The Command With No Cap // Beyond Belief // Crazyer Faith (Part 1) // Michael Todd

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um i have not preached in a long time and i really do believe that i'm about to act a fool up here so i want to go ahead and pre-warn everybody that i'm not fully responsible for what's about to happen because what's about to happen is something that god has been stirring in my heart for three and a half years i need to be very clear about it is this is not a message that i got on my way to church today this message of crazier faith that god is about to let us walk into is something that god started in me honestly from a young boy but i just got to put it in message form over the past three years in 2019 we started a series called crazy faith and for some reason it hit the hearts of people and it hit the heart of the church and it went viral and people started getting tattoos of crazy faith and and started walking in crazy faith and some people left a job in crazy faith but you hear from god so he was broke and then there's other people that went out and married somebody in crazy faith and all of these different things were happening but i was asking god what was the significance of it happening he said michael i've said it from the beginning of when i wrote the bible when the son of man returns and i searched the whole earth will i find faith it didn't say will i find a church will i find songs will i find a prayer meeting will i find there's something about faith that is a key ingredient to being able to live out the purpose of god on your life somebody say i need faith say it like you mean it say it with your chest and until you realize that you can't be the mother you want to be without faith that you can't be the father you want to be without faith that you cannot be the employee you want to be without faith until you realize you need faith to please god and to reach purpose you live your life below what god has called you to live somebody just say it one more time i need faith so one day i was driving in 2018 the end of 1819 um and this song that i love came on by gnarls barkley crazy and i've listened to that song hundreds of times and i'm a producer so i i break it down and i listen to the orchestra and i love the vocal and i love all the different things about it the vintage retro sound of the drums i i mean i listen to it but this time the words is what captured me and when i begin to listen to the third verse he said something he said my heroes had the heart to live there to lose their life out on the limb and i remember thinking i want to be just like them and when i heard those words i thought about all the bible characters that we love from moses and abraham and david and all that other stuff and those people we talk about because they did something that wasn't safe they lived their life out on the edge they were on the limb where this could go bad or this could go really good and many christians and people that profess to believe in god are way back here in complete safety [Music] yep we want to worship from back here we want to give god praise from up here but your purpose is right here but i don't want to fail and i don't want to mess up my future and god says you're missing your future because your future is lived in faith and i begin to think about people who we're thousands of years removed from abraham living on this earth and people talk about father abraham have many sons and many sons have father abraham and i am one of them whoa and so will you come up so let's all praise the lord some of y'all went to the same youth group that i went to and other people are like john what the heck i got you but what i'm telling you is we're talking about abraham over 2000 years ago but the reason we talk about him is because he had faith when you go to hebrews 11 there's this whole thing called the hall of faith and it starts chronicling people like abraham noah isaac jacob moses my question is will your name and picture be in the hall of faith will they come down that hall and see wheel and brenda and natalie and brie and tammy and mo and michael and put your name and you didn't even believe you would be there and shout your name out and put your name in the chat and i'm telling you that god's design for your life is that at the end of this thing there is a plaque and a picture that goes in the hall of fa i feel this thing already that i live my life on the edge live my life in obedience live my life in the will of god live my life being generous live my life doing the things god told me to do even when everybody else was scared to [Music] will your name be in the hall of faith and at that moment when i heard this gnarls barkley song and i began to look at my life i said i'm not going to play it safe with the life that doesn't belong to me [Music] did you give yourself that breath you took this morning [Music] this life was given to me by god and god said will you please give me back control of the life i gave you and that's when i decided we are going to live in everybody shot at me crazy faith no you got to say it a little crazy say crazy faith and so let me give you a definition of crazy faith and for everybody who thinks they know what this series is about because you are at the other 19 parts of the series and maybe you got a pre-copy of the book i'm not preaching one message from that everything's fresh oh i'm not about to come warm up something after two and a half years and try to serve it to you baby i've been in the kitchen and this thing is fresh so i want you to write down and take notes because this may be your manual for the next decade of your life crazy faith write this definition down our thoughts and actions that lacks reason but trusting fully and what you cannot explicitly prove i'ma say it one more time because some of you got that in your head but we need it to drop to your heart crazy faith are thoughts and actions that don't make no sense this lacks reason why in the world would i do that that doesn't make i went to school for something completely different there's no logical estrogen way that this would be able to ever systematically happen like it don't make no sense it lacks reason but for some reason i trust it but for some reason i know that the pastor of a church that was gone for 16 years should not trust it to this young black dude who don't have nothing but six months of tcc higher education before this don't make no sense but for some reason i trust it [Applause] and trusting fully enough to put your weight on it and what you cannot explicitly prove i can't prove to you that this will work but for some reason something on the inside of me is telling me that i gotta move with this crazy faith look what hebrews 11 1 says now faith everybody shot at me now yeah the the best time to walk in faith was yesterday but the second best time to start walking in faith is now because some of y'all made a decision last week and even got up this morning ready to carry that thing out and god's saying that was not me but right now you can start walking in faith somebody just one more time shout at me now as you're watching this no matter what time no matter what time zone no matter what country right now is always right now and god is saying that now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance not insurance assurance and what we cannot see everybody close your eyes close your eyes now i want you to see yourself on the beach with the body you want hey cha tadabo i want you to see and feel the water going back and forth and i want you to know you got enough money in the bank to stay there a month uh-huh somebody that just hit cause you was worried but i need you to know that when you see the bank account there's a lot of zeros in it i want you to see yourself with your favorite drink just next to you and some of you will be a little stronger than others but i just want you to see it next to you with some colors and a pineapple on it and then i want to i want you to see yourself with somebody you love a friend a husband a wife can you see it no for real can you see it can you see it for some people open your eyes look at me it's hard for you to see it because you don't feel it and what many people are trapped in right now is a place where god is trying to allow them to see something they will have before their situation turns around and changes into that thing and in an age where we believe more in google than god in an age where we want to know the facts and we're checking people all the way down see what god is saying to you is there's a level of this life that i'm going to ask you to do things that do not make logical sense and i know all my ones on the enneagram are going crazy right now because i need to be able to plan and i need to be able to strategize and god's saying your strategy is me if i be for you who can be against you if i mark out the steps of a good man or a good woman you gotta trust me in faith and all i'm trying to say with this message in the book in this series is that you gotta see it before you see it see your family whole and at christmas together 2022. i know everybody crazy right now and uncle junebug locked up at this current moment but see yourself being able to give them some of the mashed potatoes see yourself not see some of y'all are like that doesn't even make sense your vision for the future from god is so important to how you move into the next thing god has for you and i'm about to shake you for the next 14 weeks you heard me it's crazy till christmas i have a message for every weekend till christmas to shake you out my assignment is to shake you out of lazy faith my assignment because i really believe aaron with everything in me 2022 has a purpose