The Forced Evolutionary Virus | Fallout Lore

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the forced evolutionary virus also known as fev is a virus artificially created by westex nuclear biological and chemical division the virus's ability to change an individual's observable traits and genes has made it one of the most important mutagens known to man harnessed both before and after the great war for reasons both noble and sinister but what is fev to quote father elijah it is a long story fev a virus with an even longer story so let's take a look at how the virus came to be what it was used for and who buy in the beginning fev was only the byproduct of the pan immunity virion project a venture dedicated to discovering a cure for the new plague but that is a different story all that we need to know is that fev was never intentionally created but it was thoroughly tested the very first testing of fev known as batch 10-0-11 was conducted at the west tech research facility in southern california their experiments began on single-celled organisms before moving on to plants and then flatworms the single-celled organisms appeared to be unaffected but their immunity to both radiation and infection exceeded their expectations and it was these results that led down a dark path to creating super soldiers but further testing was needed plant life remained unaffected by fev while flapworms grew in size and displayed an unnatural resistance to viral contagions these flatworms may or may not have mutated over several generations into what we know as floaters a far larger creature partially hovering due to the sacks of toxic gas stored beneath their bellies results were promising to say the least leading to further experimentation this time on mice they also grew in size but this time the fev appeared to have increased to their intelligence allowing the mice to complete certain tests such as maze running in half the time it would have taken a normal mouse so there it was the virus could not only increase immunity but also intelligence and up until this point there had been no negative effects but all good things must come to an end rabbits were exposed to fev and the first issue that would become frequently associated with the virus was seen and that was increased aggression for the first time the scientists weren't thrilled with the results examining the brains of the rabbits revealed changes to the limbic system the area responsible for emotions which explained the reason behind their change in behavior but as to why the virus had made this change well that was still a mystery batch 10-0-11 was put aside and experiments continued with a new batch known as eleven zero initial experiments began with raccoons as seen thus far their size and intelligence increased but instead of becoming aggressive their manual dexterity was improved something the scientists would have no doubt been pleased to witness this overhaul to their bodies along with a new level of intelligence allowed the raccoons to escape their cages and explore the facility before they could make it to freedom west tech security hunted them down and killed them however four raccoons were never accounted for and that is a piece of cut content which you can learn all about by clicking the video card in the top right corner due to the results of batch 11011 which seemed promising it was shipped over to the west tech research center in appalachia for human trials but instead of experimenting with willing volunteers they instead infected the townsfolk of huntersville who had no idea it was even happening until they began to change those that reached out to westec for help were isolated and monitored people mutated into things that couldn't breathe or masses of retinal tissue some died after their teeth grew so large they pierced their own brains while others that were considered stable were left in such pain that they self-terminated it became abundantly clear that the nature of fev was so unpredictable that a reliable strain had to be identified which led to a variety of methods leading to both the snallygaster and grafton monster but perhaps the most successful was through infecting the water supply as they continued to consume the water they grew increasingly sick which led to the entire town being quarantined those that had previously reached out to westec had never returned so those remaining had no other choice than to try and escape but any attempt was met with warnings followed by gunfire hopelessly they remained waiting to be rescued but by the time the great war began and bombs fell to the earth the remaining townsfolk were already aggressive and transforming into super mutants back at the west tech research facility in southern california batch 11011 was tweaked with several new gene sequences now named batch 11 101 a this new batch was used to infect dogs the results showed immediate growth increased aggression but no noticeable increase of intelligence not much else is known about these dogs only that after 14 weeks of testing the final dog was terminated and the strain was tweaked even further to produce a hybrid batch known as 11 11. unlike the scientists of appalachia who experimented with humans chimpanzees were used in their stead as always growth and immunity are present in the affected but just as the rabbits had previously shown they too were aggressive two died from epileptic seizures which hadn't yet been seen but the others were terminated all the same despite warnings from the scientists who didn't think testing the hybrid batch was a good idea the government had it transferred to the mariposa military base where leon von felden and robert anderson two esteemed scientists would continue the research it is worth knowing that this batch of fev had an almost 100 success rate granting lab animals an approximately 60 percent increase in size and 200 percent increase of intelligence making it the perfect foundation for mass producing super soldiers but first the hybrid batch would have to be extensively tested on humans in order to wrinkle out any issues and who better to experiment on than prisoners of war another research effort was set up by vault-tec industries in washington dc with vault 87 housing and independent research center for dr wayne merrick who according to a terminal entry cut from the final version of the game was one of the brightest minds in the field of accelerated evolution despite his reputation and efforts he was unable to improve batch 11 111 his human subjects did exhibit superior physical developments such as size strength and resistance to ionizing radiation all things a soldier would benefit from having but they also showed increased aggression and a severely lacking level of intelligence compared to vault 87 in the capital wasteland and the west tech research center in appalachia mariposa in southern california had the best results they succeeded in creating the fev2 strain