Fall 2021 Engineering & Applied Science Graduation Ceremony

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okay um [Music] uh [Music] uh hahaha uh [Music] baby so just wondering is wonderful has foreign so do [Music] okay is all right okay let's play this one so [Music] hmm [Music] okay all the time is [Music] so [Music] huh [Music] so happy [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] huh foreign [Music] happy [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] happy [Music] huh so so foreign this take a second foreign uh [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] thank you to the peak brass quintet and good morning i'm keith molinar i'm the dean of the college of engineering and applied science and it's my pleasure to welcome you to our in-person fall graduation ceremony [Applause] uh i just couldn't be more thrilled it's been two years since we've been able to do this and here we are so congratulations today we're celebrating the accomplishments of our students who've completed the requirements for graduation and their chosen degrees congratulations to all of you on this enormous accomplishment to the families and friends here let me offer a warm welcome and thank you for your support of these students to reach this significant milestone to the faculty and staff members here i also want to say thank you for the many ways that you've influenced these students collegiate careers and their futures you are essential to ensuring we achieve the mission of preparing students to become leaders to contribute to our society to those of you joining us online welcome today thank you for sharing in the celebration i hope that our streaming can give you a sense of the beauty and pageantry of mackie auditorium here i'd also like to draw attention to our veterans and military personnel here and those who are about to enter the armed forces thank you all for your service [Applause] [Music] now i'd like to introduce our platform party if the stage could hear on stage if the stage party could please stand when i introduce you it would be appreciated our first is christy bozek from the engineering management program william clybul from applied mathematics angela bilafeldt from engineering plus chris myers from electrical computer and energy engineering rich rigario from civil environmental and architectural thomas sheebly from engineering physics peter hamilton from mechanical engineering [Applause] jill dupree from atlas [Applause] adam sadoff from electrical computer and energy engineering who will be reading our names today stephanie bryant from our material science and engineering program wendy young from chemical and biological engineering [Applause] ken anderson from computer science [Applause] brian argrow from our smead aerospace engineering sciences program diane sieber from our herps program for engineering ethics and society scott douglas from our engineering honors program mary steiner our associate dean for students [Applause] leah rivera our outstanding graduate award winner joe ryan from environmental engineering jeff glossman our john and mercedes p mill excuse me peebles innovation and education award winner rana ronda hennington our associate dean for undergraduate education charles musgrave our associate dean for graduate education and tanya ennis from our bold center it's now my pleasure to introduce our graduate speaker our peebles award winner jeff glessman jeff is a mechanical engineering phd candidate and he's the first graduate student to win this people's award which traditionally goes to faculty in the college who've shown unique commitment to students demonstrated through innovations in education jeff taught our thermodynamics one in the fall of 2019 and then co-taught the course with professor hope mickelson in fall of 2020. he previously served as a lead teaching assistant in the department of mechanical engineering before pursuing his phd jeff taught at local community colleges and has long standing passion for engineering education as a teacher and advisor jeff is always thinking of new and innovative ways to connect with students and clearly communicate engineering concepts notably he's collaborated with his tas on how to best serve students during the fully remote instructional period through the pandemic jeff is concurrently achieving his phd jeff is focused on making complex chemical kinetics suitable for simulations of combustions of biomass looking at wildfire spread predictions so please join me in welcoming jeff to the podium wow it's a big group yeah my thermo class was 100 people and this is a little bigger so let me start today by congratulating everyone on this side of the room graduating today this milestone is a testament to your persistence and determination toward a degree from the college of engineering and applied sciences that's no easy feat during a normal time let alone mid pandemic i hope that you're very proud of yourselves for your accomplishments here at cu and that everyone takes a moment later to thank their support systems that could be your friends your family's significant others in my case pets as well an advisor or that professor that gave you that much needed kick of motivation when the going got tough for almost everyone in