set up for you that is so much bigger it's beyond your belief but if you get to the gate and do not have the payment of faith what if everything god wants to do will not take money help me holy spirit what if what god wants to do to your company your business your family and your life does not take smarts what if the only payment you need to change the trajectory of generations with your last name is shout it at me faith and i'm gonna help you believe in god to the point that faith becomes the thing that you want wake up with you go to sleep with that you give away when you go to the grocery store people gonna walk around you and be like i don't know why but when i hug them and i talk to them and i get my hair done from them and i listen to their music and when i go to their kids birthday party something in me leaps i don't know there's certain people i get around and my baby jumps the thing that's on the inside of me says oh somebody's around that can help me believe [Applause] and that thing that we all need is shouted with me faith without faith according to john 3 16 we can't be saved without faith we can't pray according to matthew 21 22 without faith we can't live the christian life that we're supposed to according to john 10 10 you need faith so today let me walk you through a story of a man who lived in crazy faith it's one of the people who maybe don't get talked about as much and um today god literally opened up the bible to me in a new way i've never preached a message on this bible character before but i feel like i can see him right now and i'm going to try to make this movie come alive to you today today we're talking about a man named elisha okay somebody's like come on come on they don't know what i'm about to say but what i'm telling you is elijah lived in crazy faith now on the screen i've put up elijah because growing up in church they don't really give you no pictures that go with your bible stories and so it was always these two guys elijah and elijah and i got mixed up for my whole life and i decided today i'm gonna help you never mix them up again elijah is the og he's denzel okay elijah we're gonna call him ej for the rest of this sermon okay he was a prophet of god did mighty things powerful on the earth and then he had a successor and his name was elijah j comes before s in the the uh uh alphabet there it is i'm gonna say the dictionary that too but it comes before that and so elisha we gonna give him brother michael b jordan okay some of y'all didn't shout that much in praise and worship sit your butt down okay so so so you never get this mixed up again ej or elijah he's the o.g and today we're talking about elisha okay who was a man that lived his life in crazy faith go with me to first kings 19 19. now i'm about to preach three sermons in one really fast so y'all stick with me and everybody pray in the back okay cause i ain't preached in a long time but i need to get to the end of elisha's life but many times you can't start at the end of a thing till you understand how it started that's a whole nother message member that i can't give them right now but some of y'all have really been trying to get to the end of the thing and god's trying to make you revisit how good he was at the beginning of the thing and so i need to go to first kings 19 19 so you can see how elijah even got called into this life of crazy faith look what it says so elijah the og denzel ej went and found underline circle make a star behind the word found elisha son of shafak that's a really interesting thing plowing a field there was 12 teams of oxen in the field and elisha was plowing with the 12th team i want to keep reading but i can't because there's too much gold right there the first thing i have to point out is that elijah or ej was looking for elisha i came to tell you my first point it's looking for you [Applause] your next level your next promotion your next relationship group is looking for you you don't have to network your way into the next thing god's about to do you don't have to dumb down who god created you to be to fit in with people you were never supposed to fit in with the next thing god is going to do for you is looking for you somebody say it's looking for me the future is looking for you elisha was not trying to get bumped up and promoted doing what he was doing in plowing the field and and working with the oxen he was just being faithful where he was placed [Applause] in this day and age who's ready for the upgrade all the time the iphone 12 looked just like the iphone 13 and ain't no new features just new names and we're trying to go from relationship iphone 11 to iphone 12 and her name is sally and this one's name is susan and you're always trying to go to the next and god said would you stay and be faithful where i placed you because if you would stay there and be faithful you would be found let me just give it to you in a point crazy faith starts when you are found faithful and may the problem with many of our lives of why god can't do the next thing that he wants to do in our our lives is because he can't find us he only can see you if you're faithful you so shifty with your priorities you want a new word every year but you ain't obey the one he gave you three years ago you and your sixth church and every church it was the leader that was too close you at your fourth job in your third city and it's always you've been to the east coast to the west coast the dirty south now you're in canada and it's always them and god said could i find you faithful did god show up at your last location did he deliver the package of what was next in your purpose to the place you should have been not where you're actually at i gotta leave it alone but but my question is will you be found faithful when i started in this journey of pastoring i wasn't trying to be a pastor i was found faithful you know where i started serving in this church behind the sound board shout out to paul can we give the sound man a little bit in the back gotta sound it real good the reason i shouted out the sound man because nobody shouts out the sound man you don't yell at him when the mic ain't right more reverb in the monitor shout out tony mason all i'm telling you is that your life may be closely connected to where you should be not where you want to be and elisha was found everybody say found faithful okay let me keep reading elijah went over to him elijah ej went over to him and he threw his cloak across his shoulders and walked away do you know how gangster this is charles come here real quick elisha is in the field doing his thing plow just plow right there just plow you look good plowing bro he plowing and elijah has something that will change the trajectory of his life but he's being faithful he's not trying to be a groupie to elijah [Music] [Applause] he's not trying to get close to the pastor he's not trying to go eat lunch with the boss he's not trying to make sure he likes and comments everything the people with followers have he's just being faithful and ej walks by like a gangster and says [Music] that's how quick favor can come on your life it was no pre-warning nothing that premeditated it it was just one day i was doing what god told me and favor found me when you're faithful favor finds you elisha gets a new weight on him doing an old thing there'll be a day you wake up to go to that job and the favor will go on you and you're at that same computer you've been at every day but there's a new oil on an old assignment there is a new way that like hold on something something's on me and look what ej he ain't even he didn't even stop to see if he caught it it says the cloak he threw it across his shoulders and walked away i don't got to be friends with you to have your favor we don't got to go on vacation together to be able to carry favor he said he walked away and look what happened it said elisha left his oxen standing over there and ran to elijah he said hold up first hold on real quick i don't know what you just did to me i don't know how this happenstance meeting at the baseball game is about to change my life i don't know why me going to this version one conference is going to change the trajectory of my life there's people in this room that went to our first conference that now work here and their lives are changed because they had an idea of crazy faith i don't know what this means but he says um first let me go kiss my uh pop-pop and big mama bye and i don't know why i'm saying this but then i'm gonna go with you i'm gonna follow this favor and then watch what ej says to him he a gangster in my mind it's just that denzel with the broke pinky like he just standing there just like go on back but think about what i've done to you go back to your past and make sure you think about the favor i just placed on your life because if you want to stay there stay there but if you come back we're stepping into a new level of living for you and i don't know who i'm talking to right now but after this message god's gonna tell you go back and look at it one more time and make sure when you come back to next week's sermon make sure when you come back make sure you think about what i've placed on you the favor that's on your life write this down in a point favor is always an invitation to another level of faith any time god gives you favor he's trying to skip you into a place where you're going to be less qualified and now you have to trust them to be out in the deep what is the word for this year transformation i said what is the word for this year transformation so when god gives you favor you know how we be praising oh god they came in and i got favored my credit was jacked up and i went in and i needed a new car and the lord just walked in our favor and i walked