which was able to create super mutants with superior physical strength resistance to an array of physical damages even aging and disease no longer mattered and most importantly there was only a minor loss of intelligence and in some cases even that was increased this was everything the government wanted and everything the scientists had been working towards but before it could be fully employed the soldiers guarding the researchers and their experiments discovered what was truly happening to the prisoners of war disgusted by the experiments the soldiers rebelled interrogated the scientists and disbanded from the united states military days before the great war after realizing what had happened to the outside world and fearing another attack from invading forces they left sealing the entrance to the base behind them where it and the fev remained untouched for quite some time for many years mariposa sat undisturbed that was until a group of people including richard gray an exile from vault 8 and harold a caravan master rediscovered the base during an expedition deep in the bowels of the base where the fvv was held in giant vats an automated crane struck them both knocking harold unconscious and richard into one of the vats harold would awake sometime later outside the base with minor mutations from the fev fumes while richard was directly submerged into the vat unable to escape floating in the fev for days until he was finally able to drag himself to freedom although the man that had fallen in was no longer a man instead his body had been replaced with a pulsating mass of pink flesh richard continued to transform for another week and could feel himself beginning to understand the complex research data scattered around the base in time he grew bored and began experimenting with fev dipping any animal that he could find into the vats simply to see what would happen as expected they also changed just as he had and he soon discovered that those submerged at the same time would fuse together another new unique characteristic the virus has that wasn't yet known he methodically researched the fev following in the footsteps of those that came before him first with animals rats and dogs before moving on to humans although they were few in number as he had to wait for them to come to him after several failures richard speculated that radiation could be the deciding factor as to who successfully mutates and who dies after some time a mutant emerged from the bats possessing the greatest level of intelligence yet the lieutenant this highly intelligent mutant suggested there could be a secondary reason as to why not all humans dipped into the fvv successfully mutate after reviewing all available data it became clear that the westec research facility where the fev originated from had been targeted by invading forces and directly hit by a nuke which cracked the facility like a giant egg fev escaped into the atmosphere where it mixed with radiation to create something known only as mutated fev this mutated virus fell to the earth giving anyone it came into contact with some level of inoculation to other sources of fev this immunity was the leading cause of failure the pure fev at mariposa couldn't reliably mutate infected humans exposed to the mutated fev instead of successfully mutating the subject would experience seizures their internal organs mutating sporadically before failing leading to a very painful and terminal death but the master had no choice but to continue his project of building an army with small levels of success while tirelessly searching for what he one day hopes are pure humans people who haven't yet been exposed to the mutated fev plaguing southern california decades after mariposa had been destroyed by the vault dweller the enclave tirelessly searched for a means to achieve global genocide a ghastly ploy to use both the forced evolutionary virus and jet streams in the atmosphere to kill all mutated life worldwide the only issue was they had no fev at least not until enclave scouts discovered the remains of mariposa soon people from the surrounding area were being forced to excavate the base allowing access to the vats of fev but also allowing the damaged vats to infect those inside including frank horrigan an enclave soldier shortly after a sample of fev had been retrieved the enclave retreated to the entrance and without a second thought sealed the mutating slaves inside although it came at a heavy price the fev2 sample allowed the enclave to begin researching into the creation of a biological agent capable of killing mutants this agent dubbed the fev curling 13 after charles curling the project leader was modified and refined into exactly that at the same time frank horrigan who had gradually transformed into a super mutant had undergone many surgeries genetic engineering physical alterations and injections of modified fev resulting in a genetically engineered unique super mutant capable of tearing a death claw in half with nothing more than his bare hands showing just how ruthless and powerful a super soldier created with fev could have been two weeks before the virus could be deployed and the majority of mutated life on the planet was destroyed the enclave and the virus stockpiles aboard the oil rig were blown to smithereens by the chosen one however this was not to be the end of their efforts as copies of their research was transmitted to raven rock in the capital wasteland where john henry eden the self-proclaimed president of the united states was able to give the project another go albeit on a lesser scale scientists modified the fev curling 13 and decided the best way to employ the virus was through localized infection of the water supply which through the use of the jefferson memorial and project purity would have swiftly reached all those searching for clean drinking water transforming their capital wasteland into a graveyard in the commonwealth a sample of fev had been retrieved by the institute and used to progress their synths from machines into synthetic humans in the beginning people on the surface were abducted and transformed into super mutants with successful mutations being tagged and released into the commonwealth but it was soon realized that the organic synth project couldn't work as radiation-induced hereditary damage was too much of an obstacle to overcome what they needed was pre-war human dna but without access to it the project grew stale and was abandoned that was until a few years later dna untouched by the modern world was presented to them in the form of a defenseless child frozen in time sean along with his undamaged dna provided the much needed beginning to the institute's third generation synths a machine almost indistinguishable from a human the sample of fev or at least the lab where it was employed had been destroyed during an event known as incident v back when the lab was fully functioning and the scientists were still