Quiet Cabin Life in Lapland Finland | NORDIC LIFE #14

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[Music] thank you [Music] this is our everyday life in our cabin in Finnish La Plante [Music] we live in a small small village in the far north of Finland surrounded by forests and a river [Music] while life can be quite simple at times I don't miss anything in here I feel we have it all already [Music] foreign [Music] we spend a lot of time at home we work a lot from home but still our everyday life is very calm [Music] the main reason why both of us chose to live here is to escape the Russian stress and hectic life of the Cities being away from everything and being surrounded only by Nature makes it so much easier [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] Ty these are when these are all Frozen it's like sugar coated or I don't know this is just wow so pretty [Music] every time we have to leave the dogs in the cabin by themselves they don't want to leave no stay they don't want to stay as you can see but we leave the radio on so it sounds funny because they have really nice classical music in here yes I know you don't want me to go you have such beautiful singing in here me [Music] you'll be fine we're back in a couple of hours see you bye [Music] foreign [Applause] we are out in the forest with Papu and it's like a fairy tale Forest everything is really really Frozen [Applause] good look foreign [Applause] it looks magical like super magical wow [Music] by December we are heading towards the polar night and we don't have much sunlight left anymore so the only time that we have light outside we spend it there we take long walks with the dogs sometimes we go skiing and and we just try to enjoy them few hours of lightness that we have here in the North [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] s those are my time the best time in the day and we can spend hours just eating breakfast and watching how the Fire Burns in our fireplace and just taking things really easy oh foreign [Music] things easy and slowly doesn't have to mean being lazy and the contrary when you settle into a place where you have nothing to do and nowhere to go you find the inspiration and the power and Just Energy do stuff oh and for me that's the source of my creativity [Music] it's quite cold in here but so so pretty so pretty wow our village road is slippery as an ice skating track it's pure ice [Music] I have good news these are my photos and I will have a photography exhibition coming this December so in just few weeks and I am so so so so so so so excited because like I started photographing less than three years ago so I'm so excited to start that and these are the first ones but I have over 20 photos and they're all taken here in the north of Finland there's lots of like winter pictures and a few Aurora Pictures and I wanted to present this Northern nature and how I see it here in Finland my exhibition is called from North pojoasta the exhibition will be here in north of Finland in a village called kitila so if any of you is here around December please please go and visit it yeah but I'm gonna show the pictures on my website I can put a link somewhere here here I don't know where I am but yeah so you can see them yeah whether you can come here or not all of my photos are on sale so I'll put them on sale on my website wherever it was the link um so any of you can really can purchase a piece of whoops a piece of Northern Finland and the nature in your own home so if you want you can purchase these anyway I'm gonna go now and start framing the other 20 plus something photos and yeah I will see you soon [Music] we got everything here at least [Music] [Music] and I saw you walking the line [Music] [Applause] [Music] you'll be the last one I think about [Music] we got time on our side every time you're away [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you'll be the last one I think about [Music] when it all breaks down [Music] [Music] it's a surprise [Music] you'll be the last one I think [Music] [Music] [Music] yay so there it went somewhere there we're ready thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Sanna Vaara
Views: 17,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lappi, lapland, finland, nature, finnishnature, north, norhternnature, scandinavia, simpleliving, livinginlapland
Id: H3r6RpylzhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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