned to their own land this was a father but he was a hidden king he didn't believe in elohim or jehovah he believed in other gods and deities but had the same right like abraham abraham didn't follow through but he went through because they believe in sacrifice of human beings and sharing the blood of beings and he sacrificed his firstborn son sold him gave him up to death and killed his firstborn son because he was a father he was in the office of authority now it doesn't matter how smart you think you are and how poor your father may be and it is very important and critical that everybody prays for their father if your father is alive because i'm telling you he can be used for good and it can be used for evil and that's why we must pray for those in authority even if you don't believe in them and even if you're in the opposition party it is critical that we pray for those in authority because our prayers restraints and our prayers interferes or interrupts the agenda of the enemy for deploying that office because politicians or the office of government or president is very powerful it can be used for good or evil it's like a sharp knife it's like an ammunition and a gun whoever has it can use it for good or evil [Music] so fathers can give life or death genesis 14 15 and 16 fathers can rescue their children abraham had a nephew who was like a son unto him was captured and abraham had to prepare the habit from his own house to go and rescue them and bring them back even when lot was in the wrong and was in error he still went out to save and to deliver fathers is expected of others to fight for their kids to rescue their kids look at genesis reading from the english to that version and he divided his forces against them by night he and his sevens and defeated them and pursued them to uber north of damascus then he brought back all the possessions and also brought back his kingsman lot with his possessions and the women and the people so this was his brother-son lord now the difference between lot and abraham was this anytime abraham built a tent the next thing he did was to build an altar lord built tents but did not build an altar the tent represented they are the place of the abode residents in those days they dwell in tents and not buildings like ours but whenever abraham built the house he built an altar a meeting place with divinity and humanity abraham recognized that spiritual blessing was necessary and higher than natural blessing lord was more into the natural blessing and abraham was more into the spiritual blessing whenever you build a house like other religions the muslims and the jews they build a synagogue or a mosque in their homes we build garages for cars but we don't build a meeting place with god if i were you i'll change from today anytime i build a house instead of a garage i'll build a meeting place with god i'll put a cell in my house because i understand that spirituality is above natural blessings i understand that spiritual blessing is critical if i am going to prevail in life and that was the pattern and the culture of abraham isaac and of jacob lord emphasized concentrated and was more into natural blessing and didn't care about an altar a meeting place with god if i were you i will always make sure that spiritual blessings come first before natural blessings say amen the sound of the king is in the heart one of the things we must understand also is that fathers give children identity tell somebody fathers give children identity i want you to look at me mothers don't give children identity these fathers you know my dad and my mom were not together but when i was born after all the challenges my mom went through to give birth to me when i was born my father lived in kumasi he drove to accra and he named me and you know the name he gave to me nicolas it's a question i should have asked my father why did you name me nicolas but fathers give children identity and i look at something anytime a mother tries to give children identity the arm always do it out of emotions and pain and they mess them up and you have to be corrected later come with me let me show you something genesis 35 16 to 18 genesis 35 16 to 18. and the journey from bethel and there was but a little way to come to ephrata a rachel travailed and she had hard labor high labor watch it and it came to pass when she was in hard labor that the midwife said to her fear not thou shalt have this son also and it came to pass as her soul was in departing she was dying for she died that she called up with a very difficult pregnancy and there's a reason why a lot of women have difficult pregnancy we'll tackle that as we go along and it came to pass as her soul was departing for she died but she called his name benoni but his father called him benjamin you see was the father changed the name there are two reasons why this thing happened number one when he was leaving he didn't tell the father-in-law the father-in-law was angry and decided to come after jacob to hurt him at night when he was asleep the god of jacob the god of the father of jacob appeared to him and listen to what god said to him in the dream he said i am the god of jacob's father and i've come to warn you be careful and take heed that you speak not good nor evil to jacob don't speak good no evil to the young man i am the god of his father not not jacob's god jacob's father's god and i've come to warn you now when he got to jacob he said why did you take my children and grandchildren away from me without telling me he said i was afraid he said where are my idols he had the ouija board that he saved and inquired from and the daughter rachel took the ouija board without telling the father