Factorio - Clusterio 60k SPM Cross-Server Gigabase Tour: Bot Speed 24, Mining Prod 4000+

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hey there and welcome to a tour of our factorio 60k science pack per minute base using the closed Oriole mod this is a series I've put out about ten episodes of for a while and it was a collaborative thing between myself and factorial MMO community and multiple other communities and players and we're going to do a tour here because it's pretty much done and I think that it definitely deserves a tour so first off I just want to give a quick little explanation of how this works and what it actually is so cluster yo is an awesome mod that allows you to essentially build a base over multiple servers okay so you know in a normal game you would build a base and everything would be located in that map you know your mining you're smelting your production for everything all in that map which is normally how it's done however with it all being on one computer that has its limitations with cluster o what you're able to do is dedicate servers to specific things and what happens is using these special items or the special transfer chests here in here and liquid transfers you can transfer items liquids and even power into the cloud into the into up through the internet into the cloud and then pull them back in onto another server okay so with this project we're utilizing about 25 to 30 different servers the community has been awesome helping provide these and such and and yeah so we're on a mining server here we're gonna hop through different servers I'm gonna do a cut like in between so you don't see like the loading into server and stuff because it takes a while but um we're in a mining server here and this is one of many mining servers we're not gonna look at all of them and we're not gonna look at all the servers because that would be like a three-hour video we're just gonna look at the main ones that do most of the stuff you know and like I said there's multiples so they're all gonna be fairly similar like all the mining and smelting so here's a mining world we're utilizing these huge trains they are single headed so in there for this looks like 4:15 maybe four tens four twelves potentially and you can see all these or patches now we've purposely generated these out super rich because we're making 60,000 science packs a minute and launching 60 rockets a minute that is a ton of resources needed so we made these pretty rich using the resource planet overhaul mod and you can see here at this point what we're doing on almost all of these worlds and all the patches in here is we're actually mining directly into trains now normally like in early mid stage of the game this doesn't really work because it takes forever to fill up a train however in this instance you can see how quickly this is filling up because a were speed beaconing it and speed modulus miners and on top of that we have an absolutely outrageous mining productivity amount we have I believe over 4,000 mining productivity which results in in 8,000 yeah 8200 80% mining productivity which is absolutely insane okay so it it just fills these up super quick so this is actually a great way to do it because this saves this means you don't have BOTS this means you don't have belts and this means you don't have inserters on any of the outposts which saves a ton of game performance and ups updates per second and we have some solar and then what we're doing is we're transferring the excess power into the cloud and then pulling in any extra power we need like the way I said that it sounds like a loop but we had it set up with smart so that it isn't so that like you know sometimes there will be excess power here and it sends into clouds sometimes we need more like if all the miners everywhere kick on so I'm in the middle of a track here which is a little bit terrifying but uh yeah I mean these trains are pretty huge you can see here and I'm just going to quickly not do that I'm going too quickly there we go I try not to die I'm gonna run down to this patch so you can see how how fast these miners are going okay and then we're gonna hop to another world and probably a smelting world at that point we're gonna kind of go from the bottom up so we're gonna go from mining to smelting to circuit so on so forth and I'm gonna try to spend about five minutes in each world even if that it's probably gonna be almost an hour video so you can see well that just stopped once another train pulls in somewhere I'll be able to see this hopefully ok so here's one we'll just check this miner here you the productivity bars is completely broken and this wagons already full in like four seconds so you know this is a you know we didn't like cheap these productivity levels in as I've gotten stuck here this is all research I mean II in this world alone in this world alone and there's like five mining worlds alright you know like five smelting worlds and this one alone we've produced 22 billion iron ore and seven point seven billion copper and 2.8 billion stone so on and so forth it's pretty ridiculous okay so this is like the simplest of them the mining world you know we have our delivery systems here where they unload directly into these transfer chests these put chests which are putting the items into the cloud and it's pretty straightforward how that works they just pull in this is like a huge kind of track stacker and some notes here but I think that's it for this world so I'm gonna do a quick cut and we will be in a smelting world here in just a minute alrighty guys we are back into a smelting world this is Telia Binks and like I said there's multiple different smelting worlds this is just one of many we're only gonna look at one though because just for time sake and all the smelting rolls they may be slightly different builds but they're all you know doing the same thing so these are drop-off stations here again similar type of thing there's some smarts and then what we're doing is this is all of our smell things so in this but world we're making about 700,000 copper per minute and this is just this world so this is purely a copper smelting world and you'll notice that there