Fallout 3 Best Start + Tips & How to Conquer the Capital Wastland

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how's it going guys i'm so so so excited to bring this to you because this is kind of like an anniversary video for my channel when i first sat down and got serious about youtubing in 2019 this was the first video that i made follow three best start plus tips but this is going to be so so much better than the original trust me on that so first thing we're going for with the stats here is just an all-around balance build favoring intelligence and strength a little bit that's my personal preference all right for the carry weight and for the science skill and then i skipped past the little childhood part this is right when you're about to take your goat test 16 year old boy and this is the first opportunity you get to get this bobble head right here the medicine bobble head which will increase your medicine skill by 10 points and then come and talk to the teacher and when it comes to choosing your special stats i choose speech science and lock picking that's just a personal preference of mine but you do whatever you like okay guys first thing is first right when she wakes you up come over here grab these stim packs and then make sure you hotkey them so that you can just press down on the d-pad and not have to go into your pip-boy every time and this baseball bat that is going to be your best friend for a long time everything in the entire first area the vault and the outdoor areas included can be done just fine with this bat so that you can save the bullets for the real fights butch will come up to you and ask you to help him with his mother and then after doing that he will give you the tunnel snakes jack snakes jacket alternatively you could just kill him for it if you're bad but and then on this level there was two more guards make sure you take absolutely everything from every guard and then there's one more upstairs i left armada and her dad and the interrogator alone so that she's not mad at me when i come back jonas's outfit we'll give you a plus five science if that's what you like and then just before leaving make sure you loot this one locker because it's a nice fat stash and then make your way out then once you come down here there will be two more guards to kill loot them [Music] and then make your way out guys uh the wasteland the wasteland this is one of my absolute favorite moments in all of gaming history guys boy oh boy gets me going every single time okay now first we're getting our explosives to 25 and next we're just dumping the rest into science and me personally i'm going for intense training for the first few early levels throw it in strength for some more carry weight and now we're headed right over there to those ruined homes and here we are again and inside this mailbox there will be some grenades some meds another cabinet over here and then just in the third house there is a safe okay now we're headed to that house right there okay all right now you're going to want to come inside guys and if you fail this speech check you can just load now when you came in the door and just keep doing it until she here gives you the money and you pass the speech check is that all you have is that really all you have no i don't think so so were you holding out on me 100 more caps could have saved your life you cheap woman okay guys now we are making our way to megaton straight ahead what a sight to see the nostalgia god i love this moment every time okay now we're making our way along the right side of megaton and for point of reference there is the freeway and there's this little rock with three small dead trees around it and it is hollowed out and you can get a sniper stealth boy some stim packs you're welcome now we enter the city make your way through the front gates and when you fail this speech check with luka sims just load until you get it because you get way more caps 500 if you pass this beach that's pretty steep uh fine do it in your power of the atom we'll all regret it okay now that we got that quest started we're just headed right up to moira's shop and real quickly guys i'm just going to show you a little glitch to get ahead but anybody who doesn't want to cheat just keep watching because i'm going to make you so rich by the end of this okay i promise now you're gonna tell her about living in the vault she's gonna give you the armored vault suit and the wasteland survival guide quest and now the little exploit is you have two pistols one is full health and one is almost broken you sell them both you buy the broken one you get the good one and just rinse and repeat that makes sense you might have to watch it a couple times but it is super easy so because we have so much caps already from that first lady in the house i bought all of the ammo from her that i could and now i'm just going back to a little pistol glitch to recoup my money see buy the cheap one get the good one buy the cheap one get the good one rinse and repeat until she has no more money and you have everything but make sure every time you leave you have both of the pistols and also this guys come back and buy this as soon as you can get it this is one of the best guns in the entire game i can't enough the rocket launcher schematics this is what the armored fault suit looks like pretty nice and if you did do the glitch and you got a bunch of myers junk and you want to get rid of it then you can come trade all of that junk to this guy for snipe hacks but again if you didn't want to cheat well at least you know where the doctor is to sell medical supplies okay guys now we're headed up to moriarty's saloon just at the top of the town come on inside all right my my i am mr burke i have in my possession a fusion pulse charge i don't ever intend on going through with this guys because i like megaton far more than i like the 10 penny tower home but you can still win this speech challenge just for a little bit of xp perhaps in addition to the base fee well go be a little tattletale in ruins sheriff mr burke wants to blow up megaton he gave me these fusion pulse charges jesus give me that thing let's go find this burke character let's do it you're about to get an education wasteland justice this isn't open to discussion you're