in and i had favor and they gave me the one i needed with the things on it and the leather and the bluetooth god what you just got invited to is a larger payment and what what people don't understand is the favor always comes with responsibility the favor is an invitation into a new level of faith if you are favored in any area of your life god is trying to make you more dependent on him when i walked in to the platform to be the lead pastor of transformation church people looked at my life and was like oh my god he's so favored how did he get to do that do you know what it was for me it was an invitation to walk in crazy faith every single day of my life to get up and pray and say god i don't know what the heck i'm doing and if you don't do this it ain't gonna get done god i need you to show me and what i'm saying to you is don't pray for favor if you don't want to go to another level of faith shut that crap up stop asking god to bless you with a bigger house if you don't want uh let me stop if you don't want him to bless you with more a higher paying job which means you're gonna have higher responsibilities which means you're gonna have to manage more and the first thing you're gonna have to manage is you you know you [Applause] stop praying for favor if we're not stepping to another level of faith this is where you just like elijah are going to have to step out in crazy faith do you know what elisha did yes look at first kings 19 21 it said oh i love this so elijah returned to his oxen and slaughtered all of them he killed them all he used the wood from the plow that he had built his livelihood off of and he used it as fire to roast their flesh he passed around the meat to the town's people and they all ate then he went with elijah as his assistant do you know how crazy it is to look at the career that got you to the place that you at right now and if god says follow this to go to that career and take a ax to it and dismantle the things that brought you significance the way everybody knows you they know you as bob the builder they know you ass come on somebody they know you as um rachel the real estate girl they know you as isaiah the insurance guy they know you as billy the basketball player and god says don't just walk away from it because you might be tempted to go back to it i need you to break it and burn it what kind of crazy faith does it take to look at what has made you who you think you are and then god says can i have it back oh god wouldn't do that ask abraham when he waited 100 years to have a son named isaac he finally gets the promise and then god says when the boy's about 16 or 17 come and make an altar and give me back what i promised you do you know how crazy it is to lead your promise up the mountain to kill it do you know how crazy it would be to cut off your social media when you are a content developer i'm trying to bring it to your regular life do you know how crazy it would be that you studied eight years in that profession and then god told you to go volunteer come on at a non-profit that can't pay you when you walk in crazy faith write this down you burn up the backup i'm trying to get you to crazy your faith but we ain't even perfected crazy faith cause you still got so many backup plans when you walk in crazy faith we do what elisha did we burn the backup this was his livelihood but he said i can't go where god is calling me when i always have plan b in my back pocket and how many of us have our plan b's ready this didn't work y'all didn't like me but we got okay hands raised in the chat and here lie how many of y'all always got a backup plan no matter what happens hands lifting come on y'all let's be real humble open and transparent some of y'all got two three four five backup plans you got a backup husband and a backup wife [Applause] that's why you keep them dms open that's why your facebook is so friendly it's because you got a backup plan i'm coming to your house today and god said if you're gonna live in crazy faith it's time to burn the backup [Applause] some of y'all working at a job that god plans to make you the ceo over but you're still working that side hustle on the side that is your ambition and not anointed by god and i'm not telling you to to not do the things to help you get a get ahead but the thing that i am telling you if god told you to focus there you can't give 100 there while you're working on plan b and god said you'll never get what i want you to see if you keep working on plan b and if god didn't give you plan b you only go with plan a yeah [Applause] i know they don't teach this no more because they want everybody to feel comfortable but live a mediocre life if you want to be 58 talking about whole i just knew god was going to do more with me but is this it he tried to 30 years ago [Music] you always needed a stash i always got my side hustle this was my environment my uncle always told me my cousins always told me keep this that in the third what did god tell you you got money stashed under your mattress and god's trying to give you a ministry burn the backup i don't know who i'm talking to today but jay they gotta understand that if you keep going through the life god's called you to walk in faith by and with and you keep relying on and hoping for the moment where god allows you to get out of this current situation and you can pull out the hard drive that you've been saving the phone number that you've been saying the relationships that you've been saving some of y'all still got little black books from college burn that crap some of y'all still holding on to boyfriends and girlfriends and notes that they wrote you because that was the time that i read the notebook and it was like the notebook when he said that ain't your man and i need you to uh let me stop let me help you understand that what god has for you is much better but you're comparing it to something that ain't ever going to happen burn the back up and i know it's going to take crazy faith to do that because some of us are so comfortable that we couldn't see our life without what we already have so pastor mike practically how do i burn the back up you need to pray a triple h prayer and i'm not talking about a wwe star with long hair that spits up in the air this is something different that i'ma help you understand a triple h prayer is the prayer that i believe that elijah was praying on the way back to meet and follow ej he said lord let this thing that you're working in crazy faith go from my head let it be so weighty that it drops to my heart that it then makes me do something and it comes out in my hand you don't break and burn something with your hands that didn't go through those three steps that it started off in your head it dropped down to your heart it came out in your hands i feel that thing i said it started in your head it dropped down to your heart it came out in your hands can y'all help me right now it's gonna start up in my head and drop down to my heart and come out in my hands one more time i need everybody start up in my head you drop down to my heart it comes out in my hands you'll never give what god wants you to give if you don't start walking in crazy faith so it goes from your head that's a good idea i probably should do that and it drops down into your heart i can't shake this crap and it comes out in my it don't matter elisha could have been crying while he was breaking down the i plow this is what you gonna do with me god doesn't care if it's emotional as long as you're obedient you might cry giving away that jacket and that hoodie he gave you you know who he is you might be frustrated leaving the city that you're the man in god said i want to give you a new journey and it's going to take crazy faith to do it you got to burn the back up and do you know what this means when you burn the back up you make it final when you burn something you don't burn something with the with the hopes of going back to it but like like this man burned everything he had worked for up into this point and he made it final so i just need to to to paint this picture elijah found elisha he found him faithful okay and then what he gave him favor and then elisha made it final yeah let's go back if you're gonna walk in crazy faith you have to be found faithful you have to wait on the favor and then you every plan you've had before this you're gonna have to make it fine okay this man came to this realization that i've had to come to if i'm always holding on to what could have been i will never go to what is and i don't know there's 103 days left in 2021 and some of y'all still talking about what you lost in the pandemic and god said i'm not back there i'm up here and if you're always holding on to what you could have done and what we could have had and what the business should have done you'll never go to what is romans 8 18 let this encourage you i prophesy this over you right now i consider that our present sufferings are not worth or worthy to be compared with the glory that will be revealed in us what's up ahead ain't worth me comparing what could have been somebody needs to hear me say this it's better up ahead i felt that thing jay it's better up ahead some of y'all been looking at what you lost and god said would you follow me out here in crazy faith would you be found faithful would you wait on my favor would you burn the plows and make it final because it's better forward your family's better forward your finances are better forward the thing that god wants to do in your life is better elijah leaves everything and goes forward with ej and he walks in crazy faith but this ain't even my message it's because elijah lived in crazy faith that you can read all throughout the kings that elijah was doing miracles watching him and ej