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here's the warrants right here sign for what breaking and entering trespassing did you go in the building I think that he was holding me go in he was literally the one inside the building shut up I don't know if he's legally allowed to even technique like this is so stupid and apparently they're taking me so because what we can't do this sir video shows him pushing you into the window alright you want to go do you okay you knock it off I not probably say it guys but these are warrants for our arrests and the only thing that I really can say about this is uh I mean we we actually have been arrested for real in the past with sam and colby one of the crazier times in our life and then we almost actually got arrested overseas while doing a fake cop in vietnam prank but this time however the boys are arresting themselves you may be like you know what the heck that makes no sense why would you arrest yourselves if you guys have been following the channel the past two videos we traveled up to the Outer Banks with our good friend and fellow youtuber Jack Daugherty where we did some questionable stuff and well one of us snuck into the lighthouse not me not Ricky but our friend Jack Daugherty and ever since he went in that lighthouse man's has been freaky now he's been like yo worth they come after me what if they see the video this is definitely scary smaller my life they're either kzassault adrenaline right now I really hope we just don't get in trouble like I'm so scared by my penis I'm so scared what if they have a warrant for my arrest and they come and get him he's been acting super paranoid and just freaking out and he's also stained with us so right now the but is upstairs sleeping he has no idea about this whole plan but uh we're gonna get him back we went full help for this prank to make it the most believable prank we've ever done we got a warrant for arrest for Nick we got award for my arrest and most importantly we got a warrant for the bud jack Daugherty's arrest right there on the top this man is gonna get absolutely et today I eloped II feel bad for the man because you see it for the guy okay so on how to teach him lesson it's gonna be the buds so how this print is gonna go down is we got our good friend John he looks exactly like a detective he's wearing the ball on sue for everything he's gonna roll up in a blacked-out SUV and pretend to be a detective that has to detain us and take us back to South Carolina where we snuck into the Outer Banks lighthouse but while all this is happening I'm gonna pull a 6:9 and throw Jack completely under the bus say yo I was I didn't even go in the lighthouse it was all him it was all him pulled up biggest 6:9 snitch move of all time funny thing is Jack literally said in the video yo what if someone snitches on us what if someone pulls a six-nine someone's gonna rat us out so we're gonna 6-9 little did he know we would be the six nine but everyone's in on the prank me Nick our dad the detective John the only one not in on it is lo bud Jack Daugherty sorry buddy Bo we had to do it that's gonna be the base neck of 20/20 bud buddy get your next Jack boom if you didn't know your boys just dropped a new camo collection you know us our merch is the most quality softest in the game and this one is actually a little bit different it's super stop still we added a layer of I would say ruggedness to the outside you know more durability for when you're going on adventures just for this specific garment because you know it's a little outdoorsy camo type vibe do you want to cop it link in top of the description at IBT mercs calm without any further ado let's get this man's neck no he's supposed to be coming up behind the clock at any moment I'm just waiting for that knock on the door [Music] [Music] [Music] can we please step outside risen hands okay okay I'm gonna stand up seriously we need to get three individuals Richard and Ireland Nicholas Ireland Jack door are you three those individuals forget you need to say I'm not going none of this go guys for that Weasley identification for all three okay right now for what what breaking it any no trespassing cops no no I know we didn't break in anywhere welcome to the warrant there's video approvals posted online please explain how this dad comes off listen we can't let's be civil well what do you know did you go in the building I don't know I would never go in the he was literally the only one that would in III didn't go on the bony either no it was all him that's what the security cameras only filming did you go in the building no I think I didn't go in the bony okay it was only he's the only one that went in we were all there together you are you're Jeff Jordan you two are amazing brothers and are you other father these two is our Father these two rows Jack's busy visiting because you've got a warrant you're gonna be transported before tomorrow straight to South Carolina no way and then from there you're gonna be booked probably get your arraignment within 24 to 48 hours they'll set you at 25 to 50 thousand dollar bond at which point your family - bill yeah that's very so now [Music] okay well it's a formality at this point listen what is check 111 goes here the FBI has pending something about online zoom crash or something that's not gonna look good so you went in the building you're admitting that no girl in the building what you did not go in the building did you go in the building planning on going you got sick and confused that won't be he was inside the fence hi I was going from the outside of the fence and he was he was the only one in it I'm sorry jack it's all the truth Jack come on money I need some money and his parents are gonna have to come see him and know Charleston County South Carolina that's out of my hands at this point they want to try and eat you he's in my house you can't you can't take him from my house he's a minor yes I can and I will I'm gonna go back to my truck to make a phone call and then there's gonna maybe you need to go back to the truck and make a phone call Jack hurry up Ross right back where's this night doing you learning math at her house we just tape it back from the Outer Banks why yesterday