the room that has no idea who i am my name is jeff glossman i am a grad student in the department of mechanical engineering and i was lucky enough to teach thermal one twice um the most recent time i was nominated by my students for the john and mercedes people's innovation and teaching award it's been an absolute honor to have received i was selected from among the best educators here at cu the award is the reason why i get to give this address this morning however i get to celebrate later along you all as i graduate with my phd [Applause] this is my first time attending a graduation since high school it's been a long road since then i finished undergrad i did a stint in industry i left that to pursue my masters i taught at a community college and then ultimately decided to come to cu to continue along that road so i can teach at a higher level so as this leg of my academic through hike concludes i've been reflecting on that journey and i put together a few points to share with you all today firstly i wouldn't be where i am today without a little bit of luck and a long time ago my dad taught me that you make your own luck in my case that just looked like asking for a tour of boeing's subsonic wind tunnel and then i ended up working there later on it was letting my aspirations of teaching be known so that when i had an opportunity or when an opportunity opened in my department my name came to the the list at the end of the day what this means is that your career trajectory is in your own hands be your own best advocate and you'll create all the luck that you need this also means that you can't be scared of the opportunities that end up arising even if they're not exactly what you envisioned in your life plan when i was graduating with my undergrad you'd never have been able to convince me that i'd be living in colorado that i'd be pursuing a phd or that i'd be taking interviews for teaching faculty positions around the country life is certainly analogous to a backpacking trip there where that quick offshoot to the waterfall turns into a whole new adventure that you never expected to take the next lesson that i learned was at that wind tunnel and it was that junk in equals junk out although it was certainly worded differently back then i first heard this phrase in the context of experimental data analysis but it serves true in in my field of computational fluid dynamics which is referred to as cfd when some time ago some engineer thought it would be funny to call junkie simulations colorful fluid dynamics but this concept of junk in equals junk out extends far past the realm of computers codes and data you you all are graduating and hopefully starting a job soon and every day at those jobs you'll have a choice you can clock in you can clock out collect your paycheck and go or you can choose to exceed minimum expectations and put in high quality work in the event that someone needs your support on a deadline or a major milestone you can choose to embrace that challenge and be shoulder to shoulder with them in the trenches along the lines of hard work one of the most important things that i learned during my phd was that you can do just about anything for a finite amount of time as a means to an end whether that's an all-nighter sitting in the computer lab waiting for solidworks rendering at 3am or interning an entry level position for a year just to get your foot in the door of that big company or four and a half years of consistent challenges to get the degree you need for the job you're passionate about and that brings me to my last point which is passion find what drives you what excites you and ultimately what brings joy to your life don't be afraid to re-evaluate what you're passionate about along the way because your passions are likely to change as you progress through your life there's always going to be new problems that need to be solved and so many problems that we don't even know what questions to ask this degree is just that foundational building block to get you working towards the asking those tough questions and working towards those nearly impossible solutions as engineers we have that unique skill set that allows us to make the world that we want to live in and with my last bit of time i want to offer a bit of personal advice because if your experience has been anything like any of my degrees you've probably put some part of your lives on pause for this very degree that you're earning today so take a moment and stop tru truly enjoy this moment of success and accomplishment give yourself a much-needed break to spend quality time with your closest people take up a new hobby do that through hike you've always wanted to do and enjoy this beautiful place that we get to call home that thank you for listening congratulations again to everyone about to graduate we did it scobus [Applause] well thank you jeff for those truly inspiring words and again to have a graduate student win that award is a quite an amazing accomplishment so thank you um at this time it's my honor to present a number of awards for our students and i'm going to first announce our outstanding dissertation award which goes to hai chaowu he is currently not here he's working at harvard so hopefully he's watching online so hi ciao he's