she stole the father's god if your god if your children can steal your god then he is not powerful anyway it's another subject for another day so he said to jacob you stole my gods and jacob said i am innocent i know nothing about it so he said jacob said to the father you can search the tent and the father-in-law searched the tent and everywhere and did not find the ouija board so he went to jacob and said i can't find it i hold you responsible listen to what jacob said jacob said i am innocent let the one that took the ouija board down and fathers must be very careful because you can kill with your mouth and the bible says she did not know that it was rachel that stole the ouija boy and rachel was pregnant and was sitting on the idol of the father so the father didn't accept to get up and when she went to deliver because the husband has given her up and sold their app and said let the one that took it die it gave premature death permission to take rachel and sometimes people say things like i wish i died you don't have to give that permission because it is already seeking for you and that word i wish i died is in position now when rachel saw that she was dying and her labor was difficult was hard she named the son benoni she named the child according to her pain which means pain pain and when jacob had the word benoni as a spiritual man he understood the meaning of benoni pain the bible said he made a counter declaration and said no his name shall not be called benoni he shall be called benjamin the son of my right hand because his fathers who give identity and not matters now hear me if you're a mother and you have issues with this you have a problem with god and you are rebellious i'm telling you you must accept the wisdom of god and every woman must have must accept the fact that god is wiser than you period irrespective of your logic and your belief system it is what it is first chronicles chapter four verse nine and ten first chronicles chapter four verse nine and ten and jabez was more honorable than his brethren and his mother called his name jabez who called his name jabez his mother who is mother go ahead say because i bear him with sorrow you see his name means sorrow then only pain jabba's sorrow so he had to pray a special prayers and petition god to reverse his name that he do not grieve him and that his future will not be determined by the name the mother gave him [Music] i'm not saying that mothers are evil or bad i'm just telling you god's order and it is what it is that mothers are not to name their children his fathers who name them whether the father is good or bad it is what it is and that's why you must pray for your father that he will get it right because if his belief system is wrong he can be used by the enemy to hurt you when i was growing up i realized when i met my dad my dad was a very powerful man and i had a lot of problems with my dad i hated him and it was because of the things my mother told me about him and how my father treated her and all that i took signs with my mom against my dad and i didn't like him i had a lot of anger in me towards him and when i got born again the lord said to me son if you don't deal with that anger and pain in you and hatred for him you will be worse than him he put fear in me and i said okay god help me to let it go and i had to immediately repent and let it go i remember i saw a writing in the wall and it was nursing mandela it was a picture and a writing and he said as i walked through this door to my freedom i realized that if i don't leave behind my anger my hatred and my bitterness i will walk through this door to freedom and still be in prison there are so many of you here you are in prison you have been imprisoned by your past you are imprisoned by the bitterness and hatred and anger of your past and the betrayals of your past and the offences of what was done to you you are imprisoned the past has imprisoned you you live in the now but you are imprisoned by yesterday i pray to god that you will live here today free like like like the african american said thank god almighty free at last i pray that today on father's day somebody hearing the son of my voice will be free at last hallelujah somebody put your hands together and give god a shout in the house [Music] so we established that anytime a mother named a son or a child in the bible they operated by their emotions but fathers are not allowed to do so they must act in the spirit come with me to luke chapter 1 verse 59 to 63 luke 1 and it came to pass that on the eighth day they came to circumcise the child and they called him zacharias after the name of his father and his mother answered and said not so but he shall be called john you see they name him after the father because the father was dumb sometimes what god does to us one is taking us to the process before the blessing because i'm watching the church people who get blessed without going through the process the blessing always become a case on them unfortunately in this church i've seen men i've seen women over and over again who god bless without going through the process they end up becoming a problem the blessing entraps them the blessing becomes a case when people are promoted or they are lifted or exalted without going to the process the blessing the promotion becomes a snail and a curse and when god saw that zacharias doubted the prophetic word concerning the pregnancy of his wife god said i will shut your mouth you will be dumb until the miracle comes to pass because if i don't shut your mouth you will catch your blessing and your miracle with your mouth sometimes when you don't understand the process and you don't know what god is doing