Fallout 4 - Best Start + Tips

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how's it going everybody after much consideration and going through over 500 comments on things I missed I remade the best way to start fallout 4 and I am so excited to bring it to you now we are going to be covering the beginning of the game to Diamond City and tons of stuff in between there now the first thing you need to do is just come this way come to this terminal and pop out the Red Menace very easy to miss and also when you play it for the first time you get an achievement plus just good to have now I hate to point out the obvious but all you really need to do in this first part is grab this stuff you know a couple things in here and then in the other room here there's a lab coat and in this locker there's another 24 round 10 millimeter know the next thing straighter to the vault is the first location in itself you do not want to miss these first few things you need it all guys you need it all right at the beginning all right now you just come in here you know grab the route away grab a couple stimpaks and then just come grab a couple things from these boxes I missed that my first playthrough of course now from here we're just gonna make our way right to the edge of the map just behind sanctuary and it's just a little stash not too much here but it all matters at the beginning right it all matters meds a couple guns city drugs ammo of course and last but not least Malone planting those crops all right now you come right back to sanctuary into the house your original house don't forget the Barbarian and then go into Sean's room for the skill book there is also a duplicate glitch for the skill book if you want to do that don't pick it up right now there's tutorials on youtube for that I didn't bother including it and then walk two houses down from your original house come right to the roof here and there's a nice little stash and this same building has a cellar come on down here a bunch of other goodies you can't pick that safe though you need expert log picking and I do recommend that the first perks you get are always computer hacking and log picking you can pick expert locks and computers relatively early and then as we're leaving sanctuary don't forget to grab these grenades from the mailbox now we're just gonna quickly dart over here to red rocket a couple things here nice little stash here and then just as we walk up to here we're gonna grab dogmeat boy what are you doing out here all by yourself you want to come with me pal and as soon as you get dogmeat what we're gonna do is a little glitch to get the cryolator and it may take you a couple tries to get back in the vault with dogmeat but I guarantee you this is still doable I saw people arguing online that this has been patched and I guarantee you this has not been patched heads up now you just tell them to look for some items if there's any good stuff nearby boy and he's gonna run over here he used to drop it on the ground but he's gonna grab it and then run over to you and it will actually be in his inventory block but safe before you do this just in case boom cryolator right at the beginning and 200 shots for it now back to red rocket we're just gonna run over here dart into the cave underneath red rocket and in here there is a fusion core a duffel bag and a safe I actually missed the duffel bag in this video but I'm sure you'll find it no problem just a bit of stuff nothing too crazy and then right from outside just turn around come up to this water tower and there's just a little stash of some purified water and a bit of mints doesn't seem that important regularly but at the beginning everything helps and then a nice little chest - right here and then from here we're just gonna go down to Abernathy farm don't worry about talking to them or anything just pick all the tomatoes tomato tomahto and then we're gonna make our way right to the ranger cabin for a little magazine excellent permanently take five percent less damage and then just come to this little Creek area all right are you just gonna swim to the very bottom another little stash here and then from here just come back up to the top and swim to the edge flip that switch run up the hill and you're gonna get a little cap stash and this 44 Magnum with a couple bullets use them wisely you don't have many and that's the strongest pistol you can get up to this point a couple of bobby pins and then just up top here some radaway need some right away right away all right now this part I was roasted so hard for in the comments of the original video because I missed this and I can't believe I missed this and I feel stupid for it but here it is fat man fat stash now this guy we're gonna get to in a sec and then you just run right up top here and you get around for that bad boy come on inside meds stim pack and you get a jump for the power armor which increases agility and it doesn't cost anything to put on it so you can't go wrong now you come to this terminal you eject the holotape and this controls the robot outside you can either set him to explode for two fusion cores or you can send him to defend certain places I sent him to defend the satellite area just right close by and then from here you just dart over this way and if you're luckier than I am you may get the full set I got this I know you can make a save if you're through farther away and then just reload and you can get different pieces just a little bit of a stash here in ammo box and then we're just gonna make our way with our buddy here that we just drawn and once you're coming to the satellite array just make your way down I was only able to withstand this as I just grabbed the power armor and finish everybody off have a bit of fun Massacre and then you come to the basement and you will find in the little toolbox the key for the room near the entrance come in here and there's tons of stuff there's a chest stash duffel bags and this book permanently more difficult to detect sneaking and this is what we already got not too bad all right and we're just gonna make our way down here another little stash yes that's it and then we're gonna come this way where we get a simp AK and a unique