CSU Global Virtual Commencement Winter 2021

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] good morning and welcome to csu global's 2021 winter virtual commencement ceremony i'm dr michael skiba program director of criminal justice and faculty member here at csu global we are so excited that you have joined us today it is my distinct pleasure to serve as the master of ceremonies as we broadcast live from denver colorado and let's officially start our ceremony now joining us from the joint base pearl harbor hickman in honolulu hawaii she received her bachelor's degree in accounting from csu global please rise as we welcome jacqueline garcia to perform our national anthem [Music] by the dawn's early light what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming [Music] [Music] [Music] the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there [Music] [Applause] for the hair thank you for sharing your amazing talent with us jacqueline thank you for joining us to celebrate our graduates as they mark this accomplishment and continue on their path to success our graduates today is the day your degree will be conferred and you will be an alumnus of colorado state university global you should be very proud of this accomplishment and i hope you enjoy today's program from all of us at csu global congratulations and welcome to winter commencement 2021 the csu global graduate is unique they have overcome obstacles and a balanced family work and education to achieve impressive goals all while never setting foot in a lecture hall as the first entirely online accredited state university colorado state university global is a trailblazer in online education but the real trailblazers are the graduates we celebrate today this inspiring group of driven dedicated individuals has worked incredibly hard to reach this milestone they wisely put csu global's modern structure and program offerings to work for them learning the skills and earning the credentials required to cross that long-awaited finish line our graduates are beloved members of our csu global community and leaders in their own communities too and they understand the value of education in their personal and professional lives as they continue on their current path or forge a new one we are confident that they are prepared to face the challenges of tomorrow's workforce with organization agility and tenacity today's graduates are shining examples of how a custom online learning experience can open doors and create opportunities that may otherwise have seemed out of reach they have studied honed practical skills and demonstrated exceptional critical thinking abilities all while learning real world strategies from respected experienced industry leaders csu global graduates our proud golden eagles today and every day we are honored to celebrate you and all that you've accomplished congratulations [Music] [Applause] [Music] graduates you have long anticipated this day and we welcome you your loved ones and friends and csu global staff and faculty now as an academic and international counter fraud practitioner for almost 25 years and some of you might know me from the media as dr fraud my alter ego i know firsthand the hard work that is needed to earn a degree and as a faculty member at csu global for over 10 years i am intimately familiar with the challenges you all face to get to this point and i'm always impressed by the perseverance and determination it takes to get to this finish line now you always fill those discussion boards with incredible insights by sunday 11 59 59 mountain time of course and consistently hold yourself to high standards with your critical thinking and portfolio project submissions in apa formatting of course now today we celebrate you your hard work your determination your achievement now let me begin today by explaining how you as graduates family and friends can engage with us and each other throughout the ceremony now all this information is available online and we will also post any links in this comment section now to participate in the live chat you must have a google or youtube account and once signed in you'll be able to comment directly into the chat fee located to the right of the live stream now please join the conversation and congratulate your graduates and each other on social media using csu global grad and tag at csu global now be sure to share pictures of who you are viewing with where you're viewing from because we know we have students from all over the u.s and globally joining us today and we want to see you and selfies are welcome now the entire commencement ceremony will be available to view shortly after our broadcast concludes and to receive a notification on when this video and others become available please be sure to subscribe to this youtube channel by clicking the red subscribe button under the video now if you'd like to download a copy of today's program with the list of all the graduates a link can be found on the commencement website and the link to the form has just been posted in the chat section now while today marks the official conferral of your degree you will also be invited to our next in-person commencement ceremony which is currently scheduled for june 4th 2022 and now please turn your attention to the presidential address presented by president pamela tony good morning it is wonderful to be with you all as we celebrate the accomplishments of our graduates together graduates you did it your relentless pursuit of your education has brought