Fall Commencement Ceremony 5

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] do do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] bye [Music] [Music] so [Music] um [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] now [Music] [Music] um ladies and gentlemen damasi caballeros in a few moments we will begin this portion of the fall 2021 commencement ceremony at florida atlantic university as we prepare to welcome our graduates we would like to emphasize how much we all want to make this important occasion an orderly ceremony and to ensure that all graduates receive the recognition that they have earned to that end would you please now silence all cell phones and electronic devices that could mar the dignity of the ceremony for our graduates air horns and other noise makers may call attention to a particular individual but at the expense of disturbing the ceremony for all others denying the graduates and their families the honor of hearing their names called please refrain from using such devices we ask you also to remain seated during the entire ceremony through the processional so that every student who crosses the stage today receives the respect of our attention the ceremony will begin with the procession of the graduates faculty and platform party following the presentation of colors national anthem and speaker remarks the awarding of degrees will begin with the individual hooding of doctoral candidates this ancient tradition will be followed by the specialists and master's degree recipients then the baccalaureate and certificate recipients then the ceremony will conclude with the recessional a professional photographer will take each student's picture as the student crosses the platform and at two other points off stage the fire marshal requires that we keep all aisles clear so we must ask that you not leave your seats to take individual pictures we're also required by florida law to advise you to take note of the nearest fire exit where you should proceed in the event of an emergency thank you in advance for your cooperation and now to honor the graduating class of fall 2021 please rise for the procession [Applause] foreign uh foreign hmm uh my my hmm bye my foreign um my bye foreign bye uh so foreign um foreign um please be seated ladies and gentlemen please welcome the university marshal dr kimberly dunn [Applause] [Music] good afternoon owls it's finally time to graduate on behalf of the entire faculty of florida atlantic university it is my pleasure to welcome you to the fall 2021 commencement ceremony [Music] mrs monica baravidis hildago soprano and the fau brass ensemble of the dorothy f schmidt college of arts and letters department of music will perform our national anthem the star-spangled banner with dr kyle prescott director of bands conducting please rise for the presentation of the colors by the fau army rotc color guard huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] we've watched is [Music] that our flag was still there oh say does that star spangled [Music] [Music] r [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ladies and gents please be seated ladies and gentlemen please join me in welcoming florida atlantic university's president john kelly [Applause] [Music] dr dunn members of the faculty special guest family members friends and members of the fall 2021 you are the last class to graduate in 2021 it is with great pleasure that i welcome you to florida atlantic university's 131st commencement ceremony and before i proceed please join me in giving another round of applause to the fau army rotc color guard for the presentation of colors i'd also like to thank again the musicians from the dorothea schmidt college of arts and letters for their wonderful performance i want to recognize and acknowledge two special guests who are joining me on stage today vice president for administrative affairs and chief administrative officer stacy walnut and student government president maxwell simonsen [Applause] [Music] i also must recognize the dedicated men and women who've worked so extra hard during these difficult times to switch to remote learning last spring so that the students and the audience here today could continue with their coursework and graduate on time thank you so much to the fau faculty [Applause] on this day we're recording special honors on a student in the harriet l wilkes honors college who touched many lives during her time here at fau julia chirturba was pursuing a bachelor's degree in biological and physical sciences with a minor in psychology when she passed away at the young age of 21. julia was an exceptional student she was described by one professor as so gracious and hardworking with a complete sense of responsibility and exceptionalism that made her a role model for any student who was fortunate enough to have known her today that degree that julia worked so hard to attain will be awarded to her posthumously her cousin alessandra shekausna will accept the degree on her behalf she will be the first to march among the harriet wilkes honors college candidates as we join in honoring julia's memory julia will truly be missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing her and we will cherish her memory as an important part of the fau family forever i would be remiss if i did not acknowledge the tremendous toll that coveted 19 pandemic has taken on all of us nationwide we've lost more than 800 000 people and i know that some