Fall Revival 2020 - Dr. Maurice Watson

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] uh [Music] good evening family the 100th psalm verses 4 and 5 says enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful unto him and bless his name for the lord is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth endures to all generations good evening family my name is joseph manaway i have the incredible privilege of serving his youth and young adult pastor here at mount calvary baptist church and i just want to take a moment and thank you all so much for tuning in this is the third and final night of our fall revival if you were like me and you tuned in one night both nights uh that have previously taken place you have been richly blessed and i'm looking forward to what god is going to say to us tonight now listen we can't be selfish with this so if you're going to be blessed or if you know you're going to be blessed if you know god has a word just for you i want you to share the link or if you're on facebook in the comment section tag at least three people let them know that revival has begun and let's see what god is going to say to us tonight let us pray father in jesus name we thank you we praise you we honor you we love you for another opportunity to virtually enter into your house lord we thank you for bringing us to another thursday night it was no guarantee that when we saw sunday that we would see thursday so just uh we just want to say thank you for letting us see tonight lord we thank you for your manservants who have a ward in the spirit and brought words of comfort and encouragement and enlightenment and god we pray now for dr watson we thank you for this man of god and i pray now that you touch him god and give him a word that's just for us break up the fallow grounds of our hearts that we may be able to receive what you have given him and i thank you for our church thank you for our pastor continue to bind us closer together god and meet somebody at the point of their need tonight and we consider it and claim it all done in the darling name of jesus christ who is lord of all amen well praise the lord to my mouth calvary family there in fairfield california with dr clavin lee always a pleasure man to join forces with you and i'm honored to be musical guest for the fall revival this year so my job is to usher us into the very presence of god let's get to it come on now listen sometimes in life you gotta thank god for what did not happen y'all feel me on it because when you get on the other side of that situation you can say like i say oh give thanks unto the lord for he is good and his mercy endures to all generations come on clapping up crapping up thank you so much for your grace [Music] your favor brought me all the way and if it hadn't been for you don't know what i do thank you lord thank you thank you lord thank you lord thank you thank you thank you lord for [Music] and if it had not been better for your mercy even your grace all of my sins wouldn't be raised no greater love than thank you come on clap thank you now just look at somebody real quick say grace [Music] if it had not [Music] now i gotta go back and say this again shake your neighbor say grace [Music] when he [Music] [Applause] better have not been thank you for your listen if it wasn't for the grace grace of god i want to talk to somebody out there who in the midst of this pandemic you had your back against the wall and it may have looked like you were going to fall but just in the nick of time those twins call grace and mercy snatched you out of the hand of the enemy and you're still here can i tell you why you're still here it was nothing it was nothing it was nothing it was nothing but grace grace of god sweet grace of god can i tell you what it did it brought me it taught me kept me and never left me the great grace of and god because of the grace the grace of god listen death could have come during the night and it could have taken me away but i'm still here the grace grace of god many years have come and gone but you never left me alone and i thank you i praise you [Applause] the grace i'm still here you've been so painful and i am so grateful yay it was nothing but nothing but the grace of god [Applause] good evening everyone we give thanks to god for another blessed opportunity to gather i pray that you feel like the psalmist because i certainly do oh give thanks unto the lord for he is good his mercy endurance for ever and so i greet you in the mighty and magnificent miraculous name of our master our messiah jesus the christ of nazareth well we're at the last night of our spiritual renewal for the week and i'm grateful to god for reverend dr jerry m carter jr and reverend dr william houston curtis and tonight we're going to be blessed yet again for our third and final night of word and worship i'm delighted to share again with our congregation and with all of you the preaching ministry of the reverend dr maurice watson dr watson is the senior pastor of the metropolitan church in largo maryland and god has blessed him in unique ways throughout his ministry and god continues to bless him and honor him for his faithfulness and his dutifulness to the call of god upon his life he has multiple degrees he's published he's a speaker at conferences and revivalists and so many things all around the world and i'm grateful to god for him and for his family and i pray god's continued blessings upon him he's such a dear friend and one of my older brothers in the ministry who has really just looked out for me and i'm grateful to god for him and the impact that he has made and continues to make upon my life and our friendship i want you to be prayerful even now that god will speak to your heart there is a word from the lord and so let's hear it from god's vessel for this night the reverend dr maurice watson senior pastor of the metropolitan baptist church in largo maryland hear ye the word of the lord god wants to heal you everywhere you hurt listen god wants to heal you everywhere [Music] he'll take the pain away [Music] today god we he will listen he's also a provider he will provide for you each and every day so lift your hand and say lord i need you i need you right away [Music] lift