Breaking Generation Curses Pt 3

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we are so happy to have you with us on today with Marilyn and Sarah I was praying about our time together and God dealt with me and wants to encourage you on something that I believe all of us deal with and it's the issue of distractions distractions I'm telling you sometimes our lives tend to be just one distraction after another after another I have a friend she lives across the street and she has like eight children and she's always forgetting because she's always distracted you know this one this one this one and sometimes those distractions can be so frustrating but here's a great verse to encourage you it's Jeremiah 32 39 and it says I will give them singleness of heart and action so they will always fear me for their own good and for the good of their children after them God wants to help you so you have singleness of heart singleness of action singleness of purpose and to eliminate or minimize probably better to say even minimize some of those distractions so get on the phone let us pray for you or get on the website of course we like to pray for you and whatever way is convenient for you we like to pray for you and we know that God answers prayer and that's for anything mom he answers prayer for family issues he answers prayer for health issues you can't find something that he doesn't answer prayer about that's true and that's what and getting people to pray with you helps you because sometimes you're you prayed and prayed you haven't seen an answer and you get discouraged in it so if you can call in and get prayer and you know we live in the word we unlock the miraculous so we pray the promises and the promises bring the provision we don't pray the problem but the promise that goes with the problem that's right that's right and you know mom we're talking today about generation blessing but breaking generational curses and I want to ask you a couple questions on this because I remember growing up there were some things where I experienced I remember in my early 20s when I went to Germany and then I was in the southern part near where your background is from your heritage and I remember sensing some pretty dark things when I was there and it was very very disturbing to me I remember having some bad dreams and and I remember coming home and asking you about some of that what was some of the background on that well of course my maiden name is Schweitzer and so there was some real dark things there mental more mental anger and violence and so those things you know I saw in my father then I saw my brother pick it up and then I heard I didn't know my grandfather great-grandfather that they were cruel and angry and cursed a lot so I think those are dark things that can come from generation to generation but it says that those that hate him and so that had no right to come to you because you didn't hate him but the enemy is familiar with a family tree those are familiar spirits and so they come and attack the next generation because I'm sure the devil would have known a lot of nailed in sideways you know and you not knowing they may be familiar with those kind of things not knowing how to resist the devil but Sara the good news is that God kept me informed you know I had dreams about you I prayed for hours and tongues in the spirit for you in that timing so God doesn't want us under those kind of things those dark dark things and I remember my mother saying something to me because my father was so brutal and hard to live with and finally went into a mental hospital he got out because she prayed and believed God and he became a Christian but my mother said I said why don't you divorce him you know I was like nineteen years old he's so cruel leave him and she said no she said I don't want to set up a generation curse for my family and she said I feel that if I divorce him I will be setting up a pattern that the enemy can use so she stuck it out fasted prayed you know to this day I don't know how she did it all but she had good for our friends and I'm telling you my father came out of a mental hospital got saved got water baptized he's in heaven no question he's in heaven but those dark things they come from sin patterns trespass patterns that become iniquities so if you keep practicing a sin over and over No were pretty soon as a pattern is called an iniquity you practice a trespass you know doing things against people hurting people even gossiping then pretty soon it becomes an iniquity and those are the things that come through the blood now talk to me because not everyone in our audience and and before I forget you need to call make sure you get on the phone and call because many of you are saying wow I can see some things in my family tree my background oh my goodness I never realized those were issues and and we need to break the curse so call we want to pray for you or get on the website we want to pray for you really important but mom not everyone in the in the audience knows you know some of these terms as far as transgression and trespass and iniquity and can just do a quick thumbs like that and I think there is a test also that they can download yet that can kind of identify where there's a generation curse working in your family so the sin means to miss the mark with God trespass means to go over the mark so we sin against God and I'll use my father as an example because he got free but he cursed he cursed all the time you know you hardly had a day that he didn't curse and use vile language and when he get angry was ooh even worse and so as a child oh I hated vile speaking cursing because I heard that then my brother did the same thing so that's a sin against God to take his name in vain that's a sin but it was practiced so much it became a bend iniquity means to bend okay and it became a bend in his personality that threw blood it was passed on to my brother in it and I you know my brother got saved thank God and he's in heaven today my brother's not living so a trespass could be something you do against a person a sexual abuse physical abuse