Moulding Resin Inside Balloons - Not to be Missed!

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hello and welcome to louise singleton creations in today's video i'm going to be using epoxy resin inside balloons to create vases balls and even a lampshade if that captures your interest stay tuned and enjoy the video [Music] before we begin i'd just like to put your mind at ease and say that although i am using balloons in this video no balloons we're burst there will be no sudden loud bangs and you are perfectly safe to watch this video even if you've got a thing about balloons so let's get started the first thing you need is a balloon but what you really need to do before you do anything else with the balloon is blow it up and check that it's not a wonky one believe it or not when you look at some balloons they're actually quite wonky so you need to make sure it's quite symmetrical so i blew it up and just double checked that it wasn't wonky and then i took some mold release spray and sprayed it into the the balloon and gave it a good squidge around i have tried a few balloons before doing this one that you're watching now you know these things take some experimenting and i i did my first one without any release agent and i did struggle to get the balloon off the finished piece so it is quite important but you don't have to use the one i used try something else but please let me know in the comments what you tried and if it works and it will help other people reading the comments because i know how you all like to read the comments so i've mixed up my resin and it was around 300 grams and you can see it's gone right up nearly to the that line on the cup so that will help you if you like to measure by volume i don't know the exact volume but it was 300 grams and it's a really high viscosity resin it's so so thick and gloopy and that's what you need this one is fur rizzle i don't know how much i would recommend it really because it really quite it smells and the one i would recommend is resin pro deluxe that's a really thick one and you do need a thick one for this project and i've added some pigment it was just a bronze one you want to make sure it's quite thick the pigment so you can see through the balloon that you're covering the sides if you leave it clear it's hard to see um you'll see in a minute but you kind of need your resin to be quite dark and once it's all mixed up you need to pour it into a bottle you can use any kind of bottle you like as long as it's big enough and i've used a washing up liquid bottle and that works quite well so but water bottle or even a glass bottle would be fine it just needs to have a neck that the um balloon will go over so this is the part which will probably deter people but don't be deterred because it's really not difficult at all all you need to do is blow up your balloon and twist it and that helps to seal it a little bit and try and keep it twisted don't let it come undone and just pop it over the top of the bottle and it's so easy it it looks difficult but it's not and then just turn it over and be patient let that resin um all flow into the balloon if you've got a bottle like man that's designed to be squeezed it really helps and you can give it a good squeeze to let that resin get through because it is really really thick resin once all your resins out of the bottle and into the balloon give the balloon a twist again and then carefully release it from the bottle it can be a little bit messy so have a baby wipe or something at hand so you can give it a good wipe i ended up taking off one of my gloves to tie the knot because i was finding it a bit tricky but once my glove was off it was fine after knotting the balloon keep rotating the balloon until you can see it's completely coated on the inside with that resin it will take a while because you know the resin is so thick it's quite slow moving and but you know you'll get there in the end i've sped this up because it did take quite a long time and now you're going to need something to hold it still while you stand it up and keep turning it so i used a big roll of tape and i put a cloth over the top as well just in case there were any sharp parts on the tape you don't want it obviously you don't want it there anything that's got any sharp pointy bits on and so once you've got that something ready for it to sit on you you need to turn it over every 10 minutes or so so that that resin can just keep going from top to bottom and if you really want to you can just um keep turning it around you can sit and watch a movie or something and hold it in your hands and just keep turning it it's up to you when it gets to a point where the resin seems to have completely stopped moving and it just it's got so thick it doesn't want to move you need to put it on a flat surface and this will form the flat bottom of the vase and you might need to prop it up with something and the next day it will be ready i would definitely leave it till the next day so it's firm enough for this part but i would do it the next day don't leave it too long because it's hard to get the balloon off the longer you leave it so i've just snipped the top and it's just a case of being patient and being quite careful because the um it will be still slightly bendy and once you cut that balloon and start um opening it up the pressure of the balloon can start to bend the but the resin vas balloon yeah it the pressure of the bloom can start to distort it a little bit if you're not careful so you have to be quite careful with this point and do it quite firmly and quite slowly but yeah you'll it's hard to explain and you just need to try and you'll see what i mean and there we have it our resin balloon and now it's time to cut it down to make it into a vase shape next i stacked some cups up to the height where i wanted to draw a line on my balloon and i taped a sharpie pen to the cups and then it was just a case of holding the cups and pen firmly and rotating the balloon to get my even line to cut it you will need a rotary tool like a dremel or something similar and you'll need a cutting wheel on it i have a diamond cutting wheel there which is a really good one it works really well um i'll put a link in the amazon storefront link and yeah it's best to do it outside i did it inside because i couldn't set my camera up outside at the time but you really should be doing it outside and make sure you wear a mask and simply cut along the line all the way around and for this cut it doesn't actually need to be very neat and tidy because once you've given it another coat of resin you will need to do this again so trim it above the height that you want your finished vase to be because you're going to be cutting a little bit