Elisha-The Floating Axe Head

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[Music] this is a miracle program and I want to say this to all of our partners you make the miraculous happen all over the world how could I ever thank you enough and listen to this a woman came up to me in a restaurant not too long ago handed me a little note that she's our partner and she told how she'd been in drugs and alcohol a mess and had watched the program and had gotten born-again folks if I didn't have you as a partner that wouldn't be happening so I just want to thank you that's very special but today is very special too because we're looking at a miracle in Elijah's life we're actually bred was multiplied and fed a multitude of of prophets can you imagine hungry prophets a hundred of them and only 20 loaves of bread and oh they had leftovers so I want you to know God has more than enough for you and he has leftovers to pass on and in this teaching and God really this is kind of new for me God really gave me something about the word of knowledge and the word of wisdom you know first Corinthians 12 it talks about these three gifts for the mind a word of knowledge something you didn't know that God drops in your heart the word of wisdom how to act with the word of knowledge and to discern whatever spirit is working folks this has been given to every one of us and as we watch today remember that word of knowledge that word of wisdom oh that discerning of spirits is available to every believer watch army and receive [Music] [Music] [Music] we all need miracles amen and the Bible is full of the miraculous and we have a loving Heavenly Father who wants to provide every need in this life and give us eternal life you say well I don't believe that too late to tell me that I'm almost 87 and I have lived a miraculous life because of his word and because of his promises but today is your miracle day so put your hand on your heart so I won't forget today is my miracle day and what I want to look at with you is the word of knowledge and the word of wisdom in the life of Elijah the double portion man remember he's one who followed Elijah and then said I want double what you have and al I just said to a life shot if you see me when I leave you can have it you're asking a difficult thing and so we know that Elijah stuck with a life jaar and when the mantle came down Elijah began to move in the same miraculous as Elijah only double the number of miracles you know we say well God just has pets I don't think he has best I just think he has bigger believers you asked for little things you get little things you ask for big things you get big things and so I watch Elijah's life because when you see this account oh my goodness he has three Bible schools he's producing prophets to prophesy to the king and if you go through the Kings first and second Kings and Samuel you will see all Kings had prophets all of them they usually had two and sometimes they had three they had spiritual guidance and so the king the prophets would ask for a word of knowledge which is a fact you didn't know and a word of wisdom which is an act you didn't know that do and they would see wonderful miracles come out of this now here is Elijah he has a wonderful prophet school we know he had at least a hundred and they need larger quarters so they come to him and this is second Kings sixth one so you know I'm not making it up and they said this place where we dwell is too small for us we need a bigger place and so Elisha says go ye go for it do it so they begin to cut down wood and they're building a bigger place for these prophets to live in and then something bad happens they have borrowed an axe and the axe head falls off and they said oh no this was a borrowed axe and not everybody has axes so this was a really an important thing plus when we borrow things and then we don't return them you know this can look bad and we're the prophets and we want to look good so he says to them he said I what I want you to do is to throw in a stick of wood where you lost it now this is the Jordan River I've seen the Jordan River is very beautiful in some places it's very bait and you know you lose an axe head well the axe head goes to the bottom and water takes it all these other places so what's the use now listen to me some of you have lost some very important things maybe you've lost your marriage maybe you've lost a loved one maybe your son and daughter that you raised in godly things is out here in the world with who knows what kind of junk there's so much trash in the world so you need to call us and tell us and not long detail we don't counsel but we want to pray with you over whatever you have lost for God to miraculously bring it back to you and then we certainly want to get miracles now because that's our offer with this teaching which will help you to stay in the miraculous now I'm gonna tell you a crazy thing but you have to believe me when I graduated from college University my aunt that I loved my father's sister never had any children she really loved me and she gave me the engagement ring of my great-aunt oh that was a really big deal so she said now when you have a daughter and a granddaughter this ring is to be passed on so that ring was very important to me and I lost it you say oh how could you well I was in an airport and I had my jewelry bag in my purse and I fell and the jewelry bag fell out and the ring rolled across the floor and I couldn't find it and they're calling my flight and so I prayed now you say Marilyn are you sure you're telling me the truth I'm sure I'm telling the truth I prayed and said God that ring is very important I don't have time to find it please bring it back so three months later I'm in our bedroom and my husband is getting ready and he wore cufflinks at that time so he opens his jewelry box and said what's your ring doing in my jewelry box I said my angel put it in there and that ring was miraculously returned to me I gave it to Sarah when she graduated from how are you and now she has a daughter is about seventeen when she graduates we're gonna pass it on now what have you lost can God bring back what you have lost yes he can and so I want you to call us for a prayer of course I want you to call us and get the miracles now but I want us to believe now listen how do the people know how to get the ax head back oh my goodness we've lost it Elijah gave a word of wisdom and act so we see a word of knowledge something you didn't know a fact you didn't know but God gave it to you it's also there's a word of wisdom which is an act that you wouldn't have known what