there's no mining and again this is because this is the power of class story oh why we did this because we are mining on a different world to then import the ore into this world so that we're not you know using performance on this server to also mind and then I mean you can't see where this is going right how you're able to do because you can never do a 60,000 science pack per minute base on one computer unless I mean me would probably run it like one UPS or something I mean it would just not really be possible okay now we have solar here at these am I gonna see solar fields give me give me a headache oh my goodness so here's the smelting the trains pullin and this is the loading for for this so these are actually shared trains it looks like so these are loading in or these actually maybe this is for a different system I seem to have misunderstood how that worked that's for an older system so these are shared trains so these bring in the copper ore this exports the copper plate so like half this is or half his plate or so on you know can see how I hear how it shared and then these are the smelters or bot smelters due to our bot speed we're only using about 200 box for this smelter and you know we have all these smelters here doing copper because we also are on bot speed 24 which is pretty ridiculous but speed 24 we finished it so this one is over 500 million I think yeah over 500 million the BAS b-24 is half that so Bob speed 24 was like 250 million packs which is pretty absurd I mean our bot speed currently is plus fourteen hundred seventy five percent so you can see here they're pretty straightforward you know just BOTS using a little bit of smarts here this is for clocking inserters and what that means is that we want an insert to only swing when it can actually pick up a full stack one to help BOTS so they only like so so it makes sure that there's enough for a bot grab and then - to minimize and certain wings instead of insert or grabbing like two and then four and then six and then one or whatever it will only swing when it can grab 12 so we clock these based on a timer and like how fast these smell or whatever - where they only move and they can move a full stack so that's what all that smarts is and such and I mean we can look at the overall production here you know we smelted nine point four billion copper and nine point two billion iron which actually makes me believe that uh this is this is potentially switch owner if this actually may be now why may not be for clocks actually that may be for switching what smelts and does may be yeah because this is done almost as much iron as it has copper which would meet lee mean to believe that maybe it switches off depending on what's needed because you can measure how much is in the cloud you know there's so many service I haven't like I didn't play on every single one so I apologize if I don't know like the inner workings of every single build because I just simply do not have the time to play on every single one so here's the smelting and then I think this is it so I'm gonna do another cut and we're gonna hop over to probably at this point green circuits and then red and then blue so on and so forth so I'll see you in just a minute okay so here on the green circuit world again this is one of several there are multiple other ones we have some chest here importing iron and copper plate with the train picking them up or well one train doing copper one doing iron and then they come up and go all the way around we have green circuits here we have what looks like eight builds and then we have more builds here in a template so these are actually belt based which is kind of interesting this does show how how much about improvements have helped the belt optimizations because you know I'm still at sixty sixty even though we're using belts and making eight hundred fifty thousand green circuits a minute 71k every five seconds so you know this is a pretty straightforward ish build and there's some fancy belt techniques here which does make it pretty cool so we have two copper and two iron one copper just goes underneath and isn't actually grabbed from until the second half of this build same with the iron so this copper is for the first half which you know these insert is grab here and then same with the iron here and do too I like the speed of this and the beacons we only need three machines to get pretty much a full blue belt so that's why that's just in here and then the green circuits are exported like this and the reason for this is you can see this guy puts on the bottom side and then this one puts here in silos to the top you know that way we get a double sided belt instead of just all exporting on half of the belt so same deal here side loading on it underground and then it comes over and takes a space where the copper would have been or the iron would have been rather because the iron now curves up the copper curves down and this goes over so this is the first Lane and then this is just the same build and we then output these two lanes which this actually doesn't look like it is too full blue belts which is interesting I'm not sure why they didn't make it longer if it's not actually too full blue belts but yeah so we're exporting all these here against some circuit stuff just for limiters and you know figuring out what's what's what and then the same type of build here it looks like or similar at least and and yeah so between these eight and these over here and this is the weight ingress pickup thought that said engines and then this is where they drop off it looks like because these are the put chess and yeah doing about nine a while over now a nine I wonder if this can actually do a million at least nine hundred thousand green circuits a minute it may be capable of a million honestly if all these builds aren't on right now it's certainly possible that it's capable of doing a million green circuits a minute yeah looks like a lot of this is backed up so this world can actually do I think a million green circus a minute or more and then those are just exported out and put in the cloud and we pull those in for red circuits and specifically blue circuits you know because those take a