your hands and say lord [Music] [Music] yes god will see you through he's not a man that he should lie neither the son of man that he should repent he's made oh yes [Music] lord i need you now sometimes you got to be radical like the woman with the issue of blood she just [Applause] [Music] oh it is jesus yes it is jesus if you're wondering who's healing can i tell you why she reached out to touch him he was wounded for your transgressions he was rude for our iniquity [Music] here have you ever been touched by it have you ever been healed by any yeah after all these years still has miraculous in this season a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but that's not gonna be your testimony prophesied to somebody say god's gonna heal you god's gonna heal you hey god's gonna heal you help me say god's gonna heal you from the crown of your head to the stone of your feet yes everywhere you heard everywhere you heard he's gonna see you through take the pain away he will provide for you each and every day is all you have to do lift your hands and say i need you i need you i need the now what i need you to do is just build an altar right wherever you are and just start calling on the name that's above every other name he's getting ready to respond to you surely he's seen the affliction of his people and while you cross to him we command every organ and every tissue in your body to function in god's perfection come on believe it and receive it yes believe it yes receive it we speak to the red blood cells and the white blood cells and we say be healed be healed might we pray our father and our god we are thankful again for your goodness and grace and mercy that you've extended to us and for this wonderful privilege that is ours to assemble ourselves together in a collective and corporate way to worship you and to praise you once again we confess our many sins before you lord we pray you forgive us cleanse us even now from all unrighteousness now god as i stand to proclaim your word i pray for a fresh anointing of your holy spirit use me now in such a way that everything i do and say will only be done and says so that you will receive the glory we ask it all through jesus christ amen well this is indeed is the day the lord has made we ought to rejoice and be glad in it how many of you are glad to be in the house of the lord on tonight i am certainly happy and thankful to be once again at the mount calvary baptist church and i certainly want to express my thanks and appreciation to the angel of this house the shepherd of this flock the pastor this church my friend and brother your pastor dr clay barnley thank you dr lee for this wonderful invitation to come and share with you and the great people of the mount calvary church amen mount calvary i know i don't have to tell you what you already know how blessed you are to have a a pastor and a preacher and a person of the caliber and kind as dr clay barn lee one of the great voices in our nation and i want to again say how honored i am for the invitation and particularly for the friendship of that we share with one another there is a word that i'd like to share with you on uh tonight it is found in psalm 118 one of the messianic psalms of the old testament psalm 118 and i want to read into your hearing verses 19 through 29 psalm 118 verses 19 to 29 i know that's a long text but we need to read the bible more don't we amen amen i'm reading from the new king james bible if you found it might you indicate as such by saying amen here's how my bible reads open to me the gates of righteousness i will go through them and i will praise the lord this is the gate of the lord through which the righteous shall enter i will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone this was the lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes this is the day the lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it save now i pray o lord o lord i pray send now prosperity blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord we have blessed you from the house of the lord god is the lord and he has given us light buying the sacrifice with course of the horns of the altar you are my god and i will praise you you are my god i will exalt you oh give thanks to the lord for he is good for his mercy endures forever look again uh at verse 24 we recite it all the time here it is this is the day the lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it when you look at your neighbor even in your homes and or wherever you may be and tell him or her it's still the day it's still the day it's still the day there are some days that are etched on the hard drive of our memory events that we will never forget for some it is december the 7th 1941 the day japan attacked pearl harbor president roosevelt described it as a day that would live in infamy for others it is the events that happened on november the 22nd 1963 and april 4th 1968 the dates on which president john f kennedy and martin luther king jr were assassinated are days that you'll never forget more recently the tragic events of september the 11th 2001 will never leave our memory many of us can remember the joy and excitement that we experienced on november 4th 2004 when barack obama was elected the 44th president president of the united states for some of you your unforgettable day is your wedding day for others it is the births of your children these friends are days that contain memories that are hardwired on our minds and they will live with us until the day we die the ancient nation of israel observed feasts in which they were also required to remember important days in their history one of them was known as the feast of tabernacles during this feast the people of god would make a pilgrimage to the temple in jerusalem where they were to remember god's provisions for their forefathers and mothers during their exodus from uh egypt and their exiled from babylon these friends were considered as unforgettable events in the life and history of the people of israel and they gathered together during the feast of tabernacles in order to give thanks to god for god's faithfulness psalm 118 is a thanksgiving liturgy that was sung during the feast of tabernacles the worshiping