receiving this award for his dissertation on nanoparticle tracking to probe transport and porous materials this awards a recognition for the quality and excellence of wu's research as well as his presentation of his dissertation hai chao is passionate researcher and an avid outdoor enthusiast having hiked almost every trail in boulder while studying at cu he compares the journey of tackling a difficult research problem to a strenuous but rewarding hike encountering challenges and setbacks as part of the process but perseverance and motivation are keys to success in the lab how's known for his creativity scientific curiosity and his ability to provide advice support and mentoring to his fellow researchers i chose attending excuse me attended shendong university and carnegie mellon university before graduating from with his phd from cu boulder he's now a postdoc and fellow with the ansenberg biomaterialization and biomimicked lab at harvard so we congratu congratulate you hi [Applause] ciao and now at this time it's my honor to introduce to you to this year's graduating award winners so if you can join me up on stage we'll go through and i will read a little bit about you and then if you can join me for an award in a photo op that would be great so let me start let me start with okay great thank you thanks mary so um our first award winner is for academic engagement and that goes to soham tonight tahani thank you so um has a reputation in the electrical engineering department for helping his fellow students both informally and formally as a teaching assistant for and for the course in the global engineering residential academic program according to a classmate soham embodies the principle of not just getting the right answer but focusing on understanding that comes with the answer his advisor said his he's challenged himself in a broad range of technical and global focused electives he's also worked as an undergraduate researcher on a project on long-range wi-fi communications that can be utilized in developing regions including traveling to uganda and helping test testing of the research and co-authoring a paper for the ieee global humanitarian conference in 2018 so congratulations so huh our next award winner is for community impact and that goes to nicholas provost [Applause] for more than two years nick has served on on the graduate student government for the sustainability commission and as a representative of the university memorial center board his service since 2016 has included cu night ride a student-operated program providing free nighttime transportation for the cu community and it exemplifies a commitment to his service he's consistently challenged himself to go above and beyond expectations to serve the organization's mission with excellence integrity and ingenuity nick's an exemplar of the engineering leadership program mobilizing not only others not only through interpersonal inspiration servant leadership and empowerment but also through the strategies to integrate diverse stakeholders in a system that forges safer greener and a more caring future for our campus and world after receiving his degree in electrical and computer engineering nick will be finishing his masters here at cu boulder with the goal of eventually working in renewable energy industry so congratulations nick this year's justice equity diversity and inclusion award and the perseverance go awards goes to leanne rivera leah leah is deeply engaged in service and leadership in our environmental engineering program the bold center and the college of engineering through her role as co-president of the society of environmental engineers where she's also dedicated to promoting inclusivity and helping build community she's also served in multiple peer mentoring roles in gold shirt environmental engineering and imagine cu which supports women in the college lee's involvement in promoting inclusivity has also reached beyond the university through a research and promoting inclusivity and empowerment of people living in north denver neighborhoods who are disproportionately impacted by our expansion of the i-70 project she worked on that in the summer of 2021 in an internship with the environmental protection agency she's focused on expanding engagement with rural community leaders in our region after receiving her degree in environmental engineering she plans to continue advocating for diversity inclusion efforts while continuing in the field of environmental science and engineering congratulations leah all right our next winner winner is kishani anderson and she's a recipient of the perseverance award [Applause] kishani experience financial and academic setbacks during her college career that would have derailed some with less grit and determination but she persisted shawnee made impressive strides and is an example to her fellow students in her most recent semester she served as a peer mentor for our co-en 1500 and a grader for our architectural engineering 3440 while she also taking a full course load she's graduating with a bachelor's in architectural engineering with an emphasis in lighting and electrical and after graduation kishani plans to continue her efforts in the industry as she pursues her career as a lighting engineer she