ton and those are the worlds we're gonna go look at next alrighty so in this red circuit world this is we've named Silicon Valley and this thing is an absolute monster so this this marked out area here it is the limit to where we can place chests every world has I believe the same or similar limits in this config a radius from spawn in which you can place chess that get input chest and the reason we did this was to try to prevent our limit with like in server teleportation you know like having a chest like here and then like a put chest and then using a get chest a teleport and item like over here or something um so that's why we limited it to just these small areas so we're actually stuck in a bill here and these are the builds we're using on their bought builds and they're actually twelve beacon builds but you can see them in action here uses about 200 ish 150 BOTS depending on the surges and it does pretty darn well I mean you can see how quickly this is making certain red circuits with the productivity super important again inserters which are clocked I believe and like that this whole area is full of these these are all the same builds and again there's I think several worlds that do red circuits at least one more because this does about 500,000 rhetoric it's a minute and we need I think over a million or close yeah we should we probably I think we need over a million maybe or close to it so this guy does about half a million red circuits a minute you know even so I'm only at eight point nine or nine update time which is pretty awesome now I don't know if all these are actually running at the moment it actually took me like eight or nine minutes to load into this server though so I'm glad I'm doing cuts here and and yeah so we're not actually using trains to bring in and out the materials you know the bots are just right here with filter inserters to put you know pull the right items and these just act like requesters you just go in here and in request what you want and it brings it in and then these just kind of are like voids I mean it sends them into the cloud you know we have a cloud storage where all this stuff goes and we just pull it back out and you can't set limits like we have you know we don't just let it build up like hundreds of millions of stuff unless it's for or plate but most stuff we limit to a fairly low number just so we're not working off with you know huge buffers the whole time so that's pretty much how this works it looks like we can't actually tell what research is being done one world said four thousand mining product this one says 25 bot speed research is synched but it doesn't sink until it finishes so we can't see what research is currently being worked on until it sinks like if we happen to be on here it'll show a message because the research here is just something that someone chose on this server the research server which we'll look at probably last is you know where you actually choose your research in the packs are and such so I think we're gonna move on to the blue circuit world and then we have the oil processing world we didn't look at nine smelter world again it's pretty similar to copper we may hop back and look at the steel one again it's gonna be fairly similar just train based and such like that but we have a couple more to go so we will see the others here in just a second okay so we are here on blue moon which is I think one of two processing unit worlds and this and I want to show you this initial this limitation area is actually half of what the other was the red circuit one it's 200 and the reason for this is some were set well they were mostly all set at 400 but then we later decided we wanted at 200 and like light bills that are already made within the 400 won't like you know they want to be destroyed when you reduce it we didn't want to you know redo all of it so some are a little bigger than others but these are a blue circuit builds here so again bought based builds you'll notice fairly similar to the red ones smaller in footprint but uh I think yeah a little smaller footprint and same thing we're bringing in the materials just like requesters here we're using our filter inserters and then these guys are making the blue circuits here a 12 bit can build again and this is actually making the circuits locally so we are bringing in copper and then it's being turned into cable which is being directly inserted this machine is this is hilarious to watch directly inserted and then taken out into greens which isn't being taken out into a requester chest and what we're doing is using a wire here it's hard to see with the beacon but we use a wire from this inserted for this box to limit it because otherwise it would just fill up with green circuits or if you capped it it could cause issues with the request too so what we're doing is we're just using a circuit condition to cap how much this has green circuit wise and then we're just also requesting the Reds this pulls in both of them and outputs here and then it is kind of mirrored this way and this is pretty much all these builds there are some actually over here well not these these are the put and get chests but that we have some additional bills here Wow a lot of additional bills here and this is pretty much just the same thing same type of build except that trains are actually using this which is interesting the again again again the reason for this is because the gate input chest can't be in this area so it's the same type of build but since we can't have the chests like in the build since outside the limitation area we're using trains and then just bring in the materials and then they're heading over so this world currently is doing about 50,000 blue circuits a minute I feel like that's not actually maybe that is its max I feel like some of these aren't running so yeah I don't think that's it's max it can probably because I think we need like I don't remember quite how much we need but it's a lot it's like over a hundred thousand so yeah this world is doing about if it were full blast probably over 50,000 blue circuits a minute and then the other world you know are obviously making up the rest we're inputting the acid here with