you to this point and that same tenacity will carry you well into the future you have completed degrees despite challenges that have presented themselves in every aspect of our lives but today as you accept your degree you are demonstrating your resilience your adaptability always rising to the occasion to achieve this accomplishment that hard work makes today even more important and special we want to express our thanks to our graduates friends family members colleagues and loved ones who supported them throughout their csu global experience i want to personally thank you for the support you provided that allowed our graduates to reach this milestone please join me in recognizing the veterans active military and their family members we thank you for your service to our country and we are deeply grateful for your sacrifices we also want to thank the csu global stakeholders who have helped facilitate our graduates academic success i would like to acknowledge the colorado state university system and board of governors it is their understanding and support of the work that we do at csu global that enables us to provide the respected degrees our graduates have earned today last but not least i want to thank our csu global staff and faculty for their continued support and hard work toward helping our students their dedication every day facilitates our students learning professional growth and success while earning their degrees we have truly enjoyed being partners with you in this journey and now graduates it is my distinct honor and privilege to formally congratulate you on reaching this academic achievement you have accomplished much to get to this point you have mastered your field of study and set yourself up for workplace success all while juggling work family responsibilities community service and more we know that has not been an easy journey and we applaud your commitment and determination for all of our participants today wherever in the world you may be at this moment i hope that you will enjoy the rest of the ceremony as we celebrate the success of our graduates together thank you thank you president tony and thank you to all the graduates who submitted thank you videos to view additional videos you can visit the link posted in the chat after this ceremony it is now my pleasure to introduce csu global provost dr paul savery welcome and thank you for attending today's commencement ceremony i'm dr paul savory and i have the honor of serving as the provost of colorado state university global as i stand before you in my academic regalia let me offer some context for it the custom of wearing distinctive dress for academic ceremonies goes back to the 12th and 13th centuries when colleges were first taken form most of the scholars in those early institutions belong to religious orders and their hats robes and hoods identifying them as belonging to a particular group academic dress as we know it today has been more or less fixed for the past 300 years in the united states every detail has been standardized by the american council of education the types length and sometimes the color of gown varies by the degree level and the various trim colors and hoods represent different disciplines specialties and colors of the degree granting institution as we honor our graduates today for their hard work and success we also honor the values and traditions that academia stands for through the use of academic regalia centuries of preparing people to lead lives of significance today's commencement is a momentous day it symbolizes a new beginning for each of our graduates and also prepares an opportunity to reflect on one's unique journey more than classes papers projects and starbucks coffee behind each of our graduates is a support network consisting of parents grandparents children spouses and friends thank you to each of you for the support and encouragement that you have provided your graduate graduates on behalf of the faculty i congratulate you on your success and the recognition you'll receive today thank you for allowing csu global to support you in your journey and we wish you professional and personal success thank you for those kind words dr savory i would now like to introduce you to our student speaker just last year this individual participated in a csu global commencement ceremony as she earned her bachelor's degree in criminal justice now today she's reached another milestone and has earned her master's degree in information technology management what an accomplishment now joining us today from amsterdam other part of the world please welcome your winter 2021 virtual commencement student speaker deirdre yonker greetings csu global president pamela tony faculty and staff my fellow graduates our families and friends i'm so pleased to be here with you today and i'm honored to have been chosen to address you today first i want to congratulate my fellow graduates i am so proud of you for achieving your goals five years ago i was quite nervous about making the leap from earning an associate at a community college to entering a state university i was not sure how or i would fit in but i always keep the mindset and that we never know what the future holds so despite being nervous i enrolled at a csu global and pursued my education first with a bachelor's degree in criminal justice and today a masters in information technology management as i reflect back at the beginning of this journey i can't help but wonder where i would be if i had chosen another path would