coming with me okay guys now if you're a good samaritan you could stop mr burke from killing him but i am in this for my own personal gain so you can let him kill him and then you can kill mr burke and that way we have a unique sheriff duster outfit the unique hats lucas sims key and now you can call me the new sheriff in town hahaha or maybe you can call me mr burke okay guys now after that's been done just make your way out and now that you have lucas sims key you can come into this armory and if you're not against stealing a couple things then you can get very well stocked in here scrap metal guys hold on to all the scrap metal i can't stress that enough we're gonna get to that very late in the video but all the scrap metal you find keep it and hold on to it okay now we're going to disarm the bomb and since lucas sims is dead you can talk to his son you did it you disarmed that thing he wanted you to have these a key in the d to an empty place up behind the brass lantern okay and now we got our own home and 500 more caps power of the atom complete okay guys now we're going to be getting our repair to just over 30 at least 30 and then science science is at 50. and now i'm just going for intense training again personal preference and you can now go into lucas sims house it's the house closest to the right as soon as you walk into megaton come up the stairs and you will find the strength bobble head so now we have 10 strength and directly across from his house is your house this is now a unique player home place your bobble heads here you can get your hair cut done by that robot place all the stuff you don't need in here looking good okay guys now come to the very top of megaton into the water treatment plant what is it that the old water treatment plant is on its last legs i need someone to hunt down and repair those leaks you found your man okay guys the first link is just by myra's shop jump over the little ledge there one right here boom and the next two are on each stairwell in megaton there's only two the one near the entrance and the one on the opposite side of town all right go talk to our buddy fisher's up in the plant it looks like all that he will buy scrap metal off you but do not sell him any of your scrap metal okay hold on to it for a little later guys what do you need all right and he'll give you 200 caps now we're talking amira and now that we got some money we can afford the first few things in our home and then if you want to just do the little glitch recoup costs you can buy all the upgrades that are around 700 caps at this point now the next thing i always do guys is head over here to 10 penny tower but first the robco facility because that is right along the way this location is where you find the most scrap metal in the entire game we're going to be going over pre-war books skill books and i just want to make one thing clear don't read any of the skill books you can pick them up just don't read them until we get the perk to get two points per scale book to make the most out of the books and also guys so many stealth boys sensor modules conductors pick up all the high value junk then when you come to the center of the ruin then there is a big book of science another pre-war book right here and next we are going to be making our way up to the offices we were just down there come through this door and again just so much more conductors sensor modules another skill book another skill book and then in the final control room there is one final pre-war book and a stealth boy right on this table here boom and then after we've cleared out that building we are headed on to 10 penny tower just right close by okay now walk up here you'll hear roy phillips bickering with the guard how many times do we have to go through this you're not getting in you'll get yours all of you la la la okay guys if you save you can win a speech challenge to get in for free otherwise you'll have to pay a hundred caps okay and if you guys want to continue with the little gun glitch to clean this guy out of ammo and whatever else you want be my guest and now we're headed inside and the vendors that don't sell guns like the clothing vendor bartenders and misc trainer i would sell them the conductors and sensor modules and stuff we just got from the robco facility and then if you want to clean out the other people with the little glitchy gunway you can but also one of them has the dart gun schematic so make sure you get that before you leave here and now just outside of 10 penny tower there's this skill book right here and next we are headed over here to an unnamed location right near where we have to enter the tunnels to go talk to the ghouls but right here there is this little broken down building there is a traitor here but we're not here for him nuka-cola quantum in the background but most importantly we are here for the lucky glasses when you wear these it is plus one to your luck and we can even repair them with mr burke's glasses lucky us all right boom feeling lucky okay guys now we're headed over here to the train yard and i'm just gonna point out up here there's a rocket launcher a bunch of ammo a couple radaways i need some rad away right away and now we're coming down into the tunnels make your way all the way down and find roy phillips and talk to him about living in 10 penny tower what do you want huh those snooty probably can't stand living with each other let alone with us but by all means try talking to tenpenny if you like all right and that will start the quest 10 penny tower so now that we got that done there's just a couple of skill books in these little ruins one right here just beside the bed behind the little cloth wall another one in the closet and then another one just on the second floor above the one we just got big book of science now we're headed back to ten penny tower make your way up the elevator mr ten penny isn't taking care of you failed this speech challenge just literally this guy will let you on in oh all right i'll let just before we go and talk to tim penny on a desk in his room is lying congressional style another skill book you have a curious look about you i presume you have something interesting to tell me if you can convince mr and mrs wellington mr ling miss montenegro and ms lancaster those