shut your mouth hold your peace don't try to give any explanation don't try to make sense out of what you can make sense of because when it comes to faith and belief it doesn't make sense when it comes to faith believe and trust those things don't make sense i've been preaching for 40 years and there are things i still don't understand and that's why i preach a message yes ago entitled i understand that i don't understand what i think i understand hear me knowledge is not everything knowledge is not everything i've seen people very knowledgeable but very ignorant knowledgeable but i ain't wise smart intelligent but are not wise i'm telling you hearing me today natural fathers and spiritual fathers has power they might not even know it but satan knows it and satan can use it and god can also use it [Music] [Applause] and they said unto her there is none of thy kindred that is called by this name and they made signs to his father how he would have him called and he asked for a writing table and wrote saying his name is john and they marveled all you see they won't accept what the identity the mother gave they said to the mother no this is not acceptable his fathers who give identity not mothers so you carried the child nine months but you are not permitted to give him an identity because name defines who the child becomes but when the father confirmed the name that was the name that was given to him we need to understand the ordinances of god we cannot change divine order irrespective of signs and irrespective of what you call it breakthrough in knowledge we cannot change the problem with this world we are trying to change the original plans of god the original intent and the ordinances of god you cannot change it and that is the problem of this world women are becoming men and men are becoming women i prayed for women who changed their organs to become men and i prayed for men who changed their organs to become women through surgery i've dealt with women who told me i feel like i am a man trapped in a woman's body and i've dealt with women men who feel like they are women trapped in a man's body i'll show you why in the bible where that comes from it began from the womb it goes into the subconsciousness is the desire of the mother that is programmed and registered in the subconsciousness so the mother wants a boy she ends up with a girl but the subconsciousness tells the child you were meant to be a boy and not a girl and so she's a girl but she acts like a boy put her legs in the father's shoe does everything like a boy hungry boys don't want to have anything to do with girls there's a reason for that isn't the bible genesis 2 19-20 and out of the ground the lord god formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air and brought them unto adam to see what he would call them and whatsoever adam called every living creature that was the name thereof and adam gave names to all cattle and to the fowl of the air and to every beast of the field but for adam that was not found and helped meet i want you to look at me please hear me carefully hear me carefully it wasn't adam and eve this thing about equality between men and women who said that there is a problem of equality there has never been any problem there's never been a problem a woman is a woman a man is a man it is what it is that doesn't make women less important than men and we have to be very careful that we don't suddenly come to a place we're talking about equality who said they have been a problem they've never been a problem women carries their seed that's what it is it's men that give the seed women can no man can go to the labor world to give a child to give birth to a child you die you can't do it try it and hear me it is believed that women are weak you see is their constitution but they are stronger than men you know why it's biologically proven that women are stronger than men because the one that bears and has capacity to endure more pain is stronger than the one that can handle pain and the kinds of pain women can handle no man can attempt it don't even try it number two it is also biologically proven that women think with two sides of their brains a main thing with one side of your brain that's why a woman will be cooking in the kitchen she's on the phone she's watching television she's handling the kids and everything is fine and a man a man a man a man is watching football and the children are fighting and the phone is ringing and he can't hear because he has to concentrate on one thing at a time the reason why it is believed that women don't lie is not because women don't lie it's because they think with two sides of their brains so they remember everything and they are detail-oriented and men are general oriented so women remember everything men don't remember everything that's why they lie if you like husband and wife are sitting here let me interview them right now and ask the woman the day they met the date what the man was wearing and what she was wearing the woman has all the records remembers everything the man don't remember what shoe and what what watch what time is it what day they don't remember even birthdays even wedding anniversary i don't remember including myself [Music] father's case they have the power to bless and to curse and whether they are born again or not born again it stands and it's very dangerous and i've seen so many fathers cast their kids i've seen fathers kiss their kids and i've seen fathers who didn't catch their case but they also didn't bless them they ignored them genesis 9 25-27 look at something here and he said cast be canaan as seven of seven shall he be unto his brethren underline the word curse and servant