Fake COP in Vietnam Prank! (POLICE CHASE)

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[Music] ye guys welcome back to the channel before we get into today's video which is an absolute crazy insane story one of the craziest things we've ever done we got a major big-time announcement of me we've been hyping this up on our second channel a little bit and if you haven't noticed me Ricky and some of the boys are going on a 2019 road trip slash tour across the entire United States the dates and locations have not been exactly determined yet but if you want to be updated and notified right when we know the dates and locations click the very top link in the description type in your email and you will be the first one on that email list you want to be first come first served because the tickets may sell out and now time for the reason why you clicked on this video the reason why Nick and I haven't posted in two weeks and that is because we have been in Vietnam and if we posted this story and this footage of what we're about to show you while we're Vietnam real Ajith don't know if we would have made it back home safe this is one of the craziest things that major you have done and diesel and we have done some crazy stuff sort of begin it all off we go to Vietnam on a family trip and we're just thinking yo we're just gonna vlog maybe do some a little bit of adventure into the jungle but no nothing crazy because no Nam is a communist country we don't want to take any risks didn't want to push the boundaries too far but one day we're walking up and down this market and out of the corner of my eye I spot a military uniform for sale like inside of a store for so anyone can go up and buy it I don't know why they're selling it but they had it they had a bunch of different options they had pins with it it looks super official so instantly my mind starts racing I'm like yo if we buy this we can pretend to be a fake Vietnamese military person and I'm like yo Nick we have to do this and he's like yo yo we got to do this and we just started hyped in each other up were like dude this is going to be an insane man your legs do it so we bought the uniform on the spot and we went to the nearest shop Ricky went in the back of there got changed up into the uniform and we were ready to start pranky but then this happened so the other day we had this idea you you know we've been doing these faked employee pranks these fake worker pranks and we decided in Vietnam why not take it to the next level and do fake military worker of Vietnam you know but keep in mind this is Vietnam Vietnam is a communist country we were just like yo bro we're gonna film it anyway no no point we're not gonna go to jail or anything we walk in here to get some custom suits because it was my birthday the other day and my boy right here said if we walked out and did this prank we would have been full-on arrested and going to jail for how many years three three years years just for just for wearing this right sorry I'm taking this off we're not doing the prank man I wanted to do it really bad but it's not worth three years in jail for one vid no mom should he do it he said they have facial recognition cameras across the country and if you recognize you if you try to hop on a plane go back to the US they won't let you on the plane until you Ranger just because he was wearing that right then the boys thought it was over we had this Bangor idea we were gonna prank some people in Vietnam but we had to call it quits we didn't want to do three years in prison or so we thought because I remembered back in the shop that we got the military uniform in that there was actually a security uniform it was like a step below the military we're having that a green one but a blue one it was more like a mono you know it was it was a little bit less so that's the man if we wear this one are we gonna get in trouble and you said Social Security's 100% good 100% good won't get arrested I mean you got the you my customer you're my friend so if we you secure to you you won't go to jail yeah let's go so we've got in our minds we were feeling unstoppable he said a hundred percent chance we would not be arrested 100 percent chance man I fell I was about to run get Nam so we went to the store bought the security uniform I threw that thing on and it was time to prank Vietnam man I felt like I ran in that country ran in that country but that is just the beginning just the beginning okay but that is just the beginning of the story the crazy part happens later so make sure you stay tuned until the very end if you want to see that but right now we're gonna roll some of the footage of me pranking people in the security uniform if you get easily offended I recommend that you do not watch this part and guys it's all for jokes at the end of the day if you didn't know Nick and I are actually Vietnamese our mom's from Vietnam and in the video I pretend to have a very strong Asian accent and I actually make up a bunch of random words that don't mean literally anything that just sounds literally but I was just for jokes and after we went up to the people and told him OHS prank literally everyone laugh and they understood it was a joke everyone understood always a joke until well you have to wait to see [Music] no picture no man you hit too many pictures I see what you pick pick pick pick pick limit one pick per person pick pick pick pick pick pick pick all of the flowers in that oh one only one pick when you come Vietnam you are limit one picture for entire country it's a new law one picture entire country only one picture leaves the country you know no into a pick pick pick pick pick you pick pick pick pick pick everyone else pick that's it one pound hey you live and you learn you're just going to do some jail time alright me now I'm just playing around we're coming ahead and say my TV show for Vietnam TV see the camera right over there look way over there come here look way down there yet the guy doing this he's like didn't your now if I get mad okay you don't even know nothing pick nothing [Music] not it not Eve it stink stink stink stink stink oh okay they're not yet being an official security guard of Vietnam is hard work man you got to keep people in check make sure no one's stealing you but it does have its perks