was like a tag team going around miracles happening everywhere all kinds of stuff was happening for them and then it comes to the the end of ej's life and now elijah is about to carry the mantle of living in crazy faith which i believe god wants all of you to do second kings 2 9 it says that elijah wanted a double portion of the favor anointing and and a miracle working power that was on ej okay when they came to the other side look at it elijah ej said to elijah tell me what i can do for you before i die elijah replied please let me inherit a double portion of your spirit and become your successor uh uh ej said you ask a difficult thing my brother if you see me when i'm taken from you you know what i'm saying because it is a difficult thing for you to ask for somebody's anointing and you ain't been through what they've been through so many of y'all see people on platforms and celebrities but don't ask for what you don't know what it took to get and that's why he said you don't ask for a difficult difficult thing my brother but then he said watch this he said if you see me when i'm taken from you you will get your request but if not you won't sorry some of us just read the bible but i investigate the bible and i encourage everybody in transformation nation don't just take pastor mike's word for it don't just look at the little scripture read everything before it read everything behind it like learn the bible for yourself so i started investigating this because it messed me up he said if you dare when i'm taken you can have it if you not don't get nothing what do you think elisha did he stayed with that man everywhere you in the bathroom i'm right here dog eating breakfast good morning and i thought about the picture of what it would look like if believers stayed that close to god daily good morning god you moving here you're at this prayer meeting you want me to get off social media on a random tuesday you want me to go give 30 to this person you want me to take the shoes off my feet and give it to this i don't even know what size they were but i'm that close see the thing you don't know about being close is when you close you can see details you couldn't see from far back see some of y'all saw me from the camera that was at the other side of the room but one thing you can notice about me is i sweat on my nose before i sweat anywhere else so because i'm this close to you you can see the beads of sweat on my nose and god saying i want you to be that close that when i make a move you don't miss a thing and some of us have been trying to reach god from across the room some of us have kept god at an arm's length been like god i'll do my thing over here but when you need me you know how to really get me and god says these next instructions of crazy faith may be coming in whispers they may have to be something that you only get after five or six days in my presence it may be something that i only give when you shut off your itunes and the radio and the instagram and for the next week and a half you drive in silence why because i want to be close i want to hear you i want to sense you i want to feel you i want to know you because i will not miss the next thing you want to do in my life because there was too much space people who walk in crazier faith are committed to being close so this is the transition from elijah going to a person who is like many of us that will walk in crazy faith i gave the offering i come to church i serve but what if that's not it the reason i titled this series crazier faith is because god challenged me on my time away since i preached the last message he said michael that was the first chapter [Music] it wasn't the finale yeah and i was kind of like have you ever tell god it's enough like you did it i am preaching to you today in tulsa oklahoma in an arena that i should not be in i got a message from god 37 days after i became the lead pastor of a church that was birthed out of a man and woman's heart to go to north tulsa to reverse the curse they led it for 16 years and then handed me the baton there was 300 picky people that were still in the church at the time trying to choose if they were going to stay faithful and 37 days of me being found faithful making sure i stayed in a place to receive the favor and made it final and i didn't i literally walked away from the music industry and said god if you want to use me to be a pastor i don't know nothing i don't know how to pronounce half the names in the bible lord i don't even know how to use a concordance but if you called me to it i'm crazy enough to step out in it and 37 days after me being dependent on god i go to my daughter's room and i type this document and this document i still got it here and the first thing i said is the spirit bank event center will be transformation church we had no money in the bank nobody to co-sign us but god gave me a crazier faith vision and the reason that i'm standing here talking to you is because god said to me after he did all of this miracle and we got the building and we paid it off he said that was the first chapter and some of y'all are so scared to walk in the promise of god that you're trying to figure out how it's going to happen and god said i got that if you would just trust me to step out in crazy faith this man asked for a double portion and he stayed close and this is what happened in second kings 2 11 i'll paraphrase it all that you need to know is as they were walking in verse 11 along and taken uh and talking suddenly i mean mid-sentence a chariot of fire appeared drawn by horses of fire it drove between the two men separating them ej was carried by a whirlwind into heaven verse 13 elijah picked up elijah's cloak which had fallen when he was taken up he was close enough to catch it then elijah returned to the bank of the jordan river verse 15 when the group of prophets that weren't close people who loved god people who went to church every sunday people who gave when the group of prophets from jericho saw from a i just want to let you know you can serve god from a distance i just want to let you know you can post your bible scriptures and still miss out on god's full purpose for you because you did it from a distance god doesn't want distant disciples [Music] he wants you close when they saw what happened from a distance they exclaimed elijah's spirit rest upon elisha and they went to meet him and bowed to the ground before him can i give you a point the crowd can tell when you're walking in crazy or faith elijah did not have to make a public statement to let everybody know i've changed i know you saw me last week got a new coke got the double portion god said just do you boo and when you do you the crowd can tell something different i don't got to prove it i don't do y'all know one of the things that god has allowed me to do as i walk as the lead pastor of transformation church is not have to prove that i need to be validated by anybody else but god the reason that i can stand up here and know that what i'm doing whether y'all clap or not whether you come or not whether you give or not it don't matter because i wasn't called by you i was called approved and verified by god himself one of the funniest things that ever happened to me is on instagram they have this thing called the blue check that when you get a certain number of of uh followers and people going um following what you're doing they give you this blue check to verify you and there was millions of people following us and i had no verification and i told my wife i said god did it to me on purpose he did it to me on purpose because he wanted me to remember that it does not matter what man says i'm verified by god and i don't know who i'm prophesying to today but somebody needs to lift your hands and receive this this next level will not come from a committee's approval you're going to have to step in crazy faith knowing that you are verified by god this man was verified by god the anointing on his life was obvious and so what does he do he starts living in crazy faith so much so that when that man put the cloak on water the water split this man would walk into situations where people were dying and they would get healed because he showed up what i'm telling you is these are not mystical bible characters that god is trying to do this thing back then miracles signs and wonders are for the church today the problem is we don't have faith to believe it can happen so we believe for crowds when god wants to hear cancer how was service it was amazing people was there who got healed [Applause] [Music] oh oh my gosh it was amazing the lights the pyrotechnics the the the the production god said but who got purpose from that did somebody find purity in that did somebody's life change because of that and i'm telling you i will not lead a powerless church and i will not live a powerless life there is a double portion with my name on it because i am going to have the faith to live out on the limb if you go live in crazier faith go ahead and give god a shout of praise don't play with me this is just the beginning i need to shake you up right now because some of y'all have been living this mediocre medicational sad christian life and god said in the beginning of genesis my plan for you is to subdue rule and dominate on this earth and you looking depressed sad and dejected but i'm telling you a shot of crazy faith is about to come across this screen and you are going to believe again elijah starts living in crazy faith and then he starts living in crazier faith doing stuff bp that nobody said he could do how do you how do you go and buy a building and pay it off in six months with people donating from around the world do they go to your church are they your members though like these are