of servant those are serious cases first he cast him then he said this is how the case is defined he will be a servant of seven hey that means the poor will call him poor [Music] and this was his son this was his grandson and it was in canaan who uncovered his father's nakedness it was canaan's father who sinned it was in canaan that scene what does it mean here consequence of the mistakes or the errors of the fathers so a father can do something wrong and it can have serious implications on his children that's why parents before you have to be very careful and i want to say this to ma to women also if you are married to a man who have children before you married him or for whatever reason he went to have kids outside of their marriage don't prevent him for taking care of those children don't stand in his way don't let your fears and your insecurity deny him the right to take care of those kids because it carries serious cases and if you won't let him take care of another one's children it won't be well with your children and if you're a man and you have children outside your marriage they are not taking care of them you are not a father you are not a man and he said blessed be the lord god of shame and canaan shall be his servant shame you see shame he put he put canaan on the shin his grandson canaan didn't sing it was canaan's father ham who uncovered the nakedness of his father let me tell you something never take signs against your father it's not good whether he's safe or unsafe don't take signs against him number two don't uncover your father's weakness or nakedness to anybody don't do it and even if you are married and you're a woman don't share the nakedness of your father with your husband he will use it against you one day and don't share if you're a man the nakedness of your father to your wife one day she will use it against you cover it put it in god's hands don't do it right god shall enlarge japheth and he shall dwell in the tents of shame and canaan shall be his servant you see you look at the level of cases that was put on canal he was made servant of all his brethren he was cast and the case simply means programmed to fail by all means that's all it means you are programmed to fail irrespective of your skill and capabilities that's what it means who sin it was in canaan canaan was the grandson it was ham that scene sometimes folks in church can go talk about the business of their church or their art bishop to friends and family one family and loved one sometimes even you parents when you are angry with the church you talk to your children about the problems you have with the church so after you've resolved it your children don't want to come back to the church you destroy the church to them you tell them how angry you are with papa how this how that you talk about purpose children with your kids you spoil your mind you poison them and then after you've gotten over it you don't know why your children don't want to have anything to do with god and the things of god it has serious implications turn to somebody and say be careful turn to somebody else and say careful careful careful now watch this it was hamda singh now watch this ham was not cursed ham was not cursed but ham was not blessed and he did not catch all the children of harm we came out of ham the black people dark skin we came out of hand our father's name is kush kush means the man with the dachshund skin and one of ham's children name was kush and that is where we black people came from but coach was not blessed and cush was not cursed but kush was ignored and ham was ignored it was canaan that was cursed and the reason why we struggle as black people even though we were not cursed we were not also blessed we were ignored and that in itself is a case so fathers have power to bless and to curse i've seen i've seen fathers who were nothing didn't have anything and they said to their children they said to your children because of what you've done for me may god show you mercy meanwhile this man he hasn't done anything with his life and he just blessed and speak blessings upon that child and for whatever reason that child makes it because your father has blessed you and your father can also catch you and the bible didn't say honor him if he is a believer [Music] whether he is a another worshiper or a believer it he's your father he can be used for good or for evil he's a weapon he's like a knife a sharp knife or a gun whoever deploys that sharp knife or gun can use it for good or for evil it is what it is come with me please to genesis 27 27 quickly and he came near and kissed him and he smelled the smell of his rematch and blessed him and said see the smell of my son is at the smell of a field which the lord has blessed 28 therefore god give thee of the dew of heaven look at the blessing of jacob and of the fatness of the earth and plenty of corn and wine the mother was pregnant rebecca there was this fight inside of her so she went to god and said what is this fight it looks like two people are fighting inside of me and the lord said two nations are you the esau nation and the jacob nation and the law said but i have disinherited the elder brother and i've given the blessing to jacob the youngest and watch this they in the womb in the state of unconsciousness and i'll show you to you from this same bloodline they fought in the womb they fight in the womb in the state of unconsciousness for the best right he's very bloodline very serious people in this blind line [Music] god said to rebecca i have given the blessing to jacob not esau the father isaac didn't hear what the mother had when the father was old before he died he called his son and he