i be working at another job that wasn't fulfilling what i have discovered to overcome the challenges that life is presented doubtful but what i do know is that i'm grateful to csu global for guiding and supporting me along the way i will miss being a student at this institution which has felt more like an extended family than just a school if i could give some advice today it would be to take on those challenges presented to you those are what give you the opportunity to grow just like the old saying goes life is just a journey not a destination so don't miss out on what could be an incredible opportunity also never give up on yourself whatever success you find will fuel your future and finally you are not alone in this journey while we may recite across states and even countries for example i'm addressing you today from amsterdam we are all in this together i'll offer one last piece of advice that's helped me think of a goal you hope to achieve you don't have to share it with anyone just keep it in mind to remind yourself of it regularly whatever that goal is another degree a promotion or a new job just go for it someday you might be the inspirational story that helps someone overcome their obstacles and achieve their goals class of 2021 i wish you all the best in your future endeavors and to all the friends and family members watching today thank you so much for supporting your graduate through their journey i'm so proud of you all thank you and again congratulations thank you deirdre for your inspirational words as you mentioned the graduates we celebrate today surmounted many obstacles in reaching this important milestone all of us at sushi google are inspired by your resilience tenacity and dedication graduates we are thrilled to welcome you to the csu global alumni association and here is a message about your alumni association benefits and additional opportunities to stay connected to your csu global family what you gain from csu global doesn't stop after you complete your degree or certificate you are now part of the csu global alumni association welcome the csu global alumni association offers benefits resources and programs to more than eighteen thousand alumni worldwide you can start taking advantage of those benefits today by joining global connect at global connect dot csu global through global connect you can easily access all alumni related resources including networking career and mentoring opportunities as ever we are proud to continue to support lifelong learning and workplace success we look forward to staying connected with you congratulations and welcome to the csu global alumni association [Music] as a reminder if you miss any of today's program the entire commencement ceremony will be available to view shortly after our broadcast to concludes and to receive a notification on when this video and others will become available please be sure to subscribe to this youtube channel by clicking the red subscribe button under the video now our next speaker is guaranteed to give you a little inspiration as you step into the next phase of your life at 18 years old he joined the us marines to become a navy corpsman he was deployed to afghanistan in 2011 where he stepped on an ied and as a result lost his leg he decided to let his injury be a story of hope to motivate others today he is a speaker athlete husband father and computer forensic analyst based in colorado springs now his accomplishments include competing in the invictus games being a participant on the amazing race and has been a guest on the today show now please join me in welcoming redmond ramos congratulations everyone i am so excited to be here today before i begin i want to give a huge thank you to your president pamela tony and everyone in the csu global commencement committee for giving me the opportunity to speak to you all today today's the day i can you believe it today is the day today's your day the day that you have all been working so hard for today your hard work has paid off and the world gets to see how great you really are and knowing that today is your day i had to ask myself what can i tell you what could i possibly tell you that you don't already know you've all been through a lot already many of you have worked overtime at your jobs while working overtime at csu global many of you have raised children at the same time as raising your grades so what could i tell you that you haven't heard already you have proven that you know the importance of an education and today you reap the benefits of what can be achieved through hard work and determination so i decided to give you advice on something that i know very well i want to tell you how to live like you almost died i want to tell you how to live as if it's your second chance at life when i was 22 years old i was cursed with a serious case of one day i will itis one day i will eat healthier and work out one day i'll learn to surf one day i'll get a degree one day i'll learn to play the guitar one day i'll compete and track one day i'll start being nicer to my family one day i'll pursue a career in law enforcement then suddenly and out of the blue i learned a very hard life lesson i stepped on an ied an improvised explosive device a bomb i felt the horrible damage to my body i felt the bones shatter in my foot upon impact i felt my body turn ice cold and i felt shivers go up and down my spine i thought i was going to die and i realized in that instant one day may never come i realized one day was not certain the only