questions like bankers and stuff like do they like do they do they know what you're doing with the money like it may not make sense to you but it's about to make a miracle for me oh that's gangster it may not make sense to you it may not make sense when the doctors tell me that my son is non-verbal and he's about to be sick and there's only so much that we can do but god's given me a word i don't need nobody's self i'm too pumped up already god's already given me a word so it may not make sense to you mr doctor mrs speaks therapist it may not make sense but for michael alexander todd jr it's about to make a miracle somebody needs to get another level of indignant and say it might not make sense but it's about to make a miracle see when you start living it crazy or faith you start doing different stuff when you see a door you start thinking about how it's coming down when you see a mountain you start thinking about how it's going to move see a lot of times when we're living at this low level we see a door and we start thinking about why it can't happen it's closed to me every door has hinges y'all every door has hinges enough knocking and if i got to get gangster i'll kick that some of y'all need to get a level of faith that says if i gotta kick this door down if i gotta walk up to it and knock over and over until the hinges start to shake [Applause] i'm not talking about no low-level faith tony i'm talking crazy or fake somebody shouted me crazier faith however you've been believing crazier whatever you've been saying crazier whatever you've been confessing go crazier [Music] well my family they won't understand when i tell them i'm leaving florida and i'm moving to tulsa oklahoma [Music] well my business and my music and my everything is in atlanta my connections are in l.a my company is in it don't matter because this next season we're moving in crazier faith i don't got time to go through all of it but you need to read all the second kings this week and look at elijah and look how you pass down a double portion to elisha and he starts living this out and now i want to go to when he dies oh dang sad you're going to die at some point my question is what will they say about you when you're dead the worst compliment that you could ever get when you die is something short like this he was cool i mean when they when they when they read your epitaph would be like they were fun you just summed up 89 years of life they were fun no tell me more about them i mean just the life of the party what they didn't do nothing that made anybody move into anything else they didn't change the trajectory of the people that would come behind them the bible says the least you can do as a good man leaves an inheritance for his children he ain't leaving we ain't getting nothing but pictures i mean he look nice but see faith builds a legacy builds a legacy too and many of us are living in the fear of our grandparents and our parents the reason you won't step out because you never saw anybody do it [Music] the reason you won't go to counseling is because we don't tell people our business but you jacked up and now your kids is going to pornography to feel let me stop but if you could ever really deal with your own stuff fear is now passing down generationally but that scripture said now faith today as i'm sitting here i believe that something can switch in your life that where fear has been the primary operating system of your life eject it and burn the back up today you're going to insert faith in there and from now on we don't just live in crazy faith we live in crazier faith god if you said it i will obey god if you want me to go i'm already moving god if you want me to stay i ain't moving till you bless me there is a level of crazier faith that is available to you right now this is my real message right here five minutes second kings 13 14. elijah gets sick he's about to die but i can imagine that at the end of his life he start reminiscing they tell they say that that when you get to the end of your life your memory keeps the highlights of your life and you start thinking about all the amazing things that happened during your life and i think he was probably going through the catalog in his mind of all of the amazing things that god did and it came to the end of his predecessor's life and when he was thinking about how did i even get here he said oh shoot it was the crazier faith of ej that i got transferred a double portion of i know i'm old and i've been living in crazier faith all my life but i wonder can i transfer this crazy faith i got to somebody else so where there's this king named joash and he had been getting his tail whooped in his kingdom for years because their people were sinning and joash comes to mourn the prophet elijah look at it second kings 13 14 when elijah when it was in his uh uh was in his last illness king jehoiash of israel visited him for and wept over him my father my father i see the chariots and the charioteers of israel and he was crying and this is what happened in verse 15 elijah said man quit all that i'm about to die man stop crying get a bow and some arrows that's crazy don't make no sense but i've watched you live your life in crazy faith where are some bowen samaras let me just thank you elisha i got the bow in the arrows i was faithful to follow the instruction remember what i talked about in crazy faith you have to be faithful to follow instructions you have to find favor and you have to make it final watch it right here he's trying to do the same thing in somebody else's life and i'm trying to get it to go down into your heart he was faithful to follow instruction do you know how dumb it will look right now where your boy is dying i'm crying my army's out there getting their tail whooped and i'm standing here i'm the king with bow and arrow how does this make sense it's a crazy faith instruction look at verse 16. elijah told him put your hand on the bow okay and then look what he says to him everybody don't worry i'm not gonna shoot it everybody in the front row it's like we're about to die and then watch this dad come here real quick real quick and then watch what it says it says in elijah watch the symbolism laid his own hands on the king's hands come lay lay your hands on my hands act like you're shooting with me so now what just happened is the favor came onto his life i want you to see the symbolism he told them to pick up the bow and arrow he did it he obeyed he found himself faithful then the the prophet put his hands on his hands he now has the favor of the one who can give him a double portion and then look at it verse 17 then he commanded him open the eastern window and he opened it why the eastern not the western shut up and obey me sometimes that's what god says why go to this company and not this company shut up and obey me why did you tell me to go to wendy's and not mcdonald's shut up and obey me you don't know at wendy's i got a blessing for you there's somebody you're gonna meet there this ain't a plug for wendy's but if you wanna hit your boy up hit me up but what i'm saying to you [Applause] some of y'all need to just shut up and obey why the eastern window it don't matter and then what did he say shoot your shot make it final yeah he pulled that thing back dad don't don't do it cause i'll kill ron right there don't don't do that thank you and what did he do he took what was just the moment of crazy actions and he made it final the arrow's gone that was crazy faith that sank that seemed completely dumb but what did that do for me look at the promise that comes after he made it final he was found faithful favor was put on him he made it final this is how you know you're walking in crazy faith elijah proclaimed this is the lord's arrow and an arrow of victory over arum that was who was kicking his butt for you will completely conquer the armenians at afat do you mean that that simple move from the apartment that i like to be at to that apartment that was on the other side of town that god told me to move to that i had to lose my deposit because my lease wasn't up you're telling me because i obeyed you to do the thing that sounded crazy that you about to give me victory in an area i don't even have to fight do you all know that when we came to get this building in crazy faith there were victories that we won because we obeyed god that we didn't even know was against us we always praise god for the victories that we know about but some of us need to take a moment and praise god for the challenges and the opposition that never even made it to our front door obedience will make you be able to circumvent battles the victory is in your obedience [Applause] this man was obedient and he found victory in crazy faith but this name of this series is not crazy faith what's the name of this series say it with your chest it's crazy your faith so anytime you live in crazy faith god follows it up with an opportunity for crazier faith look what's the next thing elijah says to him then he said now pick up the other arrows and strike them against the ground that ain't what you told me to do last time shut up and obey now i'm trying to help you get because you just won victory doing it one way and god is giving you another instruction that doesn't even require the bow he didn't ask for the bow this time he didn't ask for he didn't ask for you to write a paper this time he didn't ask for you to go network this time pick up the arrows okay strike them against the ground you should that's sometimes how crazy your faith looks keep doing the bible study and nobody's coming keep serving at that ministry and they haven't recognized my gifting yet and watch this scary moment i obeyed you i obeyed you i did it so the king picked them up and struck the