said he shall come go fetch me venison such as i love when i've eaten and my soul is satisfied i will bless thee remember the blessing of a father confed on a child a son or a daughter is determined by the satisfaction of the father's soul and hear me number two it wasn't what god said that determined who got the blessing it was the venison that determined who the blessing went to i've said something there some of you to take you next year to understand what i said i'm i'm saying something very serious here that it wasn't what god said that determined who got the blessing it was the venison that determined who got it rebecca had and said to the son jacob i heard something your father didn't hear but according to the ordinance of god the blessing can only come through him and not even through god and not through me but through him so disguise yourself go in bring me some meat let me prepare anything such that he loves present it to him disguise yourself if you don't get it as soon as esau brings the venison the blessing will go to him and god can do anything about it so jacob went in did as the mother said brought the venison after he received the venison and at it he blessed jacob then he saul came and he said who are you he said amiso he said so who did i bless and he realized that it was jacob and he couldn't revoke the blessing he couldn't reverse it he couldn't take it back and he said it's all i'm sorry i've given it to him and as a matter of fact i've made him lord over you and i can't change it it's irrevocable [Music] and it wasn't what god said it was the venison and over the years i've blessed people i shouldn't have blessed [Music] come with me if you please to genesis 49 and verse 3 to verse 5 rubin thou art my firstborn watch this show watch this look look at this huh these things here are all privileges privileges that rubin ha he said ruben down up my first bone my might not your mind my mind is in you the beginning of my strength my strength the excellency of dignity the excellency of power you have all these privileges look at verse four unstable as water thou shall not excel you know what it means he didn't say you are cursed listen to what he said that's why you have to be careful of statements your father made and a lot of us and we provoke our father to anger and it's not good to provoke your father to anger i'm talking about father's day don't provoke your father to anger it's not good satan can use it against you you see your father is like a sharp knife he can be deployed for your good or for evil it depends on who has him god or the devil you got to be careful now you know what happened ruben went and had sex with one of his father's concubines [Music] in his father's bedroom on his father's bed and the old man kept quiet he didn't say anything sometimes these old people and they are very dangerous he didn't see anything when he was about to die and it was time for him to bless the children he began ruby and said ruby let me tell you something you are good you've been to the best of school you're intelligent you are smart you're educated you are this you are that but i'm telling you as your father unstable as water is you will not excel what does it mean it doesn't matter how hard you try with all these privileges you will always be a failure that's it check the life of reuben when moses was blessing the children of israel when he got to rubin he couldn't bless ruben and i tell you why when moses met god at the burning bush he said to him who are you and listen to what god said and how god defined himself he said i am the god of your father abraham i am the god of your father jacob abraham isaac and jacob so jacob was of a higher spiritual rank or ranking than moses and let me explain to you because jacob kept rupping moses could not override jacob's pronouncement over ruben the best he could do was to make atonement and intercession and he said let not rubin die and let not his men be fuel he couldn't change what jacob said number two when joshua cast jericho and said curse be jericho and cash be the man who rebuilds the city of jericho and raised the walls of jericho he will lay the foundation with his firstborn son and would raise the wall that set up the gates with his second bonsai you know who reversed that case he took a man with a double portion of a fattest anointing by the name of elisha to reverse that case and to heal the waters in the land let me explain that to you if for instance you have a problem with me and you decide to leave this church and i said something against you out of provocation and anger you must make sure that you go to a church and submit to a pastor or a man of god that is more anointed than me that's all i said no that's the you don't get it that's the principle because if he's not more anointed than me and if he's not worthy more than me in the spirit he can override my words he can do it it will still affect you it doesn't matter how many churches you attain now look at look at look at verse 5 of genesis 49 simeon and are brethren instruments of cruelty are in their habitations six oh my soul come not thou into their secret unto their assembly by an honor be thou not united for in their anger they slew a man and in their self will they dig down a wall seven cares be their anger look at you but it was fierce stop here you see that word how many of you remember moses what about me remember moses you know why moses didn't enter the promised land it's because of this pronouncement cares be their anger you know who this levite is that is moses great grandfather he came from the line of levi his father was a living and the anger was cursed and it was a result of his anger