Finding Faith (2013) | Full Movie | Stephanie Bettcher | Erik Estrada | Timothy E. Goodwin

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can good actually come from evil i didn't think so [Music] about 10 miles east of the blue ridge mountains is a little town some called the bedrock i always thought that was beautiful for so many here this town is just that i remember when i first found faith i was sitting in a church on a sunday finally realizing there were things outside of my [Applause] control this job has a way of humbling you i saw things i never thought i'd see and it broke me but the funny thing about brokenness is that it can either lead you to faith or away from it i've been the sheriff here for 30 years i've seen the worst man can do and i've seen the best this is the home of the internet crimes against children or the icap as we call it folks are surprised when they hear that we're in this town i suppose it's grace that enables us to keep our faith at all it's a choice we make some people seem to be going away not coming closer losing instead of finding not that i can entirely blame them because when you've seen the things we see faith can seem like a fragile thing and there will come a time when you feel overwhelmingly helpless and the only thing left to do is pray [Music] can good actually come from evil i didn't think so but god thinks differently [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hey there sweetheart you um you're here alone just me and sunshine [Music] how old are you how old you think i am you look uh [Music] you look a little older than 13 13. so do you he's on the run that's our guy please on the ground get down [Music] man [Music] dave gordon atlantic city get him out of my sight oh i'm gonna miss those chat sessions i'm sure you will why do you think he came all the way from jersey fresh goods cole good job thanks lieutenant [Music] wow [Music] now [Music] [Music] last year for the [Music] one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six go seven eight one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven eight dollars hey do you want to go to the movies later um sure oh my word justin liked your post wow that's so fast it's almost creepy [Music] hey kiddo you're crazy dad nice plank mr garrett you like that we have to get out of here before someone sees me with you what's this that's some seminar they're doing at school next week [Music] hey hmm come on faith kind of busy here you're not fun anymore [Music] i gave cole the lead on this one she made the arrest made all the arrangements good quality how old is she 24 fresh out of the academy perfect bait where are the girls david i don't know what you're talking about maybe i can refresh your memory look familiar no meredith crosby from richmond of course you would probably remember her better by her screen name anna baker north carolina also friends with you online communicated with you in the weeks leading up to her disappearance i want a lawyer where are the girls dave do you know what they do to child molesters in prison you wouldn't survive a week now we can do something about that we can make it better for you but you have to cooperate i said i want a lawyer so you are definitely going to need one [Music] [Music] hey look over there it's justin from school um just in spiritual now huh i hear women can have that effect on men madison the secret romantic hey so i was wondering if i could sit with you back not tonight sammy [Music] [Applause] [Music] well good evening everybody hello hello hello it's good to see you hey i was talking with james earlier and uh i was telling him and actually he was telling me rather about how much he loves to see things explode well he is in luck this coming weekend and our big retreat it's going to be awesome it's going to be incredible and i guarantee you you will go bonkers this entire weekend we've got great stuff lined up for you we've got a big blob contest happening right on the lake and we've got a massive paintball war in store for every single one of you there it's going to be absolutely incredible now you need to make sure that you sign up in the back or see faith and she'll be more than happy to sign you up as well i want over 100 of you and your friends with us this weekend so if we get that amount there this weekend at a retreat i will completely shave my head bald completely bald it's going to be great so you want to make sure to register for this weekend tonight before you leave our youth group it's going to be great see how joseph responded to his hardship get this what what man uses and intends for evil god always always always uses for good so here's my question are you trusting god or are you trusting someone else one of the hardest things that elizabeth and i have ever gone through is when we found out that we couldn't have children but the thing that we did through all of it is that we completely let god have control over the situation and here four years removed from that very moment in in the life of our marriage we believe it it's so incredibly true not only for us but also for you [Music] hi guys just checking in mary it's dead just making sure you're doing okay sweetheart make sure you're staying out of trouble give me a call when you can all right [Music] quick citry wait a second what i'm challenging that it's a word i've never heard of that word dad's such a cheater i'm not cheating it's a word well oh yeah let's see what i