a git tank like I said you can bring in liquids so this guy is just coming in you do need to use a pump though so we're bringing this in making you know putting the liquid in and pretty straightforward in that regard and and yeah so you know just each world is just doing its thing sing it up into the cloud we're pulling it out where we need it and actually if we have somewhere in here I was in the spawn area I want to go back that really quick and not die somewhere we should have like a little you can you can do a little thing this little thing that shows how much is actually in the cloud if I can find it I know we usually have one somewhere in every server I could just make one if I need to yeah this is all logistics network stuff so I'm just gonna go ahead and make one we just need some circuits and a constant Combinator so this is like our mall area pretty much so I'm just going to request in the stuff I need there we go so we just make an inventory Combinator and there we go okay so we have that gray signal is not an item I don't quite know what it is but we have 124 million oil you know 100 million iron a copper ore which is probably what they're capped at 20 million iron plate 33 million copper plate you know two and a half million red circuits almost 30 million green circuits and quite a few science packs as well so this is what we have in the cloud currently you know and obviously fluctuates based on production and what's being used and all that so we usually have one of these in each server it's just a little bit crowded in here I can't find it quite at the moment actually that's it right there it was hard to see but yeah so there's that after this server I think we're going to move on to the oil server and from there then probably the science server and then the research center so we will head over to the oil now alrighty we are on the oil processing which we have named deepwater horizon and this is also using beacon builds we have a really cool little like Combinator light graph here I believe a probably production and this is again the limitation here you can see we kind of labeled these corners and these are pretty straightforward again we're importing the crude with a get a get tank which is somewhere probably on the other end yeah get get tank right here it brings it in it so these things are fully beacon and processing like crazy if we actually these are making solid fuel right here or not there above I think work this seems to be stopped due to a lack of light oil where is a refinery built here's some refineries let's run up there but yeah so you know we're just processing it some of it you know it's been cracked and I guess there isn't actually salt fuel I just misread yeah so it's being cracked and then put into these put tanks here and sit into the cloud and then we're pulling it out in another world to actually make like plastic we have a plastic processing world and I mean you can see how quickly this thing's going it pretty darn fast and yes we have a world that makes like plastic and sulfuric acid you know because again that we we just wouldn't have the not only would we not have room we wouldn't have the game performance ability to do all that like in one server so this one is you know pretty pretty short little Tory I mean there's not much to this one it's actually one of the more kind of mundane ones just twelve beacon oil pipe nothing too special I mean some circuit conditions to limit these pumps which is pretty nice but uh other than that pretty straightforward you know the cracking all productivity as always and I think we're gonna hop over we let's actually hop over let's do the plastic let's go plastic and then maybe we'll go to science and all that so yeah I will head over to plastic okay so we are here on the Lego servers what we can name this one and this is where we make plastic and other oil drive products you can't that's a rule that's awesome that's like exactly the Lego logo that's so cool so we have lubricant lubricant for leaving for the lube God and we have plastic being made here in these bot builds and I'm not sure if all of them are the same it looks like not because we also have the majority in fact looks to be made on these belt base builds here so these are in put petroleum here and then you know make the plastic and also in put coal somewhere where are these getting coal Oh in the middle here so they get coal and grab that and then make a ton of plastic and output it this guy is doing about 1.4 million plastic a minute not much so forth a minute I think that's just due to not much demand I'm sure it can do way more than this you can see it skyrocketing all time production we've done 21 billion plastic production I think this may actually be our only plastic world I'm not sure that we have another one you know we've done 2.2 billion sulfur 68 million it does like a little bit of other stuff that may have been earlier on but you know now has dedicated it does a ton of stuff you know we consumed eight point four billion coal that's what the word is and you know this shows the power productivity like you do get to plastic for every one coal just normally so even if we factor that in that would be like 16 almost 17 billion but that's still you know 17 billion coal or plastic sorry so from the 8.4 we would have gotten 17 billion but there's still a four billion difference and that's from the productivity which is pretty impressive so you know plastic fairly fairly good I really I do like these belt builds it gives me a headache trying to make these but I really like them once they're finished and you know what developed invitations it's certainly doable to do some stuff like this you know and I mean we're not we're an eight-point-two game update so not too bad and we're just importing exporting the stuff here don't touch this little like control center here again solar every world does have solar just to kind of output the extra additional power and then probably and then does have like an input Combinator or not Combinator an input Electric guy somewhere I get electricity thing I'm just in case there's power surges and we need to pull more from the cloud so that's pretty much this server