ghouls can live here okay and now we just have to go and find those people and just save in front of them do the little speech challenge and you will pass all of them i see my boutique you horrible little zombie lover all right a couple of the shop vendors and a couple residents that's all you'll regret this edgar wellington the second this is outrageous preposterous and then if you come on to this level where people live there's another skill book i leveled up here quick just threw the points into lock picking and then educated so that we get more points every level up for our skills and then just through here is the skill book tales of a junktown jerky vendor that's all the skill books around 10 penny tower damn it continue on with those speech challenges or what's happening and then tell 10 penny if my tenants want ghoul neighbors they can have them here's a little something for your troubles and then he will give you 500 caps for that whole little ordeal and then you can go and tell roy phillips really good job kid here's a little something for you trouble and then roy phillips will gift you the ghoul mask this is one of my favorite items to wear in the whole game because when you wear this feral ghoul mask barrel ghouls will not attack you in the subways and all abandoned buildings so just makes it so much easier all right beautiful now i went back to megaton got the last of the upgrades from my house because i had enough caps and this is just an example of what the house looks like i don't have the theme yet but i did buy that rocket launcher schematic from moira and then went to make it grab the science theme and this is what my house looked like got one of my favorite weapons right here and just miscellaneous junk is the ammo for it so you can pick up all the cups and pots and pans and burnt books all around the wasteland and explode heads with it what could be better clipboards coffee mugs you know boom boom boom got a nuka cola machine if you put nuka colas in here they become ice cold but i mean i don't really care jukebox and then here you can heal yourself restore your damaged limbs remove your rads so that's super handy over here you can detoxify yourself and create one random compound and that's the house haha okay guys now we're coming over here to big town this is one thing i always do super early in the game because it is time sensitive if you discover this place and don't do the quest the mutants will kill everybody over time so this guy will tell you their friends have been kidnapped he'll grab the quest big trouble in big town talk to people around town to learn where the super mutants carried their friends they took them to the north to the police station or something do you think you could find them and rescue them yes yes i could all right and just inside the house that i'm in front of right now in the kitchen there is another skill book okay guys now we're headed up here to the police headquarters but right here directly in the middle between the big town and there is this church haha couldn't not point this out because in this one building there are two skill books one is just right here big book of science and the other is just on a shelf over here another person you can set free for some good karma untie and head on to the police headquarters when you get here walk right around to the very back because the front is just one big trap don't even worry about that come up the stairs and enter through the second story now once you come inside be careful there are lots and lots of mines lots to loot lots of safes and that kind of stuff there is this skill book and then once you've cleared out this whole level make your way down to the main level ah death by burn book to the face and then in here we got another skill book come here rocket launcher man never gets old another fat stash on this level the goodies all right and then when you make your way to the area where red is in the cells you can let her and then just don't get us killed okay beside her on the left here is another pre-war book and then we are making our way down to the basement all right now in here you're gonna come to this little locked room and there is a fat man and a skill book i think there's only seven fat man's in the game and follow up three if i'm not wrong make your way to the kitchen clear them all out all right leveled up threw my perks all into lock picking again and then comprehension guys now if you want to read those skill books you can read them so instead of getting one skill point we get two per book thanks free this guy and then head back to big town talk to red i'm glad to be safely back home but i heard the mutants talking about another attack they'll probably be here soon and then you will complete the quest but there is this like unofficial ending where you just help them against one last wave of super mutants if you have some science skill you can get these robots turned on but really all you have to do is wait at the front of the town for them to spawn and kill them and then you're good for nothing i'm the sheriff all right guys we did it we saved the town hooray you didn't even help i brought you back from the dead okay now come and talk to red we did it you did it damn right i did it i don't even think you shot your gun once okay guys now we're coming in here this is to get a unique item gotta save this guy i thought you were supposed to be in a coma this guy didn't get the message he's not feeling well okay anyways you're gonna perform an operation he's gonna get up off the table and do not say this speech challenge or you will not get this item do not say this do not say this all right we got a lot to thank you for then exit out and then he will give you the lucky eight ball it's always giving me good luck and when you have this in your inventory your luck is up by one so wearing our lucky shades and having this lucky eight ball we got plus two luck so can't go wrong with that now we are headed to the super duper mart but right now we are just in between megaton and super duper mart just wanted to point this out there's the mall in the distance there and right here is a skill book chinese army spec okay now we're headed to super duper mart boom okay guys now we're here for a couple of reasons actually the