think the words you're looking for they're probably really hard for you to say right now there's something along the lines of dad you're right dad you're awesome [Music] [Music] hello melissa hey sure late night for hampton again isn't it every night [Music] i wish life was this easy target's right in front of you all you got to do is aim you can control it not doing too well huh tell you these perverts they used to be cowards now they're you won't butt sheriff not saying a word we're not done yet we're never done these perverts are multiplying this idiot we have now it's like nothing we've got left out there i just want to line them up and lieutenant you remember what i told you when you first started this job yeah i do even though you're not in control of every situation doesn't mean somebody isn't hey guys what's up so what's the deal with you and justin uh uh nothing i just invited him to the retreat who cares i don't know he's just short hey is there a way we can all stay in the same cabin together that would be great what i just thought we were all staying tense faith faith oh um i'm sure we all can whatever camp hideaway has cabins no air conditioning though i'm so bringing my portable fan no ac hey lori wait up so who have you been talking to the past couple days just this guy what guy you don't know him do you no but one of my friends does so it's no big deal okay so ask him to hang out with us tonight he kind of lives in florida oh my word why are you wasting your time with him then because he's sweet and mature hey face you know there may be someone local that might be interested i think madison has that one covered so what's florida kid look like his name is eddie um not bad at all hey don't you think it's about time to eat it just finishing up homework actually i was uploading some of our planking pictures onto emi [Music] that's a good one yeah it's my favorite who's that dude eddie cute huh not bad not as good looking as your old man though night daddy thank you [Music] [Music] i'm sending you a picture now relax i'm telling you man she is pure cotton candy and the squirrel is an easy catch i can get her anytime yeah she's a status queen all right we'll do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so sulfur and nitrogen cause smog and acid rain they can also irritate your lungs the united states has a clean coal technology program that encourages the development of technologies for reducing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what happened how can i help [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i know somebody saw us edwin we're right next door you shut up nobody saw anything look around nikki nobody cares so [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] helpful time please pick up the phone [Music] look hey there daddy daddy daddy what were you thinking turn it off face it [Laughter] [Music] why are you doing this why shut up [Music] and you couldn't even do that right shut [Music] up bedford county 9-1-1 what is your emergency hi uh my um i think my daughter's been kidnapped sir can you give me your location i i'm on kingston court can you give me any more details did you or anyone see her being taken [Music] i don't know i don't know she she called me there was a message it was broken up i don't understand can you send somebody up here right away please sir we have a car and deputies are on their way thank you thank you 7142 please respond to 121 kingston court possible missing child [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] jackie get sammy come home right now just get sammy and get home now something's happened is something wrong jackie just be careful drive safely get home as soon as you can bring sammy with you [Music] [Applause] [Music] i don't know i can't think of anyone [Music] okay then if you can think of anyone i can't think of anyone what else can we do my daughter's out there sam i assure you we got our best men on this just find her we will listen i know this may sound strange but this is actually a good situation a lot of times when kids go missing we don't know if they've been kidnapped ran away or what in this case we have a voicemail and your daughter's text message i say this gives us a big head start [Music] sir can you come excuse me [Music] is that what i think it is yeah what what is it a baby our kidnappers have a baby with them [Music] you guys kidnap him too he's our kid that's your husband where am i do you want tape on your face again um if you make a sound i'll kill you you understand me so hi you must be ashley yes you must be sammy yeah what you reading this honey you don't have to pretend like everything's okay i know it's not all right i'm sorry you wanted to ask me some questions that depends on if you feel like answering something i don't mind i just want you to find her okay then did faith have any older friends someone that she talked about maybe hanging around recently i don't think so i don't know too much she doesn't like it when i'm around nah she probably was distracted by some boy at school or something did faith have a boyfriend someone that she talked to she didn't have a boyfriend she'd been chatting with this guy though ed blue chatting online yeah where did she meet him well she'd never actually met him he lives in florida [Music] you shut that baby up [Music] [Music] ah it's gonna be okay all right everyone listen up i need everybody on this as soon as possible the faith gear