of you have lost family members or friends due to the pandemic would you please join me for a moment of silence in honor of julia and those other lives that were impacted by the pandemic thank you graduates it is indeed wonderful to see all of you here today it has certainly been a trying year and i know that covid19 and the pandemic challenged us in many ways we struggled we adapted we mourned but we endured and today we gather to celebrate the most anticipated day of your college career your graduation a few years ago we started the tradition of allowing graduates to take selfies from their seats with me contributing a photo bomb in the background this was actually inspired by nasa astronaut and fau engineering alumni steve swanson who posted the first instagram selfie from outer space how about it owls would you be willing to join me and indulge me in my selfie tradition right now [Applause] thank you okay everybody take out your phone and turn around toward the stage and i'm going to give you a photo bomb and take your selfie [Applause] [Applause] [Music] thank you for indulging me i actually have learned to tweet and retweet over the last few years so uh i feel like i'm learning a lot about the social media uh please be sure if you would use the hashtag fau grad and add a gift fau gif sticker to your selfie on instagram or snapchat and you can find those by searching florida atlantic if you're on twitter i would love for you to tweet your selfies to me and i will retweet your selfie out don't forget to use the hashtag faugrad now if you would let's please put our phones away and don't forget to turn them off we'd like for the rest of the ceremony to be cell phone free so we can focus on each of you i'd like to take a moment to say a special word of welcome to the family members and friends in the audience as well as those who are watching this ceremony via the web i know how proud you are of your graduates and i want to thank you for the love and the support you've provided them throughout this academic journey graduates please join me in a round of applause for your family and friends who've been with you this entire time many members of this class chose to participate in the senior class gift tradition by donating the amount of money equivalent to their year 20 and 21 cents to match 2021 to support current and future owls to signify that connection graduates who donated are wearing special red and blue cords since the program's inception in 2014 more than 7 500 aisles have chosen to donate more than 180 000 toward the senior class scholarship fund congratulations and thank you today more than one-third of this graduating class is doing something that no member of their family has ever done before they're earning a college degree i'd like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to our first generation students i am personally so very proud of you and i know this is the first of many successes all the first gen students please stand and be recognized i'd also like to acknowledge another very special group of graduates the men and women who have served this country in the armed forces or any graduates who are currently in the military or who are veterans please stand so we can thank you for your service and congratulations we're very proud that fau offers unique education opportunities to students of all ages our fall graduates range in age from 18 to 77. [Music] 70 of our graduates are over the age of 50. nine or over sixty two or over seventy [Applause] what wonderful role models these graduates are for their children and grandchildren we'll all of the senior scholars in our ceremony please stand so we can show how much we admire you we also take great pride in students that achieve incredible things at an exceptionally young age five of this afternoon's graduates are only 18 years old they graduated from fau high school in may and now just seven months later they're receiving their bachelor's degrees three more are only 19 one of whom is receiving a master's degree these students graduated from fau high this past spring that is made possible by the fact that fau high's dual enrollment program which offers gifted students the opportunity to study for both the high school diploma and university degrees at the same time i'd like to ask these eight impressive young scholars to stand for a well-deserved round of applause [Applause] many fau employees are also students who are working hard toward their degrees while simultaneously earning a living and caring for their families if any fau employees are in this ceremony i'd like to invite you to stand now so that your family your co-workers and everyone here can recognize you and your accomplishments during the pandemic fau employees graduates this year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of florida atlantic university that is when the state legislature granted funding to build florida's fifth public university right here in boca raton just three years later in october of 1964 president lyndon b johnson stood in front of the breezeway with a brand new library the same one that we have today and declared fau officially open the university had gotten off to a rather rough start so it was a much anticipated day just earlier that fall as we were beginning to open for the very first time with students hurricane clio hit south florida the storm caused extensive damage to the campus and delayed the start of classes however when the flood