we're gonna go to another server we may actually go to the engine one engine and gears which is the Detroit server and show that off and then printing what science rockets and research and we will be done I hope you guys are enjoying this it's a it's been an awesome project we're gonna do more with it in the future like some really really cool stuff we're planning so definitely definitely keep an eye out for more of this type of stuff in the future alrighty so we are on the Detroit server here and we make engines and electric engines on this one I know last section I said that we made gears here I was mistake and that's actually on a China server we also make mass grenades which if you forget they are used for military science I like first put second there did forget it's like we're making this many grenades but yeah so it's for military science so Detroit we make like our normal engines here pretty straightforward bot builds so we're just having all the parts of the pipe gears and steel delivered via BOTS from this chest here and then insert it in here and these are in the middle ok yeah because 12 we can layout so and because of the substations you can't quite what you could actually fit this chest here I'm not actually sure quite well I guess to share it to yeah because this will limit the amount of chests right instead of doing one here and one here we're sharing one which means like it really it does help with bots and in like BOTS travel because they only have two one location instead of two different ones if that makes sense it does matter um so then we just have row of ports down in the middle here we make a ton of engines this thing you can see is not even nearly fully on and it's still doing 46,000 normal engines a minute and thirty four thousand electric engines a minute and but I mean you can see Moses isn't even on and then the electric engines are essentially identical except that they actually are using direct insertion here so kind of the same thing that was done with some of the other builds is we have the normal engines being made and then they're inserting into this chest and they have a wire condition here to stop it from filling up with the engines because this is also a requester chest which requests in the circuits and then we pipe in the lube obviously and export it here all right and then grenades and so this actually makes all it looks like all the military science components as well we have piercing ammo here again direct insertion with this and this is actually pretty much perfectly ratioed it is a 1 2 3 ratio so what what they've done here is actually had this guy insert through a chest to this one and then through an underground belt to these two so it's a 1 2 3 and and then 12 beacon almost sees again for a lot of things 12 beacon is very good for BOTS I think it's still not as good necessarily as 8 beacons because it's not a space efficient and you know space is important for BOTS because of the bots travel but for this small of build it's it's workable for sure and so we have all the piercing ammo here all the gun turrets here which are pretty standard we do need a request for each material urges because it takes so much especially at this speed like you know it's expensive as it is but when you're you know making them at this speed which is pretty ridiculous then like more than one a second you need three chests and three inserters inserting there and then we up here have like another turret build and then we also have grenades which are same deal double request on the coal you know cuz the grenades take a lot coal 10 coal and then you know pretty standard stuff these are kind of less interesting builds on the science builds which we'll get to actually I think just in this next section the next server we go to will probably the science ones that one in the rocket launching one are like two of my favorites are really really cool so we're gonna head over there now actually and that you know again each server has solar panels looks like we've actually spelled done this is like circuit labels interesting done something there but anyway we're gonna head over to the science server which I believe is called CERN and then after that we will head over to the rocket launching server and then finally the kind of hub the main server which does the research and is also our like mall the supply supplies actually build like these builds so we will head over there right now alrighty so here on CERN we have a nice little logo here that someone made which is super cool and this is actually one of my favorite parts of this whole thing there's actually I think an even better one on the main server that does the research but we have this cool little science pack indicator here that was made by blooper whoo and it was actually shared I put it in the comments of one of the later episodes this blue actually a better blueprint in this where it indicates all of our levels of stuff it's super cool so here's science we make everything except space science here you know because that requires rocket launching so we have military here we have red here green here and here and then we have blue purple and yellow so JD plays I'm designed pretty much all these I did the purple and mostly modeled it off of these builds I did do some modifications though to have it be able to go longer so there's some utilization of different like underground belt I don't want to say weaving because they're all the same color but you know kind of cool underground belt use it here so I'll just start with red like I said pretty they're all very similar builds so these are belt based which again you know with bottom is a shion's if you do it right this you can do belt builds now this isn't all working we are currently making 67,000 green packs minute 57 purple 50 40 something and 40 something mostly because we probably don't need that many like I think they they kick on sections based on how much is in the cloud so I don't think all of this is actually working because this is definitely I can guarantee you because I've seen it work this is built for over 60 K it's a 10% over build so each each type of science can actually do like 66 to 67 K like we're