those kind of thing you are trespassing on somebody else's property gossiping viciousness you know against people that's a trespass practiced enough it can become a bend and that person if they get in that circumstance that's the way they'll react then that ugly thing was passed through the blood but the good news Exodus 20 verse 5 says the iniquities of the father's are passed on to the children 3rd or 4th generation of those that hate him and our audience I don't believe in hate him but those that love him he will bless them to a thousand generations so the blood of Jesus breaks the pattern of iniquity absolutely breaks the strongness of sin the trespass but we get into the blood through repentance so it's very key that we repent for our fathers there's a lot of scripture on this I'm shocked at how much because I thought repenting for my father you know and my grandfather and for the family tree but it's very much in the Bible and so you repent for anything they have done and again identifying that curse you need to download and you need to call us for prayer that's really key and in this next section we'll show you I mean the Bible so clear how powerful the blood of Jesus is how powerful repentance is my goodness it is just out of this world so don't think oh this program is bad news no no no no no this program is really good news we'll be right back you we're talking about generation blessing and breaking generation curses and you know mom I shared about how when I was in Germany and I had that really rough time you know and some of that generation curse basically coming on to me now here's what I got out of that because I know you prayed for me and really went to the mat you know and I had dreams about me and it was a rough season for me absolutely a rough season but what I took away from that and that experience is that your parents can do pray you know and do all the warfare and everything but I as an individual as an adult you need to also stand up and say I will not be a victim to that because I can I can give permission or I can give resistance James for seven and eight resist the devil and he will flee and so I took away from that no no no I am NOT I am NOT your then I spoke to though I am NOT your playground my mind is not your dumping ground you don't get access to me and I was very strong very adamant you don't get to do this and what I've done mom is not only did I do that for me but I watch my kids now yes and I talked to them and and ever so often if something sneaks in or I see one of them kind of leaning towards some of that generational curse pattern or whatever I talked to them and I tell them outright I say now you need to understand what's happening here this is not just you're having you know something kind of coincidental there's some stuff happening here demonically and the devil wants to get in and cause you to be a victim so I'm going to pray with you but you need to resist the devil and so teaching them and training them look and you know they're they're young they're not teenagers yet and I think it's really good for them to get those awareness that spiritual awareness and also the practical application how do you resist that what is that and the awareness of this is what's happened in our in our family history and understand that it doesn't you're not going to perpetuate this you're going to resist the devil and it's not going to happen in you you're not going to be a victim so I think those are just important keys on breaking generational curses and you need to identify where there is a curse and that's why I like for people to download the test right because some of these patterns we're not realizing the Devils using us as a playground and we need to know and really come against that and say wait a minute that's not going to go on I'm not going to have that right and you know there can be generation curses on nations iniquities of nations iniquities even of land yeah where there's been a lot of crime a lot of stuff and people have to go and repent yep yeah the crimes they're on that way and I was in Cambodia recently mom and I visited the killing fields yeah and and that was that was very it was very disturbing and some of that land and I've been to in in Poland ouch wits oh my goodness and and sensing the stuff that's there I am totally on your page there can definitely be generational curses that are associated with the land and regions and I know a man that he had some land that I think he got it inheritance farmland and these certain terrible weeds would come up every year and were poisonous and so he said you know I'm going to repent over anything about this land so he went and repented for anyone that had owned that land that there had been crime worse and he didn't know a whole lot and he came against those plants that were coming up and they would poison the cattle Wow and so he he drove all around the land took the blood of Jesus repented over at all and he said just a few came up the next year but they wilted and that was the end of it so this is a very serious thing that goes on and I think we get sucked into it and that's why we encourage you to call us for prayer and we know that living in the word unlocks the miraculous so you don't overcome the devil by just being a positive person you overcome the devil by the blood of the Lamb the word of your test money and not giving up you know not loving your life unto death you just don't give up I mean you're not going to give up so I really encourage you repent is through the blood of Jesus that we have real power over the devil you know and we took the blood over you and of course you doing that with your children even going to school in a daily way that's a blood of Jesus is over my children blood of Jesus over my marriage because once divorce starts you get a pattern that's really bad and sexual sin Sarah the most warning in Deuteronomy 27 28 which is the blessing of curses is sexual sin oh it just identifies all over the place you know don't sleep with the sister don't go have sex with a neighbor I don't have sex with an animal I mean it is just