waters receded and the power came back on fau's new faculty and students arrived excited to be learning in paradise of course the campus itself was no paradise back then as you might have heard this university was built on the site of a former army base where the gis were trained during world war ii for a raider tech radar technology that helped the allies win the war but before the war ended the land was neglected for more than a decade it set and even as the campus opened in 1964 the grounds were a stark landscape with very little green space it would be another seven years before the place that you all have affectionately known as narnia with all the trees planted were spared from the place of expansion which was highway i-95 and they were translated here by a faculty member a math professor named jack freeman rumor had it at the time that the snakes outnumbered the students today i think it's the iguanas that are working to get that record fortunately that's no longer the case but one thing that has endured is our commitment to opening the door of opportunity through education when lbj spoke at the dedication ceremony making fau one of the few universities in u.s history to be honored by a sitting president he shared some observations that remain true to this day he said fau plans to be the new future of education in america based on three criteria full equity in educational opportunity new learning to meet new demands new methods to teach many more and indeed even back in the 1960s fau placed special emphasis on welcoming a diverse student body producing workforce ready students to meet the evolving needs of our state and our nation and innovating ways to make education more accessible this included a broadcast technology which was television to beam classes to students wherever they might be so we were well ahead of our time in the pursuit of this distance education opportunity some of the most advanced technology needed to accomplish that was not yet available however thanks to the internet distance education has ultimately become something of the way we are now taking for granted and at least until march of 2020 when the world shut down due to the pandemic and it became our only option i know the past year and a half was not what you imagined when you began your journey at fau and i want to commend you for continuously adapting to this unprecedented way of life and of learning the fact that you're graduating today is proof of course of your intelligence but perhaps more importantly it speaks to your resilience you never gave up it's a trait that will serve you well throughout the rest of your life you remain focused on getting this degree often completely isolated from professors and classmates while trying to maintain your physical and mental health and while difficult there is much to be learned from this experience including the value of relationships and the creative ways we've learned to maintain those relationships from a safe distance things like drive-by birthday parties and zoom weddings we hope are things of the past however the end is in sight it appears that now over 200 million people have been that nationwide have been fully vaccinated an important step in eradicating this virus we're finally getting back together with friends and family we haven't seen in far too long and we're getting back out there and hopefully again we'll have the opportunity to travel and see the world and speaking of seeing the world i hope that you'll remember that you don't have to be in a classroom anymore you've learned better than any how to attain education regardless of where you live in the world no matter where you go though you can always come back to fau even though it might be virtually the freedom and opportunity afforded through this e-learning is exactly what the university's founders decided they were going to do 60 years ago and when they proposed these new technologies in teaching they had an idea that has prospered you have helped to carry out their vision and carry forward the long-standing traditions that are important to all of us those traditions are a place that is focused on full equity innovation and accessibility you succeeded in becoming one of the most educated groups of people in the world during the time of the most challenging in recent history and your legacy will serve as an inspiration to future generations who will look to each of you as examples of determination and ultimately a person who can overcome adversity congratulations class of 2021 we are so very proud of you it is now my great pleasure to introduce mr brad levine from the fau board of trustees who brings greetings from the board trustee levine has had a very successful 20-plus year career building and selling software technology companies he currently serves as the managing partner of bison capital which is focused on health care tech investments he also serves on the board of perk an organization designed to find free market and creative ways to encourage conservation and improve environmental quality please join me with a warm round of applause for trustee brad levine [Applause] good afternoon graduates oh good afternoon graduates this is exciting [Applause] so when i was asked to speak here i i didn't just jump i leaped i actually flew like an owl i am here because of you um in my opinion you guys are the backbone of society you are the folks of the next generation but not only the academics that you learned