first is some stuff for moyra's quest the wasteland survival guide we're looking for food and medicine but the second is actually one out of three of the biggest nuka-cola quantum stashes in the game so first you walk right in the door turn to your immediate right go all the way to the end and you'll find the food in the cooler in the fridge i should say kill the raiders haha you are no match for the lone wanderer okay now also right at the back near the lock door we have another skill book tales of a junk town jerky vendor and then make your way back to this door pick the lock all right and don't forget this mini nuke all the stuff on this table grab the medicine to complete the little quest for moira you can pick this computer if you want to get this robot up and running to help you fight the next wave of raiders and then just over here is one out of three of the biggest nuka-cola quantum stashes in the game and if you have the rocket launcher you got lots of ammo for it in here with all these empty bottles and then after you complete all that make your way back to myra yeah got it all really you did and take this it's an old food sanitizer just carry it with you and it should automatically make most food and drink more better and i think this somehow just improves the quality of food while you eat it okay now next guys we're coming over here you can walk over from the super duper mart and just along the place where we are intending to go there is this one skill book in the back of the semi and now we're coming over here to dukkha's place okay this is for one out of three special keys which we will be getting to later in the video but this is our first kill duke off himself aha i have no use for you all right and on his body you will get his special key i believe you can get it in another way or two but me personally i don't care and then come upstairs another skill book just above this bed and then we are headed down the river so one block down from zhukov's place you'll find this little raider area just keep following the river but right here there is one more skill book duck and cover and now after you continue making your way down the river we are making our way over here to rivet city i'm showing all the main trading areas in the game one by one and this is the biggest one and in this city you can get lots of quests this is just the market sell all your goods here and you can make your way down to the other part the living area and there'll be this museum you can pick up a quest here from this guy quite an impressive collection of the declaration of independence in the ruins of the national archives and that will be the quest stealing independence added also make your way into the science wing and you will find dr zimmer and you can get the quest the replicated man care this lab is dedicated to solving real problems and he is here to capture a synth that escaped from the commonwealth and then in the same room we have the intelligence bobblehead now please grab that and okay guys we're grabbing the second out of three special keys so those two doors there to the science lab there was the stairwell and right here we are looking for ted strayer wait until night and he will be sleeping on one of these bunk beds and then just save right behind him and grab his special key two out of three boom okay now we are making our way to the national guard depot just over here but i am showing exactly what i do as i level up so i killed this raider and leveled up so we're just gonna quickly look at my skills so you guys can do it with me if you prefer now i'm putting lock picking to 75 and just throwing the rest in science uh gunslinger that's just personal preference you do whatever you like and now we are at the national guard depot all right now this is one of the best stashes in the entire game in the top three for sure it might be the number one if you don't include operation anchorage but definitely number two at the very least now if you come right through the doors turn to your left come up the stairs right here there are two pre-war books and then make your way through to the cafeteria all right now come through this door and after you have made your way up the stairs and through this door right here we have another skill book tales of a junktown jerky vendor over here we have two more pre-war books or sorry no just one pre-war book here and then you're gonna make your way down the shooting range come through this door and then keep on making your way up you'll find another skill book right here just before you enter the level with the collapsed floor and then on the main pillar where the floor collapses if you walk around the back there are three more pre-war books and then make your way through the final door where you come to pull the lever to turn the power on and open up the vault come down here turn right around and in this room we have another skill book and then we are headed on to the fat stash all right guys now click this make your way down and then once you get into this ball you get so so much stuff minigun rocket launcher combat armor radiation suit mines knives grenades bullets bobble head right here all right now what i'm about to show you usually there are five codes spread throughout the entire wasteland you need to get through this computer but if you simply go into third person and look up you can just hit the switch and get right in without having to do any of that bs okay guys now tons of scrap metal in here remember guys hold on to that scrap metal and also there is what's called the experimental mirv and there's a skill book nuka-cola quantum the experimental nerve and five mini nukes and the experimental mirv is a fat man that shoots eight mini nukes at once no more and no less so i don't actually ever use it but now you have it okay guys now next we are headed over here to the scrap yard and this is for two things one is this little locked box we just got our lock picking to 75 which is required to get into this take this just towards the far end of the scrapyard there are three skill books in here and then just make your way around to the right and witness the power of dog meat he's already flipping buses and grab our new best friend hey buddy i missed you all right now we got dog meat and we are