that's why he did not enter the promised land god said speak to the rock and he smote the rock and god said listen i'm not taking it anymore this is unacceptable to me and he said you will see the land but you will not enter after 40 years of sufferings he did not enter the land because that anger was cursed and i'll show you the woman at the world why jesus have to go to the well and why that woman had to go to town to bring the men and all the women because they slew all the men of that city at the same place they call it jacob's whale that well there's an issue about that world the anger of levite prevented moses third generation from entering into the promised land [Music] i want to do some few things i want every father here to come forward every father here come forward and when you go home tonight today i want you to bless your children life is already very difficult don't catch them life is too difficult already please don't kiss your children life is already difficult life is already difficult it's tough it's already difficult for these kids it's already difficult and tough for them so don't catch them but they'll provoke you to catch them they will provoke you they will annoy you they will anger you they will push you to catch them but don't do it don't catch them they'll provoke you to kill them don't kill them the spirit of death is already looking for them don't be used as an instrument to kill them hear me when you go home today call them if they are in school just call them and say i just called to bless you and just bless them and if you have wronged them apologize and if you're a father and you have children before the marriage and you are married to a different woman who don't want you to have anything to do with those children go find those children because those are your kids they carry your dna don't follow one woman and forsake your own flesh one day god will ask you and whoever that woman is who is preventing you from taking care of your own flesh it won't be well with your children if they don't allow you to take care of another woman's children [Music] so hear me when you live here today find your children including those who offended you the more you are trying to help them the more you are destroying you fight for them be like abraham who fought and went out for lord go fight for them bring them back home and if for whatever reason the woman you are married to don't want your children to come home don't create another war zone in that house but still find a way to take care of the children don't abandon them send them money pay their school fees you never know who to become so don't let that woman stop you from taking responsibility be strong be strong be a man [Music] be a man take care of the children provide for them find them and their mother may be very difficult it's your flesh and your blood be responsible and tell your wife i said the word of god does not allow hair to stop you from taking responsibility of your children and don't be weak eh don't be weak what was what can she do to you i want you to be a man today go look for your children go find them apologize to them don't explain anything just tell them i'm sorry i haven't been there for you i haven't been there but from now i'm going to do everything possible to be there for you i'm going to try be a man asking your children to forgive you doesn't take anything away from you but don't throw them out there look out for them find them pay their school fees you never know which one of them will bless you tomorrow lift up your hands father remember these fathers let them get it right and whatever is wrong with them as a result of their relationship with their own fathers or grandfathers let the blood of jesus correct it let it not become a transgenerational case let them not get it wrong because of the pain and the mistake of their fathers because of what went wrong between them and their fathers i pray that this case will not be transferred to their children that they won't end up becoming worse than their own fathers heal the relationship between them and their children give them wisdom to know how to deal with the children of this generation help them to have their heart to fight for their children i pray that they won't cast their children but will bless their children make them responsible and help them to have wisdom to talk to these women they are married to look at me hear me talk to them hold their hands hold the hand of that woman and say babe i want to talk to you and talk to their hearts don't talk to their head women they are not difficult to don't do much with them just talk say you know i've been very conflicted the young bishop preacher message and it's heavy on me and i feel like i need to do something about this son this daughter and my children they are my flesh i need you to work with me i need you to help me i need you to understand that i have to do something i know they are difficult they haven't treated you right they've disrespected you dishonored you they haven't cared about you they hate you they are angry with you but it's not your fault it's my fault i need you to help me to be a father not just to your kids but to them also because they are my flesh they are my blood [Applause] [Music] and hear me whether they hear you or not do the right thing and if because of that they decide to walk let them walk because when you stand before god then he won't ask you about your rifle he will answer about the children i'll show you all that as we go along men got to be men and to be a man is difficult to be a man is very difficult hear me when you close from this service i want you to call your kids bless them and if you have