face tattoo alright now we're just gonna be coming back to red rocket and I just wanted to give you an example of something alright so you're gonna go to the workbench delete everything except these work benches I didn't say this in my original video and that was my biggest regret never never never delete work benches guys or anything that's outlined in white that can be stored and used later on there's no point in deleting it so this is just an example of the stuff at red rocket not to delete and then delete everything else and bring it to sanctuary once you come to sanctuary I do recommend that you delete all this stuff very early on in the game just so you that you have materials for making guns and like I said guys delete anything outlined in yellow it's useless but save everything outlined in white because sanctuary has the most furniture that can be stored in the whole game and this is all the stuff that you can store from sanctuary I lined it all up so I could give you an example alright why waste it and then I brought all of the work benches to this one area so that they're all in the same place and all the chemistry in the cooking station are kind of tucked away hidden as the power armor with the paint we just grabbed and now I'm just gonna quickly quickly show you how to build just kind of a mini base for the Settlers of sanctuary you know you may not be into the settlement building like I was but I definitely definitely recommend that you always always build just one base guys just one base just to have a place to keep your stuff and if you don't care about settlement building then it may as well be in sanctuary because Preston and all those people you know it's a quest so I may as well get it done here super simple like once you delete this stuff from Red Rocket and sanctuary then you're set seemed just super simple I like to have guard towers and then the second floor is always just beds for the settlers couple turrets you gotta and then I bring all of the work benches that I find in sanctuary always you know put them in the same building give this that lose a decent place to live gotta make it a little homey right I do recommend that you have all the DLCs I mean I just love it all this stuff that you can use and to build with from the DLCs gotta have those portraits up nice comfy couches 200 years later I sped through this mostly because I didn't think anybody would want an exact build guide and you know for time purposes I just wanted to give you guys an example of something super simple the settlers basic require needs are just water power defense and beds for their happiness and you just need to run a bit of power hook up some water generators and for the wireless energy you just need to run conduits near the light bulbs these guys right here and then just move them over and everything should light up now we're just going to be planting the tomatoes that we got from Abernathy farm and this way once you get Preston and the settlers here they are totally settled in and you don't have to do anything now this is the little bass we got going it's not much it's nothing special but it's something alright now for the console peasants like me who want to keep building but the settlement bar gets maxed out I just wanted to show you guys that the only way to bring that settlement bar down so you can keep building is by dropping weapons and storing them by pressing B or pressing o and that will very slowly bring that settlement bar down very useful tip that I did not know at the beginning of the game and now we're gonna make our way to the Museum of freedom we're gonna grab Preston and the gang alright you're gonna make your way upstairs after dealing with all those Raiders man I don't know who and just come in here grab this bad boy permanently increase perception by one preston guard come over here grab this yes and you get another game to play on your pip-boy atomic command now once you do that and grab the power armor and hop down everyone in sight have a bit of fun and now you can take care of this guy with no problem with the goodies we found so far and then as soon as you do that make sure to come right down here and we're just gonna grab one little stash bag here and then make your way all the way down and then there's some meds up top here and then just come into this room right here on the left another little stash food junk you know how it is another face tattoos I'd be glad right now you come back talk to Preston after you sent him and all the guys here by the way if you want to help out around here at all talk to Sturgis and then you just talk to Sturgis and you've already completed everything he was going to ask you to do that and I built something like I just showed you I was glad to help well I appreciate it easy experience alright now we're just gonna come down this way to the cabin make your way all the way down and we got another magazine oh yeah and just to the right of the computer we got a bottle cap mine which is the strongest kind of mine's all right now when you just come to this diner there's a good and an evil side to this you can either help those drug dealers and then they become permanent chem dealers here or you can help her and her son and she becomes a general goods trader me I like the general goods more than I like the drug dealer I can't wait to see the crows feeding on that scumbag here this is for you now if you ever need to trade my shops open alright now we're just gonna make our way to starlight drive-in which is literally a 1 second walk and I only say this because it's really close in between all these cars and the fence all around it's a great place to get lots of metal yes now you just pick this lock click this workbench you got the whole place unlocked simple as that guide and around the back of the projector screen a bit of food more importantly another fusion core and once it's naked and empty you should have quite a bit of supplies I'm just gonna show you here and when you set up settlement supply lines which you need local leader for the settlements all share one giant inventory so you don't have to cart it all back to one place all right now we're just gonna run up here grab another little