ground three times but the man of god got so angry with him you should have struck the ground five or six times because then you would have beaten aaron until it was entirely destroyed now you will have only three victories because that's what you had the faith for could it be that when god gives you a command sometimes he leaves space for you to fill it with your faith [Music] strike the ground that felt good did it god he said you did that's all you get cause that's all you have faith for did i give you a number to stop at did i tell you you only could have one house [Applause] did i tell you you only could touch one city did i give you a limit ah did i say [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but you look you thought three was enough you thought that was enough you thought the college degree was enough i wanted to let you be the president of the organization but you settle for a plaque on the wall instead of walking in purpose let me calm down by playing the game i'm gonna put a picture on the screen and i need you to tell me what's in between these two images could you put the first picture on the screen um tell me what is between just go ahead and put it up there what is between earth and mars say it louder say it one more time okay you got one right put this woman's beautiful smile up on the screen okay what's between her two front teeth say it louder [Applause] more picture i just want to make sure because some of y'all are remedial and so you don't know what the answer is for all of them so just cheat off your neighbors put the next picture what is between these two parked cars what is between the vision god has shown you in your heart and living it out in crazier faith space and what if when you're walking in crazier faith you have to feel the space with faith that's all i'm trying to get you to know because you can fill that space with anything mike they can fill it with fear and that's why you watching the news all the time it's killing the purpose over your life because you got this space where god said you're going to be a successful business owner and all you hear on the news and the dow is down and the stock market has dropped and the the real estate industry is done and god said i called you to come in there and tear that mug up i'm setting the stage for you to come up and do something that's never been seen before but you filled the space with fear what i want you to do in this series and some of y'all this is going to take us chipping away at the hard places of your heart and the pessimism of your your perspective but i'm telling you right now if you stick with me for this next 14 weeks by the end of this you will feel the space of your life with somebody shout at me crazier faith say it like you mean it [Applause] see there's a space between instructions and belief and this is the thing that messed me up when elijah was told to pick up the arrows that man could have done something that nobody had seen before he could have went and picked up all the arrows that was left on the ground that other people left he could have got stuff people left from generations before oh y'all didn't want to walk in the blessing of god like that oh y'all didn't want to actually no no no we're not leaving nothing on the table this is the type of gangster i'm about to live at he said strike the ground he gave him watch this a command with no cap that's the title of this message command with no cap this next level of crazier faith you're about to live in you need to be so close that you can listen for god to give you a command and don't put a limit where god didn't this man literally when he said strike the ground with the arrow you know what that man could have done he could have been like [Music] [Applause] no more left and some of y'all were laughing because i looked crazy to you but that was your purpose that was your family that was your finances that was victory over the cancer that was victory over depression there was victory over every lie of the enemy there was victory over doubt that was victory over poverty three arrows was crazy favored six arrows would have been crazier three arrows would have been obedient six arrows was abundance [Applause] three arrows wasn't bad but three arrows wasn't god's best could you be living below god's best he was trying to do the bare benefit bare minimum he was trying to do the bare minimum when god was trying to do something beyond belief everybody say beyond belief say it again one more time that's the season we're walking into charles we're going beyond belief bree we're going beyond belief natalie we're going beyond belief they're going to look at our life and say how did all of that happen and all we're going to say is that we obeyed the command with no cap don't put a cap where god has given you the audacity to live in crazier faith what could god do with your life could god be asking for the whole city where you only circle the block could god breathe be asking the little church from north tulsa to impact the whole world when all we was trying to do is get a building could god be calling you to run the largest real estate firm in the nation when all you trying to do is do a housing development could god be trying to bring the entire family in your life to christ and you're just trying to get him to come to easter this story plays out in my life and the life of this church in a real way god said crazier somebody shot at me crazier one more time [Applause] i thought it was crazy when god gave us this building and 37 days after i became the lead pastor of this church i wrote this this thing down and god's doing this we got the building but there's like 11 other things that are on here that he said that we do that he would do me and natalie became the lead pastors of transformation church february 1st 2015 didn't know what we was doing but god said you walk by faith and not by sight and i'm gonna do something crazy in your life what ends up happening is miracle after miracle after miracle after miracle relationship goals goes out and this young lady named ashley posted on twitter and two million people watch it in 48 hours it brings all of this attention we didn't have a working uh website at the time stuff was all crazy all we had was an obedience step that god told me to do he said put by new cameras we spent 80 thousand dollars on black magic cameras and people left the church over because i was doing too much that young person don't know what he's doing spending that money on and for two years nobody watched it except my mama and my auntie and my prayer groups and all those people only 50 views every week but i was found faithful it didn't care how many views i was getting it cared that i was being obedient this young lady posted this series in december boom like wildfire everything starts growing in 2018 we go from one service to five services in a converted grocery store in the hood of tulsa we have white people that have never been past downtown traveling to north tulsa like jan watch yourself it's kind of crazy out here like they were but they didn't even care they was driving they buicks cadillacs and mercedes to north tulsa and it looked like a melting pot of white black a brown a there were people everywhere and and god said that he was going to grow this thing this wasn't us looking for this god found us faithful and bishop put his favor on me and people told him he was crazy for trusting me but he put that coat and he didn't like kind of put his favor on me he let me run it and he said and if you mess up i'm right here today just i gotta stop i have to honor you elijah egypt ej's in the building y'all bishop we have to honor you thank you sir he put the coat on me joe and when he put the coat on me he said now you're gonna have to trust god for yourself you can't you can't do it the way i did it you got to trust god for yourself and we started trusting god and giving when we needed and being a blessing and doing the sermon series that god told us to do and doing all this other stuff this thing blows up and i'm about to die cause we're doing five services and one sunday i said god you got to do something he said i already gave you the plan i said i already gave you a vision can you see it though and i began to close my eyes that's where it said i got to see it before i see it i came over here with bishop we broke into this arena and we took a picture in the lobby of this place and i declared that this place would be transformation church not because i said it because god said it be careful when you start walking in crazier faith and god did not cosign what you've committed to we'll talk about that on another week can i just make a long story short god did the miracle september 2019 i believe or august was august or september august 2019 i stood up and i said we got the keys the keys the keys we shouted we jumped we danced six months later we paid the building off 10.5 million dollars completely debt-free it's only crazy until it happened the banker laughed at me when i told them that we were gonna buy the building and then i took the note in there six months later and right before christmas he said you said that she was gonna do what i said god said that he was gonna do it and we did that thing and i was good i had lived my life in crazy faith minding my own business i wasn't i was just trying to steward over what god gave me driving up here one day mike this building sits at the back of a commercial real estate complex that has 35 plus buildings in it along with owning the land that chick-fil-a sits on that's holy ground and uh and i was driving in one day and the holy spirit said don't take your foot off the gas i said what you mean i'm driving lord i won't take my foot off the gas