strives to inspire more women and people of color to join this exciting and growing field so join me in congratulating kishani [Applause] our next winner of a perseverance award is samantha lemley samantha [Applause] after a tough start in a demanding program samantha chose to take on more work to help herself and make a positive change she could have easily stopped there and gone on to reap the benefits of her new knowledge instead she devoted effort time and planning to use what she learned to assist fellow engineering buffs these students can look to sam and see not only their current challenges but ultimately the possible what's possible through perseverance sam's progress has been incremental and resolutely steady each semester she's continued her development and growth and she's prioritized connection with students her support of their journey through their change is inspiring after receiving her degree in electrical and computer engineering sam plans to work as a hardware designer with a focus on either pcb or integrated circuit design so congratulations sam [Applause] okay our next winner perseverance award is calvin moose calvin as a peer academic coach calvin expertly used curious exploration helping students discover what will work for them and give them confidence he has talent for tailoring questions and encouraging powerful reflection though he takes through the care he takes he helps each student recognize that they are welcomed value and an essential part of our cu community he has vulnerability and shared his experience including challenges and helping to normalize the struggle and the need for persistence in the face of obstacles in a way that encourages other students to believe it's also possible for them after receiving his degree in electrical engineering calvin hopes to find a design engineering job in the rocky mountains calvin congratulations [Applause] our next award winner is bailey veal bailey she's also a recipient of our 2021 cu engineering perseverance award for her tenacity as a student environmental engineering she's overcome each challenge she's faced professionally and proactively seeking out campus and industry resources to further education in addition to our studies bailey's also worked with undergraduate research assistant conducting covid19 monitoring on campus waste monitoring of campus wastewater and completing an internship with aurora water where she served as a horticultural assistant after graduation bailey will start a position with the state of colorado as a building's ghg analyst she will work to develop policy that establishes maximum acceptable global warming potential potentials for certain construction materials used in our state projects bailey hopes to further knowledge through practice and assist the state in progressing towards a more sustainable future bailey congratulations okay we're going to switch to our research awards now and our first research award goes to christina chase marco marcopulu christina as a student in our engineering plus program with a focus in mechanical engineering and a concentration in neuroscience christina has tailored her work to be that of mechanical engineering but for medical applications she's been a dedicated member of christoph keplinger's research team for four years and that passion led her to pursue a phd in the field starting fall 2022 she's also interned at the max plunk institute for intelligent systems in germany in the summer of 2021 and she'll be turning returning there next spring to continue her research congratulations christina our next research winner is anthony pimentel anthony [Applause] he's winning this research award for his work in water treatment and reuse where he's developed unique skills to advance water infrastructure and new technologies and solutions to the challenging needs of those urban populations around emerging contaminants his efforts on new treatment processes and investigation of more sustainable technologies that can reduce the environmental impact of water infrastructure as he completes his undergraduate degree in environmental engineering pima tell will continue in the bachelor's accelerated master's program to pursue his research-based masters alongside the thesis in uv lighting diode for the advancement of oxidation processes to treat organic contaminant contaminants in water anthony congratulations [Applause] okay our next research award goes to andres viennee de villa andres was nominated by two faculty mentors for his work on two separate research projects one in physics and one in aerospace engineering being an important contributor to two research efforts in very different fields speaks to his incredible capacity both mentors were impressed with his technical skills and ability to understand communicate interdisciplinary subjects as well as the ability to apply concepts beyond these projects andres will be co-author on several upcoming public publications highlighting the work on these projects congratulations andres well please join me in congratulating these winners one more time thank you and then i would like to invite leah up to the podium to give us a few remarks thank you all hi um i'm leah i am graduating today with a bachelor's in environmental engineering really