Brother Samuell Pounds - The power of prayer

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we're great folks at night again have this up and to share with you my faith in Jesus Christ the Bible says the first John chapter five and verse number fourteen and this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will he be with us and we know that he hear us whatsoever we ask we know that we have the petitions that we desire of him it was already announced in regards to my topic tonight as I come to help the church and help those individuals without members of the body of Christ I come to a day with lessons to help strengthen our faith to help us to continue to run for Jesus Christ tonight I want to talk about why some prayers are not answered wide some prayers are not answered now we do understand according to the Bible that God does not hear a sinner's prayer we talk about an alien Center one who has no relationship with God the Bible says in John 9 verse summer 31 the young man said and we know that God here is not sinners but if a man be a worship of God and doeth this will him he heareth well the young man he was talking to the Pharisees because you remember it was in John 9 beginning of John 9 that the disciples accounted a young man who was born blind and the Bible says that that if Cyprus ask Jesus to question who sinned this man or his parents say he was born blind but there Jesus had to help them to understand that neither the boy or the poorest scene that causes blindness but God was going to get some glory from this situation there Jesus doctor Jesus who never with the ophthalmology school Jesus doctor Jesus just spit on the ground stir it up spittle then all the Buddha's eyes and told the boy to go wash in the pool of Siloam and the Bible says the board that was born blind came back seeing and the Pharisees had heard about it and they began to acquire it regards to what had happened eventually made it to the boy's parents and began to talk to the parent but the Bible says that they were fearful they might be kicked out of the synagogue and then they made a huge mistake because they call it called Jesus a sinner and the young man said what whether he's a sinner or not I don't know but one thing I do know that is our works was blind but now I see and he says we Jews know there's something that we know what do we know we know that God heareth not sinners but a man be a recipe of God and doeth his will it'll be heareth how did the Jews know that God would not hear a sinner because they knew of the Old Testament taught and published chapter 15 and verse number 29 the Bible said the Lord is far from the wicket but in here with the prayers of the righteous published applets woody ate in verse number nine the Bible says he that turned away his ear from hearing God's law even his prayer shall be an abomination the Bible says in Isaiah 59 verses 1 and verse number 2 behold the Bible said the hand of the Lord is not shortened that it cannot save his ear is not giving that it can not hear but your iniquities and sins have separated between you and God and he will not hear that may God chooses not to hear the Bible can say God could not hear the Bible and say God came here the Bible said God will not hear God chooses not to hear anybody who does not have a relationship with him God will only hear those individuals who have established a relationship with him that's why the Bible says in first Peter chapter 3 in verse number 12 the Bible says then the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous and his ears are open to their prayers but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil and so therefore we have to establish a relationship with God if we want God to hear us Bible says we must obey Hebrews chapter 5 in verse number 8 the Bible says though he were a son yet learned he obedience by the food which is and being made perfect he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him so God here's out the prayers of his children those individuals my food who belong to him God in facts near them the Bible said in first John chapter 3 and verse number 22 the Bible says that whosoever Bible says and whatever we ask we receive of him because the Bible said we keep his Commandments and do those things that are pleasing in his sight God always listens to me tonight God always answers the prayers of his children and I believe that God always answers the prayers of his children now how the answer might be yes the answer might be no and the answer might be wait but even though God says no or if God says wait he has still answered your prayer some time - prayers that we prayed I'm not grant it and I want to deal with that tonight with God fears know what happens I would God says no why is it that God does not answer and say yes after all France well I want you to see this tonight I have three points at teaching points tonight of in regards some conditions that God has please all that prayers that we must be if we will God to answer them in a positive way there are some conditions that God has placed on our prayers my friend that must be bet if we will God 2x of him in a positive way and so this list that is going to basically unhinge all these three things number one God has imposed a condition number one if our prayers are going to be heard our prayers must pass the tests of God's wisdom that's number one and I'll explain that number two we are guilty of sin and our attitudes are not right God will reject our prayers number three have our prayers met God's positive requirements I'll also look at this tonight as we consider this lesson watch some prayers are not being answered the first thing I will say to you is our prayers must meet the tests of God's wisdom God's wisdom and God's knowledge is beyond our comprehension the Bible says in Romans chapter 11 and verse number 33 listen to the Bible old the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God Bible says how unsearchable are his judgments and his ways past finding out the mind of the poor who has been his counselor or who