looking good okay now we are headed over here to the minefield and this is another part of the wasteland survival guide if you didn't get this part of the quest for from myra then do so and then within these four locked homes guys there are eight uh primor books and four skill books so there was the first pre-war book there's a skill book on this desk right here upstairs in the kids room there's another one in the parents room on the left of the bed another pre-war book and then in the bathtub don't forget that one and then as we make our way through the town we get to the second house get in here and on the main level we got our another pre-war book and then headed upstairs we got another skill book and another primor book on the desk upstairs and then once you make your way to the park and then you turn to your left we have the third locked home to explore and then just on the main floor here we got a pre-war book headed upstairs another skill book on the kids bed and then just near the broken building where the sniper is shooting at you from we have the fourth house walk right in first pre-war book on the main floor then head upstairs another skill book okay guys and then once you made your way to the center where the play structure is you will complete your objective and then return tomorrow potato the potatoes are hot moira second chapter is going to be a bit trickier i think well i never get to study anyone who's severely injured okay myra you want me severely injured ah [Music] all right now hold me up man you're out how do you feel now hold still and quit fidgeting ugh okay now get that part done with mole rats can burrow into almost anything and cause a lot of trouble and she's gonna ask you to deal with these mole rats and they're in the tepid sewers which is literally right beside dukab's place super nice make your way down kill as many mole rats with this repellent stick as you possibly can once you get to the part where there are raiders if you come over here there is one skill book tucked behind this toolbox and then just in the other room right close to where we were there is another pre-war book right here make sure you kill at least seven more wraps with moira's stick leveled up threw it into science and repair and then agility for intense training personal preference okay now go back turn that in i didn't need to show this she's going to send you right back close to where you were for some meyer lurk research and it's going to tell you to go in through some door near the anchorage memorial but really what you're going to want to do is jump in the water and come through this little sewer hole use a stealth boy and come touch one of these egg sacks plant the camera and then head right back out the way you can research it so you don't disturb her and i'll need you to get ancient history from a nearby library okay guys now we are headed to this library but on the way right here there is another skill book i can't leave up the skill books guys just can't do it you're no match for me and neither are your dogs decapitation with junk all right another skill book guns of bullets and as we are continuing to make our way to the library there is this one other unnamed location with another skill book little bandit area take them all out i'm the king of the wasteland and then right over here another skill book now just in the distance we can finally see the library all right now we're here the library make your way inside hold it this area is under the authority of the brotherhood of steel i will compensate you for every volume that you bring me okay guys now if you head up the stairs turn to your right in the first office there will be this big book of science continue down the hall straight and you will find this pre-war book on the opposite side of this little library in the same room there are two more pre-war books right here and then you're just going to want to go behind you and come right into the child's wing walk all the way to the right and you're going to come up to this room and there is sheet music and another pre-war book the sheet music's for another quest if you find it down the line you're welcome and then continue down the hallway you're gonna find the cafeteria with another pre-war book and a skill book right beside each other and then you're gonna make your way back into the main room of the library come down the stairs on the left and we are headed into this wing and then once you make your way upstairs and turn to your right you're going to be in the cafeteria another skill book and then somewhere in the middle there will be this other pre-war book and then in the room where you have to download everything from myra to get the whole library that's going to be this computer download that to complete the optional objective for the wasteland survival guide just beside the computer another pre-war book and then in the same room just over here another skill book and then go out through the top and you're gonna come into this one room back in the child's wing that was previously unaccessible and there are three three war books here and a skill book now you've gotten everything from the library and we got all these pre-war books that i've shown throughout the whole guide and we are going to cash them in very well here is your reward just shy of 3 000 counts return with more books so anytime you guys find pre-war books you know where to go whole library's worth bring it all back to moira oh but here's a book of mine and some caps for your research i'll give you an additional skill book and some caps i want to find out the history of how a successful settlement like rivet city got started i've also got to do a section on working with old computer electronics and that'll be it for the last chapter okay guys now she asks us to do two final things we've already been to the robco facility early in the video and cleared it out so basically long story short all you have to do is come to the main control room which had the final pre-war book that i showed activate the computer hack the computer and then just make sure everything is ceased and that way once you cease everything all of the robots will be friendly and you can wipe them all out for free energy cells and scrap metal a lot all right i can't stress