all kinds of sexual sin and that seems to be a real hardcore thing that the devil uses so pornography immorality which is treated in very casual way in our day but has such terrible curses women awful curses with it and you know people die early from sexual sin no question other it's true self and you know I think for our audience it's just super important that you call us we want to pray for you any kind of generational curse and your family and like mom said if you don't know what a generational curse is you can go on the website download the test and kind of check through it and say oh wow I never realized and it's really powerful and and I think this the Bible says that the Word of God the entrance of the word brings light and what we do is we love to teach the Word of God because it illuminates some of those dark spots you like I never knew I never thought and some of you watching right now you're even thinking I didn't realize that this whole anger thing is passed on and I've just kind of dismissed it as you know well that's part of my ethnicity or you know that's just you know and you've accepted some of this stuff and you you're understanding you're realizing I don't have to be I don't have to accept this stuff I don't have to be a victim to these generational mindsets that you can absolutely live in the word and lock the miraculous so I encourage you get on the phone get on our website we want to pray for you and you know in a little minute we're going to be going through some really cool things and I love in the back of this book you know the index part mom talks about different curses and then also blessings that that kind of counteract that curse and the Word of God adds that blessing so we just encourage you we're going to come back in just a little quick second here and we're going to talk about the blessing that counteracts the curse because we talked about the curse but really all of us want the blessing yes and amen we want the blessing in our lives so let's look and see what are some of those blessings that counteract the curse that the devil intended you this is a wonderful day because this is a day you and your family are getting set free because you're getting the truth and the truth is very key this generation curse thing is an ugly ugly thing and to me it's really not dealt with because people don't know about it but your knowing the truth and the truth is sending you free the iniquity is visited upon the children of those who hate me - for generations that's ugly but the blessings of those who love me to a thousand generations that is really really sweet so how do you get into the generation blessing and you get in through the blood of Jesus because you are not redeemed from the curse without the blood of Jesus through faith in his blood Isaiah 53 5 and 11 talks about sin trespass iniquity and that the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin trespass iniquity so we put faith in his blood otherwise the devil is going to camp on your family's doorstep and bring these curses those are familiar spirits familiar with family they come back and attack but revelation 12:11 says we overcome the devil isn't this good overcome by the blood of the Lamb the word of our testimony we love not our lives unto death so putting faith in the blood of Jesus confessing our sins repenting of our sins our trespass our family's trespasses iniquities that is very key Sarah is always interesting to me about Elijah you know and how he built the altar and of course the nation oh is really into sin drehs best idolatry was the iniquity of the israelites and so he builds that altar and of course bail you know who they try everything but there's no blood sacrifice that Jesus that's the father ordains so he has the blood sacrifice and the fire falls on the blood sacrifice so that blood absolutely changed that nation then day they put faith in the blood that's key it is very very important and the blood of Jesus absolutely stands hardcore against anything the devil tries hardcore and you know mom not only is the blood of Jesus very essential but I also like in our book here really cool things that we have related to promises to counteract the curse promises that do that and and if you're watching right now you know of course you can go and download the test to see are there what generation curses are in your possibly in your family but also you can download these are blessings and kind of initiating the blessing I I just think that's really powerful and and I love this there's a promise here a blessing to combat and come against cancer you know you may be watching right now and and the truth of it is in the world that we live in cancer is massively prevalent I mean massively prevalent I heard about cancer and it's not just for women it's for men kids older people I mean just it's everywhere and this I believe can be a generation of course and we don't have to live under that curse so you know this is an area where you could take authority and say I'm not going to let the devil try and come in and and camp in my door at camp in my family camp on my health and bring cancer to me I am NOT his victim I am the victor over the devil so if that's something that's a curse in your family start the blessing download the PDF here then and talk through all these different blessings and the promises associated I encourage you start the blessing of course we want to pray for you so get on the phone and if you know people that have cancer you know relatives you yourself don't give us every single name but just say pray for that cancer will be broken broken in my family broken with my friends or get on the website and let us pray for you but it's so important and mom there's just lots and lots of different ones that goes with the promise mark 11:23 and 24 whatever you say to this mountain be removed and cast into the sea and don't doubt in your heart but believe what you say will come to you will have it therefore I say to you whatsoever you desire when you pray believe that you receive them and you will have them it's so powerful that's key speak