but you bring the tools of how to be a good person you know how to work hard and how to listen to others you are the inspiration to every one of us in these bleachers around the world it's because of you and it's it's it's my great privilege to be here to congratulate you on behalf of the board of trustees at florida atlantic university this is a special time for you to celebrate as you all have achieved here at fau a time to reflect on the years of the university and what they have meant to you and a time to direct your attention on what's coming next in your life through hard work self-disciplined you've earned an academic credential that is respected and recognized around the world you have shown the ability to achieve a goal that cannot be reached in a day or a month or a year but one that takes years of dedication and effort to achieve the fact that you've been able to do this speaks to your character as much as it does to your academic talents so you are at that that moment of transition perhaps one of the most important transitions you've ever made embrace it this is exciting and you have earned it so during your years at fau you've shown you could set priorities you can work through difficulties and that is no understatement you have progressed forward to this day despite the obstacles that inevitably pop up and distract us in the course of our daily lives so as important as it is the degree that you receive today is really a symbol of something else something that has great intrinsic value and something that you have created on your own your degree makes you a leader and with that leadership you have responsibilities and don't forget that but you know that already you know you're a leader you know you can change the world and make it a better place you have shown yourself to be a person who can meet those challenges but also who seeks them out one and that is a rare power and a character trait that is only inevitable with you the graduates so we're proud you chose florida atlantic university as the place to pursue your academic goals your participation in the life of the university has strengthened fau as an institution just as the resources made to you by the university have opened a path for your future and this mutually beneficial relationship has established one that cannot one that can deliver great advantages to both you and florida atlantic university for many many years to come so as all of us on the board of trustees hope you'll maintain the connection to fau as you move forward in life don't forget join the alumni association it's important um but we have our we we want to wish you all good wishes and above all admirations for all you have accomplished here we are very proud of everything you've done the challenges that are ahead of you and just as you've done here at fau i want you to continue to go out and reach for the stars congratulations class of 2021. thank you trustee levine now we come to that part in our program where we confer your degrees dr brett dinovich the provost and vice president for academic affairs will direct the ceremony for the presentation of degrees dr nilovich thank you president kelly as provost and chief academic officer i offer my sincere congratulations to each of you graduating today the faculty and i are not only proud of your achievements but we're also proud of the commitment you made to this journey in spite of the personal challenges that you have faced amid a global pandemic assisting today with the presentation of doctoral degrees is dr robert stackman dean of fau's graduate college after stockman [Applause] i present the college of education and recognize dean stephen silverman [Applause] will the candidates for the degree of doctor of education or doctor of philosophy in the college of education please stand president kelly these candidates having completed all requirements for the doctor of education our doctor philosophy degree are recommended for the degree by the faculty of the college of education and by the authority vested in me by the board of trustees i hereby confer upon you the doctor of education our doctor of philosophy degree for which you have been recommended with all of the honors rights and privileges there and to appertaining congratulations new doctors let me share as all of you approach the stage as you walk across here there is a photographer here if you walk this way he will take a picture of the left side of your head if you look at him you'll get a picture of your face the candidates for the doctor of education or doctor of philosophy degree will now be escorted to the platform by their major professors so that they may receive individual recognition of their achievements molly rose adam dr philosophy dissertation title a grounded theory of over commitment in undergraduate college students major professor dr jennie l bloom congratulations dr adam [Applause] amanda m chiplock doctor of philosophy dissertation title operationalizing accreditation standards for self-directed learning exploring the impact of contextual factors and capacity on undergraduate medical education major professor dr michelle vaughn congratulations dr chet [Applause] catherine elizabeth colson johnston doctor philosophy it wouldn't be it would be nice to see more stuff about indian culture an explanatory sequential myth mixed method study of native american students lived experiences matriculation and retention major professors dr cristobal salinas