that enough guys make them all friendly and then just kill them all for the scrap metal and energy souls that's just the thing oh and take my book on science she'll give you another skill monk and then she will ask you to do the final research on rivet city rivet cities in particular so i need you to go there and do some researching okay super easy i'm going to make this super easy for you to go to the market talk to this guy why i practically set this whole place in the speech challenge he's a little full of himself but it was hardly any place of importance until i arrived shut up then go down to the lower decks and talk to this miserable bartender and she will point you on the right path want to know this tub's history yes only person who really knows it is pink okay now pinkerton is important for two quests the wasteland survival guide and the replicated man and the way that you find pinkerton and once you complete the replicated man you can actually get surgery and change your whole look is you jump in the water swim underwater to this half of rivet city and then you will find him in this room also this is the room you were born in a little easter egg and there are two skill books in here also big book of science and dean's electronics right here talk to him about the founding of riverside city we've been poking around all right and he will give you a document they probably don't even remember but i kept the records of that first council meeting take them if it'll put them in their place okay and then once he gives you the rivet city historical record go and give that to mueller it's just as easy as asking around was it yes it was that easy oh and i'll let the rivet city traders know they'll be favorably mentioned in the book you'll get a discount buying gear from them in the future okay guys then you won't get a discount from rivet city trainers and that is the last of the wasteland survival guide objectives quest complete okay now we got this book we can put on display which became skill books and follow four so okay guys now we're coming over here to canterbury commons the reason i'm pointing this location out is because there is a quest associated with it and also this is where all the traveling traders come every second day so are you all right talk to this guy you will get the super human gamble and the mechanist hide and convince them to stop or otherwise end their hostility sir yes sir okay and then if you come over here to the little circle at the very start of town and wait 24 hours at a time the traveling traders will appear and there are some traveling traders with gun schematics so just keep an eye out for that ah welcome we're in the transfer doctor wait another 24 hours and the miscellaneous traveling trainer pops up good to see you welcome friends get the new car go for that grenade schematics from this guy i believe and then there are two skill books in the town one you have to steal from this kid sorry little buddy i need the magazine worse than you and then the others just in this garage here come inside make your way around back and just on the desk here boom another dean's electronics okay now guys we're going to be talking about paradise falls which is just over here another trading area town slash slaving area right there and if you're an evil character you can get in here for free no problem but if you're good like me you will have to win a speech challenge and pay 500 caps but it won't be cheap yeah i know it won't be cheap because you're cheap thank you you're welcome pleasure doing business with you and you can also get a quest from this guy but i personally never actually do this quest because it will get you shunned from the city around here and that is the quest strictly business okay guys now once you make your way inside of paradise falls if you come right up to this little pool table there is a unique weapon called the break not too sure if any of you will use this but i mean it was only a walk away from pointing it out so now you know and then come inside here and then just on this table here there is a key you can take that and then right over here just beside the projector is eulogy jones's hat that will give you plus one to charisma so that's a super awesome hat and then just over here on the table near the terminal the bobble head for speech so 10 extra points in speech and then come just behind the stairs here and this is the second out of three nuka-cola quantum stashes in the game you don't have to do this if you don't want to but you can talk to eulogy jones win a speech challenge and buy some kids it's a deal for some experience good luck because it's a little bit of leapfrog questing so okay if you do this you will get 900 xp from saving these kids well i guess that's it thanks for getting us out of there mungo no problem buddy okay now i got lock picking and science to 85 through the rest in repair and then grab the strong back perk and now we are headed over here to the top right part of the map but just on our way there we find the third out of three nuka-cola quantum stashes and that's three for three guys and if you are rocking the rocket launcher well then you have a lot of ammo for it too with all these nuka-cola bottles okay now after you've collected all the stuff here we are headed just over here to the republic of dave once you come in and turn to the building right on the left side there are two pre-war books right here and then also there is the perception bobble head that'll give us plus one to the perception skill our special stats come inside the other building into dave's office grab a stealth boy and then don't even think about it oh i'm thinking about it pickpocket his special key and that's three out of three special keys for a stash later on but also his key will open this safe here don't forget the nuka-cola quantum and once you get in here you have the unique hunting rifle all painless okay now i'm going to be talking about the dc strip all right now if you place a marker downtown and it leads nowhere then you place it somewhere you can't walk but if you place it somewhere and it will lead you through the subway systems well then you know you placed it somewhere you can go so the downtown dc strip is my favorite area in the entire game by far it's not