has first given to him and he shall be recompense unto him again for of him and through him and to him are all things to hold be glory forever amen God's understanding is infinite Bible say to Psalm 147 in verse number five the Bible said great as our Lord and a great power this understanding is infinite ever with God's knowledge is so far beyond ours until Isaiah said and Isaiah 55 verse 89 there are thoughts not his thoughts our ways I'm not his ways for as high as the heaven is above the earth I felt his thoughts our ways from his ways so therefore God's his understanding is infinite God's knowledge is perfect the Bible said enjoyed 37 and verse number 18 listen to the Bible the Bible said dost thou know the balancing of the clouds the wondrous works of him which is perfect in knowledge God is awesome I said he's awesome I mean that's why we call God River it because lovren means also where else can you call him he's also I would God started with nothing in order for us to have something we have to start with something in order to make something but God is so so he started with nothing and spoke to nothing when there was nothing to speak to and nothing hora de when nothing was there nothing became something he took the something that came from nothing and threw it out in nowhere where there was nowhere to through it and nowhere became somewhere god is it awesome god he just spoke and sun sun is shining gorgeous and the earth started spinning he just spoke they came up out of the waters God just spoke and birds learn how to fly he just spoke and fish went to school and learned how to swim God just spoke mountains stood at attention and valleys bow the head God just spoke and a world came into existence what else can you call them but River it because God is an awesome he's an awesome God his thoughts hist all suburb a thoughts his ways above highways and poorly that goes on to say even the foolishness of God is wiser that man's wisdom 1st Corinthians chapter 1 in verse number 25 Paul said because the foolishness of God is wiser than men and the weakness of God is stronger than men and so therefore God's wisdom I will crow seven times to say no to some of our prayers listen to the Bible and second Corinthians the chapters 12 it verse number 7 the Bible said in lists Paul said I shall be salted above bishop he said to the abundance of the revelation Paul said that was given to me a thorn in the flesh he said was the message of cedar - Buffett me he said unless I should be exalted above measure he said with this thing I besought the Lord thrice that I might that it might depart from me and he said unto me my grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness most gladly Paul says therefore will I rather glory in infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon me therefore Paul said I take pleasure in infirmities in reproaches in necessities in persecutions in distresses for Christ's sake for when I am weak pulse a then am i strong what do you say bro Paul said I have something that was bothering me and I went to God about it three times he said when I told God three times the answer came back in essence God said no I won't remove it but then God had to help him to understand that he said my grace my grace is sufficient for thee in other words Paul my grace is all that you need and then Paul had to come to the realization Paul say I gotta come to the end of myself I gotta stop trying to do things by myself s are depending upon God's power because it's only when I'm weak when I start depending upon his power and Paul said that's now I become strong Paul strength gained with God to him and then church we got to understand that God's God's wisdom it is impossible and God has the ability to take everything under consideration listen to the Bible in Matthew chapter 5 and verse number 43 the Bible say you have heard that it hath been said thou shalt love thy neighbour and hate thine enemy but I fail to you love your enemies bless them that curse you do good to them that hate you pray for them that despitefully use you and abuse you lyza that you may be the children of your father which is in heaven for he maketh the Sun to rise on the evil and the good and he said to rain on the just and the unjust lucy church we gotta wonder said that's not awesome that god is sometimes you want to go on vacation you pray god I bet it won't rain but in the same place you're going on vacation there's a farmer who has planted a field and he needed to rain in order for the rain for him to take care of his family to keep a roof over their head and churches here to give to the Lord now who do you think God is praying that God will answer I stopped by to tell you God is so awesome that he takes everything under consideration and then church my second point is simply this sin and attitudes will cause our prayers to be rejected you gotta be careful will you pray to God make sure my friend that your sins I'm not blocking the prayers and that you'll pray my frame with the wrong attitude number one many time God rejects our prayers because number one we fail to ask number one we fail ask God we try to do it all by ourselves the Bible said in James chapter 4 and the verse is number two James says you must and you have not you kill and you decide to have and you cannot obtain he said you fight and you war and you have not he said because you ask not he said a lot of times what happens we're trying to do it by ourselves but he said that's why you do not have it you'll remember in the Old Testament there was a king by the name of ASA ASA had a problem the Bible say the second chronicles chapter 6 and beginning at verse 12 and verse 13 the Bible said ASA and the 30th at ninth year of his reign the Bible said he will diseased in his feet the Bible say until the disease was exceedingly great and the Bible said yet in his disease he saw not the Lord the Bible said but to the physicians and then the Bible says at ASA slip with his father's and died in the one and fortieth year of his reign you know what I think about ASA I think about