doing here for red so the reason these aren't working is maybe a resource shortage although I doubt it I think it's just because we don't need that much in the cloud at the moment so thank do we look yeah I'm actually not quite sure yeah so this one we have the materials coming in here we have gears in the copper emerging and it's just all sides and then these belts come in here and underneath yeah so it stops like the inputs I think based on a certain like demand and output so these come here and come underneath and then we have a splitter here just to make it so this in serger can grab it and this guy just comes underneath like this so on and so forth all the way down and then these export here and somewhere in here yeah so for this section the insert is actually on this side and we do side loading again to get it on both sides of the belt so we can have a full belt out or almost a full belt instead of you know just on one side and then so these belts aren't actually full I think the reason for that may have been like a potential input short like bottleneck or maybe I think it like I don't like red belt would be enough for this and blue belts maybe a little too much but we just use blue belt because all these are working so this is red science those are all the same green science I think is absolutely identical and then blue science is a little bit different because it does require more material so this one we had to get a little tricky on you know because this requires the miners the engines and the red circuits and as it is just a reminder here guys remember that these are being made on other servers you know so the engines we were just there the red circuits are several servers which are inputting in the cloud and the miners actually entirely sure what server the miners are made in but we are making them somewhere not in this server and then we're just pulling them in so these you know come up and underground here and then go like this and the red circuits do the same and then the the engines are really clever because they kind of do like the red science did and come underground here and then you use the splitter to do this but since it's like on a different different plane different column than this underground they aren't interfering and mixing so this is how we're getting all through these materials and then the Blues just output here like that and somewhere up here they're gonna there should be a little merge these are actually very long builds like as these obviously take away longer not quite sure where the merge is hit so I think it's Oh some of these actually go down and around come down here it's how this is being done which is interesting so yeah we're outputting here and then purple science is pretty similar this is the one I did I can find it here it is fairly similarly there's only two materials which does make it easier but I did make it like double long just so he wouldn't have to go as wide and then apparently I did space is wrong they should have been up against the belt there's a little note here staring this knees to move over one tile maybe I did that just to just to annoy him so yeah then we just side loaded here kind of like we did for the other sciences and then the high tech due to you know it's high demand for cable and needing for different items we couldn't really figure out a decent belt bill for it there is one here which is going a high science belt build that is actually really impressive by SOGs this is really cool so copper cable and then bad okay so this is okay I see how that works and but what we're actually using for all of my all the main science production is we're using a bot build here just a one to two cable to high-tech here you know again 60k built but it is a bot build since it was it time a lot easier to figure out and we were you know so close we kind of just wanted wanted the science going so there's that and that's pretty much all of it and then obviously great science as well which is pretty much exactly the same as blue science you know if it ain't broke don't fix it essentially I guess is a good saying here you know may seem boring they're all the same but like it works so why not use it on the others that it can't work on because it works very well so if we just look here it are all time we have holy mother hell I did not oh my god I did not actually look at this for like two weeks I didn't realize I thought it would be like 200 300 million we have made almost 1 billion of every single science pack and space I would assume will be closed when we go to the space thing over a billion hi-tech a billion blue green red almost a billion purple and not much military because we're not doing that much military science in fact military science I think it's built to sixty King maybe not I don't know we just haven't done much military science like research so yeah almost a billion I'm not sure why Purple's so far behind but almost a billion pretty much a billion of every single research or bottle and and again to reiterate it's not like we're just having this on all the time and just building a massive buffer in the cloud like we're we've used pretty much all of this the buffer I think for the science packs in the cloud is set at 1 million so it most there's going to be like a 1 million discrepancy here between what we've made and what we've actually used to do research so it's not very much discrepancy at all there so there's a science server definitely one of my favorites and now we're gonna head to the rocket launching server which is also one of my favorites I helped design some of the builds on that and then lastly we will head to Nexus which is the research researching server itself so let's head over and see what the rocket server is doing alrighty we are here on Vanguard the rockin lot rocket launching server and you see some Rockets heading up right there this thing does there's actually another rocket launching server I think there's a few extras over on that other server but this one does about 60 Rockets a minute they're all on the edge here on this right-hand edge and this is so they like kind of all go up in waves you can see here boom boom boom boom this is so cool and