has been missing for five hours and the sheriff believes this to be a priority one chat related abduction by an online predator right now i know we have a head start on this but i want to make sure we find out everything we can about faith garrett okay so check her online history i want emails emmy account internet history check her cell phone records i want to know what she's been saying i want to know who she's been talking to i wonder if she's been making any plans i want you to go through all the computers in the house check her journal entries go through the trash cans and when you've done that do it all over again i want no stone left unturned let's find this girl [Applause] i [Music] so ugh [Music] you want some water what how do we know you didn't poison it or something don't be so dramatic [Music] sorry about all this kid why are you doing this [Music] don't you think your parents would pay to get you back [Music] so hmm hello yeah this is sam garrett the i-cat office all right we'll be right there sir good news yes please we've tracked the tower from face last phone call call to her dad it traced to a tower near beckley west virginia sir also neighbors saw a black extended cab pickup truck roaming the neighborhood yesterday afternoon great let's get the uh garretts in here they're already on their way sir good work [Music] sheriff we need campbell they're in beckley all right investigated get us started all right listen up guys now we have some good leads the phone call she made yesterday was tracked back to a cell tower outside of beckley west virginia we send this information to icac in west virginia they're honored mr mrs garrett i want you to know that we are doing everything we can to get your daughter back you have to understand faith is very active on the internet what do you mean active how social media emi tweeting texting games she uses the internet to keep in touch with her closest friends school church cheerleading how do you know that we have been able to view your daughter's internet history we've reviewed your daughter's history for the last six months that's everything faith posted texted tweeted wrote in an email instant message or chat log are you kidding me like i said very active and we found nothing suspect or alarming however recently faith was approached online but what we call a decoy predator and she was communicating with him ed blue now that's a fake picture a fake profile she had no reason to believe that ed blue or eddie wasn't from florida and wasn't a 16 year old boy with blue eyes and blonde hair as you see in that picture [Music] so you're telling me that my daughter has been abducted by a child predator some psycho child molester we don't know yet who has her sam that's what we're going to find out look this guy up kick his door in get my daughter back it's not that simple they proxy off different ip addresses and internet servers it takes time mr mr garrett i want to echo what brooklyn has said now we're going to do everything that we can and now listen up guys i want this picture and screen name profiled and sent out to every icac office i want to know who has been talking to the zed blue all right now secondly i want to flood the social media networks with decoy girls girls that look like faith girls have the same background as faith put them out there i want to do this in 100 mile radius mr mr garrett i want you to take these transcripts with brooklyn here go over them especially the parts between ed and faith okay sure yeah all right let's find this girl [Music] what are you gonna make the call well call the ransom oh yeah i'm not gonna call him anymore what what i'm doing i just need you to trust me can you do that all right yeah she's perfect man what what why would you even ask me that question no i haven't touched her all right all right yeah we'll just sit tight no no one knows where we are guys bedford county sheriff has asked for our help on this bedford county sheriff he's been in on this the whole time right he's the whole reason we're all here that voice is a 14 year old girl named faith she's missing the last call she made came from this area right here near the bailey's farm tower off rusty gates drive well that's only 10 minutes away yeah only 10 minutes away it's in our own backyard she was abducted in her neighborhood in bedford county virginia around 6 pm yesterday evening guys we need to do everything we can everything within our power to get this girl back home safely cole you need to get some sleep i just want to set up a few more decoys take your pickhead blue we have stephanie age 14 jessica age 13 brittany age 14 and amanda age 14. i'll brunette and blue eyed just like faith garrett it's a long shot but maybe we'll get a bite overnight in the meantime get some rest leave you fresh in the morning west virginia icax working with us too yes sir this community has rallied together to find one of their own faith garrett faith has been missing now for over 24 hours the members of trbc have gathered here to show their support to the garrett family to offer their help and resources and to pray [Music] [Music] you hanging in there [Music] sam he didn't want to come [Music] how's he doing he's having a hard time [Music] i don't understand [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] edwin what are we doing with her what are we doing with this girl we're gonna sell it you told me we were gonna ransom her nikki i know what i said i don't