the problem with so many in the church we got more faith in doctors that we do in God Almighty we have faith in our doctor because that doctor he can tell us what we have and we can't even pronounce it he'll write up a prescription and we can't even read it and we'll take it down to the pharmacist who we don't even know he will wriggle some things out put it on a pill bottle tell us to take two wood beers a day would water after every meal and we will listen and do exactly what he says but we won't even listen to God who made and created the doctor that will listen to more they will listen to God I stopped by today the Bible said ASA he had more confidence in physicians that he did in God Almighty but my friend the Bible said he died my friend he died because he had his faith in the wrong place and so therefore my favor we fail to ask don't look for God to answer your prayer and then selfishness because our prayers to be rejected sometimes people just pray just for themselves prayer was never designed for us to be selfish listen to the Bible James chapter 4 and verse number 3 James says you ask and receive not because you ask amiss that you may consume it upon your lusts or put your own desires too many cannot think or see beyond themselves Lord just miss me my mi but you got to get beyond that prayer was not designed tell us to be selfish but my failure then if I could talk to you about a third point God will refuse to hear you if we know heed his holy word we got to listen to the Word of God I can't promise 28 verse number 9 he that turned away God says his ear from hearing my law even his prayer shall be an abomination the Word of God and prayer go hand and we got to be mindful of that I said prayer and the study of God's Word they go hand in hand because prayer is how we talk to God add the word will we will study the word is how God talked to us and anytime you go have a relationship there has to be a two-way street there has to be both a listening and a talking and there has to be communication both ways and therefore there has to be God talking to us but their church we have to talk to him therefore the Bible it tells us they go hand-in-hand John chapter 15 and verse number 7 Jesus says if you abide in me and my words abide in you you shall ask what you will and it shall it shall be done and their church if you living in sin don't expect God to answer your prayer sometimes we use prayer as a last resort where it ought to be our first option I say prayer my fruit is so powerful that we got artists and church how powerful prayer really is I say where you get up in the morning you want to pray because a lot of folks lay down at night but they don't get up in the morning if you got up this morning you ought to pray say Lord I thank you Lord just take care for just one more day and church listen I will come down when you got up if you had a no strip to get up thank God for it I will talk about that our brother major progress refine trust in the Lord Bible say lead not to your own understanding in all your ways college him and he shall direct your path and then will trust in the Hebrews real powerful it means the stretch out all I said you got a stretch out we got a little stretch Oh God and you know church or whatever somebody's in an accident and they can't make it to a doctor then what happens the ambulance will go to them and oh the in the ambulance I there is a paramedic a paramedic is that Tipperary doctor I will do what he can buy so that you can I Church true is best to try to preserve your life to try to get you to the hospital where they can do more I move for you I butcher she got all understanding well you can't make it on to the hospital there's a paramedic was show up and then he puts you on the stretcher now we put you old the stretcher you are no longer in control you don't control where you're going because now you're in the hands of somebody else thank God prep is how we stretch out over the Lord will say Lord just take me Eddie use me to your glory and to your honor I'm glad that Jesus is our paramedic who if I had time I would say there because the Bible says that Jesus says that I will leave you comfortless but I'll send another comforter that is a clean he is the one that had come along and comfort us but he said I will leave you comfortless Jesus is our paramedic Jesus is apparently but then not only that but Jesus is our paragraph because he is the word and thank God for the word he is our pallet rapid and I need to tell you he's our parasol parasol is a small umbrella better keep the heat football for your head I said if you will avoid the heats of here thank God for Jesus he can be your parasol within church I need to tell you you need Jesus because if you ever fall you're gonna need somebody to break your fall and Jesus can be your parachute I stopped by to tell you thank God for Jesus Christ and whenever you're striving to be in life he can be your Paragon he could be theirs either too rich you aspire to beat now just in case you understand I my paragraph you don't understand my parachute you understand my Paraclete you understand my paramedic you still gonna need Jesus because where you die you'll need somebody to be with you in paradise I still you thank God for the man called Jesus Christ and church prayer prayer is so powerful the Bible tells us that if you're living in said you're going to Connect yourself from God the Bible say that I say 1 and verse number 15 the Lord says that where you split 4 with your hands God says how I hide my eyes from you and where you make many prayers God says I will not hear he say because your hands are full of blood God say is your deeds yes the things that you do because my friend of the attitudes you have how separated between me and you when Israel said that gives God my food they were punished by God listen to the Bible Micah chapter 3 at the verse as the before the Bible says then shall they cry hunter the Lord but the Bible said but he will not hear them he Bible say he will even hide his face from them at that time as they have behaved