Fall Revival Part 1 - Sam Pounds

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[Music] i know [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] this morning it's just good to see um all those who are here and see the family and you know i'm calling these i'm in trouble barbara good to see you mitch good to see you that's outside so these next few days in regards to um the the message of the hour is this the spirit speaks and we're going to be looking and and at that lesson we're going to be talking about something that we don't talk about much in the church and that is the holy spirit i think it's crucial i think it's a great necessity that we understand uh the third uh person in the godhead and what is he doing today what is the work of the spirit and how does he work uh in our conversion and then after we're christians yeah i think we need to understand in regards to work of god's spirit and so that's what we're going to be heading i'm going to start that lawsuit on tomorrow night we're going to basically start looking at the godhead and the division of the godhead division of labor in the godhead and we're going to be looking at the holy spirit because we're living now if you understand my language we're living now in the age of the spirit i come with me and i love i love coming to the girl uh my brother never tell me how long to pray [Music] and i was singing that i had to catch myself yeah you know because you know is difficult yeah um struggling even now you know they come here and not sleep strong and just you know just not getting nothing to see that song and just had to step back and kept myself a couple of times you know that her spirit um even though it lives and joyce and so it's the joy that lives in her yeah and i tell her sometimes when she talks i i just hear i just hear mom you sound like it you know you sound just like her and yeah and her children and their spirit that she left behind and i just pray that that we remember that remember um the unity that that mom saw you know among all of her children and grandchildren and if that was something i'm gonna i didn't come to a unc again but i remember something she said when the kids were real little we used to meet over her house for christmas and and the family got so big and everybody kept having children uh remember it was too big for the house and we had to move outside and i remember i was standing next to modern crystals and the kids they were real small then running around and mom said i just want to live to see them grow up remember she said i remember she said you know at the time all of my kids were small yeah although i was so small our kids and and um and brent law's daughters and kevin yama all was so small at the time and then you had um scooter and and all of them i just remember how little they were my mom made that [Music] i just want to declare paul writes to a young son in the gospel timothy in first timothy chapter four and verse number one he said now the spirit all right amen speaking expressly yeah that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils the spirit speaks when the apostle paul wrote these words timothy being his young son in the faith he writes to timothy to remind timothy that you have to be careful because they are false teachers and his false teachers are going to arise and he goes and reverse one all the way down verse uh six and following he begins to talk about the with the concept be careful uh of false teachers and he said i want you to go and be mindful of the fact what in the spirit what did the spirit say all right and if we would just even today we would just take that the admission of the apostle paul yeah uh we can assure ourselves that we're doing what god has commanded us to do what does and what did the spirit what did the spirit say okay we're going to be looking at that today because uh the bible tells us in second uh peter chapter one uh that the word came not in old time by the will of man but the bible tells us that it was the the it was the spirit of god the holy man of god they were moved by the spirit of god yeah and so it was god's spirit of behind these men who wrote the word and the word that we have today is so important that we understand this that the word we have today is the word that's going to take us from where we are make us to the shore celestial shores of heaven one day and so as paul writes uh paul said be mindful yeah uh what did the spirits say in other words it doesn't matter what man says it doesn't matter what some preacher has said the bottom line is what did you know what did the spirit say that in the yeah century there were some things that uh would circulate around the church and they were saying things it was a phrase they would often use and they would use the phrase this is a faithful saying right in other words that this is what the spirit gave us amen this word is tried and true and you can trust it because it is a faithful saying and that that faithful and reason it was faithful was because it came from a faithful god awesome that the god we serve is faith i think god is faithful look at your bible in first corinthians and verse number nine the bible says god is god is faithful by whom you were called unto the fellowship of his son jesus christ our lord god is god is faithful in first thessalonians 5 and verse number 24 the bible said faithful is healing that called you who also will the bible say we'll do it in second thessalonians chapter 3 and verse number 3 the bible says but the lord is he's faithful and i'm glad that we serve a faithful god look at your bibles in revelations 21 verse four and verse number five but what the bible says in god shall wipe away all tears from their eyes in the bible so there should be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain for the bible for the former things oh passed away and he just sat upon the throne the bible said said behold i make all things new and he said unto me right for these words are true and the bible it is a faithful word because the bible still says that god's word is forever [Music] [Applause] nobody can undo what [Applause] [Music] that's why the bible says um to us i want to look at a couple of things and i won't hold you too much longer but i want to look at a couple of things in regards to some faithful