bro because you were a little going on inside the building on the video bro it's on videos memory speech shut up bro why are you saying that why are you saying that we can just delete the video thing how was it though he did he have security camera footage a minute oh that's the reward he just said how do you think you know we know each other we look from online so okay what do I say yeah I went in there to see what he said you think I want to do around dude random dude yeah read it it's a piece of paper call that dad there's someone at the door yeah these pennies from hey Mark he said detective from Pasco County something about the guys in South Carolina Charleston County apparently from what the guys did in in South Carolina the other day breaking okay and he wants to take them all back to South Carolina talk to let up let your dad coast is where you want to talk to my dad oh well because you will when you get down to the sheriff's office why come back that's my car your older brother he thinks you're my older brother oh the crazy delusional a dork these are gonna get easy easy guys come on yeah it doesn't help okay it's not gonna hurt what do i endu like get arrested for you he's got a warrant from South Carolina just serving yeah we've seen a thousand times what's up warrants for four agreement and we never broke and rosam that were entered they went into a lighthouse up there at the park until proven guilty sir all right so any senator innocent until proven guilty but you still have to take a ride this is so stupid I'm sorry so I power in New York right now sorry what if I was in New York right now hide it from you or I don't think you can do that extradition hanger that yes and if a judge grants a traditional absolutely I was really just in a situation like lesson we didn't learn your lesson imagine that mm-hmm imagine my okay Chuck how do you talk like that I just don't think I don't know a guy's so stupid [Applause] [Music] what are you doing with the camera now we your lab at home put the camera down right there I don't know why you're taking him when he did absolutely sure what we can't do this sir sir he didn't do anything wrong like I was the one eyes staring out the judge remember that anything like let him cut literally didn't even go in he didn't go I was literally the one that lifted him up I was letting the one I liked her mom no he wasn't I was the one I did everything like no they had nothing to do with it I just recorded video shows him pushing you into the window and the video shows you in the building no death you've got the worst life he's got no calm there's no video of me physically in the building his charges are way lighter than yours ok so I all I'm gonna do is my job and in a few minutes you've said yes to the bill that's fine that's very that's very you know what's coming to you Playboy sure dad you just can't let me take him no wait a second this isn't exactly what happened in senior target all right you want to go do you know you don't know I'm not going I literally was filming the whole thing knock it off okay okay knock it off means already being bad enough right Thank You Nicholas going step in watch your head we going where we going where are we going okay but you can't just put some in the back of your car okay well how do we know you're not some random person like there's nothing official value okay so either way so you either get in peacefully or you make the scene and that's your choice doing my job I would say our handed war right we're going in yeah I'm going so go what's up I'm going guys cool down I'm staying out here tell me the whole thing okay so apparently there's a dumb stupid I don't know if he's illegally allowed to even take Nick like this is so stupid and apparently they're taking me so GG bugs this guy I don't care I'm gonna be a dick because why not i sake Tim gave me extra charges like so stupid I see acid oh my god okay stick fun escape sir I don't like out of my truck how we have to go somewhere other door sir sir out of Mike and on my truck please go to the other door well you have any weapons on thank you can you say safe so are you taking Ricky - nope why she's an adult but you had his name on the paper so I'm so confused what's happening it's a stupid so when will I be able to go home and can I talk to my parents or anything twenty-five to fifty thousand dollars bond I'm sorry Sarah I paint it like that is so absurd like that is so talk see the language but this is dumb honestly say just like getting yeah I said I honestly don't go John just took Nick and Jack down the road nixed him say that he has to say bye to our mom so John's gonna whip around and I'm gonna be wearing the JA net merch so white when Jack gets out of the car I can get his neck with the biggest neck of all time I'm sorry I'm actually pretty hungry I have to eat successful in jail okay three turn around so I can say bye to my mom just remember four minutes and then we go [Music] what is going on hold my bra Jean your neck bud come on buddy it's all fake bro stop a cut oh my I'm sorry for me we literally went all the way into where he was in the back of the car I'm sorry buy that just so bad I'm sorry bud I feel more bad for what I did to him good should hurt what are you saying in the car were you like why is he being six nine and throwing him under the bus yes Isaac bro he was in the house inside incitement in there I was like bro literally like we never posted the video why are you like mentioning that who are you just some random dude Wow my my heart is honestly like I thought I was done I was like I was like there goes the bank account there goes there goes the buds and I was just pissed at you for just like telling you like ratting me out I'm sorry bro get that neck bud get that neck bar of Fame on them don't bail on them take shots in the main minute closed doors but I came on it stupid
Channel: Ireland Boys Productions
Views: 2,319,189
Rating: 4.9135623 out of 5
Keywords: irelandboysproductions, ireland boys productions, ireland boys, irelandboys, we got caught, caught, getting caught, we caught, caught us
Id: 6oKsEZSMg24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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