excited um i'm honored to be here to speak to everyone today this opportunity to share my story with all of you is incomparable and it will be unforgettable but first i want to congratulate every student here today and acknowledge their academic journeys as well um i have had the privilege of getting to know some of you personally over the years and watching your growth has been remarkable very proud of all of you my story is likely similar to many of yours and that we all struggled in one way or another to finally be here and if i had to assign a theme to my story it would be resilience like wisdom or courage resilience is a virtue that you realize you need only when you're at rock bottom i started my journey with the gold shirt engineering program a program that offered me academic and financial support but also offered me a lifelong family on my very first visit to campus i was interviewed for the gold shirt program and that was when i experienced my very first oh no moment i was one of three women interviewing alongside maybe 10 men and for the first time in my life i didn't feel nerdy enough a few weeks later i received a phone call from dr ennis who's sitting over here i didn't have great engineering knowledge or background so she would understandably hesitate a little bit before offering me a spot in the freshman cohort she told me that i would need to work very hard to succeed and i remember promising her that's what i would do i pleaded for that chance and two years later i very nearly ruined that chance for myself those first two years were endless fun because i was always meeting a new person or finding a new study spot on campus and learning how to live independently um unfortunately i wasn't finding as much success academically as many of us realized early on engineering courses are rigorous especially when you're a freshman but i felt that i was in a worse position because unlike many of my peers i didn't have the support of an ap calculus or physics class to help me understand the material so it felt foreign to not be at the same level as my peers and it quickly tore down my confidence when i s what started as a minor pattern turned into a self-destructive habit as i began to regularly compare myself to every engineering student any time i scored a point lower than a friend on a test or took a moment longer to solve a problem i discredited my capabilities and my right to study engineering and it started having a negative impact on my mental wellness as a result my motivation to do well started sinking and it became a cyclic pattern it was a terrifying thought the opportunity i worked so hard for would disappear and that the only person who was responsible was myself the possibility of dropping out or even being removed from the college was becoming a reality i walked myself through the life i would have had if i decided to quit i could imagine the disappointment in my parents eyes and i could see myself looking at my friend's assignments thinking to myself i could have done that and having regret for years to come so i challenged myself every day to come up with one reason not to quit those reasons quickly began outweighing the desire to give up and i eventually decided to ask someone for help i went to dr ennis to ask what i could do to get back on track i worried that she would be disappointed in me and scold me for not working hard enough the way she previously advised me to i thought i would get and i told you so but not because that's who she is but because that's how i felt that was the reaction that i deserved instead she met me with grace and comfort and her words gave me the courage to continue fighting for my education i took some time to reflect and learn about accountability and discipline self-evaluation it can be a painful and disappointing process but in doing so delivered me from hopelessness and prepared me for successes i never would have expected asking for help became second nature and my confidence slowly started growing back as i learned how to recognize and reject the moments when i compared myself to others many students here have a story like mine in which they faced moments of great disappointment of hopelessness and fear of the future throughout the years i witness my friends and peers struggle to establish their identity as engineering students experience intense frustration over a seemingly impossible assignment stress about not meeting familial expectations sob relentlessly over failed course develop unhealthy coping habits lose a loved one during finals work three jobs to make ends meet silence themselves and hope that they'll be considered agreeable and discredit themselves in comparison to the timelines backgrounds ethnicities or genders of others there's so much noise penetrating the minds of students today but the fact that we are sitting here this morning proves that each of us has mastered resilience in our own right i urge the families and friends of these graduates to ask for their stories and i urge you graduates to share your stories and not the pretty version that you've memorized and recited to save face but the messy and unpleasant version that you actually experienced and overcame we must stop teaching each other the mindset given by the phrase if you're