sayings now that the spirit helps us are my friend today to understand in regards to the salvation process look with me in the book of first time in chapter one below if you know my first timothy chapter one and we'll look at verse we'll start at verse number number 12 because there's some faithful some faithful sayings in verse 17 chapter one in verse number 12 as paul writes um to his young son in the gospel paul says first of all paul says you need to understand why jesus came you need to understand first and foremost if we gonna ever make heaven our home amen if we're gonna ever live for god the first thing you gotta understand is that jesus did in fact i knew he came but but not only did he come but you need to understand the very reason why god sent his son in first timothy chapter one and verse number 12 watch what the bible says and i thank christ christ jesus our lord who has been able to enable me for [Music] paul said because before the life i live and that's what i love about apostle paul because the lord can turn paul around right now that god can show them turn us i thank god he's in the recycling business yeah i thank god that god you know someone said in regards to the goodness of god you know um bro you know what back in the day we should look at samford his son yeah yeah you know if you look at samples you'll see a certain example yes you will yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] is now but i can't say god god gave me mercy you have to thank god for the mercy of god he gave me mercy come on because he said why is that ball because paul said i did this but i didn't ignore it and i did it in unbelief i was ignorant i didn't know and i was in unbelievable right but watch the book come to read sir at the grace of our lord and the grace of our lord was exceeded was exceeding is [Music] to save sinners why did he come he came to save sin amen and the bible said this is a faithful sin in other words there could be no doubt in regards to the very reason why jesus [Music] that's why luke said in luke 19 and verse number 10 jesus said i came to seek and to say that which was the law amen well i want you to understand we recognize that god sends his son god said well how did he come i'll tell you at first john first john chapter five and verse number six how did he come i'll tell you how he came the bible said in first john chapter five and verse number six listen to what john said jesus this is he that came by water washington how did jesus come he's the bible that he came by whatever and he came by blood you want to know how he was declared to be god's son sent on a mission here from god he came by water and he came by blood well how did he come by water i'm glad you all answered that yes y'all remember you remember the bible said in matthew chapter 3 and beginning verse number 13 the bible said there at the jordan river yeah the bible said john the baptist baptized him but something happened to let you know that this is god's son but what happened brother the bible says that when you remember he was having that conversation with john and john said oh i don't need to baptize you you need to baptize me but john the help he had explained to john he said listen something's so important to me so now because [Applause] [Applause] and god said this is [Music] [Music] [Applause] emotions at all but when they crucified our lord the bible says that some strange things started happening first of all the book said that the son not only that but the bible said there was an earthquake yeah after the brains of the world started walking down through the streets of jerusalem you remember the veil of the temple was split in twain from top to sold to them who witnessed the crucifixion and he said truly [Applause] i want you to know he came [Music] then we need to look at in regards to not only did he come but i need us to understand he came christians he came to empower us yeah he came to us that you and i after we've been baptized we were faithful to god [Music] god blesses us our brothers and sisters in promise with our eternal life now i say you have eternal if you're a christian a child of god those have been washed in the blood of the lamb he promised us eternal life now right now it's a promise to us that's right now we're going to get it in reality when we leave here but you need to recognize when you do what god told you to do he gives us eternal life he gives it to us now look at your bible first timothy chapter four now let's look at verse number eight and first timothy chapter four verse number eight watch what the bible says first timothy four and verse eight and verse number nine where he says lord bodily ethnicity father look you see it's all right to go exercise i said right matter of fact it's recommended if you want to have a good life as time moves on it's highly recommended yeah well the bible should be mindful though that bodily exercise is profits in profits a little bit yeah all right we're going to read sir but god bless you but godliness is profitable to all things all can be spiritual glory sir heavy problems of the life watching him we have promised of the life that nowadays see we got the promise now promise of the life that now is we got problems of eternal life when do we have it now we got that problem right now the bible don't have boy don't [Music] it talks about the idea that we have this eternal life right because his life is in his son we have this life now and the bible said now watch this done he said bobby it's not a proper little regardless is profitable to all things happening we got eternal life now and we have it to come and we will have it to come in in reality we got it now and promise we're going to have it in in reality we're going to read sir this is the thankful god how do you know that we have it not but i promise you have to come because the bible says this is a faithful sentence i mean this is a faithful thing this is a faithful saying the bible help us understand that the reason we have this this life now because of the spirit it matters because the bible said it's the spirit john chapter 6 and verse number 63 the bible said is the spirit that quickened it it's the spirit that makes us alive that's right we are alive spiritually because god's spirit it connects with man's spirit oh yeah