jr and dr maria vasquez colina [Applause] jeffrey scott doxwell doctor of philosophy dissertation title constructing critical historical analyses to cultivate critical historical literacy college students perceptions major professor dr ira bogach congratulations dr doc swag [Applause] julie ellen hector doctor philosophy dissertation title understanding the banning of the tucson unified school district's mexican-american studies program from an historical perspective implications for multicultural education nationwide major professor dr delise gorman congratulations dr heckler [Applause] dustin pappas doctor of philosophy dissertation title facilitators and barriers to sustainability of stem education in and out of school time a tale of two cities initiatives major professor dr meredith mountford congratulations dr pappas [Applause] sylvia isabel coloso doctor of education dissertation title effects of a professional development training package on nature-based teaching strategies for early childhood educa early childhood educators of children with developmental disabilities major professor dr ranza ranagami ramazami hooded by dr cynthia wilson congratulations dr claudia [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] i present the college of engineering and computer science and recognize associate dean fred bletcher [Applause] [Applause] will the candidates for the degree of doctor philosophy in the college of engineering and computer science please stand [Applause] president kelly these candidates having completed all requirements for the doctor of philosophy degree are recommended for their degree by the faculty of the college of engineering and computer science and by the authority vested in me by the board of trustees i hereby confer upon each of you the back the doctor of philosophy degree for which you've been recommended with all of the honors rights and privileges they're unto pertaining congratulations doctors the candidates for the doctor of philosophy degree will now be escorted to the platform by their major professors so they may receive individual recognition of their achievements [Applause] robert d finnell doctor of philosophy dissertation titled the development of a wide range bio imaging for point of care diagnostic assays in resource constrained settings major professor dr wasim asgar [Applause] congratulations dr fanau next [Music] md alarmgear caber doctor of philosophy dissertation titled development of point of care assays for zika virus diagnostics major professor dr waseem asgar [Applause] congratulations to dr khabar next natalia nashenko doctor of philosophy dissertation title illuminating cyber threats for smart cities a data driven approach for cyber attack detection with visual capabilities major professors borco ferrot and elias buhara [Applause] congratulations dr nashenko next is richard cosmos zuyac doctor of philosophy dissertation title machine learning algorithms for the detection and analysis of web attacks major professor dr tagi kashkovgar hooded by dr fert [Applause] congratulations dr zueck next ahmad g cut buddhan doctor of philosophy dissertation title spatial network big database approach to resource allocation project uh problems major professor dr kwan soo yang hooded by dr orko fert [Applause] congratulations dr ut boudin [Applause] we will now proceed with the presentation of specialists and master's degrees i present the charles schmidt college of medicine will interim dean sarah wood please stand now will the candidates for master's degrees in the charles schmidt college of medicine please stand [Applause] next i present the college of education will dean steven silverman please stand [Applause] now will candidates for the specialists or master's degrees in the college of education please stand [Applause] next i present the college of engineering and computer science will associate dean fred bletcher please stand [Music] now will the candidates for master's degrees in the college of engineering and computer science please stand president kelly these candidates having completed all requirements for their specialists or master's degrees are recommended for those degrees by the dean and the faculty of their college by the authority vested in me by the board of trustees i hereby confer upon each of you the specialist or master's degree for which you have been recommended with all of the honors rights and privileges there and too appertaining congratulations new graduates will all the graduates please be seated so we may proceed with the ceremony the candidates for specialist master's degrees will now be escorted to the platform by college graduate marshals so they may receive individual recognition of their achievements i request that our guests in attendance please remain seated throughout the ceremony so the last graduates cross the stage may receive the same recognition as the first thank you tell me when i stopped okay okay charles schmitz college of medicine master of science degree led by dr howard apprentice [Applause] lola eliza lova leila [Music] lucas esteban saudi aragon elizabeth abraham [Applause] the college of education specialists and master's degrees led by dr susan dent kelly garrison [Applause] caitlin combs maria donnelly [Applause] kimmy shannon nirmala amacha aranda sharma angeline angelette mullins ingrid rodriguez christa crystal liberia louise jones angela frazier kristen lazard [Applause] hannah campbell [Music] matthew thrust