congregation sang this psalm antiphonally with one choir answering another this psalm is believed to have been martin luther the great reformers favorite psalm and it is also considered to be the hymn that jesus and his disciples sang at the end of the passover meal in the upper room on the night that he was betrayed by judas the writer says that when at the end of the meal that when they had sung a hymn they went out to the mount of olives some scholars believe that the hymn that they sang that night was that they sang psalm 118 the psalm pictures a worshipping throng of people in procession marching to the temple in jerusalem it opens in verses 1 and 29 with a call to thanksgiving oh give thanks to the lord for he is good for his mercy endures forever these words would serve not only as the theme of this magnificent psalm but also as fitting bookends that would call the people of god to remember god's goodness and to rejoice in light of god's saving actions in verses 5 through 18 a king or a liturgist encourages the congregation to remember how when death and disaster seemed imminent upon their forefathers and mothers in egypt and in babylon but god stepped in on each and every occasion and and and and turned their situation around now we come to verse 19 and when we come to verse 19 the crowd has now arrived at the gate of the temple so now the king sings on behalf of the waiting congregation his part in verse 19. he says open to me the gates of righteousness and i will go through them some believe that the gate that he refers to the eastern gate to the temple in verse 20 the gatekeepers the priests respond antiphonally they're singing back and forth respond in verse 20. this is the gate of the lord through which the righteous shall enter in other words only the righteous can enter these gates or as the psalmist said he who has clean hands and a pure heart once inside the gate then the king speaking on behalf of the worshiping assembly stated yet again his reason for being there he says i will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation and then after the congregation enter if you will into the temple finally in verses 22 and following the congregation began to sing their part and in a public act of worship they stated in an antiphonal fashion their corporate responsibility to remember god's goodness and to rejoice in light of his saving actions on that high watermark day of the feast of tabernacles they declared this is the day the lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it that day had been set aside as a national feast and they worshiped god because of his goodness as they saw it friends only god could make that day happen for them so they said we will rejoice and be glad in it i submit to you today that while that that while that day of remembrance is a day that should not be relegated solely to the events of israel's past no like israel we also have reasons to rejoice we can likewise look back over our lives and the many expressions of god's goodness and grace and declare with israel this is the day the lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it in other words it's still the day that day has not changed it's still the day when we ought to rejoice and remember god for his goodness while as new testament believers that day has not been codified as a national feast make no mistake about it it's still the day when we ought to rejoice while our circumstances may not be the same as israel our reasons for rejoicing have not changed no friends it's still the day when we ought to rejoice and give the lord praise i submit to you that israel's example for us it shows uh us today uh a a fitting example of why we ought to rejoice and be glad on this day i submit to you today that it's still the day to rejoice because first of all this is the day to remember how god reversed our predicament this is the day to remember how god reversed our predicament as the congregation sang their part and responded they responded with this proverb or well known a wise saying in verse 22. they said the stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone this proverb depicts in a graphic picture the great reversal of their predicament when their forefathers and mothers were surrounded by enemies down in egypt and over in babylon later in babylon they looked if you will like worthless stones that the builders or masons would throw away as unfit but god stepped into their situation and reversed the situation and made israel the chief cornerstone the capstone the keystone the most important stone that holds everything else in the building together that stone that had been rejected represented israel at her point of death until the lord stepped in and turned things around and made them the chief cornerstone continuing their part singing their part the congregation said of that miraculous reversal of their circumstances in verse 23 for this is the lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes i want to remind someone today that it's still the day when we ought to rejoice because like israel many of us know what it feels like to end to experience god step in to our situation and turn things around like israel many of us know what it feels like to be rejected to be treated like stones that the builders throw away as unfit to be rejected if you will for some you know the pain of rejection the rejection of being put up for adoption in your uh by a biological parent others know that pain as having been qualified for a job but you were overlooked and they gave the job to someone less qualified than you others know the pain of being madly in love with someone but they broke your heart because they rejected you and left you for somewhere one else and every one of us perhaps knows the pain of being rejected on the basis of the color of our skin but regardless of the reason rejection hurts i said rejection hurts and it causes a person to uh question their self-worth and to ask questions of themselves like what's wrong with me am i not good enough am i not pretty enough am i too skinny am i too fat am i not smart enough but friends the good news of this text is that god can take the rejects the throwaways the stones that the builders rejected and turn