and this is how we're saying we're saved today because god's spirit it connects with our spirit that allows us to become children of god now we talked about this before god gave you and i spirits we have human spirits and no one dies until the spirit leaves the body we know that in john chapter 2 and verse number 26 james 2 26 the bible says the spirit without the bodies did so the bible helped us understand that when the spirit spirit leaves their death separation it's the separation of the spirit from the body from the soul there's that great separation and that's what we call thanatos and we call that that's what we refer to as death now god gave us a spirit that one day his spirit yeah will connect with our spirit of god and when god's spirit but next with our spirit are we children of god and we're going to look at that this week lord as well because i want you to see this because a christian the spirit is always with you that's right brother power what about a person in there remember the church they walk away the spirit is still there with them um [Music] that that spirit never leaves us now that doesn't mean that everybody is going to be saved but i need you to understand that god gave us the spirit that's perfectly we're talking about that because the spirit of god is a it's the earnest [Music] it makes us alive and the bible tells us because of this we have this promise now and the spirit leads us yeah yeah because in romans chapter eight hit it from the brother chapter eight in romans chapter eight and verse number one the bible talks about how god's spirit leads us yes and it leads us well you gotta understand this is the whole concept is that there is in every child of god there is a spirit god gives us his spirit there is a divine influence that you and i have but you got to understand this the holy spirit does not just come down and take over that's right i said the holy spirit just take over your life that's right you and i we have to allow the spirit to lead us and it is up to us because if the spirit just came in and just took over our life then how can god judge us for something that we're not responsible for we are that's why we have a soul we are responsible for our decision we are responsible for what we do whether we obey god or not it is left up to us but the bible tells us now that god gave us a spirit we have connected to his spirit and that spirit wants to lead us it wants to lead us and to guide us because the body's in romans chapter eight watch what the bible says don't read sir romans eight verse number one foreign no condemnation to deal with god in christ jesus don't judge the child of god because christ already judged amex [Applause] because jesus already died [Music] [Music] his blood just keep on cleansing up exactly live your life with god my friend when you do wrong don't worry get yourself back over here and then blood just keep going people bring up your pain but don't worry [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] who are in in christ jesus christ you got to get in christ jesus christ because the spirit gives life amen nobody can have life without a connection with god's spirit he's life and he gives us life what does he give it to us we have this life now [Applause] it's gonna be all [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] because [Music] we have like members we have white numbers and i say this quite often and i tell them how foolish it is to be prejudiced yeah judging people based on the color of this scene but uh [Music] don't don't have time to deal with this but remember acts 17 26 god made everybody think about that all of us come from adams someone said no bro we all come from eve no we everybody was together that's right the bible said the whole world was one lady that's right but then what happened the bible said because man would not obey god ma'am gonna build him a tower going up to god they call him some went to region where it was hotter than [Music] [Music] their yeah what makes us different than other folks the suv but who brings us together [Applause] we will look just like this let me say that whatever jesus looked like we're going to look just like this i gotta hurry i gotta go okay guys i can't get out [Music] [Music] [Applause] god that the righteousness of the [Music] packed into how we're led by our spirit and how gospel wants to lead us and to guide us and then don't have time let's look quickly at second timothy two and verse verse number 10 uh in regards to what the spirit gives us as a faithful saying and we recognize number one why jesus came god sent his son yeah yeah amen god sent his son for the purpose bible says to deal with man's sin and then second timothy and verse number 10 and then he helped us understand you could have eternal life right now we promise you i'll give it to you but i give it to you now to let you know i think you can enjoy your life and you can be see this power church in knowing right now there's something about the power of knowing or you're not going through how you're going to like worry that you're not going through life um you're just you're so confused and there's power when when you know you see that there's always fear in the unknown if you were to go you know sometimes you you know you back in the day not now we we've learned but you know back in the day you go into a dark house yeah when you're fearful yeah yeah see so some things happen to you when you're fearful when you're struggling when you're scared you'll start hearing stuff i said when you're sick you know your eyes will start seeing something and there's nothing there [Music] you see that's why a lot of times people are afraid of death because they didn't know the unknown it's always fear in the unknown but the lord is so good amen he went through the waters of death then he came back to [Music] the idea individuals who died in the lord they just went to sleep yeah they're asleep in jesus that's the power of knowing and even when i leave here i know everything's going to be all right my third to get to the third one third point second two and verse 17. therefore therefore i do all things that's the third point i do all three let's say for the election and then they also obtain the foundation he said there's salvation where is where you're salvation is in christ jesus with eternal glory that word says what there's a faithful yeah some faithful saying well we'll be dead with him and we be dead with christ we're gonna live that's the beauty of jesus right we're gonna we're gonna be with him and the spirit helps us to understand that you got to get in christ in ephesians chapter four and verse number three the spirit it leads us the spirit leads us in jesus christ he leads us to christ well how does he do that brother pounds well the bible says chapter four and verse three watch what the bible says the bible tells you that we all didn't definitely keep them like the bible say you are the devil um young man young lady mother father you are in devil think about what the bible says the bible talks about even this concept um yeah we recognize we need faith the mind says that faith is a substance [Music] faith is a substance sub understands abilities and [Music] [Music] faith sight five senses sight hearing taste sight smell taste hearing in touch but spiritual things cannot be discerned with our senses that's right that's right how does jesus become real to us and we can't see him with our eyes how could god was a spirit be real to us and we can't touch it they are real to us by [Music] how do you know you're going to be all [Music] [Music] who don't ever get on the mountain and get you happy that's right because every mountain is attached to that yes sir you may be up today but don't get comfortable because you can't stand it you got to deal [Music] back up [Applause] because when [Music] give god pray proverbs 3. the bible says verse number 5 the bible tells us the bible said trust in the lord in the law yes sir to your own understanding whatever [Music] if i go to the grocery store it's not on sale but i still have enough to get some thank you i want to acknowledge him [Music] you get a parking space up close thinking though [Applause] [Music] lord i thank you because you know what it could be worse i'm just going to learn just a lot just to say thank you all right all right you see we have to learn as people of god learn them you got to trust something but i don't know why this is happening but i know you do [Music] become too heavy i can't handle this no i'm going to trust you when i can't see my way out even though i can't trace what you're doing i'm going to trust you better this is what god is trying to say to us so i gotta hurry keep the unity of the spirit because he wants us in christ how is he going to get us in christ why should he go tell us now keep the unity of the spirit how the bond of peace keep it in peace he's saying why there's only one place there's only one place if you want to experience this in regards to why jesus came there's only one place if you my friend want of eternal life and promise and then have a reality when you leave here there's only one place that is that is the body yeah there's a body come on read sir what field watch is not one spirit spirit only has one purpose amen right that one purpose is to get you to go yeah we're looking in just a moment the purpose of the spirit is to get us to go better that's why he's in us he's in us as children of god because after we come to christ he want to make sure we stay connected to god he wants to be connected to him and in his heart what do you mean the fool lives as if god doesn't exist that's what the psalmist is trying to help us understand the fool has said in his heart that there is no god he lives if god doesn't exist he lives his life as if god does not matter what i come by here to tell you oh yes he does i said god live god lives and he's super rude amen somebody when trump went to the white house we were surprised i'm surprised one spirit one spirit has one purpose is now you are called and one hope there's only one hope there's one prayer amen watch that there's only one prayer i don't have time too much teaching here that there's only one parent what is that prayer titus one and verse number two hope of eternal life amen what's your prayer eternal life amen what's the spirit why didn't he come to give us life amen if you're praying to have eternal life then you need to be following and obeying the spirit amen amen you know god a little jesus who's the head of my life no he's not the head of your life if you're not a part of his body you got to be in his body for him to be your head all right going to reach sir one thing watching down what there's only one practice you don't have your faith i have mine there's only one practice what's the spirit of the unity of the spirit amen there was a universal spirit one place one body that's right what's the unity of the spirit he tried to have another one perfect only one purpose that's to get you to god look help us understand we don't have one hope there's only one prayer the lord only has one people only had one people those who are under his head they might only have one practice the bible says that one faith which means there's only one practice then the bible says one baptism there's only one preaching amen one preaching to get us into place amen one preaching in regards fulfilling the words of the spirit one one one preaching to help us understand that uh to achieve my friend to see me i'm the answer to that one friend that we might have eternal life there's only one preaching to help us become the one people my friend that's under the headship of jesus and the bible says there's only one practice yeah we preach baptism we're preaching one practice that's right who's behind all of this the bible says go to return what the one god only one person only the culmination behind all of this all right the spirit tells us how can i get this for the power the bible says that salvation is in christ it tells me that the bible says that in i could have eternal life and and promise now and i have a reality when i leave here that's right and the very reason why jesus came how can i make sure i'm a part of the very reason why jesus came and take part in that look with titus three and titus chapter three we're gonna beginning verse number three and titus three in verse number three watch what the bible says titus three in verse number three before we all say watch the bible says but we are saying all through a dark time food i told you church don't don't never talk about anybody else what