cuz we gonna rip around brand-new 2019 Honda mopeds all day long so we're gonna get some people boys [Music] with us a minute but it's one here Rick security baby next best thing [Music] who's stuck there [Music] [Applause] Hey Oh things are a little tough ones are even whipping some hola ooh to sum things up Oh things are known in Tucson whoa whoa no mutants are mutants are too quick too quick [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] country so Moy Oh Pinto tuna Mucha muchacha oh oh you better take massive I'll eat through no hat mu C no hat on bish I had good you no no no Oates but where is your IBP merch IBP much no t-shirt IBP much link in description warsaw more soil not just any teacher in exam boots on IBP master comm link in description link click link in description cap new Marshman names in do see news to people who to see booth Oh mutual tea oh I'd be mush you go back home you buy IBP mush you promise I promise you promise you promise you promise no no no no I immerse t-shirt quality visa pinky promise mucho I disagree I'm playing we're filming out we're filming a prank for Vietnam TV's you guys aren't gonna be on vietnam TV yeah they see the camera right there in the sand it's way over there hidden camera yeah now you're gonna be on Vietnam TV but hey promise me that you will actually go get the IBP merch it's like a t-shirt company yeah yeah all right I believe you guys I believe you guys okay up to this point all is going perfectly well perfectly slow it's looking like what my man said earlier is gonna be true that we're not gonna be arrested the Sun is coming down we're almost done filming for the day and then all of a sudden the SD card of all things runs out of memory so I pop the SD card out switch it with a brand new one completely empty and then we continue filming right after Nick pops the new SD card and I'm about to do one last final scene of the day I was saving this one for the end because of how epic or dombay was found but I was about to go in the middle of the ocean and just scream and just cause to everyone mass pandemonium looking back probably the dumbest thing I could have thought and as I'm about to do that we are instantly surrounded by five Vietnamese cops like literally out of nowhere man we turn around and they're just around us screaming yo memory memory illegal illegal and the me Ricky were just like what what we're looking at each other and I'm looking at Nick I'm like dude we are screwed right now we're about to go to Vietnam prison the Vietnamese cops are speaking 99 percent Vietnamese and they speak a few English words and they just keep saying memories they point to the security uniform they keep screaming illegal illegal and I go yo I had no idea I have no I just bought at the shop up there I started taking off the uniform as I'm doing that Nick Loki is trying to pop the SD card out of the camera and sneak it into his pants I made it sneaking the SD card out putting it in my hand but as I was doing that one of the cops were screaming at me memory memory memory as I was doing that he literally saw me put the SD card in my hand Nick was like I don't have anything trying to conceal it the cop grabs his wrist boom and I see him grab his list I think he's about to cuff him once a you once you get cuff you can't really go that far because you can't use your hands you can't really do anything dude man had a firm grip on my wrist he started pulling it and he's like memory I looked over at Ricky now I was like I didn't say anything but I was like bro we can't lose this footage because if we lose this footage and no one is gonna believe what just happened but I was like man he cannot go to jail so I said you'll give it give him the card I opened my hand he takes the SD card and I'm like he lets go ahead and DX plates just a little bit so then me and Ricky we think it's all good they just wanted a memory but no they keep following us they all pause or phones put it in my face start recording me I'm still wearing the uniform half on at this point still trying to rip it off and they just keep going illegal you go to prison they just keep saying prison memory and illegal and after same memory and illegal me and Ricky are trying to explain ourselves or speaking in a hundred percent English it probably had no idea what we're saying we're like we're sorry I just said I just said right yeah we were just saying we're taking pictures we're taking videos we didn't mean any harm but it's not like America in America you can explain yourself and they'll understand that Vietnam they don't care man if you do something bad you go to prison yeah that's it and there's no there's no if ands or buts there's no reasoning really they they want to take you don't take you in so at this point we start walking up towards the sidewalk the beach is over here sidewalks up here and the streets over here we're walking up towards the sidewalk and this is happening more and more cops are getting around us I'd say they were gotten to about seven of them we get up to the sidewalk I have the uniform completely off I throw it in a trash can at this point Mia Riki are just trying to put some distance between us and the security guards but that is not happening they got two guys on this side two guys on that side and one directly behind us they're all still filming they're also screaming Nick and I are so scared at this point man like so scared I think it's over I'm like I don't even get a say goodbye to my parents this is how it ends and the thing was our dad was watching all this from afar because he was watching the moped that we rent it and we were doing a couple of those scenes on so he saw all this happening but he couldn't really come up because if he got involved in the situation who knows I'm gonna taking him in and it would have just caused a massive problem so he just watch them from a distance while this is happening we're walking this way we get off the beach a few of the cops see a Vietnamese military guy dressed and redirecting traffic on the street so they go up to them they start talking to each other in Vietnamese we have no idea what they're saying still we're pretty sure they're talking about how many years they want to put us in prison if they want to cuff us what jail they want to take us to we were so scared that thoughts just started running through her mind and we had no idea what was about to happen about three of the cops we're talking to the military officer at the time and the other two were following us but they weren't really paying attention they were looking at us looking back at them looking at us looking back at them so I look over at Ricky and I think this is our time they're all distracted right now so we got to make a move if we don't make a move we're letting them choose your fate but we decided yo we got to do something for ourselves so you know what we do we look at each other we start speed walking put some distance in between us and the officers probably get about 10 to 12 feet and then we just boom and we just start running is I would even know how to describe the adrenaline now it's in me I was like dude if we get caught it's over now at this point there's no going back we run across like a four lane street full dodging it now we get past that Street we go into a back alleyway and then this happens I was just saying don't leave no stain be a rescue I was like dude literally five of them put up on us and we're running to the hotel because they got big big security and in a matter of minutes they attend they're saying it's illegal to do what we were doing we the only people enter it was bad turns out this thing least bad to good use literally everything they were saying to us you understand a word or no all I heard was go prison illegal so we're dead doctor run into our mind we keep talking to each other we were like yo are they following us are they pursuing we just keep going up and down back alleyway he's trying to find our way back to our hotel hotel you Hotel me my god you see this video we made it out but no we're running maybe half a mile probably we get back we run in the hotel we start banging on that elevator as you know us we don't fix anything man that was literally probably the scariest moment of my life dude if I guys want us to really read you know and he annoyed you what they were saying we cannot talk her way out but always say was sorry for somebody man memory memory gone the SD card I don't know how much was on there but you're the poison this once we get back to America no we're done we're done no more filming in Vietnam dude we know at this point it's not over though because they saw pictures of our faces they had the SD card with the footage or so we thought because we thought they had all the footage we were like dude how are we gonna explain this no one's gonna believe the story but then we remembered that make switched SD cards right before that because the SD card got full so the only footage that we ended up losing was the video clip of them coming up to us on the beach but I ended up taking my phone out and recording just a little bit for proof that happened and then I put my phone right back in my pocket because I didn't want them taking that too and then once we made it in the hotel room we did not leave the hotel room for the next few days but the rest of the time that we're in this part of Vietnam we are not leaving this hotel room just in case we go inside one of the officers costs us you way too close for comfort that we were this close from being right if we were there one minute longer guarantees were caught and were imprisoned for who knows how long we were in there because we did not want to go out we were so scared that we would be recognized because in Vietnam it's not like America you see a cop every once in a while here there there's security guards pretty much almost every store there's military on all of the corners and there's cops wherever you look like there's just law enforcement there wherever you go and we were not about to risk it so we stay in the hotel room for the next couple days until we left and went to a different city in Vietnam then you say next city for a little bit we ended up flying back to the States after a week and man oh man I'm glad we made I'm doing louder we made it though I heard I heard rumors that they have facial recognition in the airport and luckily our faces did not match up with anything so we made it out we made it back in the States we are back now and we got some bangers coming man we literally could have done three years in Vietnamese prison it would have been the end of IVP for at least three years very dead Jews I'm glad we made it all I gotta say guys is be smart make smart decisions we definitely learned a lot from this experience when you're in another country you don't mess around maybe don't want gum stuff you can't even that's literally illegal in the United States and we tried doing it in Vietnam we got caught up in men we want to make the most insane crazy one and we ended up getting lucky and getting now I cannot tell you how relieved that was when we landed back in the States if you want us to do this fake security prank maybe back home in the u.s. where it's kinda legal and we won't get arrested for three years I've put in prison leave a thumbs up we might do it you never know guys leave comments down below of where else you want us to do fake employee pranks we'd absolutely you guys thank you for all the support you mean the world to us we cannot wait to go on tour this summer and until next time shame on them don't dam on them take shots anime minute and this is all that remains of the uniform a little badge that I took off and a little medallion that I ripped off as I was throwing it in the trash the proof now we made it out alive leave a comment if we should put these on eBay you know tomboy got it right now cuz I never took a nap
Channel: Ireland Boys Productions
Views: 2,912,063
Rating: 4.9041014 out of 5
Keywords: irelandboysproductions, ireland boys productions, ireland boys, irelandboys, fake employee, fake employee prank, prank, fake secuirty prank, fake employee pranks, pretending to be, pretending to be prank, fake vietnamse security prank, fake security pranks, pretending to be security, fake security guard, fake secuirty guard prank, fake cop prank, fake cop prank in vietnam, fake cop in vietnam prank, cop, cop prank, gone wrong, gone, wrong, prank gone wrong, gone wrong prank
Id: aeBrlZ2AiwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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