more off afterwards and once that's done you've got your lovely round bars or ball shape ready to be decorated however you want to let your imagination run wild with this he could do all kinds of things however you decide you're going to decorate your vas or ball it will need another coat of resin because it will just be too flimsy without it so this is how i added my next coat of resin i took a stack of cups again and this time there to elevate the ball and i've covered them up with a freezer bag just to protect them because i don't want to um get resin on my cups next you're going to need to find something to catch the excess resin that drips off and so here i've just taken a silicon cake mold then pop your vars on top kind of balance it make sure it's even and you're ready for the fun part i mixed up around 200 grams of the resin and it's the same one as before is the fur result and it's really thick and designed for using in this kind of way if you're using a really thin resin what tends to happen is i found it stretches as is curing because it's so thin what and it's kind of still moving as it starts to cure you kind of get stretch marks on it that's the best way i can describe it you know how you if you're a lady who's had children and you've got stretch marks on your belly it's the same kind of thing it's just stretching too quickly and yeah it leaves those marks so i don't like to use a thin one in this way so that thick full result works best and i used three colors i've used two of them are the um opaque pigment pastes a white and a brown and then i've got some bronze mica powder and the reason i used pigment paste is because it goes really thin as it goes down you kind of lose your pattern if your color is too transparent so the idea was to kind of get it as opaque as i could one thing to watch out for when you're using a very um thick resin like this one is bubbles they are really gassy and it's harder to get them to escape so you can torch it and they all seem to have gone but then you look again in a few minutes and there's more bubbles appearing so you do need to watch that and keep just giving it a very quick blast with a kitchen torch you know that like a creme brulee one just a quick blast you don't want to get the balloon um base you know your bars you don't want to get it too warm because it will start to get bendy so just a very quick blast now and again just to burst the bubbles and you'll be sorted once a lot of the resin had dripped off i decided to move it to a different um silicon container i keep forgetting what they're called cake molds i transported it to a different one so that i could try to use the resin that had dripped off to make a coaster but it didn't really work very well it was it didn't end up being a very good coaster but i just wanted to demonstrate that that um resin that drips down doesn't have to be wasted because we all know how expensive it is and you can still use it but hopefully you just do a better job than i would really what you could do is leave it um in the cake mold spread it out a bit get rid of the bubbles and let it set and make some kind of tray or even like a tear for a cake stand with it it can be used another way of using it is instead of using a cake mode you can use something like um one of those molds with lots of little domes in or something like you know the pyramid ones i've used those before i've got lots of little pyramids in them they're like baking sheets you could let it all drip into there and then you have lots of pyramids to use in other projects just use your imagination for ways of catching that resin so that you don't have to waste it okay so i've got another one and this one's going to be a light shade and i wanted to show you what you can do if you have any problems with your um resin balloon shape i had some problems with this one the balloon wouldn't come off it very well and i had a few patches where i tried to use sandpaper to get the little bits of balloon off and i'd made a little bit of a mess and so what i did was i sprayed it gold and hid it all with the spray there's a few little divots in it it's not perfect but it's still you know it was good enough to use and i really wanted to try making a light shade and for this one i've gone with just one color well actually it's two colors i've used a really really dark brown and then a slightly lighter one i wanted a kind of ombre effect and it kind of worked again i used a mixture of pigment paste and some mica powder it's a black pigment paste with some dark brown mica powder from our taser and i can't think right now what it was called but it was the darkest one from the kit and i quite liked the way this one turned out it gave it kind of a an antiquey copper effect and i loved the look of it in the end and so again you need to get rid of the bubbles i'm using my heat gun here because i had it handy but really i wouldn't recommend it just use a kitchen torch like i used before because the heat gun just makes the balloon too warm and you don't want it to distort so don't do what i do yeah do what i say not what i do and then once it's cured you need to use your rotary tool again to trim it to the size you want it and to get rid of those drips that will be at the bottom and also with this one i needed to just make a hole in the top because it's for as a light shade and it's ready okay so now you've seen the process let me show you the results i've taken quite a lot of photographs and i just couldn't choose which ones to show you so there's quite a mixture here i made quite a few different ones before i actually made the video and so i've got a few to show you and hopefully it will spark your inspiration and get you thinking about what you could do because you know you don't have to just do it the way i showed you today you can decorate them in all kinds of ways you might have just seen one where i painted it in peacock colours with a peacock feather you can use spray paints you could even do some marbling um on them you know dip them what's it called hydro marbling or something like that where you dip them into water with spray paint on the surface of the water i've thought of doing that so yeah there's loads of things you could do with these and i hope it's opened up a new window of so that's it for today i hope you've enjoyed the video if you haven't already subscribed and you enjoyed the video please do so i'm almost at 21 000 subscribers so i just need a few more and i will see you next time bye for now
Channel: Louise Singleton Creations
Views: 350,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mold
Id: HtYcnw8zNCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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