even a close competition and while i would like to point out every single thing in this strip i'm not going to do that because i don't want to spoil the fun but i am going to point out one location okay now just near that spire come to the right and this is the museum of history okay now if you come in here there is a little mini town and this is one of the other main towns where you can trade goods oh well would you look at that if you come right in got us a smooth skin visitor and win this speech challenge then you know where to go for the replicated man quest but i'm not gonna hold your hand through that who did it over at rivet city yeah yeah okay now come in here and if you head up to the left into the bar this is what i would consider to be the second best follower in the entire game next to the super mutant so to get this follower you just have to talk to this guy and buy his contract would you now yes i would like to buy sharon's contract i suppose that could work yeah two thousand caps is nothing compared to this man's skill guys give you the pleasure of informing sharon yourself okay sharon you work for me now buddy yes you are my new employer then i will serve you but first i must take care of something okay that's what you call revenge okay guys now once we got sharon then just to the left here on the other side is an area where you get tons of unique uh lincoln objects you can get lincoln's diary a bunch of other things i'll just show you right here i'm not going to show every single object and where to get it because we're running a little late in the video but you can get lincoln's voice lincoln's diary uh john wilkes booth wanted poster civil war draft poster antique coin collection an action figure um lincoln's hat which i'm wearing right now but most importantly guys by far is lincoln's repeater this is one of my favorite weapons in the entire game and you can grab this bad boy it uses uh 44 magnum ammo looks absolutely beautiful and is just absolutely devastating all right every lone wanderer needs their own lincoln repeater okay guys now we're coming over here to fort constantine with sharon and dog meat all right you're gonna walk up here and there will be some outcasts robots make your way in and this is what the three special keys are for okay now you come into this house right at the start got a free war book right there good job sharon skill book right here on the bed another pre-war book just on the nightstand all right and then come downstairs in the safe and we have another bobble head big guns skill book right here stealth boy right now we use our first special key make our way down okay guys now in one room there's gonna be a skill book right here and in the same room just over here another big book of science and then make your way down and then once you get into this room you just have to pick up the key on this raiders bonnie and then make your way into this place right here okay guys now right here we got a nice another fat man another skill book another two mini nukes and i don't know if you've read all the skill books i've shown up to this point but i haven't so now i'm just gonna spam them all out boom boom boom knowledge i'm so smart now boom boom boom okay because we're about to level up now that i've read all the steel books got two points per book just gauge that and then pick up this armor and automatically complete the quest you've got to shoot them in the head now i would say around level 10 guys no matter what you're gonna always want your log pick and signs to 100 so luckily we got most of the way there with skill books and then throw the rest in repair commando that's just personal preference and we don't have power armor training yet but that's why we have our friend sharon sharon take this power armor all right now sharon is just a monster to be reckoned with he's already eight feet tall but now he's an eight foot tall metal man okay guys and now that we got our lock picking and signs to 100 you can get into the other stashes just in the same little area don't forget to clear those out okay guys now for this next part we're coming over here to fort independence now i'm going to be showing you the ultimate xp and cap glitch however if you don't want to cheat you can just simply turn things in here and not have to cheat but for the cheaters this is what you're going to want to do if you're going to get yourself killed out here you mind doing it further away from our bunker yeah yeah yeah if you want to help out well we might be able to work out a deal okay now this girl is gonna send you inside the gates to talk to some guy to turn in um you know like laser pistols laser rifles and scrap metal so for the xp glitch okay you're gonna want an even amount by the two so i had 52 leader of the outcasts yeah yeah yeah okay so now i'm going to be giving him all my scrap metal i have technology to turn in i got spare parts la la la you can do two at a time okay so do two at a time until you have none left the first time so i turned in all 52 out of 52 okay that's all for now once you turn them all in then save your game and then read it take a stealth boy steal them back without being caught okay now talk to him turn them all in again except for two okay so i'm turning in 50 out of 52. this is very important it has to be step by step okay so when you only have two left i got two left i gave him 50. i'm just gonna wait so my stealth boy wears off because now you want to pickpocket him but you need to be caught okay so take the 50 he will take all the 50 and also the two so right now you have none left in your inventory but the game thinks that you have 50. okay so now we are headed over to megaton and then come over to the water treatment plant that we did at the very beginning of the video talk to this guy to turn in scrap metal and because the game thinks we have 50 we can turn in all at once and just get 500 caps and 250 xp every single time so if you wanted to cheat to get to the max level or get super powerful or to any certain level that this is the way you're going to want to do it i just did a couple levels i didn't go too too hard but now you know how to do that and now guys the best tip i could possibly offer to set yourself up is the aiding the outcasts dlc for operation anchorage