themselves ill and their doings psalm 66 and verse number 18 if we regard iniquity in our hearts the Lord will not hear us many people like Israel all who were alien had no relationship with God they prayed with troubles came they prayed when disasters came but my friend but God is not somebody I will answer you only where you feel like you tried everything else and now you want to run to him listen to the Bible proverbs chapter 1 and verse number 24 the Bible said because I've called and you refused I stretched out my hand but no man regarded he said but she has said no all of my counsel and would not of my reproof God says I will laugh at your calamity I will mock where do you feel cometh where do you feel cometh as a desolation and destruction cometh as a whirlwind when distress and anguish come upon you then shall they call upon me but God says I will I will not answer they shall seek me early but they would not find me for very hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord they would none of my counselor despise my reproof therefore God said they shall eat the fruit of their own way and be filled with their old devices for the turning away of the simple shall slay them as the prosperity of fools shall destroy them well we saw the hear hearken it unto me shall dwell safely and shall be quiet from the fear of evil God says when you don't listen to me when troubles come don't you think that I'm going to run to your rescue only when you're in trouble I'm afraid goddess was telling them that you better recognize all of us my friend are gonna have troubles in life and that's why you did God now these might be wailed now but you still need them because troubles are going to come never those who neglect to do their part God will hear your prayer where we don't do our part we always will God to do it all but if we don't do our heart that God would not do this part will you be brother Brown listen to the Bible province wedding one at verse number 13 the Bible said whosoever stoppeth his ears of the cry of the poor the Bible say he also shall cry himself and shall not be heard God says if you don't learn to look out for those less fortunate than you are God said it don't you expect me to look out for you we got to be mindful Church that so many times we must not only pray for all men but we gotta learn to do good tall man we have to pray for our enemies but if I enemies are hungry we ought to feed them we gotta pray for our daily bread but Chuck there therefore we gotta work my foot because we don't work we're not going to eat we got to pray for forgiveness but we pray for forgiveness as we forgive other people we pray for those who are sick but their church we will just pray for those we're sick we go and visit them as well we gotta learn to put some feet to our prayer you see many times we say Lord stop by the hospital and see brother so-and-so where are you going to understand church we pray all the time vain prayers because prayer are to go along the way it is we're doing you are as you are working as you're doing you pray you'll pray God lord please help us I have visit Sunday if you haven't invited anybody you got to be mindful we know God to do all the work but sure that's not the way things are we got to recognize that this is a partnership that we go in with God the things are praying for I'm praying for God to assist me as I do the things I'm praying for that's what prayer church is all about we cannot neglect to do our part and their church our prayers have they met God's positive requirements my last point is simply this have our plasma God's positive requirements number one you got to pray you got to pray in faith Bible said James 1 verse 5 through 7 if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God that giveth to all men liberally and God a braid is not and the Bible says shall it shall be given him I was a believer masks in faith nothing wavering nothing doubting for he let waver it is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and toss the Bible said for let not that man thinketh he shall receive anything of the Lord Church I'm glad that I could pray to God I pray in faith believing that the god I prayed to number what he can do something about my situation and that's why I pray to God because he's my father and God knows what's best that's why you pray y'all remember the Bible tells us that there was a man to power prayer there was a man that God had a prophet by the name of Isaiah and Isaiah told God told Isaiah I want you to go to a man's house and I want you to tell him to get his house in order because he's getting ready to die I fell Daddy's knocks out the door if you will of the house of a man by the name of his attire he delivered the message Hezekiah get your house in order because you're going to die the Bible says Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and started praying what a prayer he breathed his prayer was Lord with the will you go back and look at that prayer he said Lord remember remember the things that I've done for you what a powerful prayer that was most vocal appraisal oh please forget all the stuff I've done but he was a man remember what member of things I've done and before before Isaiah made it back home God stopped him in his tracks told them to go back to the house of Hezekiah tell him he has 15 more years to live okay your magic goes back to his akai his house knocks on the door tell his Akaya God says that you got 15 more years to live Hezekiah said I hear you Isaiah he said what you get you told me earlier they don't get ready to die now you're telling me I got 15 more years to live which one is it well as I said what do you know because I'm a Messenger of God you tell me what you like to see I'm the Sun shadow no ten degrees forward on the Sun shadow to go ten degrees back Hezekiah said here's an I saw the Sun shadow go forward but I've never seen it go back let me check what do you think about this and over for the Sun shadow to go back base on the earth relationship to the Sun the Sun is basically stationary and so is