investigating the effects of the virus the lead scientist dr siverson passed away leading to brian virgil a member of the science team responsible for creating the super mutants was selected to fill the newly vacant position plagued with guilt for the many innocent people who suffered by his hands virgil decided that the project needed to be stopped he destroyed the lab and willingly infected himself with fev in order to survive the intense radiation of the glowing sea somewhere he believed he would be safe from father kellogg courses and anyone else who may come searching for him as you can see the forced evolutionary virus has a long and rich history with many uses both noble and heinous now let's take a look at some of the projects i haven't yet mentioned that involve fev beside turning humans into super mutants and centaurs the master also experimented with fev by directly injecting it into the brain usually the pineal gland amygdala or medulla which altered the brain chemistry of the subject these experiments were done to see if psychic abilities could be unlocked and he was partially successful resulting in four very powerful subjects known as psyches wiggum lucy moore and gideon were the four remaining survivors of this treatment now wielding the ability to control electricity fire read thoughts and move objects with nothing more than their mind as brilliant as these powers might sound the experiment usually rendered the subject insane but this has been counteracted through the means of something called a psychic nullifier a strange piece of technology which reduces their powers and keeps their minds intact mostly anyway it should be said that this is not the only way to create a psyche some are born naturally others achieve it through alien technology and in rare cases it is the result of prolonged isolation either way it's an interesting ability that definitely needs to be thoroughly explored before the west tech research facility in southern california was cracked open lab rats were exposed to fev not much is really known about them in the documents the closest i could find to lab rats were white mice but those aren't the same thing so either the rats weren't documented or they were more of an infestation and once the facility had been destroyed they were exposed to fev and escaped into the wasteland so far only two specimens are known king grat the leader of the rats infesting klamath and brain the unlikely leader of the renewal cult of gecko i think it's safe to say that these rats are natural leaders given their positions but one is more ambitious than the other brain wants to conquer the world and consume cheesy poofs while king rat foams at the mouth and simply wants to bite you i don't know how you feel about talking rats but i think rescuing a lab rat from a research facility could make for an interesting quest and maybe even a companion too these creatures were created at the mariposa military base in southern california but not by the scientists who once conducted the research but by the master created by throwing multiple animals into the bats of fev at the same time humans dogs and rats all coming together to create something new and terrible after the enclave recovered the fev from mariposa they created a mutagen that could increase the intelligence of deathclaws with aims to make them capable of understanding and following orders you see they were intended to be used as first wave soldiers capable of tearing enemy forces apart without second guessing their own safety however the modifications exceeded expectations instead giving them human level intelligence and although they did experience first-hand combat they soon realized that their time was coming to an end so they deserted the enclave and settled down in the newly abandoned space of vault 13 to have somewhat of a normal life although we all know too well that the enclave aren't the forgiving type back in the capital wasteland giant fire ants can be seen infesting the town of gradage a man named dr weston lesko attempted to reduce their size through the use of fev hoping to achieve something similar to the ants found in pre-war gardens however the experiment failed and instead of reducing their size they instead gained the ability to spit fire where exactly lesko got his sample of fev from is unknown but i do intend to make a theory video trying to answer just that these monstrous dogs have undergone the same treatment as their super mutant masters and just as good boys do they follow their masters alerting them to intruders with a blood-curdling howl [Music] much like their masters they are far larger than their former selves their fur has fallen away to reveal skin both knobbly and green and they have an unsatiable appetite for human flesh but not all mutant hounds are hostile just as all dogs aren't vicious instead depending on the master and their ability to tame such a creature as is seen with erickson in far harbor who has a friendly mutant hound the transformation that fev causes are generally impossible to revert as the virus does not store an unaltered copy of the subject's dna theoretically the process could be reversed by infecting the mutated subject with a secondary virus containing their original dna until the institute no such thing had been achieved due to the limitations of pre-war technology dr brian virgil created a serum capable of reversing his mutation technically it didn't reverse the mutation it simply mutated him again into his human form showing that it is possible to transform a mutant into their former self provided you have their original dna the technology and the know-how fev is a volatile unpredictable virus with many issues and mutations that you really don't want to see but there are some things that fev can provide humanity with eternal life increased strength greater intelligence the only question we have to ask ourselves is how much are we willing to sacrifice in return for those wonders be sure to show your support by liking the video and subscribing if you haven't already for more fallout content if there's anything you would like to see in a later video leave a comment and i'll see what i can do with that said thank you as always for watching and i'll see you in the next adventure you
Channel: Synonymous
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Keywords: synonymous, fallout, lore, secrets, what is fev fallout, fev virus, fev lab fallout 4, fallout fev, fallout fev lore, fallout fev virus, fallout fev transformation, fallout fev creatures, fallout fev cure, fallout fev ghoul, fallout 4 fev cure, fallout 4 fev, fallout 3 fev, fallout 3 fev ending, fallout 3 fev water, what is fev, fev virus explained, how does fev work, pyskers, centaurs, floaters, what are floaters, lore explained, The Forced Evolutionary Virus | Fallout Lore
Id: NCxFitsjzl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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