understand what's going on here there's just some things you best not know about you mind your own self and you've let me deal with all of this i'm gonna get our money and then we're gonna get out of here come here come here come here baby baby look at me i just need you to trust me you trust me right i'm doing this for you and for bobby so the least that you can do is trust me of course i trust you i do good that's good [Music] are not releasing any information [Music] saying don't go i can't sit here and do nothing i need you here [Music] i know that faith is more than i can see but right now [Music] my fear is blinding me give me faith give me faith [Music] to know your strength is mine when i am weak and there's no place i can go that you can't reach give me faith give me faith i know you're strong enough to hold me i'm not alone i'm not hopeless [Music] similarities between dave gordon and ed blue's online activity is staggering you think they're related i know they are atlanta chicago atlantic city dave gordon at blue the other three online profiles we've been monitoring it all leads to communication in these cities these girls are being trafficked and sold for sex you know the routine sheriff you know what they're going to do running out of time i think we should have chat with dave gordon [Music] [Music] you know sheriff we have ways of making them talk we're not gonna beat him up i got an idea someone broke into the church you gotta be kidding me copy that we're driving right by the church we'll check it out [Music] and look that's sam's car [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i didn't know where else to go [Music] i know you're there i know you can see me i know you can hear me why won't you answer i know you're there but i need you here [Music] what can i do i have prayed for protection for my girls since before they were born i've prayed so hard since yesterday that i can't breathe [Music] not i but christ i used to believe that you know whenever i needed patience not i but christ whenever i received praise not i but christ needed strength not i but christ protection not i but christ expecting my daughters to be able to walk safely through this world not i by christ i've done my best to follow your lead i have read your word cover to cover i have done my level best to follow you [Music] you're perfect right [Music] our heavenly father right [Music] what kind of father does this ignores his children you like seeing people on their knees broken fine you like to hear your children despair plead fine protect my daughter [Music] [Music] [Music] sam i don't really know what to say except maybe this every morning i pray i pray to god that he give me the faith to believe that he is good and that he is in control of whatever goes on in my life and whatever comes my way and i got to tell you it's hard it's it's difficult but you know what sam [Music] we have hope and a promise we have hope and a promise that he will always be with us [Music] i want to believe that i really do you feel so helpless [Music] i'll tell you what sam i got a lot more investigating to do why don't you come along would you like that [Music] [Music] sandra sir we need to see dave gordon 17. we need to see dave gordon gordon come with me you gotta understand that it's in your best interest to help us i mean you are into some heavy deep stuff mr gordon [Music] you don't want to talk he doesn't want to talk don't talk we just want to help you we know you're not afraid of us but you better know that it's only a matter of time before the rest of the jail finds out what you did you know sure last time i checked they didn't take real kindly to his type down there remember this is a local jail you still got state prison to look forward to can i go back to sleep now baby hey dave you're mine you're my daddy [Music] i see you come over here there was a different drop point every time new jersey state police can you get police chief anderson for me i'm sorry the chief's not available at this hour ma'am i'm the sheriff of bedford county and i know chief kyle anderson personally you have about a dozen underage girls sitting in a warehouse in atlantic city that are about to be sold into the sex trade get me the chief [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] why you so scared do you not know that i'm protecting you don't don't cry you're so pretty cotton candy even when you do cry hey you're gonna make a lot of people happy [Music] edwin what are you doing [Music] nothing [Music] [Applause] absolutely nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] what do you have sheriff we don't have an address but we have a name and some details chief anderson is lieutenant hampton a guy's name is bennett sutherland he and his accomplice are abducting girls and selling them in atlantic city into international sex trafficking we're on it we're looking for faith garrett chief got it we'll keep you posted thank you kyle this color is so much better on you it's going to make you look so much older turn your head a little why do i have to dye my hair you want to meet movie stars don't you plus you can't get into the clubs looking 14 i guess so guess darling when i was your age i was meeting rock stars and partying all over hollywood when can i go home well we have one trip to the city and then you can go home let's see beautiful you are absolutely beautiful amber my name's not amber it is now going in there with the