thing that's certain is now the only thing that's certain is the present we've all heard stories of people seeing their life flash before their eyes when they face death it's not exactly what happened to me on the day i thought i may die it wasn't the life that i had lived that flash before my eyes it was the life that i had not lived it was the life that i wish i had lived it was all the things i wanted to do all the hobbies that i didn't do because i was busy chasing dreams that weren't mine all the inventions i thought about making the books i wanted to write the degree i really wanted to pursue all the people i could have helped along the way all the states i hadn't visited all the countries i hadn't seen all the cultures i hadn't experienced seeing the life that i had not lived flashed before my eyes helped me see how boring i had become as my marines treated me everything moved in slow motion i laid on the ground watching my marines save my life i thought about how little i felt i had accomplished in my life at that point i also realized how lucky i was i had a second chance at life a second chance to do anything and everything i ever wanted to do i was just given a gift and i swore on that day i would say yes to any opportunity that passed by me i swore i would never squander that second life that i was just given i swore i would never be boring again in case you ever find yourself on a path that does not excite you here are my three rules to help you stop being boring and start living the life that you were meant to live rule number one create laughter when i showed up to the hospital in california to receive my amputation i was sent to this wonderful but terrifying hospital this physical therapy facility this is a room that was filled with about 40 combat injured amputees being treated at any given time a room filled with seemingly broken people but if you spent more than a minute in that room you would quickly realize this is not a place for pity this was a place for growth that room was very intimidating for a newly injured warfighter like myself but not in the way you might think i i didn't pity the marines in there i looked up to them they were my heroes my idols it was intimidating seeing all of these marines who happened to be missing legs or missing arms had scars everywhere but still working out harder than i'd ever seen anyone work out before sweating in their shirts that said stuff like i had a blast in afghanistan or combat injured marine some assembly required there may have been pain in that room but there was no sadness there was laughter there was fun and it was intentional a conscious decision made to lift up ourselves and everyone around us each and every day and as a result there were amazing results in progress that would not have occurred otherwise see that group had learned that if you want to stop being boring you have to create laughter especially in the tough times rule number two find the opportunity in every obstacle every single time we're faced with an obstacle we are presented with an opportunity to succeed and grow when i stepped on that ied my obstacles were pretty clear they were physical so when the doctors told me my obstacle when the doctors told me redmond you will never be able to run again if you keep your leg all i heard was that i was going to run again all i heard was an opportunity an opportunity to push through the hard times to push through the pain and live life my way every single obstacle has a hidden opportunity for me an obstacle of dealing with an amputation led to an opportunity to try out for the navy track team which led to an opportunity to compete for team usa at the invictus games in london which led to an opportunity to compete on a tv show called triumph games which led to an opportunity to compete on the tv show the amazing race where i was blessed with a chance to run around and explore the world which of course led to a hundred different obstacles and with them a hundred different opportunities to live a fun and meaningful life this isn't easy work finding opportunities and challenges can be really hard to do especially when you're struggling but when you train your brain to think that way eventually you will become unstoppable you will become even more successful than you already are so if you want to stop being boring find the opportunity in every obstacle and lastly rule number three don't be afraid to fail in fact you should fail at something every day seriously every single day you should go out and look for a chance to fail at something new plan a fail at something new or exciting as often as possible because failing at something means that you are willing to dare greatly and when you live your life this way you are going to fail and that's all right that's part of the fun it's not an if it's not a maybe it's when it's how often it's how many times am i going to fail this is hard work it's much easier to use failure as an excuse to give up to stop pursuing your dream because of tough surroundings or because of a lack of support to give in when you feel that you have tried giving it every single thing that you've got only to be disappointed by the results time and time again but if there's one thing that my life has taught me it's that we can recycle that pain we can get something from it we could use that pain to propel ourselves towards something greater a willingness to fail will lead to fun and exciting stories each and every day if you want to stop being boring don't be afraid