and i'm just going to quickly run through that and explain to you exactly what i'm talking about but first you're going to want to send dogmeat on his way and sharon because if you enter this dlc they just die for whatever reason automatically dog meat goes back to vault 101 and sharon will go back to underworld i will wait for you in underworld should you need me again yeah yeah shut up sharon and now we are just making our way through the little subway system come out and we find some more outcasts you got a death wish and then you're just gonna fight your way through some waves of super mutants with the boys okay guys and then once you come up to this skeleton structure make your way down the ramp and then just take the elevator down my order who the hell are you i'm the lone wanderer shouldn't you okay come and talk to this guy and then he's just gonna tell you about the simulation safety protocols disengaged yeah yeah that means you die in the sim your body goes into massive cardiac my middle name is safety protocols okay guys now right in the room you talk to him right across you're gonna pick this door okay and then there's gonna be a dead gary 23. so pick up gary's body come on gary you're coming with me where i go you go for the next hour okay you're gonna come in this room grab this suit from the girl and then once you open up the simulator pod we're gonna be picking gary up and placing him on the chair you know there is a golden way to do this you just get him up get his body over the top part of the chair get his right arm kind of hanging over the chair and then get his legs on each side of the chair and that's how you know your gold okay i've only messed this up one time ever out of doing it like at least 20 times so it's gonna look like this you know you got your right arm hanging over legs on each side of the chair so that when you sit down inside the chair your head is inside his body okay that's key wake up okay guys and then you're going to start the anchorage dlc i'm not going to be holding your hand through this whole thing i do have a video on my channel doing an in-depth walkthrough on this if you want to watch that you can but long story short you complete the first part you make your team on one computer and then choose your gear package on the other so we're going to choose the fire team package once you've chosen that package make your way outside come and talk to this guy save your game so that we can get the goss rifle what did you need soldier all right right down here hell you earned a lot of respect with the soldiers for what you did to those chinese artillery guns good okay now he's giving you the goss rifle drop the first fire team package on the ground with the goss rifle okay now go back into the tent and choose another fire team package so first we chose fire team now we're choosing close assault package what did you need soldier i'll just take care of all your old guys right now he would have taken away your old gear but since he dropped on the ground he didn't now drop the close assault package on the ground and then go back into the tent and choose the sniper package and then once he gives you the sniper package drop that on the ground and then there's only one package left that's the heavy assault package i'll just take and then once he gives you that you can pick everything up off the ground okay guys now we're going to be doing the ammo grind so now that we got all these weapons we click the ammo machine and then go into your ammo and then drop it all on the ground all right and this is how we set ourselves up with ammo for the entire game there is the pit dlc and if you want you can change these ammo types into other ammo types which is just so useful so i only did it a handful of times here you know but if you want to do it i would not recommend going over 40 000 5.56 rounds and then this is towards the end once you clear up both sides and you come up to the general save your game and this is to get the best sword in the game all right shoot that out of his hand and then pick it up off the ground as fast as you can because he will go for that very very quickly so be careful give him a taste of his own medicine all right and then you're going to be exiting the simulation matrix okay guys now this is key as you're exiting the simulation you want to spam a or x or whatever it is on pc boom boom boom aaa xxx and then we're gonna get into gary's body before the simulation takes away all the unbreakable gear from you so all this stuff does not break down and normally you would not be able to get it but since you put gary's body on there and you threw it all inside his body as we exited just get through we're just laughing yeah thank you okay now we got the winterized combat armor which does not break down all those weapons that don't break down and we are just laughing best stuff in the game guys serious upgrade and then once you've completed that we have power armor training and then you can come through here unlock this door and get the best armor in the entire game this armor does not break down funny little story about this armor actually bethesda did not mean for it to be the winterized set that doesn't break down they meant for it to be the exact set that sharon was wearing that we got earlier but it was a mistake and they just ended up leaving it thank god for us all right don't forget that chinese stealth armor when you wear that and crouch you go invisible and now we got all the best stuff in the entire game guys how nice sibley i don't want to hear it i'm the king none will escape or stand against me okay guys now that is about it for this video guys i hope you liked it i know this was a very very long one but you know there was just so much that i did not want to leave out and i got lots coming if you like the content consider donating to me on patreon and i will catch you guys in the next one peace you
Channel: GameVibz
Views: 409,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #fallout, #fallout3, fallouttips, fallout3beststart, fallout3op, fallout3tips, Fallout3ghoulmask
Id: p6DOuy4n-Bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 52sec (3592 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 01 2022
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