FALLING TEXT Animation - Hitfilm Express Tutorial

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hey creative people in today's hitfilm express tutorial I'll be showing you how to make this today's video tutorial will be rated 3 out of 5 on the difficulty scale it'll be intermediate and just one quick mention before you begin I will be using the free version of hitfilm in the software hitfilm express so you won't need to buy anything but hitfilm has just started their thanksgiving sale FX home has and you can buy all four of their Pro products in their pro bundle hit on Pro ignite Pro action Pro and their new emerge Pro I'll leave a link down the description and if you click on that link a small amount of that will also go to help fund these tutorials as well but with all of that being said let's just get straight on into this title I've got a completely blank project here so I'm starting from scratch the first thing I'm going to do is to create a new composite by clicking new composite shot in the media panel I'm going to rename it very quickly and then I'm also going to change the duration to be something like 4 seconds when I've done that I'm just going to hit OK and a new composition will be created now it's time to create our text just go new layer text and we'll create a new text layer now you might notice if you followed some of my previous tutorials this text is actually a bit different an updated text in hitfilm express so that now it's less bound by just boxes and you can just type freeform text like so so just click on the text tool and just start typing in your text then you can highlight it all I'm gonna hit ctrl a to highlight everything and just like normal I'm going to go down into the text panel over here select my font character and everything like that what you might want to consider doing today is to increase the character spacing this will make sure that letters are further apart and it look a little bit better when they letters come in individually I'm quickly going to head and go back to my normal tool now I'm going to go into the controls and under transform I'm just going to adjust the anchor points so that the text is roughly in the center of the frame okay so now it's time to start animating our text although all the letters are going to be done separately to start off with I'm just going to do all of the text as though were the first letter I'm going have one second red starts coming in I'm going to have one second where it stays in the middle and then one second where it moves out so let's put this into action open up the text layer and open up the transform in the timeline window here we're going to be adjusting the position value go to one second you can use the cut timecode here if you want to go to an exact second and enable keyframing for a position by clicking on the circle next to the position this will create one diamond keyframe here which saves that at this point in time the position value will be zero zero which is at the center of our frame then go to zero seconds and just drag the Y value up or you can do down whichever way you want you to come from at the beginning so that it's just out of frame now when you play back between the two keyframes it'll move from the first to the second what you can also do is just highlight this then hit control C on our keyboard go to two seconds paste that keyframe with control V and then go to three seconds and drag it all the way down all right so now it looks like this but it's not quite smooth enough to just make everything smoother you can highlight all of the keyframes and then click on the manual Bezier here in temporal interpolation select that and play it back you should notice that it'll be a little bit smoother however it's still not what we want I'm going to go into the value graph and that way we can adjust the position better over time so just click on the value graph there and we'll open up the whole value graph when we click on a value it'll show the value graph for that variable and their variable we want to look at is position on the y-axis we have the position or the value we've clicked on and on the x-axis we have time we can see our value changing over time the x value the red stays completely still because it's in the middle but the Y value up and down changes over time we can adjust the interpolation of this to see how our value changes let's just zoom into the first second here to see what's going on I want the text to immediately start coming down and only really smooth out at the very end to do this I'm going to drag the handle down and actually up in this case so that it goes down faster and then smooths out towards the end and I'm going to drag this one a little bit like this now let's play back and see what it looks like as you can see it comes in pretty fast I might not want it to be that fast so I'll adjust the values again until we get something that's a little bit smoother so what I'm going to do is I'm going to zoom out quickly and then I'm going to do a similar thing for the other one I'm gonna drag this down and we're going to drag this across as well now it's probably a good idea at this point to adjust any of the final things we want to do to our text be at the position or anything else for example I'm going to go into the layer properties and in the blend mode sorry not in the blend mode I'm going to go into turn on motion blur here at the beginning you can see that now our text is more blurred and it makes it look more realistic as it's coming down towards the center now it's time to split this text up into its individual letters I'm quickly going to exit the value graph and just rename this one to C then I'm going to duplicate it five times one for each other letter other than C of course you'll have a lot of more letters or a lot less letters you'll just have to duplicate it so you get one layer per letter so I'm gonna hit control D which will create a duplicate so that's the R this will be an E a T and the final E and I can go ahead and rename each of these accordingly by right clicking rename or I can also go ahead and click f2 like so so if I select this layer f2 and then I'll name this e now they're all named correctly but they're actually all the same layer we're going to separate each of these so that the individual letters this is the eye icon next to all of these letters is a toggleable layer visibility so I'm just going to head go ahead and toggle all of these to be off except for the first C then I'm going to grab the rectangular mask tool just click on it and then drag over you'll see and now you've got a C which is masked out as you can see the mask moves with the position value so there's no need to create one big long mask over here it should just mask out the C and move the C accordingly next go to the our show there our hide the C and just mask out the R sorry not on the C layer make sure you select the I'll layer then mask out the R then hide the our show the e select the layer and do the a and do this for all the letters all right so now we have all of our layers individually but as you can see it still moves just like it does before but there's one really easy way to fix this or we can do is just move them back a couple frames in time so I'm just going to zoom in so we have a clearer view now each one of these will be one frame my comp is currently at 30 frames per second which means that there are 30 frames every second of footage if I want the difference between all these letters to be one second I can make each of these five frames difference so let me just show you how that's done I can drag the R to the 5 5 frame mark and then I can drag the e to 10 over here and then the a to 15 and so on I'm just going to do this until 25 like so and now let's play back and see what it looks like each of the letters comes in and goes out individually of course you can customize all the timings in between here you can customize your text and created your own but that's the basics and that will do it for this tutorial if you liked it then be sure to hit the like button and of course you can subscribe to my channel shiny films for more content just like this make sure to check out that Thanksgiving bundle Thanksgiving sales sorry on that he filmed pro bundle with hitfilm pro ignite pro action pro and emerge pro and again the link for that will be in the description thanks for watching I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Shiny Films
Views: 58,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, hitfilm express, hitfilm, hitfilm 4 express, hitfilm pro, animation, tutorials, after effects tutorial, hitfilm 3 express, hitfilm express 2017, hitfilm tutorials, hitfilm falling tutorial, text, css animation tutorial, glitch hitfilm tutorial, hitfilm tutorial, hitfilm express 4, hitfilm 2 express, hitfilms express, css animation text, hitfilm 4 express glitch effect
Id: JeH18RZYaQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 20 2018
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