other girls tomorrow i'm going shopping for your new wardrobe size two right yes ma'am when are we shipping we've got more coming in like amber high quality product not like these straight orphan girls [Music] [Music] jackie sam where are you i'm with the sheriff uh we've got a a lot of good leads and we might be able to find her soon do you think she's safe i don't know honey i hope so honey i'm sorry for what sam i'm sorry for the way i've been i haven't been there for you and sammy like i should have been i'm gonna make things better i promise thank you love you sam i love you too thank you all for coming sam here is going to hang out with us until we get this little girl home all right we're all here you got west virginia on the line west virginia's here sheriff chief anderson yuan you got new jersey here kyle tell us what you have well whoever your informant was he was absolutely right we are narrowing down possible locations for the warehouse now we should have something soon we're racing against the clock here lieutenant campbell what about the dmv records on the black pickup we're working on it calo seems to me that we need to move operations up to you guys in west virginia sounds good anderson keep us updated will do sheriff we'll be there in about four hours actually i may have somebody that can speed that up how's that a private jet [Music] don't you frown for the lord is looking down close your eyes and don't you fear sleep tight tonight cause i'm right here see the stars shine all around in my arms you're safe and sound wipe all your tears and don't you frown for the lord is looking down you gotta worry about you kid seems like he likes you better than me don't say that how old were you 14. you think god's gonna help you what i saw you praying got a beautiful baby why are you with him who edwin i don't know he's always taking care of me but he beats you that's not right he has no right to do that to you do me a favor take care of my baby let's get out of here [Music] i really appreciate this vernon no problem buddy anything for family investigator cole mr garrett what can i do for you call me sam okay i think i owe you an apology i've been out of my head lately and sam consider your circumstances you're fine really who are those girls these are other faiths these are girls that are missing and suspected have been abducted by online predators it looks so young so innocent it happens all the time sam the children even younger than them i never realized most people don't sam until it's too late that's why we do what we do [Music] hi let me help you with that thanks you a rookie yeah i guess i just got here last night where are we in the city somewhere i'm holly or reagan i'm amber i think why do we have to change our names oh you get a new everything in hollywood nobody uses their real names everybody knows that i guess so yeah gisele will give you a whole new look it's called the hollywood treatment and i bet you're not tired either no it's the middle of the day well gotta get ready for the night life [Music] what i told you already man she's cutting candy what have i been doing i've been sitting here waiting two days waiting for you to bring the money [Music] fine will you tell scott that you better watch his back cause if he expects me to backtrack on bennett then he better have the money to back it what are you doing what's in atlantic city thank you thanks for going but what about faith will you ever shut up she's going along with us [Music] [Music] who's head in hampton clint's on the line i'll put him on the speakerphone clint what do you have are you there lieutenant we're all here atlantic city has an address they're going in now [Music] what do you think i'm doing we'll be there just relax yeah we're [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] so oh god [Music] [Music] [Music] lay down i swear if you move i will kill you i thought you should you trusted me get in there [ __ ] me [Music] why are you trying to get away from me huh why no i'm not gonna stop it [Music] oh [Music] she needs a [Music] hospital oh [Music] you shut that baby up [Music] welcome sheriff we just got a match at the black ford f-150 truck registered to an edwin doss age 30. he's our man you got an address i do let's go hi honey we just landed we're driving now sam where are you somewhere in west virginia what's going on uh there's so much going on we may have found the guy how are you doing honey i'm doing all right how's sammy doing at the retreat she's doing all right you know they had more than a hundred kids show up for this retreat guess how that happened i don't know why you know what when you find your daughter ask her about it sam our deputy will keep her up to date i i gotta go honey i love you [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] atlantic city's moving in how long did god's house five minutes step on it they're closing in right now [Music] me [Music] breach where what up [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] black city nobody moves [Music] faith [Music] leader command we've located additional females in the basement send ems [Music] hope is on the way [Music] day [Music] [Music] it's all clear [Music] uh they're gone he left the truck we have no leads on what he's driving [Music] sir you've apprehended the accomplice no sign of bennett ms garrett sheriff i'm sorry sam she's not in atlantic city either [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they