the earth that school split spins around the Sun so in order for the Sun shadow to go banquets God will avenge oh stop the rotation of the earth and tilted backwards tendon I'll tell you God is awesome God we have made it tilde and make it go backwards just to back up his word stop it make it go backwards to fulfill his word God is promise God is able to perform that's why I prayed to him because of how to tell you a he's an antiseptic for my aches be he's evolved from a bruises see he's a cure-all for my calamities dd delivered me for my dilemmas he he race all my errors if he forgave me of all of my faults she gave me grace from her grief age healing for my hurts he identifies with my infirmities shape he gives me joy over other folk jealousies okay give me knowledge knocked down ill he led me when I was lost em gave me mercy sup I miss him gave him mercy for my mishap M game a shape somehow mistakes in he's near what I need ammo alright when I'm overwhelmed P keep my partner in apparel q my quiet it'll crawl on my Redeemer when I return s he must save you when I'm sinking T my teacher when I'm in trouble you understanding when I'm undecided thee Hiba voice when a vocal w wall when I'm weary X by X ray when I examine why but yardstick when I'm hearing in Z he bazzill when I was areas I could play to a powerful God God is awesome he's awesome tonight God is an awesome God and search as we pray in faith you pray believing you got to learn to pray believing that God can do something about your situation and they check number two we gotta learn to pray according to God's will you got to play according to God's will ITEX again selfish John 5:14 the Bible said this is the confidence we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us you see Church thank God for the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit helps us when we pray because there's some time we don't really know what to pray for I do this right because those are the Bible told me you see we pray for symptoms but my friend the symptoms is not the cause of the real problem we just a bother buster the God knows the origin of what it is as truly bothering us Aiyaa with me here see because you can have the flu and then you got the flu and you're sneezy you go to the drugstore find some for pleasing that's a problem not to sneezing you're probably to see if you got rid of the flu then the sleeve yellow hit me after a while and so therefore we pray God for symptoms the God looks at what the real problem really is look at the Bible the Holy Spirit helps us because we really don't know how to pray we'll miss chapter and verse number 26 what was 826 the Bible saying likewise the spirit also helpeth our infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we are but the spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered take for the holy spirit because sometimes that the Bible says we'll pray not knowing what will pray for but he's able to think what we say put it into words my friend offer those players up to God because he's able to search the heart because sometimes you could be going through stuff and you can't put it into words have you ever been hurt have you ever gone through something so deep that you didn't know did have words to describe it I know what I'm talking about when I was 17 my mom died when I was 18 my sister damrell 90 my father died I would say three years a pain I couldn't write it down but let me tell you something there was a God that I serve that was able to bring me through and so therefore thank God for the Holy Spirit that helps us and that eats us even in our prayers and then church I got a hurry we got a pray where we pray we pray in the name of the authority of Jesus Christ all prayers must be in the name about the authority of Jesus Christ John 6e because you we were saying this our whole life you know britta John succeed before I get to John 16 John 14:6 jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no man can come to the Father except by me I wish you had time to deal with this because the Bible tells us Paul said it first 76 there God dwells in unapproachable light God dwells it unapproachable light man cannot approach God by himself but thank God for Jesus as if it's us because you and I could never approach God and that's why we need Jesus and he is our mediator between God and man 1st Timothy 2 verse number 5 the Bible says for there is one God and one mediator between man and God that man thank God he appeals to us because of the human side the man Jesus Christ I said we gotta learn to pray in the name of Jesus John 16:23 in verse number 24 listen to the Bible I'm saying if that day Jesus says you shall ask me nothing verily verily I say unto you whatsoever you ask the Father in my name he will give it you hitherto have you asked nothing in my name he said I ask and you shall receive that your joy might be full everything FAA nuovo it means represent the authority of or the grounds and we we pray of the grounds about the authority of Jesus Christ father this request is based upon the authority of Jesus Christ we're presenting see you based on his authority not because we have any right to approach you but because of Jesus and his authority Lord we offer these petitions to you throne is all because of Jesus Christ and so Jesus he is our advocate with the father 1st John chapter 2 verse 1 in verse number 2 I was a little children these things write unto you that you said not but if it a man's sin we have an advocate we'll have a lawyer we have an attorney with the father who is he is Jesus Christ the righteous he is the propitiation the appeasement of God's wrath for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world thank God we have an attorney there's some divine nepotism going on I because God reigns supreme but Jesus is our attorney thank God that our attorney and the ultimate judge are related to one another and I'm glad that when I was baptized in water I put on Christ so what the father sees me he no longer sees pounds but he sees Jesus and that's how it be he'll tell me