going to do something right do it right the first time we must break the bonds tying trial and shame together and teach each other how to accept process transfo and transform our inevitable missteps yes there exists embarrassment and dissatisfaction in failure but beauty can be brought from ashes if you allow it asking for help was one of the best lessons i learned it was hard to admit that i needed serious help in several areas of my life but i was given endless support and without it i would not be feeling the success and fulfillment that i feel today so i would like to thank the environmental engineering program for and staff faculty and staff i'm sorry for helping me establish the technical mind and compassionate heart of an engineer a special thank you to dr shelly miller dr fernando rosario ortiz and dr sarah fisher for their mentorship and their firm belief in me as a researcher thank you to my peers for their perspectives their consolation after a tough exam and for being my role models i never gave up because you never did even though we all joked about dropping out daily your brilliance and hard work are so inspiring and i'm looking forward to seeing how you shine tomorrow thank you to the gold shirt program and the bold center for their financial academic and professional support to dr ennis cara phil mary vanessa jenna andres and david thank you for advocating for me when i didn't know how to advocate for myself thank you for actively listening when i felt like i was wasting my breath and for showing me how to genuinely serve those in need i will forever cherish our friendship i could never pay back everything you gave to me so i promised to spend the rest of my life paying it forward thank you to my family for paying for me and supporting my ambitious goals even when those goals were sometimes hard to understand the lessons you've taught me throughout the years prepared me for these years of hard work and i appreciate everything lastly thank you to god who granted me the guidance and wisdom that i needed to complete this journey each of you were to be honored and celebrated today and i i wish the best for you and i can't wait to see what you do next congratulations class of 2021 go bucks congratulations thank you for sharing your inspiring story so next i'm going to invite up charles musgrave our associate dean for graduate education thank you dean molinar i'm professor charles musgrave i'm a faculty member in chemical and biological engineering and i'm also the associate dean for graduate education it is so good to be with you here today in person especially it's been great to be with you these past several years graduating students it is my great pleasure to share with you some insight into the experience of our phd candidates after earning bachelor's degrees our doctoral candidates somehow decided that they needed more education they typically spend another five or so years in school beyond their bachelor's degrees and earn master's degrees along the way to the phd while they have completed additional coursework during this time by far the primary focus has been on performing innovative research and to discover new knowledge and technologies that positively impact society each phd candidate has successfully performed independent novel research to advance a particular field and they have written a dissertation that is frequently the length of the long novel think war and peace and not just because of the title or not just because of the length i should say most of the material in the vast array of textbooks that we teach our undergraduates from was initiated and originally as somebody's thesis most importantly our phd students in engineering are working on many of society's most important and technologically challenging problems for instance they are discovering how to make robots autonomous materials to make solar cells more efficient new rocket engines to accelerate space travel and new devices for running quantum computing others are creating novel materials for artificial human organs or new vaccines or other medicines to cure disease some are developing technologies that span the length scales of our universe from discovering nanoparticles in our environment to planetary objects at the edge of our galaxy their work is truly transformative transforming our world improving our quality of life and inspiring to all those who have the privilege of working with them a graduate at graduation phd students dress in academic regalia purposely designed to distinguish them and sometimes to keep you a little bit warmer on days like today they not only wear a cap and gown but also a hood like this one that i'm wearing they not only symbolize the awarding of their doctorate but it's also quite fashionable the hood originated in the early 1200s and it was originally worn by the typical person in public and it was originally worn to cover the head and shoulders to keep them warm and also as a way of storing and collecting alms eventu and originally it um hoods were worn by monks clergy and university students which were pretty much the same thing at that time of course the form and function of the hood have changed dramatically since the medieval period and today it is entirely honorific and decorative