gary clayton monica sadie [Applause] jalisa rosano rachelle lane miesha williams jessica sanchez renanda rainey reese rochelle petite holmes rosa michelle gennadle laurel bickel keisha haynes [Applause] thomas kavanagh kevin kavanagh i'm sorry christina fresnita pistacio enough dana chambers melissa goodman angelus angela lannos melissa morabito christina richardson caress charisse lilly kate longdress emily vesser [Music] [Applause] heather riceman [Applause] lauren marcenti rafael tatus carly saccone timothy serra [Music] marianne lasse yoki lynn chia sarah garcia jason borton ileana cruz jermaine vassell jamie malone [Applause] erica wassie [Applause] christina decker rachel harrelson man danielle mayher kelly fenton sarah kellum michaela christian jordan fields whitney petite bien ashley darson victoria greene kristen doorman racer ruffles shanetta brown joe angela cody laura pugh and alexandra dr alexandra de reza maria lesperance tammy davis [Applause] emeline harvey kelly campbell [Applause] kristen james [Applause] frasmida carmargo jennifer willis [Applause] jareth thomas [Applause] chris joseph luckman michael phoebe rozier lisandra williams katarina roman kimberly kyle jones lisa faris [Applause] vonda allen [Applause] melissa tobar theodo campo jessica van dusen [Applause] ifa fiji j seuss alpha fiji j touch is that [Applause] college of engineering and computer science master's degrees led by michaela carde alim sultan [Applause] michael pizzo [Applause] michael lopez cruz luke dixon [Applause] eric the sosa pizantine [Applause] chiang xing liang [Applause] joelle lubby adriana mckinney [Applause] jared hermans nyona sinarine joseph burton rolando leyva junior [Applause] natalia naboa wilkerson raymond christopher hackett stone french joseph marcheggiani [Applause] frank ballastiri [Applause] royale haines [Applause] nancy alexis farrigan's mild art [Applause] sarah assan ali are you jacob born christopher miller [Applause] here in marathio [Applause] we will now proceed with the presentation of baccalaureate degrees and certificates i present the harriet l wilkes honors college will dean justin perry please stand [Applause] now will the candidates for baccalaureate degrees in the harriet l wilkes honors college please stand [Applause] next i present the college of education will dean stephen silverman please stand now will the candidates for baccalaureate degrees and academy for community inclusion certificates in the college of education please stand [Applause] next i present the college of engineering and computer science will associate dean fred bletcher please stand will the candidates for baccalaureate degrees in the college of engineering and in computer science please stand wow [Applause] president kelly these candidates having completed all requirements for their baccalaureate degrees or certificates are recommended for those degrees or certificates by the dean and the faculty of their college and by the authority placed in me by the board of trustees i hereby confer upon you the bachelor's degree for which you have been recommended with all the honors rights and privileges there and to appertaining congratulations graduates well all the graduates please be seated so we may continue with the ceremony the candidates for baccalaureate degrees and certificates will be escorted to the platform by their college undergraduate marshals so they may receive individual recognition of their achievements [Applause] harriet l wilkes honors college bachelor's degree led by dr julie earls accepting the bachelor of science degree with the major biological and physical sciences on behalf of julia sterba is her cousin miss alexandra ashanza [Applause] [Music] uh daniela singing magna laude joshua nakarato magna laude yolanda guerra magna laude uh eva barnes leonard uh leonardo's magna laude pedro oliveira isabella lago [Applause] vanessa narcisse magna laude james porter amanda roush summa [Music] [Applause] georgia thomas magna laude selena harmon laude [Applause] college of education college of education certificates and bachelor's degree led by dr charles dukes [Applause] ashley partner [Applause] brandon castanzaro [Music] brianna darlington [Applause] catalina chen q leah boxer santoria redden [Applause] william campo magna laude ashley barone summa laude [Applause] [Applause] jennifer gavilan summa kumar jessica mcdonald laude taylor pinda pandarvis tequesta braswell culard alexandria lalone coolad vivian andrea nice laude megan grooms magna laude gracie allison magna laude [Applause] jonathan costello [Applause] lily graves magna laude [Applause] melissa christoph chris fonte magna laude johanna guertinez magna laude samantha contranto [Applause] [Music] [Applause] marceline west laude [Applause] nicole perez summa laude [Music] wine with doraen [Applause] ebony hardin laude paulo gutierrez magna laude olivia townsend kayla khan laude [Applause] lydia urisa summa laude juliet hoggin hogging [Applause] jessica casting excuse me leticia romero magna laude jessica perez magna laude lara dutra magna laude angelica sheva shavita summa laude angela suarez magna laude [Applause] kayla ivis ostras [Applause] jacqueline [Applause] caitlin genesee magna laude amanda lugassi coolad carolyn lacas gina lacagina alexander abou luffy francesca summa laude allison davis nikki paluma magna laude amanda shellac magna [Applause] mario woods i'm sorry stephanie valentine gabrielle gavilan young [Applause] kendra