things around and make them the chief cornerstone it is said that in the days of michelangelo there there was in florence italy a a a an 18 foot slab of marble that none of the other sculptors or artists would have anything to do with that slab of marble because they considered it to be inferior in quality michelangelo studied the slab and said to the curators give the slab of marble to me and from a stone that had been rejected michelangelo uh sculptured if you will perhaps the most beautiful sculpture in world history his sculpture of king david from a stone that had been rejected he created a masterpiece and is that not a picture in miniature of the gospel ephesians 2 says of you and me that we are god's workmanship that word literally means masterpiece created by in christ jesus unto good works that god took rejects like you and me with all of our faults and all of our flaws and all of our failures and made us his masterpiece and he included us in his salvific purposes i submit to you friends that the the chief example of this rejected stone was our lord jesus christ he also knew the pain of rejection hundreds of years before he was born in bethlehem the prophet isaiah said of him that he was despised and rejected of men a man of sorrow and acquainted with grief john the apostle said of him in his gospel that he came unto his own but his own did not receive him the religious leaders of jesus day rejected him but jesus didn't allow the opinions of his opponents to cause him to forget who he was he took these same words in mark chapter 12 of psalm 118 and ascribed them to himself the stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone in his darkest hours as he hanged out on calvary's cross jesus looked like a stone that the builders had rejected he looked rejected and dejected oh but early sunday morning god turned his situation around and raised him from the dead with all power in his hand old child of god that's the hope of our faith that god can take can turn our situations around that when it seems like we are defeated god steps into our situations and reverses our predicament paul said to the corinthians thanks be to god who always leads us in triumph in christ that no matter how bad our circumstances may look at any one given hour god has given us victory instead of defeat that's why i can boldly stand before you tonight and declare this is the day that the lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it because we've seen over and over again how god has stepped in and turned things around uh is that not friends a picture of what god did for black people in this country our forefathers and mothers did not come to this country on cruise ships no they came on slave ships they were sold as slaves as property torn away from family friends and loved ones treated as three-fifths of a person they had to face jim crow laws and voter suppression and all of the ugly expressions of racism and here we are in the 21st century fighting those same battles we now face the new jim crow we face police brutality and voter suppression and minimum minimum mandatory sentences and yet from rejects yet from the stones that the builders have rejected god has made of us preachers and teachers and doctors and lawyers and scientists and inventors and intellectuals and artists and and and and writers and and mayors and um senators and governors and yes even the president because our god takes the stones that the builders rejected and made us the chief cornerstones god specializes in turning things around when you look back through the rear view mirror of your life can you look back and see how when you thought you wasn't gonna make it god stepped in and turned your situation around when the doors were closing your face when the when the doctor said it was cancer when the marriage looked like it was over when your when your enemies said that that counted you out but god counted you back in friends our god specializes in turning things around so i am unapologetic when i say this is the day the lord has made we ought to rejoice and be glad in it because our god specializes in turning our situations around i submit it's still the day when we ought to rejoice because this is the day to remember how god reversed our predicament but it's still the day to rejoice because this is the day to remember how god answered our prayer look at verse 25 uh the people are singing they said save now i pray oh lord oh lord i pray sinned now prosperity this phrase is believed to have been a formula prayer that was prayed before the blessing would be pronounced in verse 26. when you read verse 25 in the original hebrew in the original hebrew language verse 25 has a repetitive flow about it in the hebrew it reads like this please yahweh save us please please yahweh calls us to prosper please but by the first century days of jesus that hebrew statement had been reduced down to one word hosanna let the church say hosanna and hosanna means save now lord perhaps these worshipping israelites remembered how god had heard the cries of their forefathers and mothers in egypt and over in babylon and now they cry out to god to save them from the the the enemies and from the destruction that they quite possibly could face in the future so they cried out hosanna save us now lord and in verse 26 the writer indicates that god obviously heard that prayer because he faithfully showed up as their savior listen to these words they ought to sound familiar to you new testament believers blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord the gospel writers use this passage as an acclamation to jesus remember during his triumphal entry into jerusalem as he rode into jerusalem the crowd was throwing palm branches in his path and guess what the crowd was singing while jesus was riding into jerusalem they were singing from psalm 118. they were singing hosanna to the son of david blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord now while these words were spoken not so much as a prayer to jesus but as an acclamation of praise to him i submit that it really could have been their corporate prayer because israel and the world needed to be saved so they said hosanna save now lord come here let me ask you a