to it yeah here is bone disease in here I really want people to get these and it says Pleasant words are as an honeycomb sweet to the soul and health to the bones proverbs 16 24 so saying what God says can really bring health to your bones so we can take that promise that's wonderful this is Psalm 62 so I have more than one hair you have mercy upon me O Lord for I am weak O Lord heal me for my bones are vexed and so what do you do you take the promise that goes with the problem of the bones and God says the word cannot return right right you pray the promise and not the problem the promise right you know here's something interesting this goes back to I was preaching you know a couple weeks ago and and a friend came to hear me speak and when I looked up I saw my friend there was like you know and it kind of me it freaked me out you know and I told you about and you're like come on Sarah and it was a fear of man right and that's exactly what it was and that can be a generation curse I don't think you have any fear but it did something in me well but here's here's the promise to counteract the curse in God I will praise His Word in God I have put my trust I will not fear what flesh can do to me that Psalms 56 verse 4 you're struggling with fear of man that's been a generation curse so I'm 56 for and and this just powerful promise to pray whenever that curse whenever that bend tries to come back and rear its ugly head and this is full of it here's four iron ear problems yeah so you know health things the Lord opened up the eyes of the blind Psalm 146 8 as a ax 2918 and in that day shall the Deaf hear the words of the book and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity and out of darkness awesome awesome yeah and how about this one inferiority complex ha ha don't tell me you haven't struggled with an inferiority complex that's all of us we all wrestle with that how about this Romans 8:31 if God is for us then who can be against this I just want to encourage you family you need to get on the phone call let us pray for you get on the website download the PDFs get the test do all the right things because there's no reason no reason on the planet for you to live under a generation curse you are not made to live under a curse you're meant to be a blessing not only to be blessed but to be a blessing so let the Word of God bring entrance and light into your life life into your family and absolute hope and future and not despondency and not curses so get on the phone we want to pray if you get on the website but God has made you to be a blessing family curses are very serious business because they can be mental emotional physical and even spiritual and it can go from one generation to the next generation they are generation curses spoken of very clearly in the Old Testament but Jesus redeemed us from the curse because he became a curse for us so the good news is that all family curses can be broken that's right mental emotional physical spiritual they can be broken and the Bible shows us this so clearly and who can break the curse you can by putting your faith in the blood of Jesus Christ you need to know how to break every kind of curse that is coming against you you need to because God's Word can set you free and set your family free but even more than that and this is so exciting such exciting news you can begin the generation blessing because the power of blessing is greater than the power of curse the Bible tells us the power of the curse can go to four generations but all the blessing can go to a thousand generations and that's so important for you to know today not only can all generation Bleu curses be broken but generation things can begin with you and I'm telling you when you see how to do this and when you begin to see how it happens in your children and your grandchildren even your great-grandchildren it will so bless you it will change you it will transform your life blessings and curses we make a choice and God has given us the provision for bountiful blessing everyone wants to know how to how do you break the curse how do you impart the blessing how to is so important and that's why I'm making my imparting the blessing series my special thank you for your gift of any amount this month it's a three CD set of teachings in which I take you to the word show you how to break generational curses and start generational legacy of blessings here's more information about this resource not again for a limited time Marilyn hickeys 3 CD teaching titled imparting the blessing is our special thank you for your gift of any amount as you give you'll be helping to make it possible to keep this kind of teaching coming to you and to your neighbors and friends imparting the blessing will open your eyes to the reality of generational curses and reveal the very powerful very biblical keys to living in the freedom and blessings Jesus died to bring and show you how to extend that blessing to your family it's yours right now when you simply call or go online and share a gift of any amount and if you can plant a seed of $50 or more we'll also send you Maryland's eye-opening book which will take you even higher and deeper into this collected subject finally if you're able to share a gift of $1,000 or more we want to express our thanks by sending you a beautifully framed noted page from Marilyn hickeys personal Study Bible be a vital part of all God is doing through these outreaches and share in the spiritual rewards for every life touched as you get by phone or online request these resources on breaking generational curses and get started establishing your own legacy of blessing today you you
Channel: Marilyn Hickey Ministries
Views: 35,100
Rating: 4.9163499 out of 5
Keywords: today with marilyn and sarah, today with marilyn & sarah, marilyn hickey, sarah bowling, generational curse, breaking generational curses, set free from curses, bible, god, minister, life
Id: 0sF946TA4vE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 55sec (1735 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2011
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