well done because he won't see me but he's going to see Jesus because I'm Kevin by his blood thank God for the blood of Jesus Jesus he is our high priests a church he intercedes for us Bible said in Hebrews 4 at verse number 14 the Bible says saying did we Caprice that is passed into heavens who is he he's Jesus the Son of God by vassilis hold fast our profession we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities but in all points he was tempted like as we are yet without sin by wassail it is therefore come boldly I would say the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and grace to help in time it's a birdie we gotta pray but we pray in Jesus name at the church little for we got to learn to be persistent when we pray don't pray and give up we pray because we recognize how awesome God is Bible say in Luke 18:1 and in speaker for the parable to this end that men ought always to pray and not to faint you pray but I prayed about it people praying where is our refuge from the tools and troubles of life Psalm 71 verse 2 in verse number three the Bible said deliver me in thy righteousness and cause me to escape incline thine ear unto B and save me be thou my strong habitation well until I make a clearly resort thou has given commandment to save me for thou art my rock and my fortress the habitation deals with the dwelling place my friend that we often go to thank God for prayer that's what the Bible said in first Thessalonians 5:17 they will pray without ceasing Jesus soul the parable of the lady who had went to a judge and the Bible said this judge he had no regard for man or God he was an evil man but the Bible said that lady just kept on coming she kept coming to him and that's a wild man said though I have no regard for man of God but this woman just she just keep on coming I said every day she just keep on coming every time I try to walk out the palace she right there I said as I try to walk through the streets she's right there and he said because I don't have regard for man neither do I have with God for God but because she just keeps coming and he talks about the idea we look at that it's very interesting at the great he says she's gonna give me a black eye that has a beam and to leave her go to him but see he was concerned about his reputation she's gonna give my reputation a black eye he said therefore I will avenge her of the one who done who did him wrong why is that because she just kept on she just kept on coming why would she bother the King because there was nobody else to help her she was a widow she didn't have a husband a Hitler she to have any boy as a helper the only one that can help her was the King and church that's the same attitude that we need to have God hears me again I pray to you again because you the only one that can help me Lord I'm placing this into your hands and Lord I got the faith to know that in your time mama said he might not come where you wanna but he's always I'm just gonna keep all bread I'm a keyboard playing and not faint that's why the Bible saying it first Thessalonians 5:17 you pray without ceasing don't you give up just keep on praying I prayed about it but church listen to any time we give up too soon just keep on praying and God will reward your faith faith honors God and God on his feet i'ma keep on playing because God can't do something about it that's why the Bible says to was very simply said ask and you shall receive he says seek and ye shall find and then I said knock and the door shall be opened let me help you to see that on tonight before I let you go tonight he said ask seek and knock if I was looking off a bullet pagers address and I didn't know where you live the first thing I would have to do I will have tasks I would have to ask somebody where he lives now once I got the information the information won't do with no good unless I began to seek out that particular address and then once I found the address that I asked about now I go to his location I stand at his door and I'm not why are you knocking because I'm knocking in anticipation that the one I'm looking for is at the address that I asked about that and now I'm knocking I'm knocking in anticipation and God said and your prayer life number one you need to learn ask but number two you got to do something about what you're asking for you know seek it out and then he says I'm knocking I'm knocking in anticipation I anticipate that when the door is open that what I'm looking for I'm going to find it and that's what prayer is all about you just keep on asking keep ock and keep on knocking and God will continue to bless us if we just do what God has commanded us I'm gonna let you go tonight a church when you pray you pray I ought to be rich it ought to be full it ought to be from the heart I said it ought to be rich it ought to be full and it ought to be from the heart the Bible said in Matthew 6 and verse number 5 the Bible saying with our prayers thou should not pray like the hypocrites for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the street that they might be seen a man he's a verily I say unto you they have their reward but when you pray enter into your closet and when thou has shut the door he said pray to the father which is in secret and thy father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly but when you pray use not vain repetition as the hoover's do for they think they shall be heard for their much speaking be not ye therefore like them for your father knoweth what things you have you know before you ask him after this manner therefore you ought to pray and then he tells it our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name he tells them here here is the pattern as a how we should pray we do got everything together where you live in for God he say you got to learn how to pray watch this church I'm trying to close this Lebanon up to thirteen of Matthew six he says after this manner therefore pray ye I will Father which art in heaven number one we gotta remember who we prayed to this is hallowed be your name we have to have reverence to God