fall damage is vaulted

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Just watched that vid like 1 hour ago lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xd_tommy200920 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

hey lazerbeam they will add a new Heavy Ar and they will unvault the scoped ar .they will also add a lot of new stuff in about 2 weeks . thats some content. :)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lazerbeamisawesome πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/-Chef_curry- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NBA_Meams πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
here is the situation report would not have decided to never update their game again there was no content in the patch notes like I'm gonna say it we haven't had a meme worth making a full video about in I think 18 years if you had a baby the last time we had a meme worth a full video it can drink now however the laser beam stupid crap compilations have been an enormous success I made a video about drowning and it got millions of views but until we get something real until we get something worth the full video welcome to laser beams weekly fortnight compilation of stupid crap because we don't have anything better to do it's now an official weekly series this is coming to May and just like get maps and build up and die he taking my Maps build up and die I haven't even told my video what's happening yet they'll figured this out in real time alright that should be enough diet die for me buddy alright it's uh I've got to pull this off before you die I did with fresh last night I know it works yeah I'm waiting I'm waiting page I'm on why doesn't it work why does it work with fresh but not you he does not like epoch come on there we go now you took everything for me what we had it there we go we got it don't worry Brody I'll get you to safety mate I'll get subscribe for you it looks extremely uncomfortable for me [Music] alright let's try a different name oh let's go alright come on die for me Brody but he's dead alright I'm trying to do the pogo stick one yeah I got your back [Music] I'm sorry if like the bouncing opens up some wounds I'm sorry if the bouncing opens up a couple wounds you know might make you bleed out faster I'm not sure yeah there we go there's so many unique ways to transport your downed friends there we go I accidentally canceled it that's gray is a cetacean technique I don't know no I don't know if the kids should be watching this you know what though koper is definitely not getting me after this one you definitely can't say this is for kids hey hey get up I've got me donkey to carry you to safety let's go maybe I get a turn maybe I get a turn you're really slowly you gonna do it the exact same time you're really bad at this hey you got to use it reversal all right you had it for a second hey hey pumpernickel it's like you're using my hand to clap best glitch of 2019 this next glitch allows you to never take fall damage fall damage has been vaulted now as always on this channel victory reals don't matter we've done so many sky bases I don't care about winning I just want to show this glitch works all right so there is a glitch to never take fall damage to a vault fall damage just to show you that full damage is on in this game I will now die there we go for damage exists however I if I come to this friendly little bush here it has been in the game for a few days so you may have seen it I will now vault fall damage a million likes on this video and full damage will be vaulted let's go all right let's go up as high as we can say I'm building a sky base let's go and let's just fall oh no I fell ah look at that full damage vaulted if you run through the bush basically it gives you this effect where you will not take full damage until you jump but so long as you don't jump you have vaulted full damage you know you probably think a laser beam you are used to break in game this is probably just a playground trick this is probably just something you can only do in creative okay now we're in an actual game there's 23 players remaining I am sitting inside of a bush acquiring my powers using mother nature to give me a cheat code now we've all done sky bases before I've got victory Royales with sky bases it's chapter 2 someone's gonna shoot you down eventually I just want to like build a sky base get shot down and prove the glitch works and then I'll probably get killed anyway so it doesn't matter I'm still laser beam and our silk'n night wind solar games it's a top 10 situation I'm just gonna go up now I can be shot down at any moment I probably will not last long it'll actually be a miracle if I make it to Mac side once again it really does not matter because I will not die to full damage it was a good ride boys it was a good run but look at this I ain't even get it out a full damage beautiful let's grab the bush and go again we landed right next to a bush that guy's gonna be like how did he not die the sky base will rise again young man I mean it's a little bit risky to build a sky base directly yeah he's already blowing it up doesn't matter did had to take a shot oh he's here visit year yeah I still have a few mats we we could maybe find another Bush somewhere even when I inevitably lose this game I have proven full damage no longer exists this is a good segue into the the next meme you can I did toilets now ready ready okay as of the latest update we have the crappiest hiding meme of all time you can hide inside of toilets alright all I have to do is arm myself before going to the toilet and there is a legendary chest right here that's pretty cool get me that toilet give me that toilet okay I'm safe now oh god oh god oh yeah yes ladies and gentlemen now if you're in the middle of a fortnight game and you need to drop the kids off at the school you can hop right into the Danny was a gingerbread do it that in the toilet like drop of gumdrops or something I know this game did not just make a poop and sand I'm gonna hop out of the toilet heal myself real quick and then hop back in let me back in let me in okay that was a close one did he see me in the toilet that is the question no he believes I have disappeared the toilet as always is perfect camouflage don't you need to make a poopie want to make a poopie big boy ready toilet attack toilet attack no one ever expects someone to lunge out of a toilet and shoot them with the shotgun oh this game just when I think you've completely let me down you come along and give me something as beautiful as a toilet McNutt I died second place coincidentally that was on purpose because number 2 means Phu victory of toilets I didn't choke I want it to be a number two because that means Phu we're both going to go try and get the toilet first righty you and me in the toilet two minutes sword fight in the port-a-potty let's go I'm hopping in the toilet let's go I pop pop it in rody can you join me the toilet yeah okay bring him over here Brodie I need those people in the boat to come attack my toilet I've got something explosive waiting for him in this toilet hi Sam there's a duo coming I see the do way oh yeah I've got something explosive form I go away for him to come past [Music] he's not dead yet love count your chickens Brody okay ready Ron use a trace dude oh I've literally baited these guys back this is the most amazing run in history alright bring him to the dunny hop in the Danni mate hop in the Danni ahh there are paging build a bunch of walls and hop in the donee up in yes quickly real men share a toilet oh oh oh oh on my mark on my mark what what look we got one of them with poopy time success imagine you're walking up to a portaloo there's no patch notes we don't even know people can hide in them at all and then all of a sudden a man dressed as a ginger bed and a scuba diver spring out screaming poo Peter how many people can cram into a toilet ok form a line we're gonna play a fun little game and see how many people can cram into one single toilet all right fresh you go okay open the toilet yeah yeah all right Kay it's your turn hoping the toilet joining you fresh now I think it might stop at four yeah no I think they still keep popping in all right hey papa gender-neutral toilet we've got all genders in there we even have a fish going in yeah okay it looks like that's as many as can hop in the toilet that is a lot of people vibrating on one single toilet nine people in one toilet that's definitely a lot of people in one toilet all right I think that's as many as we're gonna be able to get I had a dream of 16 people sitting on each other's laps but break the toilet the FTC cannot say my channel is for kids I just had eight people in one bathroom all right that's been delays bhima's weekly fortnight compilation of stupid crap because we don't have anything better to do see see you next time
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 17,556,812
Rating: 4.9485631 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, gameplay, lazarbeam, gaming, video games, funny
Id: PWR_RFlzuRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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