to fail ladies and gentlemen graduates sounds good to say doesn't it graduates life is short so live it your way you only get one life don't you dare make it boring today's not just a day to celebrate all that you have done today is a day to celebrate all that you will do i am so proud of each and every one of you congratulations to you all and i am excited to see how much you all positive positively impact the world thank you very much thank you redmond for reminding us to laugh no matter what life hands us to look for the opportunities in every challenge and for giving us permission to fail as we dare greatly you are an inspiration to us all and before we get to the conferral of the degrees we want to share this short message from the csu system chancellor dr tony frank on behalf of the entire colorado state university system congratulations graduates you've accomplished something truly meaningful and important and we are all proud to celebrate with you as you move forward to the next stage of your life career and education of course this year's graduation isn't what any of us expected as much as any other class in our lifetimes you graduate into an uncertain time but even though this past year may be particularly memorable what time isn't uncertain and when haven't you faced uncertainty and moved ahead no one models that sort of determination and commitment better than our csu global graduates you took a non-traditional path the path of perseverance the path that was right for you because of your background experience and goals you saw an opportunity that others didn't see and you took it and held yourself accountable to that commitment and attained your goal in that knowledge you can find certainty and direction in any uncertainty that you face when the path isn't clear you'll clear your own path and keep moving forward you're the graduates our world needs right now and we could not be more honored than we are today to recognize all that you have achieved you leave here with a better future ahead a sense of accomplishment and our pride in you as well as our deepest congratulations to the class of 2021. thank you dr frank for that insightful message csu global graduates you are seasoned online learners you chose to take a non-traditional path you worked the challenges of juggling work and busy personal lives and above all you made it here today and with all the uncertainty we face your determination and achievement gives us all hope i would now like to introduce governor jane rob rhodes from the colorado state university system board of governors for a few words on behalf of the colorado state university system board of governors it is an honor to be part of this ceremony and have the opportunity to celebrate your accomplishments as new csu global graduates we are grateful that you have chosen to earn your degree with one of our schools and are thrilled to welcome you as alumni of csu global and the csu system and now on behalf of the colorado state university system board of governors i hereby authorize you president tony to confer the recommended degrees upon these candidates congratulations thank you governor rob rhodes for those kind words we will now proceed to the degree conferral beginning with candidates for bachelor's degrees and then continuing on with our candidates for master's degrees now friends and family unlike a traditional commencement ceremony where you may be asked to hold your applause until the end we encourage you to cheer loudly wherever you are and of course send messages to congratulate your graduate using the chat section and of course on social media using the hashtag csu global grad now the names will be read in alphabetical order by degree program and a slide with your name and program will be shown at that time we will first recognize our bachelor's degree candidates starting with graduates in bachelors of science and accounting bachelor's degree candidates [Music] bachelor of science in accounting [Music] jagruti and cola courtney bickford [Music] leoma don bremmer laura ann campbell willoughby tara lynnae chanult [Music] emily s corwin [Music] leah cruz thomas a dylan [Music] maria duding [Music] alexander kayton duquette mary evleon [Music] tatiana yolanda gill [Music] jordan goodale therese gramco [Music] cleo hawkins brianne iverson taylor monroe jones naomi l kaiser [Music] devin knipfer katrina j liu jennifer m lorenz james joseph lynch iv [Music] michelle leanne mcelberger [Music] nicole marr [Music] meegan margot stokes [Music] sandra d matthews [Music] michael dean mccollum [Music] jeannie a miller [Music] christina a north [Music] courtney puckett [Music] amanda salmons stacy j sigmund brittany tassler [Music] marcida vidskerbova [Music] jennifer l weber bachelor of science in business management [Music] sam bartlett [Music] and kay broussard janice marie jenkins brown [Music] pierre lanelle buchanan [Music] jennifer clary [Music] jason william de vilbus teresa m jones jessica a kaufman lindsay elise kenyon [Music] diana lynn klatt adam klein [Music] cheryl marie klechner jonathan castizak [Music] jan michael vincent moore rafaela lucia nicoletti pacini heather omta [Music] tanya sue phillips [Music] danielle marie platzamujas caitlyn m quatrochi alicia stewart natasha tugus [Music] mark westby [Music] gary wayne wilkins jr [Music] bachelor of science in communication [Music] kayla wadner [Music] shanti m hebert [Music] ebony don mcintosh [Music] bachelor of science in computer science [Music] cheyenne austin