we gotta remember we have deliverance he says that kingdom come that is the rule of God we have to understand who's the rule who's who's in charge that will be done in earth as it is in heaven we got to resign I will ever take his will give us this day our daily bread now we make our requests they say forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors then we have to learn how to release because if we don't release people who have heard us people have wrote us that God will release us from the things we've done to him they say lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil we have to rely upon him for thine is the kingdom power and the glory forever man now we can't rejoice look at what we have when you pray remember number two have reverence number three remember who rules now before resign your will to his will number five make your request number six learn to release number seven you can't rely number eight you will rejoice we have to learn to follow the pattern that Jesus gave us and their church my last point was simply this the benefits of prayer prayer draws us closer to God I say you got to pray because prayer draws us close to God Psalm 62 verse 70 the Bible said God is my salvation my glory the work of my strength and refuges in God trusted him at all times you people pour out your heart before him God is a refuge for us change for eat the bombs they drove man to God and He will draw nigh to you close your here's you said of purify your heart and you double-minded Hebrews chapter 10 verse 22 the Bible said let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed in pure water prayer gives us renewed hope Psalm 146 verse 5 God verse number 9 where gives us strength and it gives us comfort as in 65 and verse number 24 where God says to the prophet Isaiah it shall come to pass that before they call God says I will answer and while they are yet speaking God says I will hear that's how awesome God is God said before you call I'm sitting the answer I see that you trust me I'm certainly the answer and while you're still talking God says I hear you I will hear what it is you're trying to tell me that's what we got to learn we got to learn to pray if they got God will forgive his children when we pray Jane five verse fifteen or sixteen Psalm 51 verse 22 first John 1 in verse number 9 we pray to God because shows we believe that God will bless us and we pray believe in God we pray trust in God we pray because we know that God is concerned about us we know that God loves us more than we love ourselves and that's why we could pray prayer is all about reliance on God it's the pivots of God is to recognize a God but I know that you know because all the time we pray for things that we don't know but thank God that God does because God doesn't see things the way you and I see things we pray to God because of our situation and circumstance because we all have a door into the future so we pray to God based upon our experiences of the past and what would put in a prison but God doesn't see where we see things because God sees the past the present and the future at the same time God can work things out should I say God will work things out and that's how awesome God is we are heavy hearted we don't know why God is allowing us to do what we what we're going through we try to serve Him we all understand the pain but God has purpose behind why he does what he does I'm closing your little bed by the name of Joseph he was a young man about 17 years of age God gave him a dream that one day his brothers would serve Him his mother father would bow down to him you know he was a jury God gave him the dream you know his brothers didn't like the dream his father's love gave a coat of many colors and one day you remember the best brother song coming took the the and the the coat from him get the coating animals blood the father saw it also wild beasts and killed his son there he was mourning look at what the Bible says the young man was in a pit applicants came by this sort of he is up in Egypt he ends up in Egypt in a house of a man by the name of Potiphar Potiphar will you study Partha was a second one in command look at what you have he's in a pit finds himself in Egypt but you know you know the story part of his wife hanging out for the young man but he was a man of character and integrity and when she tried to set him up he wants for her he he he would have been a part of that me to movement because he had been falsely accused by if he had if he was a man of a scrupulous character but look amateur he runs she calls in the attendants says he tried to rape her nah he's in prison look at this church he's a pit in the pit he'll do anything wrong God gave him the dream now he finds himself in prison but the Bible says the Lord was with Joseph doesn't matter where you are where the Lord is with you you're in a good position there were two men yo y'all know the story the baker the butler were there they had dreams the butler comes to him and the brother says I had a dream and a Joseph interprets history and tells him to three days you go get your job back the Baker your census says I had a dream too he tell Joseph his dream but he tells them in phrase your he is going to be cut off he tells the butler he says now where you are restored back to your position don't forget me Church two years pass he wasn't thinking about Joseph sometime would people get blessed they forget about everybody else but you got to be careful because the same man you forgot it's the same man he's gonna need because the key he has a dream he calls in everybody it says interpret this dream for me they couldn't do it they could not interpret his dream and then the boss say you know what that was the fella two years ago who interpreted Marjorie they cleaned up Joseph cut about neatly she prepared for the step before the king he says there and he tells the King in his dream he Ghannouchi dream strange dream you dreamed about seven lean cows and there was seven very healthy fat cows the seven lean cows ate the fat cows and you woke up your trouble