didn't find her [Music] where are you taking me [Music] sir gisele's cell phone they found edwin's cell number brooklyn see if you get immediate coordinates on that roadblocks i've got roadblocks on the way [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] kidding me [Music] me [Music] aah my they pinpointed it to 10 square meters it's just down the road i just missed him [Music] [Music] clear clear where's the signal now we're back to a 4 000 square meter radius where you could be [Music] don't panic sam we don't know who's it sam sam sam [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm gonna find you i'm gonna kill you give me back my baby [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm uh [Music] see the stars shine [Music] for the lord is looking down [Music] freeze [Music] give yourself up edwin [Music] you're not gonna make it out of here man [Music] don't make me shoot you [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] [Music] when you don't know what to do his love will carry you through you will be safe in the arms of jesus [Applause] [Music] says [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] safe in the eyes of jesus [Music] safe in the arms of jesus [Music] safe in the arms of jesus [Music] safe in the arms of jesus [Music] we found her she's okay [Music] lieutenant your team did an exceptional job thank you well done we got lucky this time sheriff in real life i think it was a little more than just luck maybe you're right [Music] you were there three days and he didn't touch you [Music] no it was close though do you know how lucky you are [Music] the retreat that's this weekend your mother told me they had almost 200 kids show up kids that you invited but because you went missing they didn't know who was coming can i call mom i miss her so much you can see her face to face in just a few minutes [Music] faith why do you think she helped you people sometimes change if you just simply listen i promised her i promised nikki that i would look after bobby find a good home for him oh faith [Music] [Music] what is faith we have been praying as a group for for faith to come back [Music] what are you thinking about in your life when we feel that that all is gone that there is no hope at all what are you here tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] where's sammy i've got to see sammy deputy let's get this family back together [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] have ever told you how happy i am and you're my sister [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it never ceases to amaze me how god can bring good out of evil i've seen the worst man can do and i've seen the best i suppose it's grace that enables us to keep our faith at all the lord should be praised i called on him and i was saved from my enemies the ropes of death had become tangled around me the torrents of destruction had overwhelmed me the ropes of the grave had surrounded me the clutches of death had confronted me i called on the lord in my distress i cried to my god for help he heard my voice from his temple and my cry for help reached his ears psalm 18. [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] today we are we're privileged and we're honored as you know uh in our church faith was abducted not long ago you know the story three days held captive and and uh rescued by the police and and even her own dad it was an incredible story there and you know the bible tells us that sometimes things that are meant for evil god needs for good also rescued in the midst of that was this beautiful child bobby matt elizabeth i know today that's exactly what this is all about so today we get to dedicate bobby into your arms and into your hands as your child and so let's have a word of prayer right now god today we we dedicate bobby lord we thank you for bringing this sweet child [Music] is [Music] somewhere in the dark i can't see the light at the end but i'm holding on standing firm refusing to give in even when it looks like there's no reason to hope even though i'm hanging by a i'm [Music] [Music] i'm falling to my knees already [Music] oh yeah [Music] where i am [Music] oh i'm finding faith [Music] when the storms crashing in and the wind is in your face [Music] when the hope inside you shatters and you're lost in a lonely place when the night is at its darkest and the light seems so far away [Music] we will run to the arms of jesus we will not be afraid [Music] safe in the arms of jesus safe in the arms of jesus when the world is on your shoulders and you've tried with all your might [Music] erase the doubt you're not forgotten god will save us with his grace there is life in the arms of jesus we will not be afraid [Music] shaking the arms of jesus safe in the arms of jesus [Music] safe in the arms of jesus safe in the arms of jesus you
Channel: Deep C Digital
Views: 472,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Full Movies, Entertainment, Deep C Digital, Justin Rossbacher, Stephanie Bettcher, Erik Estrada, Timothy E. Goodwin, Finding Faith movie, Finding Faith full movie, Finding Faith 2013 movie, Finding Faith 2013 full movie, Finding Faith 2013, kidnapping movie, crimes against children, child predator, Internet Crimes Against Children, Safe Surfin
Id: Aijd3XQzlIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 45sec (7005 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2022
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