"Faking" Vintage: Springtime Edition! || Thrift Haul Try-On

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*laughs* This is my new chair! It was as  expensive as sh- but totally worth it. It is like being  cradled... in a mother's womb *chuckles* I'm so comfy! Pocketsesss Hello!! I'm back! I had a little bit of  a mental break... I mean that both ways After a week off, I'm here What did I do  during my mental break, you may ask? Well... I ate a lot of pastries... I learned that it's  called petty-fours not Petite Fours Ate lots of those... watched Titanic Subsequently turned  myself into both main characters of Titanic... Got an accordion!! Oh-hohoo-oh *off-screen accordion noises* *clears throat* *VERY amateur playing of "Row Your Boat"* I'm terrible. Y'know, it's been a while since  I've taught myself an instrument I'm not musically gifted... so it's something that I'm gonna have to work hard at and I'm very excited to do so *accordion noises* Now I can be the quirky, French  pixie dream girl I've always wanted to be   Also I got this gigantic zit- *malicious french laughter* But h-where, you may be saying?? It's there... it's just covered in foundation *I am een disguise* So! We have now entered my  second favorite time of the year... *sparkle noises* Spring time! I just felt like making some outfits that I probably  won't wear A big month of making stuff ahead of me so... calm before the storm We're just gonna have  a cozy springtime thrift haul! Springtime usually consists of an aesthetic change.. you've heard of "cottagecore" But I would like to thank my spring aesthetic is a little bit more like Austencore... But very specifically... Walking Three Miles Through Field and Forest to Check on my Sister at the Bingley's... a little bit frazzled, a lot a bit sweaty "she looked positively medieval!" Show you what I got, I'm gonna try to make a few different outfits per piece Abit more helpful than just  showing you one way of styling it Springspiration.... s-springspo Really thought I did something for a  second there So it is fortuitous that this video is sponsored by thredup! You've seen me do them  before... probably- I don't know Is that presumptuous?? You MAY have seen me talk about them  before... they are one of my oldest sponsors   and I truly, truly love them I use thredup even when I'm not   being sponsored by them, I just think it's really  Stinking Convenient Thredup is a massive online thrift store... can go on the website, you can go on the app Thousands of items... some that are by your favorite name brands and they're way cheaper Up to 90% off of estimated retail For me it's been really good because I've  been trying not to buy any new clothing   from typical stores, I don't want to contribute to   fast fashion, also I find it's way easier  than going to the thrift store, not- whoa well that's bright Alright... listen here  SUN I can peruse in the comfort of my own home, using the drop down menus on the side The size, the fit, the style, the color Which undoubtedly for me is um.. a variant of cream  or an earth tone Actually... I'm wearing blue!! are thou proud of me??? please. *what's my coupon cooode* What are you doing, sniffing my plants?? If you did want to go check out thredup, use my code  "RACHEL" for an extra 30% off of your first order! Let the thrift haul commence!! Come on babeh! Oh yeeeeah Yes.. oh yes, that's good- okay I have printed out all the items that I got... constantly looking up the estimated prices on my phone and it's just a mess so now I have it- *taps paper* in front of me I completely forgot what I got.... I don't know if anyone else has a shopping induced coma or blackout... Shop so fast they forget the items that they got So it should be fun for me as well.. because I don't remember.. what I picked out Let's start with this bag! This lovely linen dress... something a little bit out  of my comfort zone Underboob... hole Which I don't usually tend to gravitate towards because you can always see my bra *rustling of papers* this is.... very business-like The estimated retail price of this was $36,  but thredup had it for $22.99 I really tend to gravitate towards longer dresses, so dresses that reach a little bit below my knees and this   looks like it's gonna do exactly that which is  good I am a little nervous about the booby hole... stay tuned to see if that works out or not Here's me realizing I forgot to shave my legs  for this but then ALSO realizing that's kind   of the essence of spring so honestly we're  keeping it authentic on this channel *whispers* Authentic Since I'm partial to a lot of swoosh,  I added a swooshy skirt to this and just in case your armsies get a  little cold here's a little springtime sweater Just... if that doesn't describe my  spring color palette then I don't know does L-l-literally- okay So next, is this adorable  mint dress The estimated retail price of this was 36 but thredup had it for 14.99 It looks a little short so I will probably use the top portion of this and style it with a skirt Always keep an eye out for dresses with cute tops even if you don't like the bottom, you can always cover it with a skirt Put a Skirt on it! Now admittedly this dress  is super frickin' adorable   but it is a little bit too short for my liking  So to solve that problem.. you know the drill and this way you can keep the super toot- Wow I was gonna say "super toot details"   super CUTE details of the top and  have a totally transformed outfit   But let's say you do want to  show off a little bit of kneecap.. Now this dress is a tad bit too long for these  overalls but I honestly don't mind it?? Y'know? It looks like it was on purpose? Next up is another beautifully linen uh.. romper? Question mark? Yes. So this is from Sanctuary... super adorable Not a huge romper person but we're gonna give it a try and again, if I don't like how the bottom looks Put a Skirt on it! Estimated retail price of 129 which is nutso.. thredup had it for 38.99 So I think this was the most expensive thing that I got but it is heavy and nice quality And it has  pocketses... so it's worth it right there Alright, so this romper is um... just a tad bit  shapeless and it makes me feel a little bit   like a Rugrat in a diaper It's missing one of the drawstrings at the waist so I think it's supposed to look something like this But honestly  that's okay because you know what we're gonna do.. and the best thing about wearing a romper is... "FREEDOM!!!" I think two Rugrats references is enough for one video..   