it does it's just a bit constant I mean this is just this is a constant thing that it does just like this is another one over there and the reason we were kind of limited on the amount is again due to the chest perimeter where we can put these chests in here but here all the builds so here is low densities in this spans from here all the way over to here it uses belts and BOTS actually to kind of so it exports on the on to the belts to run to the silos but then imports materials to make them via BOTS here and these are the builds I was participating in when we did this and so we have like some armor here spawn as marked is right there so then we have you know kind of just we kind of just have sections so you know rocket fuel control units low densities you know same thing just same pattern all the way up and you know again this is not working fully it's currently doing almost 40k control units a minute 40k space science a minute 25k and 24k if we look like at the last 10 hour average we've done you know 32 and 32 and 31 here so that's probably about about what it can do and then if we look at all time yeah so we've done over we produced over a billion space science and then we've also done almost a billion rocket fuel can rocket control units and low density structures 124 million rocket parts so the right parts remember what you actually build the rocket out if you need a hundred of them and each one takes ten of each of these if you don't factor in productivity now to calculate how many Rockets we've launched it's a little bit more complicated because we can't actually have see the doohickey for some reason but pretty much we can just take theoretically we should be able to take the science pack amount and divide it by a thousand because that's what you get you know per rocket so if we take one two one two three one two three is that a billion I can't even tell that's one two okay divided by so if my calculations are correct we've launched like 1.2 million Rockets that seems high okay well 1.2 billion divided by 10 No yeah cuz one point no that's wrong yeah no no no cuz that's 120 million divided by 10 so 1.2 billion divided by 10 is 120 million divided by 100 it would be 12 million divided by a thousand it would be 1.2 million so we've launched if my calculations are correct and this is how you would do it we have launched over a million rockets that is absurd guys that is nuts over a million Rockets Wow and that actually seems about right because if we look here we've done like 800 some odd million eight hundred someone a million eight hundred some 1 million there's obviously a little difference just cuz belt buffers and stuff and some buffers here and there but like with productivity each rocket takes about 715 715 of each of these parts so we launched a million Rockets you know a million times 715 is gonna be 715 million s you know and then there's a give-and-take with the buffers but this does calculate out to being like over a million Rockets 1.2 million would probably be more accurate so there you go guys there's a rocket launching server all these builds are the same like pretty much so that's why I only showed the one pretty much all the same here and then we have a we have a sneaky little rocket style of snuck off to the side here just for additional there's a like curvy little belt that goes all the way up in here and over the Isle of 6160 want yeah so this is the 61st rocket launch launcher there's 60 here I think so there's a rocket server again this is put into the cloud we pull it back out and now we're gonna head over to Nexus which is where we actually do all the science and that will be our last stop karate welcome to Nexus so here we have these awesome graphs Combinator circuit graphs so we have a 60-hour thing here for dips I think this is for like our science consumption maybe and then we have a one hour and then a one minute and this is also an indicator of like how much of each science is either being made or produced or consumed so this is the cool this is a really cool one I was talking about we have the indicators and then these all show like what's going up you know so like blue science is almost full and it's not really going up because it's almost full blue or a blue sign or not blue sorry what the hell what science this is military know what they're he's blue okay I guess they didn't want to make it gray or black so yeah blue signs are going up military isn't really you know we have all this so this is well these are comas so this would be almost 1.4 billion I would assume this is like of each science pack consumed or something and then you can see here we're working on bas b25 which is half a billion packs 5 124 million and we're about a third of the way done and then you know we have mining productivity 4140 is what we have we're working on 41 and these now cost half a million apiece which when you're doing 60,000 a minute is still pretty darn quick and then yeah so here's all of our designs unfortunately someone swapped these out to Bob builds there were some really cool belt builds by JD plays again kind of like the builds he did for the science production they were up here there was some really cool you if you want to see him I show them in several of my episodes in the series there were some really cool belt builds for the labs that he did but I guess people maybe decided they weren't efficient enough for something like ups wise we have some cool stuff I like I love these like logos in each thing so yeah we have these now Bob builds which are separate bot networks which is very important to note here you know you don't want these massive bot networks so this we need it's kind of deceiving like how many labs you'll need for this stuff we need this lab fuel to actually consume this many packs and you can see here we're consuming about 50km minute and if these work anything like the belt once did which they may or may not there is wiring here so I would assume they do is we had it so that like certain sections would turn on at certain marks so like you know section one would only turn on if there was X amount in the cloud and then you know section two would turn on if there was X amount so on and