stash come to the landfill there's a settler who needs your help you can help him take with a bunch of mole wrap grab another pot stash and then make your way down to the mystic Pines grab some medicine make your way down here nice get another fusion core can't go wrong with those fusion cores and then just run over here for one last magazine nice and permanently prices are better in stores and now we're just gonna run down here this is actually leapfrogging a settlement quest you just come up this way there's gonna be quite a few guys here so just be ready make your way to the very top where you grab the repair bottle head fusion cores last 10% longer all right now you come inside through the front door make your way up here kill the leader you can take his key for a safe that's directly under where we're standing now grab that stash and there we go another grog dog magazine all right now from mystic Pines just create along this road here to the police station come in here pick this another fat stash [Music] another fat man a bunch of ammo another mini-nuke cigarettes darts for the road drugs more darts mocks really strong I didn't have expert yet but you get the picture and then just run on down pick this lock yes you can actually hack that safe with the computer too and ballistic weapons permanently do 5% more damage and then from here just cross the lake to the fisheries and I'll warn you right now there's a lot of mirelurks in here so just be very careful come on to the boat and we have another unique face tattoo now I just want to touch on Bunker Hill because it is the Canterbury Commons so follow pork this is where all the roaming traders home of operations is as well as you can help the leader of this place and actually unlock it as a settlement a little down the line now from here I didn't actually show it but go to the USS Constitution grab a quest and then come down to the old church Old North Church sorry and this is just how we skip a bunch of BS and another leapfrog quest we're just activating the railroad faction but make your way to the basement spell out railroad are a il R ood rail route just kidding Our Lady time we say it in Canada rail rude are you talking to me and now you come in here and everybody is surprised stop right there who the hell are you I was just exploring and you just happened to guess the password to the secret door right well he's got to be someone he made it down here right normal people just don't do that so you got nothing he's a complete unknown and that's how you get the railroad started all right now I'm going to be showing you a very safe way combat free to get to good neighbor because downtown is pretty damn dangerous and good neighbor is one of the best places in the game to trade as well as I just wanted to point out to you the Cabot house request later on on my favorite quests in the game come down this way this is the mass fusion building right in front of us and then just come on in this way and boom each of these stores have unique legendary items most most vendors do and you want to come back to the hotel Rexford excellent get five percent more XP with followers and then come all the way up to meet an old friend why no it can't it's you who sanctuary Hills right I wasn't on the list to get in hey you know you could head back to sanctuary I'll come visit I promise when you send him to sanctuary and put him at a general good zoo well shop oh he becomes a unique handle trader right now and then this is just another little leapfrog quest you come into the memory den saved because you need to win a little speech challenge I think you've stepped into the wrong place sweetheart you don't look like you need the memory Dan you're cautious I respect that but I think I can handle it if you'll just give me a chance well I suppose there's no harm and giving you a trial run and then you come in here and I will not spoil the surprise and then you don't want to miss the third rail one of my favorite locations in the game I see you looking round the corner [Music] and pull up the chin this is where you get MacCready from fallout 3 that little kid can't say I'm surprised to find you if you're preaching about the atom or looking for a friend you've got the wrong guy if you need a higher gun then maybe we can talk get your buddy all right now you exit good neighbor and I'm going to be showing you another little quest leapfrog you just come right down this way and we're just quickly gonna be saving Valentine's all right make your way down here kill all the goons come into this vault that's where you're gonna find this guy kill the guy who's talking to him through the glass take his little key [Music] and then come in and see Valentine and don't forget to grab this guy speech bobblehead haha my knight in shining armor question is why does he come all this way risk life and limb an old private eye all right and before you leave this vault don't forget to grab this bad boy five more action points easily miss thanks for getting me out how did you know where to find me anyway not many people knew where I went honestly I was just there at the right time seemed like you needed help I appreciate it I want you to come to my office in Diamond City give me all the details I'll meet you there see you in diamond city okay now from here we're just gonna make our way down to the combat zone another super cool unique location [Music] everybody is gonna turn on you slaughter them all and then once you do that come to the very top of the theater grab that jump down and then we're gonna be grabbing another magazine of picket fence and then just come over here and gravitate and if you didn't already know kate is the baddest in the wastelands if you want to be evil she is the girl to travel with all right now I'm just gonna quickly cover Trinity tower you don't have to do this but honestly it's not that hard make your way to the very top kill all those super mutants the second tallest building in the game get a good view grab the key from this chest unlock this strong is the super mutant following one of my favorite humans for all the super mutant armor you find in the wasteland it's to put on him ego and then you grab this bad boy