to do and he is double portion man in the Holy Spirit and so he says take a piece of wood and throw it in the water and speak to the water and so they speak their faith you say this is really far out honey the Bible is far out God has a far out life for you and so they throw the wood in and the axe head comes floating up to the surface and they return it now folks God can return lost things maybe your heart is broken you're married your children your grandchildren I don't know what it could be but all of us have lost things in our life so I want you to call in we're going to pray with you for those lost things and of course I want you to get miracles now because God wants you to live a miraculous life now I'm gonna tell you a wild crazy thing that is awesome and just happened a few months ago I have a son and he got into drugs messy life moved back to Columbus Ohio had two daughters he raised one and the other one was his natural born his wife a drug addict pitiful I didn't hear from Michael I didn't know if he is dead or alive and prayed and found him and his two daughters who have husbands and children and went back to see them and they are all prospering and my son isn't on drugs and he isn't on alcohol and these children these girls and their children are awesome they are excelling and I cry all the way home most of you don't know this because some of you prayed for my son I cried all the way home on the plane from Columbus Ohio and the Lord said to me why are you crying you prayed every day didn't you believe I'd answer you so I want to tell you we want to pray with you today for lost children lost marriages maybe you've just lost your ability to perform you've lost your love for God you've lost your love for the Word of God we want to pray with you and God wants to do something so so supernatural this program is really special you didn't turn in by accident you have a divine appointment to see lost things come back to you we have a divine appointment to pray with you and believe with you and we love to do that that's a blessing and an honor for us and I'm gonna be right back with more so honey stay right there experience the impossible as a daily lifestyle for your gift of $30.00 or more we will send you Maryland's four CD teaching series miracles now through this 7 message series you'll learn these three things about miracles how they happen what brings them and how you can experience the impossible every day we will also send you Marilyn's book you are a pathway to miracles read about Maryland's trailblazing life and journey and be amazed at the remarkable miracles she's witnessed in her many years of ministry as well as those she's experienced in her own life also included in this great resource is Maryland's booklet how to maintain your miracle this booklet leads you into God's bountiful storehouse of blessing so you can preserve the life renewing riches you have from your heavenly Father and finally we'll send you the miracle scripture card to encourage you with God's promises about the miracles you're guaranteed through your life in Christ call or click to receive this valuable resource [Music] [Music] [Music] this teaching today this revelation today is especially important to you especially important and I'm telling you you can pass it on because lost things can really frustrate you and when we look at what happened here to Elijah in the Bible school you can imagine the frustration they're building a Bible School because they have too many prophets they don't have a school big enough and Elijah who walks in the word of knowledge and the word of wisdom tells us go build a bigger one go for it and so they do and they have borrowed an axe and that would be a very expensive thing and they lose it they drop it in the water and this is the Jordan River who knows where the axe could have gone you know this is a serious situation and you may be facing a very serious situation losing your wife your husband losing a job losing one of your children you know losing finances someway losing your health and this is a very important lesson for you because when they heard listen to me closely when they heard from Elijah he said take a piece of wood and throw it into the water now remember Elijah's a man of double portion so he's hearing from the Holy Spirit and he gets an act because the Holy Spirit can bring a fact and the word of knowledge or an act and the word of wisdom and this is an act so he says throw a piece of wood into the water and they do it that he's speaking to the water and the axe comes floating up and they pick it up that's awesome now you say well I'm not I didn't lose an axe but you see they put a piece of wood in and I'm thinking of the cross you know the cry is wood and when we take the cross into our lost situations I'm telling you we can have a miracle life and you could have a past that is so ugly you know you're drug addict who knows what all you were involved in and you think there's no hope for me I want you to call in and we're going to pray with you and when you call in get this miracles now because I have a recipe of three things that bring a miracle in this and you need to have it and we want to pray with you because folks Jesus restored everything everything with a cross and that is so key for us to know so if you remember they finished the Bible school they got the axe head but it was at the word of knowledge and the word of wisdom now you say well that's Elijah yes that's Elijah but in first Corinthians 12 it says you can ask for a word of knowledge and you can ask for a word of wisdom and that God will give it to you it's part of the gifts of the Spirit but I just feel I should stop this program and ask for the first thing do you have Jesus in your heart or have you served God love God but you've gotten cold we would say you're backslidden are you I want you to pray with me one prayer can transform your prayer your whole life I prayed this prayer at 16 I'm 86 this honey is still working and I have eternal life so let's just take a moment and you pray with me and we're gonna believe God for you today so pray with me out loud say father I believe that you love me you have a wonderful plan for my life I believe Jesus that you died for my sins and arose from the dead come into my heart and be Lord of my life thank you for saving me amen did you pray that prayer we'd really like to pray with you too so pick up the phone and call us and say yes Irie committed my life to Jesus or maybe this is the first time and let us pray with you and of course let us see that you get material to help you walk a life in the