question have you ever prayed a hosanna prayer save me now lord i don't have a month i don't have a week i don't even have an hour i need you to step in right now hosanna save now lord if you haven't prayed a hosanna prayer that's all right just keep living cause one day you will oh friend life has a way of causing you to face situations that get completely out of your control these are times friends when things are out of your hands when you've got to learn how to put them in the hands of god because time will be of the essence and you don't have time to try to figure out some long cute prayer you just gotta learn to pray a hosanna prayer hosanna save me now lord but can i ask you another question have you ever witnessed god answer your hosanna prayer you're saved now lord prayer oh friends i'm a living witness that god will answer your prayer just in the nick of time when i pass it in omaha nebraska i remember our church was growing at such a rapid pace that we had obviously outgrown our facility and we needed to build a new new and larger sanctuary and of course we had applied for a loan at one of the local banks but the banks was making us jump through all kind of hoops and all i want them to do is say come on man and say yes uh we approve your loan but they kept giving us a run around and i remember one day when i was in my car i was on dodge street at the corner of 30th and dodge if you ever been to omaha dodge street is the main therapeutic run all the way through the city from east to west i was at 30th and dodge and i was frustrated and i prayed of prayer of frustration can i tell you something sometimes your best prayer of frustrated prayer prayers of frustration i prayed at 30th and dodge i was heading west uh if you will i said lord will you touch the hearts of these bankers so they'll stop giving us to run around and and god caused them to to approve our loan again i i kid you not by the time i got to 60th and dodge just 30 blocks later my phone rang and it was the banker saying we approve your loan uh in in in the space that it took me time that it took me to drive 30 blocks less than two miles god had answered my prayer i didn't know it at the time like i know it now but i was praying a hosanna prayer save now lord and god answered in less than 30 blocks do i have a witness dotted peoples was right when she said he's an old time god yes he is he may not come when you want him to come but he'll be there right on time so i am unapologetic when i stand before you today to say it's still the day when we ought to say this is the day the lord has made we ought to rejoice and be glad in him because we can look back over our lives at time and time again when god answered our prayers just in the nick of time but i asked lest i keep you too long i submit to you lastly that it's still the day when we ought to rejoice when we ought to give god pray when we ought to be judged because lastly this is the day to remember god deserves our praise ah look at verse 27 the priests are now singing their part god is the lord and he has given us light bind the sacrifice with courts to the horns of the altar the priests are singing their part and remind the people that god has shown his favor on them he said he has given us light now when the scripture speaks of god's light shining on god's people that is a metaphor for the favor of god the aaronic prayer the aaronic benediction the lord bless you and keep you the lord make his face shine on you when the shining face of god that's a anthropomorphic metaphor for the favor of god can somebody shall favor i don't know about you child of god but i i've learned in this life of mine that sometimes i'd rather have god's favor than to have a pocket full of money because you can have a pocket full of money and no doors will open for you but you can be broken don't have a dime but if you got favor you can make one phone call and doors will begin to open somebody shall favor they said god has shown his favor on us because he's shown he's caused his light to shine on us and since that is the case they said we ought to praise god how do we praise god they said bind the sacrifice with cords to the horns of the altar now this is a difficult passage in the hebrew the niv the new international version i believe has a more readable and understandable translation the niv reads this verse like this with bowls in hand b-o-u-g-h-s with tree branches bowls in hand because they use tree branches during the festivities of the feast of tabernacles with tree branches in hand uh join in the festival procession up to the horns of the altar in other words they are now inviting the people to dance in a ceremonial dance around the altar and the king who is the chief literature is leading the people in verse 28 as he sings his part as they dance around the halter the king said you are my god and i will praise you you are my god and i will exalt you now this praising and dancing during the feast of tabernacle was their proper response to the to to their ability to remember god's faithfulness in their lives whatever else praise is praise ought to always be our response to god's faithfulness based on our ability to remember what god has done for us may we never lose sight of this basic truth uh friends that god deserves to be praised the basic proof is that as long as breath remains in our bodies we ought to praise god do i have a witness here the psalmist said in psalm 150 let everything that has breath praise the lord the prerequisite for praise is breath if you have breath in your body you ought to praise god now as i've told you that this praising and this dancing that israel did on the at the feast of tabernacles was to be done antiphonally that one choir was to sing their part but the other choir was to answer back singing their part they were to sing antiphonal praise ah and what what better description of true praise than and than that kind of antiphonal praise each group was required to sing their own part the priests sang their part the king sang his part and the people sang their part no group could sing the other group's part no each group had to sing their own power do i have a witness here so that when other people give their reason for praising god