Fail Proof Technique for Sealing Paper in Resin

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[Music] hi guys it's resin Bell thank you for coming back to my channel today I'm going to be working on some coasters and I'm going to be showing you a pretty much fail-proof way to encase paper into resin now a lot of times you if you don't seal paper properly you will get dark marks like the resin will soak into your paper unevenly and you'll get splotches and dark spaces and you know it will really ruin your if you're trying to seal a photo or you know a drawing or a printout like it will ruin your design and you will have wasted a lot of your resin so today I'm going to be making some coasters and showing you the technique that I use to seal paper that I very very very rarely have any problems with the only time I ever have a problem is if I try to rush the process or I don't do all the steps of the process if I you know try to cut corners then I will almost always have a little dot or you know a streak or something that runs my project and then you know later I'm kicking myself because I didn't do what I usually do so anyway right now I'm just making up some coasters and I've got this three pack of coasters that came from Michaels in their resin craft section and it comes with a square a circle and a hexagon so yeah so and then I was using up the rest of my resin I poured too much resin or made up too much risen so I always have some molds nearby so I can pour off my extra resin and make some extra pieces so I'm never wasting any of my residents so at first did my my glitter layer and then this it cured and then adding a colorful back to it so now it's the de molding process this is the favorite sometimes the favorite sometimes it's a disaster it's just the way resin but most of the time this is the favorite part of resin is the D molding and I love all the glitter all the sparkles you I'm loving out these turned out there just so sparkly and it got purples and turquoise and you know pinks and whites and this all the sparkle so I really love these these glitters I think these are going to work well for my project today you you okay so I have printed out my logo on an inkjet printer and I'm just going to cut it out use aleene's original tacky glue you can find this at most craft store you can find it at Walmart and you can find it in a lot of segments Isis it's a good heavy bodied all-purpose glue just cut out your designs and I'm using a heat tool to steal kind of flame heat set the Apes or any kind of heat source now I'm going to turn these over and I am going to paint some tacky glue on to the bats now a lot of people will paint the surface that they're going to stick the paper to first and then stick the paper to it but I find that it's better to paint the back of the paper and then stick it on with the glue because it seals the back of the paper you don't get any bubbles you don't get any spaces where the resin can seep in it's better to paint the glue directly onto the paper and then flip it over to glue it to your surface because then you know that the back is fully sealed you have painted a good even layer on the back you don't have to have a lot but you do want to make sure that all of all of the back is wet when you put it down on your project if you have any dry spots like if you start painting on one side and you get to the other side and the first side is dry already you need to make sure that the entire surface is wet with glue any spaces where there is a dry spot will create a bubble behind your paper and it won't stick to your project and the the resin could potentially deep into that point so here I'm just making sure I've got a wet layer of glue on the back I'm going over where I first the first part that I put glue on so I've got a nice even layer that's still wet on the back and I can place it on my resin coaster I mean you push this down you got to make sure you rub it really well to make sure that there are no air bubbles behind the paper all the air bubbles are pushed out and then you can push down on the paper you know with your thumb or something just to make sure that there is a good solid seal with no air bubbles all throughout your paper any place there are air bubbles behind your paper between your paper and your project is a space where resin could get in and ruin your project you okay so now that you've got your pieces glued on to your projects you need to paint on a single layer of the aleene's tacky glue you want to make sure that when you're painting you want to go in one direction across your whole project the only exception is on the edges you want to you want to paint against all the edges of your paper the reason you want to do this because you want a tiny bead of glue all the way around the edge of your paper to prevent resin from seeping in the edges of your paper and that is sealing all the little fibers on the edge of your paper that you can't really see but would really kind of wick in the resin so you making a very good seal all the way around all the edges of your paper from all directions and then across the entire piece you want to paint in one direction making sure that you have a nice even layer of glue and then you want to let that dry thoroughly okay so at this stage in your project you've probably put in about two days worth of work waiting for resin to dry and cure and then you know printing out and painting on and waiting for your glue to dry and all that and it is very tempting to let it stand at one coat of glue and I would encourage you to think again because most of my projects that I've had resin seepage into paper is because I rushed it and only did one layer of glue now here you can see that little bead of glue I was talking around on around the edges and that ensures that you have a nice seal around the edges of your paper and no resin is gonna get in there so this is just the first layer of resin our first layer of glue to seal all the paper you can see I've got a very nice even coat but even though I'm pretty sure it's completely sealed there is always gonna be that one little spot that ruins the project so let that dry see now the first layer is dry and I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to paint on a second layer of glue and I'm gonna do it in the opposite direction is the first one the first one was left to right and this one's going to be top to bottom so this is a very important step in sealing your paper and many people are going to say you know what I've used Mod Podge I've used this and that and I've only used one layer I have used my pottage too and I've had many more failures with Mod Podge than I have with anything else and I think the reason is is that Mod Podge is a lot more watery has a lot more water in it and it seeps into the paper instead of just laying on top as much and creating that barrier that you need for resin so if you're really trying to make something nice maybe you're trying to make a photo gift or something like that for someone put your extra time in it's only you know only an extra maybe hour or so for that secondly of glue to dry and it is so worth it you're not gonna have a failure you're not gonna have resin seep into the middle of someone's face and turn it black it's gonna be it's gonna turn out a lot better it just is so the resin you know in photos and pictures or whatever it seeps into the actual paper and it makes that paper a very dark color and there is nothing you can do to fix it there I mean it's it's rent from that point and there sometimes it's just a tiny little spot and it's not that big a deal or maybe it's just something for you and you don't mind but if you're doing a gift or if you're doing something professionally make sure you get that really good seal on your paper before you pour any more resin on top and you will be happy with the results I promise so at the end of this project you'll see that I've done three different ones and every single one of them have turned out with no dark spots and no resin seepage so this is a really good way to make sure that this is going to work for you you okay yeah so this is what they look like after both coats of glue have dried you can see it's a very smooth finish and there's no no spots where there's you know missing glue or uneven layers etc so this is a perfect time to mix up some clear resin to pour over the top and I'm using amazing clear cast because it is my favorite resin it's pretty much foolproof I've never had a problem with clear amazing clear cast not curing ride or you know whatever and I'm not the greatest I mean I'm pretty good at measuring it out but sometimes you know it's not perfect and this is pretty forgiving as far as it resin goes so now we're just gonna pour a very thin coat of the clear cast resin over the top because I still want that indention for the coaster to catch any kind of condensation from my drinks and such so very thin coats all you need kind of like doming a piece almost and then you just let that cure you okay they are cured and have no spots no leakage no no resin seepage into my paper everything turned out great not even the smallest pin spot of a resin seepage so out of three different projects that prep this process works really well so now I'm just going to file off the refuge's on the bottom side and then must be done with this project you [Music]
Channel: Resin Belle
Views: 385,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: resin, resin crafts, watch me resin, paper, sealing paper in resin, photo, print, printed, inkjet, diy, coaters, glitter, how to, seal paper, in resin
Id: A21YivAGyFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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