miraculous this miracle now is very important that you have it now I want to go back to this very profitable thing of the word of knowledge and the word of wisdom now you may not have tuned in at the beginning of our program or the program before this but the Bible tells us in first Corinthians 12 there is a word of knowledge and a word of wisdom and a discerning of spirits in the gifts of the Spirit who are the gifts of the Spirit for well in this case it was for a profit but in our case is for all believers well you say how do I get it you get it by asking how much more will he give the Holy Spirit to them that ask and so we enter into that by asking so could you ask for a word of knowledge about a fact about one of your children or your finances or something you have lost could you ask for a word of wisdom and know how to act in a situation yes yes you say you're teaching Old Testament I'm teaching the father and this is the book of Acts is full of it remember when Peter and John came to the gate beautiful and they said to the lame man there get up and walk and the man got up and walked I'm sure they had come through that gate many times but that day who they got a word of wisdom tell him to get up tell him to do an action and the man got up and he walked and they rejoiced in God not only that you say well I that's just old testament now wait a minute I'm not through with you at all what about the book of Acts when Peter has a husband or wife who lied to him and a nice and Sapphira how did he know that they look like good people they bring some money looks like everything is good but they've stolen money and he tells them that and tells them you're gonna die that's no Testament these are facts and Acts their word of knowledge and word of wisdom and therefore all believers have you lost something have you lost your passion for Jesus are you reading your Bible everybody should read your Bible you're their Bible why why do I read the Bible because the Bible reads me every day I say Jesus you said this to me I am the light of the world he that follows you shall not walk in darkness but have the light of Life I have light for this day that's what you said if you never read your Bible how do you know what he said I pray you will have a great hunger for the word and I would because this is so serious I'd like for you to call us and have them pray with you that you would have a hunger to read the word folks this is so important how can you have a supernatural life without the supernatural work no you can't you say well you know I just don't feel like it I don't care how you feel I care about the miraculous in your life so pick up the phone call us and of course ask for our special offer miracles now because folks yeah I don't have just this one teaching hon miracles the Bible is full of the miraculous and you say well I don't know that it works honey I've been seeing it work since as it eleven years old I'm now 86 almost 87 and I'm living the most miraculous life I've ever lived you say well I don't think it'll work for me really does the Bible say it only works for certain people does the Bible say he just has pets the Bible says you are his beloved yes oh I never knew that he said that he says that over 42 times in the New Testament oh can you imagine I get up in the morning and say good morning father good morning Jesus good morning Holy Spirit this is your beloved Marilyn and you are his beloved if you're born again and you need to say good morning and good evening and you need to let him know you know that you're his beloved you need to know that he has miracles with your name on it and you need to call us of course for prayer you have needs on your heart you may have a broken heart you feel like it can never be mended but God call us experience the impossible as a daily lifestyle for your gift of $30.00 or more we will send you Maryland's four CD teaching series miracles now through this seven message series you'll learn these three things about miracles how they happen what brings them and how you can experience the impossible every day we will also send you Marilyn's book you are a pathway to miracles read about Maryland's trailblazing life and journey and be amazed at the remarkable miracles she's witnessed in her many years of ministry as well as those she's experienced in her own life also included in this great resource is Marilyn's booklet how to maintain your miracle this booklet leads you into God's bountiful storehouse of blessing so you can preserve the life renewing riches you have from your heavenly father and finally we'll send you the miracle scripture card to encourage you with God's promises about the miracles you're guaranteed through your life in Christ call or click to receive this valuable resource you know God is your Jehovah Jireh he is your provider and really it's more than that it means the one who looks ahead and has the provision there for you one time I was going to Pakistan actually it was the first time and I didn't have enough money I was lacking 30,000 and on the way I stopped in Indonesia to speak at several things some conferences and you know I'm sitting in the lobby getting ready for them to take me to the airport and a man was sitting there and he said I know who you are you know this is kind of unusual in Jakarta and I said really yes he's that I've seen you on television he said where are you going I said well I'm going to Pakistan he said I said I'm having a meeting there he said do you have enough money I said no I really don't I'm lacking thirty thousand and he opened his briefcase and said well you're not now and pulled out thirty thousand dollars you want to tell me there's no Jehovah Jireh in your life you want to tell me that God can't do miracles and you're fine and meet your needs you want to tell me he can't provide a car or a house hey he can and he will and I want you to call us and I want you to let us pray with you and then we have a special set we want to send you on miracles it's our offer because folks he loves you he loves you and as your lover he is your provider so don't just say I'll forget it won't work for me honey it's gonna work for you today [Music] Oh
Channel: Marilyn Hickey Ministries
Views: 9,741
Rating: 4.8427949 out of 5
Keywords: today with marilyn and sarah, marilyn hickey ministries, marilyn hickey, sarah bowling, marilyn and sarah, bible teaching, bible, jesus, god, christian
Id: qt9jGh4bOz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 15sec (1695 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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