although in some disciplines outside of engineering it is still sometimes used to carry alms the hood has some unique characteristics some of which were dictated by the church canon and some by kings even for example in 1414 henry v dictated that the materials used for the hoods of phd students could be better or had to be better than materials used for just regular university students an advantage that sways swayed many to pursue a phd the velvet trim represents philosophy and thus the phd degree and the color of the interior lining the institution awarding the degree so here at the university of colorado the interior colors are silver and gold earning a phd is more than just about earning a hood or being called doctor it's what transforms our students into phenomenal researchers and people that are capable of meeting almost any challenge again it's been a privilege and a pleasure to have them here at the university of colorado and we really want to congratulate them and honor them today dear family friends and guests please remain seated during the recognition of all students and candidates after you've crossed the stage head to the lobby lobby to have your picture taken and then return to your seat may we now present the candidates for the doctor of philosophy [Applause] okay okay doctor of philosophy in aerospace engineering sciences ethan burnett [Applause] doctor of philosophy in aerospace engineering sciences wong chair [Applause] doctor of philosophy in aerospace engineering sciences ali badron [Applause] doctor of philosophy in aerospace engineering sciences kenan doble [Applause] doctor of philosophy in aerospace engineering sciences mathias schmidt [Applause] doctor of philosophy in applied mathematics caleb john luke orion miller doctor of philosophy in architectural engineering [Applause] doctor of philosophy in civil engineering sanitia kumar gosh [Applause] doctor of philosophy in civil engineering nathan miller [Applause] doctor of philosophy in electrical engineering [Applause] doctor of philosophy in electrical engineering vivek sankaran ryanan [Applause] doctor of philosophy in electrical engineering michael tunvala [Applause] doctor of philosophy in civil engineering kimberly ellen hugo [Applause] doctor of philosophy in environmental engineering caleb cord [Applause] doctor of philosophy in environmental engineering [Applause] doctor of philosophy in materials science and engineering emanuele sorting [Applause] doctor of philosophy in mechanical engineering ryan cole [Applause] thank you doctor of philosophy in mechanical engineering marco incense ibarra [Applause] doctor of philosophy in mechanical engineering jeff glossman [Applause] so good morning my name is rhonda hanigman i'm the associate dean for undergraduate education and a faculty member in computer science we would like to now announce the candidates for the best bachelor's and master's in aerospace engineering sciences [Applause] emanuele constantino clara botter [Applause] jared cantalina [Applause] lucas zane zaldini [Applause] john whistler [Applause] cooper hale gould justin wilford samantha janvier shepard matthew borland brought us laura rosebury aaron sterk [Applause] candidates for the bachelors and masters in applied mathematics [Applause] tate reese forrest lazara ben marcourt [Applause] connor joseph christensen matthew dyer [Applause] next are the candidates for the bachelors and masters in architectural engineering [Applause] yusef malala [Applause] koa peterson [Applause] alexander davis blyth [Applause] kim owen borshevitz [Applause] diana rasool [Applause] kishani anderson [Applause] conrad clark hawkins [Applause] nabil amar essan aisa [Applause] nicholas conrad ingler [Applause] austin allen robinson [Music] robert atkinson [Music] next are the candidates for the bachelor's and master's in biomedical engineering [Applause] noel francis doyle [Applause] tanisha core nicholas carlucci next we'll announce the candidates for the bachelors and masters in chemical and biological engineering [Applause] lauren lee ware next we'll announce the candidates for the bachelor's and master's in civil engineering [Applause] raziel jose haas [Applause] rory mccool mita mita fred johnson [Applause] mark robert shorey keegan verbergy [Applause] kaylee niemeyer [Applause] alex klamoot michael britton [Applause] liam bidel atkinson [Applause] colby baxter [Applause] fatima sanchez michael dimitri molina [Applause] muhammad al hashmi michael sternfeld [Applause] abdullah [Applause] tristan beck alexis [Applause] jessica kelly egan [Applause] jody lee bolster [Applause] andrew vollrath yash joshi we will now announce the candidates for the bachelors and masters in computer science [Applause] alexander scott payload [Applause] jean laurent obama [Applause] megan henna king [Applause] alexander paul hawkins [Applause] [Music] timothon khan garrett height [Applause] m eldar justin velvek benjamin anthony jacobs [Applause] simon aloysius kooten daniel korres shelby barrows [Applause] nirvana [Applause] jacob the wild [Applause] long way chung timothy blair-linehan [Applause] [Applause] so skyler mac reynolds jared patrick brady [Applause] everest kirkpatrick [Applause] jack collier tong shing shun [Applause] gregory out of an art