wronged any of your children be courageous and not to apologize ask them to forgive you thank you sir ask them to forgive you and those of you who did some secret moves once you were married and you went outside and had a child you have to take care of the child i'm not going to tell you go and tell your wife tell you that because i don't know what you are living with [Music] there are some if you tell them it will strengthen their marriage and it will help the marriage there are others to if you tell them for the rest of your life you will never sleep so i'm not going to tell you what to do you know your situation deal with it accordingly but take care of that time how you do it i'm not going to tell you i can't tell you i don't know how you did it and who the mother is but make sure you don't abandon that child because it can bring a case to you in the future may the lord show you mercy may the lord help you to become true fathers may the lord help you not to abandon yourself and your flesh and your blood but be responsible and in doing what is right it is never too late to do the right thing may the lord do you good and show you a talking for good because you took responsibility and you did the right thing the lord bless you look at me don't kiss your children don't catch them it's difficult sometimes they will fix you don't catch them life is already difficult bless them shall be well with you thank you sit down [Applause] [Music] if you are here and your father kills you or your father took advantage of you or he didn't bless you or you have some issues with your father you haven't resolved please come forward quickly your father kissed you took advantage of you did not bless you or you have issues with your father whether he's dead or he's alive come forward please because if you don't deal with it you do the same thing to your children it's a transgeneration nothing if you don't deal with it you'll become like your father and some of you become like your mother your father was an amorite your mother was a hittite [Music] that god will heal you and that you won't become like your father if you don't deal with it you end up like your father what you criticize eventually you become like it if you don't forgive him and let him go you criticize him you end up becoming like him the pain you are carrying is not good for you to carry it it will affect your kids your children will end up becoming just like you get it right if your father is alive reach out to him today is father's day bless him go and give him a seed maybe he's a very mean father don't worry you do your you do your part leave the rest to god are you hearing me some of the fathers they are so mean that even when you bless him he will say who told you i want anything from you if you look at him you will sing don't worry just do the right thing whether he bless you or doesn't bless is up to him now if you do the right thing and he carries you to backfire but if you don't do the right thing and he cares you to affect you you see what i'm saying yeah hear me it's never too late to do the right thing to do the right thing maybe he even raped you maybe he did some fathers they do that i've had a lot of girls and sisters in the church who have come to talk to me their father their own father how you can do that it's a problem today men are sleeping with dogs that is how bad it can be and let me tell you something it's not because your father is a bad person it's because he has a wrong belief system he doesn't know god because if he knows god he won't do what he has done to you and because he doesn't know god satan use him to hurt you and don't get bitter release it forgive ask god to give you grace to overcome tell god i don't want to be bitter i don't want to end up like my father i don't want to carry become a prisoner of my pain a prisoner of my past lift up your hands those of you sitting lift up your hands let's pray for everybody let's pray for them father we pray for the release of the therapeutic healing powers of god let there be a release a release let the holy spirit brood upon them right now let the blood of jesus intervene in everybody's life you know the situation that every one of them are in i don't know what the situation is but you know everything meet them at the point of their needs free them i pray i pray today be acquitted and discharged from every form of imprisonment and bondage be healed of that situation let the blood of jesus intervene in your life that this thing will not become a transgenerational cycle and a case that you will end up becoming like your father or your mother but in the name of jesus you will treat your children right and you won't do to your children what your father did to you be healed of that situation be released of the pain be released of the bitterness be released of the anger and of the hatred against your father be released of faith be healed of that situation in the name of jesus and don't kill yourself and hurt yourself because of your father's mistake in jesus name amen
Channel: Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams
Views: 138,676
Rating: 4.7980242 out of 5
Keywords: ArchbishopNick, Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams, Archbishop Nicholas Duncan Williams, Archbishop, Archbishop Duncan Williams, Archbishop Duncan-Williams, Nicholas Duncan Williams, Nicholas Duncan-Williams, Duncan-Williams, Papa, nicholas duncan williams, archbishop nicholas duncan-williams, archbishop nicholas duncan williams
Id: Dr9addCAzMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 44sec (3824 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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