the question that i ask is tonight is can you sing your part but can you sing your part even when circumstances are not ideal when the when when you when the doctor says it's cancer can you sing your part when your marriage is in trouble can you sing your part when your children are acting up can you sing your part when your money is funny and your change is strange can you sing your part now you can't sing my part and i can't sing your part no we got to state our own reasons why we praise god do i have a witness here well a few years ago one of the faithful members of our church he was an usher at our church faithfully serving the lord but she developed cancer and cancer spread from a breast to all over just just about all over her body but she was faithful even up to a couple of weeks before she's finally succumbed to cancer she would come to church every sunday with tubes hanging out of her body where they were still feeding her the chemo but she would stand faithfully it had a post on the door and one sunday a couple of weeks before she died while she was at the door standing on her post somebody said how are you doing and here was her answer she said not good but i'm here it was her way of shouting back and tiffany shouting back against the hellishness of life that this cancer is not going to stop me from serving god this is the day that the lord has made we i will rejoice and be glad in it my brothers and sisters that day has not changed it's still the day when we ought to rejoice but i can hear some of you thinking out loud right now he doesn't know what i'm going through that's easy for him to say he don't know the pressure i'm under just to get to church today and you were right i don't know what you're going through but what i do know is this that it don't matter whatever you're going through you still ought to give god praise because the saying is true is not what happens to you but how you respond to what happens to you that makes all the difference you can hold your head down in shame and self-pity and invite everybody to come to your pity party or you can declare your antiphonal response against the hellishness of your situation this is still the day that the lord has made i will rejoice and be glad in it you've got to learn to shout back at life and say i know the burdens are heavy but it's still the day i know the nights are dark but it's still the day i know that trouble is on every hand but it's still the day i know i've got tr i got problems everywhere i turn but it's still the day we face injustice in this country but it's still the day regardless of who wins the elections or who's in the white house it's still the day this is the day that the lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it because every day is a day of thanksgiving god's been good to us every day he's blessing us every day is a day of thanksgiving take the time to glorify the lord today why he keeps blessing me blessing me opening doors that i cannot see so take the time to glorify the lord today but what will you tell the lord in your circumstances hear what you ought to say for every mountain you brought me over for every trial you've seen me through for every blessing hallelujah for this i give you praise because this is the day that the lord has made we ought to rejoice and be glad in it it is still the day when we ought to give god praise let us pray father we thank you and praise you and bless you for this day and that despite our circumstances and on the darkest day of our lives when we look back over our lives at how so many times you reversed our situations and how so many times you've answered our prayers how you've stepped in just in the nick of time we have decided to shout back our antiphonal response to the vicissitudes of life and the hellishness of our situations this is still the day that the lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it even in the midst of pandemics political unrest racism joblessness and all of the other eels of the world we still look up to you and shout back our antiphonal answer this is the day the lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it because you are worthy of our praise through jesus christ we pray [Music] lord have mercy does anybody know this is still the day that the lord has made and we've got reasons to rejoice and be glad in it thank you so much dr watson for reminding us that this is still the day in spite of challenges and adversity covet 19 and all kinds of other upheavals we are grateful that this is still the day and as a matter of fact for some it is a day that's much better than previous days just a week ago and so we are grateful to god for what he continues to do to remind us of the lord's faithfulness and the reasons that the lord gives us to worship and to praise his holy name perhaps you're not a christian but you want to become one i want you to know this is not only the day but this is your day that the lord has made the bible says today is the day of salvation harden not your heart and so i encourage you now to open up your heart the bible says all you have to do to become a christian is simply confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that jesus christ died on the cross and rose from the grave and the bible says you'll be saved and so if you've never entered into a personal relationship with god but you want to do so right now you can just simply pray lord jesus come into my heart forgive me of my sins i believe that you are god's son you died on the cross for my sins and you rose from the grave from my victory be my savior and be my lord if you prayed that prayer guess what you're a new person you are no longer who you were because the bible says if anyone is in christ jesus they are a new creature old things are passed away and behold all things have become brand new send us an email and let us know that you have accepted jesus christ we want to help you with the next steps in your christian journey if you're a christian but you don't have a church home where you're growing and active we want you take this time and to participate in decision making you need a church home you need a church to which you are connected and so i encourage you on your christian experience