bounds nicole pierce j christopher warren williams [Music] bachelor of science in criminal justice and law enforcement administration [Music] linda marlene garrido [Music] melissa l gibson katie harris bond [Music] chad luther east elizabeth marie jones [Music] kenneth john martinez [Music] magdalea negron [Music] robin r samples kimberly joanna staub tyler samuel trujillo [Music] becca venable [Music] bachelor of science in cyber security [Music] mota's awad [Music] bachelor of science in finance brittany hasa [Music] bachelor of science in healthcare administration and management [Music] caitlyn elizabeth ardis [Music] winston garrett banks sarah bennett [Music] jennifer joy bogdanowicz [Music] carmen neticia bracken chandra monique creighton [Music] elizabeth marie dorsett [Music] summer love esposito miri motu fear estafania garcia [Music] margaret ann griffin ashley marie gutierrez alexis ellis king amy lynn kresha [Music] jamila miller [Music] cassandra l mills valerie l morefield amora peralta palmer kristin ray phillips [Music] jonathan lamar rucker [Music] stephanie lynn sager gina sanchez [Music] ashley chidi stevens alexis nicole todd erica nicole wartzman [Music] bachelor of science in human resource management [Music] tanya angelina butler [Music] sunky cabrera [Music] rebecca s carlson [Music] sarah cash scott b chandler [Music] jennifer child [Music] leslie ann clay tanya l gervais [Music] brenda m henry melissa m howe tasha hope hollet connor s care [Music] to neil christine langeel blanca lundeen tammy k martin martinez melinda kate mcconnell [Music] haley mccall downey [Music] dana j melchiorri brandon damond mullins [Music] and louise palazzolo [Music] jessica marie parmelli deanna marie ross naval object manova ross fatimata city bay [Music] michaela adams sierra harper [Music] angela b stansberry brianna n vega [Music] dauphin d merle williams jr [Music] alessandra young bachelor of science in human services donna marie bird [Music] danielle calhoun sean edward johnson [Music] kayla m moran [Music] jaylee reliford [Music] laura adella rodriguez luisa f rojo mckenzie l shed [Music] kimberly w williams bachelor of science in information technology [Music] christopher edward brown luis e colon [Music] chiranji b dungall matthew j dash lapidra evans tyler p gilson [Music] rachel hajjati matthew gene hovland rod a hunsaker david allen jacobs jr [Music] glenn kerbyn [Music] peter lee [Music] caitlin elizabeth matchat ryan kenneth mcpherson hannah morneau [Music] rasheed ogenlowo [Music] sean troy payton james bryan popolowski [Music] jason david quinn jeffrey d richard patrick a reinhardt christopher william roswell [Music] dylan a shaffer michael a schwarz [Music] john robert turner [Music] douglas philip wald bachelor of science in interdisciplinary professional studies [Music] roslyn j reese [Music] bachelor of science in management information systems and business analytics [Music] sultan g bayenne surely diane daisley john hall luis m hernandez vega [Music] notion khan [Music] madhu d khatri [Music] irfan peterson jennifer raita [Music] david michael reeves leno christopher rodello nico shaw [Music] bachelor of science in marketing [Music] facial alcasum mckenna carter pam chavez [Music] caitlyn eliza george [Music] elizabeth grimm [Music] andrew a mckay robert p machek [Music] trevor montgomery [Music] meepo mililo nileko jr sabrine nicholson [Music] jade b parish kaylee reinert [Music] paula k wheeler bachelor of science in organizational leadership brittany anderson [Music] eilish michaela anderson [Music] justin m baines amanda grant [Music] desmond arnell gums [Music] sermon hazer barbara l kester [Music] evan lane [Music] brandon loosely [Music] josephine paula martinez-rivera matthew mclean [Music] justin wayne mitchell sarah lynn north amanda c picon rachel yvonne rivas walker [Music] stephanie rodriguez joe rosetta [Music] kayla smith tykera m swint brittany renee toth [Music] mary patience webb bachelor of science in project management zachary armstrong lon d brown gene pedro celestin [Music] isaac michael ferreira [Music] abby gifford [Music] alan robert the lady zarek han shanice nicole hills [Music] tina r jensen heart brian kirby [Music] amy coker lottery [Music] cory myself jared arthur miera katie monteith [Music] douglas ray parton [Music] matthew ryle steven r rodriguez [Music] jeremiah dwayne wilkins [Music] jeff r womack [Music] [Music] i'm so happy to be almost done it's been a huge part of my family it's a major accomplishment it was a really great experience i really enjoyed it it's been a long time coming that's for sure so i actually started in 2017 had to take a break for a couple years after having my second little one it's a huge accomplishment i'm super excited and i can't believe it's over honestly i am 52 years old i finished my undergrad degree in september of this year um i'm excited to finish my degree and plan on attending um back at csu global in january to go for my master's in the same program the few people that really helped me complete the program and i get a little emotional because they're here it was my daughter my ten-year-old daughter she was just like this little person that was really understanding and sweet that's my husband my husband has been my number one supporter for sure and then dr miller i'd say those were the my two uh the two rocks in the in the time here we are the actual hidden heroes yes many bath times of children were covered i was just really impressed with how the experience