buchanan [Applause] cameron scotland summa laude danielle jimmy magna laude jessica hackett [Applause] [Music] [Applause] edward mulvaney chanel taurus laude courtney artija atita magna laude bailey smith magna laude nicole brody magna laude renee dizzov di zaba summa laude jacqueline cruz magna laude i can't do this again angeline meduza madoza summa laude bria hinton oh my god joanne joanne chang kulad maj abdu amid call john vanessa bucham laude daniello hampton magna laude cinco magna laude rebecca woodruff magna laude [Applause] alyssa alyssa kessler magna laude victoria patricia astrid o ramos danielle rio daniel real i'm sorry emily morani magna laude jacqueline mc mclaren carolyn young magna laude tiffany brooks nina neems summa laude jessica fernandez magna laude the colder han [Applause] nicole meredith isabelle henry danielle cabrillo magna laude jessica ramirez magna laude kenisha bowers laude lacey stars elsie vasquez melinda sitar coumlard [Applause] armelda vias brittany ferguson paula lugo [Music] santa rita s escadon [Applause] marissa suarez rose lynn darvis doritas deidre buchanan magna laude christine peterson crystal peterson madison madison duke duncan the juice summa laude patrice johnson leah cusano [Applause] college of engineering computer science bachelor's degrees led by dr harry calva carlos acosta justin pujols lauda [Applause] eduardo benott [Applause] ralph mezero javier celaya subiani el [Applause] ryan drady giovanna procopio [Applause] caitlyn smith gene vidmark max [Applause] osama camphar [Applause] sarah hollenbeck [Applause] michael potter young lam magna laude [Applause] zach farmer laude jessica chan joshua quigley jose ramirez [Applause] emily mendoza lauda skyler kemp shokey saad jolin gutierrez julian chris sullivan skyler moody [Applause] gerard greaves [Applause] david cerdrella said hussein ariana diochan normandy carsten [Applause] [Applause] lutson to luzma ii michael romero magna lauda rodney freeze [Applause] daniela froome lauda [Applause] umaira chaudhiri magna lauda [Applause] daniel walters [Applause] gage hamilton [Applause] amari wildsley summa laude emily chamberlain pedro charles [Applause] thomas buzaki [Applause] abdullah alanzi fahad al-shamari [Applause] ahmad [Applause] [Music] frederick meyer magna laude daryl c person zachary viola miguel dahl vinicius silva [Applause] belinda lomagini [Applause] jordy rivera summa laude [Applause] sean gone brandon buxam lauda dominic robbins lauda [Applause] chowdhury jawad [Applause] [Applause] joe miguel mora stephen smith laude carlos salazar magna laude elena krauss summa lauda brandon michael q magna laude [Applause] logan milliken [Applause] [Music] [Applause] charmada year teresa soto michael romero [Applause] christopher williams hamza shafiq lauda daniel goode matthew moss keith phillips [Applause] elizabeth perry [Applause] athena eng lauden [Applause] james salas [Applause] joseph gush you [Music] keon walters laude [Applause] pedro almeida summa lauda [Applause] william medina [Applause] ryan gibelli eric patch [Applause] jacob nocenti cameron veet summa lauden [Applause] connor veed summa lauda jason abdul [Applause] michael barrett joseph musacchio lauda malcolm aaron richardson magna laude parliament's joseph [Music] [Applause] zachary astri mohammed khan christopher ellis magna laude [Applause] michael simon frederick horton [Applause] morgan brady summa lauda [Applause] carina bautista garcia lauda tadas orientas michael ipolito ava dugan stella taylor yanoshek tyler nguyen lauda matthew maggio matias mota rona sarsig hirang summa laura luisa lopez summa lauda roshini miregu zuma lauda ali elsa gear rivage daniel martinez lauda [Applause] kevin clitch laude [Applause] jose hernandez summa laude [Applause] [Music] [Applause] michelle alobae [Applause] i mean khalil [Applause] catherine marine kelly navarro sombrano saeed simon [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] i now address you for the first time as graduates of florida atlantic university you are now privileged to transfer the tassel to the left side of your cap and receive a standing ovation from this audience [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] congratulations graduates [Applause] this completes the conferral of degrees at the 131st commencement of florida atlantic university we would like to request that our guests remain at their seats until the platform party and all of the graduates have recessed from the auditorium in addition please meet your graduates outside the building as it will be closed at the conclusion of this ceremony and now mrs monica baravidis hildago and the fau brass ensemble of the dorothy f smith college of arts and letters department of music will now lead us in singing the florida atlantic university alma mater if all of you are too busy studying to memorize the words they will appear on the screens above the stage please rise [Music] [Music] the search for truth goes on seeking learning sharing knowledge finding the meaning of the past that is together we name praise [Applause] so [Music] [Music] foreign so foreign foreign so so [Music] you so [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music]
Channel: FAU Student Union
Views: 2,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dnq6jrup6xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 55sec (6655 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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