to follow the leading of the holy spirit and if the spirit is leading you to become a part of our church fellowship no matter where you are in the world we are a local and a global church and we'd love to have you as a part of our family in either case you can send us an email join at mcbcfs.org to let us know that you gave your life to christ or that you are a christian and have chosen to become a part of our church family welcome welcome welcome we'll respond to you within 24 hours to let you know how excited we are to have you as a part of the mount calvary church well it's time to worship god through giving hallelujah the bible says that give and it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together and running over that can be true about judgment and about bad things but that can also be true about good things and about giving and we apply it to giving on this occasion that god will bless you when you give good measure press down shaken together and running over will god cause people to bless your life and so tonight on our final night of revival we give as an act of worship i have asked all of our members and our friends that join us this week to give at least fifty dollars as they're offering to support this revival and thank you who have done it already i'm so grateful and the lord will bless you for it and those of you who have not i want to encourage you to do it tonight and to participate by giving your 50 if you don't have it then give what you have if you have more and the lord has blessed you in that way and the word has blessed you in that way then i encourage you to give more you can give by way of giving fire you can give by way of our website and if you're going to mail your offerings in along with your regular tithe and offering then make sure that you mark revival on your envelope so that we can make sure that we uh credit you with giving to the revival as you desire god bless you thank you for your generosity god will be generous to you because you've been generous to his work in the kingdom through the mount calvary church amen let me bless you right quick father thank you so much for the blessing of giving thank you god that it is indeed more blessed to give than it is to receive but god we like both and we like to give and we like to receive and your word says that we can have both that we can give and we can receive as a matter of fact you call it the law of sowing and reaping and so i pray in jesus name that your people will sow and i pray that your people will reap and i pray o god that the reaping will be greater than the sowing and that you o god will advance your kingdom and that you god will bless your people with not only the necessities of life but with many of the desires of their hearts and god will give you thanks continue to bless dr watson to preach your word as he has fed us may you feed his soul and then make you bless his life materially and relationally pastorally personally and in any way that he stands in need we give you thanks even now in jesus mighty name amen and thank god [Music] here at mouth calvary we have several ways to give number one visit our website mcbcfs.org and click the ways to give graphic on our banner enter your information and give number two use the giveify app search for mount calvary in fairfield california select the amount and give number three mail it to us simply place your contributions in the envelope and mail it to mount calvary baptist church 1735 enterprise drive building 3 fairfield california nine four five three three need to make other arrangements give us a call at 707-425-1849 whether you visit the website use the giveaway app or place your contributions in the mail it's easy to give well let me thank you so much for joining in with us for these three nights whether you were with us for one night two nights or three nights thank you for tuning in at all and i pray i trust i believe that you had to have been blessed if you tuned in at all i don't just simply select preachers who are friends i pray and ask god to lead me about who it is that he would have to share a word with us that we need during a particular season and so i am confident because i was blessed that you were blessed as well by the proclamation of the gospel by each of these giants of the gospel reverend dr jerry m carter reverend dr maurice watson and reverend dr william houston curtis we give thanks for all of them we give thanks for the music that has been shared with us and how we've been able to worship the lord and sing unto him songs of praise and worship and thanksgiving that paved the way for the time in the word and we look forward to how the lord will give us the energy that we need to be able to finish out 2020 so that when we come into 2021 that no matter how much longer we have to deal with some of the challenges of this global pandemic that it won't be in the words of my grandmama as long as it has been in other words that he's going to do it and we just need to just watch him work and it will all be worth it that we persevered in our faith and we'll be able to gather again in person at the appropriate time god bless you love you much mount calvary and friends thank you so much for joining us this week and everyone on staff everyone that's a part of our music team and these preachers as well for sharing with us in a dynamic way well would you lift your hands i want to bless you as we conclude our revival with the aaronic priestly blessing the lord bless you and keep you the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you the lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you and give you his peace from this time forth and even forevermore until we reach that land beyond sun moon and stars where the sun never goes up and the sun never goes down for the lamb himself is the light of the city may you go revived in your soul to do great things for your god as your god does great things for you amen grace and peace see you on sunday bless you you
Channel: MCBCFS
Views: 1,347
Rating: 4.5294118 out of 5
Id: mz6j21DFR9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 5sec (4025 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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