and the support of some of the professors i work with that really helped me early on in the program i had a professor that was really really fun there were a few of them that were so kind so nice and so encouraging and that meant a lot to me because there were time that i'm like i'm through i can't do this anymore and um one of the teachers when i first started i'm like i'm not into this right now i'm just gonna stop and he said no don't stop he said keep on you know he's just going to get easier he's here and so um that was very encouraging to me when i first enrolled i was kind of like i don't i had no idea what it was to take an online class but then it was i remember the first course i was like oh my god i did good i found the classes pretty interesting all the classes have been really helpful and you know my favorites i just love the material i just really liked the program and so i i was very happy here i kind of got eager like i want to you know i want to apply what i learned i just really appreciate everything like everything that i've gotten to learn through this program it's been really awesome and it's helped me get an internship in project management at the company i currently work at csu has helped me to push fast at that one major milestone you know that you know started to unlock other milestones that you know at the age of 18 you sit back and like oh that's that's impossible that's that's i can't imagine like you know applying for an mba program you know and and you know fast forward to now it's like holy cow yeah here it is like i i've done it what's next congratulations to all undergraduate students you should be very proud of your accomplishments we will now recognize our master's degree candidates as with our undergraduate students names will be read in alphabetical order and by program please celebrate our graduates in the comments section and on social media we will start with our graduates from a program that i direct csu global's master's degree in criminal justice master's degree candidates [Music] master's degree in criminal justice and law enforcement administration [Music] makira a blake sheila curtis [Music] megan r gillis todd casey higgerson [Music] nelly jones national society of leadership and success golden key international honor society knowledge at csu global acquires a dream that formulates hope students normally find that they never knew they had today's work involved learning about myself and i calibrate a virtual reality with a criminal justice master's degree [Music] destiny antoinette valdez master's degree in finance [Music] rishi s amara tunga [Music] flavia m bates [Music] danielle n bingham christine cruz [Music] justin demorenville alex matthew garcia [Music] bryce johnson michael a johnston [Music] nicholas price keener [Music] cheyenne naik marguerite robin [Music] holly soderbeck [Music] pamela lynn tisch amanda phillips white master's degree in health care administration [Music] maria altman [Music] dalton w atterberry [Music] the set g branville navarro elizabeth anne candido [Music] christine and carlson trinette and chapin [Music] ronette l wynonski selena cousins [Music] jamie coy [Music] marissa lynn de brocchio [Music] justine b davis alisa godwin dunn rochelle m dyer destiny ferreira sandra k giangreco brown [Music] megan gomez [Music] ashley ray hansen [Music] robert hinson [Music] lindsay jansen corbin sydney jones [Music] amy shelton canada [Music] christopher kowalski [Music] kimberly victoria leachmore michael james leon [Music] nikiya c mays brenda t bipa yanet mclaren baker joseph mclennan [Music] megan merges jennifer l miller leah janelle miller florence a odinya sangili [Music] caitlyn mackenzie olasnovic [Music] susan price allele [Music] tanya sawaya [Music] christine shard [Music] reci m seisei amir shastavari [Music] amanda shawn booker [Music] candace k talkington [Music] catherine ann thompson rhonda tilloie melissa lynn trammell rexy elsa varghese [Music] andrea lane whittaker taylor wu [Music] angela diane wood [Music] makisha d wooden rachel a zaragoza [Music] master's degree in human resource management [Music] jennifer renee eiperspock laney g aerosmith angela nobles blackman [Music] nicole marie willow brenda kathleen kearney lori elizabeth casey renee e cook [Music] molly seneca day heather marie dufour [Music] patrick riley edgington francine k einert holly eckert [Music] emily k griffin [Music] chintana gito aya hariri michael howard hatcher latasha why inge [Music] brittany jackson [Music] chantal nanette johnson [Music] cameo s mayat [Music] nicholas j masioli [Music] casey patrick mccone kristin raquel metch christina alicia moore [Music] sharna lee morris [Music] trish mosh monique ortiz [Music] erica paul nina perez [Music] stacy l robertson nicole christina rhodey [Music] sarah e sensucci [Music] jamia richer irene smith cameron sorensen [Music] amy stock [Music] cara marie taylor [Music] ray testa king rebecca jane troy [Music] bradley robery voorhees samuel dwayne williams senior [Music] yakay delana wright master's degree in information technology management [Music] nazir ali ahmed cavoy steven bent shelley renee brooks bradley krieger [Music] deirdre anne yonker [Music] kim lobasso [Music] stephanie ann mcconkey anita nayani siratin [Music] edward brian tinkham jason todd [Music] master's degree in international management [Music] matthew joseph mitchell [Music] master's degree in professional accounting [Music] melissa ann baker [Music] danielle lee ball colleen