brittany danielle bird [Applause] jeffrey luca [Applause] william claiborne frick willie chu [Applause] sheldon ray austin cha tyler stoll ryan tan samuel britton [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay austin paul and sima charming sriti [Applause] we will now announce the candidates for the bachelors and masters in creative technology and design alexis mcbain [Applause] andrew barlow kaya renee wall madison ryan heath delaney bruhmann [Applause] margaret and ryan megan molina felsh tyler griffith myers [Music] daniel murad rafael that's tyler murrod rafael madison denise musgrave alexandria lee keller kylie marie buchan [Applause] kyle b ivey fou lee fallon logan [Applause] [Music] next are the candidates for the bachelors and masters in electrical and computer engineering [Applause] john cena grand captain ashley avery cooper nathan bieserfeld [Applause] nicholas ryan provost [Applause] samantha lemley [Applause] next we will announce the candidates for the bachelor's and master's in electrical engineering [Applause] no caitlyn doan calvin moose christopher james casenza [Applause] zolizung [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in the engineering management program rebecca thoth noah huber [Applause] jacob goldstein [Applause] robert yarborough charles appleton [Applause] [Applause] we will now announce the candidates for the bachelor's degrees in engineering plus [Applause] abigail leah fish aidan molly stearns christina chase marcopulu [Applause] semi gontos heather lynn mullin [Applause] robert burke [Applause] we will now announce the candidates for the bachelors and masters in environmental engineering leah rivera lucas wagoner spencer lovell [Applause] kevin pulley [Applause] kelly matson julia catherine whitaman [Applause] emily dale trout wine [Applause] lauren nelson [Applause] evan santana bailey vigil [Applause] anthony pimentel [Applause] arie gonda eli lynn heinerfeld [Applause] bryce kurtz jack costello joshua ramos charles bombard [Applause] we will now announce the candidates for the master's degrees in materials and science engineering [Applause] emily tila we will now announce the candidates for the bachelors and masters in mechanical engineering thank you eric cobb thank you victoria ruth tates gabriella paliyuka scott sharoga [Applause] akshita sahani [Applause] hunter hawk jackson hootman [Applause] thank you sarah corsidian [Applause] jeremy balderrama david graham george spencer white [Applause] molly ann higdon philippe franco [Applause] derrick rosser [Applause] john mcnulty cunningham jonathan daniel kellan [Applause] lazarus west [Applause] xander sugarman miles joseph wright we will we will now announce the candidates for the bachelors and masters in technology cyber security and policy [Applause] peter sanford burrell [Applause] grewal macy alexandra morgan we will now announce the candidate for the bachelor's or master's degree in engineering physics andres velani davila [Applause] okay let's uh thank adam for reading all those names what a what a special day um as folks return to their seats the last few here i just wanted to say a few closing remarks today we graduated 460 engineers and scientists this is such a spectacular day for these graduates and their family and for the college as well i would ask our graduates to consider this what do you know now that you didn't know then think back to a time when you were just learning about engineering and computer science and now here you are you have the knowledge the skills and the confidence to take on the challenges of the 21st century i would ask that you think of today as only the beginning of your learning and not the end you know you have the skills for lifelong to be lifelong learners and to build a future that we can only currently imagine i can't wait to see what you will create because that's what engineers do we create the future so welcome to this professional community where belonging comes with great opportunity but also great responsibility stay connected with us follow us i mean that at cu engineering follow us instagram facebook twitter we'll keep in contact with you um we would love for you to come back to the college you'll always be part of our buff family here come back give a talk mentor a student you are the role models for the next generation of innovators and you will always be welcome in the college so yeah i'd like to thank our many staff who've made today's event possible and to the band once again and congratulations to the graduates we have one more thing to do i'm going to ask you to do your final act as a student and i'm going to invite you to take your tassel and move it from the right side to the left to mark the end of this journey and the beginning of a new one so this concludes our program audience that asks you to remain seated as we the platform party leaves the stage thank you again for your time and all your support for these wonderful graduates me me foreign laughs wow people foreign from huh just kind of uh huh foreign ah time thank you so much you
Channel: CU Engineering
Views: 1,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 103min 54sec (6234 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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