until i get to where i'm going he said no no in faith he said you believe for the building he said but will you believe for the entire complex i said i mean see this is the test if god wants to do something why would you stop him because your fear yeah i said god i'm gonna step out and i'm gonna live in crazy faith one year after purchasing this building august 2019 in fall 2020 in the middle of a pandemic we bought the entire complex of post rock we own the land chick-fil-a sit on they pay us do you hear me but see that didn't come without preparation see when god did the first crazy faith miracle i brought the team together and said i think god's about to do some more stuff they said we need to start not just a non-profit we need to have a for-profit see some of y'all the step that you need to make has nothing to do with the miracle happening god said you need to open the bank account god said that you need to do the step that you can do right now we made a for-profit transformation group holdings company because we knew we didn't want everything to not be taxed we want to make so much for the kingdom of god that we can be able to take what god has done and fund missions and fit and be the ones to be able to stroke the check for hurricane victims and go to afghanistan and before they ask for it we are already there to help in sex trafficking and we didn't have to ask for you to give an offer the vision here is to represent what would happen let me just throw a little vision can you see it what would happen if the tithing offering that came in in this church was never used for ministry in this building what if every dollar we got in was going out because there was so much revenue coming from other things that we did in business that we never ever had to ask for our offering to do what god wanted us to do just because we're here as believers [Applause] but you mad when somebody asked for an offering but i'm talking about kingdom they're gonna have to help me all right so we went and bought the whole building are we done yet god i thought we lived in crazy faith right and god said michael this can either be a monument in your life [Music] or this can be momentum for the rest of your life [Applause] either we're going to worship this moment that god did the miracle or it's so normal that one miracle brings momentum for the next miracle and that miracle brings the momentum for the next miracle and this miracle brings the momentum for the next miracle while i was on sabbatical y'all [Music] who helped me holy spirit [Music] [Applause] i was resting i was doing what god told me to do and we did a service on june 19th for our city and when we were preparing for that service we knew we're a generous church and you were such a generous people we knew we were going to do something significant as this was the hundredth year of the race massacre that happened from 1921 in tulsa and nobody which is the dumbest thing in the world has ever done anything for reparations for the family in north tulsa we just got the first grocery store out there a year ago shout out to oasis that doesn't make any sense so i said it's reparation season and if the city's not going to do it if the government is not going to do it the church will and because of transformation church's generosity we gave a million dollars away to north tulsa and building and the survivors now watch that's not the testimony we already shouted over that when i was driving away the holy spirit said that was a seed for what i'm about to do [Applause] ozbe i drove away from that place and that was on a sunday mid of the week wednesday or thursday i get a call guys i'm like you going to the meeting for my security he knew i wasn't going to no meetings he knew i was on sabbatical but he said you going to tell me i said what meeting scott he said oh never mind i said scotty if you don't tell me what meeting rico he said there's something happening pastor mike see one of the things that we made a decision at transformation church is that children were going to be a priority at our church and so when we talk about the state-of-the-art facility and all this other stuff i want our kids ministry to be two times better than whatever we do in here so in this time where we were down for corona and then we've been down for construction and this is the first week we're back in the auditor oh it's good to be back in the auditorium and that means soon it's gonna be good for all of us to be back in the auditorium glory to god so as we begin to look with contractors and different people around we realize something that for the type of children's area that we would need and because we went back to the prophecy god said and one of the lines on this says that the kids zone will be a place that draws students from around the world and we would have state-of-the-art facilities so i went back to the word and then it said at the bottom it will be filled this building will be filled three times over every weekend now that hasn't happened yet in the middle of a pandemic but god has given us space and what do you fill it with so because i feel it with faith i said we got to start preparing for the children to be here three times over and it's got to be big enough so the team starts looking and what they came to the conclusion of is because we want to provide a state-of-the-art facility for our children the staff that office is here monday through thursday has to get kicked out of this building it was like we need all of that space to facilitate the weekend and they said so we need to start looking for places around here that we could at least office in and be the headquarters for transformation church staff and then we do sundays here so the expansion team went out looking and they came to this building where they had three floors that were were in a beautiful area right off the highway and it had three floors with beautiful view that were white box that we could go in and make look like transformation church and and and and they were looking at leasing this space and when they went into this building to lease it destiny in the middle of the negotiations it changed from leasing to would y'all like to buy this [Music] now now we weren't looking to buy nothing but they called me and i walked up to this building that i've passed for the past six years and i didn't know when i was passing it it was part of my purpose but we spent about 45 minutes walking through that building didn't we dale 45 minutes and as i was coming down the elevator the holy spirit said he said michael you didn't believe for this but i need a partner that has the faith to make this happen what happens when you walk at such a level of faith that god doesn't even care if you believed him for it he comes to find you because he knows you have the faith to believe for the impossible i said god if you want to do this you know i got the faith for it the literal people oh god that built this building for wait for it 64 million dollars six years ago came to us and said there's some financial things shifting in our company and we want to sell it i went to our finance people and said can we do this and they said pastor if you walk in crazy faith we standing right here with you be careful who you talk to when god's asking you to do something in crazy faith [Applause] our chief finance guy he's so full of faith tim i love you so much he said pastor michael if you believe that this is god we're going after it i walked off walked out that building and gave them the thumbs up and i said that's our building and went back on vacation when you don't fight and god fights for you watch this you can rest the number one thing that's plaguing the church today is we don't rest because we're always worrying about what god already said that he was going to do i went to rest i came back 15 days ago these people said pastor michael it's almost like things got out of the way for you to have this property i said what you mean a closing of this magnitude would usually take months to be able to get through all the legal stuff but they said you saw this in the end of june and we're here at the top of august and everything's in place for you to sign on the dotted line i said hold on wait don't don't play with me i didn't really do i didn't really work that hard for this but this is bigger than anything and god said it's beyond your belief he said michael what i'm about to do in crazier faith is make a spectacle out of the space you put faith in so transformation church what i want to let you know is that god has expanded our church again and not just giving us something that's cute that the staff can office out of he is giving us a global headquarters to be able to train serve and function the vision that not even we currently at it's the vision that god is taking us to this is a hundred and ninety something thousand square foot of office space six floors of this and that and workout gems and all kind of stuff that's way above my pay grade but i came to tell you on the first week of crazier faith that i got the case yo i got the key i don't drop the keys but i got the keys [Music] transformation church we now are the owners it ain't crazy faith this is crazy of faith of the new transformation towers that will give god glory honor and praise somebody give god a shout of praise oh y'all better help me it's not done at faith it's not done at crazy faith it is crazier faith [Music] this was beyond my belief [Music] vic when i go over there it's 30 acres of golf course manicured property highway frontage you won't find that look like something tony stark built for the avengers they got led lights all around and god know what i like he know what i like and because i was found faithful and i found the favor and