and you understand what was going on what's going to happen is we have seven good years of harvests but there's gonna be follow about seven very late years and so therefore because of this notion of sadness we saved saved Egypt but in the process of saving Egypt he also saved his family the very ones who did him wrong now they'd rather come to Egypt to find food Oh Joe knows this church we can I can read a story Joseph is promoted to second in the kingdom if Joseph is second in the kingdom Potiphar now is under him you don't ever read when he goes after the wife to put her in jail because of what she did to him Joseph had to have had a forgiving spirit and the Bible talks about the idea that you you know the story his brothers it they found out there was food in Egypt and eventually all of them were reunited did he recognize their own brother and finally he reveals himself to them and then he says something very powerful in Genesis 50 and verse 20 he says you are meant this for evil but God meant it for good because there was something working behind the scene we go back and study that it's very powerful because as the Bible is following the life of Joseph it cuts off from Joseph and starts talking about it one of the brothers by the name of Judah you see God had to keep Judah alive because that was the seed promise it was a seed promise it was going to be through the line of Judah that Jesus Christ was going to come and so even though they were evil God knoweth famine was gonna happen to their land so God had to preserve that boy and all of that evilness God said ahead of them allow him to be second in command over all the grain all the food of Eva in order to keep the very ones alive who caused him so much pain God worked it out from the pit to prison to the palace you got to stay with God I said God will bless you you stayed with God if there's somebody here tonight and you're not a Christian you're not a child of God you need to be tonight you need to be saved tonight because of salvation so surreal that Greek word means deliverance and I've been dealing with this this lately because you have some good people back home and they say that on I've already been baptized and I've explained to them that if this is about salvation salvation brothers and sisters visit friends is a two-part process we gotta be mindful this is a two-part process if a fireman showed up at a place at a house and that house was on fire at the fire base job is to rescue if they know somebody's in there this job is to rescue them the father cannot go in if the house is on fire it goes there bravely goes in he finds someone in the living room they pass out you can't take them from the living room and then leave them in the kitchen and they leave out is say then he saved them salvation involves two parts number one you gotta mind for this it is a rescue from danger but then number two it is to place them in a safe place this is what salvation is so folks have already been baptized well my friend listen if you have not been placed in the say please that means you have not been delivered that's because you were not saved it Colossians 1:13 the Bible says we have to live it us from the power dogs saved us for the power of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of his your son so to go in the waters of baptism if you have been added to the Church of Our Lord my fade you are not saved acts 2:47 praising God having favor with all the people and the Lord added to the church if you're not in the church that Jesus built they might say you receive the wrong teaching and so therefore going in the water won't do you will do you any good and that I could prove that because a lot of fun things just I've been to the water I'm closing from 3rd time I'm closing you remember when when God was what God had Moses to lead the chiller Israel through the Red Sea think about this he was leading them through the Red Sea when Moses and Israel was going through the Red Sea the Egyptians they were going through the same Red Sea the Hebrews the Egyptians were in the same water on the same date at the same time God save one could them the other what's the difference Fiza 526 the Bible say is the washing of water by the word one group witty and based on God's Word God told one group to go in he didn't tell the other group to go in that's why one group was saying why the same other group was lost they did not listen to God going in the water must be an Accords to the Word of God and then God will place you in the same place because when they made it on the other side the Bible says in Exodus 14 and verse 30 that the Lord saved them that day he saved them my friend he delivered them he rescued them and then once they were in the land of safety God saved them that's the same concept two parts to salvation come on and receive that tonight haven't heard how Jesus died for was bad rose again the third day believe that with all of your heart like were you sitting believe it enough where your repent of your sin acts 17 verse number 30 believe that enough where you will confess faith in the fact that Jesus Christ is the son of God now you come forward make that confession and then we're gonna baptize even tonight in water for remission of sin you remember to bite it Christ you're going straight you come back home to a process of repentance confession in prayer or if you need prayer come right now we understand we'll sing a song of encouragement come to Jesus
Channel: Church Of Christ Bahamas
Views: 933
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Keywords: church of christ, lord, god, church, jesus, nassau, bahamas, the lords church, brother, bretheren, christ`s church, sisters in christ, act 2, matthew 16, Acts 2, new testament church, sister in christ, faith, faithfull, love of god, jesus love, christian, repent, baptise, baptism, save, central church of christ
Id: gt7cnF4jyE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 19sec (4099 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 06 2018
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