Rex don't once you come down to the very bottom you complete the quest and then you can talk too strong and get them as a phone at this strong travel with human goodbye Mac weedy goodbye McCready all right now we're just gonna come to the Boston Public Library real quick that's the tower we were just at just down the street and then you come on in here disarmed this little grenade trap grab the grenades from there if you have an overdue book you can get a magazine right there at that reddish terminal I'll be real careful because at the beginning of the game these guys are a little harder than they may seem what's the died five times I do this alright now once you kill these guys just come around this pile of junk there's gonna be a key some bobby pins grab those which will help you unlock this master lock when the bottle-cap mine another fat stash stealth boy some food but more importantly than all this stuff another bobblehead nice permanently increase intelligence by one alright now from here we're just gonna make our way up to this boat there's another fast - and a bunch of Raiders on the other end of that boat there but we aren't just going to be grabbing this perfect heels 50% more from fruits and vegetables alright now from there we're just gonna come up here real quick it's not too many super mutants in here very doable goal stash for ya and of course another magazine ballistic weapons permanently do five percent more critical and then you just come right up to the Cambridge University to activate the Brotherhood faction till the ghouls and then help paladin dance to survive out here are you from a local settlement I'm from vault 111 you're a vault dweller if you want to continue pitching in we could use an extra and then you can do the course for them and get the print wins to fly into the common wall I've been trying to send a distress call to my superiors our target is arc jet systems and it contains the technology we need so what do you say you willing to lend the brotherhood of steel a hand no time to waste let's get moving outstanding all right now we're just moving on to this plant the brewery now real quick you can just run this way a couple guys to kill a muffin too crazy and another picket fence nice and then we're just gonna across the river come to this bad boy to this treatment plant there is a bunch of stuff you can do in here but I'm just showing you another magazine you can activate a series of pumps and get lower and lower in the building but excellent we're just here for this alright and now we're coming to vault 81 another main trading hub as well as a good question all right now you can either get in here by a speech win or trading 3 fusion cores now once you get in here there's some traders this is the only place you can buy nuclear material and shipments as well as come down here grab this got another tattoo welcome well and then come and find this doctor I hope I'm not being presumptuous but I'd like to ask you a favor would you mind donating some medical stuff you've a sample of your blood sure you can have some blood excellent just have a seat all right now you do this and once you do this just leave the vault fast travel somewhere come right back this will be a great help now I need to go and then you activate this quest you have to do something Jake I'm running the test as fast as I can pricilla I can't treat Austin until I know what he's infected with you there how would you like to do involved 81 a favor and possibly save my boy's life I would be glad to help I was hoping I could count on you follow me all right hole-in-the-wall a very cool and unique quest where you come get Curie another follower yes yes I am I am so authorized you are released all right and she's developed this cure for the sickness that the kid named Austin had contracted by being bit by a rap grab this bobblehead go give the cure to the kid or don't and you complete the quest now from vault 81 we're just gonna run down to this place the hardware store hardware town come up here fat stash this key leads to a room on the left another fence - and another thing a picket fence alright now we're just gonna come down [Music] right across here jump here get around the building lalala alright and this I get in once you get in make your way down through the tunnels another fusion core and then you come in here and another face tattoo all right now we're going to be coming to Diamond City now once you get here Piper will meet you at the gates talk to her make your way inside we'll get to her in a second come around to the school another magazine robot followers do 5 percent more damage and then come over here to Valentines Detective Agency your buddy who you just saved oh god it's really you well it's hard to mistake this mug for anyone else you keep laughing at death some day deaths gonna laugh AK and don't forget to grab this bad boy for another holotape games Zeta and Bader's and then for the face tattoos that we've grabbed this far you just come to the doctor's office come in the basement to the surgeon and these are them I like these two personally and then just come in here talk to Piper she's gonna ask you about the vault tell her the story of the century yeah and then she becomes your follower you're a vault dweller jumpsuits a dead giveaway and that pretty much sums it up for this one I hope you guys liked it I I tried to get every single thing that everybody said that I had missed in my original video and as well as I have lots more so tell me what you liked tell me what you didn't like tell me what I may or may not have missed there's the general store with the vault tech rep the settlers are all happy painted tower armor life is good and here's all the magazines and bobbleheads that we collected I'm excited to bring you guys more content and I will be seeing you in the next one
Channel: GameVibz
Views: 1,786,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #fallout4, #falloutstart, #fallout4beststart, allout 4 beginers guide, how to start fallout 4
Id: 2WEb511amqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 12sec (2292 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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