m coverly [Music] robin fleming cassandra rose herrastus [Music] nicole catherine hewlett amber michelle laird pinard william g lee iii amanda c love [Music] jessica a martinez rafael a sanchez [Music] nicholas john suiter [Music] latoya wagstaff jennifer l walton [Music] derrick edgar ward [Music] charlotte r you're done [Music] master's degree in project management carol a calvert [Music] mcgonth chandran jocelyn t cunningham [Music] andrew abel del valle brent j edwards [Music] amanda rosalie evans [Music] christine louise fontenot [Music] alex and foster warren o gaines jr [Music] lawal k gabagaba [Music] robert lyle kalish ii [Music] morgan m landers kelly larson [Music] torrey leach christina portchizzy [Music] danny ribiero [Music] eva janine roberts madrid [Music] myra volcaz master of science and data analytics [Music] cody appleby julian andre basira [Music] dwight william brandt jr [Music] emmanuel fauquen bichem tovani m gayle [Music] ian w gilbreith rebecca virginia groover [Music] john matthew ember scott a minor [Music] michael j murray [Music] christopher edwin rashidian mills minty cellcrag [Music] christopher spence [Music] carolina taborga [Music] master of science in management nicole m dill george holdershaw robert carlos manriquez jr marjorie b parisi lyle steven schatzer [Music] mary gabrielle shore [Music] master of science in organizational leadership [Music] lisa aiden brittany bowles joanna davis bradshaw [Music] orianna l brown [Music] elizabeth tanelli campbell janet chimeli shelby lynn clayton yoni coleman kelly crow [Music] jessica rose cunningham [Music] venus d charnette davis [Music] lisa louise duckworth peter akawang selecha kelly a fernandez [Music] and d finkner [Music] rachelle l fry skinner [Music] aaron rose green charles albert halstead [Music] jeff c haskins rhonda hess elena diane holland tara diane hughes [Music] jeffrey l eide grilli jack katya jimenez [Music] cutter kane [Music] sarah kessler [Music] joan c kanaka allison holly leifert [Music] jared cody masterson matthew robert myers [Music] mobine aslam saeed mion jeff milton [Music] amanda b murray [Music] jessica pardo kristen l hello quinn ashley l perez [Music] shane wesley robinson [Music] charmaine blanche robotham christopher rose [Music] robert aaron shifflett [Music] lisa marriott sims [Music] lauren e stewart [Music] kimberly rose stucker rachel louise suarez amy joanne tate martinez [Music] stephanie k warren desiree renee williams [Music] master of science in teaching and learning jeremiah otoki [Music] jennifer baloo margaret p chenard [Music] matthew c davis mary donahue gantz nathan donald gravelding [Music] natalie faith harpenau [Music] jessica jamin ashley nicole higgins keithley jason andrew kinney peter maxwell [Music] bridget mae parkins [Music] lucinda d rigsby [Music] brilla marie slaughter [Music] teresa stacy congratulations graduates wherever you are joining from today your accomplishments are truly commendable and all of us here at csu global celebrate this achievement with you i will now ask csu global president pamela tony back for the official conferring of the degrees for those of you who have successfully completed your programs by the authority vested in me by the colorado state university system board of governors i hereby confer upon each of you the recommended degree with all of its rights privileges and responsibilities congratulations and now if all family members friends and csu global stakeholders would please join me in recognizing the csu global graduates on behalf of csu global i want to thank everyone for attending today commencement is truly one of the best days of the year for me and it is an event that our staff and faculty genuinely look forward to we are honored to be part of your journey and are thrilled to celebrate your accomplishments today days like today are an important reminder of the positive impact that each one of us all of us can have in someone else's life even amidst the many challenges you faced with completing your degrees you persevered through challenge and adversity comes opportunity a chance to learn to expand your thinking and broaden your perspective as industries shift and entirely new ones emerge we are confident that you are prepared to think critically and engage in creative problem solving to succeed in the workforce of tomorrow you are ready to pursue your passions and take on the challenges that lie ahead congratulations again and have a wonderful rest of your day thank you president tony it has been my privilege to serve as your master of ceremonies today don't forget to use hashtag csu globalgrad on social media and tag at sushi global in your posts so you can be entered into a prize drawing congratulations once again class of 2021 [Music] do you
Channel: CSU Global
Views: 16,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: csu-global, csu global, csuglobal.edu, csuglobal, colorado state university, online university, online college, online classes, online course, online courses, online degree, online degrees, online education, distance learning, continuing education, continuing ed, bachelor degree, bachelor degrees, bachelors degree, bachelors degrees, master degree, master degrees, masters degree, masters degrees, college degree, college degrees, graduate degrees, csu, modern learning
Id: tB0j3IeRGGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 40sec (7960 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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