i made it final this is not a season of life bree this is how we're going to live somebody said this is how i'm going to live make a confession this is how i'm going to live come on one more time it's going down this is how i'm going to live it went from crazy faith to crazier faith as a church we're not supposed to own over 70 million dollars worth of property in the city of tulsa oklahoma i don't got enough education for that i don't got enough favor for that but because of the generosity and the stewardship of all of us together and because of the crazy faith of a bunch of people like us when i die [Music] i'm going to end up in the hall of faith why it's cause i decided i wouldn't live my life safe and when god does something like this for our church it wasn't for our church it wasn't for the organization it was for the organisms to know that hold on pastor mike is regular degaler he has problems he hasn't told us all of his issues he hadn't told us he struggled with pornography told us he had the insurance fraud case he didn't hold on if anybody can be used hold on you say write too loud it's the truth though that's what i want people to feel i want you to feel like if god can do it with us and he's no respecter of persons what does god have planned for your life in crazier faith the keys don't mean anything if you don't have your life all i'm telling you is that god last point wants to take you beyond your belief i took the staff over there this week and the level of shouting and praising that went on in that building i didn't tell you the best part god's so crazy with it that the company who was there decided you know what we still want to be in the building so we'll pay y'all to stay on two of the floors while y'all occupy the other floors so god gave us ownership but still sent assistance to be able to do everything that it didn't hurt us at all you missed it god's trying to expand you and he's saying it ain't gonna hurt you at all it's way bigger than you thought it would be but i got you steel pastor mike you excited it's cause i'm fired up at another level now this book that comes out tuesday the only thing that is trying to do is give you the bare minimum basics that allow you to get to a life of crazy faith and you got to get that book so that you can understand everything that we about to go i'm telling you transformation church i got 17 more pages to preach but i'm stopping right here cause this thing is about to change your family your life and generations because you will mark my words i'm prophesying over you hands lifted all over you will live in crazier faith you will be able to experience god beyond belief and you will be a person of faith hands lifted i want to pray over you father in the name of jesus i did to the best of my abilities what you called me to do god now i'm praying that when you give us a command we won't put a cap thank you that we would strike again that we would believe again that we would stand in faith again that we would go out even after we've done it two times three times god just like those areas this has been back to back year after year three times that you've done something in crazy faith but i will not be one to stop on the third one whatever you want to do with this church god you can do it and whatever you want to do with our lives god you can do it today father we're making a commitment anew and afresh that we'll burn the plows and make an altar we're burning the back up we're going to live in crazy faith today god i thank you that a revolution or better yet said a revival would start on the inside of each one of us and god i thank you that we would trust you and trust your promises and stand in faith father god because when we stand in faith you get glory you get honor and you get praise today let it be the start of a generation of people who will live stand love and be able to say that we lived in crazier faith if you believe it you receive it and you claim it go ahead all over the world and give god the greatest shout of praise that you oh come on let's give god a crazy shout of praise [Music] [Applause] there's somebody watching right now that's where literally that was just my introduction to this series i'm full y'all but i'm telling you this about to change everything if you're watching this and you've never given your life to jesus this is the biggest crazy face step you can take it's the thing that changed me from being a liar a manipulator somebody who was addicted to pornography had all kinds of problems and had bad things in my heart and god said if you would give me your life and give me your heart i'll transform you and i'll allow you to help other people i am standing here only by the grace of god and today that grace is available to you i don't care what you've done who you've done it with where you've been where you have said you're going to be and where god has you right now god is asking you surrender he's found you i don't care how you got to this platform i don't care who sent you the link god said today is the day of salvation i need anybody who knows how to pray to start praying there are lives on the line right now there are people's eternities in the balance right now and i'm telling you this is the one decision the crazy faith decision you can make that changes everything [Music] and if you want to make that decision today all i want you to do is at the count of three i just want you to slip your hand in the air i don't care if you're on the track i don't care if you're at your cubicle on break i don't care what's happening this statement that you're going to make publicly is going to change everything in your life one you're making the greatest decision of your life two god is so proud of you right now three shoot your hand up in the air all over this world yeah there's people in here making a fresh commitment anew and afresh i see you sir i see you ma'am you can put your hands down when i tell you what's about to happen is something that physics and science can't explain it's something that goes down to the sale level it changes you from the inside out and today we're going to pray a prayer together there's thousands of people i feel this thing charles there's thousands of people about to give their life to god this is going to be their first crazy faith move and it's going to change everything now transformation church we're a family nobody prays alone here because we all know we are a hot mess without jesus and some of us still a hot mess with him so all i'm telling you right now is that we're in this together if everybody would for the benefit of those who are coming to christ would you just lift your hands one more time and pray this prayer say god thank you for sending jesus just for me today i realize that i'm a sinner and i need a savior and i choose you father god i believe that you lived you died and you rose again with all power just for me now come into my life change me renew me transform me i'm yours in jesus name amen if you just prayed that prayer all of heaven is turning up right now like everybody in this room and everybody around the world because your name has been written in the lamb's book of life today i want to let you know that this is the start of the journey that we want to walk with you if you just made that decision i want you to text save to the number on the screen and we're going to walk with you we're going to help you we're going to pray with you we want you to to know that this whole journey is about progression and not perfection and what better time to give your life to christ in faith than as we're starting a series called crazier faith church this is a new season and i'm telling you that every week of this series i am going to be feeding you from the word of god things that are going to light your faith up tell everybody this is the last time they've seen this version of you because the next season of your life you don't talk doubt you talk faith you don't talk fear you talk faith you don't even talk about the finances you talk faith and no finances are byproduct of that stuff this is crazier faith season something on the inside of you is about to start god i thank you for what you did in this place today and i thank you father as we go this week we would be found faithful we would wait on the favor and when you give us an instruction we would make it final that we would not put a cap on your command do what only you can do and god thank you for the miracles that are about to take place because we started believing you in faith this will be the best week we've ever had your favor will be on our lives god and we will see the hand of god in our everyday lives keep us is our prayer and god for whatever you want to do with this book father this is my life message i committed to your hands right now i don't care about the numbers i don't care about anything else god i care about people being ignited in faith god i publicly give you control of whatever you want to do with this bless it and change people's lives from it god we trust you we believe you and thank you for what you did in us today in our precious son's name jesus everybody shout at me amen this week i want you to go out and live a transformed life god bless you i'll see y'all next week
Channel: Transformation Church
Views: 1,149,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Transformation Church, Represent, Michael Todd, Mike Todd, Transformation Church live, Transformation Church Worship, Charles Metcalf, Sunday Service, Holy Spirit, Faith, God, Jesus Christ, transformchurchtv, representtv
Id: uDU9242aMU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 38sec (6338 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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