Throw some trousers on and  immediately you are... *whispers* Whisky Grandpa So this next one... beautiful dress  that's actually even prettier in person   long dress which is good because I'm a really long.....  boi Still has the tags on it which is, y'know... Swell. Estimated retail price of this was  sixty dollars but thredup had it for 19.99 Areally nice price for something this long It's nice and stretchy... this is kind of my spring style Puffed sleeves and elastic..... breasts This one, I don't see there being too many ways of styling it just because it  is a dress but we'll see what we can do, huh? smells like.... plastic So this dress is cute  but doesn't have sufficient swoosh so... problem solved, throw on a me-made skirt Adequate Swoosh Ooo this is.... bright So next up is a blouse...  that you can probably barely see But now I'm stuck and I can't fix the camera exposure Editing Rachel, what does this shirt look like?? *Epic Music* Something I don't think I'll ever quite have  enough of is white blouses or like cream blouses   I am........ me Keeping something pristine and white is  very difficult for me, between spilling various items and also- having armpits So I feel like having new white items is always kind of like a special treat So this is from Banana Republic...  very bougie Still has the tag on it and it says 53.99, thredup had it for 15.99 I am very excited to style this Beautiful pirate-y sleeves that you know I love I know I said before that my aesthetic was Austencore Definitely falls under that except this is more  or less... I Just Came Home to Visit My Sister and Lizzie Bennet Happened to be in My House But it's Not Weird Because I'm a Rich White Guy These kind of white blouses are  really versatile because they can be   styled in more of a feminine way but they can  also be styled in more of a masculine way A la Mr. Darcy Both styles I really, really love so- good stuff, we love versatile pieces We love it This freakin' blouse is super adorable Now it is a little bit broad across my shoulders so to solve that I would probably throw something on like an apron... just to distract from the wideness of the shoulder or even a pinafore I think the sleeves are the main thing about this blouse that I want to showcase anyways So it makes a really good under-blouse and then very easily a masculine outfit! Because you know what I like to say, If you can't have your own romance  novel heartthrob, just dress like one! Look at this little bean! Whenever he curls up  into a little ball. nick and I like to call it a Fronut A chocolate glazed Fronut he's a lil snack So next up is really, really stinking cute  dress It's so cute!! I was super psyched to *pockets* *whispers* yes. Super psyched to find this on thredup, just  because it almost feels like a vintage-y dress Just because you can tell it's made really well It's kind of why I like the more linen-y type materials because it gives it such a nice texture and feels nice and strong and breathable And it looks super comfy and I'm so excited Yes. More dresses that  aren't brown The estimated retail price of this- was 48 and thredup had it for 26.99 Okay so obviously the waistline on this dress was  a little bit higher than I expected but I honestly   don't hate it, it kind of reminds me of Anne  of Green Gables And it has gigantic pockets!! but if I did want to make this a little bit  more flattering, I would just throw a vest on it I really gotta stop listening to  old-timey jazz while I film outfits   So last thing I got is kind of a wild card... After this whole video of you hearing me say I like longer items, things that cover my kneecaps Here's something that definitely won't cover my kneecaps I'm not sure I'm gonna like this but we'll see I was thinking it would be kind of cute with like a more 70's outfit It's definitely taking a risk with  this one... Sometimes... you want to show a little gam *ding, ding, ding* Be a little saucy... we're going to try that sauce  and see Might not like the sauce, might be too spicy We're expanding our palate *mouth noises* Where's your paperwork.. *Bad Roz impression* where's yapapahwork?? So this was originally by The Impeccable Pig, which sounds like a children's book I would most DEFINITELY enjoy reading Estimated at 36, but thredup  had it for 19.99 I'm a corduroy lovin' byitch This skirt is really cute and  has the world's tiniest pockets *beep, beep!* Now clearly this is something a little bit different  for me and definitely not something I would wear   without proper spanx Definitely wouldn't pass  that middle school dress code.. don't send me home! So that is it for this thrift haul! Hopefully I'm able to be concise enough to help you learn something about how my brain works... I have a lot of spring-related projects that I'm going to start working on, starting next week Thank you for being patient and allowing me a little mental break of a week I feel a lot more energized and I'm ready to... werk. Thank you so much thredup for sponsoring  this video! If you did want to check them out *british accent* if you did want to check them out *laughs* If you did want to check them out, you can use the app or the website and use my code "RACHEL" for 30% off of your first order That is it, I love you whether you're new  or old to this channel if you're new here and you feel like sticking around feel  free to subscribe I upload every Friday, and we have fun here Now if you will excuse  me, I have some snuggling of my son to do that's my eyeball! *accordion mess-up* w-wait!! *bad scatting lol* he's a trash man o-ooh my god Very happy today because Frodo has been sick for  the past few days and it was very worrying But he is feeling better and it makes me so very  happy My sweetheart Wheneyver he- whenEYver 🎵 Shoobi-doobi-do-wah-wah, my name is Angela🎵 Why do I have THAT stuck in my head?? Out of all things to have stuck in my head right now 🎵 He's a handsome little man.... yes he issssss 🎵 Fun fact! That was John Mulaney's wedding song Why do I know that?? Because I edited his wedding video Literally the one cool thing about me.... now  you know Tough boy, huh?? Say it with me "Tough time never last, only tough people last" This is the kind of music I listen to  in the car, I always wonder if people   are curious about what I'm listening to  because I'll just be sitting there like   goodbye comfy chair, I shall  miss you with every passing... moment.... *distraught sigh*
Channel: Rachel Maksy
Views: 262,359
Rating: 4.9851704 out of 5
Keywords: thrift haul, spring thrift haul, spring thrifting, vintage thrift haul, vintage style, vintage, retro, anne of green gables, cottagecore, prairiecore, modern to vintage, modern to retro, faking vintage, vintage on a budget
Id: eiSp2GS4q9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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