paul says listen as he writes the young son of the gospel of titus he said truth be told we were all sometimes we're all foolish that's right that's right that's right we are foolish amen there was a time we were foolish but come on son there's no beach but we were disobedient yes come on recently listen we were deceived servant divers look we serve diamonds and plants listen there's a time we just look at feeding this old flesh we lived in mountains and everything we live we hated to keep my hands stuck that matter we trying to find a way for them [Music] [Music] all right [Applause] [Music] your mirror and if you like what you saw looking back at you they better go do you walk out that house you ain't had no problem yes you can see somebody else oh that's nice what you have on this right [Music] [Applause] but if you don't love yourself you can't love your neighbors [Music] come on have mercy lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] righteousness which we have done through mercy you got up this morning because of messages but grace had a conversation with them thank god for mercy there don't have time for romans 12 verses 1 and 2. go back and read that bible i'm appealing to the mercy of god you keep appealing to god's mercy mercy remember is different than grace grace is god giving us what you and i don't deserve that's grace grace is god giving us what we don't deserve that's grace grace is god's american faith but god giving us something i don't deserve that's great but mercy lord is god withholding punishment that we do deserve amen said yes i know y'all deserve it i know you're guilty but master said i'm going with hope i say thank god for mercy i keep saying that yeah oh yeah [Music] when god made us he says all souls of my life that's right every person when god made them they were he is yeah we were not made brothers and sisters business friends we were not made at the point of birth right we were made at the point of conception that's right amen jeremiah said he knew me when i was in my mother's day brother yes sir before i was born already so when god makes us we belong to him that's why if a baby dies a baby cannot be saved [Music] because you cannot save something that was never lost right they're like right they are safe we reach this age of accountability and we sin then god loses us that's right that's when jesus was talking to those jews in john 8 44. he said you are of your father the devil yeah because now you're not you're out of the father's possession that's right that's right you become servants of sin he sent jesus for the purpose listen to the bible luke 19 10 he came to see this is what mike says he came to see and to say language was lost that's right how can something be lost if it was [Applause] this when we look at this the bible tells how good god has been to us that's right he saved us not by works of righteousness which we've done that by his mercy he saved us by the walk by the washing of regeneration [Music] jesus comes to reclaim us and he's in the waters of baptism uh [Music] baptism is the washing of regeneration yeah yeah and the renewal of the holy spirit says the spirit now is connected to us and so what god says now i lost your sin but [Music] [Music] [Music] this is why this is the faithful this is a faithful saying you got to be in jesus christ you've got to be in christ how how can i get in christ first corinthians 12 verse number 13 verse 10 verse are we all baptized into one body the teaching of the spirit yes the teaching of the spirit to do what is to get us in jesus christ amen the purpose of the spirit is to help you and i to recognize the very reason why jesus came jesus came if you would not remember the other body of christ you're not remember the church of christ my friend you got to be mindful of this the very reason jesus came is to get you saved and so we recognize regards to the faithful saying that jesus came he came to save those my friend who the father lost he came to save us from our sins and all that he came to help us to be mindful of the fact that you can have eternal life amen you can have eternal life yeah now and promise and then when you leave here you don't have it in reality did he come he came my friend for you and i to recognize the very idea that yes we can live for god you're not feeling that we we can't live for god and he put this about his power in regards to salvation he put it in jesus christ he put his power in christ and you can have access to that my friend because baptism is the way there you go is the way through the teaching of the spirit back my friend in communication with god that which he lost he wants to reclaim yeah i think he wants to reclaim you yeah he wants to reclaim he wants you to make up his and what what an awesome thought it is that jesus came he came all the way now to suffer the way he suffered that you and i might thank you lord now now we can stand here my friend is members of the body of christ we're saying here we can be accepted by god we're the beloved of god we are called of god because we have been delivered we have eternal life now and promised i'm forgiven i receive god's grace oh [Music] it's not about the idea what man says again this is about what the lord said and these words my friend you're going to face them again at the last day yeah there's somebody here today you're not a christian you're not a member of the body of christ my friend i want you to recognize my friend yes jesus having heard the truth about jesus died he was buried rose again the third day won't you believe that with all of your heart repent of your sins confess faith in the fact that jesus christ is in fact god's son he proved that he came by the water and the blood he proved to us the mankind he was god's son make that great confession then we're gonna baptize you in water for the rest of your sins in the water yeah [Music] oh [Music] 100 [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] is
Channel: Church of Christ at Coconut Grove "The Grove"
Views: 355
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: church of christ, preaching, Gospel, Jesus, Bible
Id: DPmwDuqyEgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 43sec (3643 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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