so forth so the reason we're probably not consuming that much and you can see it's dipping up and down here is probably because it's like not at the point in the cloud where it turns on all the sections so you know it's kind of like a variable you know the only turn them on if we had this like all of them on if we have X amount in the cloud if that makes sense so 1.5 K sign is per minute per block here that we consume so yeah this this certainly I said this certainly can do 60 K min it's just not fully on at the moment you can see like a lot of these labs aren't actually on even though well no actually maybe we're just lacking I think we're actually lacking packs maybe not no because I mean they're full and actually sure I'd have to look into this more deeply but yeah so if we look here at consumed you can see we have consumed over a billion of every single pack which there is that discrepancy between CERN in this we're like what what is the purple science we hadn't even made a billion but now it consumed over a billion I think it was because maybe sigh I think maybe we'd done science like on a different server or certain had been reset at some point yeah so that's why there's that discrepancy but this is actually more accurate because this shows our consumption which is like a very hard figure like you know we have consumed this much you know there's not like some buffer or something giving wrong numbers this is actually how much we've used so we have used over 1.3 or 1.3 billion of every single pack except military with which we've only done 87 million so there's that and like I said research I mean we're on artillery shell range 16 which is absurd in and of itself this is hmm this one is 65 million which is very expensive and then here's the shooting speed which is 19 million how are these ranges like it may seem expensive but these I mean this is nuts if we have do we have an artillery somewhere you don't I'm gonna see if I can grab one because I want to show you guys this um this is also we have our mall somewhere here's our mall this is like what makes all the parts that we use to actually to make the builds and the other servers is what so that's where this is done here we now have a nice little like road slash train thing here so I haven't artillery and I'm just gonna stick this guy here and then I also want an artillery shootie i'm a bob and there we go ish did i did i get one okay so let me show you this this is automatic firing range and this is with these upgrades so you know how automatic firing range is lower than the manual firing range here's automatic firing range so this will this would automatically fire within this range on any enemies due to the upgrades if does a show yeah artillery range 450 percent now if I go ahead and grab this this is absurd then this would shoot if I had centered it a little better this would shoot far past any of the revealed map that we have here like this is crazy how much so it seems expensive but it's really really good and then does that actually show a shooting speed on this thing it only shows the rate of shooting speed 900 percent shooting speed which is pretty crazy we did like we had a bug world where we like put down a ton of these with these researches it was absolutely ridiculous everyone lagged out to say the least so what's this over here what is this actually oh it's just dudes they're like trapped in here ok well we have like little little watch guys he's still here forever watching why I see oh there's like multiple ones too now all right so yeah this is where we consume the science and that's pretty much the tour guides this was an absolutely amazing project we're gonna do more with lust Oreo in the future there's some really really interesting ideas going around in the discussion with it for like things we can do like much more kind of story based and almost like 4x game based on a basic level just very cool stuff so we definitely plan to do more with this in the future I hope you enjoyed there's a perfect timing as the server seems to be dying or my Internet's out either way thank you guys so much for watching thanks for all the support on it I do want to give a huge shout out to everybody who offered servers um I don't know every single person other Charles or who is are you scared from my community who hosts my community factorio servers he hosted several servers at his own expense very generous thank you so much to him Elysian who is also one of my supporters hosted some servers I craft which is a they offer factorial servers some for free to people to use they're really really awesome service and definitely deserves some attention they offered us a ton of servers pretty much free free of cost so massive shout-out to them and tons of other people I believe I mean 3 r-not 3 RAF factorial MMO offered several servers tons of people that like aren't that I don't really know you know who aren't from my community and who aren't with like the company came out and offered service so just to everybody who did thank you so much this would not have been possible without all the people offering their hardware and into server power to this it was an absolutely awesome project I hope you guys enjoyed it and leave any thoughts or questions down below if you have any remaining questions leave them down below I'll do my best to answer or find someone who can and I think that's gonna do it until the next series thanks again and I look forward to seeing well do take care [Music] you
Channel: Xterminator
Views: 224,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: factorio, Factorio multiplayer, Factorio gameplay, Factorio lets play, Factorio clusterio, Factorio clusterio mod, clusterio mod, Factorio mod, Factorio gigabase, Factorio megabase, factorio 60k SPM, Factorio biggest base, Factorio biggest factory, Xterminator, gameplay, multiplayer, lets play, Factorio robot, Factorio robot speed, Factorio robot speed research, Factorio highest robot speed, Factorio base tour, Factorio megabase tour, Factorio tour
Id: PYf4Ak1a7Rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 41sec (3281 seconds)
Published: Tue May 22 2018
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.